CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 11

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ÊMERTYVILE INF>EPENDENT, T[IU MAY. M-%ARCU 20, 1919. PAGE THBEU 9181_IWSTMÉgENT t BuIding Inreases Pro- iceLessens Labor. tAL STRUCTURE IS SHOWN Mis Provide for Combînstbon Dalry end Horse Stabie-Bringe Ail the Live Stock Under- Oune Roof. *y WILLIAM A. RADFORD. O. Wiluulm A. Radfo,-d vlI answer Itosud cve advie a REZ 0F Cr.m oni iobajete prtatnls a to he uo i c ulding wamk on the ferre, for eaeufIispaper. On Sccaunt ait ,Ide experisoce a" Edltor* Authr ail etacturer. ho ba, vîtisout doubt. the ut atbi-ty on ail thtesobjecte. aus 511lmqurt.n ta WillI A. nad I. No 5?Prairie .î n ofh ais tre-cet sta.,fo Settei- borna nifaun boter andîimoi-a $iUctivt- anas." That lathue axittîsi Sthe suresafuul lislu-ssfariner. Iws are iailuate. Mire vainable àa lbey have b-en lInithéisti-> if il diryiug imlusî->- in Amantsi. A-s 0&t produrerm sand ai]tthue htam-I thie lve sttck division of tte farrni I ngtutry. Mben tha owuer of a dair> baril ~ontratu-s b luiseif thnt a iaarmI ventlied tlé uh ousesglu-it-r e production it the liîuîe uf he b-y 98 feet. Thi erme lbarn forma ir- e!! and lm 30 feet hy 35 feet. Adjoiing 14 the rt-ar of the cowbarti are two slos, , 14 feet lni diameler. Accommodate U88Cows. The Cew stable i: demigned te ne- comiiodate 34 animais ln single staUs. and tour olhers ln peau. The COwA are faret! eut, a feed ailey.filve feerl wide. belng letw@en the watl and! th-,; Une of tiancl.Iîîîii.The ljuter slleyI iuns through the cenar of thie hiId- lng und lm igbt faettfour luches wliie. forming a îlrivewny through thie hnr. The odvantage of tis arrangemrerli la tbat a teani con be driven ln one doit-. jînihelwsi-în th.- sIus, andi go ouutaIthe otlîîr end! of the building. At the rsir of te î-<w barn tare two feed ri-oms. comicaed with the tsilo4. There iso ,is n ioiiî-t rmouthere. Thse iîîrme baîrn wah irvconmmtdtae leu animais. Peuit ln mtîlsoit i wos lit box staliti. Tht- arin offire lm r one sicof the- inîranvP ani tisa bar-1 is mommfon the iii ler. White ouiy the gent-rai achemi- ofi equipmant for ilifis huiiîing lm shtwn.i the plans conliemplate the use cf nmartyl9 xpecal iétiesIb make for etBiî'ony 'rili doing Iliewirk requira<l. TMe toor 4 arc qîiiî.iwiib torm-tight. cosy rilirsg hangerp: .lrinking waier tg pllwd le Iuîividsîal drinking cule. t euch stlil, prcillng dlem. fresh wa-1 tr atail Uimes cf the day or niglt;i feet! end lifte.r carriers on overbeaul irai-km make flic ristrlbution ef food andt he-removai cf mantire easy. lau (i..- boy loft. a cariler inprovIded. Carprul provision bas been made for venliation, one of (tie mont Important fetures of tht- modemn dairy and hoîrse barn. 'rbere are air puimpctor 'Upolu veniliators on the roof. tbree large ont-s on tht- ridge of the main gertion ef the haro and a fuurtb ou parvisa miikbrînits tise huglicath(le wing. Tiese mrtors pull the tiet ~tce tewoutai- isliehadît! fot buid air cut et (ha stables (brougli veilnl. h.. s ia-nbttire. And! when. ith suastt! foui air, flaea. Freali air ~emoiera harontqtip[meni. bie rail- i-cos@;lulbi-ougb the uindows as (ht-y ha b a gri at tr of the unpleas- ai- ttltet! back ant1the top ietuug oui itwîrk abio ttise litrn tau hliuer- galaanize ron bruiiwndow vemtlatlng med eatl>- ai -t bsa effort. 