Tian10à20-The Real' Kerosene Trictor mookyarso espnand taes o stkjuuewght. *Tian10-20 bapmovd itaSff taCe lth erni hiuseu hector, Dot nier.Iya gaolin. tractor with keraot ae atac- e np& youl b. Win e. k...sh." imd" Ttan 1020 0hs aromeoUnde- ail od.cttn fuel blD in hal Ir»10-20 recogd, provte&..YMu a=ta vrw«ut«,. HM à la-Titan 10-20. SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY We Are Originators of Low Prims THESE ARE EVERY DAY PRICES f PORK jLAMB IPork Loin W a8t,sn1al1, 30c Leg of larb...... 28c tPork Butts, lean..28c Lambt h soîlder ...25c Salt Pork....... 25C Lm se VEAL ... 0 Pork Saueage, 1li nk, . -.0c Leg of Veal1........ 28C Sîîarioltihs, f resh .. 2oc. Veal shouidter .... 25c BEEF 'Veal stew ...........20c Best cut round steak. 28c Breakfast bacon. .... 45c Best rut sirloin .... 3c Heavy bacon ,....... 40c -3cBacon squares ... 32c Btf 5J ras....22 Cala liains...........2!5c Fresli groîînd beef. .,. 24c, Balogna sausage .. 20c Sugar eure<I corn beef,22CIFresh Iivtersaîîsage ..20c SWe have the most complete line of Saltod, Spiced, Smoked and Presh Finh for Lent- in the c ity. Frto'li Halibut steak. .30c'Fresli wliit'e ff- . ... 25c Frtý.-Ii 'alinon té.-ak ...30c Srnal1 white tisli. . Zoc Freeli lakv trout -. . 28c Fl"i ~hlake ei trcî....4c Smoked Salmon., Holland Herri.ng, Norwegian Her- ring, Spiced Sardines, Spiced Snielta, Salt Mackerel. We have iresh vegetables, cauliflower, leaf lettuce, ripe tomnatoes, now turnips, green onions, radiabes, rheubarb and cabbage. Arnîioîîr's ( tat-. srnnll, lQc' pkgs for......25c Toasted tcoriLtiakesi, ,)25c Ivory soa,lai-e .. I lc Grapjîr-îts. , ..loci Ivory t3,ap), small. 6c Waslihg îowdler, 5 10 Ihs4. grali. tîga,- $1 .00 GEORGE M.. LANE KAISER BUILDING L IBERTYVILLE, ILL. RATES-10 Cents par Lime n..Ecl, Inertion. 0coe bs «Mi. îmCharge --------- ------- b----- a: bs. a.e e~~ Libertyville Newsi MONEY TO LOAN - j ON 1l you knowtof an item of local interest, kindly telephone No.i' " '" L K C I1Y A M P MI@s Margaret Wells la n0w employed Once every en olten Lihertyville le Armenia Relief AND ON ln thbe telephone office. viited by petty bawgiarê. The rohherles No country beaidée the (Joliet] States ACCE T B E V L A E P O R Y C. E. Carroll la serving on the jury M o0f tonday nlght ýhave the écime ear bai the food, the clothlng, the medical IE T B E VL A E P O E T Waukegan this week. %-ý 1 mark@suai rbat bpppened two years âgo, supplie@ needed to keep th. 3,950,000 Henry Englebrecbt returned froin the only thlis Urne It was Dot seoeticeefull. huwan belage al,. mndt well. The. only MeAtiter bompital Friday. . it doem out bave the look of professilonal organlzed relief work lea1Intth. bande of We invite the inquiry of those cleiring t L A Wakerof lootngale Ilich burglare but appesrs to be the %ork of the American Commttee, and thie bas t L. A Wakerof loomngile.Mlc., ome home talent and sûooer or later been truc for forty menthe. The local bro oe o otrpaelprhss~ leaietlg a te omeofFrd ains. moeor tipaent ae oin 1 b wokrs narl 40 n nmbrar St Lawreorcth parends oe newDgpioplrtieorrfornethe 400plnvement, or St.Lawenc Ouldwill bolli a bakery contronted witt lbtafct tha& their boy' 1Anericans, and nearly ail volunteersofnwp petsorhei rvrin r saie Saturday, Marcb 8th at Wlrund'a waa caughî lla the t. Pet Fleming, wlthout oalar:-. Armenia ulta its stocking Up of present holdings, or for the