CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 13

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LIBERTYVILLE, INDEPENDENT. TmJURSDAY, -NARCII 20, 1919. PÂGRWIVE" Zibertyviltè Inaepedent 'WIL1- WAUKEOiAR ake County Independet - Wraukegan Weekly SunVOEORIC AS CLAO To PAY FOR FUNERAL Oreven ttackad hie mother or sii. IN THE STATE RATE?, The bondit who robbeo the Sii'jer til ohe word. he wouid notî fight bank "'centi1y was buried at back, but wouid ses soge barbarian Rockford Councit Goes Against1 beh -Tuesday. And, the report' strikeeclown hie mother or sieran ethe bank people who recover- neh lmseif woutd flot rise himmieif te, Proposed Change-in State rbIr money ater the bandit haï protect them. Such a man la net a. Law ta Raise Taxes. rn hot, are to pay the funeral ex. desirabie rcitzen. ln tact, it oee Iuses. No doubt they were gîad as though any man who appi. lfor *ughte hve tc chrtc te do ss citizenshlp papers and admita that h. ONIeHR O AT w that was th e indirt means of would seek escape from milltary ser etlng their money back. vice because of religlous conviction mn proposed state iaws wblch SHOULD BE denled citlzenship. 1 MATS PROPER-KICK 'Em ouT If a country se nt good eneugh for. ilblad efr thM'ikgn 1 rien te flght for It la nt good enough couicili for endorsement at a flot dis-I ,We betieve the position assumed for hlm te have citizenship. Nobcidy tant meeting l.u one wich wo.ild ýai- the circuit court Tuesdlay whereby is anxious te fight, but when the time iow a clty tax rate of 2 cenis on te resident of Zîo Cty was refused cernes that the pountry le terced to, dollar of a8ffEased propcrty, a, lizenship paperE. is a moighty good religlous convictions that a man against the preqPnt rate ci 12 centu rccdent toe etahlisiî in view of the might have la nt sufficient excuse tu The bill hati jutt been voteai uîon hy jet there r, such a colony as Zion escape the responsibility that de- the Rocictord <ouncil, whlch went on Ity in Lake ctuiy. The court ;ni voves upon ctizenship. We believe rcr giu h esr tt IfuSing ctizenship papers, discharg.; the course followed by the local cir.reodaanthemsu Vin1 Iiua certain applicant, insisted that cuit Judge was proper and should làei Wbhli other ritles hai treen stif- je retigious convictons woutd pre puraued ln other cases where appi7 firing fromn lai-k or revenu e. RoI nt him heling defend his country cations et this chaiacter are made toý ford has flot," Mayor tais nid lit, *case a focicqo nation invaded lt, the court. aldermen. "%\*e haie hail a iitie letft ___________________over cach >car. 1'ersonal' i1isouiri aot r.-cominendif jant i) do t a anift WAUKEGAN i OCALS coidri but now i-at thome are 10 lie sent Io W;tshingi-'n tir.