. IBERTYILLE flDPM<D14M, fTRMDÂY. PEBXRXTARY 27, 1919 ~umu DW ______I___________________ )Pry ife ndependentl - îln~pûi--n -Waukegan Wely Sun, Ottco Telephone Number 1, Lib.rtilie Exchange. 3b hc i'o@toMtle at kitltert7-ltle, Ili.. sas Second ClâaMluatterl Officiai Publication for The Village of Libert..vîlie. - .;oIiC&tI0O toi Lake .cO~.30aC d01 SUPe'OVIb5'Preesedlftg t * d tLvery Jiurmday. Aa~ . ticoesà-ode Koovoon.Applicatton. ,U iSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER Y,-AR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE «. J. SMITH .......... ............................................................. Edior . G.SMITH ...................... ............................................... Manger WU. M. ECKMARDT.................................................... Local Manager The f slow who f als to make bi8 icorne tai return tbla yoar wM l hve only hinself ta blaJne. The goveri- mont is niaking it as teasyÎa possible and the =an who fails to respond is going to be i bad. The important ques-I tion is flot to argue over what some one else sliould pay1 but over what you should pay. You can spelthat "You" wth a capital letter if you want to. ST PAUL MES NOT DRY LAW NAMED HAVE TO PAU ALL AUTER 'SIERIFU;9 EiURNEE SUBWAYi NOT AFIER BONE Supremne Court Uphoids Utility John BoneA Teetataler of Chip* ,Board Order and Reverses pewa County, Mich., is Sangamnon Co. Ct. the Man. CQUNTY AND WARREN LOSE 1 Tampa. FIa.. Pcb 25.-"Boucdry'. a p la Ioprohbition, han nothiag - ta do vils a boue. Niaeiy-nlne peo- -Tise county of LAko and tise town- vple out o! a Iîunds-ed do nt knav ht aMp of Warren bast boavily ai a se- -penha"s tise penocaitage la grenier soit o!flice Supreme Coust'a declI-son -but with thse ar ovrs-and Ilquor annonneed on Thttnsday ln eonnoctlin fasi hbeoamlsw a produci ta ho spok- vill tise propased subvay belng cou- en of only lunoavisisper. Il la laIes-est- etructsd ander lise Chicago, Milwi-u- ing tInoYte iitb't liane" hippenod Io Ikee. St. Panl's traclus ai Giisr- - un !o s tijti -f oe'p 41,i.- as a recut of the decision. th, st. S tMrfis. Nîis eo lu t Llip V99i Company yull profit gs-atly ho coae0nty In sucis gond shape tbat nie cause tnstead o!fiarlng to puy for! authar o! Mchigana prohibition lav the catis-e expenseofa!tise Improts- boaorod hlm by namîng tise loy lise mnta viich 1n 50 necessary ai th.,t -"Bane dry iav.'" pointtise catapony yull meroly bave [Hidden awoy amld tise rat-a-lai-lai to pay a propurtionte share. a! rlvoting hommes-s la the Oscar This moto. uvhcreisy an effort vasý Danlola iip yard, la former ShissI inade ta compel the St. Paul companyj John Bons, visose name bas nov ho- to put la tise subvay aI c-bat la ce- icame as commonly arceptedl for state gardod as onenof tise-moat daugeraus li-juor logisiation as Webb-Kenyon, or etossinga ha Laike caunty. 10 thus Reed. for federal loy.. ended. pnovlding fustises- legai point: Bons ExpIsNumo. ae ual raiaed lsy eohhr aide. Thon tde chances ns-e lisetownshsip and Asked boy bis name bad Iboon list.