CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 7

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HAPPEINGSAT MM i~Jile a~orw a Uboolyvi viator ndw. G > ) . lra. Fred Book boa boou confinod tu 1.9raw slae ber b.d for the put triait. rf l1,irs. James <baxk la Véry 111, oving 10 p. F. HILDEBRANDT, Cor. au Infecton on the. bond. Ob@.bubauo T____ ----_ --i_- ........ l por tbhforhe pans jasr. 0rtie" Takofi for Job Work. AtIlvtimlns r-tes on application. tirs. Ed Wagner vaa a Waukegan à j viator lait Thuredai. 111ra. Ed WagUor'a eliter la haro on a Maul former@ bave beenurelplug tho abor viait. mlik routas bringin msllk ovor tb. torrible The. M. E. church gave a socl Batur- bad ronda. Anhono ubat linka we do dAy ov.nlng vaa very veiliattended sud otnmadthe. uernent roada nov abould aSU presses njoied themuolvea. taie a drive through Sbm country aud b. A surprie irthday pari! va. griven convlncetd.L, en Chas. Kobkor, Baturday monsu. 0Henry Doinaki an old résident, dlad lia pari: ousatud of "odiserboya Sondoai ha home o. hl@ daughter. rturnot ron s ervicesunmre IntimatolMra. William Deardear Grayoake. Re frisotta. The evemion vaa apert I l a "f 'w 'n d voteran of tho civil var. He Mod mudeairoîvn b! Frank Waltin'a d:;d viile aittlng lu a chair, cauae hari Vltroa. A doudcous lunch wam aerved& !alure, Ail departad for tirir hotuma t ho a loito Chai. Dean, vif. end Mumea Edth muid bour, bavins apnt a dellgblfnl moins. Ada Dean, Frank Lui. and Oo. Dean, Basket hall êaturcay evalus play.d Jr.. violied at Alfred Smlth'a, Sunday. bolveen liarrlod men aud Sécond tovu The St. palrlcklm prima vaila damce *,MM vae von by the latter. Tber givan bhilb.e(irYolako Ploasure club 118v11g ltte btter team von send vlnd vasm vaN atended couaidanlug the. roade. &-ore 21 to 18. . Tb@Im. ines on ou r M. sud lMr@. Tb. Wauakegau Spmod boy@ could no Omo. Brandaieter, aithonils Frank se ovar to pay basket hall on amount Cadilîla and Mima gri: gave lb..n or W droèda merry chos. Beauta Whimore vai a guet of1lMr@. . 5CNOOL NOTICO JSo Pester for the veeak sd. The. bl-motily examinatione le baing kir@ . i. i,'@@n returned to service, beld tua veek. A report of ueoiamina. hé,ii .. wil ie dscharged. lion yul b. publiair.d sait veai. Elite Toute # voa a Chicago viator tirs. Braudatssar la teiing roues (Officiâi Publication) Report of thre condition of 1Irt tae§an% 0f Rosi cake Loc&tedas Round Loke. iate of linote, abitlb.clou.of buainesa ou the 4th 1dey of liarcb, 1919, as mode to lhe Auditor of Publie Accounta of the litote 0! Ilinlois, purmant tu 10w. Reaources 1. Loans and Dscout ............. ......................... 76,679 98 2. Ovrdrafte ... ........................................................... 129 20 4. Libertry Loana Bonda .................................................. 5,600 00 5. Certlficate of lndottedn ............................................. 7.000 90 6. Wao Savlnge stampe .................................................. 1.085 21 7. Otiror Boude and Stocks .............................................. 40,77Ô> 00 il. Ilanklg nouae.. lurolîure and Fultures ............................ 16.151 35 10. Due fronBanka ....... ................................................... 57,248 69 il. Cash.......... ....................................... ......... ......... 8775 14 14. Revenue Stampe ......... ........................................... ...... 1400 Total IteeurSe,............................................ ................208,453 57 1. capital Stock Pald la...........n........................................ # 25.000 00 2. Surplus Fond. ..... ..................................................... 2,500 00 3. Uudlvldeod Profite (net) ................................................... 881 47 4. Deposts ................................................................... 17,642 23 6, Retrved for Taxe@ and Intereat......................................... .429 87 Total Ltnbllltiem ........................................................... *208.458 57 1, E. C. Welîbèr, Casirer fthtie Fîrot State Bank of Round Lake Bank, do1 8o0o9m1Y avear tint the above abatement ia true to tih et 0f mY knowtedge nud1 balleft E. C. Webber, Casier. STATEOF ILf.LINIS, COUNTY 0F LAKE, a.. Subcrihed( and mworn to before me tuie l3tir day of blarcir 1919. hi. B. Webber, Notary Public. (Officiai Publication) Report of th conditlon of Lake Ulila Crust and savings Blank Located at Lake Villa. State nif ltinole, before at tire clp.e of un tire 4tb day of! Marci: made tui the Auditur oif Pel.lie Acounti of th. State of Illinois§, pureunt to lav. RESOURCES 1. ioans and Dîcounts ..................................................$ 47.893 10 2. Overdraf tm........................................................ .......... 261 ai 4. Lihety Loan Bonde .................................................... 2650 00 5. Certlffcateo of Indebtednema............................................... 1,000 0' 6. War Savinga Stampe .......................................... ........... 423 00 8. ilnnklng Boue, Furniture and Biture..............................10,3139 55 10. Due froin Bank§............................................ ..... ......... 10.490 80 11. Cash ....................................«.................................... 4,78.- 6i 12, Exchrange@, Ciec@ aud collection@e..................... ................. 53 ü1 Total Resources .......................................... *77,897 28 LIABILIT lES 1. Capital Stock Pld ln.............u.......................................$ý25000 00 8. Udtvided Profite (net) .............................................. 284 il 4. Depost................................................................... deo 52.613 17 Total Labitie.........................................5...... ..... $77,89-7-28 1. A. L Dewar, Casher o! the Lake Villa Trusit and Savîngo Bank, do aolemnny swear that tire aboreetatement la true to tire boat of my kowtedge and bellet. A. L. Dewar, Caouier. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0F LAKE, Pe. Subecrlbed and sworn to bolore me thi. l2tir day of ltardh 1919. Erset L. Wald, Notery Public. 1. C. be 1I. ENT. '1 and on of )e tir. Mr. n tire aym it inftely :an ta the. the. illiof billion d t4.- uittle I that Who i past aruett. mame 38t of mn de- i tirat Iyear tout i.ln- excep- e oive Il b. êxcexi- i mot 1 tirat e an- »0 the akirsa y vilI l@eue@ at a vili Iug te r ban toame liii a.M onWpinguo la on a vuSý. Mdvi. Davbs einued tu MRoomtwo afier bonug beemi boaMe ci Mlb. am . . erry toiuht room tbres Tlmurada oon. liaoes four rsnked ISat ln otlendance "a vook bavine 99 per cant. A Ilet f or Daas uonuhci roama hîsoiboard of pupll ow hospromotIon1 via la danger. Tble meaneainght vork for a kv or anothorysar lu thoam promeuti -or". LAKE VILLA lir. and'Mis. John Nadr ha. enrumd trou a tbre. monthle visit viti relatives I. K@nam. Mira .E Bartieti apet a few daya lait