CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 3

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T A Cil 20, 1919. obqgau a~~~ur couatY. baffeerbtID <>' ta protffl bY a temryPTI bridge. MiTI SV WJLL ALLBWAKCE TO CIIILO A iDI YW T amn uauaFIIIother localitY. rarmer, and othem H US D F gt tet n ako foayd ne ioa the OI n i rtereheDO rhvee n Jasond B~~h ~ CM~~ locusta. TheY have :euf thora Core D LÀSi) Stee h:anotettht h r BE IBACK MEORE IS ROAI) TO ECONOMY NESS 1 AN INNOCENT" rend 90, board theîr w lord Phatroah aa eSc BStn iatte r t, or, cr; vonored where theY came ipnabl. LaiS. tracts of and on'DE " ty, re. f an r th -en CoIdeai daiS han STORM dae ome Economios Expert Says ~ tL L .rl~F A O40. L h IN STATES te og hm.Cnie ahet daide a uùn d .vae 0Fy MONTIIac Y 2,0*Feare Clincil Bug tet ahd;to aktSre Th ciogglng of tht' ln LetrHome, Artillery Col- WystoeahY thEarly Unneossaryfeu i Entotaln- "There la a pont flere everY Yser., tiet ahd uOiMaktSr ~ifo ont alH aniegan, fuWi II« n havever,. that dosa a great deal of eesCogdad9ae ee nFaii Street caused a onel Sayt He Expecis Re- l Proper Apportioning Convicted Cuit Leader Remov-3 a d Regardlng P ftt ft a dama e , and tis dePart mnt 1r- of anr ncarne. ano Prison one enrFr nkli W l K ow n A uthor iy. floodvi h a ia sm n s Fi l d u ve t O t unt l the da nag e' w i S repalred turn O rde lis S oon. o n I c m .e r m C u t a l H r 28wBGrkRELidangC with the vatoar r- chnt ______iet u.toPiono ria JAS- anl&tOflS n theatatOta miigaIn dozens at sectians the ewers are,_____ 2HIN. ted.g.1rertthcinch CAR TRACKS UNDER WATER. unable te aryaa tuebgsr> NCM AO 0 A P heset and flitst nature ai o f SNECDT IEYAS CHNHBGI ELPEST. bug. IIliosta t romaein la vhest of veter vhicb backs up lnto base. beginluz true national econemy. wiae _________ IVEYERS 21smateorin the cn h" muaI The nusal raina of the ment». Useut. Col. A. V. Smith who wrtspendlug and wlse ving," saya - A graving stt h hnhbug mustally heaVywas atte de isteofteUirsy "A dlem wles1amIo. 1;Mr» rdfg te Iniformation frtrim b. reo e wt. The wa hase anbeenhF1a9ich a scnii omndo uhWrel ed ftehm c-cn. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ so ofbngo tth7ya aut r are nalvne nicinhbals eea asbucue udea Pasae n ot tai maeon tnt Th- i'ac sscn ncmada uliqadlba ftehm ola my assetin aa m a dené trasnede vii htdvso e n fIwadwolatsme tre rda feno yEwr 12. Mar- due0 ln 411li4i thia aprlng. Thes lit- meetings have been bsid in many ar acrea of landi in Lake CanntY ta be. laa ûtemaction sever e the as taerre f rom eethat diiso a anme a! home ecnolest aumrstete onm a.sln a ai the lateresting Intacts, once bupgedlcîti ad anaae siv In- am Bluff dted. thé e "nt"l bat c Laoe aide Theia actin vi e tkna tefiyepcat ebaihm oeeooisdprmn l rdyatronb tv wr ai, To:.,tobetbe harbingersotvarpestilenlce palanns iane aanttehs in lufveeteLeryîehac aahelnne eun. inWauîean by tbe tirait Of Âpil Clevela~nd (Ohio) benk, "la by glving F. Fîndly as he was being