CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 2

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D. FIILIW INSIJRANCE ma.compensation. 811111Hlm DI.w Pil9 Yor I.suaffle FLoe 11M #4 Lbwi.MtIN DL. WELL DRILUING a wu MW Fm te uvalteaua& à%WH2MAUN & DOLAN ZMON CITY P"» 1. 73-W Ir. BMIRSTOW MANUYACTUPAER 0F Marble and Granite Monuments G.meeryWork of Everp Description Gonrespondence 5oIliItec 16 Genesee St DE 1. L. TAYLOR 0101» i at gNational Bank Dildfim *Mlas:-l to :30and 7Tto 8P. M. eSimSc on Braadvay, opposite Pari Umyvise ainois. DL GOLDING . DENTIST Bom 8 t012 a.m.-1 In0ô .m. over Pi-st National Bank ofil. Phono 19-. aue. phone 157-J. Ubertrvlll. Illnos CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. PBYSICL&N sa" SURGEON @@MWaI5BSnuonifeidvto ina ie.,of tie Ey% EMr, Noe, liroat mm . asmlnd for a»« «W»e 0-erU-sa00o TeL 100 Libertyvifl lm. 0. 1p. M m àii P5Ui. VETERIUART SURGONo. SLibertifvlie. Illiois. DR. A. 0. CAMPBELL Veterinary Dentist1 LAiM Uvery Stable Llhurtyvialia.111. *WEUkn. Lake Foret. Antiocb. Kencaha issue.. Wadsworth. Russeilsud allier adacent towaim * DR. J. G. KYNDBERG Oiteopathlc Physiien Phonse: Waukeras, 101 In Libertyville Tuesday and friday Afternoons. EtHANAN W. COLUY Attorney-et-Law à0S. aInome, Cook Ave. Phono 168-J LIBERTYVILLE. -ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS ATi-R£Y-AT-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Luce Buildingr. "Il. Pbono 510-t. orne. Phone 18 PAUL MAC GUFFIN. AITOIJUY AV LAW. lb.rtyvtlbl, Illiois UARTIN C. DECICER 807 Waablugton Streot - AUXBOAN. - - ILLINOIS Oses Phonteode4 8,Poo1860-R FOR S ALesEI1 Vue 1O-foot, ail-marbie, ibre- p .6-foot, glam, floor caae. 30-ir »ncl, m"rle-top tables., mdthe entire outfit for $ if t"oisn 30days '11MRata eor.J A*à. uumealla ... Sa À FM IRNT - LOAF'OF BREÀD, BEJN4i PLANND But Bakers Say its Coming is Stili Remote-Flour Must Be $2.00 Less. USE A GUARANTEE FUND. The nickel loaf la stîll a long vay off, -according te a Kenooha baker, viso vitb othes- bakers la Interesteil iu the announceinent of foodi aimin. lotration officiaIs Psliay thot tise five et obat voulti aoon returu tW the bouge vif e lamarket ts'et 1'Wbile flour ta as high au lb la ai thse proeut lime. It vould hé impos- sible te protuce the five cent loat" sait thse baker. "Flour at vbolesale cos nov $10-75 a barrel lu car boat lots. It'would have to be $2 a bar- s-el chbeapor to protuce bs-aani a reduced ps-Inn. and then il vouid de- pend upon welght. No veigbt has yet been spacifleti. The goves-ument bas said It voulti reduce thse price of tlous- by July 1. se 1 don't look for the nickel boat before that lime. The plan of the goverrneut dificlale is to utilize the billion dolvar vheat ps-me guarantee fond for decraasIng tha ps-ice of flous- le brestimakers and still keep wheat ps-mes We $2.26 for the fermes-." The tentative plan. according to officiais, embraces -the taklng oves- of the flous- supply 'of the country at a nominal