veei la Chicago. lir. end Mira. Fred Hodgkin@ of Chicago. voe.wooi.end gueta of lire. Hodgkin'@ parants, lir. and MIr@. James Leonard. lir. Amnos Husmy entertained a number of frienda aitirhoir borneo atur- day *voulns. lir. and Mre. Oscar Douglas vent to Kenotba, Frlday luit veok toa@pend a fev days ib relatives there and ai Not Prairie. Mim.Anna Manier of Deerfield, Mo., ie @pnding sometime vitir tireManier famrillea bore. lir@. Aima Foulon and lir&. Arthrur of ayeake, &pont lait Frlday viii Mie Addie Manier. a. W. Churchill of1Irayalake, transaci.. md businesln our village recentI v. LmnO sephoy, viro bas bheon lntralulng campa for orne tirae called on frIenda bore Sunday, before leavIng for overeene to jon the. amy of occupatIon. Mima Marie Kapple of Grayalake, le apeudlng the week aitirhe Avery homne. Mr. anrdlire. John Mitchell of Lierty- vil e, $pont sunday evenlug and Mondy vlth frianda bore. Amoug thone undor tire phyoean'a cars the puit veai are: John Piillîpi, lir.. Thayor, Walter Musmeil and lire. George Baira. Mir. and lira. Frank Nadr @peut datur. day end Sunday ln Chicago. Tii. Angola cemetery eoclety meel tht. weok Frlday with lire. Ciras. Hamlil. Mies Elizabeth Jari entertalned tire Oiad Gamne claie at ier home Stnrdny afternuon lunironor af hem blrtirday. Mir and lire. Paul Avery epeut Mou- day ln Chicago. On Wednueday thre ten year old eon, of Mr. andlice. Henry Cunnngham (uéeo Temela Fiel,> of fturllngton, was brouguît bore for burrtr. Ho and hie brother ero iu a boat ou Foi river whon tire irt over tmrned and one boy was reecuod.1 ltev. Snyder proacbed ashorttfuerai sermon and tire boy vas buried ou tire Flsir lot lu Angola cemetery. Thre Wedtaud famille.s<of Chicago, and Elmiroct, nttended tire fuerai of Albert ticoi. ou i ondny. lire@.lritoll of Chircago, epent a few day. thre tiret of thre week witti her frtend, Fiora lirecoli. lire. Wlil Peslter's liter ram Ciricago apen% tirs brut of therevesi vîtirtire Pester family. Mir. and lirs. Wttmlngtou of Round Laie, epent Saturday witb thelr daugh- ter, lire. Lee Sierlraod. lira C. W. Taltrott received word of ber fatirer, b6 yoars old, lu Florida. Ho va. bucled vîtir fuliliaeoule honore lu tire Maeonlc cemtery lu Mami, Fia. Albert Dreeol as bracuIlu ermauy, Miay 9. 1894, dted o! pneumonia, at Lake Villa, Maccir 14, 1919, at theagse of 24 yeara. 10 mon thgansd 5 days. He came to Amnerîca ai thre mgo of fourtoon and iras resided lu and around Lake Villa ever @Ince. Be va. marrled to Flora Crlsteneon, AprIl 27, 1918. Beaidestire wfdow and ou@ step ctild ir ebave. ta mouru hie los@ a moirer, tour brutirere aud four msters. Tirefuera wae irld hlonday aftermoom at tire Pester home. 1ev. Snyder ut Lake Villa M. E. churcir oiiclatlmg aud hurli l olk place lu thie Angola cemetery. We oSfer our ayM- patin tu tire bereaved famlly. ANTriocH of Dsvld PuUait la reportoq t10 bave dhuéi s au. Buba boo&m ald vila %b&t la smoq;bt lo b. Sb@ above disesasfor esvaJ dsaesud oly voie. up long enongi 10 est sud Soie modîcime. Giouga Jobasoaval &Cicago pasun. gor Monday oriong. Quito a itth ss.solbon la cauaed luAnioth sby lthe route 10, be Laken for th@. alate road. Peiblon are ieiug c culutsd. tborg b.lag tvo route@ lu vlev, on tbrough Millhunu thon veet ta Antloch. Th@olim.r Orayelake ta Laie Villa hiieno 10Anliocb. Tii. roadIL " ibi lity are very bad due te tiha beavy rainéansd two teams are aeen pulllmg beavy loada. Alil trains on taobone lIme unday