store. Who @tols the meebine the @&me Dlgbt, etarvlng women and cbuîdren câlis for George Raton han returued te Liberty dent@@ any knowledge of the crime, and aid. Your local Committe. wlillCalrnwlo an ahgde ville atter bfis Duâta wlnter vieit la perhaps ha leaflot lhe gullty one for Ifl le opon you durlng the week of Marcb 10. Florlda. wer, ho wonld mlot have bain content Mir, and Mirs. tri Andrew of Oak Park, witb the [DoreYltilingof theeedrwr UNION EVANISELISTIC SERVICES Prompt Service at Reasonable Ternis spent tbe week-end witb tir. Aadrew's but would bave takten other things. as parente. there werS plenty 0f volumible uhînge By Methbdist & Preebyterian Churches' A. C. Drier of Calumet. tiich , wos la beides »aon5ylo b. Carted] off, eopeclally Begining Sunday Evening: March 16 I T he Firctl N a ional B an Libertyville on bueinees for several days w ben he hiait a machine to carry t hem» ln. ____ ~8 bi week. At the Commercial Club lest Thuraday Rev. 0. A. Lampbear, the Weil known Mr@. Hoakine la attendlng the National evenlng, tune bune»e men of Liberty ville i pmtor.Evangelist' will &@@lst the, Libertyville, 111. Council of Defense convention at the belli a meesting for the betterment of: paitors ln a nerls of meetings that have' Morris Hosel. Liberty villeand discuesed the ad violbility been deflnltely planned by o joint com-. Capital, Surplus and Prçfhts ............... $68,000.00 Glentirefrm akeAlemn'alin.ol bavlngaaspeclal "'getto-gether" sale mittea of the two churches. The uleet- - Oianlgm ro' Jae Alemns en.day among lhe merchants. lTue plan mi'. whlch wlllbegin onSundayevenlng, co.1p: 872 eggs ln February fro'» 24 adoptedwoaiefdrtlb.merehanWtsetotake tiarch l6tb osîli COntl»w' altemnmtely --- -_____ SWhte Wyandotte putiets. lOcal advertisements and circutare ad- onewek ait eachchurch. The firpt week Tbere wlili Le two U~nion Prayer meet. NO TICE tir. and tirs. Noel Duranit have retur». vertling te bring- the people of Lake 1 atethwe M. E. cbureb and the nudt week nsbfrthseem'fTl Eagi- 1wl oa heLkCutyNtoai a d to Libertyville and are maklngc thelr Conoty ta Libertyville to make ther at the Prebytertan. lg eoeSesre fTu»Eagîi sî eatteLk 'nyNto. home wlth tirs. Fora, Durand. prcass.This novel echeme ha. ho.» Commtt.ee bave ho.»appointe] toti ehrc edtt ne a ee byteMrcha121; nt hglurt îunoice tel aes iar 8 f Ell Triggs bai juet retuarnod trom au triei out la the south and hume prove» a look alter tb. various phases Of tb. the second at the Nltioi,t clînrtl,,towneship. eteddtripeledrtags ex&@ during grjt uccoesno theiiie :rchats of work and tIna few daý a Lv. Lampbear îbnreday evenlng, &Mârch 1319-2 . L. lracber, slit oil.ýtoi Mir. and tirs. L. H. Whitney speut The main obWec of the three day sale, polnted by the churches and arrange MEIG0 ARBAD ~ . ~ Atne o sis Sunday In Chicago ,ith Jrs. Wltneys one montb ototry andcompete osltb moreelefluitely the EvangelistieCcam.