-' iiing ltf tir" bIo le db-poui-d of. Si-r .ii i i -itila ItIio ýn Of Titi' Turneru socieiy of Waukputatt On iii ii itot1 tanitîl,,ili give ttttir igtcenth annier tomîtî. irt ' i a î1tîtiî sary saiurday nîglit. !.iarî'h 22- 5itow 0 a r ",\a rt i- IxlIititoni anti dance. Evi'ryi)ioy ai- arr' l 'rii11, ii'atlit li Coi e 5',ii i i i i, tilji i i' rît' fttnt'rti of hIr,,; Thomasi Kn- rbE ~ ~ ~ ~ i i.Ii . i :.1tûtflty aili tcfilti l"1 riday ntornirtg ail i iii i I AirSirurîntittti ;'iil k tiih- chitrcb of tC-'llti Ibraî ul I it' bî'en 1i l ai-itate <'Onci-lîtinaithlt inhrnient rai' ' . ' In IXvi;,tilt ni-st in i. Nary 'f.emrefery. !i, p ai i 'iti ri ii ti i un Tlîe lAdies' Aid of tie' Sai'i'l rantt ai t. i-in ii strtî ittheran church wii M-f ! \urbgti.> [r.n Il a f ut ii io îternoon lti-2: 0it o'î lock tn 'ie Ir i l i ti .i.,"' ' ttit I 'o liai-ut-v Several speaker. if natt ii .*,i. ~,~k' tti' î1pliteministers in the Northi.'hrarin niiiiii i . i aitugantrit ru.di'trlct a iii hi- Present. eiitiitnu U 'r i itritai-arrî i%-Ilii The ladies of thte'W. C. T. V',.il 'Ont tu'4,r iii iiiilie cntertalnî'd b)' Mrt. Lou tiarîiiiiîon ped ini" ii't tI tir( li îgi sgsivi-ed by M aitie (ion ai- 2tii *rad-.. ,Edwards Si. Thursday, 3tani'b12. 1 Mi-. tBurke flot betng able to jttii- Wü! IIiý I1tain as pianni-d at the meeting Watti t aiI'mti. rbt' plaintiff flnîied 'ier case le Vaà.L;I 1i' ' t.. ir.1.riai. Lhmn damage suit in circuit ext itliui . rouiu ~~ ~ court Iis afiernoon end tht', t lii, ai . . " u i ngini-er Hyatt, chuef et the mainte" j flancir or0fwSi Of the raiiroad, avas ti- Tii"%]ili,(;'!lte (i ! 111) upt t I ir.' aitiéese hput )n the standi. i-ai 1-1v' t ritiitt i tt ' Tht. lroperi-y 'ai-the nortit t'a'. ërnit'tlr C.t- t i , t u tii .corni'r orf G eee e anti Iakt' irli t t'i tti'nt i titi art' tII has tiien uohd te 1). Kiaifi wbtiitîn. Dg ici , '. tr 'tt ii't itistriiti'ducted a "hoe r-pairing etab;il'b toit, fiîî. i\' rTri litot týri"ment. The consideration a'as $6(ît>' ibait' t~r . ti tiiiing a , The deai was negoi-iated liv Pî'îî'r Ohfl'tti 4 . .11< ai i-1 \t .i Otn p. y. Bell, acting citaplaîn ni Lie r ir :.'fi ilîcîr hut"nI the detention camp 'uiliupeak (t- Vaut'gin I - t. ttiY t it "niglt itai-lite tirst Cengregaition,1l rani -)u i. . Let wgi-t 'IlthitcTh chiton "Titi-Religion oethlie Sail- eb- ttIt. 'ttýoi' bas goni' toOor." Dean Bell la both a ariter andi t -ian ltitmt' speaker of note, and bas bei-n r t' it' t't ' 't~ trimostI niimate ioui-h avilt ditemin on von iv' îî r tîrî%httit' li~"the statiofl for 18 months iou 'r t t. tintTnisi, î- 'lIreR'lh Losk of West (l~t' 'tt i' i~t 'i itii iii î i ti l 't iptiet las, nigitt liatia ciithiday liar-' 'be' r, 'i lt tti ilngi- iv ai- her i ure, attend.'] L% about ing ii . "wl~ ae'vlu' .et.A '~t~i~i f tîî.î '. i ~ qîîîr wart teri"d anti the guebsa hi'ni )f l,.