CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Mar 1919, p. 11

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a.rwmI!VTvtT.w. T)iEF,.[PT. 1~'T!TTffMAPY. MAR('ll13, 1919.. PAG1~ ~fl TOWARD NEW FIL- TER PLANT RE i hur'Srwn. aer xperi Today t Dret StartC ing of LandSurvey. eOMISES SPEEDY ACTION. Defïnite tepa wrd the, sîcon habroiltof W:OWftl. anq prorsec Jan or llataling a modern wukto prlftcatlin lantt wPré taken Ioda) tben C. Artur Brown, te Amnerl an tfP uÙe n.] W't. ompany'[o ta ieu1 wati-r exçet, arriveti bare anc gbervi.i.d th-- t.irting of work oni ntûur ïz,.p Cf ht- Itatti lylng nort ithe. MItirùw pond. The tracto tin .,I %%iit h' .iuraey lma obgt ail' t III cojvpr n tract or landi,.oi W1e nort), of Mcrrotv pond and wvel pfur as Sçrng Comiiiis.-un,-r f.rvlsL-. <-paatng bL1P. rraklne reetved word Sat-;am« IltNh i tlt,,t' ti hRa aupplied iiîrday atteancon that btg dute, ua,, tint wrh a .urc>orir a raciin andi fuel admtntastrator 50w amre vrIo il ea go mtiluiakê, the r'ont.vîir haa fot' been caled uPon ta do enY l, whi' h AI]] show the ay or lile actve worlt in ibis capoeittY lu sgille R iti and il!l gest thre most ad.inlime. Ettitsu iilt for the fllttrit;ogi T. HIlnuits IR conlned (0 his boneO tailli M, titown fi jj, ta ttit a ramtilt of a g*<paIdowfl lie Mitaned i erti.te~t Priday. Ili bou .tutflih t, 4151e hi, ar,.~.Indlrc(ly disto.10injuritif ha utmai * Macle Sut vey Beore Two yearsazao In a runatway accidentà ris, t- t, fa w triiont hs t o CardIt annouinetng the marriagé ,t 1t'ttl ttnoluitr of tJAul. red l'. W. (cnip- yMr li an u f[a ltire or e15 Ilr and Mgr. Netîja G. l'ckffln, have 4lrs,r' . and etz-~tdprinei- befrg raeti 1»' byfriand.4 In Watîlse- aùJýt - 't.1- uîrtî,ning le- taolert,,lolt-gan. Ilît. Cooper formérly waa4 e 1-aiii:l r ortht vil Tis un-coainect4-5vil thethonaval m.tiOnnlit ~at îtr. l 1h- wlr Tîti <> Grat tal'<îi. living in taukfegan dur- intto M, itl: t hat Il would rite ilîng the tîme ttte satiton ra beinil Misa ,- LIcth flIfiter plant it conn"lucted IHPewux tranqf"rrd ta My of, ,~: , the Morrow tpond. tionoluitu aLfil yearsago andi hàw ;,i, ttmfntif ail litpro,ar..lbin hr ve lio ,j!J Itt, t eletrt the bpsat ite Pr flit -lit anid Ihan il wlttî J Up 1Mrl-s New Word. Lu Ili t ., rI-t an optîin on the Nopoteon once rewartet that Mur, lnt] 1,. Th'- mte, %fr. Bown ai t tlu olhqlr facttea in war as lhreo ru one. Morate Ita a new word ta ou? Bay-, '-~iI. - amntmum of four vîeoititd 1(ié ut i kow Ibat anl- ar *--- 1i--11.;o. outd Ibi even bltone- tîar. et futly <efoiti tI, but there tr. ii, I.. site la obtained the are -ertuiti factura a tteti mugit enter tlpxt cri ,i v ii ta10have the tplans tt. t- co Il, ttoî.Andi one O? the"a loti -.,'itit ti',fl-tdrawn. fa,-tt,,ra1. tilt, tîrrnitig ofMnsrtmnds il Take Six Mçt0ths iti,.uglt-. :'lIîc.î.ut ta.Witlot to This 'o-iil i ttclonger tha n t r. av-iii' tu t.-lti tetiit,îI trutphere muttbtd- gorg- ,. ieatinca. In tact 'NIr. Lesté ',ta.en ami ,,iîetc ue ndtheit Brown ýat t liatItilmny take si> 0--illî,o< . : f tdtir)'« on the wa( momtI, ý, he lan ino lulla tllie ine tîlgeor Miclii îulni. flut .