- ETIGOFADRBAR .J.ieUDCEAtoneyNoTIE.tt tinter, tirs. Sprlngate anid famlly. the mai]1 order bouses ln Chica. ed te paiga. Rer. Lamphtasr has hee» a pastor Atma meeting of th, Fi-ard of Dîrectors public Notice Io hereby si% en thsit th Subi. MWss Eleanor Smith, tir, Meyer and show the people of thîs vl71lntty that ut SeVerail large churches for litteen years Of the Lake Counti fair Association, seriber Admini-stt 0 f the Egtateof Michael tir Rd» o Chcao, ser gusteofthey can reesive jat as good hargalrs and nnly wosnInto îheevangelleslti lds Februasry22, aicommîttee.os a ppolnted ourtof Lekeuave .t tens tahe eo o e .1r.Ebn f a.ao h t ueét o ours t o ae CfouKnon Wsukte t eg ôIo W. W. Carroll and fammiy Sundasy. ln Lbertyvillesaitie'»mail orderbh:uffsee -mue fe ti hecali ut (bd ta do so; te revIs. the constitution and hy-las ile tte outHuei aks uffer and bat they oili have thîs I but bavlng been a pawtor bis, ojok le and the prembinr list lu order that l i » County ou the OMS Monder Of Aarita Jaet betore going te prese the lIee advmntage for thiy coin ses oshat tbey goepeclmlly Constructive along th@. lîne of same may ho hrought up-to date. Delt. 1919. wlîsn and chere 9il tersons havifif hiotor Company gives ns the startllng are buying and do net have to purchase p8atar8 work. Concerning the gond A commttai, on, adverttling sas ma iscsn in lust aui ad Estate are notified mnd te. newoe that (bristopher Colui4.bus la dead. on approal plan. Furtber anouaice- wOrk 0f1tir. Lamphearln hie evangellsticapitdt aeedecareo h use dpe'settesiet I or i Mise Dorotby Sehanck Io recovsrling ment@ Th get'oc muh fsl forts mmong the churches, thefollowlng ad etisng wrk for 1919. JOHN M. tlo.'R.Aanisatre an attnck of pleurisy. Sh. bas been COu- e111 appear In the columuls ut this palper. article le taken trom an easter» paper con- A motion osas pased at this meeting Elstate of Michael (iuerin. deeasseel. fined ta ber home for the pat two liespîte the loclement oeather lait cerning bie recent osork ab Rathoro, Pa : 10 Pend a ropresentative ta the state > eaIlFbur2.119 vrteeke. Friday evenlng a large nuom ber of people A C isle uineagl at '»-a meeting Februmry 26th and 27th. Harry M ro. Roset Taylor and ber three cildren attonded tbe enterbainmeut given under palpnaiat Hetborao,!Pa., under the lead, r. Roause oi Ar-&, Vms seut te this meeting are expected lu arrive Thureday for a the auspices otlie P.T. A. lu the htgh sblp aiEvangeliet G. A. Lampbear, ai teoreprenent the Lake Couuty Agrlcultura NOTICE *montha vilt wtth relativesand frlpind@ echoo)l udtarium. Al tic nuimbers woae Evanston. Iil., closed on 8uda e 'Snp ociety. pubic notice Io hereby pire» that the iln Lbertyvîlîs. 1 exceedlngly well glveu and greatly Fehruary 9tb. The Baptiet and ti el itwoas decded to include anewsdepart Ot Inlstallmeat ut Specifi Assentiment Thenr are Dow eigbt maximum osar 1o1î.ýoyed. The vorious grades fro'» the tiethodisiî churches united for the move. .art ut Buy@ aad Girl@ Club Waorta. C. No. 8 for a ceoer system nirilia. village oe savlîp meber, wichle uetton lir 'gramarenbol resut.d cterI fliment. Thore oser.fiy or amore decisions C. Turner of Gurnes wae eplpolntod Llbert>ville le noos due ad payable &li ceut ut the nmbr curlîed ui u t he daper nd a as eboo rsuich choc d oln' idilreconaecratio»s. The oshole toc nditrector ut tht, dopertinent. the office of tLe Village U,ýlcfor. Tta ertîrq yoasr ut 1918. drilIng. Roctatione werc giveon hy Paul 1 w elltrred and the Influence utthie work Iliosas also decîdeil that Presîdent hboos wll hocloteod prorn1;Iy On Martsh Far]t tor!ett eayki filât he dld nuotrnrd Ray, Jr, Catherine (Gritlly, NSishl o.asdeep and wide. A (Sue spirit ut Fred Gratihe sbould aset as chairman af 20,1919ý. the i1 OT and the broken windoos, but Bnnett, Evelyn Goldenb. rg, EddIe Park- u"ity prevled, and the reviva