CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 8

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------ ------ ------ ----U d Un. D. H. Murphy, W ~ irn. Lucy Cleugh sud dsughisr- .Mns. B. Halloek er Brucit Esrtb, Wis., ane 0 aspending ithe wask hars >fre an '~)cinti<Mrs. L. 9. Wiliison returued ta ber A rea nd ' 1cinEqbomee ln Chicago, Suuday aftier a weet'p jMns. Enimli Geary and sou, Forrest, O;pent severai dais asuâtwetwltJrrelt U O.U TTON 0F EXTENDED managmetsheniefoie. Thediraton tîvea Ct Crapslakoe. et the user .siats bank ane: S. L. Tripp. Lev. T. J. MIurpby eutertalned Messer@. INSURANCE VALUE R. F. Rouge, Irviug E. Payne, Dr. J. L. Caser aud Smith of Juno, Alaska. at bis *Taylor, . J ssu yGridley sud Jndgs Bon home bore, Baturday and Suuday 11 Fred W. Schicter. iusuredinlb.he a Mil!r. John B. Boue, vho vasé March lot neo many changea lu oui Niehigan MtuaI iret lusursuee Com- assisatant cashier ia the old bank sud commualîy. Mr. sud Mrs John Styeme »mW; lIapsed the pollcy lu Msrch, 1917, vho ba beau lu charge for the puti four sud famliy. vho bave resldsd ou the 'ý0er bavingpaid tbreeaunual preinlume. yearn, bas beeu elotd cashisr of the nov Pninam farma south of towa moved lu S dIsd November 80, 1918. bellevIng 5111e baux sund the other officorusare- the Spunner fartm ai Lakte Zurich. Mr. Phàolley Io bat uoessB. A reprfeneta S8. L. Trlpp, preeldeut. sud B. F. Rouse, sud Mn., Sattem moved te the Putnàm lo t théefi tsiusurancq compauy learned vice proident. Tho offinera of the banti farm. Mr. sud Mns. John Brown ruoved élOb daath ot Mr. Seblicer.liad t 0 are premInent sud subtantial ctizen. te the Grson iarm wbicb thî-y purehaeed ml£5 notified and the full amouut 0 of o Araansduder tuir sleand con. s ev monthe ago. Mr, sud Mrs. W.H t:surance legs. 53, (rePregetfrg oervatlve managemýept sud vith tho Kirk sud tamli moved te the Clouab abate and lmiregt,> was psld under au addlonalcapitsl, Itle predicted ihat farm. Sir. ana Mrs. ArebhieJones makirag uitomatic extension afi neurauce which the I. 'v Blute haut vO)l continue Ite iheir home on tbe Kirk farm., Mr, sud ltb. Pelcy pro vided. Tii'w4ow recel ved eleadý rawtb sud serve the baukfug Mr@. Wm Kuuetmau sud tamils, Who on January 20. 1919. train Jolin Badge, neede tif the village of Ares sund the have raslded on the iRobert Johuetou "ilefi Manager, tiichigan Mutnal Lire, surrouir .iug prosporono ,arming com- fatim for the psst libres yearg moved to 4Wst for $189311, wblch wse ourprising munitiy. Marengo where they purcbased s smail mme.te er. Thesannale of lire lusurauce tortu--.-----.-.- ansd viii male tbelr future horne tompauiea are replets wth dramalic IA NOEÇ Mr, sud tirs. Sayisr ot McHenry, moi-rd lIsedencee of uusxpected suceor tbrough --1 ta the Robent Johusicu faitinMr, sud *xteld Insuranco wbleb le ans ai the Mr. sud tir@. John Shepherd entaitain- tire. Paul Krepel, who have livod on the vartous provIoions. ed Frank Knlgge aud ismil>' of Aras, McNish faim for the point three yesre Bundai. wyul move te Round Lake, whore Paul Mise Ada Kuebter va.s aboeue vielter vîli ho smpioyed ai the Jenen garage. 191zen Bak a Ara OganzesSaturday on acconut et it beiug Wash- tir, sud tire. David Docker snd famtlly. as State Bank; Cornes Under lugton'e birtbday. v ho hava lived ou the Fsrusworth faim New State Banking Law. Honr VanPiew bas eoid his farim te for the puat three isars. maved te the _______M. C. Wlrtz, but rasns possession of the Peterson farim near Vole sud tirs. 