- eonniy viii obide isy Uic supromo cd vitis a lav tisai isled. a tate. court deciBlon aud tise St. Paul coW, once deexned a %trongbold o!lilquos- eany aiso viii accepitishe rulîng Ns-. Boue repiied: withouit ustises-argument. "I vas sesif! o! Ciippewa county, It hn recalicd tisaIvison UtceîDÉ ns-tises-n ilgan, ai lisetlime my »rotemoni vas coniempîatei tise mal. friends, Rops-sealatlae Merlin Wylie ter vas laiton betore tiese tate sîtîli- vs-oe and lnts-oducod the law Ihat tien commission and tise utîlies com- bas since been a modol for aIses- mission rûied tisaitise alroad. th(- claies vises-e a thorougis job vasi tovuublp and tise coisnty would shaie waatod - Il wa.ust quite sasUp ta thse expense o! tise Improvement. date as loida's. vush a provi.,san Tise cunty and township sol i ta againsi transposting liquor by ais-- tise ruling vas anevwsichs disec lir ahlp, bal Ith h done tisevos-o. effecledl the salinoad mos-e than th"1Wiii the bill vas pendlng 1 met towq or couuty and that Il vas a Uic sîtisa-onue evcnng n lise office em seesthie Companya hoalf pro- o! tise rnsecstsng attor-ney, and vide tprotction for tise public vîth.- vile vo vos-o siscussing Il 1 asitud: Out asking tise public te ielp iay fus-1 Wis*at are you coing to cou 11t, '.os- tisat protection. lin?' Acordiagiy tise county asdred an -. 1' golng icousne It aftýi-rvssu appeaL takou fr-o mtbo utilties con'- .John, and if il makes Michigan asý misaion ruling ta tise Sangamon coun- dry am you arc, 1 viii ho sat1isfled;ý. tr circuit court. îî in necessaryt Rebresentative MerlIn Wyiie knî- Me sucis cases appeal or tise îlîlîles bila man, for Ms-. Boue bas gane dry Commission Inth ie sangamon county aill il!e, ual ouiy as toalacoisol, but e.t n , e h cus w .nr. glel., L.even tes, cotIse andi tabaco. SangMMon county court, afier hea lmg tise evidence, ruied tissit heb VOUld reverse tise decisiIon of tise util tUes Commission and osdered tis, muiroad Company t. pay for tise en ttir uPaovononi. Tise ralroad econs laDy accordingly 100k an appeal tron' thse aagarou circuit coust, carry- log h t totise sapaen'court wviias ias Bev iv'en liesdecllon viseroin Use aroad v iii Bave tisousand. o0f dol- &sU asàarmuat o! tise ruling wviîci »ay$ that La'ee coanty and Warren 1»Wnslp muet obare tise oeuse o! 1» ilg and needyI' mprovemnet Thse CecI, -t Ila recalled tbat the etiusaied «O the tisubvar vie $30.000. Tise «MiEdeecosmMMsahonapportioned tise Lake CýsimY-» par cent, or $0,8W. Wua e T enlip-20 Per @ent, or et. PsuI--480 Pincent, or 018,000. Waren t.wnbhlp t0e tAni li thse oeeistisa would corne frmr adjacent preperty belng dsrnsgod. REtg INfastler recailed tisaitishe coua- ty m"d tawnsip conâtsnded tisaitishe appoitioisment vas linfair, that tise ailroed should @tand a biggen ratio af tise 0051because tise improvement le a direct Improvement for thse rail- romd, enabling h tankeep np speefi aoees *tMaIdanerous ca-oaaian d Iusentag the chances o! accidents willa .ubeeqant damsae sus. 1 811nafeld. , II, Fis 0:--Dmailpoi ta' a uld tonus upesrs t. b. spread- ut over tise state, cordlng ta, an- bomeemet ioday Iby C. St. Clair Drake, g"aWidiretor o! publiceisealtis. atut.ti »W-eeu aes have deevlop. ýU-2 W 31 ummmillin ItilsOlust v Oit. G asivaccinaton Ilu rged aeie bots omclals. FORT SIIERIDAN JIOSPITAL IS SAFE CnIics o! the bospitai ai FortDsbes-- Idan ver. ansvered by Col. Frank Biliuggs, vio takod Wedaesday un Chicgo ai tise Hotel La Sml1e before n'meessof!tise Association o! Cons- userc., «Thie hospital ai Fort Sheridala as sale »a iy building ln Chic&"." Col. Biblilga said. - "Tise constnuction la the* sanie as la uaed In ail anmy bositals la tise!United Otates andi la France. Ailtihse hospitalsas--t .temporary structures, *but thoy are sais. lua mio! these isoptala there bave beon onutvatw loves bast as a resait of fire. and one of these- as