ý aia a1dpiulbifil ciening. The hostauls Y î~. "' i iit t '1) ia.;"lite rerjitei(ntof Marlty tîautifoi Kii-i Z' t /îîo t'Ci, I-i!t t rt gifts. i-tt il ITi ' t iWi jntting oai lite larnni"Tiachers ,i' jeutvtatton f "'t" i spe taxes ratieil Titi quiution il whrthcr wc vanl b hi-tp ouft otepr citieg tbroughouf ithi- sate, tudtat~ %rbom wP mighi ie ioitling bat t. il ap i- l not fator thuablUIt' f'îty fi-ik XVvtl,"re-r-n of Rit ;*,f,.ri] Sat-irit h-at th iti i t> ailiriit of I. iittn tIiS 'i-ut 11:1v 'ai 2npi- cptionai yi-ar tuttit v'ru r.ia't due in te fait t tîtfîery il.uatt nient wa. t'a\ilng and manY tingu for whivîî mne,y was appropriated acre not liîrrhuiuî'd," 'tid ti r. WVtticrgreîi In threà"95-of Waui-gan, if t -lt nî)t bail adeuhIate nnncy b rntit i andtuf-n- chiances ar,' that the pri--t-nt or the ni-a coonit v,'ouit fi-el it i i amui-ni- opon titim te vote for i-- "uggi-rted change In ti- ittc.lekit Titi question bas ont fortu:aite t'orne tiifore the Waukegan cetanci1 y'i- qnti tpi oimiters bave r 'cî'ii It only'nfoi-maiiY. WOODMEN ARE TO DISCUSS INCREASE 0f THE INSURANCE Tliti-utpecial session of the 1lI,'at ('amp oetiiîl' Modern Woodrni o tue hi-id af Chicago Mai-ch 25. wilI hi- of parameout iPiest o ithe Mod- i-rn Woodmen. The flue epfidenrit, whitic h inereasedth ie deaf hs ta four fîmes the expeci-ed, bas made it n-c- c-sary te iail upon tlke lnveiîtid sur- plus in order ta make thbe prompt payaient of i-iciy calut, as bas bei-o %one. Thei excessive death rate un- paired i-licsuni-luit sethai-more funili are necssary. Th!, i-an i- dont in tavo da", I.lite offie-s4 say: liy ieîy of t tra assessni-nt rates. Thte offi' icrs say titf oci.tlea aviicit li'e bad te ietvng of double asais-as ment-s haie iound t uniiatis!aîlo!-y utf Nuit.. i t' t rt ' îuf l p ti .1 IR. lîirlui- îtf %Xihtitte tit I 141t . '-" 't' t le titie-c 'n "Ie l'u li titi :ilit" ni' k. t r rn.î I't'i iepîiiuNi btrttjl ui <iehut X ii lydp, Appltola. Wt5.. 26, et-tii '1t-htnn ut u il u tii n tu.ti nustia ot l "tlorenhle ,. lt'mccn , saine, 26. Iii Ii. t iii ifXX N- Babi-ock, ('amp Grant. :11, Tl rp'ttiont' ,v isathrini- ;ft-id. Tenfron, N. .1 "t FI j, onn't I,'~ Arsenu-ati i, ,,, U;,, 'amuît XXk ht li t. Mie shaffî,r. Savanit, Il! , 7. fti kit nutA titI.itutANparty isi; gis-i' in ior of ftt a l, ;j.Gaîdiît, KMenA-b, 1,l;%iaS. rgott.'.r i ttt îtltuof hrtday ot Mitoenand Jean Dat i- iiRcn.1 jjii -,A nuiib. r of their triend.u, attendI u .e. il. Etues. VItaîtta City, Il, 22; tîn .t i j__, - ut X rstrnau(h ldtenîdd ne îi'u îîtîvîîliin, i:, avi-t . Kfîlîtaaîn i l:u lit: lttri' r t -'1tit' t i 11tuteIt0liti' lt'iciott. rtttt i. Th-'re>a l'" 1 i ho, '-T, wi rît r t tf Thi- PregtIbstin sondas -ilisiicir Irr.1. Stoi- 'Mlwitaukee, IX tnvi i rnt l lu i îuîî.îî tuti ae îtannin.i-a larluî'v oiatl for t' - liriet Dhgl, sami-, inr, ali n iivt of Mari-lt Oini 'f (!e te ai-ut___________ andOi 'Ir A lltt!u X 1it I riiot.tii-its iiltl iitir t olruhuct i'îiIi tit lt l".ut I'irîtu'l ittt îiy i Iiiltit ai-gîtes alhlît ipiltt FFICIAL LISI 0F REAL t oitttvtf 11t ii. att'-ircmý-nt'ti. Titai- i"anlel latter tfftîtr ha-,. twt tuESTATE TRANSFERS i-ho Uý- tu trttio't1;" inoi tu hv gur ua ,Absti-St of Titis. Titis Guarantiffl Coupile, AîtttrtC lut' t'1uoa 1n waork.M50flI@ Temple Bide Phono4 i-ot t tof tiitt-ant bîrothor i !tAi-nat-hi'uenf'niaitn, autr ient-,il PUMs'lhed bY Mi-î. wo-Il, %%asu ttihut tman a, thi-Columia si-iool nf music In ('hi LAKK Go. i IIL« At<'r RuStirco te tsi'dintni n rl: age, look part in titi concert gis-,i i .Wiluovt Vu'u ui. n er.ic'r iîSunday oy te sciteet choir ai- Woods nion (lii. liai- uit-lut le tiparitînuîlthatitiad-m.