LIB-ERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT unU COUNY mNEPENDEN Lake CounjBig Weekly WAUKEGAN W'EEKJLIY SUN VOL. XXVII-NO. 9 PART TWO 'LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEND1ÈNT, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 SIX PAGES $1.50) PER YEARt IN ADVÂNCE. AIlERSMEEINGFIRSI PICTURES OF PRESIDENI WILSON'S ARRIVAL HOMIE ~BIDP 0F STATE TO BE Taken By Special N. E. A. Staff Photographer Robert P. Dorman, on the Spot in BostonOPATRBNi IIELD FEB 20-21 KEYS INTO COURT !e FieiormArne o h udge Barnes Makes Sure that F e r P o f Irrnois fo the I "Blind Pi g Kinlg" of McHenry Jorm erst lîosa h Quits forKeeps. aone Session. Ien- aw ~ PROFITABLE TIO ,ATTEND. NEW CRUSAD'E IS STARTED. er- wd Tii annualioet Dg of the lilinci, y >' t Thce are hard and Irvig IL are Farmiers Iiititute and 1)çpartrnent of i for the blini,îgge of MrIiî lu Iloumehold wasti i efd fIL.10o-1 f county. nîanV of 'shoni hav efin ,ot el 19 20 adZit Ana cx, i Oîîerating so close Io the fak,- couîîi ýItlent prograrn for tbis iierîie of mee border titat 1-ike cobînt, folks ,r,, bill Ilgs was au ranged andl ve~ry fariner intcrestel in the dofngs o, cr In tle( 0f f Illinolis wou 1.1 h;,îî r ound fi proî nefghburing precincts. Pt itable to attendf al least a Part or last wý-'cX a numnber of nîcli wiv ail On thiee fist e daol th. of mlid hefore. coui tS j udge Bai rit,. On he îrs ti di' Sic df e! ,,- ~aid given ýt If fille-. A'nd tii (.fi- lmestunc and roci phosphate in thIid trelhySaesAIrp Illinois a>steim of perinanent fîii ' , ae trcd b Saes tîîî ty was discusd b>- iîcfî expericne-'iîÏ M 1unle and bricki iîp in fine, shii as W.E fîe o oci y Coiuntv Itidge C 1'. Bariie, w il Walter Rowe of Iiecalîir, J. C.- L,' isbapngo uh tf1in. I o f FartradFrank 1. Mairei of riU~t fe offender-8 realizc biti coIirt îî i liman.__________Il.____....____..___.._ busaineass. is stifi going meri ly en. One o fthe tiiost intcre'tting îî.a__ ..* On Tucsday the man who Iait "ion on 1 hi prograni or lt-. second Iinlpgkg"O day wa,- tti4 ijisifoi 0on thic F,-cd ro d8~81pUAU5 IA)Atteet o e Pe en lKN WTbenr rcd ithey îii i iî' Hegusiif yFran escldiry theît gangoln fini.N W HA Y Jacksonvill.î' %Ir. Drr KtII'4aiAI Ille ACTine eorîg e Wahngtoan fr t,,n B O R!L L A G Tuesday in tire Niclienrv ony keepii over 101) frood suts and gro%* tter G ieor wahich oug couit, beforfe Jiidgé, Iarnes, fpi' only the- market type.. lie depencîl' TAX COLLECTORS BAR ALCOIIOL OVER 'hým'sire. At the right of the pres- GROSS IN OM I IS?1 STARTS COLLECT- Il., allas "Stulbum' Snuth, oîf Jofiti'.- lion toril andl forage cr0, and bh e en on the bridge of the O.a- buî'g, wliich la across ihi' ri-.ii i ir dotinaorpr rNDER NE LAW HALF ONE PER CENT ate Boston. These pictures were tale IERE'S ANS WER' IN INCOME TAA Four tAe attlo laedc uets. 1foîrb Fi h.. keepfng open on Ssiniays anîl srlinc __________leprfiabe pocf en especially for the Daily Sun by *wtoî fea n i ,icln New~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eII îeda(Srngild i..mi o heNw5aCTEtapieA ',)Iifi fli.ulhiieft E. J. Horan, Income Tax Dep -as a nisance charge. Nure Bil Fie Starigildf',i f theotogrape Roberis P. - ,or ,j ti ile ifi ssil a tii Thecor Opensdng Office;ae ,; Mr. E, B. llî'atoii, farm allir i(A c rage i .nt;iiiitl i. 