CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Mar 1919, p. 1

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VOL. XXVII.-NO. 11 TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLr lA1 COUNTYp ILLIOIS, THIURSDAY, MA RCH 13, 1919. ONE TO ElGH T. $1.50 PER YE A R ]N A])VANC& GLAD TO PAY ere -a a feelng that dc n - N0CTOR IN AUTO en the route should not be made at thhaita of Roads Bairstow urg. LOST DY NECK IN ed action now because by delaying.È it means delay in starting the actual RA EW TlS 0t Construction as the proposed roa d R C IHS comnes under the sixty million dollar bond is-sue plans.- SUMMON ROAD FOR NEGLECT Reaches Office after Thrilling Run to Fihd 1hat Baby clioi ubi tiltie;" c°mi-2-s.i Had Been Born. today cited the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad company to before the comMission In Chii.1 COUPLE LIVE AT ANTIOCH. cago March 12 and show cause why1 it had not made Its quarterly s;tate. ment to the commission of lts re Waukegan, Iazmb 8. ceipts and expenditures as It was or O1ld "D-oe" Stork may be an au dered to do by the commission cient bird, but he is not so slow la spt fthis handicap. in fuct ho has a way of covering thegoa thtdelshg powered automobiles an doubtless would make even an TAKE THEPLACE airplane hump" some. Therefore it was little wonder that Of TH H16 BÀLL Dr. Kl J. Kalow-sky lost a thriling race this familiar old bird Mon- day -afternoon--at that he lost by onl]y a neck and "Doc" Stork had to HER~~~~~ RES Tft""" "o'tREPORT ON NEW sweethearta4 point me out as the bestf F ED TOO LOW? SHE'S'111 euem he.- ITg ma,,Ii,on P AN F EE - dollars for thIs. 1 have been brand CALLED TO COURT e-asa---mdet -ug w- nINO PRISONERS "Overseer Voliva had! better taý the police chief and his apoitles into 'bis sanctuary asd explain to them Chief Police, Zion, Spies Waist that love thinkç,th no eil, mu Supervisors Hçar that it Has Where Her Back Showed "o"n " ;o';" i. biht Ide"pu Cost on Average of 39c per Too Much; Is Shocked. lion. DyfrGu. "1 have be( n lld, and just be- cuesome few of Zion pass, as or- THE FIRST ESTi 0F LW. dinance describing the heighit, length W A H EWLWSY. THE FIRST TESII OF LA depth, weight, color and textuire of W A TH NE LW YS women's clothing, it's no reason why --- Mrs. lHampson, wife of a printe-r a woman who has sever been is sed '1 At the MVarch meeting of the suf- working in Waukegan and who nev Er been Inside of, a theater' ervisors the board heard the first re ma tes ht:r home In the ZMon Homte, sol emd h ibeto h port on. conducting the county jaif and who0 is a follower of the Voliva village gosýsipj under, the new plaw effective fast I - faction, 1.s "In bad" In ZMon. . To Hide In Chicago cembe r whIch provides for the feed- h hs ee smond o ppar "' ll not go lnto court when the, ing of the prisoners; directly by th- Il oud ndrltvs nCigrt to answer a charge of %'lo- case is called. Iwllekrfuewt board rather than under the previous lasting section tour of the ZMon ordl- fins n.eltvs nC ig plan, operative for years, whereby na nce on women'si dress. On Sunday where I was reared. Chierf BeckerT the sheriff fed them and was allowv- last hef Bce ssi ohv wn daughter wears low-neckedl ed 65 cents per day for feeding pri. spie a oung woman with her dress aissadmn atetm eorers. far too low on the collar bone to g e diher ankles and ---," say.' The reports of Sheriff Green shojw. by the cIty ordinancendsh Cmlt