T.T1BRI!tVMLB TNTDEPNMENT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 watches and, rcent down th. Ro.y IL .et t, Wauke. hy bay, MO0 iabout a car néon, Liberty- ai. 7.2 Stake waoo i. Mrchinte 9-1 cous "-Wu have silo on the Jouse railog. s1rles. l>ept. 4 ton 9lty. 2tf t Camp Perry. to lake orders bbre for the 7, fll lino fur n. Eliminatu. lbu @pare tIue e Expeýrlence outlîîrjal Sto.ek. 88 ]i*àe et-ràh us. )n lakf. Bond o1illnn A Con., i sjàXAîq Olui O PO0413W 0-1 pue'Iepui 04L ! .;-4mod uoll îdapul aq4j* JTO )SED IN ;IN NOW 0, fIn.' fron, f the alftomo. hp penalty for for Immoral th-* %%,icon- d A 44lm 1lar by the juili je Nlwauke -d b, Lieut. of tle Great el.,tlon 'it navy proliem rry rommunl- rmea.-,irei 4re 'I.ad<llîg rnrrînt te ln akLn through Ly ritles are oaches ets at Brest j to tbeg,' as.. are refers to wir'k of High.- sp d.iv. ')rIng- nt among the SBrest. A dis- cved Sunday or' surcsful and minstrel ally elevatîng !; i with tle ght, deâtroyeti n the Dugdale - Chicago. The y the John amily etcped , being unable i article wicb iin today teIl. od hy lAeut. rk in France. y lmtitufed à thim thng are ladi- ns of thee dole. otal Clothh.rs' laB veek. À le rlces set by 1. cho sent a Pa- on the Prime lmwre nfot 10 - ng an oarly reductlon la le turing the and of impos.- Laks ho (bis mn have boOm a cnthlng the' per caSh oVO ' the prelat .ber of , was 130. Thte mt down ho U5. bers b! f lt eme toh~'( [ itALy'hoU ot mon ahth creasot. Tita<IO.2O-ýTheRedJ Kerosèné' Tractor fan pwe. Tta 1-20wTitm n M-0wd foga-ad in gook r n d te t «M t l* hb Titn 1020 m>red keaff ob h ia w str1fot merely a epuline enor witL kemmo « auacis nei youll be Wise 10 kec S "inBd m"x, ia1020 mu on karosme n. uxB 1-ail- 14 ting ]ma fuelLiI in WhaL Tias 1020 recoud rove shi.. bu wau a ses Md us SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY -- - - - -h-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Libertyville News I---If you know of an item of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 st. Lawrence Guild wili mesS with MT@n A. C. Lyon, lerk of M.- W.- A, tht week PROGRAM 0F P. T. A. Barrîngton on Thureday, Marcb 6tb. recelved $1000 for lire. Iyrtie Scbillker Lite (s on. Iragedy alter another: War, In full osymeot of thie deatb dlalm or ber Progrom of the entertalnmeol under fiu and prufessional basebali, eays'"Pop ' husband, F. W. ScbIIckeý. Mr. Schlilker the anspWM *of the P. T. A. gîven hy MIss Dorothea BRobcrteon, of Cicgo, ba@ paid loto the Beaà Camp Btenefit puplilsof the Libertyville Grade and @pont tbe week-end wlth Libertyvilie Fnnd $2600. Township Bign echools, Friday eve lng, frIende. Franklin Onuld, wbo le a niember of February 28, at tbe L. T. El. S. audi- The Epwortb League held a social Acine Camp No. 176, M. W. A , and wbo torluni Libertyvlle at 7:45: Tueâday whIeb was iwell attended and ha@ juet returned froni France wilîlie en- illgh Scbool Orchetra..........lccýted enjoyed. itertained nt the Woodmuan hall Saturday Bhigb Sehool chorus (a), (b) ..elected Mi@ oéet MneeJoa teCoknight, March 1,also Henry m ose, who itg}'IeST GRIADJE