profit te the millers and seiling ilt teIbmepublicestai a sof $2 a ba.s-s-l. Tbny express no toubt lIat the formlgn damand for vlseat viii be suffident We kmep the wheat price up to the govas-nment's gisesan. teed figure. Officiais stata lIaI u-ltb vInai et $2.2f; a busbel. the flous-r au be bought tairly by the goves-nment for $8 a barrel. atte- malng aliovanc- as for al]the bypsodoctî saved lu snaking the~ fleus- andi for a fais- profit. But lu os-des- to insus-e tle 5 cent loasthîe fleus- muât not cost oves- $6 a bars-el te thm breasi makers. The plan cansiders the govos-n- ment ahsorbing thlegs of $2 a bas- s-el t a tti rcost of 000a Thus lt.- S.... uner v ouid ger the cent bread, thetas-mes- tbm $2.26 ps-lce and the govns-omant's appropriation would be oseti btens-nase thse bs-mat Price, inatcad of boostlng tise wbeai ps-ice, officiais pointeti ouI. Officiais point ont lIat the vheat nov hein&g sed for exportas vas te be ment to Europe et Ibis ps-me lad the wa- ntinueti, andi belleved thas-e s-nuIt be a litIle obJection te büilu theswh atis te hlgh figure nov. Te ps-inn of breaul. feod adminis- tratIon figures show, had uat iu- creased in aropos-tion witb the price of vheat, but the govamument la aux- loua te briug bs-edd tov as the fis-st sud moss vital step lu decs-easlng the cost of living. For fiva yeas-s befo-e the war tbmeaver-age prîce of vîcal was 87 cents. yulibmth aveage thir. teen oun1cem bat snling for 5 cents. WIth vîmat aI $2.26 a bushel bs-ead sbould be seliing for 14 cents te mainiain the proportion, but tbm av- es-ea pre eto bs-ead la only 10 cents. Oun of evary $1 vos-lb of breati be- fore the %var s-ecelved 25 cents. Ilis suas-e is nov 46 cents, officiels said. MEMERSIIIP 0F 1009000 EXPE]uCT- ED BY 1920 HoIy Name Society at Big Chi- cago Meeting Fixes the Watchword for Year. MANY LOCAL MEN ATTEND. "'One bonds-ad thoîssant mnembprs by 1920"' vos aepteti as the vctch- yard for the Asebtiocena uUnion or the Holy Nanie Society. ai isg annual 1bumînesa meeting ai Holy Angel'm hall, Oakvoati boulevard and Vin- connes avenue, Chicago, S.uday. Tisere vere $50 delegates fs-or 115 parlis bi-sPco.inclustinsWankegau and- korth Chicago. Led by Jutige 'Plmas P. Scully anti J. R1. P. KIlu vt ith $100 dona- tions, $3,275 vau pletigeti in fifîsen minutes to ftter Gohe BigBreles- twork muont dellnqueut Catholie Thse infuenzg epidorie, enliubmentz sud t elcale tnmporarily halei tise rnerbesshp Lieu-G orthel. - ciety laut yeas-, Blshop A. J$, Moav. lir., spiritual tisectr, repos-ted, but lu the Gros yearm priors- t is the Union lad ezpanteti tram 42 parluhea anti ,00 mon to 131 brandese anti 55,00 membel. Bîshop Urgse Cumpalgus Biîhop MeGavikuvgoi an Inten- &Ive campalga thisi-osht everyponp. sectetaryIL a. waoi-rd; mambal, M. C. MDOmnlla. MedicaI Commflttu WAId Plana for supleimenting thse car atdellnuennt boys thi-ough the addi- tio *' nieticai ait commrlttee Isait yDr. V. O. Zappke, anti the extension of the