CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Mar 1919, p. 6

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eeln- CoutySea lews 1-.------------------ p Pj UAII hînu~nnmu obstacles. Brown simpli maintalaed 0 Arm <grip on the steing vleel andSél f trusteS ta good tantune thuA île ie gSIATCIIES PM E chna vould not overtuin or lit san iD t' Go0d fortune ma ithlh for .taneb 1fl4lIE AIWcar diS not urt oser. Evea tle vinS- y LO A 1 (JMAf aliit!d vas lot brokea. The front ex. sOu c 1K T It~ T -le mes sprung ledly anS otier Pari N ~ H.. Herwig Victim of of thse machine vler. tvlsted nome- Seventy-Five Feet Frontage on 4,obber Saurday fight; Fnd could have bleen expected. ta North Sheridan Road Pur, Emnpty Purse in Ravine. Brwtii: rorning reported ta chasud as Site. ASSAULTS MAN; ARRESTED. hsundatlig h e ltisinîlen oSTART BUILDING SHORTLY. mateien lnve9tigalten tîle manning.1 Watkegan. MarcI 6. ie 11'r iile removed ta thie Ted The Xasonic freiernity of WauÎte- Mis. R. C. HervIg. 60.1 Marion Thei i. rag i.atnon. in aetWae 1000l-e Utreot, vas île sictim ofa! purso boa, aag bà teoo gnie Ti.hardviectars,00 oet «Catcher Saturday nlgnt. 7The rob. hme.ett boa rdfdnirectoedtoa bei-y to01 place aethtie corner af bib- PR3 >[ 1un3E 3 urîcs f idae I y n i e " brty anS Marion streets. The ilef, t euh-UR EOv m e fe rnoe o ot vbhom lins, Hervigtgld the police, iUIU ,1111 . er-idan oad ut ont o orth adout leanton fabb sallore.unip- IJVEIIAÀ Li1IAIOsld Charles Steole homa e, h.pîrclase 0< ouI . en gad île ndlag prtce taa sta lie $5,000. Tii. deai uhcIlIa Hrvgva dntig O A TC E TTITù as ta b.e closeS iodai. moba a re e n tiwilhgtevay hal-I. A .vJý -aauc" Stepe yl l e takea Immedlately 10 acetbefoe ae fcev mai ad bi.-'lavt autalle planes ratted and ae- faleS. Thse pors coniained beiveen Aften lavlng serveS ixty-nine tual apenations vili lie started eit tIe $1 and $8. deye In île counly joli, vaiing fan sarîtest possible moment. It la ex- The tief rancat an Liberty titl, Louis Sayden, tle preiby nurse. pected it mil tale about a yean to Sti-et to Shreridan noami ant i sîap- mlowvsas ensted lsevet veeoksa9ao comàplet. tle bulding micl yull bc puare&. TIet ie must have nun on e charge of ievlDg stolen a qoan- oD@ of the. flnest anS mont up-ta-date mo-t on BSteridan rond 19 lndicated tity of cloiliing and fevelny o!f ,rs. tn île tste. if lit 't tound that iby île tact Iliat le tosaed the emPtY Doclien of tho souili aide, stepped oui $100.000 la Dot sumfcleni bo put up iiand'ag toto te revins off the Sber- ia to teunhIine iaday, Dot ezectly the kitS o! e building desitied h idm i-os- bridge. The bandbeg wa9f ree, lut vii tie understandlng blet Maisons are prepaed odl spenti more. icd aS p Sunda)r. 1 lier. vilul le no prosecuttan provid- Thie site a!fttis splendid Masiouic fhlis le second ld nt ot fil tng abe shovs a disposition to do homo les a trontagF of seveniy-five lilaS vhtch lau been attribuled te igiti in future. foot on Shteridan rndm, overlooltag mon vearing ae inform. The former MisesSnyden, it develapa, liasmadetis etslako, anti mot lad about 140 experience tool place Dean the Northi pnactîcalîy complote restitution ta teet. Western Sepot a few