a Mie Roseta unde l a th GOK1 a member and bai heen dlechargcd froni Retatton" PlâylngSchool". Paul Ra y,Jr counby hospItal and Ie rcported tobe ecrvie EverY WOOdman i. reqiicsted Foix Gam-@: qite 111.1 corne and give their nelgbbon e bearty "Howdy'do Ny Fair Maid' MIss Josephtne Deihaye, of Highland weicome bonis. "Ladit&" Park, wae a violtor at the Englebrecht h f~ ad ifl th "Westphalian Cbiidren'e Game" honme Nonday. Tefut n it rd@a h "Mulbcrry Bu@b" graminer school gave a larewe I parti Rectation, "He Wouldnt Do Il' MIse Grecs Beauman, Marvela Floer, for Mr@. Flloyd GanmerFridayatternoon. ......................... Cathernue Gldiey Mnute Whtmore and Agues l.lghtbody The affaIr wai planned ocretly and wae iKvt>ND GRADlE woe Waukegan viltone Wedneday. a complet. urprise to ail Ut the puplil. i Reeltation, "Baby Logic"... Nahel Bonnet Werner Mcyere, wbo ha@ been station- A very enjoyable aflernoon .waaae"nt iFoIk Gam(ue: ed at Toronto Barracki, bas recelved hie and refrehmenti coneictlng o! Ile creamn 'Clap Dance" doceharge and le agaf n lni Libertyvllle. and cake were served. Mre. 1, aumer «'I Sue Yon" The Earnest W orkérei clais of the Mi. E. leaves the lait of the week for Parle, 111. , Bekîng Dance" Sunday oechol will meet with ieso Ele Tbe Arrow motor lin<' le now makI9Rctto,"n RlyDy...... MONEY TO LOLAN ON IMPROVED LAKE COLJNT.Y FARAS AND ON ACCEPTABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY We invite the inquiry of those desiring to boroow money for contemplateci purchases of new properties, for the improvemnent or stocking up of present holdings, or for the renewal of loans falling due. Prompt Service at Reasonable Terms The FirFt National Bank Capitl, Suplus Libertyville, 111. Capta, Srpus ndProfits ................$68,000.00 - - Parker, Friday alternoon ut thie week. rugular tripe tu the. clty every day. ......................... Gregory labike NTC 0" Ij *ri - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - There wlll bu a bakery gale gîven by This vtll he agreat beoit<the mcrciante TRIIlit> i.tADi.6tr/ LNTC tireILadieAld of the Prebytertalichurch Of Libertyville for lb willl onahie them to ftcitatlon, '-The Luë e GofCuburg - , tfank 111be i thLngFa Cl !-ty at!ons. t thmrqe tr am office Saturday alternuoti ait have ibeirporchaiespckPed ni, at hicago ...................... Evlyn oduegBnhgiin Fda,'lrirv28 il uSo1 h 'ciuck. and delis'ered lu LiberIt vil,,' the fiilow. Rcllation, "The Piae for Boys .... Methodist-EpiscopalI until urther notîeto, uli,,t taxes lu the G r o c e r y S a le i. Ja~mec Ede and con, (Glenn.ilo-lt _undiày log riorning. It wlil a.al'lu iliu tho.o......................Eddie Parkhurst Servlc-em nexi Suridayet the MEI onsi roo c e, kla r dead ierstmketry onverle to u h11ySog:curhwl e eda olos ura - l.1 1chr )p1ýC4ti 01 he arhiy IC l al heir huie tero- and1avold handîîing 5s ur hThig inaie ::Wii,tr Roei4 surviv et 1I) 'cok, ahuu 1k-v. T.E. .j HYEKE.hlre9ls sa. of the following prices: The Dame of lBarry Spullinan of cutmunity. 