tisioisgisau act o! braves-y on tise part o! a Young mavho dlsaeuarded danger. "At the Fart Sheridan boepisal thore are ibree lire engines and ion monn eeis hlft, vitis a chie! viso kacys his business. *"Tis ivlî become one o! tise amy'n show hospîtals. Auy ttack on lu ths-oagis plf Propaganda, *ou1d Se deadly, If ta-ne. and If nai true-wisicb la tise case-isg siusly damsnable." To Give Troops Embleom, of Honarable Disoharge Waisington, D. C, Fois. 22-Tise "honorable diachas-ge" embben' ta ho lssued isy tise var'doportmeat to sol- dIons ioatlug tise as-my viii Se a bronze lapei btitnasomovitsi hn'îas- tu tisai o! the <I. A- R It wana- nouacef tisai a design isad heen se-1 etod fsra If modela submlîted by Ameican artiste ands culptors. COMMUNICABLE DS- FASES COST COUNTY MILLION AND JAU State Board of Health Gives Staggering Figures ln Of- ficial Bulletin Today. DOESN'T INQ~L1DE THIE FLU. gie comnnnced to gîte trouble. The oil feed etopped and the motor corn- mencod to heat. FlnslY i stopped aitogether and we vers forced to land near thse beach about a mile nortis of Waurfkegan. Ensigu Applegate modestiy-recoaot. e4 the tactsia tiser «erenc*, but Si wus appeyet that »e two nmen had iven Up ail hope of ianding sa*e17.1 "Terra firme looked mighty gond to nme, and I have made non'e rougi, ttnps, too." eaid Enaigu Applegate, grinning. With Applegate vas Lieut. Ueo. WeicheIt. They had started fron'C11 1 The economie kmoss th ie county cago to taire a message troonthse Wer of Lake for thse fiscal year endiug Mothers of Chicago 10 tiiose of Mil- Ful 1.198, moute ta$1.58505. vsukeo on the occasion ot openlung according to an offi.ciel bUlletin JuWstohrs lioyfstvlt rolessed for publication by lthe StatesKiwaukee. Dopartmout of HeaitIs. The figures do not taes lto consideration the lnouis entalled by tise SPan-1 JRMRWAJtU1 isis Influenza epidomlc wbich a' curred later ln thse year. Pollovinkg ig the bulletin vhicb the state board A P ÀR C . I reloases to thse Sun:-for Moay: nated Sunday. Februa.ry 23, to ho P OOeN R P obserted throughout the Unlte'i - States as *"Health Sunday," andý the Lawrence - Lewis Co. which Stato Departmnent of Public Heaitis buascent communication,;ta ali l cir- Built Big Airplane, Were gymen lnIllinois, urging a general Located in This City. obsertance of Uie daY. ____ In this communication. the Suite -The feasibity of oatabiishing a Department of Public Heaith points commercial *passenger airpiane ser- out that il communicable diseassvIce between Chicago and Milwati- were responsible for an unnecessary Ires iii ho testedStra.A7 financlal lbas to tise people of tie pe d Sn batuday. ecA 7- state aniounting to $155,000,000, thia paiseingte r fontboa velnctod t bass holng computed with considera takerita t,. airandra Wavoand IoCh tin of the casih value of human Illec. hdag odd rc troCI thse Inca of time ini productive laisûr. co npr fcasWdeoa roodical and nursing care and the gaeLntion fark theiciai neofaa cost of human burial. Tuberculosis aga et'anto ncs h uligO vas found to cost the' people o! the Thse flylng boat is the proporty of state $115.00.000 per year; pni-umo-th aenýIwsArpn Cm nia $31.000o,000; typhoid feevi $3.tpenyavrn geL el AerllcafolO cn 000.000; malaria, $2,600,000; dipbth- Theny. and lgsontiol CyhecAgobuit ers, $1.200.000: vhooping cough Ts lgti acindb ieAr $750O00 amalpo $65000 inan-club offllnols and the newly argon- tue,00 arls. $o462.000;;inf4a6. fed Aera club of milwaukee. It ta til pralsI, $6200; muges 45.