11- -huleiK. N'ih he(bsa(t-efreas air lis kahteu fur nîiu-lrn cisnî-eoieîcetu ln ueflecled le (ha stable ailing. abere bharo as lie lmintii tai- te um un (ha t diffuses grasiaalby; ne direct diaf' ~e.j lows agaluot (ha animais. $un- A rumfortatuhi- -îýw lm theie-t rat-- igh te laumres greoesat garni api- tîucr A cw Ibal is rocii i.ller. 1peut>- cf wludows are ~t la lol sut-t!tego thiisiy otiil ut-dinluttis haro. en r nies ln lbh- day lne otait prît- Tatien ai tcgctler. 1the puan showuu of etgiviîîg. bu a cuIt] barn, taI t îoiîi-rn barn sbouut! bave te moka (the porly venlhalu-s. o eow aliaI coîntume îiiîtti-itnfurtaile mut! productiva. gaater qîauiti s tf fond tri keep hiem- Tli.- ti.înîtîhar aide te (the ques- bIf warm. Triio tlgbt stabe a greaiar t -Owlt-t-er nont o trictb>- mîss- onontf titis trait!1a atineerletloit -- -r, tiiltiing wtb ail the ha-' plîl. Ruinlîig watutr n tuha rrnl . tti lt--i t ios agond! lnvestmemsl. Thet fhr h-uîw cauttake a drink ahami. l hoitiiui ie er she wauls tine. ustummna grtant- Mach Labor Ellminsted. M mik producltin. "Puti( the watIer F ,-ung te country'@ gramiaui *to the mik. utai- idoIl btfort- lstra- ii noo. But lu the- psst thare hti- $1 fler mlkiug ta lieiiaivice ouf the liera macy disaaîvanlages lisal hase Ieemfai dotn->ntîtn. tIs-en ite yo.îag muen frein tbe tarin. C ood Building@ Reduce.Watte. Tht- work imdr the oit! condiitins During the t-atwolis-, >ni-s. the humi- tins onet pliasilut. as.pariail>li ttri erimerhbhtrn mnking mont-y. thebatrn. But wlian tare la a rcn clo Pa f Combination Barn. Eutliebasri-bizsi uthsi-ii lît ~i~cu dte hitîtti-.witiu gutters Into amluhivth% -oru hbasdiea h isi 1:1ith he iuulnletudirt eaue ha waahet! ehn tht-i-eare ,e uilisli c 1e avuitîlu uiîîîuuliiue fuil.curriers thi tlaire the- fond tliith- muidbave made mmre prrofit. Nuîw- iuusgerianduthtem anur oc;ou-,anit!vua- lie hoaa a<-lunia tii gvti- ilua (liutus t-r it i-st alh. lan Ihlut urine lins to tbt bavaeht-an denîcul îîiîu ttirimg war. lit corrir. or the anmaleîîs hri-en In ssi îîîi]cr nt-r trough,. shirb ln liie A- cemabinatlicu tni->- andi huma liai-l. "t(lt( ssuunt ustai heat vuces as lm licam Inluste nsiomîtiluYinuig cf(hi Illstatin.IM heidnt uidin. inc sîtéot eariuîn iser talclng cai ullsîrtio. li 11e dea buihdmug al f tihie lvstiak titit licra nas ln the- It lringa coder onc-roiof ait the wrrk of cariai; for the li-t-stock. Costrurl- Amoertuisindhmehao.9 et! wtli atrusutet!rafttr garubrel self- l Aln.-o thm ilium>- nt! host- an s supotiug roof,. rnoget! cunvaiîut- furnî-r cai-suisîtki. Il wiib briug larga - t hat the wurk cou te perfurýirîtlIretus li t botlimonyn d mot atistas. tht- lent ouniier of tt-ps. cqutp-lin t l igte hewfofcr with ait (the lahor-aavlng de- tt.: tlligi stocktandorutof car vidas, ont! hulIt as sangtar>- as;bai-nstlog toi- th. e sokas u eau ha mode. This building willb prove li envit ng tthe aciauM vto5e s vauableadd(hition te tise fartagi-ccp. Laigotato wtilt (bis liai-,fl ahadd muchb z) beadlng tha goverument's cati tn thie attruictivereassof (lie fartm lant!