fIas101 lIse oungMOU UI la Amelug Msuliy of Social and rSidu ho ed t oel,, 10 vi hit relative., b e f .W * et au Post, N ao 374, 5* vold tenig preas tg er ahi. G. . R..a" i laa itht of Te la ______________Magon. cu r ~m. si oemaeine.Ol's Mtt i!ALLEN À». "ÇVER E 98W30 Yars, lPod te ropa nathb ti* of Bali. vMt, fr, The feu thing that was hoarr kMW î i hleviauin a botoW% iii, OkN ite * C4)i13 n a. ha h hd deaperc UIL~mfhJIIV u AJOI nl FW 1lO8 Wl. foried the ataatmu o ethans iWhow 1VA3 ta o ali iaperdIL8i.bécame ber huaentThsi, manliage ___ A a OC l yt lm. Sinutane i o mobile iCUtW.À5 saoeena.4laJalE.d ame BACkTO HOME iraeî a(>QusiQy il wuCI( E E ETEN YEARS AGO. -ueem"l landthat Mise Nellîs Curry, a *VU 1IJ t-~v~br iwm hls- THEN PRESIDESjY HERE., Waukegan girl, alse had disappeared, 'IN ____ AWrlog es ad n riss e, Hel n di lliam WPNISI, ONoci.8(Ah 0f lune, IT. i?.~Weea.Mrh1 am a.rpreitsi hyhd oriPvt. Carl S. P l etfWaukeganMtesr page today.) dter asof l mmtviteth, 1alon v tit lI)Iu at . Barcit I. *,bblingly TlsDdy She eOns avaytogether, smny jreot daho Tous syoar- keeatGirlWln- adi ha0vemg stele the ecel sogaeWaer freTheWdoUorgchosirl Who sFond d vti esquie Tamlitrity vlt W an s e er et Ai, n. quen Uly. te L ieut D a kiringer, H ad an In. ax s E n-àis ie od t l a om f te lvissu Sund a i hed vtive lionsa P U as, a i ehmr s tiialil e sî. àH vomi. lu d in g B r o a d s t a c k . B ro a d â ta c k r e g is te re d fo r th e d ra ft, t e r e s i n g " e t - T o . E d î o r * t 30 e l $ o f th e da th io l y d , ay . tte rr i l on . C . A. f r l î s i@ S e c o d o u tho nt e D ro o t l O t aie n k c i . y giving bis age as 31, but obtained _________ Angeles, Cal., of Dr. J. M. 0. Carter atrrao oorl. una, C.A rtii@. SI a r ers oft einigl . Hegn iT O G I V E T H E B A B Y A W A Y . e e m p tio n w h e n i s C u r r y ~, r e p c e " O ' E U T I L " . u a l a o e y u k . o oc7 6 f r e v lo nn n a .U v t h e l c i n l s ni7 i e. YOURE UUE GRL" ý Jst lie t le Ye knw cr kganPhysician. Dat U.en rqnqatag MsiCry21easthat eshe vas soon to become ai entt lan sea. CIlxîng tas o ugbe IIJSLrduert ________ e ntdmthngr A heeild vabe inwan. io ti O baSe. ECectalng y va. a rg . mlc POlîoning fbloivng a lang C lRT iio, a t ienhs th u ra MIenCurry. 23 yar od . wti ameldmti .A hl1asb l a Miss Evelyn Alien, thse Waukegan ad out and bc back in Waukegan liinatco ed medie l ae ga fthora5 f tloi tNatifoa ti k ufon laiAurra aitFrdsywith Snjieluan. Tiie two are under arreel. at girl wbo maie a Pearcb lai France for a veeit. tlsnty e icione in Wve f o eeAtog lgtes r tr Wilcbnu is0 bc .a IBradstack, 33 years old and the fa. Auror, here they are facing most Honen bige rai b ln Pt alS ok neo b ost honaaotlDr.yarteari. WroteaS EFO T o btimter.rul i inhpnltng ss terao! ber r est eeks-od baby, sros hreswftes hrgsloîfrbrmter