a',ia.ed that the average cost per pjri.sonýr appear on WNNednesday next to an. b aei heb aieo as been 19 cents a day- swer a charge of violating the ordi- l.n resident of Zion, n'ie rt The report also showed that the nance by appeýaring In epubilean ieimonthrop-i .tfed-ral prisoners held In the La i i erly clothe-d. wearng'ekb'watsomsu county jail have averatwed between i "I am i)going to make her wear In Ito stockings," aid Becker. and 8 per day; that thie governenit Court th :,arnle drpmq shp, wore !asIt I ve neveir worn anything but hilk pays C5 cents for each prisoner and Su nf - id Cier Beker and i ý illI'll(do it tou yd igda .B l ). .a r .T i n h a d a o hi y the couinty thus m iakes '2t;c,ýnts pr lu the first summnons that ha4 been dayrprodt off eac faderal priPom r ud o h d1sodia7 hs o h m rtre audla dy poi f c firlpl(r ri th, r,-ss rdinan T:iiiThe n.w Ilaw, it Is re: al, 1. pr,, ord:r;n- i- nt going t)t no n the r,,Iarn ,,iiJ a co ' lM ýi tha,, t ·h> na ty 1 p r , co s w t bing oe , a nd -1 a., ;"thL- , fria nid ! re 1:1. : o I , yto enforce It riglht throu a e.Agei!ji ma op r 7 ng !ity a r hn1- n ilp1 u; rt Hol l : Mr n 1 Tl, i t on- chi f 1).arW>ne,,.. d n t w new in I aewhoi it is not be fine-] or i pi f, ca e o n a n Fifty Percent of Saloon BJuild- extend himself as never befor. .ngS will be Fudge Empor- Tlng-a-ling&-ling: ums Says Manufacturer. It was the telephone hei lin Dr. KalOwsýy's home that was rzn alt one, o'clock Mfonday afternoon, T1here's a lady in the offiee te see i, you'ie was Informed by his -ù"r On -fce-sisant TIl 1,h, there at two ,'clock or soon- erail, oýt° "- D ""Klosk ewk-rock, tick-toch! nl'Idulum lOf the clock In the P1hsian's home swayed to and fro. anis a own as Il omuht h I, e ng 'in aml nr tnt, b po iý in )ting of1 a "hp ~ W in---"Th(' m:Iin who 1has been ace 1- nilTh, minute hiand moved slowly on the lý h tit t was the hin es if inno y ý , I fyýe ,eXI,,n.I of e ing te r ienuda chol P pHl uh le ed to ldrin n in a loolic hev rýer 3 h ih A hafh u asd un-t tht itthiee w no na, tnrt- f 'l'r thn w nr t,, -ontribute ellpILi&ne u 1,0the Newport and Avon Delegations natumll, -ee cand-,,v-nhi, Ting ingadwng ulnd. rn thlat -;arcted my:il,, -n - Irdýitaifredtia 1i-lC The atinof t ine %law w und , Ili newspaper Ewih il-partmienit Exert Powefu Oratory Be-. "'"A "ain the telepIhone, but This tie y I oed %,ile vwait. the n,.,k a Provid a orlhe t1 g of pri.zon, rý In tiiSunday schoore] houl hveito pair- fore the SuperViSors. a great inreminalfen there wals something Imperative i dernea. owcti:ÏÑ av el b_ iualeaumn iec"Th,-by e on olw e a ati h tmec dtintionary In ldry towns andprb tnitto. je--o ctionable," and five-eighiths 1 inchie4 belowth Tekvro the jail shall für thus pu be"which should be read etateIs. This will still furtrlinerPe "Please comte right away," the of- "Ti ugot al1 le hwarninig threjuncture of the pit of the nec*,-wilh nIheach LprIsonier daily wlLIhas atithie amlritemperence meeting \rsbBARnFCE HRDTAK lI ""nal prohihition taks elice girl Ppaded. "Just a.minrte.