CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 14

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PAGE~IXLIBRTYVLLE T ~PI~fl1T'I '1'TTT~QTA y 3.50 extra heavy, double cotton 'BLANKETS special*at.1.50 Gigantic AND so with the digging an"'d excavat- Aiing work going on-the arrivai of great carloads of brick and gigatitic steel girders that will span the entire width of the twvo big stores, cornes the order from the contractor to make room for the workrnen, Who wilI soon be. inside the store. Our new spring stock is arriv- ing rapidly, and instead of increasing our space we mnust cut it down for the tirne being, this end wve anncunce our Gigantic Rebuilding LSale. The. New Styles in-- Spring Sits Are Verp Specially Priced at- 19.75-26.50-32.50 37.50 and 45.00 The niodlal piciard aboie' aili gixa yoaa a Slight dea of!m liatx-"ew St3 las" mean ina .eii a., iîule tu Sits, but fhe rcal bî':auîty. the lune.- flan -avie and indivdualisi talnit le siai or alaîraciafe.d excîlat la» a pirsonal inspection, W.- hase a r,ils aide .irirj'iv in Fergija, Poirat twills, valiaur *0W k, etc., ln the n c w sîring shades aned eîost ('Xiiti'ui', modeiais. ilrNs steciali> pricel.' A Great Sale of Porch and House cý1 Dresses to $ 6 j~' Verv Special Y- 24-99319-93> ir4- « %( ist v, itian tiorci a ndla Jalgýý.01i r i t u exlremi-13 .il1 %" fd aolili tio f d.evmi th, lt t,ý1 ija(raal', saech ais i i le, au1 i . aglj i l n lain lal alia .' r Ifig ii- f s t. liglaf niedicai a k Th at"n llli ii iii l ai ] al ;il Of ihepiats. Wornen 'a 69c Mercerized 811k Vests m is ia a 'aaiain. T ' li.,m a jof a i icik a,'d laî ian tf ilsu onîs liai1 I al lai'z- 1 iiwl e iiig a I r Values to 3.50 1j §9 -IiaHendsome naW styles la fine softt lcnu'clôtb snd slk-sînlpe.btîsîe, white enid fleb ail elaborately embellish.<l 'D Ïtl laces andi embroidery. Lake County's Greateat Store for Womer,'s ApparàJ New SiIk- Jersey and'Taffgta. SiIk $7 Petticoats 4,98 rùi., isanthpr special New 'orn. pua ^tiyles li une q tality .ilk jersey. silk i.îl f-etais and roxibinataîons of the fwo, n 1il s izes a ed xaaný haidsorne styles Tii. greatcat Petaeoitt ialue wc ever ofled. Colors are- -green -purpi' e -rose -bronze -Davy -grey -Copeuhagen -Russian green -Belgian blue --combi nations -gold -black -brown -taupe -miilberry--Sand -$7 Values 4.98 Children's Coats For Leas Than it Coot (o Make Them, at- 4% ,750, 1 1250 1500 Thais annouecement ail creati' a iilil Fesaition as it should because thea i are maey hadsome styles sii li a n nzes from 2 to 14, ie cloth and piuaalirs and ail colors aed styles. Of course you wont find ail sises in ail styles berause liais la a Clearance Sale. Hats to $5 ait 97c Oddm and ends le (blidraris liats toi Velvet, Hatiera. flusia, Satin andj avariefy of! cornbinatloni, in maey aanîed color ings and styles, je valuesa Io $5,lii, Ahile they laxt at 97c. 2.50 Double Silk Gloves at 1.47 Wonionq extra lîeavy double silk gloses in al aîizes and variety of col. or. The Great ý"Last- Cati'Sale;,of Medium and Heavy Weight Winter Coats!. On Which You Can Save $6 to $25 8e75- 12.75 m14,e75 m19975 Beyoîîd ail dibt 1 lie niosit reiîrklîî uît uclhlî<l*ic eSeit- mei Niii d te i dfl'!llL th' e liildigSale l>eaeaui oth(,etsa timii;il rîdîîeitiîîîis *(Ii orîaî. '[lev iirioals î îtîeit uelî' pilaini and fu'ir tr'iîiîiieîi eî;tsi ini ail i'es iniilg anid Shourt Iîash'I.s, ile.'<oidilig to Piie. The "Selling-Out" of Plush Coats is a Really Sensational Affair. These Bargains Cannot be Duplicated at-- 14.98, 18.759 24,75, 29.50, 34.75 The reali,' aise woxxan orir halas deslnrag a plush ceai, elîber long or short, fan trîaaînîed or plain, a ili1 get dowe he anal nia-ke lier selection as early ais possible. 