CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 6

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CountYSetNw bre for egteoure, ho felt a tbougb bu vas going thnougb the  DY1 vicTO YLOAM that bu neyer vouid bu nscuud ansd the losa of blood would prove fatal. tT R St u1I UFr CT R LO N Howeyer at lest carne aiOfl9 a IN LOCAL DRIVE rn.ssing station but uven thon S TJRAiNtI - _______as tbough b. vould flot ib. lBô . rd f Rvie Pln one a chance bucausu Ihere usas Federal income Tax Colletors 20men abead Of hlm ruquiringeat- Adopted, it is Said, to Raise lunlion. At last he vas givun iwund- in Waukeqan Kept Busy Up Cit'sQuoa.Icai assistance and wa-q latur 5(nt to a Laie Hour. Ciy1 uoa t the bospitliwbunu bu was at the _______ ALLWORERSOPTMIS ,C,_im the armistice.came. SA-TURD)AY WAS LAST DAY. ALL ORiERS dTIMITIC. He just arrivud back in Canada and Depieth attnt *,l-ea'. ln k Strdy feroo.came io bis former borne in High Waukegan, Mancb 12. qufota bl te fifth ictorv lban wilt bu endl'ark. -tudy 1roo. Elventh our Income tax rturni conslderably larer titan ln any of .n vears a modal wbicb was conîinuud to polir Imb thu office of tha pruviouq loan,, Chairman Il. C. ag'vfl to him for bravery wbcfl he Division DoIluty Income Tax Coller- Durnett and bi asi.etantq uexpres.s vent out and cul the Grnian wres.,ton E. J. I-oran ln the federal bulti- eonlidunc e Ihat the carnpalgn iî'ho Inw c Maos LnIta it b n fg up te coing lime. mîdnight, Sat- a guccesa. Tbey reaire Ilhat il is as mst important 10 do certain n rujay nigbt. Mr. Horan and bis as-1 golng te bu a more difficut job toIinga. sIstant passed a most etronnous day1 obtain sîîbscriptions Ibis lIme but Osborn naturally carnies big qcars Saturday as Il vas the lait day for ý iasy they expert tat aukegan wilî showime usieru ho mut his injuries, making returnn on lunarnes. corne to lhe front as in previous but he sys bu blieves in a litllu The office of the fedural revenue loea and ralsu itt quota wi rb i- wile bu vili ho ail right. collector In waukegan vas submeng- ably vili bu about $800.n(0 ispret owlvei nOn ed unden sucb a flood of documents. In the last lban campaigfl the aud Osborn vlslbed tbuhe f cru e ru- abecks and moneY orders duing the bordo r'iu la f sessine turning 10 bbh.coUited States. eslat suvural daya that It la expected1 businof ess and pfsflaiors-n was 5gofar as is knovn Iberu is no ICvii taýe Ivo on breday. 10 followufi uitit splendid recuts ibuthr man vovn noIuw-prepare evon a tentative aulto Wakgn In fart iR la adnîitbed froni Lako- county Who holds a rer- &f receipte. that tis vas cnu of the principal ord of having gou ovur the top 19 A number o! Wankegan and Lake taer. lu unabling Iis city 10 go imes and livud 10 tell theutle. euî operaldtericm Oltor the top vilb flying celons. Teils of Crucifixion n t Pces. T heIverarneba No announceiflnt has beun forth- Thebubgfuature cf Osbonn's story toaita pesonThe v m ndt huir coming as b whulher or n caIb sco"ru ît is orrborothe 0f renturos Saturday uigbl or aven Sun- plan viii bu toiiowud Iis tile but Cs f i tciiin ytuHuns ot day vii lotetbuopenallzed for bardi- One oan s-orkun-wbo han usbablisb-,d a prisoner. Duse. a splendid rucord in pruvicus boans Osborn Ihus hs the firstI ah. coun- 1ýurthernore -theo'colectersaet aays bu 'bas beun gi-. n te undersland ty man to cornu back vho states bue Waukegan vuru notiled to accept in -, that the plan viii ho folowud )if nie- actually saw a case whure the Huit