an-brohr 'à liBt.N md r pne0 Othe aid Cart. er roed ne t aus e- Srgan 'bonoa d 01 t* . rtr iti.a"n p~ la 1 g ek to te W ak v n c un tb ro e ,tse c ag a a- W elch, Who had nt been bard frin, about the Ried Cross. If yoeu have pn aai t htie southeast cornT m d P oc e soer oft é f mii rsit h nsl borne wbich eh@ deserted 10 months egan stîli holds good. ifor many wee'is, ta baving MarLly ex- any epare space pieaae priait III. COusty and Cisyton stretts. Tre rced vr' fmiaîe hiieîvtisthebrui- *go4 man Tispe gi rl ji nov laumti.e v xeincsl erwr hic't W@ bit Detroit about haif Dent One Dr. Carter had been ln failing u e rn S ruduU.Sel *oie y aiman.Tegilsnev an WIthTe a. rrled ber overseas..As bungry au a son o! a cou.* 1h.alth forsenm ne ». For aiearîy W rBoards. tiill assumeite TruaidUp, o. Sih,@ iéut oie eeaadvbether WILIitI hbas lest nov 'beau learned ber Tour Red Croissladies vers there aylociseallhtha benafec. tctetlateea ntheanalbeen I i alli wl ealwdtgohome and euctlng experlences aetati vheaion band ad and ho bald Pianncd to have 2-1'<novai la that tbe lait Dr. Carterwva faslly brough bi& tather and grand. tb brgshl vblt e roe hew cbare be thrne, isier. uT oon e s si c or eiîlîhe coperaiioai pertormed: Recentiy hb.s acompoer of verse aid muaie. father. viiga itis thfederai opertlveewh0 i  T O O hc cridbevo-Fac, br YudunD OlwIU0O 9117bearnsg elao itdbeen sffected. 1ils us £tevri 98hoWOéa Toé rs eotcretsm Scvdi uor fdy ha vas ewr. o-h eCos ta vaIillinasbai! caused 1dm to b. confia- patriotlc place vbicb bo cahîci: "Old Uisirecentiy thai efforts ver. be- soya joli yesteriay by ýer failer. M M ED À j AntMe os. Vner, on dbste lo lf o rvsaaygehoecha ihibfor tiseD. .teeî*"1 Glory tat edctd h ii ry lilIeb prhs r.l qCharles Curry, a W *ueebncarpesl h aiosiacr aWhrefafa o os eeka. andi aavy. Heetvroit the.muteand sitsltho. caanol of tise Waak54 tes. Sb. broke dovn vsen sellesaw 'moua daaccr, fiurei laione cf tlsese iCalci vo ail brothers, Tise telegrain tcllng of Dr. Carter'à tihe vordndamni.thse itis 15411.1 the bairlt but bo wouiî not cive ur' the Ven aiNasys eaatiottal Incidents. Ueut.Castia. And ted as 11km moibera death vs. necelved ln Chicago hy iîaadi vlui ite shoot mati ugie o hbisiait Utiln bich bald beau la tise alm eater tise Joli corridor. Mrs. Broadstack Says She wiII ht Is recaiiod, ilcdIn uToua. rwben We am amst #M'od1 "NlhT aveone 'eI&LtBrastc GtDreYeeu.h ncou*ierd an accident lai ast air- w. Bglasyou praiseâ lu voiea oui Lse ailge 'Mhwo M.epaaln:fiiI mie .any es. wrku chave.coaerebte vtelventeus Let.Br<loistiack Gc Ri Crois.Carter. Bouilies bie vidow Dr. Car- "This Amnsîcais aitbem va. pub- hs bi n tesl obn bsck born 1 e. u 90aig?,. Curry aS.<- Se He Can Marry amd * Ilu»as vblc aise wvuon itite14v. Ir. Johnson, ai1eraand rc Th omdraMs Goui-' laictr ad tsi puiaou oce.vA i ut t bicothcaestgpare a îl ad ti daugiter. Tiseré ver. tears 1trip oversan iat mab. va. la the Bai.,III, " Art. C. A.