'PnkPig" Ruam, ailpruacli on ti. ..pet 'ode ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Lieryvli, ppaudonth pbi e verarfiom Lihurtyvill, atîuhed te bbc 1rl) DANI, I i r,i îî liE L.onglng Huart luIn evenng ai lu tioie 1i1 hcct rîiv, tilatthe éSub- i.. ceultyiltNodayevnlg, s acngînaqiurdeparty ut SMoltridpe Bail InDartnres. 730> bbe lubî.ct ut !the imon willl b: ceembue A,lmmul.ýtra*or ofthe Esîsie or Micha reen ollieu nguby wouaIn F nsrance. Area. Wediday eVnlg Mre Jubni 'i 'i R' The NMeecage (bat Chccre us ou Ourn (jurin. deveaseri. sdiattend the (Joîiy t Wcleh ws awan~ie tic imrize fr ficTe clnie"Way.' Tbrre ivilil e epeciaintrouse ea! iolinS h oilHuel skg j berom ine fiFrt a ional be s usedldy.Sbe 1,'dreodae a eciotaion,l'"The Minuet"............ thuevening service and a colo by Mr. tir saîi b'omnty unlOhelut Monda, et Apib EBankahaveemtissuadf.,rd. cirdIalInvitatIo le uxturessetr!1l9.dy.enart nieraail reluas bava, February 27 and 29 and MarchI 1 aeImu ibd i C wi u(olonial dame. J. C. lirier wae judgud ................. rala eliuird bu ail A crdil Ivittio leîîutn net 99 ,hnand Entaer Ie liobdalte ocuie yJulluoeptwlera o tbe c ut dressed gentl'-îman. Mie (jeuo. Solo. "the Pusey Willowe ......... edt Iýqueîlted to.prescnbtue saine sali onurt lfir Nv Benerpu ............ I2C conduct ie undertakIng buelnece McDonald and¶ Ed Roder airbured prIne........................... Blanche Tnlggc "Higi flearte for (Great Daye" nelli be aîudîcattl. ' Navy BThs, laerrone .o!..bb.......r.ry 1 elîl have for the mosb comlcally dr-4e,d couple. A Violin Acompiniet.Nises Hlda iapkc (buhe uiject of the Epworth League met-JOfht 2M. OUtEEIN. Âdmîntsrater of 1 0-1b. sack Wisconsin Buckwheat Flour. .. .. .. ....82C acce lu bthe foiiowlng rmagazine-fiari- gioup of msaireand -d Cros ue s cc1~,'01 i"TH GRADmE hitgDnit Sunday evenlng at I6:30 Ftttco, Nlivhapi Ourrin. deceaied. 22 ep enuy oseadG ' IaeHrod gryWeukean Ill.,Felruary 24. 19. Calîfornia Lemnons, per dozen... . . . . . . ... 2 es enuysoc arderi. an d1formcd an attractive grruj. songe: TLedetr, arherh'Ty ann lm eh rýac No. 2 ý ean Hunt's Hawaiian Sliced PineappîIe .. 31I c teArneien, beglnnlng wltb thc Marcb Aimoot two hunâred and flîty pereon 'unr Fatbere Home" ii eT e ictory TaieeruIng iahe NOTICE MaeI 6l N.2cttCarnEryjn P a..... .. 16C nu mbure I ttended the annual lrrîlday parby "A Trip lu tbe Moon" hwili e o B.nuI udayetteot8Ing ü. bcNTC Th e rs ilcoeter room iven at the Methodist hurch gymna- Pu<lmti oeu .B Fieta 'lc. ,blic notice fie bereby given (bat b Nag o.uen Chamo Eal urie.Pea...............24c T th e Crof ac alicotièe l ro ominsuitlait Fiday eveniig aid ail ball a Songel: ThIe neilbu a very Important meeting Ptb Installaient of SpecirilA0ceesmeab I r triuet enjoyable tIme. Tiri-' 1rsry le eomce. "The Swing" -aud every memrLur leq urged bu attend. No. 8 for a ceneer sycteni In tbe village off Largepackage Seecled Raisins . . . . . I. 1 c for Ihm un.bt)donoce. Tbir U rsri- W hat of an Instituion. as Il has boui "T'he Phloeopher" Tiiere nili bu a tory Important me-LbryIl enwdeadpybeal Fancy '..uatemala Coffee, pen pound . .. 