- ."Ild t!n Building' lancidam er npro,- *Cmauý, what wll u"îMes] (o tha businesz vIde empînymieuL fer tise retarna ed - mt cli1e former 1lalisa intaer.i <iera. bhcIidng a barns(bat wll Pro)- - tqlemplan that la shawu givea thse vide a dlean. cenvenlent aud sanitary dtus §f ta arroangment. The maIn borne fer (ha Jile stock la (ha frm., or eow astable, part of th brn, la 36 am's baut invetment. ZCISLyK WÂUKEÀflU NK SUES FOR 1MONÊY AS CAÀss NOT TO MEN LÙSI TIIOUS= LOST IN A POKER.A-odru p rtny BE COMÉ-CITIENS ANDS TIIRI SLUMP GAME; DEMANDS $75onef1 pprunt E~ T a.Noithw~est Texas t.îîinii Explained that Request of the That the auddeu terminatoji or Theodore Lazdoski Also Starts tîw o il bootil n1 i - p Ille IheYîîîîd ou Alien Enemies îi-Waukegan the war, cauimig a slump in5 tiC Suit for $5,000 Against G liiiiit. Whet-e else (-an von i>uv faî-î inîl';; Has Been Taken Up. price of scrap lroli and Jtunk of aal Joseph Repolaiis. t1iat -will iais(- 4î7 huslels of %whIeat (",.- $70) otel- kiwis, bas cauaed the junk deaiu-ri ~ITUTI0 15 XPLINE ofCiWaukagan to sufer a îoss or ian% RAISES AN UNUSUAL POINT.; *)' <r a1 c o ad tng(etidte-i SIUAIO ___________hosadso dllrs l fi suc l (fflît filrst riou> Ae lanveeof a t î-tlîîîît- illii thesana o dolar, l tu *,ati can a man recover money wfîichsi ui w-ci l ivalt;es N witin a veal-, and voit stil uowîil The Czeclio-Siovaks of Waulovgan meut made by Heni-y 1-adeiman, 01( oflt lecs in a poker gam-'tîî ;îi. rocetlylired udgeFdwrdsIo secf the hast known junk men in tut- Theodore 1,azdloski, 821 'Elehilili, SId. i-eeniy uge Juge dwrdse iccil>-. Hadaîman ayg thathi.,; ndi, Waukegan, blalieves lie can, and! con-!'This îs ulq 1;kef..It ili s ta î 1 it-r -l- Ille. influence Iln make it possiluit for'vidat tas wili iun ever $5, aqupntly a býa tpld sît in Juýi-, o vestiuatiî i ioi tiîi------------ Ili th-m tro ta'i- oui (udir Citize0slsip At the present flanclho bats onu iai armrs court agaînsl Joseph Rap- papers. Tha>- hat! beau arrad final overtrac ,hundred fifty tou, cf .r.îp olaltis 1412 Southb fAucoinnd. ,uiL Nîît a stîîînil)fed ltftvle1 eo Waukegan. andi John Saduilui, Ir.., ;andîlfi-vefi-tîîi tinli-,bil i.Fle41l beaoming rail flédge?? Amprican clit iron for whicli he paid $21 p(ý nr ~ - ei tet ottCîc- zens becailse as eubjets of Atirîti- The price ncw ha aRys is 1'pi-r for $75. which ha dlaiisbhu baiII -l.