'l'. itien Bnt f re vhchbubouse forsa fev menths. .Fsrnavorih moved ouit t ber 'farm Tbe itizmo a p riva wi. bas or aturday belug Henrietta Snyder's vich sheh@wiii conduci hor@eoif avlng j4sen toudueod as ap ae akfrbrthdy ah. was given a surprise parti seclured the nrvîes of James Fuller, vbo Ib. paai lght îesrs bas taten sdvsnt- bj ber young frisnds and ail report a yllho ber foreman. op o e b provisions of the smenduisutsafie ie Miss Gouevieve M. Courtney, dsugbter te bm ist batin 1m adpto hi Mise Avis Payne sud Mrs. D. S. Doiph et Dr. sud tire. J. B. Caurtney le vlitlng V»s vten ai tbe. ection ilut Nevemher vistai the homo fetite Bonds>'. ab the home ut ber unce», the Cornsi a.lad bsorg02n,00.0,u tate numvih WîîBitt aiella on the @itek lot. broihers. Uutii Juno 1918 sieo as the etCalmgia et 2Ba00 nko r naea. M'.,Chariot Doiph bas heen entartalu- iseber of Eugilsh aud Public N4peating o! uisme ist Bat o Ars. ng a cousin tram Milwaukee. lu the High ectuel of Commerce, Port. 'l'h. bénir bas bad s stoady growth Tbo Wemsn'o soclti of thechurch met land, Oregon. At tha? fine she resigued ,,,*d Ils deouoits uew ara about twa wets ago sud eiocted offleore. T'he ta do var werk la Washiugton, D. D., 1*195.00000. Thedirsctoreofthis aukt iret metiug vilir ho held vith tirs., sud fce bs eben eugagedaseau Ansrt- ,poil loned the Leglaiuretweoyears ega Abert Panzer the uew preoldent au sut Braucb fiead lu the Ordirîsuce te pas the ameudtieuto te the State Thnredsy oeth!@is eèk. Tbey are Leparti nut. baning1evailwin th inerpratanplanning for a bazaarsomanetime lu thes --- et s state bat for less than $25,000 .00 future sud are beglaunng tbe vork Dow, I..AE ZURIi. , uand ver williug ta Incorporat- sud Al the laies ars cordiail>lu nitled te ' «eeunder tate supervision. As soon mee t wiltlrem. Mis Rose Etebruan Miss Emura Kasten ose thee aw wus prissed, s'eipe wretsken pn Su uday rut their respective bormes. * Se icorpora.. aud he citizen.SstateM X i î ae ele pu Sulya . ank of Arra le une of the tfret lants tea DI.L- OND __ j ba n.. e eIe p-tSu 'a ..1> lncurporatr'd urider the ne.. luw. The Mr@. F. Labkeman @peut Friday alter.- ltr. and. Mrs. A Klrchbaum vielird Sito h at examiner visited the bat on uxion wlftIr@r. James Towner. wl-h heUclattersà parents ove- (licer k-le Woedneday lu examine the puper lun tir, sud tirs. WilliaumuErierusnîspont 'Id. conuaciion wIrb thre arganization sud a î,w dais lu Chicago flie pasî We.k A. Bizert ofCilihrst, Ill., eieni Sun- tapprovad sam,: sud Ieeuel is final certi- The mueeting ai the ladies' six1 sucety day witlrhIeisrtlr, liev E. U. Bizet. *eaitakcfoyraîtho . ireuthew biatk t tirs.lolisirds was well utterîded. Mise lBertha tiruler use a Palatine fil~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r anevrIeiu-ris te ret isd tirs iRobert hunes sud daugti- ruiler Monda>'. btek ountiérch lot unider tho e i- rsnent Sanda>' eitiî trs. Ronee> par- tirst. Lobteunihas been i-i-iy serionel>' ente. Mr.,sud tirs. Heur>' Mille. ii dnrlng the pasi wcek. Mitchell, Sunldaur, lnlnded: Air, sud Saiurday lu Palatine. t~~tgoo lilirs. H. Kau. aud daughîter, tienîrvieve; Ernil Fi-auk recoived the tax beaks Ilff COUtir, sud tirs aralinesuda son; George Friday and le ready ta recel-e the taxs. iiiui in c' miHeieauasd W alter Radte. Ote Frauk anîd fumil>' yul meve FIK 111 [O 891tirs. Chartes Buttertield sud Mti. Er. April 1ot0o the Sld Russell fatim