33c munt' clîcegi en anntially for a hrttier o! yeare i "TilWe Met Airai"ngo bcchi Inthuael bcoffice of bhe Village Culîritor 1%eh S ~~~~The procce. owhich atiouumtcd bu about jRcttoi osPe WltrDre ~e .0ul~.AlunctÉ-o". broie nelli irelcobcd prompîly vin Match Brick Cheese, whole brick, per pound .. 3 2c 0: The Ladie%' Aid coclety ol (buhei. E. elibtyvdollars, were givn r ic)fiSuriday .Orclîeera ConIlque ...... ....... ..Sectd vili bc served bu thc choirrmuer. rtj tîc:lce1il a'l t 20,1919. oriVîlre olclr Brc hee u oorder, per po.nd ...........35C chrircu vii l1-1d thbcMarch meeting D cebmol. A hume tlî rtnarmn'Glri'e Ch.rrierades 6, 7, S.th cose tac reicarea 'y acumttmcu 1911),Vilaz Cllctr Bri'k Cheese, ctthuotaln to nunen a. iultlee oie o aII)9 ldis Amerîcan Cheese, per pound.....3 7c T metr~m a he îîco! NIre nitel lciieccof a Miniter'. s oneîe t~ eCllg1jan. 6 tu March 2b 3H. B.reer.yTierian. h a.v-y l- Bacon Sqares, pr pound32C putrint meeting and uvury membrer le gîsel. and mach enîoyed by alil aho Grammar Schuol Music Isrct'or,I iiriuv iac Link Ponk Sausage', 'per pound .... .. 21lc :u ge r.tu tten . lib ey i <atirti ary caiecedlgy eei b Yre. Fo aurer. '_____v,_____________2 T j Ing. y btrilm sol-dMr. lod PAnmRT.IL Suliîlay echool lu0. in. iME Sunday Selîool made an %We bave lb now! The mycîur ila. ncml. PARTCmmuionser ____ ____ of $30 00oulest hunday bo tbc vd lFor tic pasb sIlx veeko the dispen-. ghSelooi Chorus .......... eetdtr a' fon erteAmnat n iuefer-ing ol la- Ti:i or@lp, vcTru mîdie o ermn Te1etf Fi * a d vmr (bu Ainenlan ad Synlan suier enolfric, ac ather conditions bas her iat1« civiludhi ce mwurt)are now lu a tarvlng condibion.r rrneiî. whicb aceounrte for theba .,ir y Sgmn ae1uit.ridrdir- lrea, hlng 7:30)p. in. Toi.le mormon, MEAT-S AND Oi<OCERIES ZThsfl t a el ubl twaj aradsotbezs. lpo a, Ion 0! Mise Sumner. luswtrtlin. Two P' 3vea-339 and 340 Lbertyvile, IiInos bbtmtal anint apporionedin iIllinoi.ule oart.l hu air hur new epnlng boýu;:, urtîrîcîaCEtduvorhiTR. u.Toi i SATURDAY, 1MARCH 1 oif-rîg cas uitIn u hlp owal ar m emît reues he rot ' lre 3111ytluiefBrowen asocial cimbeni Cristianm idd elblontR6:5n." Dr1)F H.HMordufifaormerccaptotîy irivrbOcrIReitlon tu Gdb Obetlnbc JchruMatinn flrur urptainlu th'Our'...la.I....t............ejengchJohn lVi civ M Martin n eh%%Pliml' ru4 1robablj il d of ber mb .. ....15: 12-17. ________________________________________________________ Mdicai Corpe sbabî<>ned at CampTr -arid given utback lnto the .unglo g %Ir. sinylhe Brown.....Pami Kohoutb dwe lrirluclr,ýed a, i fl JIRLLÏ bco btuhiti cen blp arrivud. urc, whîo ruculvcd hi@ dîcehlarge lait Mion-' it te lrclruanîmc....... ....... oaul aeb ~~ ~ MO 69~ liN rajntçt;n o tratgy ,x~cue ,.ya y ci ar c ,îue. .1 bhands o o! rn1e oficiai weabber ma, Umlge (IrdGate: arci. 5.Topl,' leting vur Dieorg" l O T E TA p cI . 'o rt e g - c i l d ' y a d o y ,w lli r e n u m e b sh r cIc t l tuaH e B u L a d Si m ith B r o we n .... . . . . . . . .. . lu .ie uPd opwit anempty car. and ceil oruady t clu pliur l t e prohabîy e............. Chmlr practîc <a %vnne F.2 titand Jmft-coir.e'iy CA TB6 W O h alr oigt saecpirlatter part of Ibis weuk. batt eplg pring brnbetîctbna ndndmr e s@ti eveii tsg t the mange,___________________ hlmeaîded'h bms car. h motormnan dld- btemtut dehuuy the fateful Iy. ...