t"-IBIIERTYVtL, INDWPENPENTP TnlrÜUDAY MÀRCH20, 1919. 1.ever7 day brin i prlced feattu This season the suit tyles offer a wide varlty (rom 'abicli to select. There are suita witb short box jack- et.-, Russian blouse cons. oibens el- aborately embroldered wttb outacI, Wonderful New SKIRTS Specially priced at $ 5 tô l $305 Never have we slowî, suri, s charm- raquisite rolnrings Imaginable are bis arrs>cd. Old gold, bronzes, delilate as- -nde,-, blues o<f varlous shade.s, srikirlg brisb. stripî's and flgured eflects or,, Skirts o- -Fantasi Silks Silk Failles Ge,)rgette Crepes Taffetas WooI Plaids Tricoletaes White Serge Egyptian Crepe SILK BLOOMERS mat 19 ure fL me ne w.-speeèialy ôrthe great- brald. iben there are roats wtb pan- neli'd baclssud htîsdome vestees, beits sund saqhe.,wbie other coatq are longer aud nemi taiiored witb brati-. log and button trimming. Miatiriais Rb -ui Sal a re fi ne French sergés. trictinas, piree twills5, gabardines nud velour' checks ln cavy, tauipe, ronkie, black, etc. AIl ises for womeu, misses sud Fmalii eue. The Very Spirit oj Spring Prevades this Charming Collection of- Children's New D resses Very Attractively Priced at- $10 hunred àtuncounterparted bargli $4,.75 Silk Poplin Skirts $2.98 y reII oidei-fti ialite. Haîdsoinew l('si,lk popiis-i-s belte(I. shirred and have îwew buckle anid tasise1 trîîîuîîied pockcets. Coic ini tatipe, navy and black. ALEcXHEIN Go. NOrthern lima is' Greatest Store for Women e' Clildren Silk Petticoat Sale 4.75 Silko Pet ticoats mat 3.48 A large selectlon cf pretty new îetliu cciats Ith itko and riercerized tops. Wlth dep ;lk tal(eta flouncem arc sbocwn n a wld erange cf cbangdble, coloningt,, n ail îze. 7.50 Silk jersey at .5.25 A tpeclal turcbase provides 11114 extra- ordlnary opportunlty offerlng bandrme Il lk Jersey petticoats wtb taffeta floun- les le many wanted stylei; and a corn. pl ete range cf coloringas ucI, as odigoiri, lte new bronzes. navy, taupe. American beauty. green andi combinsilon$;. Women's $1.00 SiIk Gloves 69c pr. A iimied number ln blark and w bijte ln a fa!t range of Riz- (c. Sale ot Double Silk Gloves 1.49 pr.- The (amous N MohawlcDouble '. 1k t bem ln ail ýoloranmd e peclaîll>priced. $5 Chemise $3.98 Sprlng bas brought antI, many doloty undargarments as oui' stocks will verlfy a nd thse IDalian .11k, atin n md s.11 crepe de chine chemise are srnong the most Interesting. m $1,898 It matters not if the weaarrof these pretiiy dresses te tobeh a tot of 2 on a 'fiapper" cf 14 or thereabouis, there are styles for each sud they are rmily great. Percales and fine gtugbamm nslpain white, biue, tan, pnk. checks, plaids and tripes witb circulan col- lars. pl-att', ribbou bles, y-arn embroidpry poucb pockets and rnany other strlklng style features. vealed ini the New Spring Capes, Coats and Dolmans - -o ver which the jeminine popula- tion of Waukegan in Iairly ravin g. And we dont blame the women ani *nd young "fiappena", for making a rusb for these Capes, D)olmans and Coas, b, cause tbey certainly are styllsh andi be- coming. The New-- CAPES Are SPeciallY Priced at- $159 24.75, 29.50 $35 and $45 Ail rigbi. if You want a plein Cape we, bava