CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 5

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lIr. RTIVILTJ LE --P]INDM)ýTMMSDÂY, MARCH 20, 1919. raft horsés 12-8 aIwo, Phono Srk bornés, rsey boers. Doyle. Na ent Uertliu, 111. 12 ipe od harns. il lot. 2% soi gelsey 12-2 Dg, set viti ,u Liberty- -W. bave lb on the. se raloing. rieu, Dept. 4 iIy.21f e Cash eue lak(.. send i.inn &C(o., dra roomne. ,r- fior the ilil 111w for a goer i in ugray :!,t 8200. g'Iyeare 'cc lx îai'k9 3ERs, s ARE 1NSHIP Ban from lauman, ore st. CASES. *r'ret, wa5 palers ln today. Ire e natural- rance into ranq and ceunftries ai powcrs, ý-Y of auu'u nîiited te tbnt were he rltizpn. Ions wère art o! the has been rnent bas more leu- been char. i now ire r flnal eit. they have r by gev- Ir records . 1F. Wag- aton bur. i Ilst cf te CIrcuit acted hle mr today .Jonty cf 1Austrisa ve cf the this morD- Sgranted glt NU-i COMP UEIR TO SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS A.W.O.L. AT STAT'N Search Being made for Daniel HO Tolman. Reported Dead, Who 1 s Missing. TWO CHECKS ARE FORGED. Seamnan 11, iIlTolna n. a found out 1jo was the ..le ý îr t i' $6, ' frtune of 1is unclo. t) N.To imîn.a s Iary 1,an bbunker, hi, be.'n r'ç,'rt - l l-1n an arcojdVit in Ceveland, (). Bit hIs rpiirt,,i -', ment wtho'ît ieav o nt ('réat tak.'- and lnrjîiirii-- ahut hlm ronti," pour ln on naî i offrai', acrr,4i to C ' Pt i. Il st ifiord 'Ir tli"Recd Cros. Th' cçaptat!n bas iws fnrg,-, checksc iai"payable tu Tdrîan, j'în for IO and on'ý for $iGý. TherabaÎ been no Ilf9i li report of buis dýi îb su d an lni"i'tr:itjiin as h""n egin to se e vt ha- happpn,-d to t- young mn n fin was advaned mon t , ntii.'report wa, '<ru rlated abhi, jG<reat lAkê.î and Ç7ail i tan that Tonian liai faiton boir i" b. szty million doliari' h.- vas iooio'i iipon a i 11w , t f,rt.înati, ll, he i te worid H(- wa. (n hin aSttheictino'"he r' u' cd word of hi- lood fortune. IJNCLE SAM'S BILLS MUST BE PAID Up te America to Show Worid That It [)ce What It Promnises te Do. 'X a r<oiu.ntsoulnies 11 ietrd, other tthtvIai ~aie ii ar i over, id i'.tii'-r' are soie p,1-111is au mlhort 'ig~.l ji iîîit-ui, l ,tl ta tlley are f..rjo ttlîî OW l. 'i . ii1iger that flot so loîg lgo tiireat'-iîd c<%l Ii- nation. on@ of the tIrrors of tii. past strug- ge was the fiightful havoC createti by the enewy on the hlgh secs, whlcb may b. Illustrateti by an Incident, une of' ten thousand smiar ones. It was tolti by a tranded salor, a !One survivOr 0f toi-edoed shp. He relnted how a Germun subîinarlne, aft'ýr sinklng the sbip wthout wrnlng, cerne to the sur- face and heipedt 1 "reScue" the. fovw bhc were slninîjng or dJrlftIng about la te water. Tiiey were permitted te cding to the subîmarine-inf fct, te find refuge on lis deck. An empli rewboat fioated by. and the coa mander of thc "suti" orierpd the sur- vvorg te availithemsielves of l. be- eaune la rive minutes the Uboat woUhd submerge. The rowbcattliud ne cars Tiere Do provisionsl &board, nsheter against sterma ineitis unsciiworthy shel It vas balt-filled wth water--5Slt vs- t#r.