la S*IuIIV uDot iutterfild cailed an ?ire. IWilliamr Fremeut. Stoerp, Wadineaday. tMr@. Wm. Eicbmanu, Jr., speut a rets POSSESSION ON OR BE- tir.sud tirs. James Towuer aud sou days luD Chicaga letfng relatives. FOR~E MARCU FIRST epeut Suinday at the bonise f 1s. Town. The P. T. A. beid auspochat meeting lait rsa parente, tir. snd tirs. J. W. Cooper. veet FrIdayattention to ase&iofficers. J. W. Cooper wu@ lu Elgin, Mondai. Miss Attele Norton bua been homo a Stock. Fccd and timiplements Miss Floreuce Leraker entertalned a feur deys from ber bigh ochool duiles ab if Desired number of ber Iftie teudoet asbirthday llsrrington. - Party', Sunda>' alternoon. Heur>' Bepper wililnative Msrch lot ta tés0 Tessie Brockso e is rîiîîg lier tbc latrm nov orr.uppled by> Wm. EHapte. '60 Acra-8 mile frai om au; an nov buildings; gond land; 40 un, Mrta. ïrthur Holand. Ths lunch sud prognam gîvan Satur- serua f11piowed; $1315 petre. No chnreb services were field, Sunda>', day b>' the LadIesj' Aid sud cboir of tho $2ff0{) iii bsudis the deal. Ou accaunut0etthee pater heing 111. Evaugelical rhurcb vas vel sttauded 45 Açes-l% ulsefrom îewn; tir, sud tirs.George lRay' peut sun- egai-diems of sueur>' veaiber. About $"0 gocdvho«and corniland; gond day with Mtr. and Mrns. Raymond Bri-ewa cleaned urbicli goas for the pIsanoý buildings; $8,500; ver>' easy terme low. bm-i. 86 Acres-l% muies fi-omtawu; tirsud tire. Heury' Kano gsi- e i- .Ang. hiroelicb sud El. G. Hliman basé of 1snd4 Wood buldings; cepblun lu houer of tirsud tirs. Leru>' shiped caIlle this e et, $125 par acre; van>' easy terme. Kane. There vers about f ty guests LasI Tbursday merulng ou the Baud 80 Acres-4 mies trcm iown; preseni sud ail report a good tinie. road. Win. Anklisa machine capsisod, excellent osali; 30tacre. fai plow- sd; ged hous,barn, ilo, esic: - A.Hoefti sud H. Anderson vers vith $145 penra.i PRAMtE Vfi' lm.Vhs>' vers ail plnnad uhder the 2-0 Acres-S miles tram tovu; ex. car for a w ile, but aIl luctli escaped oeptiluadly good land; @iock, Mr. sud tir@. George Wehrenberg were uithout bavera Inr. fed sud iUnplements, &Ilifor $7,000 vîstînuata the Eddy home the fore part Ni-at Sunda>' morulug ai the Evangoil. 3 8 Acre-4 mile. from tevu; of the veet. cal Sunda>' chool. 1ev. BIsor vîli osant goodaoliandfairbuldingm; $150 b. W. Hutching@ visited! Barnîngton bis Bibl'eiago. Hs deoIrem thst &il the par acre. $1.000 cash; balance tam Mondai te look aisanie cove. youug people sud aise parents of the suit purchacer. A puppY 0f about six menthe vander- Sunda>' ecboii cbiidrsu hecome members 3 2 Acres-2 miles trom Grsysiako; od ta the Stancilif farm Sunda>', It fuots af this clns Evenione velcome. - 5oom boums; nov barn; 86,000; lite shepherd. Ovuer eau have samne b>' haIt euh. cailug. .D U U If y e nia sfsrm for Immdilate tirs. Clara Webreuberg sud daughter os,. Invectigalo these bargainus. are viltiug ai the A. Wehrenberg homne Rose§ Sherman feort Tueeday nigbt fer Every farin vithin 50 mile. of ab LîbertyvIlle. Springfield, vhore ho vIii vieil bios Buter, Obeago TRE GREATEST PRO lte ereVlz D UCE ILARKET IN raE W0RLI) Mr. sud tMr@. A. C. Peler enterîsinaitr.GoreVi: sMd grvwiug botter. cempani ovar uday. Mises liabsi sud Francues Borsiadt tira. L. W. Hutchlnge le en the et sfltended Is reclal ai Orehestra Bail Attrctive Bargama îIlet arain. Sumday flernoon sud board Madsme la Ar« rs. Hictman la eteriainlug cempan'. Amissluk. (subarb of Cikricagi George