lt, andi we bave capes wlth Jacket or coat affects, andi Dolmans and gar. monta that unay be worn both as cape and Dolmnan. Core n emrge, tricotine, volour, SilvertoueR. Some are siaborate- lY bralded, beited. buttou trilÊmed, wltb pauels and nov collai'. Ail colorz. Pickimg youi COAT is a aimplimatter in a stock like OURS. COATS -may be had at 10759,14.509.75 $25 and $35 Dosonis pi becomulng tyles are ready len the seaaon'à uewout coats, seothm tonoe. The Newest of the NE W in- SSpring Dresses -are Heme by thé. Hundreda for the. Great Rebuildind Sale, at 9,9759 $159 19,975 $25 and 29.50 You'II miss an event sut-h as few people are privileged to par- licipate ini if you le-t this dress sale slip hy. Tt is one of the great- est single mechandising feats wc have exer planned. Styles for Every Occasion-Street, Afternoon and Evening Wear $Tbene dresses are falrly brlstling wltb style and claver touches and thora la a moisi for evory figure and a dress for every occasion. There are suit-dresses and drosses vitb crushed girdlas, hat,. sashes, bolaro affects, drapes, frînges mnd ail-over soutachb brmd- Ici and dresses. wlth'button trimmlng, novaI pockats and vestees. Materiala are Satina, Wool Sergea, Taffetas, Georgette, Silk Crepes, Wool Velouara, Tricotinea, Tricolettea, WoolJeraeya, Foularda -Sée Our Windows The Rebuzlding Sale of-- $6 Georgette Silk Waists mat 3.48 Is Creating a Real Sensation -because 110.t os i ii i'tuknow a real bargale wben lie t st' u.' lere are pretty georg,"ii'l ,'rî'p.waigs awlth fah biOnRble enihiolîbens', nl-w colora and lin îuany inpil ciilors. Other SiIk Waists Special at- $5,9.75, 12.50 These .haudsuiii;, <i. w isare mbown lu a beu Id, tig .,sîmblo of capt ivat ing ni id-lii t le ueweimg, uuades and 'îîî!ic t itr,, elvbead. @ici. braJdedd u 'îtîîî.r l peplujai effpcîs an'i]o()"r tti-tî-al- îttrart. Icg aniti a .iiilut ou 75c Silk Boot Ilose 49c pr. a.oh n d mti ii' i- , , îbI ng nit a toruu laliitai ilî t Iti k i ood col- ors and ail siz.-tý $1.25 SiIk Itose 98C Pr. W îumnitn'g Ik ,i lt" i i îloT suni ' ;c-, s 1 s il'tl Iliuî 75c Gingham Petticoats 46c ez s a 46C NOL. SPEi ER State Vil TA KE The ered Ji atateb *ah, ai Wauke~ la c bave bt for âipa tew da' been sà mid, ai Trhe the wn are eh, 'Magstr contIi put ln warriir, It (Il 'IrrietU charge bird , be forE Wheat to A Ieý laTin vile ft ÂY.rag 95 fart st tara lu tare Il far 18 ta] il fa] l fa 5 far ifar Avenai' 128 far 4 f ar 6 la, 53 1.1 4 far 4 tau 4 fat FOR Sale or the-- New La Mode Hou se & Porch Dresses mat $3 Something dei(id.dlly ouf of the or- dinary in porch and 11bouse (dresses are thase new La Mode FIre.,sses lilce the one pictured. Mfanv allier pi'etty sty- les In a sarieiy of aub nd Patterns. Djgcontinued Num bers in $6 lFro1aset Corsets -at 2,49 These discontinued nurnb- ers will Yleld many great val- né$. Iront laced, white and fleah. of LItk lienry an Illu KIrevi Influein baving çotnnty The en by and 1 place. urdav ber Graysl shern lodo A Special Featlure of the Rebuilding Sale- Novel ' Spri1ng Su its Advantageously Priced at Only 199759 $25, 29.50, $35 '&$45 Over 7 5 spirited models from which to make your selection. m $1.48 ll:Zý4,