removed Su ld wbat neot, wiii arrive uiastetheir winter hiding Places.', Iadmiun uton!thNrt 1r.Deoyrlualeaesmate In a recent latter t relatives Col. tbe hblîdren en eilloance. The lesson 1o lyeastatepennitefntlary talsgerve a .00, ' .. big warid paes negoatitlna are be- Acodigt i ie ttsd-Sore raiiraad la iaCated vator la be. the annount Of damage done aliover Imthbd thera that he feit Coni- of properly apportionîug au incarne ya etnefra lee s th igh n ormaIfthe dopaters bave pat>n 0farclue w ifn dent that be wiii b. back lit the thus laeucrîy leurne-d." sauit on il year old Clana Snyder 12 h ih Ifrainregardlng tireir pant broodr ai cultur o cicda re tven four and five feet deep lu Places the City but gays il wiii cost a large, states betore the end of Match and Miss Wardell te'.ors the allowance of Mna a-,covttd abu 32;rinn entmoogst cauiin due titis year. There la a 17-y-3ar vbich prevents the operatiofl ai cars aura ai money te maire bte .neceissary accardingiy bis relatives arc making arrangement nt a very early ege, s"Y1 Fiean ago but apeaed h aoet ta Gar. 2r7; ntmlgat te varlety and a lft.year lacust and It et that point., repaire. plans thereta. t i rsvn t ahnb ey t-he supreme eit Inp th hae tf Wl5., 2 7; m ain g a n e x h a u s tiv e â t îd y o f tire a p p e n s th a t the t v a h a t e li o u t th s c a n tr a ff i l i b e t w e e n L a k e I t e ve ti g th e oa t i o o !: t. yll itnd e C ltCi lt p rit: pi n y h g c rt r x)i t' a gIn t h lp e a n d peste have roncluded %bat thev art diat1Cl.miito aslflLzt m f Iltrrtb,1nllgvil 22: Dor- -ybso n-aeta ear. Iloetver. the shor aperloi xpve opoid nyhgir or uo ganthm n ls ofav e naced I ha w an fo rîenly ru i a ln th e sot n tate a nld li I luff and L ibertyville ou l bd~ h ave ,F R E T advocate ta w hich duty lie w a., a, Aeh o pendis. ta lets, etc. T he pu r. -a o tn e t f r h m t beee n ra hedamage t livy dentctedtliîi.Thsatate been ghut off until the flood susddL lM4 O E TM Nsigaed atten heing transferrei traion vhs o!rI sdas no,,,,ks prove eo îog- tha ltl.-do ba as been gral zagger- wilgtaogwt h n althdit net been for the tact that the bis ownviso for sanie tinte îîast Ia etsp;alteInrsoepr-do but serve hi, sentence. 28;r "locua &e r as '~ tlîi, year, and lne tie d mage dons , atreet cars vere et the vest end oi lie bas been in charge of a big ciiy- Fional beiugigs 'msh as sîoes, nbrave 28; ~S tI. ort of a dread ta civilized nations îîsh iaal aiit e5 mith isvit h vtrsatdt cnaia<MOma be logn, sdded as triesm 21 dà re- avrYltl sipiiobensil r......... Aconîimanding officer of this ig l1 sf~dc, xansMs a-iaunchly and iup ta the very lesrt Linti tas ahnd savag thave nhet there lbl vtr litti bas hrsha wlofl 21; ida ~cedeti them. Thoy vere alwavs bup g ard aesatitie hv tn bthebs a L ER UEEo cm, o Ssibi is aOafde the,'us lîtrc vlî iut hfreh vsrcaed t e s , is ,9 1 n c e n d t i g iv n h m P )11- d o i ,tp i sn g h w l hnt er v e n ta re se v e l . soeti te brlug w-ar or