CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Mar 1919, p. 11

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LIBERTYVILLE. INDEPENDENT, THIVRSDAY, lMAlICH6, 1919. PAGE E rlRWOPEN TUE SMNUI1AV IN"UEST ONneORfil- r ,wletr teIl I '< T N-OR4 apring costume% weodeai. modite ler-or 5a ER SAULR 1MOSS etrs% lng draw. o mny 1 Naval Authorities Invite News- th. e tvere la. C jpaper Men and SaiIor's dry goui:t" Ir Friends ta Attend. dowf-witb ýAISE DOUBTON SUICIDE. a 51 e l it lIl I f estreet coetim- G Tie threalened clash o f te naval of French bluý litevdian auGtitiii.-. ot-r tc --aw t r 1 e o t 1 n e F lier Saînut'i Il. m<,oeuroit'. Wlio con. - deca sotartsi Milted suitcide-on ;atirday in Cai.- bloas:soutache si ilasi, j jumping frot an Edison brald I o ope d about. a Peler buiding .itdo,% ft r being que.~- Pans collier white swan akin. andî lonedt ly naval i-'litgence offcers, deep, Il0e utilea or the rneoitd l C atra.Tii. sort velvet tanm bas probably lias ie-n tverted by Lite SUCH au air! actiotn oftlie fiai ai authorîtttistarît lbrowing tlosn taie bars. for a ca- r, blele itiesttgatilt. i îr Lt Cotmmander lo.ît~ -' FCN.LS A. Lve ollti- 0 or rat lîk- Na % Iî& u F M tra:ining station, ît -lt urea ESTATE AI UAII3gJM epen lit- Ittîttesltoc. tings ;tu a . au uewbpatpet .-tt e and r.-r,enttvem A^«M oê muAM VqR C Ithe deatîlmanfamualy.Frai ed De- de - yN Oteli, an ittrnc *yy.wtîo aîîpeared ate Preat iakt'v, in btliait of the deuil Ittî tl! ~ al t aîîTî itFebruary 27, 1919. Wlti-.i. tI,, lîîî-tr'îllî-Vflt Ih~ Joli.W. Barwe.. ta Theo. avrn luredwitImd ard tilitirlng autotirte ~s E cor Cayton and Genesce -St- ride Wauk..gan. W. t>. $10. eide îî'l Li.tlil i IA t- lHuok and wife tu hUH.ILiîr . tolete jl1jdifionlie tiiltcse . " lot In N E 14 Sec 23 Warrer. Twp.. takenltiIdt lOiit ast h W. ù. 10. malt, a . tti ît-ti-tl hat i> at an M. Leber f0 E E. Detîtîan litd-forcehhein ta land i sie, lot 13, block :1.Wicf III -Il hiiii- ~att elott-hm lednto Lbertyalîlle, W. D. $10. Mie t, (.iý U' "'4 0a-tire, die]. tin P. C. Rode to Annie J. Rose lot. JatIs .a itel>recuit dat rday. 1and 2, block 6, Wright's addn t'u Hei t. o~ - t on Thavd at whult' .Lbert ville, W. D. $0. He %ý O Thrsda whli, C. W. Chandler &cdl wifo ta J G. bis ettait:- i,2thltiof a ecirilian. le Demorest and virfe, W 70> feet of r- lu& sutihi: ,î y ;a~, idun lsej2o feet lot 5, Mller'a Stsbdn o! lot lItu î,.t I uiercoaf or lialTae 49. Lake Forest, W. D,.1110. domesntl, i,. .uecameor bat.îThot Katharine Sobuh, to, E. jF. Wilson, :doen't f li cam wiling-12) acres in N W 1-4 sec 1, Lberty- 1Y -I:.11 v îacttf ia ille,'W . lo. 0 ad-tlj, a dinO.lNaseo itz .ya Bet*A ta 0Charles Finkel. U Maale lii asi ~tat) a30 reit lotit25 to 28. block 15,.%%a,!;- ;nleai , 1.. i .-anîta) bis dellibuu ar North Chicago, W. 1). briL, h,- .îo i di,charges. Monlomt .i.i ai rî 1'irti. r ior ie peit I grata ol iln t . o i %al rc me oit-î~ iii îiirîg te dy ~ of lantd norfh of Grand Ave. andi weït Crîal ii îs;ingtia.