à. etonbousiof aHolrl.wood, ia.,Sau- ortheaor n snirigatea e. inl Druciamî, bis candce. ent Maù la ble eyes. Samsuel Broaistackle te tab. given lais company vitb Mia. Alien. -camp Grant.Wiltan m 'a ter0f olietoo, .,h and0te t.M C . adviii Crss friveai chan es ar ue en i. Ilan. "TYes, daidy, i viii go back snd an offontuauity by ILIa presait vife, Clah At ODace________Wilai atr0 oe.Tse5f al.T C . aiBdCoefrtnt oubac e t isrank a ieto. torget t ail if tbey viii let me,"' the voi t î1ioyar g amar oodlgt o rcic aiWi iileave toulght for Calîfornia t'Othi ar sand reconstuctioai vork. ta s okt a i. bn avl girl sobbled. Thest-:&hcinquired about lîhe Nsllie Curry, tb. 23-yean.-old kegan came tins. ago, Umia.Allen va. SUN FICTIJRE IN Mattend terera id ow. vas .a Atothe coplger a .bifon evrii lad mbe ndli *1 bviether lise Waukegana grl, se ber baby boy, hors thel paruy vbich eatloyed a dance mne fCalaA budben tldor erarreet. ln Auror on Jenuary 2. lent, suay oaie eveliing on the big line:Mter ofChrlsA.Petidefo-*1. .G.CAT Curry vw li confereuce wvus As- have anome. roadstac'< viso the' ÎE ao bappanei ibsu Miof Misai ani Dr Carer ws àm. ero.fÂREth'IAIL clltant State's Attorney AmplilFriCurygirl aye leaithe faiber of ber MNf. Castie vere the conter cf taIWO KM IDr.?ICart erîy a oeof he init riss- grand army and ti5&t la vby ha tpok A IL day. îs daagisen va a god gil chli, nIIIT>I'JA,1Mente o! Waukegan te talle an ac- surit an Interest lai martial mugieUI (A nu untîl Hie damet rasklWauke- ir c Is 33yeare od. different groupe of vonsen. i hais- FNI'Ûtise Interest ln tise launching of a metc., sens sH On a Vu. %M T el e r a s a k i a k -w ante à DItvOrcc. penei that there were tbree officerr IN T R O U C I O N os it l a d ie wWson o th m in BeVIENTS, 3A Y EUli - n RI tan, lie told Mr. Ameli. At Morris today Mri. Mttle Nia-, tisat ere rather attentive te Mne.fatrinheonngfte t'Hmsbldad Ta Adapt Baby. ]and linoadstack deerti vite o? tise Ca.tle and ine.isAllen. Finalty, sWohsia adb a os fts at as tas ie beesai JEbisIVAUKl3@AN Tebaby boy bornste tise Cur.y iman nov In tis e uuty jul aet Cen' evenlh3g vauP ns, theS9e three 'offi- WMarWoy urched "Let' firet hospitai vtiicis attenwariihl'- country visenlise note bisuTest sorig L I l gir anurra 2,!amits..IAeiion fr eva. saiq v asted adivorce fomcens came e: y ltissu more ai- tM aks'Club came the Jane NcAlister hospritl. tise Sun iserewiti' reprints bis aît lianA re nfaniv Atte frbr y s in. psnestt seen hiuistentIon t isAln tis tey dtd MVisth îlk Ie vas a veteran oft the rivi! war effort: GbwoFre up hi adoption of tvtyeeîinfdaenflt caeymnishoen. aste. stiaccrîîtgits Shermani's Div. sad at oe015eîie vas <oiiiiaîr i-eu of sîg ltri l Glory tIII..lhag o! tis o h ome uý hi vas filed ln thse eounty court yeîlr'r woiller selleeven 'ees hlm. se ay.9.'frtends ou thse boat, lins.