disater. Peo ________ _ get througli ta reacli the berns etprenadit ven hum re. s' - i lu so er teîa hit pisnh vshpeu ha o t,18. *tn ubccya h outas m - .tbiiity N'.ith vhiCh go fev i' rilso eru pae anti b where ar anern oe peont Mih. sWapie have fancieti that tbey rmuId de-~ ueE E Highvood. .eil "e lmoeItriti Losttnltti 3;Lz etlth roftelcitas mb- R N YI Àt Le isl1 impassible for tlie reatized were placed on the Waîîlze atilso ergaprlndis1 he'retnlmrofepew 39 4.lance te the name of the moULL11L Lj ikvs Dr. S. J. WaIkeesrS iy 1W- Wnyugman. have watce"i mie case tram the, very mhrota ereue ae].c depot ta e bcuget. The cars are able ý . ~ faiy gAs omndegftecmIi tiret who are not entirely convtinced Itou, 2L;t ta ge no fartiser east then Green Bayl ever, Doubt Athens Cable; scmadritecmh-I 1100i '., and., that Tsi,.t vont lrfa, * ER IDi o! course bas been very micit tbat Pindlay w.a guilly a! the crime ohPaadtied ta the somewhat dalorouq go 'Waukegan people and others whlo PointL to L.iIir inI TitlI. routine since the armistice anti Il of vîsici lie vis convicted. , 4 on a evdtemiete4yo pf Sl ' dt euete w-tvlebrnhclnlisntbcwr i i e, "Yeu are- sending an Incn o the ::iep r usodic all a anard l m a bhÂM n hoT O N aft e r nd m s athe frot kest hD . W L E S A M J R o e abo t admibtin g that the raute pi o b t if I La G d wl 1 aaiPso an ba sers eta Gree maie thed perpl aio DR.~ W*E deir ta useOR tb îer leiclnel afl bc Irsmin e bis tav prIon butlit lt e maod'a viii The Henintific inaine for tlie locunt - Bm twlenByRepol ri ar was aven. Punthermnore bie due, lay saiti "This la m-v tianest hour." NE aproia iaa codn eteMnW oConducted Many 11n- Uibertyvîlle an floont eto r Sme .Wlür ebrnt hesita! in saying that he la s ,r Findtay tonînerly hat a littie cuit ~NEY - - go'errnasent entomologiste, anti it latg es k Lake Bluff must w-al tramn Green Bay ots aulJWlk ei -rsanxious about getting back haine. i iCt.H ie itehm ftalaunt t ai &l. The injury dons qireinLk County En odte the station et Laie Bluff ofteRdCosmsin ine(1."Ta aw iigteAlwne o f~ CIIYnd. I lae aget thiret neU oc1t Repotd a C ros ion t t tmt, Tha vhe le go expectant ont-rFilgthAlonc.a .Snd.lbecegtita IN t' thei vhile livIngt thenenCia es vnso ied the matiefte odtint lavteede hchwl rlas ia n hielvigthr c aeloet Rolid isoý_. trarted tarons. uteodrwlih iirlas l n cause ai oea reproecnt a bigi y impar- the thlrteen yean aid girl anti by tln- o d'p s t e g b r n h es lu r Jam es H . M cQ ueen y. the ete r- ever lies been as se riou s et it le a t T h e n ey a W -a recel'. d n C hticago sesti luba k e e th n o a t Ite e wh c h h l r n f e un! Jury alvay-t appfarà ta ho greater live wha tit in ac u l n runnlnz the preserit turne andi lb le teered Il Saturday tbraugh dispttt ftrA h Mb- Thi. Smih' retura hiIeeiceder.tthn vsnahn than It reaîîy le. do'.f bllnd pi gvr la Waukezaln 'mnd mav bc severai davs betare the ima e ns, but relatives of 1h,' ih'.sicani The allaunce -bouli provide a vrng in othotr relations. Thenthe~ Aks a ThmTwice other parts ai Lakp rautt put oer mosaoutivaecnhdinlîad' heard uathlng of it anti jt-ir be eit the samne time ai thie Ralnbo'v lîttie marg n ta en ornie care-tut briy- taliv waý; terni and Fintilay vas a- Atikîna ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (ýn aon oaf Then ther mey . ~ ero 'lit". t division. it cotins the 149th F.