('hige. Eeieiazrd elttts-W Iouse, otutihti- t nri r tlaînîl u nd ii Mr. Faust e!fte Ftv rtî-leinli lo. Pand t211nie oit Ai-a West Eiiu 1 tiii 't lltiiag'u.o i tuYstein viaiteil ai- ihe-Central c o9Wî Zrtnand 20vIli 2 ArVm. - i-m 'tint i $,- Iffl,'t'iPeter 'iii- uni tira Tuîesdyvisir 'W' D $IR 8sttici-is In S 1-2 soc 2., sd îmectu 4Il tti.itiluttut$Si 4ihen Railiisatasnsu r F-imont lavp. lin- iî ull ofIit The~ Chrittitti-aia Tîcsa.'.ci-etv ' ,iiniiM. Cati-i-soi totaJM. t'ai 'lutiMisuire tif'nu.idii'" tilit î> TnItmi- lîij.laf turepaion i. 'rli-nion q t' $I irai-t i-ilanti i ',12 ID)t l'-nit Si' .- i en 'itai ti-n- i tricy weddiing wavuitttî ti-y ai) t , ,1ot-il w) lng fur- tout,: jiîtîl'. NlsDliur-iy gut.' ,thei-be i-hithe it-27ti ef Mat-h"titu Pncs blusiirn tf-o.n X.tiu'tl i(ii ., A.liant-ai-ans au-s has itîen chi'!e iti-- relrlstltPrainT'se. n .TIlir(iati alto! Vi atîkî,gait r.xct. Piî gineler aithe wat-ci- s for Iiu t' éi %r hiiasI r sa ln tievrý hi hrdrad, etPaq'hn esyedht ur ti-Y ns ftiti-second .rîntai-y, înd thi-bd mosi-tinui ltolaty and Snuustlîî ndtutihust ritî a positio n with'Iii hp seryRH34 h rh t uv Il f tnflii.,pfl oai Ili te SizerIor (itio.sitoPus of Treves 1uCnnme one of die Il.te i u in lthi't1 uutli fu Tir e r aliî t'k (0. (7 icg leding sl)iti-tit ii -t ii-es or te erty tif11titi-11 Shridann, o it iii hte. of ltgaed Nos4lît {'bitar]Go initemetpire. ThetiTrevî-s of toduy hadti iIt si-iciah otachines wanî'nu' isI thi-S i- i s ofet ihi-acitcoia 7,00 ouofesiowchn su-ib ly alttutt ndi l Itlit' bauleti oui-.Titi-liere Tui-aday in aviic t ihi-y oui.ined 7sud0oneulusvbsoCit-yenkee InurCit, roaoti othftu î'r Sq.i-ttîtts etding runittti-soi-ki-bey av'e tî 1fng tolui ndijr eîond o îîin îî'îî lteîYanke toisti-m tnsIî i" ii in teriblte î'ondiiotn.t. Iake ftoi ie solihic-ianud ta tnior s o l idiuviu ttrs h m Thitî,iftînintg, t.tY lin tt t ilt lit' i-ite lai-c aar. hihi et'ci ic rs.Lued urluitu i-lutuNt ti In Defense ef Po-try. Amarijge tîeti vaiiuui chool Tuesd'ay. Spiingtlite avouluic'i- ha ;rngls binre today toarriiy S.hlffrnan of Titi-Young Ladies Lague hi-d ialtout ifs voets-euu rn in't Wauiegan and Marliowe L. Kaitue oet tiJr regalar meeting ai-tti- Cent-tiali , o î.îîîîîî t ivt oîlage.1 ChieRi. sclsol Tia-aday etteing. Mijss er-%,Andthtei-book et Ilfe aouidotai- Cern eTiti Wau kegan draft bsoard han sidine Jo isvreidlent o!fi-be club iplite avthotut is îuery--Chsristuao tight-wood Minllg casés for ftle. Thkéy 'wýuch promises te lieeone or t'teiii- d lia!. basa uried'ote -b orln«_!r. etioi clb& of tite-cii-y. FOR A RAiNY DAY. Slng sRtiong of eixpent'i-1 A pttcketfut of "lin," F"our n icttw ia tty Tb ii fi ,ii i pm Ailtt tîtkeit lit. WVhîn tl iii'îîritis finlsheti Ti"tw îîîîîu lin t n 1gauin, tn't thoI n i-lIlty luifl .