veeks ega. Mns. Decker wil ithe exception of The building la ta iefbo! ( ie u Assalla anArreted an inexpensîve ring. Shle - promises vinlle fre praaf lu every p iar. Stanley Bursh, egemi 35, vas taken slie milI psy for thts as taon as sile It wlîl conisi of ivo loors end a Itt custody Sunday ntght abolit 9:20 oltain.s a position. basement. c'cock on a ciarge of iaving a ttacin- Miss Snyders bandi vas fixeS lit The bascument mil cantisiofa! eOSte tr an uho conducis i btte $1,000. She iras allaredti t sign lber eombnatiln dtaing forni and dance store et 1011 Marlon street. H-e vas omit bond and lier case iras coitti- floor, kitchen. b4ths, heating plant locked up in the nily jali anti Iis case ued, ibis icing dons viiitie con-' sud lvtng Quant-rs for the janiior mes set for beariog toiiorrow niarn- sent of' Mrs, Decker. Miss Snytier'a nti bis famiby. Ing et 5 oclocin. pleatiet guity mies arraigneti In The main floor wyul le dlvided in- "Pseper' Case ContinueS circuit court todai. 1ta the readiiîg, louugurig, smoliiig, The case o! A. Johinson, charged M1ay Fletchter anti Albert i Gt.'tPle, blliard anîd -ol recrsa s t rou yul lbetng sa'i'eepirig Ton" vas ta cîtargvti sit living tacetber, plead- for Ciec ladies uofOteriuitrs, small îini- have loin tritisilt.ning but wita t- guliy anti uvre sertiencedte to(-cr e lrig roorn,, a recubtian rooia andtheLb conîmnut-,dte 10 Wdo-id .niorning st twonty nîsys Intheiccounty jai. uîiic' of"the at'creîary. ainle o'ciock'. The youuîg itan a Ira lit aler cases motionis ltqo aliT7he tecondifleuor mu libe urur.i seleated in bçtoflu or $700, -igned b it.ty nient3 w Nerû ovorutetiand ple oas r iartis îu0the ruutîn '1 lier' oi Lis tather of 'njt gu,, ty" irere entereti The te ai o tlie locher raains .foi'thte cases Wî11 le trieS thi-tternit. ca)mn.uîdery,.Iio a Ëtleroon.'t etc. A gallery Mii extenid abouit tle lodge AUTO PLUNMES IN- MSSDAY S mtl 10 RM INE BUT AU- tnshiiitgs tîsi cao le band TOIT I NO HU T llasOPERATED UPON1 Tht %etlang and boating d- MisLorena Dadi, tieugîter of spect and vill hie one of tht' princi- Robent Daîiy of Sheridan road via' pal feelures of constrnction. Tiiere Boatswain W. Brown Drives la iesoneen IDthe lcAlisten bosîtitalb viii le the Indirect ighting systein. ..-T.hmUhjg Fence and Int the. fon several dais vas apenetedson A big veutili lie provtded ta keep bl'idaî eternoon by Dr. Foley nan .1the records lu sale place. Gully on Madison Street Dr. Rioberts of Wukogan, the lattent There vilI lie a pictune geilery handltng a delîcate situation vîtI mhltk ilmi ncluSe pîlurdi o! ail the OCCURS NEAR MIDNIGHT. lier tootb. Bome tume ega infection $40 members, including tiose in uni- set la In MiensaDdys 3ev anS tle ne- fri o! île mambers mita serveS Wankegaii areMsz 6. suit vas that île glands on botli aides during the ver. AnUa<iFnobile bllota lIrougli t of lien face becama tennllly avolon, IAi socnasaithe nov bulding ln fi«S et tlhe ed of Madison street anS the apeciallitvwu calloS from ieted the preseiît lasaalc building ig 11:45 o'clock Bunday night and Cllcago FriSay ta examine lion case, ai the corner of Washingtoni arel gluagoS dovn the almost parpeadic- Heoroderod an aponation andSlit mes and BSlindan rond vili lie cfered for dii- lope In tle botto of île ne- a mont tnyîng on. 