- are zr ng ltofret," was Chief Becker's the clavical or follar hbone.uhcea ae s a ence'- J u'talso 1su9sted thatIf éeve raisholid ac.the ladv's husband wants to say rephi 1o a question as To giving the Also, her skirts hunge;eleven;nehIl aryr nironal leanliness, Indattemplted this work thei different biokisTunSonsntCadStrs omhngoyo. guisi anban ie,"Teaodinanpc ishove tl so f eckfer pms4t-wholesome food, weillcooked and in might be put on exhibit atttheecounty Waukegan, MarchA. "Flityier cent of the space occu. A few hurried words were spoken. publnish nd on iye, aned expct ient of her limbts tecausa mrs sun sufficient quantity. On and after Ilhe convention and prizes awarded for the Webb (Waukegan) moved that the Pied Iby saloons will be taken by con. In Tessteime than It takes to tell w o m n i Z i n it y t o e r o s d % t a m r t o f t h e o p s t hts h e efi rt o n dt e ay in D c m bt r , 1 9 1 8 ,th e m s ki l u .M lll b u rn -H Ic k o ry ro u te b e a d o p te d fe c tio n e r y s to r e s , w e e s tim a t . T h is I t th e p h y s icl i a n w a s l n h ier a u to m oe proery, asimodet eeprFfrhenat incontes f he Miss Irene IRockenbock, childrein super- and the board so voted by a vote of has been the average im the (citles bile racing toward hieOffice. To say Si nhe rm rudfirst and second clamssshall procure intendent emlpasized chiely the following 15 to 8, three being absenrt. The that went dry. A stock ls being ac- that he made It in "10 flot" probably enreply o a ension as to the t ethe expense of the couty, all the pointe as absolutely ne-essary for the board then voted to make the choice cumulated to satisfy the demand would be exaggeration, but faut as er mttd thrait ter must liChix r LAW INTENDED TO th: su :r fthe pisnrv -onfneo; bet Interest of the eli-entary depat o hst- ---o-tt'm:aco-g -et- " the car went the stork went fast' es from the ground. Somteone sug. mente: a cradlle roll, graded Instruction, Grayslake and residents to the cocrni n 0 00 d fuersl laky little faster. Down Genesee street dested that somne women wear high IIIDE TiandilDE ISa u"th"'rtzed b e-y tn"--e-r-- -or- 'olth ofte in:tiap®orraedtiren- Ing The0assoua'eds manufga'cuer ay.-e, 'h --- 'to bot mwat aouti ,, c . lons to prepare the food for the pris- 8eas re-h o.prto ftw.the supervisors' meeting today and clude thirty-two lines of merchandise Arrived In front of hieseofilesDr. @itdnthe mak."te ayd ffersence' Uotners and to serve t-he samte. âhip and distriet workers with the cui-e the board saw the mrost heated argu.- Exhibitions are held In large cities Kalowskxy leaped up the stops three, sid theoefontthe gdres hasix be V RDCT "The said failor shallfromtetime to ty offielais. ment& on fixing a new cement road which jobbers and retaleors vIsit to At a' Cume. Breathless he ruhred ti.. si icesfomte ron, o sxtimte consult with the county board Frank R. Sherwood, secretary of the route that has evrer beeon heard at a. place torders. Originally adoptedt as side. Sectionfrothe ewomen a ress Cifo inDoae ri- as to the quantity, kinds and quality county organization expiained the nees. county board meeting. Inaial there làWar measure, Mr. nansburg said A tiny wail greeted hleu. ordianc folow: Ciefof ionDecare Orln'of foods and provisions necessry sary report@ whleb must bie saut in by ail were about a dozen men fromt each the deviee had so reduced salensie- "Doc" Stork had wont ord upersan hall dresse in an ln- anoe |s Intended to Protc and proper to bie procured'" ochools and urged that tires work he at. locality and each fatin hbtia pokes. pense that it would bie kept up perm. The Conrad, Wetzel and Peterson decent, Immodest, Immoral or degrad. Womnenrs Modesty. tended to as soon a. posible. Mr. sher. men who Pleaded their cause with Snently ambulance was .ummonred and moth. Ing style