-.i. .. 14etitnsmb '> Irut i1ie t li ed Crotss IMaazint. i~ ~ ~ tâ i' thle- l-l'id,____ Ur.. cai tlli tr "-r] tf l fait anidOt-e CubaIt bamnle8 are troin thIbm bD etttrtt ,a,,l- hy SeptFmbor or Plant eutiet Piper Cubeba native of Urol,-r!it .lî'tk-gan rhouitilit,.the Welt Ituee. a bima ztotvoîY cul- ,m g 1tIlt rel water by Auginl or tylteil injava ati Uumtr. it te tetiber iof the rotîowîng year. Busa elocal titotent tu tndlge«nm laoi - tr rqiteed t-ost (rt îîîoanti as a Iavortair eblcei liseizztuO P-tt1.4 oncerie MrBrow Ray heandi garelei. lit le valuiabto particutaer- plan la'-ocered r. row maa h In ditseuses oflteamuconi me.- t i-t i-ad, Io makeaes0timt lt tbraie. aapcaily of te bronchl. Frm thiýtimi, 1,Ir-uie thpra aie ,a iiaiiy quenty moked i cgarette* for Ibir aLtait lt enter inro the situa- affect on the murons memibraeeof th. tîtî 114 tut. ltow,-%er. tiai î'tarq bronehg anti larynx itclit.l ould lie no dtfieulty allant______ tlitiriig1h,- plan. WNANM!EDý.Niddle $geti wornanta 1 te a Real tar go te (tirnp aitashnurtekett-. .1 lit F*t-yti i, îtt1 ;.tni - bLitaefa zt t a 1tamilty , m0t on a rairai,goodttldg ttiti. isa t las mitade a retil Alan for ae, large tal'e l iami- <tort ttaartlthe olirrton of ils wataI-tary rot. Atdipe, .Nir-, Itattttaly. .Ir, rll-t iti- lng tu wom-k 127 torY Avé-,. Waitkegan. Plient- ttittay f lenrtw ltEiare 1tu i.ak- 96).wk1 1I 1lite t oitît,îr 1iaI, or te murv',y of FOR tIENT- Faillti 01f114. a(t'rt-ai the talltI i,.th., finitt.lntît step îhat near Fox Lake, known as th1e Ed- bait Ieen taken and Mr. Brown, act. Wn Wilton tarin. -tquin- of ('ltrle-. Ing unithle autrority gicen hflm by C 'to. Salerm. Wta qR, F.D, tii..- [ iIictint-IL plans tgo;rwtadNry2 jit. t as, ratid(y a., posile. 11, >a vl;that ttte egrettiibte feu- SPECtAL ASSESSMENT NOTIC 4îe i. fiat %%atkcgan rit, no! tr. OOCK£T NO. 136 allit uc a lan a lestlifeen NOICE19HERERY .tV&N t) staî ,,uh aplan aIlaam fite&nal permons interested tat the ît- o YI'it, dgo ttNortb Çhlcago. Couaty of Latte antd No Cheper MileIs Ste of ttttnois,. havngi o-d@,redt haI Tlite argument hast beeti tatil i hial alocal Improvement l,-remMi. L> it' i,',lv lite cositf materiala %%tîl cty, the natrie. characteranti local-- beone owetaer, n' that te warila tly of whirit Improvenient 'ts a., ftît To. I owa: tr Itroala thintkstbat Tat, 1 agttlàiict.aweiw' 71case. lia ay a it nEurope witî necexsary maulhotea andi bouse con- niake gretai demantaun Anrra dur- netc of six (6) inclies Interntai dilametar ho conastritlet inli a portion lng the reconstruction perloil anti o of a Itublir altey. taying westenty t,î long as, tre la a heavy defatitfur I on oik 71 anti 72 Souili %VWatilcgari t a iiite jrice waltluon-tte racorde into Book"C" 0f Plat,. p t Itta n. It, aitIh.- wotfldtt 441 u!eU- ro andi G3..and blotck 1:19 South Wawtît Irîs-tIr tite pricea went even fi bgl- kegan as recordet int Bonk.--ut ..] su' ,la.tita t,tti firtgure.