were late due te a bridge near Mllaâha being vaih svay. Born, 10 lMr. and lire. Nici Motdor on Suday, Marcir 16. à babg girl. lire. Frank Zfleliorf of MceHery, @peut thé. puat veok vil rsr. Frank Bîromirnua. John Oeofling vas o calter atMH ifenry Frldoy. Mr. and lira. Matb Blake of liMeery, calied ounlir. sud Mira. John Brown lait Tueiday. Misa liorju Ptiania aponding tuil e vei vitb relatives lnaOtilcao. lir. an ulr. Je@ Vogi of Froent, called on Mra. Wallon an. day lait veei. I MIL.LUURN 1 Mr. and lMma Wm. Clevelanrd attended tire funtral of Mmra Clevelande@ mother, Irst. Sarah Chttendon of Thîrd Lake. Mmre Frank Hauser died at her home Monday aveing. Tise funerai was ireid Tbucaday villahurlai at Mliîburu ceme- tory. This vlonîty exieuds eyrnpatiry1 te the hereavsd lf5.. It i. rumored thai lira. Edrnund llerry aold ier farma te Peter Jensen of 6 rmyd. laie. A Cbirigo pari: ia movlng luto tire houées vaateidby Tbornton Wloughby on the MenezoWbbhfr.. Tireaarea sl.v case of cisicien pox lu tue viciais!. lic. and lira. Leon fitrang of St. John, Ind., apent aeeral days vtsltlng biis brother, V. L. Strang and otiror relatives and frieuds. lic. andlire. Tirornton lltliougirty nrmoved Saturday Ito tireHenry Wedge ouse. tire tovfl of Nevport townshirp. There vas 161 votes tait for superviour; 116 for . A. Mrtibnaud46 for H 0. rowu lic and M. Carence uonner moved froin tiricauo tire pami eek. Nela Nlison and fambly moved tire Jpist vee tuto bis ev home lu Wisconein. tIEtErVElI J>O LÂTE FOR LAST WEEK 1ev. and Niri. A. W. 8aDfod eturned rons Whirono, Ili, Fidal, virere tireY brave be irovlettng tireir daugirter, lice. R. L. tAieaton. lice. W tise o! Chircgo, vlaited the home flthePtirpnt veek. 1) M. White te on tire jury this veek. Helen anrd Mildred Young sud isaude Aies of Wadevocth viinity, vece Mlbucu viltore Suuday. lic. 1. M. White t8 speudima a fev days vîtir relatives lu Wauiegsu tin veek. Me@ Benlira White *5eburned home lTiucsday Icons Lnnelmg, Mici., vire sireha bahep tire past two vesia. Mr. aud lirs. w. B. Stevart returmed irome Tirureday from lit. Petarsburg, Fiorîda, whece tireY have aPent tire viDter. Tire Urutrb sciool gave a baikai socal ai tire waci lFiday eveniug. B. A. martîn vasauctiotreer. They mode $45 for tire Red Crois tua support an orpban- ln France. At tire upecvieocs meeting Tburiday tire rote va. unnmoua for lb. tete cernent rond ho go thirougb Mlîhuru ta Hlickory and thon 10 Antloci. Frank Hauser of $avaurual.111..arrived home Mouday ta help hla mutiler, vbo lir. and Mcau. Kueeavage of North l@ very lCi at preeet wrltlug. ciriaga, are Speudlng a fov daye lvîti lire. Joe Fliveher. They wyul leave thre L a......T Z.-. latter part of tire vsek forClsetmi, vb.ra uMcuVED rua LATS FOR L.&5T MMg birey viii rnako Ibeir future home. lir. sudlire. Pet m ontortainod lins Claude Brogan ia able te, b. ont Company from Bîghland Park the. pol agaln alter a severo attaci 0f Ipania Sirvs.f lnfifsonca. John VaDRaikthIe tirra..yor.old 800n Win"Ia Boosingmode a business trip of lMr. sud lir@. Emil Vanfiueot, possd1 to Indiano, Tu.sday. &vol, MatchS5. The violec lir. and lira. Frank Ruth o! Waui.. famlly bave been aci vitiztheot oflouam, San, are vliiing ai lhe Zoo Filvebur Héis. sud Martba Amnun d Cels.lia bon». - !oup.4teded the baikelbail Suse aI Dél Eoelund o! Chcago. $pont over lb. 01gb sciooi Frida nlgt, lunday wvus bis brother, Bat.rBcilund. 