CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 4

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UBEWMRTXVI= nu~ T3URBMAI, MÀBRHX. 99 ie-t bin laao MèsIm ï,. th~Idpnet*W uegnW el &181 0iWs country t b ive th1e= &oh tc blecturé Offi elph n mbr-. îbetyile xan We and Spma= nwhy Germany dld do so, in commltting aact Off ic e Polohont Lîberile8 I, asile EchldaeMI ..whlch might be conidered, to uay the leastvery impat- ______1_a#_the__________et_____________III,_auSecond______Mail_____ rilotic. Official Publication for The Village of LUbertvllle. , ~~~ ~ ~ I Q *I P*ls o fr ke C nv Wi fe pr . r ee dn 9Q t d r nSprin gfield, G overnor Low d en ..t.esed Every '6ureday. Advertiulng atos Madie K00wn ona, pp&atioL1 ceai ttentlon of Ia hourer. to t. l adct hat many de- .SURSCR1PTION PRICE, 01.60 PER YEAR STRIOTLY IN AbVANCE ÏïLands are bing made on the Mfinois legsllature for ex- W. d. SMITH ........................................... ......... Editor penditures of money vitiiout lhought and wlthout realiza- Y. «. BUITH .................................................................. Manager thon that thesofexeniiturm niéM altional expensea toi' WU. M. ECKHARDT .............................................. Local Manger th1e people at large. . lor instance, ho étated, thàt in ce the legisature grauted an of et 1amories that are bolngr aaked for all over th1e utate, thée lmprovemet alono would bring additionai lncrease of 10% tuies to put6an 111 Peo- Illinin. Ho pointed the tact that people thlnk notbtng of it when they send'a telegram or 1btter to thofr legislator urging hlm tb get au armory or somethlng elue, that in the ond they have 10 pay for it jusl as if they were ordorlngi, somthlng from th1e store thomselves. There would be a A PLACE TO PEEL PROUD 0F big wail if thesincroase of 10 taxes waa put on th1e peoo Lake Oounty bas ressons 10 feel extremely proud of pie of Ilinois, and according to1the Governor, juil 1thé the inenewnures' ometha ha jus ben cmpltedarmories alone, if bufit s per request, would necessitate and which was inspected by th1e supervisors laut week. Il h nru.Tepitte oenrmd ut h lu a wonderfully fine place for 11e superintelident andith public should flot b. no quick te ask th1e legislature to surses who are to occupy il as their honme inthie future. spend huge minu of money, but th1e finIt consderatio4t .Il la close to 1he main hospital building and ina in shouM be made as bo where th1e money in coming front. addition 10 1the property. Commodious and extremely A BODY 0F GENEROUS MEN vefl bouit, erected i a manner that makes il. appear ast If 0f ailt the mon In Lake County who chaps wbo have been on the flrlng 1.1 vil stand there for centuries, th1e structure la a model are givlng thelr time, their efforts aid lhors In Prance. 1 have confidence et Its kind. Supervisors are most elated over th1e general their bèat energles ta public work, that petty brlbery and influence there ia no body of men which le would bave non place In such a fore. arrangement of th1e building and th1e nurses themselves doing It so near gratis ai the Lake Andlscsw we need thesge men: an au. rare elated 10 thiuk that they have been provlded wlth such County Board of Supervisors. When gonand roha and murders lInmre a beautiful and comfortable home. you stop ta think that the law sili defrn"lrss hamiet 6n mlles nway. It la a recognlzed disadvantage for th1e county hospit- providea payment Of merely $3 