îre ttay'-il yof Nilwaukee rosed lu osec18, Wauke- Crea rýsli-, in are ownsihip, W. Il $111 the " ýt;', r.. of to î - :11 ai c. I.W-î.and waite to N. S . N caie',, r. fort rogrt a h' h.A.and ltuta Humberg. -at 2ft r,>It-ainr rf ' W 41 ft lot 12, block 2, Original Whoî 'id Ilîclî Tire- tit r 1*asi t- fro%%an tj.rpnt»r ofWauliegan. \lat Tîose sytll In ,t. Adlati Shafferi and 'tife t T. J sl]ti v te I'ilrnnGaii-.url Stalil, W 55 rit,(eIx -862 Il f 8IS 3 n 1 'I T \arkowsii.and bock 8, N W alai, Waukegan, W 1) -Wa>î- I if p as -Iîtlrtt$0 ýOf Il. '4- li tI ilîiTta tyttin mit L G. Yoe to Mary A. & J. G. wain- .Cy -m iî5 r ,.-.t..MOt4~ovLZ. Wrght. lot 16ia IWadaworth suli.,au- .e :îîit Il ' r' o *ovîîj tr ikegan, \V $1. 1 wtas .ttt .'aitl- loc hriad durtrieFran'i Wîodeskf-y & wifP toa.los- i, Il I il 1bten reporfed ,as epliJohns-on and i wle. lot C and iti he reg. .Iltl leate. but ini- 1-2 lot .. block 1. Nison.i aulî on So. a ailrt-cilied ItisIde, Waukegan. $. d '-sy t,- ai, l'-ared teJis ate i laekmer and lîusband -t n le 1< ...'..y t h h ai ta larry %Iaznanian, lots 19 andi I,> BIîtsrtow's soîlihAv'- eub ';.u- kegan , W. 1). $ 100. - -----February 28, 1919 ,RADIOM1ESSAGE %'e.Srgrad wf ol.D Spear, lot lit in 'ub of lot 1>-").tRd- SENT 100 MILES vmosepli Koetner io Lu-rnceF~tii- F ROM fiT. LA1(ES $ ui ottCi~gi Lt-e Metonnugli and wifete)bSiîî ila ;--, ri ipIIotir <ommuniesa-al ti 1(C-., re7tt. on Shtertdan rit..î 111111 Ip,1 r-.Tli '-Naval Train h b4.09 fil. W on] Madison s. ;ei N tnv, larronitt-, ii.' idt-lon th îe W cor -Sheridan rouatiand MNadl iii1 i nî-,i tiv OfJ W*il el t wirele6.-a st..Witukt-ait. W. 1).$11.00 tiatot ilii .ilii îîîîîîiOrf tpit t- lati.- tani or La.kte lo. I .V nicitail '11w 'it- liTe T -t lr p.- lelti, lot . Grpen Ia 1h h i i 1) is' t-, -i tttiliil ril i. ra-kForest, 1) 10. lii- tnli'rsia ujîtt alki lt~ l-.mat-ch t, 11 l;-at latiii.. t ,y t lv radito tek - Auniet'A. I>ct.,r .t.o . ,itî. pitotiv. Itîl theîî[alle r ,iiîa -r ;:a - and %alte. S9 Iarr.FK of Il FI W 1, lîîî îeli-griiTi iti-î'tîa i e s tflot -c tou( n Nit N 1,'i1S slK 7, ai-I 7l ti- id i.- -q .--oi>ily I'aftin tires ,15 One o! TwsMin's Meroes. loaitt aiTvl-nu Il ted Ii g9ýfril eot tau- One of Matirk Ti, aInt*ifati l'Ia' tliotit ýti- otpeiteaTi th-,- Preienl ntn" wgiiil t levt titi. . î--irlnJ T1t tilee. 'lic-iîii r adio stattiti. ithoite ishi>at-rt' w-vIlni1iiit-lvT g 1 i.ti, s î;rafeîl li. tit- îhyics de- te cliitetr. lit rite 11011 lz thait krfîîîîîît,., vWeil e-îuppt-d for att at-r-"Inure ne- 1,4 ivi lttfir'l-e sorta of t-p(rimnl wI Aork itn ra.ilio. grade %%ho n t Iri-îl ii-liliisi il ttl-l itt' r telîgrapiîy. all --andI ia, tt'il)litg iiintroi. o geil i t gri t- î ti-iiarit wot i i.- leîtg arlie(l n hlti for ie ilissî-ttItg itt- Oiti Hier the- ois pi-opte trftlinîihal lh- \ ;.i'illli a--W.I luot. ' ali<-i .