't i ] n. sociation, of which this papt- a ic<5Ti ioceîca n aincae . Dupage ('ouritN, in hisiiiwus-ioit ay thai apy are ',af o r i per ient iiifi ii Immîr" miiit iIefiiîiing whf i Ille Iiîcotiiî sumed tic poInttr ofen ticffnice;n Sas axaer pve iistmibij ii rssnernebAder.apaer. o ud te -point aordhis'ngtiiarl "Making tie Farte Feed tlic ('îîW' Inconvenienced Much Now f-anne(lit ho, liii-Stli'. pyrnutietlelt-rs nut, Fe i oTxaes fi ug anacrig)mr crfated considoiralle I nteriit inIi ' arit, efl-utii i tic .11. 1. ia I- 'b;Mîl lie îîîîI'oý tii 11iq cul < Il, from W/oodstock, made h ini surren- bui zat ton o, honte- grow n fo-cils an itif nuaiea ;riîI i v i tidi der' bis governnn ficense ii ()PI la espil>if n re'u'd te) boirleY Mr IS SUCCESS IN LAKE CO. jdcii~iiîîni v -i, riai- Ta Y Auiaiiilnshiesîdii SOLVES KNOTTY PROBLEMScut n ~cnctd1. hrf Ileaton saiii tliat a large- Percenit Ori pfcli (s eA EXE14PTIONSI~ ,A) . coso ieisrnepl mgi ot onbigwt ii theii dair> îîîî'n sýet do th-.- fepdiaii~ T%,,) bl U itiid~ Ilt i ifil,-iîii t î f'fnî n nis i i'. nferest on li,,ii v bonds. or L, J. llirai. reprelintative of flie tle afterooon. look up fits buind îîg propoisition ali V tf]i firotei 1"r ie*nati i i"i'tii toiiciatltîg liur msa, mirft n 1 AR _J1E'~ I ý fn L i~ ifiiipnda f and tae tlie seys tack 10 tfhc ci nty feedg. Tiihc ri ti îsc 'a ere Vuf rf tf~ffi- cfdisOîf a sbale, or (en mcl ti- f&r i court. I'rr the afierifT tbef ri <aMW -' 'n ai tiaff> ail theî tii il . i rep' ,il r, i t vine-,f'ii ui -orifi-i.l m'.BYi AT S icPl'ucf ivifrsieonsfaîîî-of ioog , iotonle uodngthesgnontfrfonndor"C-.i-l'lî labultIrlctosli pcî 1ai Y ~ o oî' tgt' th. ioît etliif% .. ttiaî -or tic feder-af farni fîîan art or luciy I'. 11'8ukIL an, la id local people in Tis nian, iStubie Smith, for 1f empîai On growîng cfiiscr anîl à.' treasurer as tax eif( -o o i i the, wrpoibitio ; .li~11.adaîonsrcfc ustrt oiîpîng Itf the income tax las'o 0ynafaowe igbidui failf u n oir i roi, roitat ion work ail ti ciîunts1 'tIf rî-fnstatit'ibl. I.. ux au ai1 thtirs fe war b> persons fn tfîe jiitac ammd froni now until the fast day Ior in Jobnsburg, whfch fa on Fox, - a1d thérr sas no e'zcîîse In norti'-n collectfdr, mn iifitomnîliip. fixing i n ece-s of îîîîc liaif ofl 1 per -înt W ashngton. Feb. 24 -BabIes bot n orntltrhe p1 $'bi fi lhng of thfincome tax blntek three miles north of Ntcllcnry. lie Illinois for tot vrus ng c!o% "r ieg- r ollectorsl paY ii ,.upvrvIocr- "I',b in výl brn vayi * t,,> ropertv rpeelvedl ail a gift or tUS a rcprcsenbatlve o! the federal govs- ha id a big dance hall iipstî;ia., ona~ oui ote tht-ii in D)u tiîn