~Ilgats gp i sl lt.t rse.Winpae nnevliS fER YoTung ire'-. are iiometins kllld a goad oa In E'.anston on Sauurday Rd, u th a lb dsatc i u. h lm Po rcn report t' %iino ul flot fleces lb nuii il cirl orId tn eqoetvlîiosyfa advlýý gaiqt lantng oun tres i Evngtn ajovil, ý hrtd. The O'Ptaîn river valley at Guroce ,' a lieutenant. wbereaý lir Waitker vision vvitl leave for home abautthutast rdnhegon heBbewi ohl nbshn. s d--' gie pabn young . I)rces ii Evat t a f pa'.iat, l,î hat- til is floo but s nlot wasît is a msajor. rhere -ý anther 1),iApril 27l clctngst'. t' tichoeul d aee, ut WOLnNToirI turing ttwît-t vieibaiion ypar' i. oraeysrta ron toa.i. Thus tîrcause lie lit ben atoîyugtr liitut eeu on- - ding ' îtt shouti alo he Pest ntitfcet lie was riinninz an~pov ing o-r te noati as il lis donc tn \\Vatker la the Redi< " absnvvtkan î e reua iî ore t-\ee t'e p oii- I t!--y arvue, nnd fret9s houlu ment lmic n ('hiraco snd t e vvt- fî-ist ttt'pitseIu rtC o-ar e-ast. :O etltîepabb' itn. tet-a .lNOiS net i- i' .d ftu 1h' vinter or spring. ad"u'gtt settletnt machin- ~ ~ "a~ u Farniy là Ooubtful are-Ç ta Coi. Sni;tli '.itt tome liai'l t~ her thant lth'te-til iut -nie The 'Wý_ - I, sou blii kabtta 1', 'sts ý itrs WVaikei and t. tý lslrn.~ aiea ut nîrtîe tt htîn" al i.1 iret tep' nN If~t MOIUIIL cueo -a tît-r la Spîringfield t.tst met a tare-ati o-f thc NIàrtt in traffîc i- inr for rtsetmci-utSn ahrtam tt'hpnt î'non. ' ilîlnlttt'uti- ri niis ' at ait;i.itcttiring co .pr t1v ý1 no ttn on i-rýi w i kI - ',.tcaittîy. fln tht' tite Iiii L C IT > - - k .,k,,I tarle" Adkin-. centrt 1t %11,1 uft'ii b'lug. tott- and ]Telen Louis. . ; tut tuthfe publtie generatir realîzii-' t. sho YlOUî ~t for many y-'ar, anti î.-î tiiiti i ' t ' iln i n l uitgtn, c'.pctallYla lo JO fýf_( te credît bbc r. I-r ',. -ii 'nu of catir.u t -'a1 bé' bor i tal lori~ iq lîrîe Iy gr oiii ld li 1WL AS A L et tr, - lit 'I. er'ln o!fli bh ate tl- htrou;:b lte 1, waýnt,-d 'o 5 - t' tîttrepi -, tht-r . - in a - t tii-it inz at preserit et tý t'-t, s tr, I \-iukin pol nea y h ve b lgpr tcil it L. rhrow puri, rt of 'i-tlturo. "Ths aTl me-n. taik ta ibem. c', t n.-r piiliii ofi Tlsey aie h:i. t -* ,î iiiit-r 1îe aniun ta shiow namp defer(3cr' Miths 'rît el i netsîn m .CIeI osîni c uittiri de-îî,irttiieat at Washington sloPw. bu' thein a drin-,lvptn -wuhacfie il ao The Irez - linte on bbe Telegralj- tLtîIi-- Ita he tgtn noe a akce a!x IMia Ittvs l lhtîîn lin ObetrrmZonsD- - y ayth-v an- f ile 11115 yean. li r We-II, theore '-at a ninzte etttnv'n coistndi!tciruonr te etrt theera. hs cre bstîte aust a irtatttîîalirafii ent5 ie iiznhp -part-r Isaltl ttt 'ir. Adifs. w-li r,- ralottan lu Evmmman. Ittit il 'e-tiitte raid ate-arbiion a! rte waler as Thetý ;--rt that Dr, W.