-planned that the machine make a 000; -epldemic meningltis, $2,01trpesflallc n etrcry and scarlet tever. $38, 4..600 tpb ilaike n rtuf, ary ho borne ln mmnd tisai these figures îng pasegers are based on Uic year ending Jîîy 1, The Irlslae t, of unique consirue- 1016and o fot iclud thse 0 on Uana oembir., a bol].e boat vlth 191t sid mo nt incduningvsch ofl- inga attacbed. Its fuselage stands enatsiandîhs omungice Ieu-se, orn foo thanid passengers. it i. bnaos llndtlacounicle isusndaclaimed. can mors--about wihout dis. ba o! dollar iss. lssthuan turbing Its stabillitY Itla eqîsIppoîl ofdlr. mto heedsues w ~ itis a single l horbse ower en- TYcatofte itsaci j to h, gir.'. bas a wing r-dOf onlv 46 alagesp snso! ut ran,*or afeet. and le expectod ta do 105 miles $1.518.505 a and bour with its pas-cange- load. coio $12fo Vs- aWero Located Hors. an ad ciiild In the county. This The Lawrence-Levis COMPanY, d Osnt taite. into accolant the Wt. hlcb has built the machine and Ln grief, sorrow, anxlety and haman wsfl h nswih w il- rsuffernn, but merely the actual loiss oers it. lae Uic unewonihe tvaisnrn viic aa he compuiod in dollar,; mors akefon,-uv : te wonter wanke- and cents. The figures are aaid togan laiteyatnar iseot xeort- bo oxcoedingiy conservatlvo, and vIsense lhYdcrii'd nes tise expn- undenestiaîatc ruther thon overeszd mente -lthton hyr opf. theta e- rmate the focts. To ovencome thisaalus ae eaye ivom nfth en sbocklng lbas, uvisici ie toa alarge ex-adh a s-tis ccaro n' da tey a d ien tent atoldable tisrough the creation landing in ti.laite. Motnrioats roý- of proper local public lîealth macb!n- cus-d îbs. ory, tise State Depantment of Public Th, (ompanSfy pulled up thiscin ent rHealth recommenda tihe employment and umoveil back t0 Chicago 1mai"11 of a fu time medicai beallis oMeler diabcîy aft,-r tise accident. and of public heallis nurses ln eachi communlty o! tise stale. and tise es- tabliah.ment of infant wetfae stations GIE IOLTOJ tuberculosia dispeasaries and otiser V IL T R ragoncies vhicb have proved. their usefulnesa îbroughout the nation,. O R I IR T 4E Tise communication to the clos-gy O RH U ST E mon of thse state calis attention to thse fact that, outsîde of the city o! U FN H ? YC Chicago. tise expenditure for heulth O Tu 'IN Y C protection, including slate appropriL- lions, arerages only 7 cents per caps- flore is wbot they are doing on ta. and points oui that yeliow tes-r. booze vilitioni; lu McHênry county, @mallpox and iyphold fever can ttcsa tbld hv the Elgin Courier: absoluteiy eliminated by gond hc-alth Leet Wek. tva West McHfenry t'a administration, wbite diphîhorla can Iconlun psr--sJçph Scisooos- and be neduced tn the minimum ln boUs josepb Bsovn-were arrested ou ilîneas and mortality. Thse mortali- charrea ci! opersting ibêlr 'Places Of ty o! tubes-cubasis bas already been buâinesq on Sundays. Both xosee -- reduced 25 per- cent durlng the paat ioased tunder $500 bonds ta appoar lb years lu those communlties visere before Judge Damnes on Mas-ch 10. teclent public healts vark has iseen itesori keepers at johnsbnrg. Pista- dons, k.. Day, L1Y Lae and thse entiro It la bohsed tisat "Healtis Sunday'. Fox River reglôn are under surte ll. wlU give tise inspiration which illiilance, Il vas statcd today. Flurtiser prompt. an Improvement ln healtis complaints vhli resait ln visolesale organizations In ail commtnitios, the