-, wiltPlat s paîge 0 lu the taite Coligtnv Re- tout ai l4,,-t tice rt-on, andi ie frai,, cornera4 oflice in Watkegan, Illintois, Ila tit %tg (41 liet a mitfiteLo ldelity attl ite City ot NorthIt ti lt-go -jI l iite tit tifaîtrk. la< ony tmoa Ta Junk Otd Ptant The ordince for Rame bettg on t'Ldt, te iroo,ýtin wic jàtéfita in the olce of te City Cleri t ~d'r ti popîtllo able> ,,10anti having ap.'lied to the ('ouitî lie cnrrmetiout ilie <la watt-r Wggl Court o? Lake County for ann.ae4s', plant t.tu1 e ha Juutit t ttthatdugeâ ment o? the costq. of satti Improve- not mean tatIL Ilibto ire Ba total ment accordiîg 10 the bandlii tn-tdj los, for Mr. Brown iglîrt s; tht ié, witi au a.',esmnent tîterefore having tiren tic a big salvage there. la tact lie matie andi retoruet ta ailt court: tel sa>, liaIîtndouitadly mun(Ir o"r ho final hearing thaereon wlll lie ha.] at' equlpmienlt tare caR lie aold for mtore teu o'ctoek A. M.. on lte 29tt dm3' of thapthtie city patti for îî.. île suys MarrI, A. D., 1919, or ausoaon ttî,.to-1 aifter aa tue buitttnass Of ltecourt thête la lilîle of te 4e dgulprifeft wîtî permit. tiat woutd fit inlo Uta eqipmetitl of aasemsament la payable In eight1 te new plant. intatîiments anti saldtIntaltmenl.s Uikewtse tae prettent lnlaktrtIlt! heur înterast at tha rate or fivt. fer favate be abandoned i ti btlocal- cant par altufur rom ant iflter lte ati. potlwhere It traws lis date o? the firnivoucher. $Iource of suppty troin a point where Ait penuont, dsitirlg May 'fleeao)- tiere i Much soage ol~ltitlon. -ja jectiona in sani court Ietofe sait] payîs tiraItîlb. whl %watar could i te day andi may appear on thpihkaig pîpti 0 tre ropset plnt n treanti maethatr ttfenléa. pipd t th PrP011@11 PeutOn h(- Daleti at North Chitcago. lîlinoi,! norlt ida lIat il woutd add greatly Iis iîtb day of March, A. D.. 1919.1 ta te cost of opealoia. Ha thitîtte TOEPH Lt. PRZY1BOR&KI, a new Intuke could bha extendeti lutiOCfleraplioilted by-lte Prèmîdeut Ut ltae lait et tae Poit wlrte iew the Board of local ImProvaaOlu to - ittr- plant ls ta ha locati anti have malte @@id gçasmattin1 the decraeamd operatiOti P*' for il It Wkly MOI E 1fl21 a short ime. îOg titi Re-PUlllcazî-. ti i a- i ll. Your Bat At this. Lake County's lai liable Furniture Store, y, what you want for 4 îiîîlîah Pu II > Ittt11ît-. t h ria ges (tfille lit- t\\it t. 1Bî-î 'i'î, 4rî'î-î anîd B]v Cre'icalt, B- atî iîll 111111 ('F-t<oilli(- liîiîtis. - t) il Strollers, Reed and grea IA large line of white I Criba at spa The stoe O 1> I WAUKtGAN LOCAL&S-u guIr.wamaedaadnllSanmuet (bld, a comimercil photo-Ta c S p T suit for $2000 damagges, fiteti ln ctr. I court boere today by Wlbur lani eVotva ofZton Citty. Only the pra lpe waafIleti. Votîvu t4 rapremenleti by A ty. R. J. Diy. TIhe sut talitae MIon lnbttutona do Ia eartaln a; TinoUK o? work for hlm. 'The nut agaînaçt C1.otdl orgtnaliy wasmisarted1Ci ( 'i caira but thta camaebas bean tiroDPed Samuetlicitwaatz fl'rday donatti a plîotîograph taeatecounly téitnqîento! 