«Caille be-tise fiulîc-andn poil af hhlot; A 1': daybyNi. nil ,-1haé etsee m hlian mnc cmevey ucli perturbeil over the TOLD 0F CAMP DECORATION Dr- Carter always had Pjlaid '() Nwwa iglu riumph 0r aland Sae aSalrRcg toryiag , for mau it akin f oadata'k sli. "Ever @Ince bir MssAllen. vlso le a hand"ome 'Wire' rrmstfailiag isealîi îbai prt-r oned hi"' i tFonnations sesras -0 aud for 'q'r C.hicaoue le trd focîrinaeev To, ofient awav i have worked te support youog womnnsud vers' entertaisaistg. e5" 4, 1919. mous doing so tiUsdore, .To'.e.i, lianieliýratrrars 0of thp obhsManiri t ad frnprafap ee t un,~sel and chili. and have saved vas exceedlnglv modest snd could an skogmn flly Sur, lor yemns in. Carter wvas.rr grzFor arroiess -'es conquereil andj%,.. is tri" rr'n"n d-l i t1 Dles. ertuttedat H eetd'iinounh rooney Io psy for a div'once. flot rosent the attentions raId lien Wtsh you te knm r fa StranzP Cdlas thse clys leading physîcianl. btrie. vons.. irrr mutiCs roa-.e..-rounIalIs vif an efili t Mrr 0 io enrr-' 1left oy isand ouc. &ftern1 d- bytise tiree officens ln question. l bc evst Tsrsaaya tînan,'n naia ' -R-The kUng,, o!thie carIth iy sti I 'S IlF o Ii ."irn 1"u ago, but lr,. roadstacksavs she'rcovred lise wan nlttrup ta me. Nnw At lait, accordang 'te word tisat oser bere. Youu n ',ubt remermber voman In MWaukr-iii ho ov-, th..' 1)!Qe ntrîrall, fNtiIr"Is ning a paamin s-ho Ir,-t hIe lo planning to sue him for dîvo'rct I am gonte, 10gct a divorce. 1 have cornes te Waukerast, ins. Cate pubtlistg ln serr,i aof Youn rift- tact that tlîeyarr"lirving, teoDr. Car- And muet s-iti thirir(r-ngeaurncr« Irar'-viIlI'walkinbu t io is ight not heard fnum hlm lI vo yemr. vaiked up to Mils Allen railliersharp-tiosapictures or fM-'Wastda Lyoiis, ter, tiserofone he occupiri an enuia- tre-mbsle and fait; hica ýaia -lSna.F ansd do Dut knov anytbing on cane ]y, snd wiih tise snsp of ber flngen, var.vorker s anie of ise letters hie trOalItion biee. ' Itl or cmof freedonn sith farturrus ruetr',2 aRID T CKW" - bout bis presieut trouble" raid: '"onus'ould bc a cule girl If ln regard t ie"'. s- sn u nAtv acrsie on llegin uîn'hrere Arresled At Piano. YOUT r wnaas conbed deceutly." t.ise returnung. On", edItion wvicis Dr. Ciit-rrfor yoana vas a miin- lWhile iiterr Otai ;ony rm', stug and l flr wtS,4 is iing ta îs'atk t11e arrov Eau IN IVAUI(EGL AN AS aretdb h uoaPolice at uaturally aise daesn't thinis other peo0- clally, bida pin turc of ber sud ais aise vas lt- rpoildunî ai Y&ritau-,.Thiso ing to Old (,lon>', tir,'fiag o! et W.nrîkegausn ha li1tif rs balance PIano. allenMins.E. .Conklu. se-c.ple's hair that ta combeddIlfferently saiglneen soldler. viti tise big iead tiet. the tr-ltel