-wlch thie Brvivofi liad te sct. ou vitii thir bar bandw The top- toJn and bis men de@Od hlto thé iqfeier of the "bub." Tiio hatcheO ver.cloed and graduallI theIi. mtr mistai ofdeglructoD 912k Out cf sight lelViflithé. erat. wl lits huma Çargc et tbe mercofet he vavu. Tbl bappeued la tbe aiddle et the tiat There la unr outei lng that es mavé the.woend from anu Pheavil fil MM diiUitroU thaii dît which - ha&e Seno throlyah. Tut fle for Amer -,Pa and the Anieican people te hcl4b aw and erdor, ta ibid. by treu nett fleus, terebuld ta e er and com ft thlio bave beeu bewed dcai bythe terrr et rganised Intlernni It la for us te gi. moe. pay moe.. More. It le for us te prove tbat vreng acknovleddbhomme »a et :pdtien d tht Amuert% done a1 o,?it promises ta d. This can be accomplUsed enlyb patriotlcally geitbaci ef the V1 tory LibrtrIsisuaand backins lta $9 the. very Unoit of our inanciai ai lty. *Une!. Sans billesmust hb pal aud the boys bruhi i4m. Uût thon the 3ob-w- n'tb Lnied. -MELP "F INiON H E JOB.'- - - -- - - I - _________________________ I Libertyville News ~I lI you know[of an item of local'interest, kindly telephone No. 1 -a-. 90666«0 ---- 000000000000USUSUOOZSSSSSUS Mn,. James Davis ls ili with thenmumpel lins. W. W. Carr-oll spent Monday ln Chicago. lire. C. Maimberg, of Chcago. la vieiL- Ing In Libertyvllle. Our private band vili pay st the ne- vivat meeting Friday nialht. Miss(Gertrude Olndori le a week-end vîitor In Chicago tâte week. Born, ta 1Mr. andlira. W. B. Seyboid, a baby girl, Tucsday, March 18. Mlie Anna Ruitner. of 2hicago, epent the week-end vith irlsnde ln Llberlyvllle. m rs. A. lise let Wstineday mornIng for Janeeville, Wis., viiere oee ili maire a visl%. Mise LBe@Scbanek epent Monday lu Evanston as the guet of MIes Hielen Petiaffli. Mise Ada Boter vislted at Waukegan PHILIP McCARITHY VICTIN Thurday1 OF SPINAL MENINGITIS F. C. Norman wau a businesse vitor ln Chcago, Tuesday. Phlilp Mccarthy, the eighteen Yeul Chinles G3ordon spent the week-end olti son of Mm. Kate McCarthy, dleti wlth friendo In Chicago. Mon day mornIng al, ten o'ciock after en Mitchell Cole le quite 111 wîtiî <omplica. filinese of a few days Be compialneti oi tions o! pocomotnil and iiurnps. pains In bis stomach Friday and ofaI Mi»Romts unde 1 vey mch in.beadache. He hecame worme on Satur- Miss R oet t L e ud e e y îucit l in- day and i D r. T ay lo r w a@ cale ti w ho provetiaI h iA couniy ýiîoýtejit ppliedth Ie remedies that he thougt i lre.Amndaiun o WlîuelW sieeiwere iiecesary but on Sunday night a iew days with Mr. and 1tie.Eti elle wâ cailed «u again. Hie vlewed hie Ihie week. patient anti found hlm lu be a very elck Mise Caroline Butterfield epent the boy. He then aeketi for a consultation week-end with UmseAima IurchIl 1 ai and Dr. Martin vas calieti. Thcy did, Mr. and lins. S. P. Evilsizor epent Sun- day wiih their dauglîter, tire. ihotger B. Kllby, ut Evanaion ta save hM. Hie deatb casdue. spinal mengitis altbougb be bad theý mymptame o! ptomaloe