legal ait commites, of frhich Joln P. Tyri-elil b chairman abc0 von appi-ovoti Archhiehop Mundelelu ban, lusut- cdet ts miety vils the carso0f de- linquent boys,. andtibis Big Brothai- vos-k i. undes- theochairrnanshlp of T. D. Hurley. JIAULINQ BEER 15 ASL3P IN ZION Luckless Man Bringing Beer South Makes Mistake of Stopping to Doze in Zion. They fount i hm asIeep beitie bis came of boer lu bis wagon thot liat been stalot ln a modisale. They vakeueti bim andtitod ithm hecvas Ondes- Ursot. "Wbe-e arn I?" ho aaked. "On tihe Milwaukcee roat,' "But what towvu"' John Dobrytzke, 2323 Forster ave- nue,jas- lvau noue othes-, groanat st these bash vortis. "I mlght gmet by vitI a rase et becs- In any otlar city lu the vos-id." ha sait. "But Zion CtY-1 neves- bat fa luck., Tbay t00k the nase Of becs- s-lU them, anuthîe ludges viii try thq case tOdaY-that la, bc vii ls-ty Do- hsytzke. I-es-e le thse Su cosespoutent-s version of île case: Aftas-gtting safely ths-ougb about tbistY miles of dry tes-s-ias-y vitI a case utOf". K." beas- lu bis vagon, John Bobrytzke, a cool dealer resit- lng ai 232.1 Fostes- avenue, Chicago, i-au ie the clutebes of thse Zion PO- lice Yestertay. Bobrytzko lefi Cl.i cago ai 7 P. M. on Satus-tay nigist lu- tcnding tO 90go 1Milwaukee for a boat 0f fus-is-e. lHn teck a trient vitb him, and no doubt thay thaught ihey wouid relieî-e the monoiony of the long trip hy a v-an tib-op', once ln a visile. Thay reanha.J Zion City about 9:30 Suuday mos-uing, anti ly ibis tume eleven bottins of bons- lad been emptied. StilI, tIare vos-e bistaon bottIns Ieft, anti torty-tvo miles yet tg go. In Ibm mididle Of Shesian soct there la a large bas-n that le bcing movet nos-lb of bise citY, andi Bobry- tz'ie tsied vithout successa b gel tbrougis tle mot ai mthes- sida. Ife than turned eutsianti vas goiug ta t-Y another route vben bis wagon siuck test lu the mud. Fl Ha shed bis horst seves-ely, but ouly soccenti- et lu maklng 'it unmenageablefit kinketi out vltb ail tous- legs anti se- fumadti obey os-ters. Bob-ytzke gave up theo tgbt anti mouutiag big wagon bc aY towu alongslde tIc case of beer anti vent to sîanp. fis mate bat snanwhila tiesas-tatihlm, ant iis sait te have Roue tW the electri in ta teke a 'Ur bock home. Offices- George Strled sPieti Bobry- t7ke curinti up Wn bis wagon anti ou waklng hlm founti the mon u l n e trukenan tpo-. 1He placet hlm lu a buggy and took him btiste city Jau. Laies-. Strint relus-net for the lorsenanti wagou. bot itoundth îe horin unmanageable. saGo le ld Ibm animal t0 the Police station. The offices- tIen triedtot take the bas-ns Off but the animal kînketi lu'ail di- s-ations, andti tby badt 10 tnaliy bar'i him against o bayrack, thon usaunting the hîts-ack they pulledthtis has-neas off fro. above. Tise wagonwuas tlI luntise mut- boie Ibis mos-ning ont Bobrytzke vas lu jli avaliig hie rela- tIves lu Chicaga ose collai Up fast night and Iloasmoi - of the mn'us plighi. Wben founti yestertiay bo vas loakati vitI rainas le lad os- .lently been' travelling ail the VI oui niglit.7 BUSINESS Bmi, Loant- Aggregate $138000 with 182 Instruments Ptoed tort -ecrd,33,M ipgs FARM -CITY -TRtANSACTIONS. (By A. K. Bo-e., AssI.Secetas-y Security Titi. & Trust Ce.) Business of tle Recartwo 051e for tle veek entilug MobIis1. 