tofille lv ater ta. uts' fis-e test JIM EiFretanv'of thse Cornmuusty Welat'e as- looks bal! as nîco as bers. linosI "Lets starry tise Yaur s." Wî' O! Dr. Carter, Chanles A P-rt Nwtise i frea.vl nn fet.le aaedt ,*inabv a AE 4 E F1O Drcainhdlandta hyhad Tise romans mlght have burt Missestcul iat picturi' out ani put It on Our rSes hisstory tif Lake cotinty riag ansd ovrr es. 1er, but llrerr-ivas u'rttrru.sfor lir' goeaaay sud loft tiseir sil veeks- Allen but se sn't that kini. instes val lanth ise tO v are ln. this toe ay: gn-siplu nrder thut hr irrIgiri puTllii 4 Was Bound to Grand Jury But otd tabhy.Tise couple had posed as o? answering lins. Castie or gettilg Thse captatu aud major, ona Inspiri After attending tise commOn "Again 1o 010 Glory let authv-ms t, - elf te land mgaiu 11k fat. mpamed6 mawenn and l vie, but investigation b>' up an argument, tise Waukegan Yousng tien dey. both Paid particular atteus- scisoolii, J. M. G. Carier epent rioie ralseil, spalp.1, s-hon h'sstucýrand as frlend w3.s neueaseu he E. V. Mra.Conklu bnosagit out tise fart voman oniv emilail, turnel aroedtiethn teSit. W'ellt utigst sAbe PiBYed limre lutise SontîrnrIllinois Fcniair' .lr<ovalis tonwonrierfuî bles.ugu ire -t w flino ni andm d i trotatl% eulte Orvîs Signed $500 Bond. :that îlîey -'eré not narrl.d sud that and wsiked away froinitise famous boe.Iluoun ýhcitre. Two mon n. -l Collegr-, as Tt svas catirai, tîsoughisIt prslsed. irs il id.nssingan 1IWrsieaih'mslf !Brodstack hall deserteil hîs vife aud dascor a-ho -pemaingly vas iooklng for oui.,' girl and hrsel! ln a very admtîîttî dboya, lü la , ic.ti'For ailibis iprotection sud hountitul heid lfnreai,,t t in ie Wvsî-r, a-bile hîs MA"Y BE BROUGHT HERE. chlld l Mrin Tisecouple confeiçaed trouble on itlflat vas trylng te make plesshung ecui atmeut calîi the r'ne ie lamaicoiii;'cierl the- tri>srraJlil cane, fri end, loin niHarris. fu if,]trihi' ireela Tia auu' ra&ali rdsfacesrivo elrlou sta revolsîion W fortablu-. Il seeuned t10lbe at 5alas. buddy sud I"r1 ea"lu latter the om n190ctoirn J i0A ie e nlîste in s-ar' t 'nrta9elru Ito rring Bllrnrtrid isak te Tha Smue Boadtak. ze o!aestis e înntuncog phrlayta o!ofJealourry on tise part o! Mns. Caet)e cens guI througis 'alklug tu ber) snd Coutpauy K, 61,01Ilinois, inEanýry. Olingugis and empires nraY the pler. Urfflted at Aurona for otstructing tib he'Mn cadcosic t tliink hast tise officers lu question askei iser bow lber "L.ets Mart' het ,He îarripanrnl lu tWe-finst bailaie of crunible to <list,TI'-crauulnonfnti.Sr- natIonai draft, uni alsecfor violations ubstnuct tiseldraft Iav. Tise Curry palai more attention te ant oriaary .1. cu vs etîg logl ascoilaio is nggefneti Dt uap'elas ntan 5 aope ay olovi of the Manutarst. protaably vîlI be girl signet! an affidavît as bieg'wlfe girl Iban tisey di! toen b ed"hImoneteof b.ugenrar. O, r hie-snstalnashencsawMoiutiasfol trust broccli bnci te Waulerau as a boui- hefore tise local iraft huard lait fait, vide neptation as a dancer adwo 1 pp aniw osrwohdadte-eg fAlna;lewitAwlcm egvbomawlofmnt e o orgaln cinl #Kspar, lu case tise othi'n charges dI' DoOmu't Want ita Go Home. la knovn throughout the vniwocrloaoar.tobysiiu1sdIad1d.