8updayliMr@. Jamnes Taylor vliitqd ber W. J. C(ilunreclsd a ev slf ohflMU g or, lira. SBed, vbo la kespla Ao.motor vinduililiou the 9, B. Pt... oumusfor lir. Ichreti. tarmis Tbe faxmsntb. viod 'the Aman 1Dr. Jobnsetom o! Chîcogo, vsw u M homoe Sndal oeonng. Auli bviior the latter part of lutî The formate ara buap movlng. veak. AU lime Infinensa vIctime ar, on the liRrb.ri Pioume of Buningion, tk vay 1turaoyey. qsemmdng a lkv dues iis ves i th letool va. Cloud ~omee yackdqaln eiliv sud frisadula Antiocb. v>44lMMli"ieto&UotaiiheOMMaUru . frant; Oinu vomi 10 Konoebla,Tus. ii.ltth ie ..luet day moruln. lioaday tihe pptla o!f",meoui aM Th*o lija oWorkara beld a doai 5t *tb4fabdao rote iettera of eympatlLw tise Opera Houa», Mondor. et. Ptitiaqidiibooemembera of tb. vàà»aui1 ib6 Aàlargecrowd aitendid. rh l tWeBr orebestra from Round Laie wvfblub ï@fievbe ansd ezamInation ore lima 10 furniaimuait 0omM mt gW$ bhm ouipeýof thoveesi, aMtto 1i o ho coditioo im e rosd. Aà Sprlmarjgrades hava olortod a pickodorcmotr u amde op ivils ",71MUidsbookiet. good reoli. <iJauel pperwuvai Tii.e Wldren ara enoi'ulu doora a.rvad. Eferybo<iy bad a uine lime. s5acceat on lusead of goIng oulUie lmomd Pollen, thhecnoi ous on 1 gMd llug vo esl. lire. Botte. BU entartalned a number of relatives fr, WaukM mgaatlnday. C. Id. Brown vas a Chicago business vlisior Thurmday. Mira Chttenden, motiror R. W. Chitten. don, dled faut Thureday moring. Sire had beem tu poor healtir for several >eare and vas paet nlmety yeara of age. The. Mon Clty ladoor bail ieam voe defeated bore Thurmday night hy ltb. Ournve iigir achool tdam. Mm. Pearl Vincent etertainod ber father ira. South Carolna the. latter part of last vool. Mr. and lira Fred Zueirier were cnller@ bere most Sundny. Tire bd ronde and weather iept a gond mauy Iroin tire naequerude lait rMonday miglir. lirs. Price, @Inter of lira. VincentIol bere froin Gena Jct. Severai wagon iload@ of miii w ce etalied lu tire mud Muuday mrnmlg at varfome places alon -tir osd. Long dibtance aud local telephonee have been lnstalled-at tireirlgh achoot. tThre chlldram o! Mr. and lira. Lymu Vincent are on the sici liet. Henry Fat ha@ boom very huey tire pait vssk pullmrg autos ont o!fSire rud lu front of hlm home Frank Hook and vîfe, viro @pont sever&I vieks lu Califocuta recently, retucued irome tire firat of the veei. Leo Fenlon vas lu Chicago tire ficst of tire veeit oubusiness. Sevemiy toupie attended tire mabquer. nde Momrday might: Clacen -e Welelr drew tiret pria for boeut dreased gent. VanNess Young, flr..t for cornlc; L. J. MicClure dreesied as lady. firet lady'@ comrc; lir@. Verna McClurea aue Mleé liarjocla Milts boot dreesed ladies. Prltébmcti's Wauiegnti orcheetra fuc. uleired tire muaIt. RUSSELLj DESNAIENIA P. E. HILDEBRANDT fIESSUDDNLYDRUGGIST AT TIIIRD LAXE .c.amnL'y -on Mrs. Chittenden, old Resident of the County, Passes Away Pure Drugo and Chemicals at Age of 91 Years.' Patent and Proprietary Mfrs. Sarah A. Chittenden. one of 'Moetcne&rtie an Lake county's oldest resldents4, died oltA icean Tbursday morning, at ber bomne on D)ruggiats' un- the otd Cbttenden tarin at Third dries .Mrs. Chittenden was 91 ycars .jld last September and al way î was ln the best of healtt up to the tîme o! PiIYSICIANs' PRESCRIPTION$ ber pasng. Even Wednesday qhe was up and around the bouse dorng C...remuljy Compounued ber houscbold dutiee. Her deatb came peacefulty, ln tact whlle sire slept. She was one of tire otdest reident. i hspart of the country, havlng 1ER