'and peinfut. Mins salo. ulmo, some 100 feet bel&«. W. Brovn, Dassy no doubt vwil'e a ptent of "«W. tPiBD h make aur Day buond- Wbe ovins the car and mai Sniing it the losital faronsame ime. lut one ofthel.mail modem anS moni et the lime eacaï.oS vîthout eaueetly equIPPed ta b.ho uaS aty ffét wu afItirminean0fle wac spîp ~ lfhPlace," a member of the building provse a. a aluasa i e ENELIR 'WOOD Jcommitîee saiS! iodai. "Tliai-o vl Bromw whola e boatavain attaci T REb.eaccommodations for the adtes .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w teîwiî eiet vain JIJ h ilieb. elcamed at la hme 06t o she latanrgaten taiati-, &'WSDE I et 0ail tues."1 Ofl A@ýhllfrotntabt eUIdnJThez le inance anti building commit- Ian Street vas Inougît tlan abORrupt sseutee wviict las cierge o! the arrange- 11îlnto b.te ravine. The rt FO T metStHcmpsSRfIimDANavu tltion llieiead o! danger mas -mon:t. la.compi!of te lermen W Ile« bis auto crahedti tiougi the Mai. Gon. Leooard A. Wood, dam-im : . Wetui (lIns & Deiel n- w *mem incI la a susperficial* âire@- mandlng lb. central departmeat 0f! cal Talcott, G. 14 &emsin ter.Ry toitsreJet best, île Army, annonced iesterday he Wiitney, Alvait RogersClarenice AI- Ifl lhd lad lime ta 111Db be pas- vould mal. hils readence on tle net-i - aibly would have leapefi for set ty envton et Fort Sheridant. ahuler and Chiarles LU Whyte. Imt he mchin. Pontin almst tievelaps that the board of- di- bitiîlemadjuepaitin ch iththle genenal, lia chef o! staff ectr. lookeS aven e numben of silos atralglt davn, vas niaing lis Sovn. anS ail his aides vilI renfide aitie befone llneliy decidtng an the Lion verd Plonge the nexi moment, fort. The genenar's leadquarters. rct mngtIstl aniee It vas 59.1k andSnoa opportunity la saiS, sui l ii e maintaiDet In mtrct. along:he itshall siee mwu afforded ton evolding possible Chicago. wailt olng on et ISBihal srtp- erty, Washngton sineet; J. N. Mac- kenzie property, Utica street; oid Dr. Carter proportY, Clayton and County streets and Taicoti properly. S-AFE, GENTLE REMEDY ____n tret BRINGS SURE RENL"LIEF 09 a eald ufrIghmaiytotheeo ourev tya&y Tebeliif YOU ZKEEP ON Siseaseaconnectied witb the urlnary Neir tîfe and beath illut ua olv FORETiNQu IUm ergena Laad LU build iupnda,.,t re to %hén s u'.------ _ - seli ogn weakened bY dlseaxe. tored contInue treatment for a vhIfs Uies. Most Important ortzang rouet t. tu klep yourslf iln conditI0on and pire- vWatèied. b "a etheY 1rtr-34,1pur 1Y veut a rourn et the i.dssale. the bood;eunhe.,, tiey do titeir Work l'ont wait untf y ou are ineapable of I iaedos;, ighting. Start tek lng GOLD MEflAL 'W.iues, 11aarlern 011 Capsules today. Tour druq. il(deo , Mrimach trou- gint wlll cheerfully refund yourmor imWns in teh t ild oweni- If tyou are not stisild wvith r6nutal ý%Ien. I 11, ' - -'1- ..,t be sureage teoiginal Import- th ur a, i QOLD MEDALand acce.t Do tub- Wrn tu t " il,,k. P'Ititt. ln thre e in. Sealed Pa"k- aGIr .t.NLfia..:" " tt.'UAt ait drug stores. E ThépdorelD IHural, Pr-ç&e-t.i W. B. Smith, Vice Pretident. ~ I F. W. Chutrchi, Secretary and Manager ,,SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. SABSTRCS0 IL TITLES GUARANTEED * Capital $1 25,000.00 WKEGAN - - ILLINOIS PAY THE PENALTY Federai Agent Joseph Hoannhoi Io buse vitI the Income tai neturns ln Wsuhegan, ent oui a Domve rt- ing ta employera andi celleS upan tit bget in ileir report. a! met emPloyed by lbem mb vo ers palS $1,- 000 or mîore in 1118. Tliese reporti are soir due anti tailure to rotura Vit -stîbjects the employer ta, a boa- ey penalty. Il mations Dot If the emn Ployer liatibutt ans man ta vwhom uc Pald a $1.000 or aven, le must make the retîtmit andm fallure tanike tbi- nturi sutjeets bite ta île penalty lxeod hylite gavornnent and tiI ha conttîderable penalty. "71.e mon vIa mant ta mal. ne- turns o! thoîr lacomes are Dot <oui- tng noariy fu.t enougli" declareti Mn. 'Horan. "i coulti tae .cae.of a lot MareoIbh-in Yn t ttakng rareofa!andi 1 w*i, tit inirpssed ulton tîle iît'cttti' ib-,t tii,,' iirut for mslclng rttarn-i h k'iotr.' biýý oefflm iméidIlth -rost .çadse. uetrutt J Ing that ail dlmc ý ýb g be topped DtI TÔ KO N IE * ~ iE T until generai demolIisaiton. I TODÏ AT The nov ordor aiMo provides for the release or mou vith aviation rat.- p Ings ~" as test asetheir servlis coa ibà.q Naval Board Finds Sea ri w P. MrKWA dispensed vith a"d the demobiliza. Pied in Attmpt 10 Commtt-.--tip0 mnt rin4., Suicide or Escape. Burgiars 'Smash 1'Plaie Glass hundred of theee are at the naval Ti sAîIh y~Ipk garmuol13. Mocovitz, former ccii- Door ,wlth v W ih- saine we~.On ent whf c loBo eav the mon et the station with urgent 10 a@lIq or iwbo Oeil te bis death fr0. the. Wreok Cash KegIster. dependency ciaim ýw1U b. el GwnmOt *!Ightli floor et the E9dison building,4 Chicago, died £rom inJuries in an SHOW IJNUSUAL'BOLDNESS. 'Z mthe r !hia inorée. eWaèi mou ,S GETTING REAL SÈMnOUS. 'attompt to commit suicide or Os- - d ln the early part or the ver and Tt iy0 vue la making a cape.? accordirsg tn the fadings of Waukoganl. Maroh . mon enliated for the Oumatioii of the Tho s tra. o feer adipaeWu the naval bard of Inquest, itianday. Ukhibiting unumnal boldness, burg- ver. sten a fi r ta Grpaeen aad eliv Betore the board liedt rendered de- larea mashod ln the Plate glass tels. . Ilp te date 20321 mon bave boa n as a .re natGatin a bone cision Wred Bernstein, attorniey for dow ln the door of thb odel store' dIscliarged et the Gret Lakes, lent- th* rrOucêd iD aee onain l bseiia theo famliy at Moamovitz, lied eiready nuigt about sixthlrty a'clqek. Un. ering the complement ta about le.- tu-. wil have the deeired effert, The annôunced his intention of liaving a locked the door and 'wreoked the 000 men. In the lait fev deys CP' Olvn ril apae naMi board of lnquiry appointed. and aima cccash register ln ettempting to "31t.