%gîin't a Clay of rain? Bar "Stamp Shark" Advertisements. Niositi'stbroîîghout Ili,--iiîîî' et ittîti I eire Ia nl>hi ng front thiiîir vol- tîrrîns a! i dvî'riti-iîtints i iiT"tb) trîi'.iritîîttilii'î *lîcrstits sîli) itittis tii tn t-.' of tii]relisi ng XViir SiiIi Stamtpsanîîd Libîerty Bonds ut a ilis- mounit. RUINS REVIVE REMINISCENCES 0F CAMFIELID Leo. Camfield Says That War Relics in German Lines are most Depressing. ia'iî ('annfli-id, former neanspapen' mari, bas hiami-iltua nî-rtning of German i-ltciency titi kaîtur. Aciording te, a postal carul roi-nt' lit recieîed iîy Dr. 0. P. Adattit. of Kenosita, l"amfiei-d tlsnoanstztilonînîl ai- Liront llie s'ry ni-ari-o titi- rcc famous Hindienburg une. Titi-pic- ture shtowsute ruine et a Gofte c'a- titi-trai ai- Lîonville. On the reverse site oethlie portrit card, 'i. ('amfi-id sends Ibis mes- nage: "We hase moved uit the Une anti are now is- uîtfed oiiy a fi-wkidiome fi-i- fi-oi the otd VHindenbaurg line. Thei i-ins bei-e are woitdirfui but si-iy depi-esuing. Thpy suggesi- tue many ni-mor 's tif bigit explosvi- shela and bontîs tlroppeti by avions, "Don not eau-ctf us bai-k beforei ,uly ai- the iariiist. BILL FOR STREET OILINGi TAX NOW UP FOR ACTION. In Case it Passes it Means that Cities Can Levy for Oiling Streetis. 'Anbitlrit afsilsil-J itho 5t idsntp 10 hi orttttn 111i îîîta'ndttiWtîlpi nit tity- 'tuuii,. iuitî titutsece tuf niaiors andiiit tr-.tttc'tOf atîY ci-t' t aitsing ap a oit f isa ihan tliti ritilir fur utltîgli t"t anîd ;th. tii' tîigbatys ln tir i' mit ilt iages. Il t". ail anitîl'îî-it ý, it i' t- ticsi sinit villages; t-t n ipritposeca ftE tileti- I lflllt t ritIî i , t he stti- an fila appropratimîti ,01atisdta-c li-v truinane'ani tutu îtît-t . tîtjeelte 'Tthe tuxshaittu1t1li-,tut .uîtitîîfil tt'e i e ni t i l, t it h ui -11t1tt't i ii t use tiir cet n iLttat nu t'l ýii iut ty uny rîty or vllag, Tuii iI1 flot bi- subiett io it ttthe i'ions Oftufei-le-- tien r-iquiring iiit tasitllhici-s i-o lie ituhitti-d toa10t su ili it-pi-opte," ssid tite bitl. ILLINOIS LEADS IN ITS FISHERIES SAYS DEPARTM'T "SPRtNG(11'IAi u f li lit t th -e itIS tuif( tii u t.tin uuutng i-o ai tble iiu l 'ui liv y liii'Aini-rtian fisiterica. Titi-stîlattitiii'i,:~ 454 poundp,,o fisui. 'rite, i-ai-i-ai-ri- val waas tiinncsot;t atit ;2.500.0Otifi potînds. t) t i tu roiui u ::t 1 p, .000 pisunde, Mchigatnt2Ihuiuu poanda, and Wsconsin po.fltuutt tîndtu. Ie value o! fiit produceid, Illiis was Vourtit, wl-b 1$1,280,187. Oblo Micitl*an ant i Mnnesota, titi-ie si-ai-es drawing upon titi-whitie fish andi irost etfte Great ¶aak-,, hiad-d te iat. WOUNDEID bUN AT ý -FT. SHIERIDAN F0RM- 'YING AN ORCHESTRAI Soldiers are Taken to North- western Sohool for Their Music Lessons. MANY ARE COLLEGE MEN. i t A bîand andi an ordtestra arc licrttg 1,ormed amnong lthe wounded men ai Fort Sheriden te pi-avide entertain- tuent and recreniion ameng thei- hurt dreile ef men freont overseas. An ai'- erage of 500 