-ieo Ainage etAvicm egeetesn vlon mudvutnyorglat cInI SI &tend up. itroaitack jtsmped bis Tise Curry girl, viso dlsappeared =y pîcture ou their vaît!"' ath Shsermsan te tise sou. ien norîla- te ail, prnmplly a%ýs itng In tise nescue e! a bSdet 500 sin,, byCOMïasone'frm br hme n WukT abutThse major sald lie remembereil sard Ibrougia Norths Canolina, tîklusg Nidsbat tseand susolueasttI. th 0 soatuan wvist ub iebalance sud foi] Clivha.miter'le bad heeti torss teto ln moathe go b e ldah onlice A Aelng It sud sali that'a ail be sav part lu thse iattlos o!f.Iun"iboro sud l nations rail. ve tmg thtilOaitea-hile -alilng arouni thse Itegadjrona charge o! tancenv- that sellv ante be nemalu lu jal 'irthl aisl tvsavr odhl0t Saani.A tcigsar .C.Ou"Star Spangled Itanuer w lgbgtisou.e ledge at Waukegan, Illinois Rroadatace, sho aSthtie lime o! ht,; Boaistack Is released. Bshe doe a f0I I tuss a llietaveuaider scIu aa teile oas cacturedinsud f oathmoinetis b tisegraneze, oe ln erremi reeied vilsh b i teon But- vant te go back home, elhe gays. Tish, IjIJjI "JJfOba ad aitieSnbvsetatd a ncreatdl inIîatnaîuoT w'Aut rndtimp v ESna> fontoi.Fbua> trick street, cunducted s jîtney _buItaby la nov betstg cared for by ILB by sont, girle ani ber. .Arked bier den-Libby prison, teiug parolus said roliing aras. JSIHi D!~E5 l.a Waukegau I-le vas annested ac !ily luN, ' snle rietomBod.Hudervdbi ishrg etreetteOd lryaglwn a Charg of oying ' oeisfosalire astiBthen voSTA"Seay>'22, 1Ù65. Duing the Test nine refrain, ""E4A L'U II troam a automobhle ielonglng It. D. Lt. Col. A. V. Simths of Waukegnn -ys"-alu.i,'ad monw "e tis fh.srieh ce sA hp rv iehloesdsaa gM ale hor o me M n.dorosvn a ie fnmLCunsFacte Robert i oW oeDahI'Strage ,how your thOulilorderly at tise brigade ieaiquantene. 'cresteî maint; ,CJ S EEI PO TE rodac'hoemifouni tise Atty. Benjamin Panmalee that h.luie exo bhoe eth e r PORTJtouilo ea Tedotra ne eundtehsWe moecer wR hr h tires. Broadstacl's arnetfollowed prts ttolho home iurltg tise month of was Just Reported, Died of . tse pllady, ry Isndto n toles a ntivesae ctaI n egreurnnea oSr h en amSe lesa >'vsr b onSJL L busaiedlily, sani on tise siovlng Marcis or early ln April. He maie in. Wounds in October. Bbc ha. oniy been aven ber. tbnee lng echool, a" oattendes te Ilinois We ses oun Ire. lag a uewv s.ct'ry SAVED HIlS EP Vini. be vae houai over te tise grand qeinies about tb. sprtag election in,- veeks, and Lia orrylig boy sellie State Normal