a day The village marabal and the con- ai obetwoor hre mies ro ton ad nturllyil asta supervisors for their work whon stables aloor,, the wav, "ln are pow al tobe to or hreemile fromtownand aturay itwas sttin on reebordly la eerle tas t rrerett or ven top more difficuit 10 gel nurses to work theire than in the city. deratood that there lsnt a aupervua ir drunken driver of an aio. aremr( Hfowever with this beautiful home as their headquarters in the County wlxo s any mon-1 tyros agaisst snc îrh lmast V th1e nurses cannot help but feel as though th1e county la e>. by being on the board. Wamc-rypentarii abbed, a 0 doing al i its power 10 make il comfortable and conven- be lsternwotmeahIow countrv liouse rx . and rural len fo thm.buainea la nat worth more than $3 rommuinities terrnrized Our country aday? Furtiiermore thse country highways are unsarp on Saturday af- Âccorwingly it seems that lun1the future there wiII flot mnembera who have ta corne ta Wau- teriioona because of rac'ng groups of Me the trouble in securing nurses that there hau been in 1the kegan ta attend the session have toa atomobiliste, many of the machInes pay oue of thelr $3 a day, thelr hotel' wthOut licenoes and oid plates and put axpyer wh lok a th nuse0 omeandals atandresaurnt on country Officiai dare complain and * Tapayrs ho ookaI 11enures~ umeandals aIandreaaurnt~undertalce ta arrest thora. the fine hospital may well feel proud at what has been ac- Fdr Instance, a man vwho ha@ tai Such a force woxl. replace ttiý, ~-ed a ri;xht lm Waukegan rather ran., wardpns of th.- stale and in complialhed in Lake County for th1e poor and needy and 'than making a long trip home, ha& to i tis way save Onor turth Of Its enat Iofor those who desire 10 pay their way and gel 1the ad- Pay a dollar for a bed, and probabl>. while It would lncrease fees enouigh uanag of a mont modem hospital, equipped in 1the very à dollar and a haItf or hlmmeale. A- lta pay another fourti. Sint machines latent manner and conductedl in a very thorough and effi- cardIngll>ticoite hlm$50fr eng gxumbllng, blioti pigs, bum roadnide present and there la a balance loft stopplng places, and bootleggers etet wy trouhou. hm o Sf a ay.Newthe Ifho ap.would ail fear tlxe9senx and yet it dentwaytbroghot. lm o SO a ay. ow henIf h ha. loks today a, thotigh the meassure The hospital and th1e nurses' home inake up th1e &lSI pens ta emoke, by the tîme the day wauld bc dpfpated because et petty tue umita of a county hospital institution which does flot la paît, ho hainat much of hl@ $3 loft. patronage and fear of losing a vote. sUnd second to any in th1e state. It la 1the pricla of Lakec A year or macalgo, an effort was made -Sénator R. B. SwifttIn Harvard Oounty, it could not Ile botter. Those who in theeliant have in the legllature ta reie the psy of Heraîd. . Supervîsore but the bill dld net go_________ « oeld1 wreck t11e hospital through political ahumosîly through. Thue the psy of supervIsers bave been forced to admit that a wonderful thing has been has remaîned stationar>. for a greatlIA WTIIORN SCJIOOL accomplished and in bein gacconiplished day by day. No- ma.ny yearm and they cortainl>. havi body now darei attack t11e hospital and what il in doinghI4ot been consldered in the. readjuet- becuse it is 100 firmmy established, il la doing too excel- ment thât has corne wlth the. Muh cost AUV ANCED TO RANK of living. Accordlngly the. public lent ork 1 permt any criticism that any part