soidiers are'arris'ing ai Fort Shteridan bospitais every wiet:., avent ding te reports today. Arrangementh bave bei-n made ith Northwestern U'niters1tv Schîiil oi Mit.ic luo teseh thei wounied l û uitru to play band anîl orchst,ra it trîtîients. and fte men are tain huek anld forth b.'ttsien Fort rtlîi! i fan and Evaneton eers- weck itil hi-w music essons Tiii'se aio al,- titi ladiy wotunded titiy rannot 1iît\, tht' bosîitais are hetng taughtin tir, 'tards ta play the siolin and tihîr in-ttriimi-ntti. .Xmong ithi'wountled men arcedmn îfiituers wbo are coilege mnitaYnti havet-taken part In collegi-gitliii. It is pianncd to formi an officîýr,' r i hestra among these men 'and rto haie the svounded eni-ertainedi- i-git tarly by the proposeti Fort Shei-rd'ît ideq clubt. An appeailu b eing ai-ni for more instruments, inctuding pianos4, which can be îîsed in thte or- chestras being formnit. Thot'a So. Thei- aorlîl owi-5 yoîta living, but il takes wuîrk ta identlfY yourself as lthe fi-loiont's comlng to-Boston Tràrîscrlpi. AMERICAN MOTkERSI Our boys "over there " are bleued with good American mothers who keep themn sup~ plied with. warrn, hand-knitted aock-knitting, knitting, knitting the livelong day knitting until this horrible war is ended I The women o f Anierica belong to that army of mercy that is backing up our boys at the front to the very end. But tht5se American women who have experienced the backache, the dizzy, "headachy," or dragging-down feelings which accompany the weaknesses and iýls of womnan- ~ ~kind-aIl can find some neighbor, some friend, who bas been benetÉted by that "FavoritQ Prescription-r--f Dr. Pierce's, which was prescribeti by him fifty years ugo, andi which bas done so much for wimankind, a tonic which con- tains no alcohol nor narcotic. Faded, jaded, tiret], overworkd avmen -weak, nervous, delicate and suffering ones. Thege are the 'women who are helpedti t health and strength by Dr. Picrce'a Favorite Pre- ecription. it's a legitimate medicine that corrects and cures; a tonie that invigoratea andi buids up; a nervine that soothes and strcngthens. Mvost druggists sei it in tablets or litjuid. Send 10 cents to Doctor Pierces Invalids' Hot.el, at Buffalo, N. Y., for triai package of Tablesa. n .fi Iutît like edock--w ork--that'a the w..y your whole sytmmoves along. whcn Doctor Pieroe's Pleasant S Pelt have put it in order. That's what they're madie for-to regulate the systemn as well as cleanse and __ novate it. -. ' The-e are the original tiny, sugar-eoated, anti-bili' ~' ous pranuels; milti and gentie in their action, but thorough and effective -no pain, ne griping. One I littie Pellet for a Iaxativo-three for a cathartic. Sick Headache, 13ilious lleadache, Constipation, Indi- Ugesti )n, Bilious Attacks, and many derangements of the virmancntly citred. Send-1O cents for trial package as above. Uncle Eben. Bnakee% 81cm et *arot~er. "De rwhnin' alu, nsy o gt a The akin of the black dlamond trat- "Ii- tiîtit luit manlU i > o t t* elgnake ls uttlized as n harometer lu twli I't'i- :bin 'A ara ilkne- tFirida. Wben pretterved Hire taw- titit ai f'I.ittfi% t rý. bide uand hung op thlic .cmwiil eei, j hendq of moisture ntethte firat indiea- flon ot n storax. Tiese indicationst oc' Daly Togt.' iasonly occur si-vernI hourq befoi'e Be avise N, 1tit fot worldly the arrivai of the atmostuherlc distitrb- wise.