Mrea and Viiitiu - a--------msm:ss.sss.pss AREA BREVITIES Uttle George Vickor>' won takren to a Cloeo oipital Teda>' mornlng. He Sacrt«Wa condition due tu complice. tim efolowlng hie receat opa ration. Uns. Mytie Guilige anderwent an eperation for theé removai of a goiter ai Vu Wst Bide hospltal ln Chicago, Tues- Ip. Rer dollrairs . DwlIgt Doiph se- oq.panled ber and viii remalin il the CIÉ for a 1ev days.P %klda evenlng a candy pull vii be ggi for the chidren of the communlty et th. cbarch. Everyone le cordîsil>la.n vited tu attend sud bring tbe yoangsters. 3 Nise Violet Porteous spent Wednesday la Wankegan. Um Esther Hodge vas the week-eid igueet of Mie@ Aima Churchilil of Gray@- Jake. Thé girls vbo are forming athietie W21 l mut hersaiter ever>' Tuesda>' ev!a- tUa t 7:30. This veek there vére about a dossagirls pissent et the practice. A business meeting vu bheld et which a committe vu appolnted and captaine .ilected l fo basket ball and indoar bail. There fa epiendld materil among tht Players for a gond teata In both of thoe games and we are looking forvari to »iMe lntenetlng conteste. L..YAMOND LAME 'Tle part> ai Air. and MArs. Arthur Hai. laRnde@ lait Tburedayeveuing la honor of Mir. and Ars. Lero>'Kane vas veli et- te ndefi. Ail persane report a gond tMme. Mr. and Ar@. Claytea Hatchinge and tangliter vert Lib.ntyvflie vistors San. day elternoon. Mien Dorothy Stoerp lé Ii et the home of Ars. Ueo. (iehrke vith tansilitie. Henry Mille and son Lewis vershuasi- ams viitors aItRaine one day lest qweek where thev parehaeed a new tractor Frank AicConnpil returasi tio hi@ home 'tauAilwaukee Frîda>' after speadlng e few dayé with lis fetwr Ars. J. W. Butchinge. Quite e nuruber from here ateivaiithe Sbaeket social at the Awena st-bool Fri- day evecing. Ars. Sophia Towuor, Mise Evoilue and ]Russel end FrakStoerni,%vers aake- Igemvîsîtors Seîurdey. il, W. Hutchîinges ent a few dsys the put week wlîh relatives fa Miliwaukee. Ouestse t Robert liouse's Sunda>' 'voe:tArs. Aunae Bouse, Miles Tessie POSSESSION IN TIME FOR THIIS YEAR'S CROP 20 ACRES-veili ocated; highly lproved, stock, feed and fin. plimente ifdeirsi Owner vantm smUit at building la Chicago. 45 ^CRES-good land; rlose ta tova; good buildings; 7 acres Maiber. Stock, leéd and Impie. sieta tay bhibafi vith the place. WMiiamcpt bouse and lot la tovu me part of Brt pnyguent. 860 ACRES-2 talle from tovo; d 85 milse frota Chcago; bet of black level land; new buildings; 2 elloe estock andIimplemeate if dé. OU$& Loy pie and easy terme. Ult consider somes traie. 8 0 ACRES-4 miles f romn tovn; 1 80 rode ta ecool; gond, novel shah; gond buildings, silo, etc. Veir, ea>terme 60 ACRES-good average landi; Ba fielocation, 8 miles froin tovu; 86 mllse from bcaga; fair bud. j SMi; orcliard and emaîl fruit. Will toaslder some trade. 