1 h chldren'.a homo- on the wa'll aidp,0 o 2. StprvisorierIîar atite Io40tire donst- 91 ion by îtandtng out twenly:fivp Irt-- Aj ortit hlnAit. Mr. Dttgera so a tif I' manybody aiseha umed recorda lbiy ly wli danaa ta the hom. liey wftiel bu ~.appreciaeti anti heitimuchte taenter- i tati tere cildren, macy o? wir are o e al mates of te place. "o sott1 a bave seeanlte smitles on 'tirakitm iSPa- I NFED M. W1 , lb they boeard t finit saiectlon on 0ti nto'SrlNCtife of. IKaitircffl i. 01 >macine,-wo% layeti "Amera.' andti tebavae10 rodtic--uî al cîttîgîes'tîtn:,l je te childrnA amfaces beamPdet; us la pportionmant it i rir e snt-i ter e litenedteI taI," muId r. I)ltger. day but OPPO.îtlti(tcuf l u tt.~-û'i lit william M. coneer ti XliA.noag Cook coîîeity am!ttr. tn.ii Buricey, botb o? Zion Ciy. t.ok Outi -wa- t lotltroilue.-d a maraange itaesa hro fotiay. ! A cmîfî--r(-ore %lilt w- l-l )y Néeds Fre sh, Air! irgest, oldest and Most re- 'ou are sure to find just rBABY'S comfort. e îarsize Baby Car- ,Il iîtrjited reeds. Frosted î<.Nile(ireen, Ivor. ti volors, the latestcolmi titustiai showiflg up froîîî 4.95 Leatherette Sulkies at a at saving. enamel Basinettes and mciai priceaO Here is a SSatupday Sp.,la A fil] sîze, fuil roll scat anid back, moade of one pli ~~ veneer highly polished rna.liogauyv. i'lîis 1-g ker has njeyer been soldfor less 1ila l l .1.O; on sal e at onLy ................7......ý .95 Di, voir want to huy ant odd arni chair for $4.95 14 în<îrow, leathler oir soiid1 s(at, -golden or ae uîak ? OuNlv 15 thiprv thss 1(,, thnmh they acat i panu - ths 1»Il:t1î(îiîfor -. . . .. . . .. ............ We deliver free anywhere in Lake County. J î~( i 'i i t y"s of knowing how. . AUCTiO0_N 2 Carloads Work ilorses Weighing Deween 1,275 and 14600 Pounds Drolle Double and Single To be auctioned at my pjptce of business 118 South Geqi,Ïee St. Beur of Durke and Wright's Hlardware Store Tuesday, ?Marck: 1&'19 Ow'ner's Statement - "Ail horses guarariteed sound except as stated at time of sale." Terms of Sale-Cash Dr. O. N. Smith Owner AI . Alîieveîîwnt oif the Age-Unideseribabte LL SEATS 25c AND TAX Truck Tires '. I'V 1 Ài Sizes of Firestone Truck Tireat in Stoc- 1-EWES GARAGE, inc. WAKEOA1Zî LL NOîiJ S 8ubsoribo For The INDEPENDENI Ht providma îwo aditional coagi,t, looktng forwardte0tire cotatng year itiotal dii4trIcts te ha ktiOWn i~~as lîlI ithnrlght prosp>ects. -Rav. MeCoyl twt-nty.slxth "anti weittY-ttt Viýtf tîth Republtean dimrtsî. lias loi rodureti a îew teatître tn tht' I TIhe iwnîy-sith ditrict tîr 1'ýlSutota> eéig serv'ire. Tire flrst c'î,îsl'tt cf parts of C.ook. touitv ty ii'liftt-en minutes la apent ln realitg .r4ld* to? Chic-ago; t ho twft-' se'.i on-flrercntwrhottu it district wuuld conmitao? imtrit of nCtttiook; he1< i.iiiîty(iiltie tof <Chicago,. Xill e 1Pose -otf whi<-tî s t gi-t the tinitt-t i. ltatîpage eoîirty anti Lake ,-iiti' OU t1011P. Itei]1tanti I t înty rotnin t-s nc"a- Vii. Il tvie- of 4h.- rst , likt iii t veltlîtdistrit t wortl l ii- i. t t iri- it î-d ta .tiIS eting atte.é n t li- t-le vcthî. 10rePlace X/ili i1atd ri lîîî î , vesiiiai i ang.. A comit t)itîago tùUntlp- ti- lttot',t as -hob iltding commiiti-t-. - Sa. IilîttoitdvMm, bî,tîtti oonf, lrý t he.i- tti in i h-- tasemettantI lia,-i * Nr&th ' 'itpt(rvlionîof tire excavation. rl Suin-uineBond, the Stinr,14 nýe 1 tffl ett <u~ or Nlim. NC V.Det-kot - ilt lt nîn r . 