ITBERTYV= E.I"DEPIWDENTý TEI8DT MRI 0199 e' mNi is BIST il dr Bciuilding eutin, Les AI STRUCI ne Provide for end Horse et& the Live 8 On. *y WILLIAMI r. william A. 1 MItio and cive I'! en aiu aubje, lest et buildingi rmers of this 1 wlde experienco, »Ufacturer, h. Il bout authoirity a Iue aUI nqurtr.;, .NO. IT IlPlra aJ" efhi inclama Setter barns ni iuctive <'ove.- the murcpmmftl WB are valuai> in they have' 4 bdslrylng indu' Wt produrera lth thie Ilve stock rlIdustry. Vben the own. Fonatrnt.'s trih hventilaipd at Sproduction WhatllTuIoe 1U sed Cars .We have some wonderfui values in usod cars. If you want a car ibis spring, get a good used car. The materials are pre.war standard and the cars we have in aur show room wiIl be sold at a reasonable price. Buick Rloadter, 1913 ..... $20000 Case, 1915...... .......... 326.00 Metz, 1915......... 125.00 Overfand, 1917 ............ 475.00 Ford, 1915 ........ 150.00 Maxwell, 1918 ............. 500.00 Peeran 115.......22.0 ulck, 1916.... >........... 550,00 Petrso, 115 .........22500 Chalmera, 1916 ............ 575.00 Overland Del., 1914 ........1 5O00 Studebaker, 1917 .......... 600.00 Ford Del., 1916, closed, box.250.00 Case, 1917, wiro wheels ..650.00 Buick, 1918, 2 tops .. Q.. 50.00 Overiand, 1918, 2 tops... 675.00 Wc also carry a large stock el new and used tires and tubes, aiea complete ine of assessaries at very reasonable pricea. Cohen & Serlin PHONE 1678 114 WATER ST. WAUKEGAN, ILL. THE ESSEX CAR. -is flot an airopiane But i s the greatest car on the mat-' kiet at t h e price. Essex Sets New Economy Record! Automobile Sensation of the Year 1 Averages 23 Mles per Gallon-on 115 MAIe Test! Charles flairstow, deiaer in Lake (ounty for the power which enabled it eaBily to conquer a hill which ICsex Cdr, aaý,ye : In ronmidering the fcat of cnvi.T. only two other cars have ever made on higli leur. irîg 23 miletlin a gallon of g'>aoline, it shoutd lie ne- 'Ext.remeeconomly might be obtainod at thse cost membredtha th nitor oft le Epex aihouh i is of ower or endurance, but these two performances memiprd tatthenioor ! ie spe, athrsg it~» tskeiî together prove that iun the ECsex the utmout only,29 intihem in length over al, ilevilope fmore thun etiici'noy ha@ been obtained 'without the sacrifice of fifty horse-power. It was this smont)>fliow nif aurlilu> any other element essontial to a real autimobile." CHAS. IL BAIRSTOW9 Local Dealer, Waukegan, Illinois 0 A (Oakland) Sensible. Six A Dodge A' Marmon A- Hupmobile, or A Chandier We have these cars in our Show Rooms and will gladly show and denionstrate at any time -convenien t to you. We have a car that will suit you and priced to suit your bank roll. These Three Things are ýCertin Firet; that you must have a goad bat. tery if, you expect good result& Second; that you muet provide the care and attention witbout whlch relia- bility and long battery life are impossible. Third; that in the Willard Storage Battery you secure the high quaflty which with proper battery attention g1vs you the maximum of battery life and service. Remiember that the Stili Detter Willard le the oaly battsry wlth the "Bône Dry" pdadple that is your absoluto murameooft ptti a batte-ry au new sa the "yay t loft the. factovy. Lake County Distributor COLWELL BATTERY 5110? Madison and Sheridan Road. Phonfe 222 Hurry! Hurry! A large shlpment of brand new Tires lust arrlved and are to be seen at our Show Rooms. They are guaranteed ncw, f resh stock. :"() x 1)2 x 8 ....... 32 x 1 Lux Auto Sales Co. Dealers for Oakland, Dodge,. Hupmobile, Chandler, Marmoin 228 North Genesee Street. PHONE 251 WAUVIGAN, ILL. Ail are Non Skid ....... - .34q.50and $10.00 ..... ..........$14.001 and $1.5.501 ....$16i.00 and $16.501 ......$20.001 . ... I 1 )atl(l$22.501 ....$240) $26.(X) $27.50 isît îîat~ fîîc îîv iî; Elle <'it c, Cohe. & Sorlil 114 Water Street Waukegan, 111. Phone 1678 OVERLAND "~iiincy Expert" N oth iiig eont r ibute s more to th ie i n ea si ng9 (1 111a jijl4. 1tP)i -1c 0-(-1ve1r111d 'Miod el190ca r ti11a n the valutîtioli bu siness imen place upon it as anit ifliî'ieti<y Asset. By word of lnoîth these men have firrnly estahlished the reputation ol tlî Modt'1 90 as a detpeîdable, ecoflomfical car. It deserves the publices appreciation beeause il meecs cvety day needs. It is important to observe that wornen praise its fine appearaîcimîd 'omfort as entlusiastieally as men endor-, Pse its faithful performance. Waukegan, Mi. when fmilk e.he woriderm b a barn befori moidernibarri liai a great work about f keen for nm barni as hi. la Acîîmfortabli, -e prfoducir. t la aiowed en limes ln thi ce the> quanrity of glvlig. Ir) rly ventiliatid. stter qiantilie.9 Ifworm. Tri a tion of thi'> f. 1k. RurinlIng bre thliex CH<' er aie wantm i lnllk prod1uvfi. te the miik. oui. afler îiikirig" cegmful dairyni Y Q*ed uldîni Durlng tfi lsi fermer lier EIut hi. bas reai or bulidings hi. murh of the w; anê bave mad, lie ta sa ediini tbat, bave beeu, i A.comabine îlo iIllustration. ilitil It bringa under of caring for th( ed witb a truss' Supporting roof thnt the v ~'~the lenst v wlth aIt vice@, end but eau be ronde~. ' a valuable adîlil w~hie tut'>1b; the attriietivefli moqw of the 1 or ecw stable,1 TrHE UNtIVERSAL CAR We are experieneed and knowv howv 1(1 gie SC'ViCC to the owncrs of Ford ears. We have the saine methods, îîîaehiîîcry and skiii that they bave ini lte Ford F:îcfory, and we use the sainîe Parts mnade 1w the Ford Motor C ouîpînv. Ford owvners are doubly giiarlan teedi 1 lis as toIi lle Pliablility 0 d, oîw servi-e c îîî Fi id vars. I)ouî't.try Io doi it. vmiîsell, lbi' îg voit t'ar lîcte. bIeîidenîtally wv arce getting a few i>îl , "Pi amiiîe ;ifi lh.Io bmiiLkc al'~'y' C( mpe, $6o; eilan,}*Î5, heI WILSON &- ONU VOI R *00irD AGENTS WAUKEGAN Ltk LWI1S GARAGE 110 Madison Stea Phone 77 imm im JL TV MMMUNUI" qm 1 -1 PAGE TW