85 ACRES-unusuaiiy eil la- es cted; ezceptlonally glood land; 1 », w buildings; itock andi Impie. mmete. Wili conaider some trade. Some Good Bargains in Town Property A Moelgbt-raom modéra bouse 10 Graiak; garage, gardon, fruit- *011 locote. Attractive price anc1 -My>'terme. A siizroom modernseoumfa tiéerlvilie; ane ut thé bosi loca- tIMuslu tavur; accupla! b>' ovnen; poosseeon au>' tue. A good lu. Wutmnt. A good ixai n im iise lu Ares- 'ce; *10 fier nrriil util thorougbly moitera, up)-to date oam bouse la l.ltariyviiiv; rpayment; easy tenues an We, thort.glily unodýin nia,,, houes du Ares; bard výoac -néwvy.paped; , Oi-ied liv possession an>' time. gond acre-tracts inuAres et mo>'-Laking pnices I A"iress '17.M. HARDING -Ares, Ilinéls Broeksom, Ar. and Mrs. Jack Thatcher and lam liy and WIIl Stüerp. Walter Kano spont Sunday wlth Mir. and Ars. Lsroy Kano. Are. Anale Roaes and Mie Tucai Bruciota retarned ta Ars. A. Boiiand'a sanday. Jarry Towner was a Llbertyville caller Friday. PRARVRW Frank Boltze epont Snnday ait home. Mir. and Ars. Chus. Bans vlted at Elgin Banday and Aonday with Mr. Hans e? stér.- Jay Rtittenthaler was a vlietor here 8unau. Are. A. C. Peter@ andi Dorotby vlelted a lew dey@eat Libertyville. Ar. and Mirs. J. A. Aaeon fIpent a few dey@ lu the cty luet week. Dorothy Storep le oiek wlth the "Oua" et the home of Ueo. Gehrke. Alidred Ritzenthaier, who bas been îemployed et Wahlngton, D. C., for the pust few monthe bas returned from a trip to Fiorida and wlli @pend a short MIme at home. Ars. Emma Krueg r le speuding a few days et Libertyvilie. Harry Knedier tot for Aonana Batar. day. Ars. Mitchell, of Area, vilted wltb Ars. (300 aud attended the Ladies' Aid at Are. S. E. Knedlors Tburoday alter- Doon. The Vernon Red Cross Aaztillàry, aller adoptiug five French orphans. bad $504 la the treasury whlch wae turned over ta the Lake couaty chapter. The Vernon Cemetery Association will meet with Mire. C. J. Mason Tbursday ai ternoon. March 27th. John Spencer of Edison Park spent Tuesda~y withi Waaconda friend@. Mise Mau Maiman returaed home Sat. urda.y evening alter several weeks viit with relatives ln Waukegan. Misd Margaret Ruuney lo epeading the week with relatives iu Ciiicago. Mir. and irs. A. S. Ford have eold their farm laD Michigati and retarned to Wan- coude to make their fatare home. Ars. Ella Cady returned to ber home here recently, alter Kpending some time in Minneapolis, Mina. Clyde Carr vistei at the home or bis parents, Ar. ani Mr.. F. L.Carr Oas day luet week. Are. Clyde Carr, of Area, epeat a few d"ysboe, lest week. Dr. Coon, who bas recently teen dis. charged from the oervice,calied onfriende boeslu@t week. Ble will localeeat <layes Aiuik, Wle. 1 LAMCEZURCIfJ Ales Rose Prebni @peut Frida>' lu tiarrington. John Froelich epeut Frida>' at the Union stock yards la Chica.o. Wilfred Baesching, son of Ar. and Mrs, B. Bueechig, bus been Ili, bat le lowly lmprovlag. Herbert MAuch @pont Wedneeday ln Chicago. Wm. Bartmau went ta Chicago Fr1. "aY on baslnen. Mdiss Rues eiebmau la home at preoeut. PhillP Young @peat Wediueeday la Chicago. Mils MataI Seip of Chcago, vislted. vltb Ars. Wm Eichman, Jr., Suaday. Ailes Adelia Norton vas operated ou lait week at Barrington tsy Dr. Barbee and Dr. 8hearer. A email tainor had foraned on ber aide whIch proved mors serions than expected. flowever @he le gliawly laiproving at prenant vrltlag. Ars. Lun bus beeu enlertaling rela- tive@ %bis veek. Ais Emma Kueton @peut Sanda>' et ber borne bers. The chiliren of the Evangeilcai Suada>' sebool are practlcing for an Rester pro. grea ta haegiven the evening of April 20. H. 0. BHilinan and Auguet Froeilch