- prazimateiy 1,000 men have been follwnpaprilead aoya oin ai hintedeta tcillIinvestigation, as, themy- It open. The register contained sent to sec. It vas expiained ai the Miaue. iai an owsewmrrag famiiy vas diasatialled wlth the acant $76. F'diling I hi th le robbers beat naval camp today that the navy laln ilwue a aentemrDg evidence turnislied the' board of in. a rctreat, apparently making nooef- urgent noed of men. Witli 10,000 ne to eat quesî. fort ta ta*ie merdhandiae au nans of men being released tram active ser- Campettion maY lbe the lite of Tihe tact fhitt lie nmans destli yent the stock was .disarranged. Thebeoae- vice monthîy and. only 6,000 or 7,000 tradte, but Dot In the marriage Il- toutnd fot to be inD une of duty fi;lbe- 57 plate glass in the door vas asm10h- men recruited mantly It Io Imposai- cens. business. Ileved ta, prohibit lits fsmily fr'm. ed by meens of a ton pound tron hie ta rennae more mon without hin- Waultegan, withIi;il lucid cffer ot weighit uaed on a platforni Thiis Do red tpi utn na iwu collecting the $10.000 government ln- veigit liedtbeen wrapped ln nos-dering blie workfth îe ilvy. -etapies cdttpe n nser v t dse- suralice. ~ ~ ~ ~ ppeor to deaden the sound.toarma fpeetcniin ______________William Leonard, vIa lives on the tr( ousDI lD ta I ennt uoeaosat ftt fAt IU5opposite aide of ithe street, says lih.tnei a bcrenesayt $LuwuuIJ AIthmvire. men slip out ofthîe st maPAUJL P>I51, CON- , shut dovn the license clerWs coun- about six-thilrty o'clock atid burry P)1ID ter or turn If Imb àsorat drink bar yI 0 ard Genesee street. At the. t4àetit yysIRE T because of a complets faiiing off of PLANT CAN BIELO- o e ad eno suspicion fiat a rob'îePry thSDTIIF le traite. wsbeing comniitted.Loa 11il eeetbyinr- CATI3D AT WAUKEWouJAepNSptoproprietor o 6<AINS A PAROLE ,eLai:ay oenteewmr the sore rturnd a fw mIit-ý.f; ra ny a ope bil nra lt o evmar Henry Ford Seeks Site Near long enougli ta get supper. le dlscoaý Man who was Reý-arrested Uregilsieuen Ti:htreytrents CIijoago for Plant to BUild ered the robbei!y andl notifted the po- , Atter Freedom Lasting Few of valing Olve days before the:matri lie. A seancli vas conducted but in MiueOI gan moaleprcn eiud.h is New Type of Car. vain. Mnts u gi. mna aeseuleige.T l Tt la evident tiat the bungiers tirât- elimInates the n.ed of atating viio le Do.. Wauicegan wish to locale 0one cut the. glass yulh a diamond or glaus CE EC I H W going la tie the knot and 'wtether of Henr-y Ford'& automobile plants? cutter. Tii. beavy veiglit enebied _________ SOWN you were ever divorced. Tiaresa a chancel them te com4lete the work vith lit-.nohrwrs codn eRb Ford les announced lus Intention île effort. Thismaie If eas-y to s Patit Ptack. via bas been servîng Iertliueerva, amccordnglHteRab- at launching e neir campany in man- back the night latch asnd enter the a sentence in tlie county jaol eonregr tcmcl egeta l ufacture a nov type of automobile store. cliarge of laving içtolen bonding vire cerise cdon, ln the future ail a couple whIcl vIll out-fliver the. fliver-in Tletivasoe ako atamti bcgNrbCasadml 1lrquired ta do in stop up ta tac anautmoile wblh yl ie.mllarity witi cash registers for In- Milwaukee electric railroad. vas ad. the counter. raftle off their Damies witliin tlie reach of e'.nl.aa tsea ftyn oJen the rîsmantd opaol onafak a and walk off vith the document. limied ean-.oe whrltC5D 11eIn the ordinary way they iried to been In jail sînce Novemiter 19l.l un~flalcem sold as cheapty as am niotorcycle. îîmmy ît onen with thé restilt tîtia t a trial ln circuit se'cond Gretna Green and thon sa)nie," A dispatch wltlch