of the piýb- ought ta apprecîste the services the F51~I~~ CIO lic will receive with anly degre. of belief. board of aupervîsars render te the UIIIK ______________public for It la readîlly icen they are - an thraesprdctdwhnpractlcally donatlng thelr tlme and akgaMrc 2 It n jst s te Sn ad oherpaprs redcte wh til lance In a while a persan hears The lHawthorne farm aschool, locat th1e arinstice was beingr talked of and that la that 1the Ger- srnebody comptln about the super- ed on the Samuel Inauli estate wns inns unlesa they vers licked 10 a fin"s, onlesa they wei'e visore havlng been treated tD an extra drdlcatcd as. a Superior.sebool Thurs- mnade t ofeel th1e brunI of war as Belgium and France fel meal or îomethlng Ilke thet at the ex- day night. The dedlcatory service the conty. as in charge of 'rancis G. Blair, Il, that they would again soon after begin bo stir up troub Pense Of sthe f ubieIn le. The stirring process han already started for according struction. He was assleteti b> U. J. Yowr rmPrs o uhlnGra oeg Rn Hoffmaxi, a.sistant state supprin- b wod fom ari, Vo Kuhlam, emma Foeig Mi SWJT I STONGtendent, and hy T. A. Simpeon, coun- Jtria etrqoe yaPa i~s er, says that udr WF sS INIIÛt>. superiotendent of ichoole. Sain literal coîeitiqoeu uy answllP aris rfr e u925r1 null ualso was on bond, baving favrabe cndiion Geman VII b inPars bfor 195 Jmade a special trip here train New au dithe paper goes on to explain what Von Kuehlamn Yo O ST B L r k la 'ne preseot at the eo n thlini about 1the progress in Germany le dite. In other 11 SA Eles. This theistSpelrah words, Von Kuehlman thinks that Germany i8n eadjusting BILL IN THE T t iLeen lintradl n ftesx leisLk ntyadl seo the stat- iofla fine shape and la going 10 be able to start a 118w The dedication prograin a at vu. Isn't that jusl vhal a lot of folks expected? Now Decars that Politics are Hold- tended by alarge gathoring ofpar- then if 111e Allies had gone tbrough Germany andi demon- Ing it Up Despite its Mer- ceded b>. a short program pre:ented otrated part of their country, marched int Berlin and Itorlous Nature. by the puplis. Mur. Blair then ipoke dûhowed the people of Germany that the Allies bad woii a MENw TT O Iaterbh dplh aop r late.:aho ieal and contplote vlctory, would the G.irman people be ilMASASA O.LC. Ta le a supeiror achool It la ncs 10 anew ar, vonbefoe th ReaterR. B - ary that Uere uisal b.a superlor aay trame et mind t consider anqwr vnbfr h (By eaoILB Swft) building, a superfor teacier and su- old av an s ormerly been net aside. Il reminds us of a At thse proent tension ofthtie legis- perior equiprnent. caewhere tvo mon an i-eghting and onei maniages to get lture at Springfield, lbe state con- tir. Blair complbrnonted the dis- tube ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~tblr prselv iIrbltu i n11 rms bt1e~5A7bill roacheti the second trict uison baving roached, tbe Point tb*pspetv bad -"'" ""' lot""-a bi s o bte remiseha ton a aeg .the aena*e a" WOisid where they are entitlod ta bave a ]usUd.nouh. honwhe hoget bi brath hoture bvegone te tiird but lise preilding auperior achool andi ho aya this lm ed«y n head. e sr n atn him unawares oleer hold Iit on second isY gavel the hlgh standard towgrd wbieh al addulyupoi bs averarysud dngrule. One see tise vorkinga ef real committeei iaboutit suive. The dia. pooedute beut hlm. If G.rmarly should break loosç 10W OW IlUes as this Ineasulre l3 PuBeet trict, lhe said, bas doue lis but--lt 'ft t te Allies baving wlthdrawn thein forces so largely, along. There are a dansani btrO- naw 1l3 up ta tise childres te 157 lang los e Uve cold . amlnltord bf or th Aliesduced In the aenate eaking for am.