ablpped a load of ctule Thaday. Mr. and Ars. A. KIrchbaam viltei vltb the iatter'e parente aven the veek. endi. Aessrs. Davison, ena'etslager and Aath @pent Friday tn Chicago. l)r. Barbes bu@ been unabie ta mate any talle (lue to Ilinesa. Lest Wednesday aternoon the Lad*eo' Of the &Id scdet>' gave a part>' tn bonor1 af Ars, O. Frank. The Frank famlly1 wfIi move on a farta Aprîl lot. )Ailes Marie Helnrlcb wua a guest at the [lerren home over Sanda>'. Wateh for the date af tbe îplay "laakrr'e Corners" tu b. gîven b>' the Erangelicai choIrsome tzne after Rstr Ar. anidAr@. Fred Beip of Chcago épernt a feiw days with relatives lu@t weet. MlsArdelia flachi was the week-end eue@et at litr fathersè, John Hashi. Mr. and >ira. Art Vs iliman w'ere the Sanda>' gaets aoftir. and Are. Rey Revis oi Cicagoý.1 W. B. alii braof the veik. 1Ar». Ellea Kaictsocker le epesdluig te vuek vth relatives la Chcago. idr. and Airs. Wm. (iarr returaed home Monday fromt heir trip ta Texas. Mise Mairgarelh Plagge vas home over the week-end. Ar. and Ars. C. 0. Petîls Jeut for New Haens, Mch., Satarday where 'Ieohbu %aken a position on a stock farta.i ir, and Ars. Frank Peterson ver. calîed ta llockford, Frida>' b> the death of Mr. Peterson's mother. Mir. and Air@. Radie Knaak vers thé veek-end gueste ai Dr. Kasake. Mir. and Ari. R. M. Vaut @peut tono. day et Frank Bolneeth*n ai Rsvensvood. Air. sud irs. B. Thernien or Highland Park, vers the gueetea ofMd Landa'i on'Bunda. Air. and Mro. B. Hl. Krese gave a 8t. Patrick'@ part>' on Monda>' ulght. Mise Boeni ckerbocker of Chicagn, vus thé week-end guet of Mimes Eeanor Aieyer. Ars. H AicDovell of Chicago, vu@ thé guest of Ars. F. H. Meyer on Thuroea>. Ar.soidArs. -J. A. RWeheli, Sr., sttended the fanerai 0f Air. Covîlias of Woodstock, Taesday. Air. and Ars. John Beaie> 0f Chicago, @'pont Sanda' at C. A. Sellg's. Peter Juhread , returned from the Highland Park bospiWa Tueda'. Airsud Ars. Dittas ai Chicago, vers the guts of Ars. Elermeyér, Sanda>'. Englilshservices viii hobelheuIlaSt. Paul'e church évér>' Sanda>' evealag darlag lent. The Infant son of tir, aud Are. ivard Biagham o0f Chicago, Rivard Jr., vho died Satana>' mornani vu hurla! lu Aooney's cemeter>' Monda>'. Henry' Schileher of Geneseo, :111. la visitlag ait hie brother, Wllllam'e. O. 1. Rackenhach leait lien Cltv, Wis., haying stock. Airsud Aire. Oscar Beecham bave reîuraei from théir trip tbrough thé West. The Sanda>' ecool teachere 0f tbe Preshyterlan charch held théir monthi>' meeting et Ueo. Steunger's on Tuesia>'. Elmer Therrisa 01ailghland Park, vas tbe guest of Clarence Huhu, Sanda>'. SURPRISE ON REV. STEIERWALD DYV LILLiAN A. t IITSC,H IERMSERVILI.E The congregetion ai the Ebenezer church, N. 'ortlitield gave a surprise and donation irn> on Rev. unidAirs. Steler. îvali on Tuesia>' evening, Aarch il, A crowd oaiSf t>' gatherei naeu'the -hart-h and thon weut over ta the home, greati>' eurprising Rev. Ste? rwaid. A short pro. gram vas given conistiug ai solo, remarks b>' putor and readIug b>' Ars. Chus. Riekwarit.tirs. Heur>' Kelsi, wbo vas unable to ta proest sent a ultle poem an the occasion whicb Is givea heiaw. The remainder of theeven. log vas @pont In inglng and playing gameo, alter vblch