or manner, or ln a style or wood 18 a10o couty superintendent of fervor bordering on eloquence. sait@ Force HIt by Draft,, e n hl eermvdt h manner tending to lewdness or tend- DRESSES LUKE X-RAYS. L AE O.SI Àth@ young peuple. departmrent and ln John Thain lead the fAght for Rx- "sai e enevey sa enfor hwa McAater hsitawhrereoe toaytheé Ing to lead to low morale or lto pro- thait cavacity.told somne very interesting Ing the route up through Druce ssudh ard tbyteratlehefoun wa erle rported to ege tngalongin vokté acts or words en the part of Chief Theo>dore B-cker, the Zion S R 0 W R E SLakee· '--t-'ri ft' '°to """bur" "Hickory and to^An-obrdehibi then- t be ietivei e n e shretetlle ttgilo I the opposite sex that he or shte is chief of police who has sprung Sinto Lake thigen evasonfe pree frlbofnthe chtand he was backed up by S op- eng ibgoods ret ando ackelnin-upiTe oohersars rd hr immdest or is lfedomma boralEvthefame through enforcing the ordinance girls the first two weekeir n Auguet. Itorvisors Martin of hfillburn and tgouslse(ee Bitan abckn p T essiter wspool) ofAntioch. Wth er rsso nyfmleaoe h ibitt crtainaricle ndmn-ltWebb of Wau Logan, George Stevens ,orslimi. nsBRI PO)o uie.Wt age of twelve years, cut or fitted lnupro g ceAnart esBndUmanIo a plenid tratning school for Bunday and others. War restrictions placed on non-esd- herdhussbandyhe weainWaukeaa a style or manner to show or expose, iner of dress has givere what he be; achool workers and the cost for the two H. B. Lowrf and Fak Hamlin of sential manufactured articles, he saiMody Thywrabutoak or partially show or expose, the necIr lee o ea1nerrttono htweeks lis at a minimum. He urged lthat Lake Villa fled the battle force@ te osad begeerally reved, nd a street car for I.bertyville where and shoulders of the wearer low(e, part of section four whieh reads- Meeting Was Weil ReßreSented Lake counety schiools try to send several fixe the route via Graylake, north lin omerchand swefre ben they ,planned ltoe tàke a train to An- than :he juincture oif the pit of thre1 "Nor shall she wear 'peekaboo' or By Sunday Schooil , deleg ates tu this conference. He aleu to the Lake Villa road running north wadethouh fe wnoveltias beforae tioch, when MrM, Techert complained neck with the clavical or collar hot.,Mosquito net stockings, or other toldt of an older boy@ conference whieb to Antioch. of peaac s er tillness. Shre and her husband or on the shoulders, a greater dia-, e othing sor as to expose in any mani- Wreswill be held This spring for boyre fromt the lint fowery words, In financial ar went to Dr. Kalowsky's ofBee. Mrs. tance than a third part fromte the necýk ner ,,r particular any part of the ages of 15 to 20. Although he wras noat guysénts, etc., the spokesmnen plead- KAISER- ARCHCRIMINAL. Techert ls 21 years oldf. Her husband no uh ltp of te mshoulder ,ifwrn wearer, rethrer Than as ln this section EXCELLENT SPEAKERS ATTEND authorized tor makre a de-finite announece- ed their cause. SYEVY;GRMÑ i h aeae lnv Il riew nlbedemImmodeswt, ul-is provided;, nor shall she wear in meut, hie etated that this meeting would The so-called Grayslake route MILITARISM 1S ENDED' garw, ,hlnedet a d su ost o lw u blctes-aldshahgwo er neetgmetn fteof-probaly beyho ad at Libe)rtyville on Saiî- canis up fromt the touth and hits _ - LOWDEN SIGNS BILL FOR gar nd vicu moa a ndtedfng o 1lit skirt, or X-ray dress-." cars, depatentisupeingndenl, tOwn-urday, %May 