0f, coiur se s.' havanai excepiaonal range of alyles and sizes to select froan but irmt chioce ha,. is advanaages. There are a few plu.iiîes le greefllurgueidy aed beaver as wasli ad bliack. My, What a Selection o- SILK WAISTS.TO $5, -at 3.69 1200 Spring' Dresses In the Rebuilding Sale sçerges- veIours-crepes-..satins-jerseys 95147, 1_- - 2e 5.0 -92375 Save5.0 to15.00 o single dress ~~~V~ihitîe i i dlîhi'ds (A 'ctty ne w îî's it uiîvi. jiîst bhccîîreceived oui, assortîîplwlit'Caven w'l' to abnorznal p1'Hroilimi and 1200 of these go ini a grea.;t isi'hhiiîîg t the priees quoted ai»ve, rllrare tykelsuitabic for istreet, a nt.'101 îd evicîîlng %war. Dressem ith rtilpjîh.d pephîrns, tîînies, 8'ioîtaehi hî' iiiîfg, Iittit: jamî éi.k e f'.s, rhi.' -'haj î »n hîtt ri ' iiiug. Ail e4'ý? and 'si. IaiigsncbitOi. rm Siik irelie de caines, llgbt plaidsanaxd daliîtY Checked messalines, jonges and istrip- ed tub silks lne ated coitir- legs and pretty new stles, ait $3.9 At 1.49- - lteguiar $:}.ota gre'> ilan riland khaki sihirt waisti.. le exosi ail sazest, whiic tiacy last at $1.49. At 4.89- l-laxidsrîxîe ne'w geor- ga'lle sllk crepes in ciev et uf-w silk and colorng,' îrettily embroidered and beadeel, aorllî ta $7.50 , at SILK &WOOL SKIRTS 3,98 10o-22.50 Neyer ln ail Our career bave wn shown sucb haedsome akirtn nor bave we ever betore had coloriegs, fabrlcs, styles on 1) PriceS. Startlng at 13.98 the Prie. .ount step b>' step te $2250, with sonie very excep- tional bargales at each 'step." -'wool velours _taffetas -cairo crepes -Fantasi silks -trcoletteq -Sint fafies Son8e et the skirts are dis. îdayed ln the wladow merely ta blet at thé beautiful things >ou'Illind witbin. Ofher Waiata Special at .50 9.75, 12.50, $15 Sanie 01 tus pretîles!; aed xeost becomleng walsts wel have ever had arae i. ctuded at these priceb. ManY Of tlîem are ln stnik. o n 9 c o lo r . , c o a nb in a tlo n .4 witlx ali-over brafflng or Pmbxoldery. Have bigla and low eeckg, mxny or Whicli are collarless or hxave a collar outlieed wltlx embroidery. Our, Values to $ 7.50 in Slip- Over Sweater Blouses irw:rs5.69 Protty eew kfiatted l iap-o,.r blouses ta p .m srooe , rose, back aed wblte. Rebuilding Sale A& --chemnise -gowns -'petticoats PAGE six LIB.ERTYVTLI£, rNDEPENDENT- TRITRqr) AV Churildren 's $2 Dre.sses at 1.19:ý sizýcs l6 1014 i preIlY plaids and e slyl esa or unu'.ul be'aaa' v. Vexy r,. niarkalp e i ise vauies ati 1l39. Children's 2.50 e *Dresses 1.89u l C inglianis anidpecales in piabi col- ors, tttripes, plidamd i ga)od'looklng, conîbinations in ail ýizes fromu 2 ta 10 yeiirm Other Dresses at 2.98 and 3.98 M tiehe piraive, )ou wiilied liiany 'Wetty svash i P. s ~-aliii ui 1W Serge dres. as lat $398. Those Stylish I4E W- Capes 14.989 19.50, $25 D $35 in a i, 1il1 ' i.,rllor j efe!.lai ri t i» llaîr>, 'asies aifai , ak, ",..tees Spring Styl;es in- Corsets! Very Special a- 1,50, $3 t& $5 a wlie ..p".Ihcil I ei uaigreat variein andal xl 'Ils, n i t- liîu wilil buy. Tiiex eir. f s' i, liaîk lace Ftyle ^ ai 'e , a ( Il . . tir 1,a s. Ail sires in whi. alli il' Girls' $1 Flannelette Gowns 44c A i iri ' ii.% l-. I 2011 ,riîceaif~qé fa n i a a i r 1 a fi . - ofail iz. Children's 1.25 Union Suits at 79c t ilii - ra' 1 1 "i"uion biU li n ;iii ii 'iL> il i h I 1i i .t St Women's $2 Muslin Gowns 1.37 a ife lii la i i i t i gaans, ina bigla n- i alaîl lia' , a.. ii I j,1. eiler f a I - 1 . , . 1 tî in. i 'liedL 50c & 69c Corset Covers 29c I'a*aehaii* il , ia rasai < sa( as elq i gîod.iowîkiiîîg 1',i l o- ('ii,.lit ai 29C. Women's $1 Boot Silk Hose 69c A golaîl aualifa flai. ii. bouit liaie nblakand ooý;jý 11ýzes. $3 Bungalow Porch-Dress Aprons 2.19q b g e'y ,w.a ,i(las b n gsto poso etl g bs el, ai " * n ron k d G lus que lie thel Il sec. lie 0 for vol bac cet, in& 1, an' Vi, tru 'Ii di% cha ble ret thi der toi su toi or lai, St es 24,e75 -m 29. 75 m 34. 50,

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