asroesis. need for visicis vas go tragIcaliy de- A notorlous bouse at West flaien. monatrated durlng tise receut influen- near Woodstock. vras cloaed by za epidemie., State's AttooryLamlle yesterday. LANDED FOR FEAIt RiEWOULD BE LOST IN STORM O0N LAIE Enslgn Appelgate of Great Lakes Telts Why He Had ta Land on Satiwday FINISHED TRIP VIA TROLLEY Mnig ay P. Applegate, aviator f rom Great Lakes, in-speskng about big expenlence off Waakegan Sains-- day during viicis hoemconterd trou- ble vush bis alrsblp engin@. viste fiy. lng t 111Miaukes trous Chiîng. said. upon arTna-Int5i lwauktee YIa trol- ley aftos- aiandoniug the airpline nortis o! Waukegaa barbus-: "We efi Obicago lna abeary foi; aad vers about opposite Racine, as near as I could jafige, visen a blaz- nord bit us.» Enaigu Applegaiesld sisortlysfter bis arrivaL. "T b.d been flylag ai au altitude o! 2,000 teet and ve qulcltly becmq engal!ed lu tise saov, so tisai vo culfi not se@ 100 fot aiséad. Foreed ta Land on Blernoi. .Feoring I vouifi lose ail ense o! direction aud bond ou ntotatise laite, 1 tarned about-and fs-led to follov thse son.ebine sonlis, fiying asa 10 as Possible. About this.Utme our en- to packt theis belosgige and lbave Mlens-y county. This afteruoon the county proseentonrortus-nefiio tise village 10 compiete bis Invlesigationh. ROMANCECOSTS 'FT'S DE(iREE AT LAKÏE FRS C. Pd-sn Joseon, knovn as 'Mat- W'k by zte fefli," la leavlng leFret coliegeL "atîr teli- dered tise causes o! bis leavlng la fareveli dinner la a 1A'<0 Foleit caravanmary wedneaday nlgis. Tise cause in.lmlaLorraine UMCay. 'beau- iy o! the eollIIomoa-e 018s. Tise faclty frayas upon ]--it-k liig lu tise collage. A uItile bit Of a-o anance May b. jali rtgis but lyhen en- gagements are anohced tisa il diffes-ont again. "naiW' and Lorane are engaged and tise 'semrt" got Out andi nov th. !acuity tipi Il Off tO FPatty' tisai he's permuna au gratia or iosaething like thsat ",Tboy gave hlm fove days," a trot brother sald last nigisi, "Tise reason given vas that he vasn'i tadlag ta bis studios properir. But v. gnse it'a a t1p tisaI ibis lovey dovey staff doein't go.» For Sale and Want AÏ&. In Tise Indeçendent ba-ing resuaLIs NAVAL OFFICER,' A QUN, A RIOT CALI Lake Bluff- Boys Prevented from Using Air Guns but Naval Officers Immune. In Lake Bluff there la a law which isrevents boys troni abooting the squiierle vits rifles or airguns. The police are snid 4ô hc tory Caretis about enfordang ibis raie and many boys have beau baled lnto court vhc bave insisted on uaing the guns ti popping at the Utile aqairrels vhicl run tbrougi, the tre«s. À tev daym ago hoveveir, a naval station offIcer vbo la quit. promineni si; the station and lites ln Lake Blul vas seen out ln front of his platf viti, an airgun ln hi. band. Up Ir tbe trees abote hlm vers a cou Pi Of Squirrels and the froquent poppîni of thé airgun showed that ho wa trying to bring them dova. A local resident sent word ta th, police departmoat but vbIle the pi lice have been tory active lu their ci -V -- 1 lag the squirrels, ln thse particular 217. Prie $1400. inv@etîgato sud amnog finnde oand ms'lghisisns for thé. case of tise oficer ln question tisey «rlte me, gcood terme.E. J. HÎigleY, genuino guaranteed hoaiery. fu lins for vonld take naction.Tises tise fast uhii ol.74mn oe n hlrn lmnt seen of the offices- ho vas runlu ining . OkIa-.- 74 -- -- da* vom e ami50el..ildron.