formai ruburfis, sncb as bttera glv- cessari- 10 gui local men t( give duvîL- cncified a man wbom hey lad ing an ustirnatu of the ta, due and vbat Ibey arc -aile 1. .1captured. sccomupaniud by at iuast onu fourtb cf Vnder tiisplan bhc board ofru I Osborn tells Iis part o! is :torv thu otimated suni. viev calîud hfore hem ite iueýiites r folls Many local taxpayers chose to pay anid professions] mein wbc t hic) "One day we fought with the Ger- th eir unliru taxes tnsbuad of bbe tboiagbt bad not -ubscribed for u. man& i battle which vas as intense Onu fourtît due Saturday. This wiS 11cient boniýd- miflxed t. ontount as any on the front I the acrap 1 tru ,particuiarly of pursons vitose tbey Ihoughti bue w.rp te lu io laketeny pot twc cf Our men and took Itax anountud b ernail arnotînts. In ail ca- lh,, pla workî d out -- them back te thir tronch es.Tb second Instalîntunt of oneI- cessfol' 'The nuit nlght we recalptured the fouri lb ladoue Junu 15. thpt hird Sep- The slarling of Cie cattp.ign slilli trench and Ihere, crucified against a tomber 15, and the final payrnunt it lis over a îîîonth off but arrangettecei hbig doon In the trench, waa one Of dite Deceniber L,. Taxpayers who are heing nmode le line up the cou cur two men; nalled both hauNs and filld onuv tentative ustimates bave ,mlttues :o t1t uvrythlng wM l î fuet, and dead. Anybody who doubla forb-ive days until May 1 te pro- ln readiness for the iaunî-ing o! ibe- tituebe tories need do &o rio longer- pare Ibir comploe rettirns. drive 15 \au,ugan which wili bu itt-<these are the facta." Mr. Horao says bu does n01 know tensîvu !rorntlie rst. Jucl bow -ntuch longur be yl b- In Chairman Pirnett savs ibe .sanieInn u u Waukegan but expucts 10 bu heru plan viii he- followud this tirnu as IERSfIi BIUDI Romne lime yul b tfact bu remarks beforu. This meane that peoplc TOl factlcusly thal lb looks. as if bu viii bo given an opporttinity te subscrlbej flU EJbbreononuhtbuacern Vgolunlariiy. Then if ibuv do noei AtEV Waukegan. come forvard îbuy usili bu caiied bc-I fore the board of reiuv. 'REJTLLY'S BUCKS' MÀNY VIOLATIONS SAYS C0OMPANION U. S. Commander is 'Hoched' 0 LABOR LAW DIS- WAS CRUJCIFIED BY by Germans as He Leaves CO RE INCT n flez. lO ER4.mN CIT (Copyrght Phibadlpbia L.-dger> COBLI-NZ. Marcb 17.-Gen. Per-hb Nick OsWbofa Highland Park is farovoil viait 10 meno f the Halo- Se t iRsi ail Doubis as boy (42nti) division Ib. aftermoon. to Crucifictions. Th:l49tb Field ArUilery of Chicago OVER ,THETOP 19 TIMES. ltahnbov diviin.iaprtc - Rarnangen vas the place chosen Tfse1L'ee euntrYyoung manwvb or toIis afternboni eviuv. bold theo distinction o! having gone With the Riine blog past anti "o0V« tue bp" the rnoet nonihror f lbe aneine buiebte of the river tius during thé greal vorîti van i, iooking tiovu upcu the scune ail - vithot question Nicin Oshonu, 25 Ibat coulti bu pitoresque vas theru. y7o d, of Higland Park. Oabon vbe survut i vtb the Cano- Acros b.e river is the neiitta!, disa troupe bas juil returnuci Irc*izone. Prom the lMihiide. of Iis seffle abroati. baviusg beun In a11 on, Ge uan riviians vitb fielti t he haTY fletine on h. principal gisses levud cb" cenu. Wbat tbey bath. front. He vas un aill te fieht- env shoniti eertaînly convincu tburn Ing about Amiens and accordlng l0o vby Genntany lost the son. '-Mone "lsovu taternunt ho vent ovut the than 20,000 sturdy Amnerirans ln top ln ail 18 diiffrenî ibies. spiendidti nrnsbot in te vlley bu- Il vas on lb. nineleenlb tume that lu' andi througb their ran'ts vaîkuti h. necoivuti a machine vin InJurY i eea esigbihhâsaf n thie breast anti anm. That vas at GnrlPnhn ibbssaf October. o! course Il sent hlm 10 upcing uacb line lu turfi sud asit- the bospital ater is companlons Ing numenous questions concurning toUnti MMitlying ln aabrîelbole. lb.ernun's velfare anti tus IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Midtjey d Inesailaanarespect-efr tO- diae ly.