~ lti ii(OS Hlungary t11e>- were regardrod as ahi-n ion and ti. gaiuiomt iîlPoailili 'o poker to tbemn.Ha is suing Sadushki I Shildit11tlidin il le i Iil anlemies. disposae ofit aith(at price. îîot oui>-as an allpgpd partiripant .t. îlîîl xatt1q:îsI Coutr officiais at Watkegan ha ' At Ilite time the- war camept an teegamni but l ase>the owng-r i, f . takan the mater p wi(li te fadoîtuI. alleidIlatîcmansanyq hehalltsd ont, i prmises at 162 12 Tenthb streiift~~lpu ul,' naturalization bureau at Chu agol t foi- tht- disposai cf ail lis ii jîsit In addition 1ib ixsusit I(,- fi il but bave bei-n informed tbal as a a prr th(at wouid have enthildlm antarlvd as uit for $5.000 danîag,, iili clnsILlano osibe u ditai t rupaprfi, utwie h sar.circuit court. maXing Uapolaitis t'le- J. q. W H IT E ~ claa I laflo posibe t adit ilIiires, aproitDutwliu h sirtdafendant. He askq damages for ;in Czacho-Sovaks tea itizenship. They, t-d to lest! ibis jun"i Iwo calsaIotii f1a llagasi eaiing raceivet! at tbe hanisd iîlit Stt 2550y..- - like otb-r tlien anenies. it bas ba-n bc titi concerna which hadit1ronti-t!A of (ha man haplantes as defpndant in pointet! out, wilita able Ini lake suaeit litait given these factories pernîîs.îoîî ilis suit. 1,azdosýkI lo raprpeunlad I)v 777-4t5îi c 'ît-gi l naturalijation easminiation dîoîî~It. ha laarned that (ha go eIltniî-tt Attorney J. A. Miller. ' their case-s haie been investigatedto i caucal tireir ordars. Attornl Miller explains the ti raretuli>- aou thir retord iqbos.(Ii The bottom bas droppati ,u- cf lion as folows ____________________________________ clear. the- junk market," Hadelmati ..i "Otn Marct-h 1, 1919. lazdoski ai To ,rov-ý thalt here is no lîtugî-r a "Juak de-alers are flot buying amy fo Sadtîslia wbarc ho met Rapolai bar to ustilraliziug tha so-called i,- more jîînk for (bey conclot dispoia-.i-r tils A poker gante was started. Dutr amy ut-s peviing itiy nw aa wbt tt-ybaia onbau no Ming (tie came the men drank cîîliiI ernyalins,-proidig thy nw ar wht tey hve n bod nw. trahie hoo-,.lazdoski loSI $75. T;i-n regardet! as desîrabui- citizens, ,v- piits for (ha Iasit thrac or four betars an argument tartat! over thea ownnr - -------.s - ------ - .- - - - -- - - -- - - ea-af et(hem sari- graîîted tit-ir finalliave- bien wiped out b>- tht- maex- ship cf a certain $;) bill. lazdocskl anti papers in circuit court at Wauktýgasi paritdiump in price. Wa hhave no tiapolaitis both claimlng Iffbit. on Tuasday. The greati-r part cf means of Inowing wlietbar or flot "Fîuaily Utzîloski startet!frhm A pI hI (base men were subjels tif Autrij (he price will go back or w!ietlIr it lie wa.t bttraly 100 feet from St-due- T r c mi e s ,. .* altliough ont- rama front Girmaqit wiil drop stili lowar. We tire flot kis pace when RePlottis T ru c k T ire s 1Yom Wei H Their ut-mes ai-e. George li ua buyisig an>- paper at ail as if lS aurti, up itabint! him and! truck hlm nier man, Ceslaw ecakStefanDrink, pracicall nothis", (ha,îîead tbrea limes witb a beCr bot-11o m f prsoe min. zcsiw Pcak. tefau hîruka.