@pmarete town eteep emiaakments loto tise FOR SALE-A number no ruw bisaisdrun.Wpa 0anhrprore ravine. shootiug ai the sqqnlrrssi, and two tente, and six horseo. lBen or e24 a eek foîr ful nie. Esps.rienoe vhlch accas-dlng ta latest reparti. Smith, P. 0 . Grayslolîe, 111 , on north enneeeesrvy. Wribe, int.rnatiîsrsol S3tok. usanaged te make a gond getaay. bank of Third La.ok91 îl Miii. Nîrristown, l'a. 88 FOR 1SALE-M1y Pur Bred lîsîstle FARM WANTEO-M'e have trsis cu@. DANEL ' E Jb hrd.lir, 3 yrq ulî,daa',record 23 tmrfor a ml Inria uonIsik@. Bond SAYS NO ORE piiufd gr&iid@,i>uoutKlig Sg Corn891le ~ lbnciisiAs.- ,huf 0111ii 9-4 SAYS NO ORE and meso bofhisdaugliters %'illioeil WANTED-(litnl ors-witîipl ir ,rgels-raI ai a littho better t hall seef prit-e. t-)»e îî,Ilme.work ut (iîursîy varia W aff OUTSDE 1IfiITS pu- re rd -uroc Jerfe> lo:: ironsam pe - k f' n 2î. 12 View, , iisrbyvilie pilon- 25p8-52. tf -ui suoetOIAJ;m nia4y Ac<ording tua atelegrarn'recelvJ rue iJdwoJd '0192 vW01s aaaAîq Oui nt Great Lakes Tisursday, tram Sec- ]FOR SALE + Ou;sq pur *5flj9Apv Io po4la1w aSA,4 rotary o! NayDaniels. there vii *-ou0 150w 015i si5M tuapueiapuI *14L b. no more ouiside boilng hi' naval COWS FOR SALE-Six hpeay oîrlug.- ut pu u «m1oqia s-jeoj h1q ale, station crapper-that la, theyiii oers. J. P. tiuetriis, Phoo 2455.Ml. I C IIîBJ 490w0W34; 8! .î;sod unis not bc sllowed t. give exiiltions Cf16 r .oo-4 s.;uapuodapul *qIÂ ln Waekegan or elsevisore and i la aise tabou ai Great Lekres tu meisaI tisai boys fran tise stai uhle ina STOC iAUT training viii net b. alloved ta' make S O I DU O Racneetc.nab îhs nba JULY I? 'FESS UP!ý LAW PROPOSED IN NOTliING WÀS TOO WISCONSIN NOW If you have a few gallons af tisat, * vis~ich cisecril laid away ogaînst tihe ~îk Pt ( ii o HIGH FOR WILBUR; idry day you ilii bave ta flue a scised %IlakeVi,20-o n fm ________ofUicfIt wltb Coliector of Internai, 50) te $200 aud lag-c cf the altî)mo. .bite les--use vouilu hi' te penalty for Voliva. vison a yoengstor, asgp!r.-d Revenue Julitis Siotanka. iu odng an automobile for Immoral te bo president o! tac Unite-sd States. fivont hc taxed If ynu file an a! PurposAes If a bill bof ),îth- Wi2cou- In Chicago Suuday, ia bis addrrss.î fld4vit tisatit la for your ovn per- sîn legisiaturs isle -ai-cd A& imîlar ho said among othes- things. afies- CX.!sonai use. If you asii any o! 1, h h-. racle-us-o vas ondos-.eni ly tise judi pressing opposition ta thse lagiie or auljece t O f Vrt.2?, floor ta. dus-ay committce of t'je Mh1aukee nations plan: G. G. Dunlap, chie! fieid dep y- Aîsnii "If 1 werir'nt general ovessrOfs0tise internai revenue ds-îartment, su- Tise bill vas enular-uîd b,. Lieut. Ibis- cturcb. 1 voutd have b-on hancelved instructions yeterday s--gard rolli Van de Es-vofi t-e Great Wasington," lie salît %ý'hbIea Ivsl 'terwtxrpuaini hebLte aa raining t.,tlon lin yeas-s nid. 1 wroîeout111my mIsa-ng ienvLx rgualn wsci ae oa f tion te ho prouudent o! the 'nftcd 1i1i1isecomOé a îaw as auonasa, Pre- -18l not an arrny sud navy proislemi iJdeat WiVlson sign.m it.but a civic une, and oves-y commuail- States, and If1I]lîad -tays--d la tissuhol qe el ha Aýjriý iav office I1u-outd havi wocked a- Tan huinsroul ii-n %v h Is-sil- y a oud te c 10 uI msp-ahius-es sr and nigist, and 1i vulîd bu-s-e tînù lun te,<iîîpt thse nosa lîîuor taxas, lint tiat tise fedos-al gov,,rri-ýt liq lu tisai direction. i bad niy m4nd mails- mon te Vitii-lconi- tu- orsk te 010--- fr r fsncha camîîal.n ts-nugis? up toesun for te