- wisethur these chool absO ho ma- a hge ossof ive cold lleadmnisere beoretheAllesorbes In vexiona places. onenose.- t&luet on tise sisse iasplane. He ,uj4 recperat andi assume the offensive again. Il be- limes thibia that membereus In n §d h. w»va" ué lafle4Vititise Accrdinig 10 telegrama frontBerlin, Qeneral Luden. towisgwaqlit sacibice nn tmi e *fI'nt 'snPeglr sbft s DlatheO i4GW~, on.etf1the notorious German generas bau bien offer- misht me tate molta loisune- equipmat Wu f the ildin a fuL UMr. TamoU muid thse seiool vu 5e -a .aproposition le corne 101the United Statsu and lctre fAgaîn It la ameuugte sée.tise". Orthse joymor hi Ute. B@a*&Md the acoodlng 10 l4test statementa 1he bai lurned 1dovM the senatar. .unto cover iso have a diatiot abouilt h sti b@ Md wMd not appear on the American platform en- atrong labor voe. Tis preeldout ef mautaing & uboe isidsbl m * ,aMd la our opinion Il la a good tblng ho made this de- nIld ho would oeil a etuike ail ever choud tIe ti*taMakXtthé Vai buISI t in l a mont ifposterous tlgta ajoy the oatiwahould tissbill Paie. 1 have bell lu tis e ous .inffe »Min tiechg. PRJSOI3RSPUT MAIL IN FRST W AN T AD S CLSSCONDITION' goh.av; dra" Inteiior ef Ceunty Jali has Been + I IsE TA E + 9 andi 10 yi aIod, i« Sophie, Palnted at ne Cot te the Towner, Diaunonti Lake. 1"- County but PaInt. FOR bALE--Choies reeildeuci lots on McKInley Av.M J. Obmeg. 2.4 FOR SALE-A Ford roatister Iosgeod SYSTEM FOR THE-NM ATES. - --candibtion. Liberlyvîlle Garage, phone ý -; 1 lsve .oOQM elQ UnIup-Wo-date boumeq202. 11.2 OboriffRimeï r tl ÏÏis as' mch a ai pries fram $2,60. 8,00,. $4,000, personai pridi la the alipearauci of $4.700, $6,000, 87,500 te 08,600. Ail FOR SALE-Tht.. goond work borme. thse Lake county jail tisat nov tIsat moder n bcely locateti, whicb 1 ihall alto ive reglitereti Durce Jersey boare, . thse bnsbdm decorations havi bien fin- ho pleaseti to show you at anytima. satn by the firent To)mmy Doyle. Na lahed, ho edans& thora i18ino jal bu Edwls Austin.' Phono 16, North Shore reaonabie psice rihumedt. Beuietie.- thée atate tisatInek&DaY Suer or auy A o flphn 2--, nn0 sk,11.121l cleanor tisa eI ca t hn.2-WiRnna as. I 2 p 'l dont Mc aneviaIJa11 YouPut UP TO TRÀDM-'Tree acres, fenceti, IFORSALE-Bore, buggy and harone.. agusi ltt," said thoe hsIrbf "yoxs cle,rcd for orange grove bn lorida, Béisanable Il foîti by April lt. 2% won't Sund any that la cloanir o or 111! da, neaF, main fine for $200 or for la- mailes iirth of Liberty ville an Sol Kelaely tidy tisau ours. We are folowlng a< dios, fora or wbat bave you to, offer? Farine Phone 294-J-2. 12-2 regular systom tiosa nov andi le- F. A. S. Morcelre 2108 Ezekiel avenus --------------- lieve fitle; going te be iept ss<ean. Zias City. 1"-t1 M 8 E L NE 1S 4 as possible andtihte priionorsaail no ________________________________ Shderb een haftin thetieFOR SALE-My Pure Breti Holeteln LOST-À gold lutIle floger ring,@estwbrth taShi o! Granogail tf Ieineruar erd-sîre,& ayre aId; damse record 28 agate. ileward. Reluru tc: Liberty- of Use laul and fit ase cet Lie couoîy poi5nte butler at 4 yearm olti. SIre 88 ville Bakery. netbing but Use cSof th e point. Tise pouadt grandeon of Kinsg Segi. Corne vank bas ben done by tie prîsonere anti eenome of hIe daughtera. Wîîî muuî CEMENT SILO,5TAVg 8-We have anti lu appearance It lookesmU If tir St a lttle better tais bef pricer. one the cheaiseet a d test" tilo on tise wboie intenior walis,, etc.. pure bred D)uroc Jersey Boisr frontsa arkenlnt ctlouua an i sudralt.De. bave bren enamelrti. In tact t yLite>. of116- n IIpigi. KJ. 0ie@, Prairie i IstuonadldoreDp.4 have th.espprarance somovitat Of VIIew, ,llurtyvillbo phone 258-R2. tl i o ityl)II. Phono 41)Zion UIt>. 