Smith sud famli vieited ai the i- b aPoitis et Daievan, Wl.., vas Modm ionssvacnI ota Hodgkin@ home unuday. the week-end guesîs ai ber ftîhor's, C. lacoren its, acre tracts. W. Stanclif bas beau somevual under TW. L'otle'Ado t alacuc the veather vitb s bad coid. , wTh e ead'ed Ai d t aul'. crbn StaU Tracts A Murtbs Wasington came togisddsuvi ootnend hrdiatron the hme ofW. Boetmoi-n. Joathn6, b>' tre. Ang. Wintans. for shixîliitruck - th om f . oet atrd m Msc 6i I t dens, pou tri tirrîmie. euai i-il rlg, Februari 22. Moibersud dsughter 0JonOtt, Sr., ls quis llai tehomse are, doiug fluo. f bie daughtar, lins. Chas. Sailir. Apsa Has_________________ Peter Juhrsud, vho vas taitou alte I & oe &Suuday vas tk tt hîe Highland Part Cityvatr Siw rî.e.-ni gi', ~. -..~bospIlal Tueodsy morulng vhsrs ho elicrictiDan Mi eër son t P ard Murphy @peut undervont su operation for appeudicîtis. ;Tnqoi-tatîonMiir u -urbîi:i Misses Mabel sud Eida Herenhorgrer MT 111.0t, Y .ER 4 Y27.1919 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stension bosrd et the (JhlIC5 prieRAI V lteam VIII bèeofa calibre toes.r .jare bier prehed laute rbePîsbyterian UBR1LBAIdL U NSIIaveably 'with theO beet sii >churca Sundtsy. fosslonai teama slu the atate %Laq ln waé h gIutI. A éI uda. RALLY TO SUPPORT prnot= tatlt auea. ne Theidime oekubcb r AtaksiI jte, a two state lbagu w,: 1w Tho isse iiuirsusci cf ptaksie, ATL AN U'IIC VE D mure Borne ef the beon garu..u. local %Yeie thte guostéo f their grandfathor, À ILA IIlM s)IS E R fans oves' bave bad an cpo,'rtunity UJeurgo BOCkOut>,e-h. Sundai. - hiwitness bore. ale Borugrn areilIo thoeoe he1$1500 Already Pledged, Seek wt: en. ; e brut ,Astn euu $2,000; Plan Best T Ia NWw PROVOST MAÀR- humore wiîhbisl honorable ln Hlstory of City. diocirargo; hsving beecn a ibm rviesS R R M SÀ r etrtwllyaran au, eu o rnc.SUCCESS SEEMS ASSURED. StL A RV SA (ieorge Yore ut Itvereti. bas takoen _the__ ePosition wlth the t3tandard 011 Co.,s alea aoalfn r e A A T TO jdriver. Wuea aealfn r e À À T TO tiro. Robert Pettis entariainsd Mie. termined te, have a. vlfning teaur damie Pftd aud Gunckel and tboib is year. In tact overythig poits Lieut. Raymond MeDuifs, Who le te ciiiidren 01ohcaoMonday ln hener of tote tact that the team that vilI elv iu.Mri rta ffl Chuago. ~~ropresent Waukegan this seanon wîî lieoLetlatnl'lmne i 1ber daugbâtey, Jean'@ second birthdey. ho tb he e the city evoe bas bad. duties as provost marahual, arrlved at M!- firoefauil'le otChicago. won the frntereatedl fans alraady bave con. Grat Lacea Vondav. Lient. liritniant dunday gltit at F, 1'ster's. tributed a fund et $1500 and this lB wilil eave the station temeorrow t,.r ç MNs l ...àbce lBedoetsadi was the oxpected te be'increased te $2000 be- tbe recelvIng shlp ai New York and lweok rn gustet t ber father's, F. C' fore tbe openIng of th e sson. The l3îedei. td t. fund la il p t30 eme bp from there he will be transferroil t, NIre C. L. Boleaud tirs. Bort Mastonrcf654c. eu f5005mestp e. V. ~, peîr h.pai fw wek vlitug hiphasa i laid upon the tact tirai Lieut. MeDflufs cornes te <real u h >Pr, te psé ew eee vsltagthe taam wili he ncn-factîonal-it wîîl LaItes alter seoe service a <coin- relaijeeo la Jefferson City', Mo, returnod represeont neitbar tbe wvotatide nor nmandlng offilcer or Subrmarine ('ha ci- ii re brrs~yth~ e ouh de--it wlll represant the Division No. 3 ln Quesenstown. IrE. BIei H. Kress entertaned the card enffire city. It hasn no been