Srhool. lu tise Senior bas von. Jury. At firai bis bande ver. dhe4 Waukegan, euhiating conelderabie lu. OVERSEAS; PLDIED HERE. ol"tg Tt sllk-stoeiuiga visen yesr bhie eati faileil biaiste snob au And fationts andiPeuples thug losluag flnêeCrs at 41,000, but ver. neducei te $500 tenestin ifl. PAL ihose sbas on, are soue. . fshe la culent tisatlise vs s compelled te the dey, MUîIoîw, a.,e, aCrstCur, lI conneton vils the roceipt of a beautlfaii blonde asti maie a bit leave acisool. Lter teachingSel me May bloendi neaLis 014 Glory, soi Wanders in Wrong 0ie1 Wor tat obrtDickson, a Lake vith the baye. WiII look for a fev tinte ha entered St. John's Cltee,, ie.'Doutât ber cvay; tuo in T HMS ~cOuntY Youaigman, busbeau offl<cialy more muaiS Iatgretng r'lcturee In your aid &fier completissg tise classical Our fmission i Mercy, enigbteumeat, ini Sepr rtheIsleilveoen lvlbion a por. ma u¶beti.. course.,vas graduataifrntthat i- pelco,%N THE OSTthR 11 Paent lie o theThoas iro anExiubsribrstîtUtOlon li1873. In December o! And vittul wvs its->'tiat grnm var- NVER KNEW A THING. W'ils§o farm, Green Bay Rosi, veet Pyt. jobsa r. Schsuman, tise foUlovlug year hoe repaired te fare may Mth DANGEROUS DISEASE o Wuen and bai never ibard Ca.. Blot Engre., A. E. F. Hye Park, and began theseatuiy of Tisen ulng te 014 GlorY, the flac ! Atsepnormuace f "Tise ap1. No orane f th hurau bdy at goGot ouseGOLDagmu x»rm "DYnewsfromhim romthe ay leeremauY y. d itsod ndrcProeaJ.8.nienllPrhefr.iS.Attheverfomanciof Therupon I a o a 0 f t i h man d o l ar e sO t aoth e 0 11 wEn rl a a ott a s o u n ie î la O c o b e n u n t l uth e -t a c i in g s u in t e r v a l s ' t o _ p r o c u r e S U IT a v i g la i I n u n s p u o v e r la n d e u e G i r l" lai l b . P a r l e b f lo ue s F r I d a kmI y. Waaeu 15e>'slow up smd cer. (OaUMUMaiOThorbyaus an u l, tri" tfinal von came ftom tlie van lMd...IaÂcntiueNhepuneuuit- ai adoersa il' eH.B. -acer niet asee la"tn theIr autîs, eil out5 Preplaratioti usai ahi over9 ortivolfor bo111Ilcsonea Proession. In 1180 li vas «"Our hames lai gnesi poue and omîng ly tr-o ala xietncta h o ar il . t 'lr 1:a 5 t tire troubtee Is-vitisout ceaturica Tisey ctain eaily old.fasn- tarment thst be va. dood. I!NI rn ie eiacel i v.o b iee ".ya. Wueus, ea-yu feet narvous.l, ons, aootblag ot 0 m1 ss vts utiemoe î a nensst rsute iscgapi't le le 't eak, dra" Ufrfo tatsaaa ei t-s lsatemstuceaswt.astg Unie ro tlnte u e s t inat i -,g-IonsBoson hSCicao e1 dnt anî..