refrestiments véré served. Ail deparled ai a hle bour bavlag @pont a ver>' enjoyahle evenlng. The>' had a part>', 1 do belleve, At 1ev. Slelervald's this Tuda>' ove, Thé yoang folk@ eve thers and thé old too. And veref noteick,Il'd betbérelnbbine. Thé>' 10k sauter and spIce and a Il ttie bit rite, For Aru. to eoak vhen sho vant& ber thînge aite. Som@ bons>' and lernons uat one bit oid, Ta fin ap for Mark vben.:he bas a ha! cod. There wvu catesand tuee as yoa couid Adevérryôue ha! a cap but me,, 01f aandwlcheseaud pintasand 014 iashloued hune, Thers vers enaugh ta teed su army> ofIHan',. They îaie and drank antil thé>' acbed. &ad littie Mark'.siomach Ilm mure le caked, For sarsi>' hé liké othoe, ame bis ail, Aad to-morrov viii probabi>'oueed a pilé. And thént the house vlth oustrang! As Mr. Stelervaid and Ares ang, Sach melodieî s i n'er heard beio ré, Tho' 1 '@poee tbe>"ve sang thm a'er sud ors. And thon, the gond man fIl éd bis face, Aund puay ed the Lard for itîli mare grace, The dean aid parsonage grev eno stili As the putor piayed vlth a beant>' Praya! for those vho vers not theré, Prayed for thoe vth s Joad cf care, Aad then thé>' ai] vent home ta sesp, Askiog thé Lord our saui'e ta kesp. An Improvemeut. AYoung gunid>.nniîr talla! the oUi. UY ua n a certain fliancisr, wlio la- :véd on alONvInig Miaovrrbisnf- nflifret private hous, ltortaing bile pit O'oint-nhelie Iîrlnrttiec'l aven>' er- de-Ié n il liOt tIe r,'lcelire puhi fan IL. 1ben ire ligidî.l hrnlieacaskeeli ¶stor Iflire coulîl suggest au>' lta p roveint-uit iinithe arrangement ai the uBé W , na ir e repur,,ifa ros jet# (o amark INu îl,&goodi la #t vuru Il vould surs, you a good da orttoui'îe." District Realdents Olieranelisc. Résidenlt o! tIhe district ai Oalum. bula uévér badthéleigiri to voté Diere- in for national oMhitu l, vblch wold tnt-taie thé premllent, sor on alier mata ters qi national t-onet-n, aller thé,téu'. gitor>' embrat-edinlathe ditnla't vas "eddto thé United BIaIse saieh. t-a h ie i-rît er t1w ii,'g-ni"ni gaýrn- muent. "I"oR "SUPPOSMIS Dy O010RC! ADL. On Ociober 1, 1918, you. being à visen ansd heviag rend i vth care the opinions of militer>' experts, knew: 1. That the great ver vas going tb tent until fer lato the timmer of 1919 2. That the casuaities among thél Aiueriean soidiers waaid b. lacresaîng- - év nC h ia oetc' sDeadPbi An-fus «Vava- Station- Carvln- .h -.-i noutbsndth héà ir of a.- figbtlng --- y Awaits t. Baggage to aion. *e"U a &. That, as a resuli of- th, grovlns magentueof thevUnidittsgîle,1'D o oé b e dock SOI*E MAKE BIG TRIPS. EMPLOYES PAY 10 germufl . uledSae oeehour abeai vlien you go ta bcd bosfL-uus fptonsrtli ibre1. hieOu thelaitOSaturda>' of Mardi, for "Smash your baggage, Jac-k?" '~Pt AUT¶'I.Y bond abielptlns dalog 919. the.dayUight saving fair goeî into et- Tédshns alospslgoi LE.. L fI~ If >'ou beliéveel otherwisé >'ou vwe tact on thé lest Sunday eorn The 0f cam harge atll au.thede la the minorit>'. for the cabinets of en montti. The natioal yrsaradt obl'Catpiarry et a teUnt C NSelEE -N th ntin nltdaglntGeinn',comsianl gttn Iqur4)fr> States naval training station, are O [Id thc akrs u Ibihiles ail erthéentir> ai00t tbe ur éted wth a barrage of qestions_____ iroR Il 111111111 lidistla-w