îlker weit nterret amang toae pe-ople since Ceead eln iro iiiii idCtznhp * pur-t (lite tht-te are e ntim l'te-r af Mtinîl it. vauttt lt the ca-e nI allier neastins oif, er et n t vith the rink o! ".ii tIn ritr tf at S eia er ai' sppo on inîg tise rallier gener- 11I t- n itiet env partIý tlan Anti se MrQtie-eXie-'. ftor il 'aa- lie îs r.' tetiant. as. lite dIspalnh tramn Attien -rt c ahol ~i%-t icî iiiite b Ii., ate WlUDieBE R AR S damattitîuesdtsu Ln w-h as tire jovial e-nployn t azn- 1 iIýr givea il., bult as a majar. They hetsV The canspa kne tetil Ca Smitb basa __________ OUD O BAR AR S t- b out t i!a' Lnl h Street* In Bad Shape. t lie bele hae Ih camp orlîî lie Coa Smit lat ol lhey went- atlout as numerous an o-jr cy ma. vlsitcd mnny af tht- '.f.ncl 1 the tend mian must be enotlier Dr. ietis in charge o? uns an artiliary di goae wreguallIlng rliv e luNul Inelit If a foreitat enei! were ta Invatie feras wben I wai' a >-outhitbu au!- plan whl c ismoet witb and taîket t J. J. ttietmeyer, camrnleeioiien of W î-.s ion and containï many unit.' get.earig relatie-;Ienve t exile sad thelodSaesatckbshm P. w -bers n the icinity. Th -v m a e a ith tie i s - an he w-as ta e m tr et i anti public lm pravst ent -I. as J t e af r, a b o h r e n -t- w i h n nt i u d v lu b servRr n valutit e s;ie sa e nsaIl y $y@- ey a n it Stateb s , m at er k an i s hnte lot of naît-e andi the eider foîke ai- ploy." seta ihat tise damage donc ta streetaý o? this optiniomn, though he realize-.. lie teurIngly bbct van. An assul bistie startet berss teys ditd ta teof sale gra damag e n ie! a olc Cihnesw Megebt. beavyv dovupaun a! rai i la bbe sait that the nahie message plght urigtew Chicago mohr huedbristl -William Evans Colwel, aget 36, of the w-y e t l nme of gi-oc tavene t on Paolie CharlestW McQege hybI have reýat "I.ieut.-Cal. Walker," and daugliter our. similîmniy, nt elgbt years 2807 Elizabeth avenue. Zian Cly, recounting Mtnes ot boy otten Ussy ant i City Attorney Lister led tlie vart turing bis eight yeans Ira affine that blirouat, snine mistake thse colon- -, l aid ai utsîxtec tire ginl was a bob- vouli flot taire up ai-me against thsm aîung youna persana ta tisai. oas raids, beginig et 9 ô'nlack andt con- The ntditi of the soiith aide, be v-i bati biea leit out ai thse titis. (jOVe LOW E loite boyen ian she wtt. These chu- beceuse lie uas religions canvictians aloi-y 1 remember vras about a bey tinuing until long aiber miduight. gays, le especially bad. On Tenth St. Beileves Promotion Likely aantwr eamte hsl ethnatobro hmIn bu' Tise chiet's affine w-us filieti vith bal t- o h lererlraabg 'tt ut rbbem rte agaeicut an'is aditeto tha lo unI. aiterwards placings the bat on bis tien andi jugs anti nass af ties anîd w-est ai cAC ralot'tî,'bi utepoal y rte 'fast,- se îociup nîî aream. of