__................____________________éý 0, arc 4 týo ica nihopahdGet Foe@bluutnlug out-o-dooro ln IJamecs myth Brown.... Dvid Flagg 1Tlîure viii bme nu meebing o! $cou te or LaitRDA A e . .Ofircials ut the railroad corn.r Fébruar "'?? us ii a fart NMrs. s MILMPODUCERS MEETFRIDAY Wll Smntb Brown ...ElwISa Wlgbtmari Ciiîp Fic Flints, Fnlday uvenîng hemausu U AY AC payhid phoned tGreat Laites toi a S;andman et ber home on Milwaukee Ned Hull (cîsluge Inierd ut Willi and cf P. T'. A. ait High svbool. NDYMRC 2 in afre-fo-al fiht n wich150gtiard anti w-lon the train pulled Info Avu., huea a very uumual plant wbieh le The mlik prmduere will meutet tue Jamues>................... Ruelul iFagg uinEtei In fee orai fihflawhlh 50tihtraining 'station th,.-car was sur- ~ttlu ful bloom. The loneere Comercli aim ul)roomison Frlday even ie. lloritgumerS (a cdai leader)3 tsiors, soidiers and traimmen partI. rotrui and theu ie jackets arrosbed. a p.......1..............Helon Bulk cy ICM A EUN clpated, four officiais' of the Chica- Tho so1ltiiCic ohr parîillpated InI wbicb are whituand thicklycelueiered are lng ' ebruary 28th. for the purpose of (lulentDai ICOETXREiJRS"1F IlO , go &North Shore ime were brutal ,j the rioi-svure taion intot custodv byl callcd snow howere and apparentîr dlcceing tbe ads antagedot sellIng milk Ohivia honge@..... rY C udlI 1Sol lioaul teoroNatinaBn k, JvV o s Mn eteauîted at the car barns. t lgh. a giiard hroup seiit ho the scenu cfý baven't tlîe llgbttet aversion to Iow %brougb tbc Coopertive Marketing C'o. Nald ...................Grce Beumibn 1 wood at an early hour thîs mornlng, aMoO- from Fort Shprimirrn '.1teperatures. I11le ducfrud that a large number attend Bubien ........................Oto- Hapke Libertyvlle, on Maneh lot, 3rd and 4th _______________ The InJured: Hendersnn, conunmctoir. cscaped sur1 hemein n orilivAainî CT 1for the purpoge of agelstinp' fairpayer@ 1 oiOn b. osor, cd as a lieutenant jTheuânms o! Charte M. Bernard &p. tl etn n oda nia ionte Sone-Roum o! be ue Sth Efrocene. Jith rpai.anMngote J.W IUNsueIted. o a s rede h uioe oalyl sextentird bu ail toroducern sua counv lu à uprearaîen rd illnÀo! hui J. W. SIMONS.- suelned n ltthe ernmy until poeacar ee5 erd ntebihdcaime, ,e a i- Tine-Atberlioon o! the Yale-Harvard tricorn'l'ai 1lenrus fur 191b.tr SAY AC theê moad, lncked unconsclous nby.ai hadlv hrilsed and halon lic watt lias i-gbeen severely woundedln F as cwellesm to any Othoni Who are Inter- drame. Janîce. W11, Betty and Dorothy Mn. hluan advicuc une as followî: Douglas Fairbanks in sillon afler he had pub a dozen OIfoncedhto remRin h i bc boi oday. A rThe report dues flot canse. any Feanoe. eted. Frank 1). RoIS, president o! the diacovered ai bbc cutein rimserci)n oi der@ out o! the way. complot(, Investigationi of (hu riot la 1 serions ~ ~ ~ association and John Batiey, o!fuSough. ÀACT il. "OwiLig to tbedeiay lureiligfrit i9 WILLIAM BURKE, eclency exper*h emduh elra gns andhy a goateIjr amI ltdmvritOWswlote rnia paes Scene-ROurt Sunythe Browtus. 