-isaitl rhitneil "îInjtur e " P- wtt'jt tutu hiiîtli lo - iil-i ail aititi nlcl ,-i I negno wîto ]ale] ti ten t. altti- îi ii i bali fo ti ta" as éacillatftr onodîia- lPIrittictvit- Itrne n r -I it1c'ttî "ht toir il ,-gilattng thie aerlal wavt'a In lbislire ecatiIt in nm1inl tîiaNîrk hasi ee-nIIy 1)1-eII des iscd by l'of, TiYtti and bis pais a-len tivpluyityl . 71- rn> - of the- University, a d ltooikey frota scholies nd vtnt ta.ell- airimprtat frlo In"rtin e.iverm.Pays.un exajîntuge. 'l'len "I. jeu, Il toci a ttttl row t he bout fîon thtim trie..'tint tî nie a s ot. Large Consuler District. When sotitne tolet i m Snt(lt-ut l'ho Antung coansuls.' dtrict com-' ens hall "put you In a lmook" tndl pises thie southeastern section Of ai%.edlminte fpocloaspitctune lu- Mtaneliurla and le asot twlce as large hilt-il "Injure lot." te rtenitelîratcten as Vermont. lit la moutsîanousls grlnneil frott enr en eut"' aiîle]4%t.i titouglout; Its sperse populailonl 5 tgroutd of Il. almosit entlrely rural;' and, except a 00me section ofrtie Souitt Mai- RemarkableCiOpay Funerai. rhurla railwsy that traverses If lu the. Jazz flirteraimouale andi three nantrai- souti,, and the Tain river, liscaStr eras 8gnalizedth ierounerai procession bnutndarv, the olv msns of commnst- a i ngpy ni Adelalde, Aurînalin. ne- NAVAL BRIBE SOY OVERbkAWN, BAS- SET REPORTS Commandant Says that Sailor Leaped to His Death-Few Men Paid Moiîey. WASIIINGTON. la. C.. March 4.- C4pt. Bassatt, execative omncer aticL1-1 Great lAkes Nasal Training etation. peportt-d tu Secrft ary Dan I8 t oda ' liai the jrinleti jKport.i rcgarding he arresfs at that station wcre"i-- sational and gro-c-ly exaggerated - 'Capt. I3assett's nepoitsanys: "Referring fa your telegnain. tI'-" 't-porta car>ed in the' news.,papt-r a'- coufitii e.caggerafed tite tacts. Mo,4to(- vitz andi another man wlio hati iati financtal dealingsinw connection wWi1 releases were rer-alied tu actie dîtty for investigationi. 'WIleP beîng ques- ioned In tht- aid tar iniorinafion of- lice In Chicago M1o-ùcotlz attermptdu suicide i'v jutmping frîtîi a wittd,î- anti died sevenal iîours later in a "An lnavttgation shtow. i laf ol. a fcw enlîsteti men were irîsoiiu and that tht-y evîdently accepl i-i tnoney under tala,. prefefis a-. 5 far fia ev idence lias liten iointi tT any man lias- been dî.î-lam v,,îl titrouga frauti. ApiparenG,- thi is aIl a pctty affain aetasfional.îIz,, flie ,Uicfge o! Moacovt-Lz.' Relier fleuringa. Experintents ltu perfect atiirig that %vouild %%lîlîstnnql lthe hti-ti 't rain- of a lit-ii>' nnît'mltilei]l lutheI'dis- cover>- of the <tnicpll' îîiîiî i-i Ttht dei-eloitTient(if t telIIatIt î--Tîr -aIv Jing. I.> juilri % .tele 1311tîT. 1l-- venlar. w44 l iliiitilnh'i bils tu-un-h fit., )iitiTt , i r .,îr les ln iieui1ililtv tiîutrig iuit' .hiiiiid bilI tIon of tliî-ii't fl-xiii.r'tllirIii-ariîg. Deatti Rate ln Europe. 