rî'tcho, liere they jammed Ilan alhogh tu.y Pîack ras tîvenq tram California say. tbai crnof tht' practlcally yrecked Itirere un tbis court but escappetni eti n wln l.Criieg aanert. haes. om u new plants vtll be ltitt.d aia i, nar to gel b tih. money. the" nase wa, t aken roin lte jury on fo suairan viii hb-aue t crneup Chicago. itla gtn-, m i' ct,rtierln'd Tbe tact titat the ratbrry ira.i m"ii. Rntecliiiality wiilît as raJbot ,% o i n tyî~h tuo~lwu that Waukegan ciii ff 'r miore in mtels at'bl. stii -nh- iony leta o hn!*kt'o a.attraction% tbat wut! malte If the way of atiWtbi' t han iet pe îtople vere pa.îlîmg îîack aiid 'wih hfi heft ol pur 'triai proptir , mm iro itirAtepplace ini '-rend a bon- go so if the'auit ti 01 rtir. !on W'a'.liiîtttn -ireki t ii a'nd tic pr>t r:tl't.d watt thai i Vi1 lyititin it '!!t ri Coipiierce gt u i on . ' t-'icet' ihtre t.h 0ws ilit .b i oit, f th-tht' tîel", pme rsonîti troirti v I t t itg I t i - - i t' t i i, ttrn.1p p sitears tea h tua 0 1 t iiirv we atofî.i t r't U' . .c~ontntto is iet wo orttr b.'Il. Hirma i lhat a iL- t 't .<a ,~Jf~5 II ~ Irailroati 11i-i w tre consîti.I t 1,, ron'es i. day wiiati sarnti:, aiait' di tch ,yof ! ' RE AIV BURG- H rt filom vas ibohrt lîved l wltr. fclitc tlm,- A*!;iàn"made l I lai diapatch t.amorte i bu t Following tci.""'ti f Il,-ors' ,el . rt'tr ;1ewa3 zarre'tt'd aslit'1, tfr hec permite ri iremnîut Ford sud party yeit? "ay for Detroitt. A R B W U E the court .maon i, r warrant ea<pn than tire mucb dcmsnded W.. i togàn it vas aanounced liert' frorttan auli tut its'tht',tiatet amtînov. Ho irasI ra oritative source i .tî Il. G.Firesiane li i utpcut i- tire maker, aouid b. aa'îoclatej vitIl ound ast-r lu tie grand jury antI lemHOMESPINPINAUTOMÀIS Mr. Ford in bt t ogaizcor lie agaîn lndicted. E PN T N1 Mantordîtabtu to ow Fzordrtmh@ro,,. When the case vas called for trial1 mauatr fanwFr uo-Thief Grabs Chas. CCAPTsUREDA T R bile. li' e pleeded gtiilty and ibre'w tllmeof À T Î D R E Accordlng lu Mfr. Ford ail tbe stock Trousers When Mrs. Crapo an the mercy of the court with the in the neir cuipany vOIIlile omned Discovers Hlm ln Room. resuit that lie vas mentnced ti n rve 3 L SCIS by bis tainilv, and fi ta tliaught hores_____ ix months in tIe county jail. HW LO K e-- that %Ir. Fîr.'atane vii le assoclated HM lf --- culy ln the iMitter of tnrniahlng ROBS SLACK HOME ALSO.~t t A ohsnAe 8 Amts1 tires ta ils corporation. One of Ltse rA.KJhnsn, ILL8,LU, D nov Ford factortes yl talieoceted Wauikegan's "f reali air" burgiar P R YKL E ,Plc eHsBe ern lni on noear Chicago. vllose varions tiiefts about tovn have i ayWnos beenf characienl:od by a jlmmying of IFCA WO D O MAYO LO li ALF of lhe front and roar doars la order MAYOR LOSeSmiglit Dot l: heked inis O FBEA DwY XRA added tvo more crimes ta ____soagd18 cnese hoentered tva aouth side homes. He Parent Mond 0GveU op rt aturtiay nlght et eloven NOW LEANS EN olteined rnoney in bail place». The When Son's Comrade 'Tells ociock iien ho vas detected la the NOW %1L S A E -ine ftevictime are: aMannfrpeofnDeath m thebedroom min- CHARLES (IRAP-940 (lion Rock Manr f et.doy et the. home of S. H. Petens, For Several Days He Went avene--thlet