~ira-tictily othig - le, kuockilsg him down and breakina f le o iutn George Pavloic, Jozef Si-olak. Jacoit A sflikiîug proof of the luctp in th bottle. Then ha kicked ILazdoshîi ?rUCk Tlre in Btoc!. Silva, Andresi Ornatek. tha pi ira or junk is seau In the ia i t-heeant!au!Injuret! hini se- Tbare will hoe anotner n:iîiraiiî'a- biity ofth(le city (o gat any lî:d, for icrel>-.1 lion d4y in October andi il i. prolya' (ha oit! Sheridan Roand i)ridKt- iwi _ _ E W E S G A R A G E, 'Dc. hie Rt(at tisat tn era tihîl bc stil, Diamoat!. a local dealer. oferat e w*IoSANM iIJfOIU more alan enemips at!mittad (o ii;- maka a bidl on the structure if il -ste ;1ms-s:*a-su:: 1u: zeusbhip. Iutlis probable so Ille ie( cut int piades and laid oi thti Optimistie Thougit. cases o esveal who wara flot at-il ground se it coutld ho haîulad îa-%i Itimember flot to cast pearia before anough informad on Tuesday wîîîlie tut he would flot undertaka ti di st-lume. taken up again af tbat tima lifterrnmser il. (bey baie bat! tima (o stuidy up rii________ thec points on abicli they ara waeak. ~t COUNTY RECOIWERS SEEX TO FORCE ASK TIATITI TR11 NORtTH _W STERN1 Make Request to Have Their Having sold My farm I have decided to seil ail my farm equipmeflt at pubt Figt i OpnedAganstGov Office Instead of CIl"s Keep lie auction. Farm located 4 Miles northwest of Waukegan. on Green Bay Roa,'i ernm i Oen to JRB s t Govd-- Data on Births. and known as the Kieth Farm, 1-2 mile north of York Bouse Church, 3 1 2 . Ramnteo F oreInII. T ICEAE REEUE miles euat of Wadiworth and 2 miles south of Zion City. A bill Ils ncw panding bafore tî p<#1)1N 4DY.MAP'K CJ:I24 F INJIJNCTION IS SOUGîHT. Illinois regîsatra , is utf pa8ssa! 5 -wiIl transter te hi-lt ut! date roc-- I A hlîw was strtic'i againi't th(, Nia erds fi-oui the Mitle of -<untY clark itII.f s -I--ItjlC ti 'iio:-ent taro er-durhfore tise Luthat ofthtec ouniy recordars et 14 H a d o . olsei Catl -tae publie ulilifllt- commission ontIlinois.M Tiada.Tlia Iransfar i., oig oulit br'> 10 fresh milkers and 4 springers. 1 iron beam walking plow. I rTe conmission wsas askad Ito ra- reorer oftriar lfficrenso ute HORSES: 7 head, one bay mare 6 1 9mmerson sulky plow. I land roller. -Irain the Chicago & Nortliwestc-rn jcountir.- te offici-issltre oct ails i years old, in fold, weight 15WO lbs; 1 1 3-section drag. 1 spring tooth drag. îiway t min cbargling moi-e tht-n 2 tainiug.(tiil lrki racaive neo~ black mare in fold, 7 vears oldweight 1 î twstr manure spreader. t-nts a mtile for passengar irafflc compenstionu ftr rî-i-r(iing birlb[t C-h itiiti tit -t1t-ofIllinois. tht-tito. andi tath i ýti i-rhti tiri-a. emuatheu- 1450 lbs; 1 team of blaék mares 7 or 8 ~ wlîgcliao.iAm rg ng tIllerat ixed b>- tne utatc logis- cli. inizIg tido iliota ;1p I reord years old, welght 2800 lbs; 1 bay geld- ltturc and apprtuicd ithlie tîla or iidcx tht-ii.i lthoititilabc ing, 8 years old, weight 1200 lbs; 2 2 farni wagons and 2 wagon boxes. hoard th . ce yfro ago.iug donc In tht- lioniro oiti. ,2hyrcs ta-.utiaia us Alttray ayer.1 irailit itthela tu liaeifithyearling--colts. 'riie uttac ou ttc ::irai fart--t.rîshauga I lis bt-w. it wiîî ielnu a sasi- HOGS: 4 hii grade Dorac brood. 1 nariow tiredI milk wagon. lt- r if lite t 8.railwav rsîi-liting of itt-itips $Xoîi a syaar iin t-brk -deh r hitnrn o- 1 iiilk cart. 1 shovel lw ;tlt-il tif Chit-aio, ut residani t of akinluKano caltli>.Tit(,tirk01Illeho tf. .c shoats. 1 root cutter. 1 fanning Mill. Park. a tommutor anothaeh>-y a surt ca cîtui!ldit- soai.t -eilt-t three 50 Rhode Island Red chickens. 