1919: NuMbes- of couveyanoos. 140. Nunbes- of chattel ornges, 9. Nurnb- of trust dees dunt mo-t- w«Aer fl0iut the A. 0. Tarioe place Mo ut dao Ash et. just outi «f Conestor et for nominal oomaid- ovation and gave back trust deed for Mllirei M. aund Bon. P. Neely took tite the Caka place on euat ide N. Obenty etreet, betu-ocu Grand avenluel and .ullan street for nominal conoideratton. Màgoe P. RIftchinson bought the Pietuchuan place on Glen Roc'k Ave. opposite ButrIck mixent for indicatod $2000 ubjeot tuoencusbs-auce. James T. TyrreillJr. and vite bought the Prmncla Flood place on 'West aide Elm'wood avenue for $2700 and gave back trust deed for 82171î. Walter A. Taylor tot title Wo the WMn Mullin place on euIt aide Lin. soin avenue Iust south of Clarke av- enue for $2000. Cleveland Scott and wife took title to the Beaubien psoperiy on North Bide Grand avenue west of Jackson street for $2000; subject to encum- brance. In North Chicago. Vulcan louis. ville Suieltlug Co. boughit two lots 0on welt atate State St., opposite C. N. W. Ry depot ts-om C. A. Newcomfb, Jr., for $2200. In NMlghIsnd Park. ltasry H. Porter bought the Carrie A. Parliament on Sheridan rond, opposite the Moraine 110101. The lot fronts 420 feet, vith a depth of 300 teet witb a tu-elve troomn boume and garage. The 'udicat- ed conslderation -was $25,000. and the pus-chamer gave back a trust deed for $14,000. Mne. Pasliament bought a vacant lot ll5x175 feet on '.%oraine road from P. A. Montgomery for indicated consideratlon of $5500. Murray and Terry were the look- esa lubath transactions. ln fVan Ephrair K. and Walter- D. Rockatellas- bought the Robt. C. Johnston propos-ty at 607 W. 27th St. and alan et 270.1 Elisba Ave, for $4.500. ln Newport Samuel Schwar-tz bonght the Abert N. lngwerson tai-m 0f 76 acres ln N W 1-4 sec 24 for $$7220. ln East Antloch and Newport Al- fred and Mary Pedersen hntîght the Iienry C. Griffin tarrn of 120 acres ln N E 1-4 îec 11 East Antioch and 25 acres in N W 1-4 sec 10 Newport naît of Hickory corn'ýrs for Indicat- efi $7300 SUbject v te lO auncuni- brance. ln West Antloch August Pankin bought the Chrîstopher hoof fanin S E 1-4 sec 23 and S W 1-4 sec 24 for nominal consît. ration and gave back trul.t dierti fer $5500. In Warren Eiier S. Faul.nes- bouglit the Wm. \V Crockett 40 acres ln N E 1-4 sec t3 for indicated $2500 subject to $60f- encumbrance. George V. Dadge bought the Michael Doyle 10 acres in 8 W 1-4 sec 2 for $250u, In LibertyvIlle Township Lolîta S. As-mour took litle tsom J. Ogden Ar- mour to 320 acres ln W 1-2 sec 38 and 43 acres in S B 1-4 sec 2ý west of R R for nominal consides-ation. Lolita Ogden Armour