esaed twth Mn. Cr&- Prietor of île Senitary Clecning Abu wt Bad nOn trousens containing ebaliat $40 SHOT REPULSINO THE HUINS etabishment, 216 Fairvlow plcc<. Aotwt eronOe la cash and a stIver match. lira. Petonrs upnepening for b.d et Side of His Face. MES. CATHMIUNE SLÂCK-930 .hjter meny menthe of suspense, île ftnie. Johnson ves ceptured cf- CHAGE 001 Rock . venue--thîef obteined issu aaPry, an emploie of the ZMon ton a chas. of noariy thrc. hlacks. CHANGESHIS APPEARANCE. $15 ln cash and diacarded several Creameni Department eai Zian lias Mr. Peters and two or tIre. mon clecis i h hoil evidently feaned le et lest board doOtnite Information friends vere in an asjoialng roam et Some0f .kema. iard 6. ouid b.e unghie tb cash. con<ternig lits son, Willim. the Umie. lira. Peter@ sav Johinsoni. Hoeo ayor PeaiceOs lest Mi. Chiarles Crapmo la perliaps Over tva yeara ego, William Penny The vladov currmin vas rcased about friands ladaiolk vice latore they the oniy persan n l te clty via bas Oiaistd in île Royal Canadien Dra- toioe.Jlno a iute recagnized lii. vien 1lie ppeered annlied an opportnnity of getting egmogo eton. na vent &cros laFrance ea l gis h nw tle mtreet Monday, for le wms aorn look et the burglar vho lebuUn op- dld special vork sa. a dispettil bear- c ely Mgainat ersnqw.d ,be of bis hirsute adorrament. erating liera for the lt e f voeks. er. Leter le muât bave been tran3- huslend and told hlm vhet tle lied For years the mayor lies pntded Cl.evoke about three oWclack and fOrred for vs nazi hoer 0f liim Oight aeen. Peters and lite frinds dealed hinnel onbisnealytrlfluned Van beard some on. e ing about eottly Ing in a voodi vith île Ger nians tram the honse and taok Up île pur- birsef n bs ealybut thouglit if migît lie one 0f thelieIned imp a fev yardsaweay. suit. Johnson vas necing davn île Dykie board. chldren. The bluet oven enter.d The anly report iliat mas received street, about one bundred feet away Wlien Mayor Poarco legan taklng her bedroom. Mns. Crapo rose on lier by Mr. Pari-y concernnng bis son vas vlen the. men ruahed tram île X-nay treaimenta for an infection on elboy to get. a letton look et him. bthat h mes "miesing, probably kil-bouse. The pursuit ied east inD Msd- bis Dock the povertul raya et Otest Witl ibis thie thiefgrebled Mr. Cra- e&" NOt content Vithlts is eger taon street ta vest street and souil caused him to loge pnactically ail the pos trouaee a hldli ver. on a chiair informa&tion and bellevlng thai bis ta the John Schad home. At ibis hair an the iack et bis hoad. Repeat- Deanîlheadt of île bled. Mns. Crapo boy mighi have pnabably been cap- pitJmo aj. b ec n od ireatments ceused hlm tb logoe emdedlerlnlud leéped bured hthe ,Genmans, i.Psyeniered aeban. Be vas dragged out tbehead o îl let sda f bsfae,. ont of led and took attar tNW tiief sougli thei.aid of tise Redi Cross.,ad b tor evradastheomtaboutof bi vuf but île latter lad ernged lia os. thie reàult las been that. a priva.te utput up Do Ogbt. Mn. Peter. turn- sor aetirai fa o Jentiabou, t tbiscapead vas elle ta gel avy. Th.eliSmemiWoodvard vlo tonght aide 1! Jalnii, vate ae pls ice sa Meliceeere sumonon utiven ighaieaideilIS ZIn Clu oPiai.413 South Park