31rdrti -ila I-i-i Oit l.r i .i t îieti ýlii.a oday. l .I reki Eemnip.T a mon-y fiere lgheennionthîs ago aiti, a "ilgo to tht-.iasoriteo funti oflE tiaft frontWa-ukegan anti matin t l, Pncsbyteriittîi-tirrh. tlîlck ofrt(- figil in Fnso-..nii,.t. tv,..C. 'ilcoy c? tira Preshylîr- inlurt,lbinthre anti> yèhrtrttel t ri clttr-Iîha.',orgaireti two rtar-s in tlb.etg uy a machine <'ir 1- j'.- nttrg lit- Youtng pi-ople o? the TrieChrnisîltin Entiayor St.,. ,- h*itiru'. The girl', are in meat Suit>- lit-d ii-lt annual elaction o o tff '-r tayatfet-notr ai four oclocit andi ton tire conîlng yaar witI tire folloa - e iOtai f,îlitirly. Tbey ulhl Le lng rFiiîtt: Pre.sidmlt,. Lltii. a]i iitiietati in tht- do-trtoes <r? the ail;,; ie.- preaient. F. P. i 'c hu 'iiri-h iftln îa t u Ile tttt-iîg tr.-asiirer, lBernard Dockear; ,,ecî-itaii v1hein in as niniber', othe chanrcir. (ti-roldint- Joliay. Thaeatîciey r.nThe clamssas itartiti yestarday. lu gi- a Darley Fainteîle ai-t ei't' C-uîge Nélýiit f(e t iion IVnie-r Mîtreb.t- Tire Etadavor stit-ety tii, >siî oto ftîo i wo wa-at-ta s liat a mest auccep.stul year ant i 4 liono i -mmm -~m~ :1 ----------~ Fred Grabbe, Auct. xl APTR WORK- AU Tlred Ont- AlI> B- caduitut lte Crie Açid fl>utua Whtch au ufteits î.tUSc.. lheu- Thnthcre are tho3o %ho taîtcid the day viîih a backache, aliffltgs, arms anti muscles, undti n aclting hcad (worn-ool befüre the day began be<ause they werfe in atnd ouIt ofLed haf a dozen timeufft night), whù ,arç- 0o pprt'ciating dice prfort test, coîtîfort ad new strenprh they obtained f-oiDm - 11itctu -. Aiuric Tabke-.-. T p-ove thut thi. iv a certain 'unie acid anl.c, tfd cotiquetO headache, ktiney antd]blnddr'r disvuîaandi liviimLitismr, if you'vî-t- et-use.] the "Anurie," senti ILn ce- tu Di. Piierce, Buffailo, N. Y., i-i a large sam;>k- package. Thi:i wîl i rovc- 10 you that "-Anurie" bu many limes more active Ihnn litiila. di l i-: re acbd as hot coffee does sugar, anti iii tht- moat perfect kidnr-y t.] blndder corector. If you are a suffemer, go tu yîur Lest druggist ani.] sk for a sixly-cent bo:. if "Anurie." You muni to risk fuir Dr. I'icrcn'- guxI a tut- ttandis be-hitit this wontierful new tiiaeovery as itlihas for the paI laf <xnlury for hi,, --Colden Modi- cal Discovcry"' whiclt makes the looti pure-, his -, Favorite Presription" for weak women anti hi,, - Pleasant Peflets" for liver Ila. tir. l'îercc's Pliaient Pelleta tht giot thaI la,,fn. Tlicy reguate ltae Bysteni, sw weil a la mînad rovatc' t'; t,ildlv atidri-i ttl but tt.omougbly and! oftec- ttvetyno griing, nvioletnce. Tht >'nr- liie. aalloat atidltee ausat u lake. pure». vegtable. perfetlty lhntr-a.. atudlte btatliver pili evar ktiown. Only rtna ltte Pallt to a laxative- thme-f. r a ctttliantic. Sick or Billous Heatiaclie, (oiitauuioni, indigeatioii, Itilir us Ailizike, uitd tîany tierattgt:nueuut tf ie laer, uwâli &W luwmzLàarc îevultt. Jrtievud ma al

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