1040-A. 1h has nothLimou MR. F temair cmnerc nconcfîUsbya bw truck û mde so bu eroa mensund nth.,egosud bis relat Ives hore have tn lnllb b rnia paus Time-Four days atter Act 1. (Nedi, a aîe norcmu rsn fro belnd Kîite an belenaS n atenpb Ilibu atIe buâtibd everol comnmunieois foihmo! the uvcnhng. Alter the meeting e lunch Wîiî and James dîecovered scurln h. ley in uncotscînus giate on thie certain where the coldiers and sail imuante e igniing of the protOcol whlcb C w rli u b.d hy the me...rs.of the rîcHomprRn"" d ntiUcOebLiCUxlryeLe bu t ivriseeo 000eil"Il gon.osTuapnnb e lqoi.Tanmre the rminvan. _ofthe_____ VliInAccompanlcb, Miss Hilda ULiaike thoce înk rabted." WILLIAM IVES, efficiency empeit men report thatMit mv of the ro- Nna vnn Ite oeo n OIEHIgh Schuol Music Directon, Mn. Walker J. R. Alleman, Pa@tunactur. The.ldpefldelt 109aaU AL HEdetctî , eitn M le rs ven u nd er bbcdminfluente cfilgh and Mr@. Henry Mille, near Dlamond ArmeCamîp No. 176 M. W. A will pgive e EN. ERSON, hanemhor, 'eeat sly bail h ot Lake, a recuption vas given lu honnirof a cmoker, roast SRarDienu, sud very - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - à - - - - - ffle*********--*à*--*-* GEORGE FITCH, motormail, beaben nservea reached bhe car barn froiur Mr. adirs. Leroy Kano #ho havene thlng ta goes wlhfi aturdaby nIght, Tlhe figlt start*d ah mîdnîguit Fort- Sherdan. Ail vhn partcipated centIY returned trottin(hein vsdding trip. March 1, in (ho Wuodm.n hall. Ail vlieu AI Hendui'ioli. ondmcbor of an luI the filgbt areci the giard bouses A large number o!f friends and reIatIýes, Woodmeà are Invitai! 10 attend and train nutil the soldiefs removed one SUPt. Smone vas able ho cestiume the couple Weil. They Witt makre their fnnny etorles. Don't forgeS th. date. of thein number Who was benalYbli s 'vOn at thie offices tht. afternoon. home on the Kano fanm. Mns. Kan@ vai A. E. Lyon, Clsrk. dnlu si rI frh.pvs eiformerlylites Bulte Mille.___________ Tt Ils plice, but o r eflOnves tser ntStra origGog Cos Al FTAK.it WIIpay you to corne to us for yeur amail wares. A few sample sent out.I recelvred a Package by parcel pii, mailletiW. wihlob îto tntiou thanks for the items are listed here on which the saving is apparent The. figlit contner! during thie H School Notes to, hlm Gy bis brother, B. E. Cloues o! kîinesi and oympaby O! the Mary bohh erinedn onad O rof- foundtu h coutaîn a potalo t(bat tlppoti tho Ilnessud desth ofOu beloved vît. < 0. N. T. mercerized crochet cotton, white or ecr. aIl numbers, filetais et m and ____________________thteaiata rctotooroo1n sdmother. And espoclly do vs at, per hall ............................. conditions aud presorvuorden. L T . H. A.e1010have a âssiIwhIrb will oe-easath ptundf.act vas anefandan h igr.at lofr(o iiBa aeypnpt ec ol i ieaprcr .. .. ....... : AI lIendeniOli dropped frotilthe beo produced In the Nautlîs. souegt pomn d ovîet was afiti 0foaktl ougee n lefrtemn etsft is rtte ol l ieat e ad...... S trin t (ho pit, aud auvanciflg tO Eve stindent le ather fidgot h bs mo seinadevdtlsidtuforloerg. 