clcrk- wihc-n o'infis îhii,-tj xnî % padiî epnl f1 rftfî'iafc' .ecili. s,'ftIrrnintwgftc i Wilugn O-odan icIwe tra>.h fildn ularjrot xempion tothei paentS, dltid ,-lIo lnerhipeitiixept, x a dieinm.t b- Illehiiatieginandthelowb ilt otthebuidai couîycfSf cls fieowcrkc"i n o e ioti fFormebrtA ment fr fie pro-,iî i froi u it, v îcai pc-o)ie lIn titis rt. ThIr atcdfrherlenepio-' fr-ont 25 tu i: eIoIss and In 191-S hi Mr. Dlne> 'ii- a' a ii î r lîîinfa.sfi iictft îdbn a~>. ~ gs îu. ie taxcd. Aneuntl, r*eucfeid 'î-is'imdere- wi îout charge aud cf the family, witi a big i)arrio.ýn gr-osm ree up- sere $9GOi1i Ille' chane. di fiuIt' tin baS i,î a. ti- ,, il rüde wit r il enp vi dl o ,, fîoctu~dtto îat îsiaiî si -w o! faelîtat or bllnd plg In the fronut. Profiltable- c'OP,, ar' gron n la i gmifng fii th,- cîîuîtv seait. Noiýil plaî-h wihteitra ,,eu u or undî,r Ifle sor-kingiipn's compet-iîng as fair as poasibi the proper e. Sithisf admlttedfy tic *'king . hs rcrrd npl auc h% the il fic la rc ti- con- 121 alloseil marrîed persons. bit, Miln duc te lii, u-l' of barn'.arl difflkufslii'.ocrc Lako (, eau fis bif aîi fraiici liss cor nn -l th -t Iaiiii ah-i. fplius the atin t of dain turn of inconîa ande Lire proper coin- blfind plggèr of the whofe count>, ma.ire supi.Icinent,-d fîy rock fIii v bccaîi-e ('.îbîfl TrcaSir-'r iîý Infît ei .'iii'îtm (f file burea %vul fa of onId ilas born be(ied wlphe y,.udorad the paranîw trcko so I.,I to] ar td toi\mpinoony80 agi-rein-i cdn accu oy Ui rPutatioiu of tice taxes. Mr. Horan. udlIstilrSbo S-hnu Bhtea h aeo 2I rai hr fia-' e.-taililied hîipult, ii' ni--satc \ilfions (if tie las' and onric ian'S accouint. If the cild agelin i con f eu l itibun- .ic L- inconie lax depufy colleclor, the bifiid piggers un tie ntrtfî.3ab' nianure ho one and one-hlf! tonil I, brers in ail "a ns of b'îC t-oiolf pro.,ec-ufiiii. mu-it lue condiictbcd 1 v lesbr i Otfe h tipvmgi or sie.knI-.s,. ma>' alo hi- oiiiit, -di sîselii o oin tfnet~ ato Icîr oit.V't roS pho.-phatc per acre. hiai the -Ople uatn Pay tfiiir b '-Uza c tt- ati paren i- dtivC piee $5 e - tni i te ao(:hedtîié, the peofli- or Waukegan explainfng government licensi .surrendi-l Dtifn hiî iiiilfour yî-ýars mît ar tii-af,- a- a.fus ti- lidu ait wher(- lîqilior i' 11 tiatilfac-turî'd or sl paet .afo-dony8. xni- fhiuir. oîf mtore- tian m..iuort' bisi ork and the aId ic expectî tu and the place tînder lock and km-y'h Durng h( paý,I c ehuldI i' l-1 r a public niiil'ami L ion, or oiiI- f,îurSli of lie $200 normal total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u)_ff te îîft an o!, Oarle- ibmv DU the giciUlii hC 5n of i o fit iti autiioriticu have crtainby u-c-v fe î îb ui îancs r Ii- iso individuals s-ho are subject toj full clied n ftew MrM i.Mun pe..l*ntNaGica hii2bC f i i, -firlui oi- sufjiit U, fini. and in-i îm - This new poîlh-y esSalsies for In- t ic coffieblor i.garding exemptioin. Fcdei ai Itcome Tax, are advfsi-d Sfî pg I h nirctny Mr .1.Nun Ve,(én aij a ar- oilz-l iîi fli tîl lb uî't mon it s o L ula e ,tO corne. taxesi. s cpbained iy tic In- 1S eg I -tr oî~ aI ai tnî,t. ibin'Shthe ~ - ii' ic.' o th(' cort trýsiir l ___n-seu-fien afloa a fedinraf inone Sax inspecter wîil Union Village, juait s- mtf îf Mal gave Ont. of lits uuial entiusia,tiv, ibis plati. fuloit i ail 'oi 'i ..Ifa co vr ntitîed to any of*thiý Va N iTEeE D hitabion,-d ai tfhe poëtofice ii--enygo, in i] westeri' art of t I Aaddnî'-sm-i uen !l~ire N'os rI ies buf-rn moîîlurltm bi'-- i,, h dil" . OFFICIAL LISI 0F REAL foeî cnPilons $1.(f a ylFIL A da, unlil Marri l5th. Blatiks hav cCounSy, laa lîe-ie corporation, btîil Munn thinks tii,! tic nium:iîr of. îcmî,faînîd oI b>ý Mnrlf. 1singlg personeu"l for an)marI.d bfet niald te îvery Indîvîdual wno it biirate notioni , buill tii- couniS> n Iiebnicî StaS-ushuîd.0 'Inmycoutitii> îaic oui irLTATE TRANSFER peS o or~ hea f a TOl Gn $0 has, Ifihd îirevîously and It Lu urged court of Nlclliry now ha,. aI-a nong ir rit a'it, States andul $200 "It utc iofI Iliuk iiould gou (I-; Ai malanec hnigo aio lncreased io :lIuii. iitii uorrelponIiif as 10 a n-I rcnu:. - -Smi i n l;I. ! - . O DO ANYI NGI ilu&ran*5eo 1addilonîuî for i-ai :i iliendent chîldî htte lnssol eue.Alii etnehnigoe aho, with tc pifmfiuii a t nii, lcitini and hifit rcîutiu td -iu" t A bstracto of Titie. Titi* ~ vuia niarc nilias îol e n0 I. ,lokec- dta wiihepouion fa> ttit f"in --iîuîfuî >fiii iii-, ne mr:p fU NIV Fu'nlshede b!iiulwolene jO ieSIokLPr i #Aàsoli. TempOle ftmdq dhoren4 part ocil' TOJOI NA I i orf ni5 tu-id pî"n m-îtuii froni A fi) 1) ist uhli ig ti , fpas Fi' 1 ". 1fin asmc-isffi.o h eIbrne f, $10010 andf ail nîarricd ftuf gourant>' of future gond Comîduci otn Noý fjj a(ir u1uîar -r i. ctuipi îieii, ..fuuteýi uîs tii-e wc re mcoi !i iIdîual. tait ubu ineorne-' i! $211011, airc aîi-rac. faili]>. .-ut ' lu- iel['lih u f uuîi iii-- i- AKE CO. 1 1 IE ^mm~ TRusT CO. mn ,Iciîli jait if Ii., i- r. anC fart, j ' i, '-d lei bib - rîpmrir. 'liec eàm c their motu'-> (forn îfaîs i tI t' bîuîift s-itfîîî !) l strait qiur--u fi,, :',iFf.~ h9 r a hm f .>~ - c ~ a t %V. t G uitd ~IAk i lien-. are ihlic aul miSi tiose cf leii. poîint nuit ru afîcuil lus 9itlC t.- fattl i tt-masiuinr ri, rxnliu iii i. i 1 ,a i i tfi, lfc ' 1 :f i rvT O ivw IiFe .2 .1 9,o a no th w( h cu el as,, u >ea itto L~c l thfat tue>' are, lire rate , ero tî til Nuatu M n itn loui firi' s'ifl yiiieiui î'i'u i- h u ii t -l cul t ife i PU LI utitt iiuiu i i ho ntni faiinlsîu a u fiat or th ,tî ( u-i fi 'an ti Thustbfstipluîit - hua ti-aneiiimîsriiaisi a' ichap luo- 1uti i i-t ii î'luil uuî u-îiiif Tasliumifc aiio to tuiarfa c tîd th if er lifuf:-l ' fi, o r i uitii fair, 'btu ihi î'uii -I4-y - I 1- i l 11p, l a d oi'r n F-rtr 9 8 i x iilo! Vo f1: f. Uki \,ili. V.! i.0 disorce or di-all i bguti-ua fnxril- -fmp si. u iuli ti is u ut ' îd un F'a uay 11 s ixeiahc j sPrton, ari alipl llIrain .o E CHERS EXEmPT eus-1il lncr'a- - lo, fe'ul c r,; - a~îs niantfi.'