-o .oth'g.b Rna01.L- Bon. A najority of the fIafle B-- I *..Yth. kIdne r.vaa2 nfa. >pie t day can be traced .ac. ttonea"an detzoy a th.grmawIhi iduetrubehave Caus d IL Do lot Wattuiito- The kldneya ara lbe m O*1 >vatrnro.Gt 0e rgitt dan itrr.the, purifiera, Of you bloc&. Capsule& Il&0 ttOUr boni. YOu Uldney dI8ea-a u tusualyIr tuS b7 hould fu baltb s&d vigog rturaing wear 1e en eýojone, *d WI ibleua the dey VOfret board 4..-e8aapnderw. I,k.,he, stomaeh trou- 0AGLD Er oa feo l ya av cr li. pain in ,ifla and Ioýr abdomen. Aryouef nUu.tot kOUI Ova tWO Qaaiiatone . V1. rheumatlam. acatice cs7aU1.a ch day s. a t. kon*or la -~a urba go. ' onditIon and yard 0 theb AI thek- decang-.nts arc . dr's'anger of other attacha. ~ntn.a os cfy- t!at tno tel. .-?e Ask for th oriinal iniported OOLD e-titad u.]p Ylu ,l1u1 ld ,ec iL I) 4LAL branS. Tre. sizea.Moe O jEDAL laart in 011 CaîculeR flen ueded If they d4,flot halo Fou. # Theodoreit) IHurat, Preaident. W. B. Smith, ViCe Preaiderit. F. W. Churchill, SeCrelary and Manager TrELEPHONE 81I -FSECURITY-TITLE & TRUST CO. 'ABSTRCTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED 71 'Capital $125,000.00 - ILLINOIS Consternation Created as Doz- en Firms are Ordered Int Court and Foreed 10 Pay Fines-One Case Goes to Couniy Cout. Waokqgmn, Uanch 12. factoryyand vomei'a belp lav vas made today as a ro f the laves- tigations mati. :y fatrnInspectons Smith and Canrol vho bave been bore for several days. The cases or many people, mostly restaurant ovuns, vene callet b.-, fofe Magistrat. Taylor today anti State's .Atorney Welctl appeared for tbe stato. PollovIng are tb.e lses and tb. edisposition o! eacb: Chines. Restaurant, Chas. Wong anti Wang Yih, continued te fonr 1- day; chargusi vitIseeplngno0 lime sbeuta of vornun'a erploymonl. Pin- uti $5 anti coes. George& Restaurant, urne change as above: pleatiet gultY, fOued $5 anti coula. Harvey Hlyde, North Chicago, 22nti and State St,, violateti chilti lahor lav; having girl vonkine undur six- fpeun sithoul certificate; ineti $5 anti conîs. Nolan'a bairy Lunch, charge, nto Trcord of wcrnen's ernpioyment; .!luadut i gtmlty, finuti $5 anti ceaI.. AY YVaL qMARM H 2,192. ,_ ______ ONE3 IfC YANK AmeimOaGirls are Good En- ough for, John Hamrngton, A Waukegan Young Man. TELLS 0F DÉMONSTRATION. Othors m4y rave aýput tbu beautY and aveetnesa of the French girl. but there la at lest onu Waukegan dOughboy vho do.. not sbare tbe opln1olv, and incidentally Ibere ln né danger tirat John Hariifgtonfif this clty vill bringa a ifu borne vibh hlm. H.says hi. lirel Impresioni of tbe Frencb girls vas an tînfavorabie onu, and ho adds that bu has lied no rea- son1 to change bis opinion of theni. H-e i'ays b. pliies, thler, but for faI!