-Qus rt'ane M Save Tirne and Money Itnav iItere(st voit to kîîow 'tlat w' t'hav'e k faîrftle iuost sanitai'ymodern aiiîd ciîiiplete denýital t.iîtileîl(ýit tliat lias ît'u'eri een iiistalled ini tItmisety. As an ilitrodluction tii t httse who <tluive ( been uiîahle as yet ft have their de'ntal x'uitîk attended to, w'e itake the fllowi ng specîiî1 priees. Until April 25th. Cl 1Id ii Io Vfs ..... ....... 50 TIe<etlî without plates 5..500 AI vit iarî'Bi'idgewoî'k ( iîeidtin- glii iî'est ti'tijtiîi, ep<iyadi- q ît d foi' shluniken guins) 7.00) .1 (Ir 'Te'îtIli 8.00 Gl Id I )ti't IPlates . 12M0 sE-itlt- î-î;iîl IFiIliîîg . . 1.00 Su Ve'lil lingut, aî'eîîî'ditiîg ùîsizi', l1< it) (1vld Filings, avvordixig to size, $1. i). j )ei\'it filizatitîliand 1 îîyutîi'lîca t eatînent e"xtrai. 'l'eut hextt'atlu Ifi-lic wleiiItlat es dit' t îîdered. Oui' -ttiltpet il ots Said (ix\N.0111u(1oui y b i 'hetu t'ril afi' xvdai S, and t heuni" -av ~xtisi liitlis as aita a'gumîenît to < I a i'g'hilt liti, prdive. 11a i wl' \.,W ii --iv thiuut we l' tim die ini ohm'sevond Vj ,'i- il] ;itikegaltti,1\-eIxi't lisatii-s tor i-li- lia uîvîstt li u' dl(s, It;i-' sjaîCt il ig ,t('enseiii mîiiithis itibte abso- Iîîît' 'îIable î'aul dI"r osii eix' 1-0 itslayt' Jîst ask \otit nel ghbôr if' we do g'to4 1, i'k or i lt. I let-e are just a fe\v testiîîîoîials pieked out at randoîn fiontiimanii'îv, inam iVsutisfied- patrons. Mr. (hîuîr g{u iMelbourine, y'ard uuast ci' E. IL. & Eu. Ry, Waukegan, Ill, says: "'I liav'e a set of teeth that wei'e utade it tlîix-e' 1entists that arec alhsdo- I uc) sttif an([î' aeu 'leî"uII l'iuuueuu l îîyhuîe ini ieed uo' good sct"X'u('(itii gotlt'i' Mlîs. NI. .. Ie'kei;i11 <2 t. ilasietWatukegatu, I1, SaYs ""MY \\orîk is verv gituti anîd 1<'an 't'îiiIî'ul lei'll;iuiîy I )u'îiists tii autx'omi' iiiecl id, gitis deltul siXjt NituS. A. Kellîueî', LiIer'l x' Iî, -u'S : 'l't'i 'utlul 1131(1 ialle uit fie 'laîey Denî t ists fit tut' e 'feetly anid aîîî xviili si îet. j woi d adx'iSe aii'n nee'd of denittl w itk tît tctistult tlitie .î~x14lt"t" Examination Fret!- Coit' tilt and l xisif l ms 'ii ii tt ltti;tix de'n tX tal 'j-rk i-lttu or' ilit, Our Motto rj.J t b '.t t1lîu'îe is in uluut istruv ut aut it e Sitl luth l 'iiui Iti î aŽ'. H-ARVEY DENTISIS North West Corner Genesce & Washington Sts. Oveî' Pearce's Drug Store. open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Sundays by a.ppointm»nt- il /1 Y ry, es v'ar- 'y typ1o' t be aÏ tfrne te hat are ili tbey ty this parate t; thes«e featur- dels ot mng the women lay af- mthers 1 c 9 i

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