3Ird the lelvidere road a short distance PRS rne ac 1-I ilVCTOA DCTO debauchinnocece andpurity nd "Th wholeintentin of te oralMr Seene rturned Jtop thre latform west (of Gg corners ;at Kapple's be the rate of former 1EmperorWil: debiech indi and urit sifl i he wole ntenion f th shlip oliversand local vworkers of the fand discussed thv eds standards to r corners; the MNiillhurn route hila Bel- iSPRINGFIELD. fil',March degrade thre best int--rIstqof scitl ares to koep women flurmexýpos e ut lySho soIton Suniday eo rlthe various points, vder i Gale on . llam fto be branded for ;all time as in1 "No womnan or girl over the age of ing the body beyond a certain point," on wh;ileb 1.uke cuanty qualilled. v1 ire rom atic.thaes coirnr.f rcermiasbyth slen ecar- ovrnr owen othi eveningsig fifteen shan expoIsl. helr arnor airin said Chief fDocker. "Ifmrain so that wL k M atLaký%esuftu dyvnng eurantt fo a10 pr en Iusbtancethe M lurn fylks tio f all the in s ammo11,).ld V h eigr oainleua in hH aov te idle orar 'koIUfi ne rsturntwa ued sholajre:agud ha hirtrrtr hsnlo ion ill, wich enaboles the statle ofî lnor shall sheiwoar Ceekaho' oP fre1yu can't se the hIde. Whiat we are for the first tire thalt eela heup- Cradie Rloth cenwint road wh>!ilh the farmers canelhe 1), a( cofrin, to hich ev"n Illinois to Mke advantage of fedleral uo notal so< ;- . r oth r lhin after is fara tviolations of the law prw rdto elhe vario-us ldWegat,,os 11-rnen ue is 4.1t gtIr o IIWaukmaa:111Or'other is own counitry nuy ý be called up'n i-rne ne te S ihH ge no as to exo i any imannr or T eeaesm ha nneto i fron itlwt. , nty Thieprogramwai vensUri L , d 1: tIred oIung Peo- Fouiun rn and nrimn points; thaIt-to sublscrl!t ib r in l ,c tr sa nt ItI co I, Ate ln this -h-anch of patiuar ay at.ifte nre ight overstep th, bounds prov ided1 l latr iinth Metoi sttch 1, 1LJ Yager à nd P tredAdut1C. s their r ne ts care of Druce corVin l teIl nt11 Lana11:1of what ed il , ,e 1 The pasisage of the oateur thln pint sC inpo yteodnnei rgr oteo km tyheresdent. reshi enteioI 'ýmo TraininClues. a k is e dta Ihe a majority of the act ath apprpirhition of $139 videdneck for Instance, but we ariaft ing Gred urgan ian andthati ifoIri. a lUnk for aIemen on:- riihHr forI "of om1aefunld. ito)meetàa like Whn heodiane a pssd lgrant violaIons. The dress haIItoC E .,u hsaeraiaio ae aahnra uum rylk i o-wr. Thre ri-portof this commi11 n mus1avncd yth1fdra1g1 about twoyeair,'ag,,, Astiýtant Ma-ob up to th- collar bone." spoke'n Sundy fchooeorganzationr ,a cott y argu') r111wil111ouy ir1iafe1d adhIbill was puit through shllIbdyMeobjected to a e alu'1 Tho chief %was asked what ahont deribi n he worko 6evrgionszogan. T ler1reiin inelan.of Grysvas. te imkalon arethatthe emoe s ecigth nmth !bin h ti azwit hatar a ierl county, state, interinfition and Iletinite 1 a.fIor Christ Crgeýd. 1The Iother c dargued that thle are harmoiniou ,on the main lxaina GRNECAEBEOE U. T e ings · worn a emurche ],,- women now-ay wtorh4 lie msaid in part: "The purle okrlnern leual H l. rue sa Grayýl-kI;,and Lak, Vill, Thor, Iare l i ikt obe differotee Handyside'sfatherTwas a Scotchman dull and wore kilts. IHe objected toin n a se n mesadonorganlizaàtion tin Sunlday school work Full Assues-itio i uireet. ni art cheperconstruction hw howm .lI rdn brinatere SPRINGIFlELD, Ill., March -T cluding lngstockings for men in1Itrains, (etir..every.whire. Sell st eee hemaig h wr n Ana leottoS r Ascato a l aeia anbesthe tmn ie:satouha ran cut f aeanuonofWre the bill. referenice was Made to those trans- streIngthien the resuilts. litcan be summed lelerigtefao Asocato Coventon. detuly from teStorairdThi o*rthe Ir - f th",mi inNn eir e a e tt orarlnhea ish ofa an" ai JhnD. Thomas, sleeves ;but so transparent as to b et fwrerxlraino teGlinodr-h ,,utvmnay becomle bringstaenae h e ipncan b.