2t1 imitation marbr. ITii te total il wl coat Lbe count>. for paint feres FOR SAL8O-HOuOe, lot and barn bn FARM WANTED-We bave caah euet than $100 and the prisaners bave oc- village of Wads'worth. Enfluire iL tomner for a @mai] farus ors lakte. Senti cupird themqelvex muci ln daing n, G*Wam. Waduuwortit, Ill. A bar- full pIarteularg Chas.,Bttintnu & CO., iber a job as tir>. possîily coulsi do. gain if taken at once. Nkiy 2t* 30I65 lArw-tln Av- , Chlcago>, Ili. 9-4 Tie iaw is tlîat tihe serbff m i_________-____ e that the Interlor of tie jail lu FOR SALER + FOR flENT-Fourtîrîs t usue rus. csucsmieu.or f-u.rslu1 ,once r-t I 5. yesr. Very few sherifs fxitile stato FOR1 SAIE- Cperet sLave tios obsferved ts is ul. cîrapesî uatd i'-st; wbndow atilI WANTED-tu,rI,~t,-xsta.udr Maîntaînsa aSystem door acreis; IoI e ou lng andtIrBII5ttg frit-nul. tu' titl l t r thle Sherltf Green 1.4mrulntaixixg a fine bousse raîsîag. Ziox inlstiltutioxiaan I gsSt- tUuirJtuote, l1-5 txry . i tieouru system li carlig for te prison r s TdsreDproxtN.4 i i ttu5 1Il-l .t u He explabos that rvery mnorxiulate 1Id.ttý,Dprne o ,pi prisoners racit take a dueL rag and 41 or 11. ZIon, 1118. > tiitt< e.3t-asius- trLst go over lie varions bars ef Lie relu. ____- _ ur$4 1s-l - li 'u,,-Iîu doutrs, etc. Tic>. carefuli>. wbpe off FOR SALE-ufustisis, w atct tlllui ~ ~ AOu, 5-,, o tir dont anid cacitmorning Lhe stixire i onwu-ry ci r-litt20) [je r -v-nt doultatliu lbrilie orrsrtuW, l'ahi are aiea scruiubed dovo with u.oalu andiIl) '1»-r ttr's,1?n ll lt. RyIL. WANTED-slsrtlu-d ti t., . ',ri, o and a-atrr. 1 î'eoniîrtil 111Nstrflit lienu-s-re@t , Wauk- farai.lI sq ire Wrs Siýl. l t î *r. r-t, rurtiermore raci prisoner is Olligagan.fIIIPsit-7<.Y2Ia. srs l- edte 10 aie up bis beti rvery morts _____ ____ lng viti utmost cane andtihtir herif FOR SALE-Flus- Pulht-rottuulbtouseonorsWAN 1LED-A ilri lt)tiflas u .grira lItspects fitdail>.IEsslutHu ae u-t oî-. -t;ii it Iî, tk-loui The Oirsl Lhlug that ln done for a Eu atrha.tiesFrtt prisanter nav whcn he arrives ln te'at ul.alttrv-t.îce FrtsuyPut.37W juf le ta take bis personal effettuok S ustruoluusu- rWhtl t ir> ute- IORSES-Foo,,r a. lt -tu tIrturs gray frorn hlm andtihtin crder him issU> ' enamel and ti îlogusrly rins l-r-ythiiug nuanàee 4 3uars old, 'rgt:î,200t. the hbals rooso, handîng hlm a va.-i tiretct ine -ry pturtrular. Large Teans i o ilui-k nsars-,,jF"u-urwouj, tijilt rag anti plenty. of soap andti lhn>. bai-srtut arnd laupdtry, lewrcs-ned i prolm 3,000k. Trainofl 'lue-k gel-itlitgui yeare itim to geL hue>.. t adaliesrwomtoryguîrage. Lot3QzlO. ( teIl>. - 280 MYten the extpervlsort pas.-cd 1I trucs ua ble tersis. IrI. Geosrge iwîgl 1.0;00. Atii u'ut"- rul-, 'Ijlisrgus. Iliraugit the count>. jail ont-,uta> last S. Borid.12-4 uk lugoaura ut,,.l s~ werci anti ahcn tic grandl jury lk ulosa e; '-,ts ixwk spetLed t, the merniters terre ver, FOR SALE-Six ttst(,tsghtred Biuritel 'oi].Esrl>. andi luite ttra--li, i,oü much jtl-s.t'"-tiand comstlm-l vIl Rock roosîere a e3.00 p act. . T serti Uabrut. lts-ergesro tts -Fs rfo, Sierlif Green on the gent-raI apý)var- Eli.121 t.ibertyviiie. loti, 7-Jlt Iance.