avenue, stated eat- tnlnmi vlke onIi niht id titYable ta get eny trace of the fellow. Woodward relates the fl oruday niglit Ihat le vae on bus vay PerCelvem tise beard, but the persanxIf vas about three o'clock 'when MrB. s$atoy . lame tram a mavlng piclure theetre via vall<ed on bisi leftiside alaerv- Crapo vas evakened. -Tt heppened ith vo te regains luli hp ed hlm s3mootb'saven. The thief ta describemi ly Mrs. tirougl ihi. vood andi ver. given bt coulmi Dot explain li .hp This Proved e novelty ai lrt for Crapa as beiiig isther abot anld onders te extend. Pndsvay. eealboksotofIl th. Illine of cleevage vas dowa the atout, betveen 18 and 20 yers aId. "W. apread outont Dan open field T0a s. ChfTyrlon udy center ofbils chi, but the odd slghi Be voroe acep pulled dovn 'over lis and ln front of us, ton yards. Flrit?' heccontesse4 ilat for soame lime past stlrcto samuc atenton n ~ face and a derk marnler, vas in abundanco viii m9xebIne 5guns a onpein i teld attrctedgo mch ttenion n C i rs. leckddS ual iscover the anS a cravd of rillemen. Aliecd merehoasbe epn tlctelid rage wlere the maor gnon ostaktek ieft et ion home until tis morning tva Iroes. 1 lied OreS tourabots sraamev.ndovs af difered nn.l bis X'ray tetments ýiat le aiteusaimIen ele raund île vtndov open. 'and got hit In My left foot, and iehos. leal ieadnu- deelded to lave theeciller haIt ofbils The thtle ltort b'lhinS an 015 celled ta Penny, lut I.ovas dead. controllabie nmania ta match vomea dMoroee.He admItied hliving aloomi bard rcmoved. Tt vas net w'vihout pocitet knife whîdli lie evldenily lied itaving whilet #ring, receivedma- olith 1e bedraom mindom of 1h. Pet- sorte mistgvings, lioveven. biat lie useS lu openlng the vlndov. chine gun bullet tîrougl ieli fore- r oeo w rvosocso@ gav il baberiii lDil'iCtoDlishai. 1 theref are knev my lad ers hon m D va drenta asins. lir. Ji.e ] :Po- Rerodater, M bàer home. Tbe Ilttle fIs Libert vith the Or sighi. Aftsil until the ami report4a ip The Uttile Vuasu, Wb( vhilesafilia, pierced hi.e0. aGroylake lm second te. Georg Cr gi. ban, ot OWadta mee i ilaold Cl viaitiogia 0 T'rank Wb rom aitatti rec.tIl Lué boua. on Wl1 Ui. Kemi ater spendi daughter. i position bern Ivcory. The. mercI' veek thinki obance-the Coonfia«. lire. Win VaUkeganIl The beekei 467y evoeiOi boys, score 1 fuet for the1 lier ou, boys JIni Mach a Opponqnteaa fui piayVIng. anotber gar Int.reeting c Waukegatt 8 By R. William 1M Rue@# ori hie. lire,. Netitl veekeetai t. Llberty ville. Everett Fi front Frant Miarsalil Fi spent Munda John RIiet a store bere been ottilget accounit ori William 1 bueineseflic Master 9 lépent Sain! tires here. Mr. and M from the Sii Mir@. Aire on friends lié The coure Libertyvilie fairiy Weilla va. enjoyef Frank Wi beau dIschia vitb hiesla[ number ofIlb nortb oftt occaaion be birthday. Fred Jtcfi buaineesVI@ kirs. At ter icit on accoxpanle had spenitt Dwight Id laut v..k a bas recentij vas on bi& Irving a soidier.', @p vsek wth Chieaga. Mir$. C.j and lire. A vietors, s lira. La Chapter, 0 day evenin Hfenry 1 Horenborg boefor no vue take lionday. UcasUi B front Oaiz lire, O eale of tubercular cattle.

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