ornue0thfaire: yuras ton or Ilfteen boys, rangitgln l jEnTIPlCPofvsaithé Brown Portable VICToRy el., r,;' mmd t resi, ore Is he 1ev: aies frçoi Il ta 14, hostie about ioùk- iNrhCiaoam 0 a E HrTY e« ti Ttat et 2 e'clack, enie-merilan, lifrcsoes opn N o!thelestSana>'ai Mnchof ecb Ple dav!"' lg thé command lu aIl, bave worked out a simple .forts OAY)ier the standardtilme ai each zons e &îeo ui b> the oidest of the boys Of meurent-e as a partial ,protection shah b. avaieerd an e of ud i 2lnImitation of e "salty'~ -ief bast- 1efr thosse vho are itept aae>' ram leso'tck SnaY n-m erl un e aitizone wlu'smate yho surpriseel a bar, ibsîr vork b>' sictues. Thé plan la ~*, aitSana>'lu ciobr l eah nrreracks of "gobe".JusI suter hlîbis are . . . ... ... . - sahbal y the retardlng of oae. ha ne- Out and tapa souneé. 60sîmpîS and yet benelloiellnb ite * .rr~~~~, turnefi to the meen estronoical ah froo ate ecolnsnsuttithi blvdth cm - i e of th é d egre . of longitude goy- a S a ftra o n a er s h o l athvs e aply s aiat hef at-torbie v il pth am érng eech zone. ruspecUivel'." m- aturoys m a BG réai Lat tes roalnoe rfote atrs ilptf Tbei le, the foregolng -viii be car.- a 'oysrîha ra AesfonIoafc rie ot ules cngessshuldde NothChicago vlth home made vag- Thé pieu la short he for éach em- rledoqt nlus cogrei shol ne ons a aislesad descripions, and ploya to puy ten tents a veok iito s ' t-' cide tO repent thé dayllght saviug menufactured frota ancleni bah>' car- a pool. Thise motunla to ten dallars bill, yhlcb action le nov bving tcon* rnage vireelseand soap boxés, ehaio a -véeli. Then vheu an employé le sideree b>' that body. bit-h créakt from teck of aile grease, slck for ibree days or longer ho ne. Iteol nyb ecsayt o-t carry the releaqed mailion' ses ceives $10 frota the fund. If lie le aisder the savlng of millions ar tons baga f roua <amp Barry ta thé rail- sick a longer porlod o.f time thc ofNa vll n h liln i a>' station. Amans them areTJi&- ailier employes vilii belé> bita" elbis- t bors i dellgt gîen a thr w:k ph Pnihopa. aged l 4; Robent Br'an, famliy ln other wa>'.. hIsl a co-op. "llini'I ig people b>' thiq splr'ndidld e U). 1 . 1il awrence Breau, 14; anidJoseph ensuive iqpîrît that la sure ta hé pro- renllze lis benefits, benefits vin-h Rlcb.vvr, 13. dactîve of splendid resuits. have bes-n fouai ssaiinquestlonahlî' Promptiy ai 5 o'ctock, vltb the 'hIeimpossible riglit nov ta point Weu great ihat the Iplan bas been .carri,,,! blovlag ai the- fanion>' sirens la the ta-m oy> prattical resulteai the plaîn "Can Yeu 64 Patniotie Wo tiOut la practicaîll attltire large for- home tovu thé youngstrrrs qui vont bécase fi ban been lnaeffect lesa Usude Net Ploying?,-George ^de. elgu countries for maay yenrs. for the day. Tien cames the -oint- tien a veek bat ail the employs are sud he astrs i fod uppies h nov seems ver>' iltel>' <bat an' lug of the day's profits as3 tht-y lnbbie ver>' enutiastic and prédit-t great adtemneao fodsp le§ esthoee ornn izatipu'r ni ',r t n nohro hervy hmorsle thought Dis>' kavw thet Germnn sous fevorlng tire dayiigbi eevit-;t n nte nthl a oersls vould stand out for m'iry mounths. mk lapitt nomtrcn over certain large 'tipW' recelv.'d Thé plan le raDier a unique an. Nov then, ta