docided land, He has seen active servic-' lb Werlnes.aî afiernoon. as yot vhether gamet vili lbs play during the; var, and has been si his tIrs R. P. Thoras of F'orest Glen, vas ed ei the weet aide Park or at the, home in Sheboygan, Wis.. for the pliet tbe guest of ise. F. H. Meyer, Tuesday. Marlon atreat diamonds. AI i U Ill six veeka awaiting orderis. He was tI r omayno Stryker and son, Alvin hc decided later.i staticned at Great Laites some years of Chicago, are vlmltiug at Dr. Knak' A meeting la to ha, belli cea' .n- ago and recelyod fils appointmient as Chale.Kiai 0 soihen lNnosday ut vhicb time a bocard of î.<, lieutenant boei-eln Mai-eh. 1916. chalesKtet o Bothen rmuostoaI 1be elactod. This borard aill called on old fManda Saturdsy. omploy a playing manager wv)r lnWànl. FOI SaIOst0% la UMW Bs. l'h. supper glvon by the ladies of the fuirawm 8go eut and select f (agt DOEPENDENT r.soh1BASO parem Proobyterlan cbnrch, Wednasday svening teaur. Promise la made tba t the iwugy was Weil attsnded. Mna. W. A. Wbilg of Chicago, vs ibe guosi of Mnt. L. Pethia, Wednoesdoa MII. Oeo. Lnger spent several dais ri ofast veek eai Lv. C. K. Oreboin'. of River Formai. Mr, and Mrs. MeCormack are the proud parent@ of a boy, wbich arrived WedaRUKeO IEeAD.R dey attornoon, February 19, uamed Charles Francia. Cocule Amatîn epeut Tirersday night wihShirley Thomas. closed or open, for Ford attended the masiquerale at i.urnee. anma R dudfaîrîify li ni-e 10 aWaukegsn thîs veet,. L R. Thomnas matorel tu tirayelake tSainrday, sud inetie itpMtire'roade andi the starm, returned wîi s ni-w manure àepreader. Sci-eruai from bore aî-îîdtire Aman auction a ei Rund 1ii FATIIER 0F OATES IIIRESS BUYS BAR- RELL LKO'FORO HOME one of thieshow homesor thee nortir ahere-1.1ie Lake Foi-est estate of Fluley llarrel-has bsec tînrahas- ed b>' R. F. Angeli, heu-eeg Le the but ot tire$38,000,00o estâte o!rtirs. Dellors R. Gales. Confirmation cf lte sale yas made Weduesday. The price wa45 ual dis- closed. Tire home vas desigued b>' Vovard Shaw, and tire estimaled ceaI vas $25u,000. The grounds border the tip et Lake Michigan. A fealure is a sucten gai-dan. The Angehlla viàtake possession usaI urOuL. Misa Augel islanov ai- leuding Ferry Hall, Lsake Foi-est. MIr. laai-rn lias occupiefi the est.ite littie as a P-iruianeul residence aine the deathin ru1916j, oet iisaon and heir, Jolin Witbece: BarreU. vho vwas drowned urile swlmming inthee Ilinais river, aI Moacow lia>', near lIaisua, Ill., virea is father had boughî hlm a $300,000 aummer boe ln order te aid luniris physical dai-al- opment. SALVATION AMY QUITS AS USE 0F TAMBOURINE New York, Feb. 24 -Tambourines and freewil! eftering boxes wilh for more than 35 yoars have been ubed by the Salvation army ln gathering funda, are te be abandoned ac<cord- ln& te a. tatement issued bere today b>' Commander Evangeline Booth in anncuncing plans fer a "drive" for $10,000,000 neit May. "Indoraed by millons of new triends and adherants because of! Us succeastul war relief vok n,-uFrance," the Etatement says, "the 'bld Umie methods cf seicitlng aime vould be Unwarranted w aste of Urne a.nd au imposition ou tbe public." The marilge between'Miss Fran- ces Smith or Kenosba and Henry l3eokman, Jr., et Libertyville, took place ln WatikeganFeb. 