'vieve simoneshooti. seltitweek (o Icaru vîhrbi toywllî he o onter se Irs weight vonîdt idicate. C. A. Billnokt and Famlly. Bgasotent of braips and topes, bias lawn in white, black and *'ber.s e teiîeow," Jolnting toe el@cted for the bis stony Itwvaiplacer! on exhibition tu the vIndow 'ssrint ~ ~ eca............. L on. soldier. "who tartedthebbcfigut., The anuatstaff le ponsigrapidl o! Coie & Clouse's harsse @hop. VERNON TAX NOTICE colore, stickerel, rick rack~, ecst............... Therogre eilng uith tai WThe district tai coliectoir o! Vernon andgaie. battle. vitb the 'autius. A campalgua for the At the lnqueo! (f ho accident of Hans wIll b. ready (o recleve taxes about Romper braicl in J il oors; boIt ........... ................ 4c Tbi a second' th. train vas empbîed salef o! nnuais boas aready been organ. Braun, o! Chcago, whieb occurreti aI March 5tb and bu malle Il more conuvent andi about 50 soldiens vere engaged !zed. Wadsworth lait veek, the coroners jury lent tu the tex payere vwili ho locaterilai Short, strong hat pins; unbreakable; black, pear-shaped heads, 10 the fight. ~~~Be sure and attend the progrant given returned an open verdict as 1h vas a (uthe lgpae nth ae îi orfr......................... .IO The figtt vexes warm. The offiil by tbu Sangamon-Sage soclcty and the case wbere nuther the rallroad or the front 8 ta 3 o'ciork. of bbcroaitd were hestng thu .oldlOtr5 rammer School. FrIday, Fehruany 128. boy cnuld beblamieti. This was the boys Prairie Vlew store, Frtdal. Marcb 7. Spiral, wire-set clothes brushes. hard wood handles, 25 cent val- when a second car drew aht the pît. Admilselon 10 and 25t. tint trip on the ruadt wltb pay. It Buffalo Grove store, Monday, March 10 The sa alo s umped wfl,» bc arti A discussion on tiec 'League o! Na- appeatrs that tbc boy lifted the couplIng R. A. Mille home, Wodnoeday, Mar. 12 ue for ............................ .......... I1 OC gae btt a a stshlng tii. soldit e r sd bone vas held lu General Assembly pius In the car (00 blgb andtiinstead of Long Grove tore, Prlday, Marcb 14. gv ate l st§igteslis Tussdayunoring. The article 'vIlI ho Wbellng store, Monday, Match 17. Iu the muantîme Simons bai bested dlscnesed more fulîy, FnIday, i the mm@g9n &around (o the other aide ho lifi Albcohrdyca oeutlF1 ten or bwuive sltera. Thoy lai îune. t libehr pin, be eacheti arroiss sud bin AiltMencb 21.Abot hc me tl Fi '7 1 whene they hartialienl. Aimons WuThe dumeitcecPonomy clasesiare sutioing bis foot vas caughh lu the frog bookyul r etu mAbot who .co nus e . W A R LL & S N OP N knockd unconiseols by a blow trtll w. rIt ng he mon tt ork. T rée andi hlàtihec, trow ng hlmu so that the toosea inren.une o h co t Wm. Burkte lay, nuar hlm. The sol- vlllbee e- suid'p rhted In (ho pe'per. carpasoedi over hlm. Bis body vas MAUDF A. KNOLL,- ~2 lMies Sumner, Mise Golden Ward sud M.trrbymtlet.DpiConyoluor ee ee os e diens and sallons venu putting (bueRay vili acb ao judges. erbymtltd et ouy leci ------------------ P&P vliv. 1