- or fuinfli tr counti Ili -cr i it i-iîîi îfi ifil itiid%ýsmublfi 11 c 2îii pus I1 î L ar tni fil,- il'in rax i;i iif u u 55 11 att- il a lii> s- bo-t n 1 N o Icis tian lit(! fisij-ear u.,-îrigeý L,'r-i-i.ii 1111-fpu Ilif'l -fsfiîii'111it00h itii mciianad*li Iatitomberthiiî tf - iulitbir us eletuiption for the detpen R0M NCI ETA Mr. W. b. Cochtief h Anri ilCavfuho ticeIll c-aAinii-riiatirl f, ritoflndi ic pliy Tin heItau o'tx a. aufiii in Nfni(iilf, l'ifl ercuitimug den cufulmi fe 2-1i -it, ir-i of of1) taumî mmiM IN'M T u sare r-Iîf j3horthorn Ibreu-dera' Asn.- said IfU-it tri-asurer as tax collfcUut-. un Ws lbM 'i hllllucfitw T , Q .cri Sfie fa-t dau of fle year dî'ter- e te lic. osmn-aiti-it . Effiot is cati1 ntiuatfligures. fufi marrîed exemption tlmere Iml las ti' a dein Io! iouncp mimn-io f lICiiogi ýato1-I abfe omf hoildinig clowin a >-ouiuau Joli. for Sfic pcrfod wculd be $8332:."' hi aIl ue mat >îu cn prduie fo tfi' t)ofe>s fafl.arif hei- i tracet of lafuil S-iu , diIdraoircuaino i rive ia Ford. lit a., aii auto nuuccfî.îtîi nmarried exemuption $83f.33u andIi> W~ashington Fer) 26.--TfousLîniî pgtten years. Whcn ail arc' A E(i ~ ~ iit i al ri.: o e comn ut atn aes tiic nl innu or uu h'Is n ti ir oiiiolo'niaeeeip rn n f puie nco tae cr aar ue'.u or*i for gond sages tfue detîIî.M.Zlu, eeaanorcs htle bfo ncm aesoîdirslre rs are of tii' suppfy. Tfu utian I$e600i f . îrf paf sujppçrt of a peron living elsc- I befiu anuf l fore lui tIio hfbSOlw come Sj-ay: as xteli tie r ahordn bhe ineran cxpfana wh fuen, ntds Ios cfiion iu ll f1* rouf ryb tie heani cf jlefL a'.ts f îil>iifî.'aaai îPy o ieiui isi~ untd> i'telbnîi eeu dF1tiM PRIAT TOtwl ep h,111 Feb. 21, 1919. n faunif> atu( I ntiie f o exemption of swnnu îui cfo ur utive rervir,' In tic nîîîtîîry anît bureau in cla-iflicabti of uts rec-'ntf fl i i Ni su Prot Cofe ali ,iu. . $2.0110,o tuifi> i' iiffeiii i f ii' nasal rorues of fthe t'. S. in iiinei Ih! sa ue' or fIj Va ii INilz, n o'il fi n ihai fihitul- a- m n îiîr obhrcrs andl enipfo>c'l of atati, colin- therc would bie a aluontage if tAT, P. 01iibf i i- ri t olfuf uin ;t f'.X 1 -g of lin li euiff ionfrsei e, madern as aiî nonr- S>- rî> i o ir i pal or local duction of bref animal-. ýbvo infrsevcsineedadmnaue, if 651Ibufil : l au,-ý atui Alusaline iv - af îin infg Stautin Ou. rpryaqurdtotramllgvruet renttxbe ID stock due to ffuî fauet tiat Preto-u 1 _______ î .t. r -'uni-u liiX'h ij, Iotahr $bdng te eev fuma are Paid for icavy wi'lliti i'coudin vinî a lu Iu U. S. !JLIIII "îtilc- 1 rivet! frontî s-uf uchirces Iis Saxçaile Iahr rîdn lîvrmCs f> Sjîung'ufd tah amîlf'i ýrrn t-i- i usîîîîuîu., t' Foind :okn sI L.XX»i'i i ;unn mtuii.t b.' relioreni . fron a pubtlic' source, and nît front Di-oulfis~~-da luii man, A4,it ilums iii ' rii Dli ioii-'- Sanil;titiuiiu flI'. TO FA I 'o' IlI na- gel* 'iIll-f tn-. am Ibonds' tendî nîlfer. a prIvaI e suinol. lb aluna 4tlplies ho down thei herds. le.Top.,- mi io I.;, ffmim antff uC $1. aO A ci744 IN bý-ýr nifi ie orplcmef nado rpbi Prof. Cocliel siid b hi-ni is f'.1cuti tif Itncorpoaratinl h e (ii.i, ibiNin bIbi bh fh'. i4 IU I,44 icif i l ta te R-ank of Ar , n h i f aital S ci .1o i i n iC' t if o ue î .1. F. ji, wom lu iui o1 u t I e andi foui ii!c itsîfiu'f--S.Iil itiluiii p iem n firn în ad î.