24, at the Immaculate Conception church by Rey. E. Gavîn.. A wedding breakfast vas served at the home of Mrs. Rlclcq ou North Genasea treet g~ter whlch the Young couple departed for' a short visît ln Chicago. The groom la an emplcye of the Cory Meat Mar- ket. Mi-. and Mrq. Beekmfnt o n thr!r r.rturn, fiom (icaego will nalce their future hoine at 6q9 Grand ave., Wau- kegan, BARRINGTON, 1 NEW SLOT MAChI rBILL IN BIOUSE TO HIT LAKE COUNTy lShurtleff lfltroduce8 Measure Which Wii Deal Drastical- Iy with Gamblers.. MILITARY POSTS CONSIDER On Wedneeday Reprosentative Shurtleif of this district Introdueed a bill ln the bouse "Prohbbting the peration of Blet machines ln ail countias of the state where thara t are milltary or naval poste of lhe ,United States." r Just wlhat thts means, Lake colan- 1t>' people do flot 1mev. It bas been gr'nerally fait that tbere vas à lav which preventedl slot machine@ oper- ating anv place ln the atate regard- ]eus cf milîtar>' posta. Thun, the new bill apparently must be one of more rdrastie nature than the onre notw lui terce but which, sepmingly la not ver>' effective In ellminating slot machines. t Mr. Shurtleff alun lntroduced a bill Iterrned "An aet to colleet a tai cf *tvo per cent on the gros. receipte t offoreign lire Insurance comPauis for the benefit et organhaed lire de- partmients."1 Ira lrs 0y 157 nova vwu.y7« vol fti ýfi la the 4bbs't7vflmIsisWW imot. JCK CABS -mmm - Trucks, - - ILLINOIS m. "I The Michigan MutlnlLite Insurailce UOllpallVý Area, Ill., Jan. 15, 1919. Mr. John Hodge, District Matiager, Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co, Area, 111. I)ear S:- I hereby acknowledge receipt of draft. for $1,303. 11, which is payment in f il under policy No. 119, 723 carried by my late husband, Mr. Fred W. Schlicker, in your compauy. The above policy had Iapsed on account of îîon-payîiîent of 1,reminmi in March, 1917, after thrge annual payments had been mnade. My husband died Nov, hO, 1918,, believing the policy to be practically worthless. News that 1 was to reeive this money tbrough an automatie extension of insurance which the policy provided came as; a pleasant surprise t) me Assuring you ;,f my gratefulness to life insurance for this unexpected lîelp, and thanking you and yonr company fUr the unifirm coe.rtesy shown me, 1 amî verv truly yotlrs, MYBTLE E. ScHiii-Hi,, Wîdov sud lîeneflciary ofthtIraIs Fred W. Schlicher, dcceascd. JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. VOL. Of with drop and slide windows. Fordson Tractor service bodies and ail kinds of bodies and cabs made to order. Give us your order Satisfaction Guaranteed G. T. STIEFENHOFER MANUFACTURER Ilouseho iet. Feb. lent pric jugé vai ef Illino diasble t ail ofir] On th IImeritUn Illinois ty was t farmera Walter of Falir olman. I- One e mien aon day waeý "cog ne 'Jackson, teepli ex .omtly Chf ispon ru the bog fonnd t Mri- E Du Pagi *'tiating creatêd 11111izat n especiai] Ileaton the' d.i propîn-if feedg. farine làa hou? empbrn-i talla lu %&id the Ilinoira ularlý, front 25 ggroas rr ffudi ma.iure phatte ai nuanu re rock ph total 1 t>' ha.ý %fr. N ai flair gave or addries- Munn t Cews in Incream- with th oIr. iil, av arase' thpir ri pinlt ni ,er or ti thatuRe a-ur soe leus L:t 53hortbo thora tm ail tIre *et s c uho ir ductIon there w duction reduticil li;g stol lums a Drouth> idove il - Prof. meut ri *fitable b>' iro mals te Pro-f. Exchan b>' the elontrol conceri pnlated but an3 -used Tr amount farmer fimal trot lird fi for thli In 191' Siaught te be ibis la After anuaI on the hebrda

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