- ing In love rwitb tbern-weill ardly! Mr. Harrington ba.c seen iseard figbllng durng the lime b. bas been cienseai. In a lutter just nucuived by hie s181ers, Mns. Frani Lux, Mn. Louis RuIf and Mca it'Frnk Haggen- ty, ail of Waukegafl. bu telle somfe Intoresting uxperienQus. Extragi.. froni bis ietter follova: DierDorf, Guranny, rebruary 23, 1919.1 Mon wvbich beard théo évidence vas edavtnced that the young voman vas sufffoTtfg of melancholla vbieb brought on ber mental condition. The case Oua continued but il la the ho. lief that the ,oung voran vIll ho found to hoesans. Mise Hlghloy va. taken loto eux- tody oarly lait Docetaber, bing pick. od up hi the Girls' Protectivo League vhon aho and anothor girl voro found to ho entertaining galon inn thoir roorns ai a loca-botol. A hoalth charge wau placod agalnat tb. Highley girl and on December 10 vas sont ta tiie Lake couDty hospi. tel for treaiment. The young voman la an expectant mother and ln court today a man named Ralph Imes of th. naval bta- lion vas beld as belng tbe one. ru aponsible for ber condition. Because of the many conilcting etorles told by the young woman the authoritlefi are of the opinion that it vould bu impossible to make a criminal charge against the youîng man stand The girl exprussoti a desiro 10 go te tbe home of ber sister vbo Iliv. ln the veat and yard viii bu sent to bon. Meanhblie tb. young voman yull bu dutainud aI lb. xinty Jail. [IAIITINt VÀIINÀTIP Dean Sîstens: W U V T I1A r Received youn lulter of February V IL IIAII 1hand vas glqd te bear f rra Yu and 'TR TSM E tbtyou vere al vuli as Ibis iuavcs CO TRÀJj AD me' 1 bave net beun able toeut oîCi of a belmet for Francis yt but O 1 3 maybe 1 viii ftnd sornthine for Miîn PRIORTO 11 before wvo bave bure. Tbey dont bave thinga ln the stores hure ilke tbey do lu lb. statua. Tbuy have Waukegan Need Have no Fear only vbat thuy bave to bave-the.Y o I11kO fDsnne bave nothing mucb fon souvenirs. o Fachs i Prp'e What tbey bave îhey change about Amendment is Passed. ilie prices for and they Ornol any good ltben. CRS UIIIS M R) Yeu vanted mu to ell Yeu sone CRS UIIIS BAD of my uxpeiences omer bure. I bale te tarItbern asý, it wuoeld take a Ail contracte made by Waukegan newspaPur te tlllt-.1Icon tell witb public utiliiy companies prien Iburnibeltur vbun 1 gý-i bock. te 1913 viliitee salldatedl if an anenil- You aiso askud nir- wh.î t I ht ment itist presentuti ai Spr:nrill of thse girls in france and C.crmanY - l passüd. Titis voUIld reinove lii. Weil,. 1arn gettiflît ceerr hatl' wrr ht riîPihreoeýf1l abuff but 1 cao tel ieîi in ia few wnyta rpri eroccsiri vorda vbat IItikof tiihun. The as te hetier crai uri ci OirsI girls 1 sau-w Nle n i ianded it tained ln exiing franchises nmitelbu France badl voodun ee and sont e st asgidu, kinti cf oid socks rie ier- wbottorn 0f A di4patcb !rom Springficldi siys thuir sirts canr- ,jet-t a 11111e us-y of 1the propoarýd mtter: blov their kneuý, tie te us-ocf tieir Validation o! al contracta mode akirbs vas almoet uîîder thein rmis, bY Public utililby comtlanieýs us-h and 1 dcn'ltbink tbr-y know vbat a ilso niiuaspirt 91l corset is.B iri hley bad sorne iesorlivda po t193s sort of a slouch ltat on. I tboughtt proposed in an amnendaient te ltce then that they ioriîud like h-I and act for thie rcgilation of public util- I bave neyer bai any renîton to Ities inlrodîîud by Senaier Atvoodi changu my opinion. se yon cofig- and referud 10 tbe public uiliiel une ouI for yourseif vbat I tbilk committîeus of tbe girls. It la inlendud te prevenbticheclaie Buot leaving ail jokiug aside use public tilillus commission frnm titi- muat aIl rernembun that thons girlsaetn otat nee nobfr liave ail seen awful bard timus the tincnrasenedmbbfr lait four years vbile thir fatIiera