took titie from J. Ogden riour and vite to 20 acres in N E 1-4 S E 14 Sec 35 for nominal connideratlon. Joseph M. Patteson took title fs-om is mother Elinos- M. Patterson to 371-2 acres ln 81-2 sec 33 for nominal considýration. ln Area Annie Rouie bought the Emeline Panzer place at North naît corner HavIex St. snd Town Une rsita for $2100. Wns. P. Zusen boughit 4 lots ln Ra- vine Slope subdn tsom Robt. F. Rouse. for nominal consideratlon. In Fremont William Meyer booght the Wm. Zusen farta of 80 acres lns S 1-2 sec 2.5 for lndlcated 814,000. Ben F. aud Lillian S. Porteous bought 1.1 acres lu secs 25 and4 38 fs-arnWin. Zusen for Iudicated 8$5000. Fred A. and Mai-tha WagneOr Lbought the Andrev Wagner farluof rMacreslIn sec 10 for lndiimated $16.000 anti gave brisaItact dback for $l3,50. PFrank il. Arnaun bought tle Johus Arnn 80 acrpes ln NE 1-4 soc 8 for $7,200 ont gave back trust'teed otr $6.700. Williami J. Amana bougît the 13 Iuterest of John Amena la U5«-acres la ecs 6 anti_7_10r $10.5604 1gve back trsual.¶difor 87,540-50. t ioJn. 8. Hm uan vite took tile, fsrn Subt- C. Kent. t. lisacresla sec 19 for nominaloon.l@i-t#I nrmskPioerlce maimiU* bougît the Etivar Sage10acMsmorxtk f054 lu sec 8 for moiMl REAL EST ASF MARC* I& is.11 Emmua M. BcMir gmd 1b elaLMna* irman W D $3M0 kt deUh.u-. tub on Lonlg là*. came x AParlmeu t W ILA. Por- tes- W B $10 lobti1bbok 34 Hlglsl* Park. - 'W. D. Tbompaca aMd viléte 10M. May Heu-lit W D) $40 lot 10, CmUIP Aqua. Ingleoite. calvla Bickoy ami vif o ta ias-- once B. Decker Q C $1 lot. 32 blockL 64 Nos-lb lilcao. A. G. Taylor ant i vituWThea War- Ber W B 810 lot 4 block 3 Lyon anti Buiclinu subs Wouav u. A. X. ibguerson- t.eLum evarts W D) $7330 76 acrot la N W 14 me 24, Nevport t"-. Jacob Goldebriit '»d vite te Ufte Pusek Mad vie W D1 10 lot 17 block. 9 Waukegan Hlghlaads No. Chicago. MARCH là, 1919 P. A. Montgomery ant i vie t Cai rie A. Parlimment W 1)$10 lot 1 Mloclt 1 Montgoînerys ri-otub 1High- land Park. Wrn. Mullin Wo W. A. Taylor W D) $2 If' 1-2 lkt à block a KIlrC & Powell'. add Waukeis". J. D. Pope and itvif. WThomas« Ranysri Q C0$1 16 1-2 acres la NWi cor sec 82 li»orYVlelotu-., Anti-ev Wagner and wite Wo P. A. andi Martha, aguer W 1D $10 140 E 1-2 ec 10 French tu-p. A. P. Beaiblenand i vit WClev*s lad cott aid vif.W D $1 lot 11 andi part lots 12 andi 14 addilton zc North West add Wouktega.- W. T. Sullivann W Magnum West. Zel W D) $900 lot 110 Slsaw's 3rd sol, on Foi Lake. MARCH 14, 1919 C. A. Newcomb, Jr., Wo Vulcan Louisville Sxuoltlug Co. D $2200. lot 14 andi S 24 ft. lot 13 block 71 North Chicago. IL C, Kent andti vie to J. 0. llaa andi vif. W D $10 63 acres lu W 1-2 mec 19 Premont tu-p. Kathorino A. Wagner W llellx El. fes-ng et al Q C $1300 al intes-esi ln Henry Eliesing Parm la socs 14 aind 15 Uibortyvlle tva. MARCH 15, 1919 Stefan Belzek andi vite ta Klemens Kunta W D $10 lot 42 block 17 Wamh. bum- Park North Chicago. Sarah A. Caikina ta Milds-ed E. Neely and humbanti