<< I esoa flad a oa- Adusat e r spteicago ecai azrye>'nt nou i o! BufHefalonthlaid uee Ma v' -'sa ,r'i er- ;"î.ve u eun stTie.. clns hing, sd eor -o on va.e me eLnoe tefct ilLU ckCollege and tise foilovlng bre. Benati the vIde donme of àrai on h 1, rp nrsln the taack-seel. aie herba, vshl kaovn uni usai b>'ferlutiofBuf-ao, anlai 'e bi -a«re sign-3 au aria mou Ihat youn lki-IMEDAL Italta <am puea .ase it- raieo dAihse -ofCou-vords. ber. sisaI isappnened: lnI-s sare - e urfor-uinq thear runte- ~Lbo-td direct froni the tiaoaatories n fl gtseen0 Cia-uîhîu1>~rGrayelake, I1., visena Se emovei te And aoft blni>'zeDhrys onight "I'hbainll rei for tise aibi and * iûî.g : T,'1,- T'- ,are ont y bal! holSan,,t . i>aey oaeiatt s ty Treasurer Boy Brachen o! - Wou- H MWau'eegaai tu 1883. Tise degree ao f Boving vlug, acnlgiawa iepre dm p<iuri. "u- i loig it uivttstsrgapop ' 14ENr egn.IVLI LThS)I.ASTIIC A. M, va. coaiferned upon hlm by' Fan gentiy aur hrov as ve Joy!uîly br eiia . iiil" > u, anI taeouv-"l o maaY watt b. eftnied. Asit for AibrigisI, It 1 necale,___tlon_______llg, n181 adtht abt _________L the neut moruIng,hosl U DO .. i i r', -- i h. t u> dugclrc bt tue mur, ileove seî va.d aien akg -aleravidfraI. ofM aD. byCtegesai181nsitutislnAi lhalfarCoumiatn#orag urred: Ivas valkiug iovn lb.eLisde « 'utrary I rr.i" in' rd -nSED}AL.brand. Accept ne substitut«. ln, mryu 'pna"rs' anjra1muigntimetisGLaSivsieoeresan a su aileaanoad pledfrs thei.D.b'tiesns porterr i al tI oiml, a soaela ypaaa at is ote ah ý rom vou- sViioiru i s-ed aertuans. Thsre .1..aCI horne, belug tlai ta eNorfolk, Ceuise to organite a BulidIig and 1887. Laie Forest Collage bonored Our layat els epviîpr.lea e Va.Itva tse. . i . Aguet 21 Loan association vilS a o! hlm vlth thse Doctor af Science de- W. bvistg ta lisesglail>', aud free an- îî la stp ti va>.' Butiho tbld me of last year. $1,000,000. Applcation va. maie to-' grec the mine >ear. hu 1887 h. va. theatie naime;ketovniigaibefal>oer ____________ Tise.tva yolang meni vere volun- day foliovig a ,booster nmeetinat outiase doegate to tise Nlnth Inter- Wc loveais>'proud banner, Our ketoolns,, 0k b ad olfi y our.c teers and elisto<j lItise service luet iel i Lthtie Chamtber of Commence national Medîcai Çoaigne, before bearb aaU &glov,tani me, ckibelli ta my es'lh. Apnl. isst is>' er la I. iala roan Flda' lgbet vhlcb W. . wviici 'body 'b. resad an"Introduction Thy mounitahne astivalleye, sud n-Hesys 1 vas usiahpap. TiseodoireID.lurai, Presideai. W. B.Smith', ice Preeldant. lug camp tise>'came home an ta-o RaIsIn, a Chicago bausi preiient vas te Medical Boton>' o! tise United ens -great dcv. eiiyii o nov aI as ea». .4F. W: Churchilli, Serraenty and Manager different occasions teoethen, sud oseShpesluur.Mn.I*i. o th.aiO tise 'Sat 1q.' . l b uio f~Ot hnsagt 1 rtiseig ! ngrtlise no nie ai' Ot yPa. ie wlth bel à son bo Mr.i son ta Balla toupie 0' un. d( Ktra 1 $pourding luI bla bu" Il r. Ba tg tbC Miburo for the (C A Afaml Mfr. au ficaday, machine Cross iax Sui nov 0. W. horms.mB of the W( 87 mis play by departin week, bu eveclug, Utile foli The rt v&a ai belnge Bn de.r y H. P. 1 Otherm t' table@ W and Sion Ereryon spl@Ddid lia au( Pli