polsonlng. Be wae employeti hy severai local tirnie MIONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED LAKE COIJNTY FARMS AND ON ACCEPTAILE VILLAGE PROPERTY We invite the inquiry of those desiring to boroow rnoney for conteniplated purchasea of new properties. for the improvemnent or stocking up of present holdings, or for the renewal of boans falling due. Prompt Serlice at Reasonable Terins The Firaçt National Bank Lîbertyville, 111. sA IKi> W A If , rmt he ai> ai amprSeivdehan ge I ina s hehm o ir rn-but iataiy was working wtb a gang a1 from ermy a am heiAn Mot teieredLak oe of litrgay ndi. snveyars for th. North Shore Electrie. Capital, Surplus and Profits ................$68,000.00 >A N Y TamcryiAp. ouhr uposFon e Lbetyrd bond@ Tim le tbe thîrd tragle death Ibat bas Mir. anjliMre. W. F. Frauzen, Jr. were I1<Pyu opn o b Ie! ond ccurret in the familv, bis brother, Dan, week-end vietofre at the home 0, Mr@ und Inveet thein la War Saviag ',temips belug e@hot wbsn a boy sume years ago, ___________ _______________________Frauzen ai î@ le lines, Ill. iteru'y eLte ilviud fyor iebifatber being killed white seîrk RP BIA CAUCUS st. !)atrick's day vas uelebratpd ~1 br Kbi f fr'heStau rad A cauute or the republivan voter@ o0 The Debt i u: fair @ex Moiday by the wearfng t'Il lé b r eetîy d'ut North (}higuu, ili fo he t a urul -s leryil twsipi aleifr ,&U - geen parlee danin% ~-peut l.rlday ma ulé I r uui Mrm. 1 Iday, Mardi 22, 1919, at 200 p. M. tin <yRNALPRIH r.N.E nrw eille11wt liasi le joe-hbeim. idter, Mary, survive.I Quaita G.tti, Editor the town hall for the purpose of plaefng lThelfunerai serv i- s, ers, lieldU Výiý. el i iii o 1 uba ul e nit liriluctiza. NIr Andrewse linsI juitélornt .,cv tri omin tionone______ti_____antoi re',uîredfr~ui ai ata'. i i., nuillv Mr, andlMr@. R. t. ilijiitl'ft for jday mornlng froui >t. Jusephli.. li îr il---------JIaetayrtartni, la a A î,,untg felon uainetoc lutua o ur rii <'-la raijl.%N,14 .tue mort, jv. - in ug l ed ,1 iM o k aibt,,-r ,11 r. otifvia tii. g. j Ille sucil t- rii. lins tc iex huedic ' gicali> <orum e io re tic uieetit g. t'uahe otier .Ly, cîcugglng aîong, Limer Lawtiuen -ntlt.the Lalé'i-llire to attend ii- fi,.' .1 f tlîir _____1_________Ultil Jolie- iii,, il,rjiu r enai llire wé '-k O sîtîlli lau ctnite on t iuto-liefs he -oi lcfl one leg luneiiîitty lo-[ital thé- tiret .'J' til i- usek Hei.u. arol -turt- clT) tsii elu lvi cinite rn-..A firliiîd met iliti. anti sud wirel e oiib.verated lIén 1fr a-- t,;,.cli>it> ', ,)1- Frontrli'tty5e.Y 1.-1,jtt.'ir. tand M s i euint-o l -M, .gea< thé,tMr. 1tiellit, tii Matinal iTrainini n-ii Frs.-,. >uu 1-r our ieg." The led 'fie W Itiats llril - ttné xt 5V) <h h , c - t ,lurt 0Liceln. 1< 1, orco o limusis lig eo l d lN T C ls,k., 'i t lu lu,. lns] sîiliui. "I ldn't 1 ,il o lîvereél an Ilîit-res.tilig lalk oui the bacni> 1g. juirie, h retiul uIt- ti N t.. 'au ha At i. it %% Ii, , li uin for a shot t %i - 1, Methodist-Episcoiaal. choiîuualluges arlupoee i tli wurii. iu.l ,t.eiieeyginta ly, "I-aý Il"- thewlîu- at- n eiit(ftew r ' EFl e s Jeauett.lé , - ,ii tSutiday, Mard-i 2buda le aie,,gaie us a %ivl pîture (ifîiuiwliltloî3fnro etaitii.