__ _ _ t tUftib sl YCCTËIIU TAi risUa à M àsl'lnrv saIl es-t DRAF BOARD TO CLOSE MRCII 31; ORJIRS RIECEIVIED lnuNNlWt~lnIIlu UEKiIIANOS~~LtKaR BE MAJNTAINED IN iAL AUSTRIANS ARE FIFTEENTII RE6i'T. (i61VEN CJTIZENSIIIP Disciplinary Guards and Mas-' Government remoues Ban from Dràft Records of Over 8,000 te-at-Arms WiII Be Petition of George Baumnan, Local Registrants are Placed Discarded. a Residnt of Lake Forest. in Fifty Cabinets. EVER-Y GOB ON HIS OWN-!TAKE UP MANY CASES. TO SHIP IN A FEW DAYS. Tir honor sysîem has iadu' t x,- ý1rFlftecxith regiment. te aviation f ras George Ilaurnan, TIse ,Fne-tt, was Ordro ormllycloingtheWau-tt trxilty'i 'home seet home" N,, granItes ils cltizenslsîp pape-s lxi * kean raf itartiheaquatrr colonger vill masters-tarms anti di.'u-irn cuta.auea oa. l kea M aft betoarerdeelvqeti îy oLite linary guards halti tway. as tts lI rst Germais t e natunai- boardti otit>.anti stepa are bhi gtsLk TIene'rter1 tlns sl -rd sînce Anscrira's entrant-e mba ïut erta the order b,. carrrdputto effect blnite higit fluer rcgi t ou atelte.ment Iite near future, Lieut. Corn vrfrGras utln nuL ~ ~ ' taLt9lte I astusttiPoal- 1mander E. E.Wilson. rxeutive a dstesc lg tra hUe ceuntries tiel>. liaI daildlise e co cilose(,Cannouisces. Lieut. Commander w whi cC oriethe Centrai powers, *~~~~~~~~ he eoeias i fieeu so nocame ta Great -Laies recentlv- vero placeti lnithe categor>. of allen by tise laat day of te noti. 1 after man>. montha service witit the enesuues. Tiry acre pc!rniltteti te fi on at tir oewonlt f orse tin '_ Atlantic fOc-t ln Enropran xstîerq.tak-eaout Ihplr tIret pappesbfut vire fore ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l onva in ufr onLieThe eystrm wiich be ProPoses ta In net alîavrd La camplpte the eltizpn.U *but thie la Lie Oirst time LiaIticde sîltute ln tie Firteenth te L S.e sitip process If their ,uetittonus were iorsa have hef clveofth nrd on slips bf Lie Atlantic ficn't. fileti subsequent ta Us. start of Lie * Mie Sclong che! ceri f Lieand bas proveti successfui. board, bas been bush>' engageti for WliGurdPrpi yOnI>. var. the hast everal veeks getting ail In te futre th datt sortee sa sineLe amsie bs be tisedna~ rcare Ito isae t beman glards ln Lthe Camp wili be con- ignd Lbe Americuis governument bas ahippet ta hestiquarters. IL vas stat- finoti stricti>.tatheLb.gxardlng, of gui-- siava a disposition ta ho mare leu- ed ip ta recenti> tisaIt the records lernmOnî roVerty. Uethe hding of' lent and Liose Who iave been char. probably vauid go Le Springfield. ,,n- are caises ad as protection actorlsed as allen enemiea nov are but il han beru decitird ta enti tieni egaluet Use admittance of unauthor- permittedta take out their final cl-» ta Washington. izeti persans 10 tise aviation camp. iesi tpr The local draftrecords Inllude ahi tjnder tise new system oves>.manirenshinvpaesattrodlgty bhae- data a&bout the 8,068 Who negistered man beenratlng o! petty officen .1golf for the draft bore. Al tie data viLli h oan vateb as ps-tector ofo! nreru.n gneat si eod regard to ehéregistrant 1la '<ept sud It viii b. Use duty o e! Use are fousu ta be cirar. W. 1IF. Wag- eparatel>' Do that It eau b. located salions La setisat evor>. mans Who ner, chiot of the naluralizsîtlon ber- oad la pacae of 0eac aveb-nCOMînItaan