legisiatuire. thon foc aie nearly 10f) susb-stations, and fIfty a ouiiecsI-. tycle r stato senator and thon !for congrsi- more fisc li(- tolsacco tax. adoptlng rlgld moéasucca. ha tise Elghth Indiansa Congeiona] DIstIct TAR léYEAR OUChicago I"Angel" Coaches .5THE 149Tli WILL AC Fi CD<IVEV ' 'VA 1Bluelackets at Brest AUL9%wR JJLJJEAAn sue--t fs-oas bed lu tae,' as BE HOME IN APRIL TWENTY-SJX TIMES oeofle. dmrigtaarfest 15 LATE REPORT 1Agr .Chaplin, 102 W. pv;n iý_îng ouitUs-amatit tal-ut amang thse firt pace Chcapo. as nly14 r; rgAmsican r .bluejaciteti at Brsest. A dis- Aceos-ding ta a raistegrom fs-artsnId u ovsiig a io patci fs-osa Paris s--eîved Suuday Cablenz, Gcrmauy, it la tatod tisat tai ked ta ihe naval r-'ri-sulnz sfr-rald -hopisad ilic o ms-s suicesasful tise "Raiabov'" division thalsated lis Se put tise baud p"dal an Ovêry'tbls-.c ta oacbfng vaudeville sud rinstrel eare for homo about April 15. asu him.slf eiscept bis age. Ccn-s- hocs tisaislis mates-saiiy eîevatîag Tise 149tis Antlliosy of viîcisas-e sel tly. ho vas enlîifrd Jan . nIteotage. Misa i d-t i s iii tlse Includefi a number o! Waukegan bays 1917, and sent ta Us-est Laite, for Y'. M. C. A.. tg o 'part o! ibIs famous division. fouîr montiso. Tisen hs-- us- as arigîs-d Col. A. V. 0mItbva second ln com- tatise batiiesip Sauth Cas-llasaand moud o!'tise 149ih vison 1t calî-d tisonlise transport Pastoria. He a-as Fine aie fflday aigisi, dests-oied' for ovespsag dity aud sav soute o! modep a gun caitaln. He artoidtise olfi Dsgdaie bouse ou the Dugdale - tise hardesifilgbtlug o! tise vor. home on a furlougis yesterfiay* bat- farm rweai o! Nos-tisChicago. Tise Iag mode 13 round trips acrose t te bouse wveos cuplefi hy tise John WILSON' LANDaS; FIRES Ocean, s6eoag but on. salamanino. GIacýîsslansiiy. Tise faully eticapssd FIRST GUNS TODAV IN Tisai vas on bis seveubtrisp. jusI i ii, Just tisir clothlng, Seing unabie BOSTON FOR LEAGUE off the Vîrgiata Capes. H1ls gîta Irnd to gave any o! their Offecis. 186abhlilataitise 1-boat but h ssvutd Boston. Mas.. Fise. 24--Prosidtnt noevr bc detes-mIaed vhotrtl-r ila't- In canna-chou vîtisan article visicis Wilson landed i a Commonvealtis pies- ter vas inunk. appears la anather columi oday toit. ai 11:42 a. us- Ieturniug ta Amerlos Iug o! injuries seceired by lieut. soil troin bis isaory maiting mission Levin of Highland Park lu France. abroafi tise president, accomisanîe<îMR It W TEI hdeevlops tisatie issvfe lites in by lire. Wilson, vas tranaterred la O 5dNNÀWE IEL Wukgnan ecnl Ijtuf tise lover barbon trous tise lteamsIlp Wsu gafo adivorce anty iamth i.d George Washington, and, escosted hi' PNEU140NIÀ VICTIM; siNo ioreaauihm simcrat, sibusarnen chasera, tos-pede boat destroyers andi a fiotilia of cous- Ç UT~Lover ps-cea lu clotblng are Indi. mittes bota, roacised tise landing Sa4K BU T) 3 JDU S coait hy the discussions of the dete. place ou board tise natal cuites- <>t- gatea to lb.e Minute Retali Clotiue pas.lira. Anna M. Wetzel, vldov o! convention ai Peoona thle veek. A 1# Presldeut Wilson's recepiton wv a eter Wetxei, v iso 1.4in 1915, P.pos rplceni reducion lu pris.stby. cbaraeterized by tisose viso tratels ed away ai thehouse o! ber daugis Kahn o! ChamPaigu, vWho sent a Par vusb hlmib rougis Europe as bielg tes-, ?.i'. Vie Mille, 197 Vlctory ai., per tutise contention on the Prime fufly as demonstrative as sasy he ne- Waakegau, Sunday nigist aitaîd- suhioci. Ois o huiers vere net W