- tfeiu tvllagueeeOf ThaI l4 JuistNa-bat tii.y l-rue een Chicagoiu artiste. lucIe ,oroiiy A l, îîus.11A t usIII tie iiri atthie Ni E churvb I11i crîî n ai (-s)iliî-.Tiire bave NO.8 fr a csse sn i u e viipayalesio doj ig, t iise .'îien ilI f-i s .f nuire IDr. j. I_ Taylioir eît Tu-i-day frafor ceCjcg i rr -î .i~ iîc suoa.b-ýen a fow discussions on Matîial Traini- thLie tthe ji.. e now d ecan pa he Th( hae bvnigis itg tîcîir legs. uder I )Fiàge, iîîaa, v lpré,tilie as gîîî s tb-li Tliere aili be netn u e ny n ic hn h osaeaxoât isiiý,t-1 Pss ttirveyliem ha wt hs alier, Stsî-phtcîlTayllionandi tes , f ,Buo eâ O ,r, Il at addrcesed by ltev. G. A. Lampluear. have ibîis course aldded t, u îur lgh ok u ecoe rmtyo u use trlghut hase (uor homes. our sIii'îis. iîell, biri elrate h lile titri. irtt. i-t, (1 odstrstskTi rt,î,uEd vangeliit, neit Sutiily alternuion aut ehol 3,19 vir firémis; liaI t w ltit live Ilu'day. teplycont odouIiti i Ir in i 0lîcî i h M .cuc. aktbl gieFIa ngt h' LyclH. Morris, Village Collecir. pbeeaceanniInirikat ieM.ercurei. aseliaiteaf rîd>-îîliî.oTfeJà0. 6 houliarch 20 tliéace, rilu ure;é, ii i-du fTihe ladies ',f lie Ecuîchuru b a it ilieüt îhey mîseet i héiditrais on The Methodilet v-ungreallon oIiuIi ulMaruîoue vs the HomerncGourds! iod'abke cale etMr.1& liéid'i wilb th~e ebtraiat Itie Preuliy-. Ibut forget ithe Ani, ual Sale. iii>-a Don' ,l )W@them ioll mr> a r auiu thi i.Ni& 8St. P. atiîîlN-nuis epsternra ucre oiixtilawrng1 1 Iîu.ent tsie a uvebthnm. a nthlng? smtore î11 riaturda> , Naru-b 22. The" LUne , tut cangblîu a .r,Ioituetra ucibtlîîetuidy ongNautuins. ImportntnI nformation Wanted. In Fasa e uh npaldad to ipe d ae s wll îii lue ruer>- tm (o wetié dur- ri cien'arrîvitre,î,.uîî--i,ou anti vufugThe basketfail 1.-aistarteul ontîih 10hodu ir nurnePolie wh re ti, lù borne fijialm te and cle ied l tI : .The Epsvorlh League siéil aiea attend pila- Deplaresfi. S. last Fritiay buit 670r023, holdingFIe ineuran904P02lcie front? are omiic omefriss te lette " mthe Pres;byteriauchurci Inla aUnion gît oui>- as far as Silierluervîlle. Mucti of71 the, 10024, (70025,FIr04202 md frotît ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i mi tt autlealoeuubI .etlng next Stînday evpelng at 6:30. ' Oljl2îl:l oftuehet estniieofrtFere lnsunha@ ltiat Il, the appeai o! lie !orthcom-îIjr.,i -d wa en 1lt crajtng lru e s lt Cin i'sugbteRatotal expense f hie teaîîî ba Int Vciry L.ibeurty lonu. Il le a delit hleeiand it liasclitsannuai o11bathiî R AIv 'rfrTbenu. hoe res uoyaof idg ,tbIacident.i w.' owe-lo lie avîntor. who wntcertaitil>-was in an unlucaiti sstale vaitb I EIEIDELINQUENT ÎAX LIST e te renraI Iicuent.avebeen pleae coinuletno î lee d o pany;r crat-hlng duuv lu damues; te lbe dough- ttri unug îba ibis year. st1r'i u I~J Tboëe who uecleutcd to filue dei'utd be r e ol :Insurance Polcies le the office uf the boy, us ho sur-checrtit; os cr the top A11 U t .ua I ilieuouiel~ax returne a lieu ttliccolleetorj Coses Pîet-Dsrothy Allen, throng4h a riu:;i of shurupel ;ta lie gu- Miss@Ma> nie Jejkinm. wbo wae called uasintwu mv î 5 nWINa l oUlî-Ja:eteTa -tr. Ex-Av'ent, Chais, i). Proctor or the uer. ~ ~ hl tiueIwihtelayr n i 0Kanâalkce MonDda> to attend the onn luring tleisweek aItlb.' P,ueîujit 1,tin Ue. cumçany's atliies. 