offense be put on report. Ieau a few days agoseont aiflot ot pld ace l ak sg e ae aiben IfUse rateS man ftalle te place lb.e Iventy *"albon enemies" ta Circuit elaffd l l.rge casseThon h ae o11 effOnder On report. vhen iha bas Cloni Drociva>. and Inati-ucted i hu plce u ange ca. isc sa' ~ kbuevlel Of e! UeOffense. ih@ viilte natif>' Usese men ta appear today red eb raIed. Tiere are lity t» fb. ubjctto bing placel ce tor ozaminatien.Fb.eiajonlî>' e2 et tiss. IÉl"g cabinets. All viii havereotad& fr hem . ben craIed vithin tise neit f.. days Dnipe rt an d riS setts e a si.e emen on the flot are of Austr15D ansd vil b. mblpped te VWashingLon Dseute the redmlien b. extraction. whr.théfremuosre l ers e vean du Commander Wilson believes A. Jordan, a reprosontatbve 0f thse Tise mndlng avay of Use records that th. honor syetem vwiii be sedu- naturaiizatlon bureau, vas tu Wmu. vratialy «»theen o wrkleua lu ieeplssg bieora Use mon the kegan todsy te cenLdUCt Useeau)a eo er e Ue lcaldrat bard~ act UsaI absolue obiyai of ordera ion. Up taelmevOn 'ciockibtis mern- TOOhe akgn r oad sn and god conduct ara nocesmany at lng Ilfteen mon isatibren granted >a»xy 7656Young mess. Thse totl nus- 11il lies ln Use navy and tisat the Usoîr fiuai papora. Fty-elgisî petb. ber item h ,iseoncluding thonseIe nu-ber et mon placed on the avia- tien, are ta e bhieard. Tisene would anibsted, tsase lu thse navy andth iose le eotLse eiy ylh be man>' more ver. lituOI; for the la thse marines, le ever 1.000. groatly redescd. tact UsaI so mamy «alfen enemies~e- Luise hihifgma la .14 foot iover Antîquit>. of Dleeeee. are herreti. dm drin Jacar, scoringta Thse antiquit> o! tisemane la sbovn Usae Murtinor lauay cordslnit. b Y Use rerent discovery of Prof. Wew sDeaf-Mutes. ad SIaies s laee urvey. Dssnlng agt balu 1). Wsleot. secretary ofethUe 111 mtr «Muenti ef tatnu men oe lve. Te akel@el l Ithionian inetittdti, oroson. as t7 tepdisribuionor i mos ht he Uic hievas 580 6 ent abovo e B@nfou Inst i utito, eroigon- 1 55 "te O nderu tf 1918 an .7 fot aovetheaveagel.wtise Cambrian rocks. These rocks I'sPOr On file Phase of Use 1ta1e8o sbud9fte lb.eme aad OngIBalY laîn 86 miles bela. Use 4W off Use Unitedi States givea tise as e 0 e f e tb ey o ! t h ise hi à b ru ' su rta c . b u t b a ti > ecn u > o ne d u 4 .8 P in 100 000 an ti et february, 1886. mnsS1.50 foot suave so.Tsisl naoo a te 80orleesa rie nW Use lov stage otfilmiruary, 1916. reTir n hfsl naeo 00000 iue 05 rlg l r samhe figures appi>' ta Laie Huran. Y e o0. speaklng excepît lotlnt.-Orego took yc Titan meut. sci~ UEIR T( Search Be HO ToIm; Wh TWO CHE Su-arxaxs 1) foundti wt lt be-n rt-p1'rI.- Cleveuland, () sent w', htoir and linuiîttrit- pour lni tt ta Cspti. Cros.s Tht' checks, niaitl for $14), ant, beea no off anti anIli"" t0 see wiît y'ong m n O>. te o g-L' t. an that T' Uxpun uas t-- Lihe world Ilt lh ise ll',u lio-ti tarIun IJNCLE SA Up to Amer Doac th it!t h eru .,lierI.u- over, 1n4ulit t tiey arc f'ý tiaI flot so sation. On@ ofIl gLe wanthe' b.illustrai Ion thansai ahip withs)t face anti I hbowere la e lua1 Sud refug' revboat i mander o! vivais te eau"e ln fi, submerge. Tise ravi Do provisiC stOrms Il Il vas hl tf-whldl ont vils Iseinanti iqtesiorc vireClos usant of 4 helis il çaige ai I %appcee Thers aoie Mi have gong f lcus, te morti. Il vrong al l liu M This C tory Lib $9 Use vi ILs'. *un' asdtise thon Use -EL rpc

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