the neguialony body vas creatuti. anti brothens bave been ligbting for By deciion o! the suprumu court, tboni anti their country. Many a the commission la given antbonlty te time1 have fit sorry enougb for fIx rate. for public service commedi- 1them almosl te cry, ospeclally vben lies sncb as gaz, iigbt. stneet car I ses poor vomen and girls..Soine fanes and heat vithout refurenco 1te Of thom arePprobsabiy holuelesa. It nonînact ondinancea vitIs nities. The used 10 maie me nid te hear nome commission vouiti ho made. poven- Ifelovs in. remaiks about the girls ios te oucb contracîs matie prier and thein vooden 1ohlo91.vuml.stt.od a Ton ougt te bave esa theo ple e113 ioth tt bd of France vhen va caatbroegh a!- constltuted. ter the armis ticesom ths big hike One o! the Important questions ho- wviSe. v chssed -the Gemasout. fore lb. pressait legisiatune la that 1 viii nover fonget il. The troot.t nelallig to curtailmeut o! the pov- . er. full of young and old, rsacjung ers of the comptfission. The Illinois ihotb bauds ont te shako bands vith bomrnel.municipal luague la cob- Ws. LA vumarchedi hiough lutIle testiug ton local authority te regulate vilkages tbey voulil ail say "Vive la utilities wBich voîîld empower cies ,Amàerleain," aud they had put ban- nors acrons the treets. On Ibem te pas» binding contract ordinance aa vWs. prl*ed, "Hlurrah for America. they did before the public utilities .our ibenators," an.d 'Tbanka 10 sut vas matie iav. Arnentca,- our frientis," anti n0 on. The agitation bas producedti wO Borne of the people Iooked haIt stanv- bibis ln the gunenal assenthly suuk- ed andi onîy baif ciotheti. l'Il but Ibat Ing the abolition cf tbe commisRsion. Iboeuare the people vho couldtel1.1 ; om afù sores Te Germans C V A E .vere tenibly menu te tbum. Tbey SEVERAL M E 1sure suurnud to bu thekiedte1 ses us .corne throttgb theno. The Grmans aise tnel us Oinu over bers, but lboy IN'WAUKEGAN DUR- have te ttreat us good-ve veuidn't istand for auytblng sise. ; Yeu say you bati a pnetty gond vio- ING PAST WEEK ler back bore-vweil, ve did't bave _____ 1uch o! a vinlen benu, eithor. The grMnas s l 11green and if thse Sun Ruai ustalu ln Waukeau . onit corne out once ln a vhile it Ime markuti activili. vOUId ho nîco and green la a few T. J.1 Stahi & CO.'. vO&< endi ru- 1days. pont shovs nido sales of City proper- 0 Weil, the ordera ore vo are te bu ty. The propenli on Asb Street the lint division 10, go home ln May ownod hi' A. Schaffont bas buen aod! 90 it vont seeni long 1111 vo viii be te Frank W. Joues vbo bas moireti borne. 10 Waukegan from Gurnee; the busc -1 1 illats en naine avnue hich ere1 day for vomen; flnd $5 and cests. Tovfled hy T1. Il. flnst bave been soiti Paui's Cafe, change, failure to keep 'te10 PlInen 8. Faulknner;, the pncperty voren' epbomen rcor; uedIiIdRATS I TIti' Iai 219 West street -recuntly purchas- $5mn' emnci creo rd;. afvnsOWSAd hetihy E. Gray bas heun soldtie1 $ . and hue Ccqt . ilto hli I.L~ L~ A~J Archie Wells, the plumber; Henry M. Aachuer o., ioltion chil KE SU FANDJ. Beckmnann purcbasedth Ie C. S bor aw, bavlng boys undur 16 vilb- .5UUUA PlvlaIMootiy ho me at 529 Stebe court anti cul certificates; pluateti guiîty, fb.d SEVEM .AL Ejfl -111Ii move han bteIovn net Iatur $5 anti cosîa. Iban tIse tiret o! May; the J. C. Cot. Davls.Watklna Dsiry M!g C o., Normao- pnoperty ai 211 Buvard struet. bas chareeti '511h baving beys Miier 15 Nor ighrey Removed trmehua purcbasutihy Heuny 'Murrie; vithut urtfhrteî;piedut guity; ~ U.Iêî ~the Hovard proporty on Pacilic ave- witou crtiicte; peaedquity Cuntuy nipai t10 ou nuebac been purchaiet by Mn. F. Omnet $5 int crI case. Lc __ Jail; T-rled for Saniiy. Lue', ho bas alruatiy takun pusses- Steen Corbniîon Lc o - sion cfte property as a permanent charge, titure tg lcetp tîme recordsUFES0 M LNH LA. home; T. 10. McGreal, the grocer, for wvontln: conitiud te281h. bas purchaseti the Lavson propenty Marshal ventliated effttruss C.