W D $10 lot Il. block 9, lit add tW Nos-th aide Wau- kegan. J. (). Aruxour and i vie to Lalîta S. Airmour W D) $1, no0 acres ln secs 25 and 36 Uibertyville tvpý- J. O. As-mous- anti vite tb Lolita O. Armour W 1D $-20 acre. ln S E 1-4 mec as Libertyvllie tu-p. MARON il, 191e. W. C. Poster andi vile to Blanche Woodward D) 8265 lot 9 RavInia Wood# Highlandi Park. -Mary A. Flood to J. T. Tyrrell Jr. andi vite W D) $2700 lot runnlng front Elrnvood to Levis avenue a of Wosh- lngton street Waukogan. H. C. Griffun and vle tW Alfred Pedersen and vite W D) $1 145 acre$ lu mec 13 E Antioch andti u sec 19 Nevport tvp. R. P. Pietschmnan audvite 10 E. F. Hutchinson W D) $10 lot 25 block 2 Homer (ookes sub Waokrgan. j. V. Fiana andi vite to A. O. Frana W D $700 lot 35 Tweeds mois Fox Lake. J. W. Ptanuesatill et ai to Maxi- Harolti C. Linneban. Os-cal Lakes, llants PfamneMeW D il*1tra cil lsad la me0 2 iPeMont tu-p. ChrmsopIaLop au vite W Augît Panàkln W, D 810 trouttendbailu seMa 3 -ail 24 W. Aisiool tvp. Michael Doyle mg viféte W0. V. Dofge W D) $3600 8 3 40 acre.s 8W 1-4 mec 3 Warren tu-p. & Y J. Ious. and vit WW. P. loi-- sou W D) 810 lots 29, 30 40 andi 41. Revine alope, subl Area. Wta. Zersa and i t 1 B. P. Por- t"àa anti vIte, W D) $I0 33 actos lu am25 andi 36 Premnont tu-p. Etu-ard Sage asid vife to Prank Prederlck and vile W D $10 10 acres N of roati ln N 1-2 a0W 1.4 sec 8 Preront tu-p. MARRýIAQE LICENSES Win. . loche, Milwu-okee. 83; Ida B. Faust, marne. 43. Franklin H. lCasick, Pou du lac. Wis., 21. iMarie Perguson Highland Park, 21. Es-vin L. Bletoît, Watertovu. WIië., 21; Agnes Rastf sanie, 20. Thom. D. l'Murray, Augusta, G. 30; Mary X. Connors, Highland Park. 25. Win. M. Caîdron, Neya-k, O_, 42; Eleanor Ratey, Milwauke. 39. Predes-tck J. Plnsbeiuer, Woueau, Wl.., 22; Rose 0. Kel. sirns, 19. Sidney Was-uer. St. Palul. Mino.. 43; Blanche B. Schultz, saine. 28. John C. Reingans, Chicago, 38; Susan Goodert. Pt. Washingtau, 27. Fraonk Wlkiel, Kenomba,4 40; Del- gretha Grideu. samp, 33. Alois Laudergoit, Milwaukee. 27; Lits Ladvlg, marne. 22. Carl G. Zager Racine, 21; Ir-ma Brantimane, 19. Edu-. Bes-gron, Kenosha, 21; Maie Meyer, Mion City, 33. Henry Morgan. Chicago, 45; Mary Tester morne, 45. Walter J. Talîman, Chicago. 30; Georgia Vlckery. marne, 28. 1 Austin J: Anderson, Kenoîha, 21; RdnaPs-ange, Isane. 21. Herber-tLU Cliue. Mhlvau'cee, 21; Hazel R. Droghi, mare, 22. Ew-ald Huker, Milwukee, 35; Men- retta Re, marne, 44. t Richaird H. Petit. Milwaukee, 54: Katherlue Meggs. Oarne 44 John Tropin. K-enoba, 39; Clnda 1R. Hallma-k, marne, 39. Edwin. Hall, Mhiago, 56; Loua 01- san, îarne. 60. Clinton S. Scott, Waukegan, 27: Auna M. Steche, Milw-aukee, 24. Isaac Karu, Chicago, 40; Minna An- des-son, saine, 27. Albert Wiliams,. Kenosha. 1 Hl en Wiiliughani, CurdiseIlle. KY., 21. 24. Arthur 41. Eillgri5. *Oboygan, Wln., 21; Catherine Schrimpf, mam*e Il. Paul Rund. Wadaworth, 23; Blizeh Odptte, saine, si. John Waldov, Oreon City, ore., 49; Ida IMobtupan, Milwaukee. 