îr pi îl i l f tmi. ii - tii -ci io hit .1bnid am1 Ilifîeriy bond is), prics ie cuir hldn g ~. eni ploye. atid sw in 1i.b. $-IiO l.X \li f lho1 Ont 55- i' . i f i-ui huail 0. K.T O h i fair as iealli Il, nîc fir ehîd d u xcd fi x mpin alm mat ote ni ea.ietms' In furgÇ tu ng in -rf m1 1, il ON% . 12, \,t-" AlXtihiitf Q('i'f TH WAR PLftIUI iiiffbue- arae -t clerk tir en>- ______________________ arl o!ll rfu rcceibî. ;cts lie,>i jiinn mncOt(iiiifulo luarmers tii spiefaf atetiofit 10 1~ îlhî XXopilti ar -Il un- mi Ou 1 > U i ier ciipVonafu Iial etpouto rn en 1im ic ilesp L.i f'tuunun ltatio if. ?,' "4 fti -.ut onm londus and nitrecr otU- ,m rowing aud , lots ilr I Isrmf of n au ta(é k. utierriturifaal met rodieloeftc, banbd îliisIn kTitî a îct I ii rf -I lg Iii ahumasiu n$2.00i1)"ar mai- for nmarket on bhc farta.u TIt> i lticni. fbaril( mop bu n%% ias duritug Ib, l . i t ioi l iii- rmm clan e. 4 't n tt] a lt o X e -jsc s(ic . o ni. n rw i:p .Y t utfl eu n Prfble.emtu c i isi5.if n a fîrîsale banS atïd tîîc i. ,i Su , aumga., QC $1 ret. ini amiluila ot îf san tc aas ciauntl-r r"' "Ifm sonfp . yo m ein le ao rut liiro.t y u Profan. ol l it m f i a f o e lti ir (i ih if t Iii'. thfitut- Il i quti on mu, dcei- uli X- S n a' I -pcdifîoiiars foin., un(I amtiunn trou eOOiiii îu sSb enîict - "2 lIntm-nti' t mmm ed "rai l'arum hoau 'i f ige 1rnS l~ug wh um In n t'le ecuutmus,-lsîi'. icj:' igm Iler thf e nîepart iii et t mnnune mnutitCm day>jsa 140drng11.yunb im 'oy tic government seo fac a S 1le uiri-f îrC,,- rios f -Iactmi -f i I ii it ut cuhi"in a. - i tli 'nilcl .tii t ii ilI uc î titPsi fu uf-ilns -'fi î'ceîmi i ui' tsîrauî'pyî tontraI o! animal îîîbcîucm.s ii w; îu liviatef0steIok h utu-i uaîfî iiil ninired 107.10. 1'l'---mi uîatu~~ouiuitlmnre iîîo b îil olattu cf tll fu' n.uuinnd.'I ale-lfî aiprnrs concenicl. -Comress irerentl>' tIi'e News,- foi, iîîuiy yI'i's. ,vt'i il In tfch sie 1 ts it ex îpeditsttitlib i iuc'or U ocm ' '7.lntuuus iî-eîc l foilci;ie l nii ua ctîn slo iig fi uaedmue aproprate a amîla h -tats frtont apcn-lait lost " dà4 > a-nl- ok îd~ffy<,utls rtei~c of tSîe aod 2082 as- tilopi to îua-uiîce, v ai Ja den andout cf uan d amage re ree hroits frad e 'patnersipad a o t- ndr s h c o _iiiîcjý Tfu_ feda -m la aîîp e fi e talan :dha-i l'it l.o i n ot l ad Tii'toni ahIil fi Mr niat intenvi ,lkiIiscipns ,sl.pae rSucs prite $1On,( sp000uly foto 14i tllitt. I vsi r genctonarni f Croaio eun rcntr Illioctld c u r sacs vl i ptus n b e lin sthei -ý Fiile luii unia-se tii'; unon fiat miii( mîîtoor riesn wlf f- or. slcknca. Noic à.,l beir roi.wutc' n