- Norma flIgbley, ageti 20, v ho soya at the corner ef Ritigelanti anti North severai violations o! ehild abor av: ber borne i. iu Milwaukee,. vas ne- Ave.; the nev bungalow recently abso keeplng wornen standing on fete movet froni the county Isoapitai te but y Mn. E. E. Trimmer, corner longer thon iaw allova; action ou b onyji odyalnsebt f AsIs anti Rideelanti bas been anit willthecouny jil onda afer se hd1t Haroldi R. Tunk 0f bIse Davis Mllk ho llti In tis case ln county court. Ibrealenedte10 aie beron v 11f andi Macblnery Co.; lte pndierty at 1741 lun tOesse O! emPloYment of boys, flite lices o! tiien patients 51aiiheboa' Victoria sîruet, Norlt Chicago, own- the filet 4t the boys w'ý about tlieir pitl. The vJobencuet ber condition, et by Mn. Walz. bas been pol-chasAt age tdse"t maku the employer IPe39 causeiberhon te h arraignet i n conntY 1 by Mn. Antinew Kornoauer o! the %lui- hiable. accerdiîng te, the Inspectons, court this moynlug wvbeoshe vas can Louisville Co. WAT OM NDI3R THIS oANs 'L E ENVIES THE BOYS WIO WENT OVER Communication to A Chicago Paper Shows Feeling of an OId, Retired Sailor. NO TIME FOR WHINES (Uflîcgo News) The letton o! an old sobtier oug- 9e.M.14 vat thé spirit of Our Young me sould ho. i must say ? arn tineti of reading thoso homesick let- tons f nom boys "*over ther." 1 agro. vith tbe oId aoldier thatfi lais argeiy the Varenta' fauît or penhapa the sveetheantie. 1 sboubti thin it wIl vud bu a chance of aIlîfetime 10 have heon serosea ndi 10 bave asaumed on's sbhre o! the handsblps ln order 10 keep mysoîf anti tarnly froni bavtng tu iosrn the Genînan lanuago and psy taxos, b olti BIiiiHohenzollen, even If I bai bo bang around thene a fev months after It vas over. i 1left MY borne aI the, age of 14 yeara and 6 montha 1u go tb soa n 1875; titi not roturn bomne until 1879. I stayedti lrough lb. vinter, thon luIt again for fonien vaters. Fnom that lime unîIli1905 b visitoti my borne about once evny thnoe years. 1 marnued lus 1896 ant Inl 1898 avent uugbt rnonths lu Cuba durlng the Spaiah-Amurican van, leaving vif. and citilti ln Nev York. ou relun- Ing aflur the var I valt again sent tii foruign service and did nfot see falh- or, mothen. vîfe or chiidren for Ibrue anti one-haîf years. 1 loch thi. as a malter o! duîy 10 my doua- tny anti thure are bundretis o! etters vnitten to MY vIte and parents la Vbhicb h1vili defy any onu la int e wblrnper or vblne. I have bail a son 'Over Ibene" dur. -Ing the vocal part of the van. Heule bach nov, but 1the Most bu sait lu bis lutbers vas that the Unitedi Status voîtld look goodt 10 burn veu h. saa il again. I euvy the boys vbo bave hadt h. chance cf hue lu Inse wvand icoin- Img Ibroughsanfe. Tbuy have hati an expenience because of vbich thons- andis yl nvy lburn. Tboy bave von the van. Tbuy bave savedthe bo vnît for dornocracy. God biens thernh Andi bbuy bave bat a chance ta au. vbat other countrie. -look like, aornuthIing niost oetlhern voulti nover bave knowen excupt tram booksi anti