4e. Join K1uwïgtQ1s , MilvaqA., t7. MU as-y Levmm@rn, 34. Chaé. âmsana, heboyguals, Win.. 27; Erouay Morton. Waukega 25. Wa. M. conner, ZMon City. 28.: Loi. la. A. Buckler, pene.l Oval Bron». Milwaukee, 21; Ma- rie .WYinSg ane, IL John P. Kelly. Chicago, 33; Mar- garet A.. Mv.e. ane, 19. àAolph C. Walter, Galvecton. Ter., 40i Ilora Toechart, IMIlauke.29. Jos. A. Zimmerman. Milwaukee, 22. Margaret Plucher. "Me. 12. Joshua R. Balch, Chicago, 32; Eth- ou Cohen, same. 25. Donald -.4, Grant, Bryant, WlK...27; Elleu-3uden, lame. 26. Wm. B. Drowek, Chicago, 22: Do- othy Hotfman, smre, 21. Edmund Swoainski, 1Mflwaulc$>o. Il-, J'alla Kotlovîki.smre, &j. Walter Bendixor, Racine, 28; 141. lian Jaccibe, nmre, f2. Gen. C. Blake. Milwvaukee, 21; Ida C. George, smre, 18. Vctor B. Sages-. Kewanuee, Wl... 21; NMayme R. Schadio. lame, 18. Delbert Web.ter, Racine. 39; 1.4: zie Brandon, ane, 25. Ray R. aai, Milwaukee, 23; Marie Mizflala. smre. 18. Jay 6. Willams, Shonandoah, Pa., 29; Bula Peight. Milwaukee, 24. MAKEMOREMONEY DRAIN TIIAT WET LAND DO IT NOW! Cao ARTHUR L. WEBSTER MUNICIPAL AMD DRAINAGE EJNEER PHfONICS-fteld.ne2m office SM WHEATON :-S ILLINOIS MIE WILL SHOW YOU i THE WAY I 1 .. 5 MILWAUKEE'S GREAT WHITE WAY Spend a Saturday or a Sunday evesling in Milwaukee. See the bs-il- liantly-ighted thoroughfares; the beautiful Motion Picture Theatres, Cafes and Restaurante; its modes- and artistically-as-ranged show win- dows and pIeasur.c-seeking crowds - 'd Rer CHINCH Bl .Aaoi-tiing Wshington i due lu 4llinol: fie laterestin tu bothe bar Sud vbat not big wos-Id pei Iug concluded the right inf< casnIng. Governinen ra'iung an ( pesis have r lots of a in-- hehieveti andl do bhs alwa> Stedi Every a sos-t of a d anti to thi- Ceded ibem. point to bs-lt pie have fan tect ln the c lance to the Pbaraohi, tha ites, and th; added bto Sound las se the locru:t g one The iccient la periodîcal golerunsnt ual a locuoît by tisa pesta seling groov bsee. for do Jury always than il maail Young ire l'y the inmps advi-'- agair turing 10<11. ding ,' 1 pon t,- v not 1.- n .ut - a r. vf-k *-i part r r cultr..t d'-q por.r slail( damai. t' e rthey wrma taerni when vhes-e ln th lot of noise vayi told they ddto1 recounting atung yeufli story I1s-eu eatchiflg a bat, artersv beat. ne rernembes- i The Cheapest and Most Convenient Way Cars leave Libertyville every 30. minutes on Saturday afternoons and Sundays for Lake Bluff, where connections are made with limited trains for Milwïwwkee Express Service The North Shore line in the roadi of service to points along the nordi shore Express trains making one stop in e"c town botw=e Evanaton and Waukegan run every .0 minutes. NOR, ifSJ1ORIeLINLE oemo "6Wi AdMslira Phl6ecomims Psmsaawld.. Ph... m &@du 1 Uwukse bu~~ g.g flua. d.udtW A VeritaWle Great Whit a at the Door of Chicago To seach the heart of Milwaukee, travel via the North Shore Une

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