X L ST E corne fron Massachusetts In IS38 T ER X L T R witb ber Irrents before any raitroads bad been buit in the west. . GRAYSLAKEt ILLINOIS Mrs. Chittenden had spent the greater part of lber lite on the tarin _____________________ at 'rbird lake' but for a few years rip to, ten years ago lived a tfhort trne DR. HIERBERT RANKIN STRUTHERS, in Waukegan, and Gurnee. Hec hus. i IYIINAN UG band died in IN91 tront whichtr mne YSCA AN SUGO ber aged brother and sister George Phone 52 and Jula Estey Ji ved with her. Sire 'as the mottier o! eight dutjl GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS dren, six o! wbom survive lher, WIlar- ren o! Diatonta. Neb.. Charles, ot Platte, KIas., Sarahr J. lley<eckür, wite of E. J. fleydr.cker. Waukegan; S .LT I! Rlaph, Gurnae; Nettie Clevetu' eu, of .C tT IE Mittirurn. and George. Stewart, Kan- Hlardware, Marne., Oils, Poita O0.1. Agent for Bat-Vet Stock Rexnedy The funerai wilt be hetd trom thle ROUND LAKE - Isis I0S horne of ber son ltalpti at Gurnee as goo a0 wod fan he had trom ber nounced later. IA C~ ons n te L, ta" ", " a, H NIIIS IJr qç&e5-[ BROTHER 0f MRS. RECEIVED TOO LAT£ FOR LA5T vxa MA Y TUUElC L lir@. R. L. Nel ir a beeuvery sici and MARY THOMPSON everyaue vili ire glad 1%o kmow lirai sire ~IO5A le gettlng botter. DIED ON SIJINIAÏ Engoeeiteevee ls spouding a ev dnye at hiri country home ln RusseIl after ependilirehowintec lu Waukegau. Henry Dombski of Grayslake, lic. and Mr@. Artirur Baker are tiro Wh o Broke Leg a Year Ago hiappy pnrent@ of n ton pound gtrl hrrrn De tAec 1 Sntucdlay, Marcirh 8De t eo 7 Oeocge DeForcl@' sale wns a grent lHenry Dornbskt, irrothpc o! the te @uccees bn spite of tire bd wentirer. Mcr. Nis. Mary Tronrpson of Wat<kega and lire@IeForcl ill wti on leave for died at iris homeneahr C.ayslake Sn Californîn The bort wtmeaof tior day aItirhe age o? 77 yeu". .lHe %as nelgirboce foiiuw tiron to tiroIr nov horn and reared ln Lake county sud home. llved ail of is lite lu tire vicinity o? XVili fove let% Snturday foc Soutir tjrayslake. Dakota. He leavos fao daugirters, Nr.z William Mucrie vas n Cicago vlielor Wm. -eard and Mm .C . Doolîttie. Sunday.Mr. Dombski, if is rvcalted, was fihe Asuand. edâsersen S îey tirnof an accident in Wauuîegan a .Xlee nd iudre hierepet Sudy ear ago 'aheur lu.<anivc b isit his witir tire bomnefok@. i1se h ssveslt l ss Tlîe basket sociral and entertaimment Sst w hong ban uo it. ge1loi dirie at tIe RItseil seroul fuc tire bel.efit uf whefl ie .iplpeilan llansd ru ver orpirame was a greni cucees. A ilsislg. lie wa. lad w, tocrs an latrtlble progrdrur as given nnd tire lime and ocer fuitv recosered 1ror chirtldcersce exceeerrtrigly wei traiued. thie accidernt. Mutir reditiledue Mies Sebitra fortire Funeral frontr lhr1iteard honue afi lntereeit talou buntire scirool. lia nesvilie Wedn.daiv aI 1 o'vboci<. _________________ urilI at Grayslake. Mcs. 1)onutubsýl iras iren deud ilehso years. Tire dauigliters auîl NO PAY SINCE forbsk roeeeved the greater pi-t the xcetio oftire prupur iy af the SE TE BE ,coO rner of 1tia and Grandavne IS UP AGAINST IT the Odd t'ellows and elihte ________ ouse ta tire «<uth 10 Mrs. Nlary Declares He Stood In Line for Palmatier. Two and a Haif Hours, Then James Porter, a weil known char- Had No Pay Check. acter tire viinify ut Mîllbuicu and Wadsworth tor ovor a quartera ot a tndicating -he dîffleutt situation century dli-d 5ft te counfy hoýpîl.rt thaf mau t, flirthesaitorsa t reati