suppose a case. If rtnksolu e p i taentimtabs,îrhe , fi.rom generous saliors, etc. The sud was vorked ont b>' théestaployez coota na bai tomé ta yau on October billasmé n apofbhirsliybrsnls, 1-tîids" deraeud ipon thé demobiîlze. themselves. The>' bave elected o015- 1, vith a proposition ta eud the v btw u. he il .tarroa lta berie a ilon machiner> of tire station for cers sud the moue>' ls diÉbursed vithin six vwents b>'a comploté sd 'ud Théthîtar ad ongIs to write thein business. B>' contins luto con- tbroagb a commite vhicb matresfil oveyour senatoncunr ccogditsonatla tact vith "gohq" tire>' have learued a point 10 checkl up on al casés ai ovewbemla viîîy o coihion h, favar af tire ditîg savlug plan. ta use thé sallor lungo fIaýtl>. andi ltlusz. yoa vould aubscnibe libet.auly for Vic. Al aven tire coutr/, culies, organiea- tory bonis la tire sprtng of 1919, >'oUl ions and ludirîduala are flolug thir.-_ _ voulit have reluIedas iollt-ws: t.ot Biingtou gsi mia the move îH0liiiiahl lt-:atlon>» "Say', sud Dise wr ibis feulunnt stop aient. If yen trieor tht- contiiniReo-ofhecnsino thé kilialg and ui:lnlng of aur boys,, of the dayligbt isavlng plan, N riteReotf hcnio f andi put tire kaiser oiut f busnes and, your congrüsý;mau nd usenatoreBak c Cae Z rk compet German>' oacceplt ottermae ucotiutin t-epa.$aeB nko a eZ r andi let tire Americrîn sol.1lers hegt-gt _________ herisiforl'orne, and! Fi l"niege m>' lest L.îated ut L-àki, >Sîiîh 'Sttîi ioi ihol, ut îh,- rince ,,il,usliî,e ora thlie dollar for tire lon t-ian îl needvi tca Penn's snd Longve Sword. i4th day of l arch 19Pi. fi e rr.,'l. .iir, tolr oi l'ailic ' o'fînrti te clen p epeset."A df"'h originally owavusib>' W1lIlii r S taie ,f 1i nl iii ,e.ti. jeu r I î.rnN Tea uphoexpea els. onOctoîrer IIPenn an a sword carrled b>' Major EOR S 1918,and nov thmt nl lie mlraciet Lorng, Unitedl States englaver',, wbll.' Loun irse t ICjl)srts ... R.................R ............. .....0 bv oeto pe. iane yaa guîng tglit- wuI5 amember of thre finatfla iri - e'r<îralîs_.................. ... ... .......... ... ..... ....... ..... .......96 heaefour '-zefuovernment aurvcy ai thre îlot-k>' iberty L.osruBonrde ..... .. ..... . ... e.9 l Tau are nov rîi,rri talirelp finance Mountains r're nrrrng tirs- rrti'-les he- s. Cetî'rticat- rni lfelà....... ........................................ 17,0001 00 (b>' mers!>' leasii n rrfavorable terme quenhD In lathre ii fthé laie WII.j;i. 'a a S'. irgs Siberrp............ .. ...... . ....__...... ..... '4e*0 andnotg1vng)thefinl ad gganic Iam f'oulke Jobîres ai New Tort. AMr. 7. tber Bonds aud'!: tîiks .. ....................................... ..... fOs0<> 0 axpni t urg) %vtih refusgigenitis .Johnés leIttheis ad deet ta his vtdov, H Blirnkinut bouse. 'urnaiîunv and! ilaanes............ ................. .445 79 moatirs airneat fhie techedule. viDthéheprovision fliut ou ber deatih ut 10. ue frorrr Iauk .............. . ........ ......... ........................ 21.0064 23 If w ha lot te wu, wat ou telata go to hndcîiendeuce hall, Pila- 11. tili........ ............................. ...... ........ ........ ..........10 .37.l71 ,os13i. i)lher resoures..................... ......... ........ ............1 5 Ifvsbil tieva. ht ouidelphin. Tir ssord vas gieunta DsToatRhus....................17 547 you be paylug ibis spnlng and te SBmlthsoua Institution. TtlRe)r!@...... ........................... 17527 vhom? llov's yoar metanry? Did yoil LIABILIT lES feel certain, juil a ysar &go oday, 1. Capital Stoc antPul la ... .......:.......................... ........... * 25,0>00 00 that <ermany couli he preventeel froua Ors.. OlIE canes'ée. 2. SurplustFunde........s................. ...................................83,00 00> dlttatlug terrais tatire vholé vorld? UnadulUmtta o W n b à8. Uadlvided Profitse(net) ....... ......... ...... . .................... 1,190 18 Hov about e loyal parent wbo ra, l ns rog ad lauendtu ak4. hiepasits ... .............................................. .............. 127,3013 89 fuses ta puy a dotton bill boeuses lie 6. Rte&ervei for Taie@sudent nenett.......................................,,h 22 child gets veiliinstead of dyog? Ita of piaumea. esenes. rpe Total Liabililties ............................... j ...2 7 Wben utsckle a bis job do roi teag kvmaé won an ce ,j~ 1, Walter A. Lean, Cuhiler ai the State lBent o? LaeZurich du o oetaul>'evear 700 ath iih o oyugofnitaid confetilloea>. The e- -1", Ibat the above statement le truc ta thé tasi of ta>'kuawledge soi ballef. atnd t the finsh, ore edo y o ishnfer Jamalea cran" oanl-'letu fhm e . Walten A. Laun. Casirier. man ta tome lu and put on the roo Of0a ne' bi-cuits. e l uedj»STArEOF ILLINOIS, COI ,NT'a 0F LAKE, s. aad chîmue>'? t er MSm _afnd&fi Sub@eribedd so vrn ta béfare me tbis 141h de>' ai Match. 1919. De you expeenee ympiotas ecti 5vl> 'ii15 si ris E. A. Fiche, Noter>' Publie. nierall> ouI>' vhen the doctor la est,___________ ed et the bedide? Wheu you saet ta go iomevhers do You travet foun-fifilis of théevs>' end then flaj b>' thé vayblde? fF0N D18 . Csn Yaa he patriotît- vien thé handFutDDi8. L.' not playing?I W. ans settling up e big job,sev don't quen your van record ai DteI MICIiÀN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN eiéventhbohur b>' bainis aquitter. -HELIV "FINISH THE JOB- D R off ADY TO TURN YOUR CLOCK AIEAD TEJSMONTII Annual GrabNing of Extra Hour BOYS LEARN SIt- ORS' LIN<iO IN A VERY SHORT TIRE Do a Thriving Business at the wben on, of their number heome@ too bolsterous they eall out "1ýPt down!" They say "'chow" and "mess." They Ilshave off", ad "go athore," when theY leave the station, luit Uke réa! sallors. And tiem glancing at their &aller 0Patrons--"what is a quarter te thi' They who stroll out et the grounds wlth a "two bit" cigar la JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area, 111. UNCLE SAM PAYING HIS DEBTI Oovernmeuuî's Crodit Standing Hlgh. Sacqus of Rapîdit>' of Payuent of H-l@ Obilgatione-Now s Creditor Nation. If you veré aikee to tend moes>'te a pnivate citizen yon vorili saki "Whst are thîs ma'. prospects? la0 il,, business uboving a satisfaetor gnevth? la hé pelug oif bis fitbti sud-plling up a surplus?' Wiren you are sked te landyens taons>' ta Uncle Buam yen eau sielj Bih Dise saure questions. Thé Aineai t-en govenmeut seon yul 5saktfor ta> other great Juan. Therefore, nov Il the lime ta entis!