mav- ues. Atter lbey bave heen home a rnontb on Ivo tbey vilI bu IJih 1h. old sahiors Is rny etilier dayir. vbo vouiti grumble for lb, vboie Ihre yeans' cruise. svuaring Ibaltbuhy veniti neyer look aI a ship on sait valer again, but laIen, I usualli found tbern enlistuti over again lu the goat olti Unitedi States navy. Waukegan, . i. 0.1SAILOR. Mrs. Ann Janutu SmihbWicrd. whd. ow. of the laIe Dr. E. P. Word, died at Lahe Iiorest, Marcb 13, 1919, a get 89 yeara. Fîîneral 3l p. m. NMouday, March 17, et Rosebill curnetcry chape]. 1 - WMJKEEIN YAN AIRTU11W T Burgiar Roba Tino Homo( ai Lake Famt; UakIlng Oood Kaul ai DIokersons. BURGLAR HAS A DIMPLE.1 Dickerson's Dauhier Saw, the Burgiar at ?ork B ut Wu. To. Frightened to Sound the Alarm. ___ Thrue Lake Froruit homos vere burglarieed Saturday nlght hi "the thief vltb a dimpie" vho hae been plsylng lait;vith the police of the North Shore for thoeliast rive wecks. The bomnes ontered: DICKFIRSON, WILLIAM - riab- wood rond; salesman for the Kirk Soap Co.; lois. $65 and a aolid gbld wabch. 'GILROY. J3arney-Welis roali: con- ductor, Northvestorfl railroad*- loqs $4 lu situer. COIlLE. 'MIS. JAMFIS-Wasbing- ton Circin; bso $5 ln bisl. TheoiDlk.rson Robbory The burgiar gained entrance lot the Dlckeriofl home through , the bathroorn windov. Every othor vin- ,dow ln thu bouse was equipped vif b burglar alarme. Froni under the pl- low on wbicb Mr. Dicerson laid hi head the burgiar piilled the vaillt containng $6 and the gold vatch. The os bawas flot discovered untU thé. following morning. One or Mr Dicerson'. daughters heard the bu?- glar at work ln the house, but ah@ uze toc, frlghiened 10 cry out for belp. She described th. burgiar as a "short, stocky built man, round of face and possossing a dimpie." At the Gilroy and Colle bomnes en- tranco vas forcêd in the sarne nian- ner. The thief ln each Instance uscd a jlmîiny to force the windows. lb lA believed that tis burglar is the saine mtan who rifl.-,c the. L. A. Ilendve honme and othprs in Wauk.-gan.Ilur- glariese have be-en re.ported Lai ci. past few weekq oy Winnetka, WVi- rnettt, and Ilig4laid lPark pc<e cliefs. WAUKEfiAN SAILOR This is the Estimate of H. C. Burnett who Again wiII be Lake CountyChairman. MAY PAY FIVE PER CENT. Wau'hegan'f; quota In thte pwVIc- tony 1-tan vhhch eta15 Aprîl 21 andi ends Nlay 10, pnobahiy vilii ho$800.-14 tlOO, atI bust Ihat la the opinion cf H.-. C Buinet, vbb agalu la to ho lbe ccunty chairmnuof one. drive. Mn. Burnett maite ti e tisetmaI.ounthe basis of a sovon billion dollar boan Ibnoughout the country. I-lu sas l bas flot been decldod dmiuteiy vbether thia boan viliib. for fivu bil- lion vilh a tvo billion dollar boan la coule a little later or vhetber the ontin. seven billion dollars vili bo naised aI lb!. timo. On the basis of a seven billion dollar Io"n Mr. Bumett soaithe quota or tb. couuty pnohably will ho $3,500,000 as It vas titres million dollars last lime in the slix billion dollar Iban. Lake eonnty ralsot 4,- 000,000 ln tbe fourtb boan 50 littho dlfficulty i. antlcipated ln floatlng the With the exception of Bonbon and Cubau tovnsbtphs itlaisexpected Ibat tb. saute tovnship chairMan vbo have shovu tbern efficiency ln past campaigna yull assist Mn. Burneti. Thbey are expected bo have Ibeîr sani Individuel org»aaton. Wbile the per cent of Internat of lb. uuv Issue bas not yut beon de- ciduti upon Mn. Burnett thinina Ibat It viii be flv. pur cent for liv. yean notes, convertible 10 