w-ater thre foot in dezith vas promoted." be saiti. "eapenlally was heing examitiet ta se w-boIse? heati. ne. vas sta t dealh. se tise lOkPw-a testt shr heti ui-osa the s avitig a big as the man in question w-us givenaornth oudbamle tet- uemember ItL This ditin'l happen lan a tnigi~o~ -"i denarabian. But w-s stW may hope MRu -RSD N snhp __________________ Ibat l le not he. P E IE T~< "He bait been ln the Balkans antid____-" On tlie recammendabioni of A. Jo'r- lu Mactdouia. 1 beard £romn hisdan the uaturalizatlan examfiner. log g ta ho h5.d loft M e doia Reuskîiaans Ieev Bolt Jutge Etivarda tiamiaset Colvella toi- Athens. Hes w-a aft rlaht thon." Boting Governar for *11uyllg H-l@ O'an Gooda t etaten Hpea buw ltedra i- The dispatch tram *thonse alated Boas n peltetefdedds that the Greek goveruuiioi bail cou- President. dren verr w-cIl sMariait on the i-a t t 1mb court or te w-ait live years Mdt therrois on thr Walkei- p oflhm the fine anti self-respenting anti iutiepoud- ttien again file a petli toi-fo citisoil- li ros o! tIe rd i h ont citisenship. Bath w-lt enter cal- hp Saviur. PENS HIS CAMPAG SOON loge w-lti e nîce Util1e finaucial nesI ColwelI saiti ho hati boughl onie Gavernor Frank 0. Loavten of xiii- *à* te awsit the beginniug a! thi er ybodurnthw-rutbi t . A LT noie my net ave the "presiteniai bDanOua or pioessiontal lie.Lietbodurnth abtbd he n - 10V SlflVe ssr.~ bec la bis bonnet" but bis fniends h hl' hwani a be sait il-be sait he bat mado a amuI ae iuterc.ntet lu hie poasibilîlis as atidei, baulti b. for ascesîties mainly, donation ta lbe Reti Cross but ba! X.BIG CJIURCII AT 'presidential bimber. This vua clean- vith but e-etmta agnfrgvanbsn ats ntt a ys sbavn boday vhcti pramineul Ken- persoual luxrurlea anti pleesuros. It Wni-k campaign, the Salvatioti ArMfY TE REHJ1'E, 19 sha Reptiblicens renciveti baaiietseshould aîvays b. rccllgnlzt s allaw- the Y. IL C. X. ai- thor wai- antIsi- T E RE IAIJ I, II> placing tlie Illinois govemri a tise ing fo- e regitier proportion o! aav- lies. Vel be saii be' toit ho w-es a finat ia the fieldi us a possibiliîy for Ingu, proferahly Inveatet lu govern- 100 per cent Arnericafi sut w-us en- blie presideiail nomination of the mental nocuriie.laiutiecrs Iteta citizsusblp. Thea B Frar, a ~ ecre-Republicant party ln 1920. tiebc-fuly adjnatet , rigliy atherei ta au Vhs ictracapnliabtciescrie agi. uhi- He sait thut be bbaught ise w-es tary at Great Lakes Gets A let explaineti that wahile "lb w-as un- spont anti obseervance not only wiii entiblet ta nilzesaip as manch au Big Recognition. certain whcblisr or net Govennor teacb the chili god econuiiiic habits, other cotnscletbîas abjectore fi-oD Lovten vouit tbe a candidate ion the but w-Il uttolilih iuiîn3 too int-iueut an- Zion City Who refusedte aer arma Republcan noirtination ilhsa frltendsq noyances fur tire iiil lieî o! tire andi vbo were assigneti ta allier di- l-: tbhecame knaya today that Tissa, are very mucln Interested ln