l ire@ wtll the rasiug commaitle and select bis oc» Lyell Il Morris, Villag~e Collector. C. @fo ie hiel eolbs neos pipe, thon huret, Erma Hafeman, and Walter Ilure, flo t soon go out ot %heme churches. Trhe asststant4e. Ijuin-6tu Match 20 hecasoppi'medBlance Trageaccomiaold hyMiesevangeioteptured the heurt@ ut ail the The Boasrd of Ilirectore dectded su pmy ______ claies meeting 0uthîe D4e l ipha HRude H as,Lp,,sang a pretty solo "The eureue hodae tovscrîlcMr. ansud il bcci ut alI hlas noig W' E o P -T * hm C ofl' the Meihodliet tSundey echool tPussy V%%illo>w@." The GilsChorus, ioorfoutestnic trtv. p.lat Bento-P. E. Welton. -vory day et W, Dufdeor'etnic wdrfrntcheitarotntonrsucive Ail ueraîters tare very entbuslaetic lt tre î» waehld at the houe ut Mie@ Floreance udr1ledrcino r.Foyd Gaumer Ifiet îogau erehpechrieadu e11 ar e storteoy loî.Ted Lamuon Tuedey cveung. gave croral numbers oaiph wers very el ton.n Vrlm ralgr eadngte11 aiLr. akn, n Frta ry at ullC. 001Crdays I vil recelvp.d. The Albente» socîoty o ho helieveo the fJld Book, and preaches W.__.____________ WýandFilsort.làol te " meetî' g lu honor of NemI Dow t ethîe, pIay .-nltled ThelrLordsbipti" ail Close: accoste &ht atteution nofrue», osîntheîr ADAntoci-l,. B. Cric. Evsry day boume of tirs. M. R. Miller on CokAve,, ' cofidience ad oint@ ieat hris. l Unloil C u-a atronMahi who took 1part lnterpretîng thelir roIes R> hii uAILROi A D CROSS-Atoli e mmTe(a atriu, irhI.with uîîarktodattlity. Addltlonal usical.Tlic Poentecostal Servicàs eascb atternuon G aken l-at te lla Baak J udgt iParsons. ut tht J uvenille Court unahs ero ceglven hy the High Echool are a eirong teature oI hIé work. iny LaitcSVila-Lak1Vill lu et easekegan, le tLu$eask this evtnlng &rhoe'ra and tht HlghScbool Chorus. churelh that comete under tht touch out lbÀ M NACETO vonCyTas.day, ilîrayslant th Pelitoiiichrh.fi tîItell TIe larg, ,roosd oshiciattended thie stl uclyLepule t aPU LI S FE Y .....Round Lake hiik Vedres. of u hie osork lu the Juvenîlle Court. 1rogram lmevcudontut a the osîde Interest uoslevel ut spirItual powier. P B I A T day and F'rlday.' * Dr. and 'Nire. Alpha B. Appleby and whI l ioing tll:t ln Libert ville Public h oko h@ no futI Warren-R. B. Strous Fentîon& e ~~~~Libertyvilla hi ludeed muet commeudable ibaêvteWsiunsStore,, Monda:.. Wedneu. Ssut, %% adsworvih. o ho have made their echole anid the P. T. A. Is 'ta he cou- Residents of Lbryil Should s" ' 5hume uCook Ave., duringl)r.Appleby'e gra til ated ulon ttAsuceeeful wosIa nd u uldtheentîcou munb aly.Le Mak aday and Saturday. v* tevio t he- stLake@, kitt Lberty- whîIch tLey- precuted Lb. work af thetepeo te nie omnb. h aeaVigol'ous Protest hed- osB.Hr. Eei service et th1 - -c. _,,i,,,ietu of alo.. Crsib 1,.. an1,.,.,i.... .k,,,Aho._________itelrst National Bank, Lake Plis el- * ~~AT Z~ffl55i~~ jF OR SALE-lblemouî1l, catcheseandt ESTATEDJjS, + Jewelr3' on ar-lit, 20 Ion cent ducu FORSAL-Chlcere»dene lt@ nmad 10 per cli e a moLli. Rcy R. FOR ALE-Lub.rosdenc lot onYeomnan, 111 Nonfb u tieeseet , Wauke- McKinley Ave. tir GOrimes. 2-4 peu. t i bave soitn@ ver) tSi,,up-todatehouue'e at rl" frm $,700.$3,00,$4,00FOR SALE-Fuli brel Red4-PoIs B3ull. Bt riee toîn$2iOt. $000 $400 18 munti>, olit.osristle. 'A guad $4,700. $6100U. e7 50O ho $,.AIl berd bull. Hiltop Fer'». Phonue Lberty- moiter»n ncely located. wbich i uhaü' ville 2934J-2. 