1 feed cutter. 1 pr. bob sleds. fatrînlrts rt nrae l ioîie -ti tntl ek i ouos es.--1single cutter. 2 tank heaters U St-ib rings tue sil. aacitizen ast tad of the (or nea copioee3Tuoset!e -1pm ac.1pmin ni louvs tc sat-ion pon ftroiutar (t-lt i At te aiggcsliîin if Ilua vaions ' 4 Pekin Duoks. ipipjc.1p.lpn nle 7crs lit Juin. ontini> lycli çlî-Qhi-g i4itti- 5limg HAY A.ND GRAIN: 10 tons Tim 1 single buggy. 1 pr. 600-lb mcales. tîrgrd fi) t>ae-; iirt- i t ranstai f Drected Agateat Altton (ftihuc iirîb ait,îi]lsaisrcordss rat- thy hay, 1 straw stack, quantity of 1 corn shelier. T'ht-bilul fluet! s Attorney Sfin ir tislits tt niaka t, iraifer cuver bailed straw, 16 foot of No. 1 silage; 1 wheel barrow grass seeder. Ili-ptctd sgtaig. ir-cIcr tWriertil certificaltsiledartOtr .ttsy I1, 110,î rae Glaqss. ieglonas Dirpelor Aisitof R>-"s doing t-msttr i-auaoyamuce 6.bushela corn, 60 bushels Blue R.ib, 1 in stone. 1 set gae planks. and sintconvingiil- tfoithîe Publi e ab n seed oats, 100 busels of wite- 12 l a ck. mow err thet U.S. uZmmssinaHui IltaNorthi. asciImuaîmicuce i i h ul c lbon seed oats, 100 bushls of Whi2te 1 h oc.we elarow. iltiilgas (liat h director gu-neruil iili itaiottrtci consin pedigreed seed barley, 10 bu. 2 horse forks with carrier and ropes. hsno rigbtt(o Iitise Iutra-ate IlioswlI(-tliluolsorco' of seed potatoes. 1 small scaies. 1 cream spearator. * raiway rttusandut at the lega[ tare structior, et faderai aloîît - adsIn for paisnlger (rtric witlblse litote Jul>-. approximatat> $14.00090 *i Farm Machinery Vhich is Ail In 3 sets of heavy work harness. ori blinio. i 2 cents a mile. tht- legîsiature approptesth 3e A-1 Conditi.on 7 good horse collars. Tise bibi racitas pracedaent I luctuean million wbiah resentsathae 1iiiCCormick grain binder. 2 pr. wool home blankets. action et Judsge Landis anut ha Unit- tatas btlt et the ext J .e. u g anevffe Dsk.2 sets single harneas. 1 ilmctank. ed States Supreuna Court lu dacidlng (o ta preseutative Meents, cha <camin dr1l. iscoldnDlektDie o a imlar action agauat (ha futer- orfi(ha bouse rot-ds andidges i 1uperfor dusk rindil.1saligkete stali- Commerce uCmission, iat mttet-. It îa plînnodant! hope 1Emmerson mower. ibakm og opee the It. S. bot!>-ladt no authorit>- lui-r liat 700 muihî-a if rittitiMiiYihoue isilit 1 McOorinick hay rake. 1 anvil. 2 pr. fly nets. th tatîtthi - .~ 1 Hockitxg Valley hay loader. 50 posta. 2 coal stoves. of [Orteor Genet-ra icdo it ~ he action l Johnson corn binder. 1 120 incubator and brooder. I oing file 3-cent fairt- wus uirrî-li>- Tlie phrase "sétvtiu sua"i s ut a iIpternational corn binder. 2 heating stoves. 1 pr. dehorners. L Olaginý:t l]"law assd h cogr-,ý-qgenrairefeenc fi fie fqo1ýJ[ý, A1 Page woven wire stretcher. autborizing taelaking ovî-r outIle tmu astlltt( e tve lî- thu-ri111e selnDeer Sulky plow. 7ml as rondsm. ne a" la ont- mhli ss lîrcu mac erslycitlaoTml as Hta Ail Ronds th. waters et Usa glotte. _q -l -l .-4t mitii tnipal I - I

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