1lai normalitlmes Stockhiolm. f'hrlstl- asila, Berlîn anti I.oOf. il teorder named , iîte lte lowet denthlitrtes aînong lthe Etiropean cîties. Unel.e£ben. qtoîi'. aldi Uu-eîe IEr. lis înighty mîsîentlît'. Dte man tint Is iable TIo interin de hîgges' auience ai' allus gineter gi de mion' votes.'* the t'obbery as he says the $50 and the $100 L.iberty Bond which werc taken from him od flnot beiong to, Jîinî le irnî.ily yhad agreed t ti e- îîosit thent for a relative, be ga> a, and now lie a il lie obllRed t0 woî k and roakp up thelo't "It will ta'ýe rw- Iwo year-. to sa%- enough money to make up the loss. lie Said. ilus oniy satisfaction i Iliat lic was able to deal te roi>). rt a& fi-a telling btows before- le wa. l'ut out of commîi.Sion. TliINKROBBEIy - MAY HAVE' RESULI- El) FROM "TIP-OFF"ý Authorîties are Making Effort ta Locate Assailants of Eli Kankovioh. VICTIM MUST REPAY MONEY In ,eeking the four men %hlo ut- lacked. stalibetianîl robbed Kit Kan- kovicit of Waukcgan af Ilighihond Ntondity night the auth~orif h's a rt %vorking oatethi îeory flai tht' a» -ailants hot i Ieu "tippeti oif' thai hankat cli Itatia iarge surt of m on. ty on bIs persan.1 lh'liepoitnt w-lie he fT at t 1k T mi il place, according ta flie authonIbic". is the place a-lire a nîttnber of si- mlar hold-ups have taken place. J'I'ey nny tbat a number of pt-îles- Irian,. anti even autornobiles hart: affaîr is tfiele iti. liowet'r. iiaf la-,; ocîcurned ln soma urne. Kankovicli feels very badly at-jut Good Ends Requin. Gocd Mons. Let no man tam n nlde. et-cm ao slgltly, trom te brondth f ho!ionor, on the- plnusible prelense taI le la justJfied by the gootiness o! bis endi. AIU gooti ends eau lie îorked ouftliy gooti mens. Those that cannaI, are itnd; and mnay be counteti no St once. and lefi alone-Obnrles Dickens lu "Barnaby Butige" Two EFiafi Dus Toilai iudge Edwards ln circuit court ihiïa aternoon ordereti a decre ln the divorce coite brouglit by Mrs. Alire Mann against ber hutbani, James Mann, a former Waukegan al- demman. The divorce was granted on fli,' charge o! desetinion. Mnin la saiti to be soamewhere ln Wiowcn- sin at flie present trne, juaf -wlere, bisi wife doea flot know, - Evidence s-as taken Tueaday a!- ternoon in circut couurt liefore Jutige Edwards in fithe iarce action shicli Mm re. arI Toapa o! Wauke&an brotiglit apainst luir hîtithanti. an agent af flic Nortli Western depot at Lake Forcst. Jutige Zdwards sîgnedth le decree lofe fhls ffer- faon giving Mmii. Toops lump ail- mony o! $470 anti $25. per r.onth for 'IL innîl, strfltng April 1. Mr. Toops i. tl fot confeaf ithe case. Novel Experiences. DîtI you t-ver chante 10 sec n sword Ilui, a bottle Ay, a tone fence. a cnt nip. n bed spring. a malîl race. corn prlrk up its ears or a polafo wipe Ifs eyes? Or hove you ever li efi novel expi-rience o!fliearlng a bîrcli bark, a pillIow lick. or a ltree top hum? aube Gos Logic.

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