10-2 b. plebeed te show yon et anyttme. ________________ Edwiîn Autin Phont 16, North Short 'Is. M8ELJL.I" OUB euesCo. ti ___________ TO TRADF-Tiiree acres, fe»ced,' CEMENT SILO STAVES-We bave eleared for orange grove ln Floride, tb. cesmpest and bLest silo un the da, near mal» lins for $200 or for I.-market. Bonse '»oîing, bouse ralin.g dieu.jfuis or visat have you ta ofer? Zion instituis and Industries, Dept. 4 Y.' A. 8. MerCer, 21018 Ezekiet avenue. Zion CIty. I11. Phone 49 Zion CiLy. 2tt ?lAM OIy. 12-6t 1 FOiR SALE-Two cho e building lots, 50 It eecb; loti 18, block 1, ou MUKIiiiel Ave., hall block west of IMlwankee Ave., soutb front, sldenalt and shade. Al api. .Wod for water and i. Lot 100i 217. Prim. 81400. Invetigat. and write me, good termie. E. J. Higley. Gntbrie, Oki.. 74 WANTED-Female belp at Camp Perry. -Apply at Camp offie. 2aJ WANTED-Meonorromen La takeordere arnong fiends and acigibors for the genuins guorantesit booiery, full lins for msa, Vomin and eildren. Eliminatee darnlng. We pay 50e anonriparetlime orf$24a wesk for ful ltIme. Experience unnecessarv. Write. International Stock- ville Saturday. Last Saturday the Boy Scoute trampod out to tl,elr cabin lai Casey'sosuoode. W'e hear that they bail a fine time and ans lad osîlI tell you chat talling tbrougb thi. iee le some experieuce. The pustuffice thîs week lesnied aforcigu '»ouey order lu ho sent ta Bethlehem, Jeruqale'». Palestîne. This ls the fireti order of this kIud relat bai ever b..» lssued from tLiiofafices Mb@ Mirlette iashburn of Waukegan, bas accepted tht poeltlou asefourtbgrade toaciier. Mis Wahbhuru ls a graduate of DeKalb Normal Seboo! andt bas Led several years teaciiing taperisace. On page 4 uf thîs Issue osIli b. found the tour columnadlsplair advertisement of W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. This enter- prlslng 1cmIrinteuffrlng epecial Indues.. mentes to buysrs of blgblai mechan- dues. It osiI pai au700 r, e" thle bd- vertisement carefuily. Dleit, in France, Febrnmry 141h, Lina Nesi, third son of AadroV and Ells Neisb. The yauag mon wai a nepiew ut tir@. W. C. Miseand bai bien ia tie service for sorne lime. Aside trou lb. f-te ht dath waàd. t nano- i FOR eAt.E-Miy Pure Brui Holstein fouNUSli. Norrisloosa, Pa. 88 no partieuîanu beri-sire, 8 Ire oIt; itom's record 23 1FARM WANTED-We bave cash eus Little Loroh poisebutter st 4 yPO' oIt. Sire 83 tomer for oasmailafam ou lat.. Bond dangi'îsr of M poonn grandson of Ring Segle. Corne teil partienlars. Ch"s. Baumana & Con. wa laIeto t atdme o fbé gtr. iloi 8065 Lineoln Ar., Chicago, fil. 94 Friday morai aéaItebotter lion hait priS. Oase _____________________ aunoperarion. pure -bred Durce Jersey Boar trou a WANTED-Glrl or wooan for gimerailolng trouble,1 Uittar of 16 pile. E. J. Glas. Prairie bOuseVOr saI OoUBtI Faim. Wages Vlhh pneamaal View, Libertyvîlle pion. 258-R2. gf17 per Veek. Phone 2114. 92 lion. 8h. l la - -- ---- - +' FOR _BAL COWS FOR SALE--Su heavy spring. ors J. P. (tuerln, Phono 265-M-1. 6-8 FOR SALE-Two fnll blood R. C. R. L. Red Coekerels. F. R., Box 61, Lake Villa. 10.1 Want. Fer sale. ta@ à% inthe INs OSPENDIENT mata 5Me pefl a FOR RENT-Four or ivemoder roome. Sairab Uoudrey, Are&. 10-4 WANTEO-À youesggirl between 18 and 15. to work mornînge and alter achool. Springs Restaurant. 