pub. famIIY. tdes ln campa. Court officels.appar- B. Fra-y, a "T" seci-etsry af the llahing the stury ai bis g o vont ln Bach chllî given au 01lloueInce will etydde eltesieaotI Great Laes station hbas accepteti a litOî"KtohIaw-arensivet underatandîth11m this uras, vitb hie William Sioa, ugeil 44, married! cali ta ltse Firet Beptial cburcli. the pamphlîset are takung it as the Support and ti ler parentti provisions, 2714 Caictionia aventrs, Ziati City. Terre Haute, Ind. apeniag shot o! tire Lavden boomn fan reliressats liue fuir ahane ot! the tamn- -~ ~~ ~~~ M.Fa- isbet utGreat Laites tise presidency anti vblle nat propan- 117 lucanie, sind Iliet, as a decent cîbi- aiea a cnncloubleus objectai-, w-a oi- as a "Y" secretary tan about a >'ear et ta makt' anv ebabement îhey ver,, zen, he use net ask noir exîtect to el- ttmindti is-on i 4~le h avina corne tram the Pi-rel Bsptist vcry mucli inteneeted lu lil. efte IL An edlequae allovance aya- thet be wont bear arme asti an cbuürch tramt Traese City, Michigan. Covernir 10w-ten hae matie a toin, moreover, will obiviat@ the evil hie own admissiaons vas deaieti citA. On MearcIs 9tli, lie w-as ut Terr" great record as a w-ar gavernor ni habit o! cryirsg or pteetlng for spenlal sensbip. Coyih o#Haute, w-bers lie took chai-geof a!lie Illinois cnt tise tact that bis frientis Indulgences eut mare mil-le. John Madniib w-base politian ter C.-service la tirîe Finet Baptiat church vouit urge hlm for bbe pri-eey -THIN< BEFORE YOU SPENO- citlzeship vas tismieseti vith pro- A w-ire carne ta luin Tuesday front lias bcen expectet. TIse bok relates jutice flit Sî-ptcmber, 1916, sougisl lt Terre Hauts afferna hlm lthe pîtîpit luav tions than fi!ty yea- a go as a Diamonda? Why Net W. 8. 8.? obtain bis second papers laday but a! o the big clitrcb, vhlcb la recognîz- boy lise brutacd behinti the Prairie Dlemands e thIe value of $2,OO0,000,- vas informet3 Ist bu muet &toi-I prO- etio as tn i r(,i finsst ln Toi-ie schooner oi lis fther, s Pioneer sot- 0 0tsn lei lat to aalbe ceig i vn u an i -Ih ansR o!s blie nsastffler tlrvti alce onei anta duait gie retls nl at" t neia jimn'.î- ie stne tho a rns .Alerf o t Haute, a ciby ni 70,000 peOople a.nd la tien or ,innctîýo'a. Thse aloi-y ai nov v0oe limîyaij valus-are ovaeti lu peerinte ta iler hgie . Hera papon ii Indiane lbp lae ait lineAlet1ta mavnutclacesln otie ganan roeda s la-yert promi- h Uie tae fAnei Septeiher Ibis year but viii not lit T h a t' eg b e c a u z e P . A . h2a r th e q u a bi ty l I niana anti a c ia l a aty.n o d n a n d roa C l a s a la I e t elti in he Pi-sby tiuig '. tiainonds, tsci atI g per sîtedt e ta bae ont bis final PaP- Qnv mrtriot than vOU ~~~~The Firat iptint its-nb 19ele aco! book. As Covernon o! Illinoisle lic tlllaig(l er fi r, nilatrSpebr 91 - - ~ ~ ~ ~~ ta '.v~~om e ci al ilue.î li rt. aai bigb pr c s un l abe S pti , 19 . You~~ ~ can'th lfool etu 138t appaatU anymoe tany

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