112 W *n nyr u l-otMoe rti lfier utiîle, alit J H. Heime wbo IE ITCC M AIi .alea antib> doinlg so ai oitf the __-------____________ W£a ee a tn!botyb bii,, statiotied aithtictraiinîg sca- fi E uuu c <AIN ibi. at le b>- iliig roluuîaniy ) Cla8m Propliet-Harcid HaizerIî>. .I',ie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ii. s.l hîtmrl.Jitds- b trcùolmnu cnadhm ge tbem téo.)cotue lu as eoon as lih.-der of the iVu ll-Altre Jungz. thsmrag ire rsanîd fep. Coi. Linden ilîl aselst A rea.liiîî tabule lias becul plaiceul lu the l 1tVe wstreet h. r.' a tîi uig s tijis orntn.G Ki j L<wo omei iti.nria 1 heni M an u,îui-e to! oible. prT, e urlnTiBak.ttsi-iniireieAdrcn lîîg two goldlen stairs. Whtslle My Ilr~"~ u> icA Lmpheîîartîtand! Crpraiielte.frnt l tt'.teeîîhî> bb is wî h for [IBFRIY HE RIK ilulney, or yurq, balances! agiitignt the. rra. tived l itterl>ville but gavenp is l-rî: iretiletIa ruetî i L heMgzie xculel.Te r prlteiess gift o e le art-broks-u fa- practîce t,îcî'llstiu îb. navy bas ecelved 1i" tifr tfirrughIu l;-- ueek great llet 1:1).uîau lco îl. t% o eatiag tales§ texlnslvsly. ibarev tiser tîndl iother liere? If evcry ma i b-areaaiiaarnipenan riiuilu. te s er e iu@ NOTICEîîgtblsfi ieshuyliiInou lu tbis toues nsioul tirow bils dolars ottic tbore He mi 111 receive patients eserySuilsa1 i!îctveLssrvesNTC Into lie cala those ives would welgh Tedyand rIda>- alternun - xbokfrthTwslitIjLetSATURDAY, MÀRCII22 tems.Mieés Kate Carroll reîurued ta Liberty-- vIlle a III lose Frîda>-, Iarcli 2 1. Am ltigNtt eDlaos Fairbal n l Cheer anti vercome those ssio e ville Monda>- eveuiing rata Washingtoni A. L. Brocher, Ileput>- Collector. Accepted by Postofficeslia, nli turn ; honor ticir uiuüîiood, and thons wbere @lie aas empia)ed as a goveru-rlrsAucKts ai Lk o- for Return to War Dep.h u. pay-1 to tem, ln a smnail measurs. the ls fr.\Ic ig aeofLk Fr t debt you ove theîr §service. uet eîenograpber. Miss Carrol'@ re- -e-,t, a aster o!fte fate Rocltweluat IJUIIU LILthe Bu ofo fri isets woturn waë a camiplete surlurime ta ber ta-tu- -.atr .I Alma ls CMd outrd, not oformer brokoailiers21ho l Laaselle wa@ter J.peIl.u'olieunan rKingiformrIbeokAIea 2a cS.sLé wîli not retun-ifi' voteeles esdet. - îîyLoastsfic wast ecteur borfe A&i. iSlle istreet, Chicago, wiil reveivo hi.i loilîving lether of advie Irotu the pos-ue.!..... 9 Yeuo sa egrenier délit to them. They r itlubse u et iter- sntire $100,000 estafe lu accortiancu' office de1artment at %Waeiugtou, a-tii dieti wth faithInb you. sbires. M'uudeu fui ani mals, weili-tevelop- - with the ternis of his well1, udîîteu the reuuet Ibatbe guve ih Pubîlcut>. It SUNDÂY, 14ÀICUHZ21 HELP"FIISH HE 10e.