10-1 The Independenre two.color nue. Mlon poster la the moSI attractve maie bill. Together wlth an ad là The independent It la the moit effeç. tîve method of advertlslng and brlng. ing buyors to iaisle. Prompt and arefui service la our alm. Tic Rarthi a baofmiles @0 dedlet dma Btai Deporiu on Wedneeday Intendent of P 6. Blair, U. superintendez man of tie &À take part ln ti Millter of Lit teomber of tht put two yeaî a bave bie e brnai. lune Boiker, four iear oit ir. and tMr@. Henr7 Baker, ) b. MoeAUtaer bospital lait bnip Viere e@ho underweat î.Tb@ devîloputent of aime follooslag a esvere 111nes mil neemsaedt tibiaopera. rnproving nilei. ara shool, lueted ons and anuti of, Lib.rt-vtle la tu b. a Supertor sebool na1der lie nent of Publie Instruction W, Marcb, 12. filate Supe Publie Inîtruclon, France . H offman, Aselatfnt eul and Samnuel Iesul, cbair. 4ate Caunell 0f DefenSe, wlIl the exenciai. mis" Aieline hIertyvlle, 'bas beeau lie 6HEoalîhara ecoal for the bru. i @bîalc t> tt 1 uhlle. High School Notes Çunita Gotti, £diter j The prograru given laet Frlday ulght by the Saxsaron Sage society and Oriauimp.reechý %asc well attended ln apite ut the iclrecy of the weather. The performer ini the play showed real talent anid due £iedit muât b. given tu Mise ,uwüper, m no directed the'». The lramhoar sehoul pupils 100 ,did vbryý weil. On the ahule it was a delightlul programn. Alter ae.dlng a few weeks -la the huptal, becaàute ut an Injury received ln basket bail. Captain Henry Engelbrecht returned hume lait West. Henry willl boon resume hie studlce. à IlLost and Found" departmsnt bon bien placed la sebool, alto eutodiaue have bain appointed 10 bath locker moins tu etiminale the nunierons lait articles aronud echool. We bave learned from the Red Crois Chaptier that the war orphie which L T. B. S. adopted ianaisnsi Bober% MeGret. It may be % monta or longer bulore wu hear anything deft about hlm sîther froîntbe boy% parente or guardian. Comingi "The tiock Trial of Dueucn Huggins" by the bol@ of the Athiello Association. The procéeds wlllb. nued for the beuilllof the associaion.. "Our Cummunlty for Chraeit," and for thîs end aIl chrlistiianmd churcebe sbould wourk and pray. Ths commmittee ot the churches [lanninjg for thîsf gouit osurk InIlibertyvill Iuostesly asIe tue prayjere asnd btarty c-uperatlon of ail pooli peopls. CjIurch Jervices M ethodi si- Fpi scopal. Services usai S8uaday at the M. E. church osîlIL e held me Iullows: Sunday ochool et 10 u'cluck; Mornlng preatcb.iîg sereice et Il o'clock, oshen Rev. T. E. Roam, oîli preach on Lhe enLient, "Tbe Cb»rcb 0f God in Prayer for a Revival." lu the evenlng ab 7:30 lbe aubjetot f the. sermon osîli ho: The. Work ut Mani d God iJlted." Bath of thmei ermons wUll conelder ta. comiag Evangellalie campagnIn Lltrertyrllîe Lo b. beld by Cb. Preehyterlan andt Mtiodisti congre gallons. tMr. Bradfoard will @lug o speclal umber la addtion ta lb. mune by the choir. Tii. public la cordlly lasvited. Tbe subject of tiie EpwortblL«seue meeting next BSnniay evecng at 6:8 w'llb.: *'Our Relation te Uod tdervng.' lire. Jeane JuetViIIlelad the [meetin. A cordia iInvitation Ia erlenisi 1tumen. ., Choir rohemiM lwill nmutthi" wiek on Thuria evounia a7:80 ibarp. Ail inembr. urgedgoa attend. Tiiere wlli hi an importma tmiing of tii. officiaI board of tb. M.LE.au aon Tburadmy ivsniag toinlgia), Marui 6, st 8 o'ciock. Ail members are nrged tu UNION PRAYER MEETING. esyrin Neil a'eek on Wedaesday aidThurs- Bandaîyo, 