>' yoarsélf ibat Unelel E&ata ihi ire an A-1 debter. Thé frett hlag Diai viii imprese yen, vîren you t-oms bo lnvestigaie lb. olfi gvallemena tredIt etundIng, la titi rsPldlty vitir btw i ha a ps'M lng off bis ehts eni hccoming himuhi a eredltor, In1914, vhen théevau broké ont, lire nation eved four blliUQ dollar» <$4,OoO,OOO>abread ad bad ta puyt>lnerest on thai amouni ever>' yen r. Nov mil but about one.fonnth of Ibis big debi hue beau peu off, andl thé govern't ai the United Statcs bau lent abroari a total efton billion dol. Jars (t00,lOoî Insteai of par- iug ints'nest to Europe toda>', Unce ýBatsa-lenoieln a position toacaitd5 receive froua Europe a total o! ut least 15ve laurirei million dollars *500,00,.- 000) a year bl itereit Tirai smfroni st-nase lue vutpr est-h year vIUpar' more <lien iralttire luterest teilé gnera ment vii ove ta ils people on allithéi Librt y bonaIissues, lncluding 60 UncleIp Mm rprenl1 t-n showa g.eîd -I uthîirk. H tredit l8A-1 vhiýth esver' credit spncy la tecou>- Dcar Sir:-- During the last fifteen years - yeur ]ife-work lias been shaped and determined, If you have prepared well, yJýur future hiolds many gaod things in store. The matter of insuring your life is alil-important This you know. When you acquire the property which you feel will be sufficient, you will go to an attorney, Bit down, and quietly and deliberately inake your will, But your Life Insurance is of more importance; your will simply distributes, but your Policy provides. You may make your will at an-y tiîne ruring yuur natural life, but the tlîne to take Life Ins'jrauce is when you cau get it. Impaired risks are not wanted. Let your Life Insurance Salesman quietly sit down with you and tell huîn what yüu want the instirance to accomplish. Lot hlm be your insurance attorney and advisor. He lias made a study of the business and eau explain how insurance will serve you best. No higher compliment ecau Le paid you than his desire to interview you, for you are supposed to be of sound healtli, with a good family record, and of good standing among your fellow mnen. Your Life insurance Ahould not be neglected. If you are in the market for more insurance, please let in-~ hear from you. Yours truly, JOHN HODUE, District Manager. 'OL. XI Airus. A. rldov of i9 led for se Mars ugo Ji ythe Rap be enate. jparties riffair ln (C fle vas lr Wio, laCer sft hlm eh Iblloving s ibanging V6 Was preseun Dr Fran' inlcy aIne Chsrnles »nagMer of hospîtal vw plap -danger .Dr. Ros tovu Hall wAca ta Il B>,,onitmi r mmr. OIS, Woodstocls, effilaluse. FigirI C ltu waha Ment rien ehici oct-r 160 dîners. ~eflrs at *br e ia PIO'f Ds'nta te tifs hon. Laien tht Ws pari ln rismager i Ger vasI unit-b atca ike polît-e', tie essaila 'formaution George Dur of foramer. Cat-ches ai dentiet oui ilisi CPorg vere iwo c Whno viellep end Saturd The 'BT ognlzs'd b>' qusîntance the public empinyr o causai h" a cabaret oviler (if 1 Airs. 01F mer campe thé dispati Pd eit tia taurani w resait e art t-bi Aira. Oie éd lestaie, yhsre ab( friands. 5w Han camp staisi tha aoi coahi siternooin'i P. le. B famiiy, se Rousver, tirs. Oiaoi ' MIns. came ta "Mrg. OIS vlth Dr. 1 foi knov > L 'hillevé, toxicateel a valter bis checki the firgt en a Muooting prostrateli vert- von Dr. Rose se no or MR North, Clu