-il and typîca i breeti ai mui rta prabate Sahurday. Mr.. King tielaheelîexplauatory: ntreasonable prluree. Thes qulcker yau mt -,JareNrys. Tlî tige er N.A , Pdat luaaeIirbyavie t Thse wàr In its iarger tense In uthhe better tic selectiou. tîedar Creet ra>r.1-a rtKngKce îeu-- "ontmarttors aresi erni u is-a iiBnetl avéré anti our dty ta support Oui*FriJ DrluPoLkeVla'Yorl< Cifty antiChai-le(G. King, n~rcn c fclgeeprisds l e.s~ soldlers la not over nntul tlhcy are 11. Noti @bore Fox Lake.) -12.4 bohr h r o aneiili-àagt eihr arti illlgat B ii ailt home. The Vlctnry Liberty Loan le il1 equipment wbicb tue>- take away oltb hîi ta he used for thie purpese of mainl- TeL1ert>-vilie Flower andi Vgetable -____________ - îem, and Ibalt theretcré, vostmasters Burtan Hoîmies' Travei bitture. rteintas thenm oversees as mn rîuy of Comnpany bas again che-uigeti bande. Lasishouiti fot anéeltuaes ulaiu _______________ Loccupation anîd tilgluîg theun back. wsek a tisai was claseti by whicb Lord & %é aav ing atani,3 w ers sold In Sp buescoiann ib- ixucLl oba sii tbe bus§inese la Lieubtit Jnunary il the rate o! 45 Cents for ties artic-le@ fur reluira lu the a% ar de- . The. Oermans, flot the Americans, & Meenuriuk. Thbe Dow ilnu looakpue eve ry persan je the Unitedi States, partaient." WEDNESDAY, MAÀRCI 16 v er. the quittera, fut car vork sl[10h Isession anunitrida>brlnghng Ibir Pm- win tl saresportfo48,3aD,00acord .-t- lroGibnsnuDeeiGiCelDld a tftilsedutil vs have brougitt he rl>c5sib bmfrmCiIngt eotfo edurer ,a rn ibnsnetDal i-jdDiei Jvîctors home. Lets finIsh the jobhhy oesWt teif hcago. ua.- . e'%ent led i par capItà bons o! Deerfleli, lban aru-ivet Inl New il aoesacbngteVcry bet "ilS dWbiest: Couuty Agrtcullnral Ad. sales, with $1.20, or a total of $433,- York after service oves-caa.. Heva.i uiinr Loa aswe ld itltspreeceOM vhiser rpr@te icsyeîti oi vieat on aur wî taelicl ut tiie'Preshytenian chunch. 000. New Yorik tate, outside of Ncw 1 late tank corps. Gibbons lu a t I~n asve dd -fanm asoul thebighe§t repariti ln Leeke A largev'*Iléustý hir i" of boys anti York City-,vas loveet, vlth only 15 nephev of Thns. Dvyer a! Wauiic- Wemal speak of the Vlctory Lbrty Count>- lu 111b. A liniteti enppy ai g Il ,si nlg a1 i, cre uSaud y cn1 e m ia Loan as a pence loue or a vlctory loenIbis seetifor sale at $2.75 par bushsib . eeult . Ne tSunda>- alternoon Rev. but le a sense itlei.àa nemnotal Ilouab. LuaeVillasRack@ extra. Firset l aMpha i tidseamnmetg te our solders vin died the fie ld 1 Lsrvt.J . eig p., t the M.EcbuecbantiMies Bosiord -B 'e of battis. Cnesî Farm, Lake VIa, flI. (Northbshore vili address a meeting fon vomen et the j. ByVcesyLîet Li od Foi Lake.) 124 Preebytenlan church. l . help fia»h le job lilt eob 1400.00 B. A. Scott, Wvho vas tabelstea aseuni. - - - es 19 BYfl te lMt%tartai et Napierviloe, lL, for treatment, basm rsturnsd hon. as hbene are ouly cer. Several itemns in. new footwear for the pigsokhvarvean Ie tiiiOWi'.yain icepof ailîl h tke nttutheneoffer uruusual opportunity ta save on shoes of excellent a- eW" nt" qf liegrapb i « b Air" saitarlan ai Waakegaa a.sono style and wearing quaities. jiauetimes regarde as a vestie r prr fiBlle. thougliopinieu difter èse . b.agi h. roade yl vperit, b. b.lng IDLaie biet volier il foretennslle. 