- pniihed for ordersgvnorwchteoutresdtejdg > 1 a 'storandardporcounttytirefiefallsink brid;ge (acrosA Nipp>eirs;ink P foint ment of the loywer court, deciding city clerk, rase quoted fromtIsalm flik(, an -ray pictureenghwtotewrkrnouae. the mcho(olemutet these requirements.. n permiitted by thremt in violation h asei aoro h1OmMl 147. He clIaimed thant the clause Tri the mrent, education and evangelization." 25 Per cent In, this co)unty means 011lY Sprio lre ihadPar;t of thre national lawsý of Germany or wue tPu iæ opn pands te rinne adarog odiace"r thrcltin s oH e t old b rie fiy of t he wo()rkt ofeach ofBeer ber may reach threstndathd r t arguedtbiat Newport township ha ýthe rules of war. Suchtea rule would and La tthi unofla kean expose ln any manner or particular and superinttendent, giving somne very state conventiotewthis summerer. no ceme nt road and that its reridents apply to thre omeier who Pecu itown of ,aUil"!Warr-, WILFIH T HEFNIHany part of the wearer," was ade- valnabie suggesitions toward greater The kpynote of tire etre cnferpnc P e-lile to conzblerion !ý e C%-bIl Zt)i i,1 , hCada la n onC, t di, in't mattier if lthe armas and bo l, Mrs. Jennie lust, 'ounty Superuten- yIrstt r e i rd mnt pit-d out, nmight havl, been telhu t yvIlle, was toi insane when gy. it h1 w'e ing a u r w r cvre" wtih ra e etM e peee t fretole the 1an informnal elsiru taken a$t tell celose tet p , nl u t f singe n a M ri ut outtdy ch w stoo mlah .>f the peek- ncet", thiyefdid not meet with 1'i-Co-operation (of the schol withll er t h.evrningshow vel edtatof flths num - there thý ylar arountd and >;, 1,No1d mu.t Is felt as TI, the !:aI : Sheil, wa: l i 11,*,,1tl-court reoos. boo, variety ccrig oCie frequirements of the law. Whaý-t yuiTemperenee Moemueit. site aid:"Even tbewr4psosNsho ue ave ra ch,,nce tohaul their r opuir.' f ,Grmn olIllna srN h iemsoe thndents,4 county tties5tonhpetc., vraceetrad as wil r(fwr;le oe li.that Mis.iSCsta4e, hadl suffered of do. Pora lias Iffker: can sTeehougdhewasino!coverins.whiehare reieagovete reca v 'Ie~serintendeuts nd that about 50 pirproviding for the conivestence (of iu kln 1i oe o ara ,fud ublusions for a long ltime, mostly Atai q A jaluswoanha lee tlk "he sowd he id!"toie wie tecusoftepee.e ascent of thesenttirý~auienieeweore toachersitoista en rout0-trto the Éummer re. Iy Of atrOcliteS. relliglius Mnes, , g1 n 1Oi rý 1 1 tý-MI -4 t r Juld be ifferent ray ofr ýcrepe oletteg , LIBE E -L INDEPEN'DEN Lke County-s i eel LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN S SAD BOM INal Ets TS -Ini. we-1 realize th at Iw no hae a, Good-bye hihb lb lo fud,ý, * rLr work than ever. Euehiv e TOWNSílIPS FIGilT 11U ýtl l ig1 tLo co,-op1eration of Ihli. hu bo fter Julyv 1,accord ne frto llIarper 'T in -- m atring th1e IL .Il t on FOR NEW R0AD IN hnI Il - vlung girs and arihohl"Iine a three day ernnventin n v th O- mdvalvabhi. u-ri1 E ATED SESSION --iIiin at th, l-fI S--rn-n t, % u.. t off - rý d ri1-)n th l, -a tchicam )

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