celved la Hugband, France or Itaiy. nîgisi. Uer deatis va due to an aI' optinit4tiit la csiin'ating au eariy Tise presîdout ln à speech at Me- taci o! pueumonla and siso ab.ieeuprie et, abtisougis a reduction la chasai' hall is afiernoon vats aci onîy îbree dois. thougisi to ho inetitaisie durnug the open his national cain»algn for Ins- lra. Wetzel vas 88 yeas-s o! age, upxt yeor. dorseuseut of tise league o! nations. having beon bora Jane 5, 1810. ishe__________ le viii Se bock nt bis 405k lu tiser was tise mother o! Mn.. V. A. Mill White Rouge.tousorrowand Barney Wetzel. botb velb knovn An Item O! Inteneai and of impie.. Tise presideni looked as tisougis ith eideats of Waakegan. lance Corne. te Great Lakes ibis journey isad agreed itshlm jihyci- Tise Wetzel famiîy badil lve Iin effect Tisaitishe orders bave hems caliy. He apPoarod vigorouso ufi Waukegaa sînce shorîly otes-tise civ. recoivefi at tise station cutting tise- tort Hieete wasbrik an bi il ar.y. M. C. A. force 20 Der cenit ove teasirs sovei rtiss- os- Ib O Fune-oi Tiusrday ai 9 o'clack tram tIme. Rocently tise aumbor or! "T" trace o! £00 tan. - St Joseph's chus-ch, bas-l ilh Oa-. vonera on tise statioenvas 130. This Ciseers fronatishe throag asaembled wood. namber nov has been et dova tae8U.- ai tre C o nwe ath pes- go etisisaiseea tio en uo!tna theors b v't- as ho stOlsped asisore. Tise csatalty liat Fnlday shows era la du.eta - the desire to try Privai. NIchobas William Oshora f 33Teonfe iaua cîtàtaiy- ta iie FIRST IN LAKtE COUNTY-Tise RIin CiY among th05. voandesi tact vicb a numl*r of moi ts Indepandent. cigisily oterseas. -staion bas gaeatly decs-ease. 1 Nav3 1 o-I1L Calif No.. No. Larg L arg F anc Am( Bac( Linis E Tw- RIOI CA! ln a cipated, assssu ii Wood s The In., J. w thse rot salins- diera o Wl LI rendorc .. from b ground. WILI and de AL I e. GEOI Tise visea expres train t o! the dnunt. Ttls t tise sent 0 Tise tip t Superl ftials condit AI train visere UTS one a The ma"dà Tb s5i ,Mds lnibsE o! th( Tise i gave lnai ton( vison diers RATES-10 Cents par à@@Ue In lsertion. s::II 20 cc ns Miai. CeS I+ u L E T T 'FOR SALE-Olainondg, watches and, -----------Jewelry on crodît, 20 per cent down snd 10 per cent à month. ik.y IL FOR bALE-ChMoice reeldonco lots of Yeoman, 111 Nortbh sesee t, W&Uke. h McKtnley Ave.. Mr.Ovlmoe. 2-4 go!]. ME ie h ave Boins very âne up-to.date housee FOR SALE-7 bon timothY baY, 8MO ýat prie@ trom $2,500. $3,000, $4,000, bu. oabe, 60 bu. potatoos, &bout a car Il $4.700. $6,000, Ï7.500 to $8,5016. Al fod bai.d etraw. A. Anderson, Liberty- y moàsm niooy located. which 1 shall ville, noar Phillîpe Piatiorin. 7.2 o b. poamase o show yen at anytimno. bEd*Irn Austin. Phone 16, North Bhoro FOR SALE-Heavy Racine gtake wagon 0»C.t lu Ai condition. Cheap, Meorchants Deiivery Co. Phone 40. 1 TO TrZ:flF?-Tlîree acres, fenced, T cli.areu for orange grove ln Florida, + IO L A E U fda, near main Uine for $200 or for la- ndies, tare or what bave you to'offer? CEMENT SILO 8TAVES-We have F.~ A. 9. Morcer, 2108 Ezekiel avenue, the cheapeet and boit sil on the Zion City. 1&4t market. Bouiemoiving, bouse raieing. Zion lotitutboneand Industries. l>opt. d4 FOR SALÈ-Two chah.. building lot, Zion City.,111. Phono 49 ZI<>n Clty. 2tf ie 50 fItO&C); lot 18, bock 1, on LeKnie 10. Ave., hait bock West of Mlwaukee Ave, WANTE D- Fmalo beip at Cainp Perry. n- aouth iront, sidewalk and ebade. Ai; Apply at Camp office. I £ook moua Sc bý làý