1 u ci condition liatIt ls Dot sele t taae Lde brown lace Oxfords, new Spring style, sensible miitary heel, le Inn muc discussion as te l0 iehm tu Colorado as vas planneti. pointed toe, popular, practical $4 o a d $6 0 Mmne etftis end. Probably li m The Fins Marshall bas eceivetiblanhesos i .......... 4 0 n 6 0 a J thfli e meulan b.rp effeeÈl.iils occuarrence depentis chiell fl op b Ifronthe tats depanlment regarding Brs iv r« n ofteLni nrlto .adies Oxfords of blacl glazed kid. A very dressy shoe, o-direction ltue vinsthle rel ation . biias bde to boh san d pi al&" 0f with the welt sole and miitary heel; priced at.... 55 platiais lu lie pilc cf lb.e ouid de business te escortain vhetber danger ol t0 pend upon changes ln the tenlsioni 09 tine existe. Il voalti be vei te mae th- he trenllth aryng tmpeatues ourInsectin o yor, romssenowDre3sy Shoes ror the youi>gsters,, black patent leather vamp, with wu an____ d prévaut baving a "fire hasard" -e. black cloth top, in button style, $ ce. Eoasy ImebliltosLPot go ia vhen tbsy Malte th rounds I riced, according to size, at.... $2 5 an $ .4 do à bird@andm ammals iamobfuISa.for thalr Inspection. ~a d $ . ( aSuuaoho oceaionetieut vOl. I10 11111ndr110 d MDoal md r'-1 AnesnE eond n Childrens tan, stitch-down shoesl for hard servize, made with heavy bu àee century Klrcber immbllib Chale Whitneyisvent Lshling la tie MISS C, A. HOSFOfiD lt fg*ejmoral, hy turnhng tbern upoISrvlptteobra. noto etsnalsllt fter thote bache. Tiie experiment b. ghave i tIowordy.O.cfle Alrchoir bas hbeu osrtanil b wltsna slltso o bYimsueeeaflly md vltb uoy klnd ejcaugit &:§eh and lhe other two becone MI-e Carolyn A. Efooord ln connection and no stitching on the inside; loft et the M. E. cinrch la ot large these ae according t size ....,2.50 and $ e7 ap owà, vitb ma-ryeeck and vt thle ti lm etoume It and tien ail three broke eneagiiand part af the ingers have biI- Zc iui etilately aller ther cipure, tirougi and felI laiteWaer. Il looks@hbenu pfacel on the pulptio pstorm. al thu: xluia~it Idso triing AI r. t d otrBa oenw isBe r aoitnm chlrn W . W . CARROLL & SONS O P N varcu vti "slmaug" eaîy Big ai the servicesRaturday cvesnn.Poe2 brogmumnmals, espeeiilly w tish, ramnng ie noe l i te , Speclai munic le heng plani or &aIl o.2 - nce.-Exchange.season. the Uudaysurvice. -- --- -- -- -- -- - b--- hu- -- --- --- -- --:o Pn ytm Tian<12Olie Real Keroene Tractor took ycas feeiment snd test tb g« it just iL Titan 1020 'a proved itself to b.t e d e hermes.. Dairfot merely a daaolie, tractai wiuh kereec as a- sun.-YoulJ be Wise to keep this.iii min&. Titan 10.20 ruas on kerosee under ail loade cattag ou fuel bl i n halL Titan 10.20 records proe"bs.You a M Ua 11 tv. Huait io-a-Titan M,20. CAO"IW £ r A uk r via l1iiTA % lstaew rErn egoi

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