1a0bM. day evenage, Match 12 sil1, s. 1 m. Priacblag. Tapie of sermon, 'Union Prayer mestînge VIII b. blbhi*,Tb@ SplrfI Flled Lii." tb. Mtiodlst and Preebîterian ehMurees preambtg7:80 p. m. Tapie sermon, eepeelalfy Il abaIt of the eonsuunUnion 'IFoliowlng lbe Faihions." Christian Endeovor 6:45 p. m. Topie, Ogesmeettage. On Wedneuiayevetoing--Lemt y Lookiug.' Prov. 28; 29"5. lb. meeting itilI ho helit et lbe Preeby- Choir prmctcle k'riday eveniag, Marcb 7. byterlan churcb andl on Tharaday even. Boy Scoute st 'Lbh churci; Camp Fîre Ing ai tie Methodist churci. The puýblIc 1Gils asut the parmonage, Frîday, tiorch 7. memberbtu ,Don't forget the big Christian Endesvor irreepective of mmmi memb leeip rty, Tueuday eveniug, Match il eordilly laviteil ta attend. Everyboit, Inviteit- Lait Tburday ab the Milwaukee Ave., crubeeng on the North Shore Electric lins a Chîcago man osas bitb b a car and although Le osas ouly sllghLly hrueod, bie machine osas de'»olléhed. At thile patrttcular point the elettrie car ean be meen approachlng the ,rui§slng from the oseet and to the stranger ILt %%uld appeer that it was poing Lu contons o»n tb. narth truck but jus% betor the croseing, the car swings to Lbhe outh truck andt appearances are very mie. leading to the motorise. Crossinge 111e libis buld be pruhected bv Lhe con. pany, eilher by sing signaI@ or by placIng a watciâman on guard. The bell et this particular point ls noti la workinp order ball of the Lime and unIesi a serious aceident of sanie klad accurs It noter recelveas onyat4entIon. uTbs. signais mbould b. kept ln first claie condition and ot nigit sbould b. Illuml»mîed. The peuple of tl ii.vclaity sbould Cake tbe motter up before tie village board ad have Il oacid upon. Tbey ebonlit &lma bave tome effort moite toward comn. peilllg lis C. M. & St. P. ta give. librcy. ville better subunbon service.. Wîe bouli bave otheaire train ber., for orne comte $0 Deieli adIl;t Vulit lb. a pgriot audertaking for the rfiroad to continue tale train to Lhbertrvlle. Lib.rlytlls wlth ls factorisesandt ather busiess la glin ila ralî romi thousande of dollar monthii for thelr frelgit airvicoand ttic railrosit company ougit ta reipricte and givi ns ourt tbentrain serIe.. Revenue Coilector at Woukegan The. tollowing Ilaapi ofai oletter whib ewVs reeelved by Postmaster Alhiman thbe irst of the. week: Dem, i ér: WMil you pleas advertîs e l act liat a Depuli Coliector ciInf ternai Beveaue wIlI b. sîationed at tbe poilfice In Woukeffan to saisst«oxpayera wlbh corporations, excelle profite and also Indîvîdual returne, fr. March Ard La 15tL. tCorporations es pecially osho olsb hep theoe are thc dates a me»nosIl bel here La htlp. - Respecttully, .1E. J. Hure», Deputy Coletdir. est. On Friday at North Chicago.. Llbertyvllo-H. Bracher. Everg day Laike Coîmnty National Bflsn.,g Fremont--J. H. Rou8e. Cîtizens Bank of Area. Wauconda-A. S. Power.ý, Waucon. da. ,Cuba-Mliles T. Lamey. Barring. ton. Ela-Eil Frank. Hl@ store, Lake Zurich. Vernon-M4rs. Mande KnolMalt Day. West Deerfield-A. C. Antý'.. store ln Deerfleld every day. WU be in Everett, Wednesday, Maftb sth. Deerleld-Chai. Grant, H lbIaa4 Farti State fBank. Th bJdsnsndet li"au.i STUY, InuE8 smeHou Eiala Burton Bgolume' Travel Plemes WUNESDAY, ICE 12z se.....soe*5.eo -st2I* .5. .4,... - L .- 1 = :ýý 1 . 1 1 fl ---------------- 1 moi tu oi au oineere virimmaus onouici ne. 1