four per cent- Iliv year notes vitb ait taxes, la- exempt of ail taxes witb the excep- cludiug incarne tax exempt. The ive pur cent bondi. he thinlîs, viii ho exempt of ail taxes vlbh the excep- lion of Incomu taxes. This le not knonvuposItively ton Itlei.sali that lb. rate of luteruat wyul not b. an- nouneti ontil a fev day. bufone lb. drive open&. The bellot prevaiba Ibat hy mahing the bonds short turm notes tb.y viii sell oven btter Ihan former teanues because tbey mature quicher aI a blgee rate cf lutenoat. This vili tend to heop lbem liP 10 Par. So fan as icnavn nov. accondlng te Mn. cornlng victony ban will bu conducleti aiong lb. sanie uines as ipruviotis drives. Chneu Alean look EffetUi6o Tfittral yo f alarm ciock law vonteo fi. tliin use by es oChinoa li consitas f a piece of sbov-bumi Joua stCI, cnt 10 the prepen lng1 f ilgbed andi put betv.en lb. sleea ttos.Il la probably the most effec v4 dOlOvie bkinti known, for vhêI2 the appolnted heur arrivues lassp> do.. nol roll over anti watt for th dlock to givo a second alarm ho goà rigbt up. Gettlng Rld of it. Mary Elizabeth bad heun alîting hi fer moîber for n fulfl hoîîr tryi ng n-tb all lier iiight ta inite aci-c-,sifor ber doilie. Suçile ihy steh letvecl a deep- 41gh, nîîd uihen ber nictîbtr nsketi bor u-hy elleclidI artelle reffihed, "Oh, 1- le@uast ouI1let the tireîl gel out.- tested for her sanit y. Tbe commis- Inst 8ollna R ovd by 1Local Draft Bord Today as i. Now!to Prooed. IS A VEAY SIMPLE MATTER. Xvory Waukemn or Lake counfr soldior vho bas recolved hi. di- charge f rom tbe service but vbo ban flot rocoivod tho $60 bonus te vbieh ho la entltled, can obtain the amount vlth littie troublo provldlng ho wii vvlte te Washington, accordlng te voird recel yod by the Waukegan draft board today. Soldier. wbo receivo their dis- charge nov recoivo their bonus ansd bac pay at the urne lime but over a million Yanka ver. mustered out Before It vas declded te pay the 0600 anld this amount nov cao ho oh- tuined. The members of the Waukegan draft board advins Wgukegan young men wvho have received their dis- charge papera but flot the bonus, te write te the Zone Finance Officer, Lemon Blulding, Washington. D). C., istating their service since April 6, 1917. the date of thoir lest discharge and their p)resent addres b vhich ithoy desîru the bonus te bu sont. . lu this lutter they are asked te ienclose thuir discharge certificate tand mulitary order for dibebarge. These applications for bonus vIl! bc taken np ln lihe order of their rn- ceipt at Wasjhington. Checks viii b. mailed outa rapldly as possible. The dîsebarge papera vil! bu ruburu- ed at the same tirne. Menibers of the local board urge rdlacbarged soldions teaufld their re- quest ln a lotIs-r and te dumand a relurfi certificats e otbeY viii hav,- proof ln case the letton ls best. itlmlunelt known Jum.t how many solIones lm aukegan and Lak. cqun- ly have nct yel ruceivud the $60 ho- nue but the numbur la buiiuved te bc cons id urable $800,OOO TO BE WAUKEGAN'9S QUOTA 1. Car 2. Sur 3. ('uc 4. Dep 6, "u Total 1, E. t sobomuly ballet. STAI Subms Loce un the - tb. Stat. 1. Lu< 4. Lit 5. C-or 6. Wa 8. Bia 10. Du 11. (rai 12. Ex J. Capi 8. Undi 4. Dope hallal. STÂTE Sube TUE Illh1 litVILSý kUKEGAN 1 Locat duy of à of illinoil P. or A4ué oN dey ms. a&l prou à surp Mod mu Vtetrois Ail dopa hour, ha Balket havtng Il store 21 Tb@ W Set ovor of W. r, JO@ Pest un 9 Elito T.

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