today. Ho vas about 7,1 vears oid Laktes have gorne tir"ogir. bere In tise, Deatir nas due to pneumaonie. situation wvici une emîtor rvdates f0 tire Sun: Hea decîar,., h,.has net heen nald IFETE AT FINI1SH since, Septeniber. Hliensys ire $tood un lune afiflic psy offie one day tast veek two bours and a irait in lire hopes tirat is psy check vas In tire bun<h gisen out. But sucir wss nof tieru ae. AftPr tire lest inan had j asscd, lie fouud that ire had mot yet been a usember. Tire question le, boy eau a sMilor have amy enloymemt ou tho outalde of tire camp viretihis pay laireld Dp In ibismanner? t! it vece n310htie tact tirat sma o! tire boys obtain aide employnsest nov and thou, tbey vwould not have money t0o evom bujr cbeviug gens. LESS C II YEAR TIAN AÀ" Tire. as loes 100la tho Great Lskoi tria vinter thon for sevetral yuwam oordlug to thé mrtuns from 4be rogular snd display alstious of the weatber bureaU 0*motoroloa- kal service. No lee Rolde vare reportea I Lke minrilgimi. oOOatll<mmg Icrak la lime outrevi. southvosl portion, lu, Groom Bay therot10 hte rto a hitlomafm ixtes. «ikIncises. The. fels, wviic vrer lilit lu theo traits b or broensud dnlltlns vith thse Thora ire borgalna In ThéeInde- pendant'& ,dvertiaing columne. 0F NEW ROAD IS BEINEi ARRANGED Completion of Sheridan Drive to be Marked by Naval and MilitaryParade. Completbon of tire Sheridan drive betweeu ZMon City and tire Illinois abat. line, viricirle expected in May, yUl b. marked by a naval and suili tary telebration. Tis will b. ont- lined at a contecence bu Kemoaha Morcir 19.- flad tire drive becu completed b.. tveen Milvaukee amd Chicago lamI yeor, maur more touriate yould have paaeed tirrougir Wisscomslm, declared K. 0. Cooley, geDeraI manager of the Yellowstone Trail aaaociatiou, wvici Mott 0ftire Ilohel PfIster. EUX tirousaud motariste drove tbrougrtirte state lu 1918. Mlti. Cool., tated. Numeros r nquirlea voe made as ta conneet ion of tire Sieni. don igirvay for, transcontinental Igavel. Mrt. Cooley sai wU lu la prctcrred for this, travel beaus of the auperior atonie attracton. Tee cast hBen iPesolapolJce. Tiàvr7 cas t flu eron andoice mou lu ZMon City lu ich tiey ae.k to rocover damogea for beatings tise! rcOIvOd aitrte iade o! tire offieera, 1la116't'On tbe <ocmot In cIr- cuit court-but may not b. tried at ose aresentolotirTe ccases novaon tie areseto ter.. Tie crasesal. cas cati. Storage Dattery and Eloerinca Servic. Self-Starter. Oenerator. Magmetu and Ignirtion Morvise Two Phonces: 6and 27-J. Round Labe.,tii I.ARGE WAII MIPS -OF- LAKE COUNTY1 Publitbed hy tho WAliKE* :AN DAILY SUN at the speCial 10w price each- $3.50 Size: 3ft.8 in. by 4ft, 2 in. Libertyville Independent The EleetriC Iron is read for work in a Moment or Two AUl that is ne-ded is to connect t to MWl Ianip sockcî in any romny bhhour Of the SoId on Mnly Aok any cie Of your fnedwi o owna Oem about ita convenienc.. ShWUl talk a good ad- vert ament. 0 relon La4I a Long TIns.. Public Service Co. of Northern Illiniois - i Bell ?O %System The word "Good-by" at the end of a telephone _conversation is flot only a courtesy between those who have been talking but it is definite indication that the conversation is terminated, and that the receiver may be returned. to the hook without discourtesy. Don't forget to say Good-by when you have concluded your 'tele- Phone talk. CHICAGO ITELEHONE COMPANY --mi, . 1 r- l

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