CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 12

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jJaYaeas.MI*ý45 -X)]PE DEý. TU DY.5.R.71 I - - - -t - - __ __ _ ___-Liq__ __ _ DAV OI M- The habeas corpus action ln the IIR?.Fi.50 JI cane ef Charles -Smith. a 16-yen r-oid North Chcago boy, was ta have been .14ÀNFOUNDBERE beard before Julge Edwardsib ia if- ternoon. but was dlamAsaud ot u - ton or the peitioner, ounUthe oàftr- Ovelooked by State Inspector, standting filat there wifl lie£ delmY James Draces Goes to Court et ton î1&ySso that a OCw &BouCl eau ho mtartcd ln circuit court. At and Pays $14.40 Fine. torney miter, reprcscntlng flic Smieli iboy. in endeavoriflg to Bave hlm f i-Om INSPECTOR COMING BACK.'st. Charles. is contention la thlt- the boy should lie paroed. Waukegan. 'March. *12 Mrs. BonsS Duan. a deputy ln theofe ('harles Zurai. the state Inspecter. lieecf fthe county clerk. la reevering who caused the arrest and finlng oif a troin a theratc -ning attack or pneu Mnteni. Sho lit witiî ber busband ai umber ofîrinClP91iY Milwaukee. barbers who lisd neglerted to taie ouf Joseph Jadrlch bax boirai appaiid gLt licenses. is net yet thrnuffh with trufftec oftihe Hlighland P'àrk Ileating Waîîkegan. Hfe rotîirncd ta Chicago and Pluibng comhpan'-. which r'-e'-int- TrUetdgy night tbut announerd bfore ly wriit loto hankrîiptcy. lis departire fibnt lie wouiillieback, Walter Saiuuels. SouthîliJack.iun within nfew dayn ta sec whether Or stre.-î, lias returnetl homie front av-r flt there are any new violation" îand, ccas, wliere ho was ln an it miuai- ta son viiether tiiose wtîo PRid fines tien train. hauling auniatton tn have, obtalned their licences. 1 the bg gnion. He tells na- to' illt «-i donthelieve there men vtolttepd log experielice3, oeaof whiclî ot- te lag wlfullY," hie cald, "but nth.l curred when the radiator was shta log short of s substantial fine would oftetuklewsdil)Z gtir tbçci up and cause thomn to beloftetukh a rcî~ NIrs Belle Wlîyte tg servinzg ber more rarefut. 1 would net have suf last week as tenoarapher lit i..- aved 1ta dtsiîiic îtne enmccwitb ofn eoth ony coîe. tV, warîîlng for the.y woîîtîl have figtiredOfieoth on lcger tiit they nigit get off juit a,, easlly teodored lber resliiation sotie finie la case of anothervitolation." cgc. IP le effective April 1. erc It was called 1ta ie atten)tito of th,' Wtyte bas, bein iŽiplaot ed nthe, Itistector that tlioro are othitr violat-' Office vight yesrq. lier plare in toi ors in the cty and hoe raid lie ptrpos tho talion tîy iae Oson. aisealn tlii Md ta looklctlent up on is ccxt vigltoffic sotime tinie- Miss OtisVe îlace bci ri ta lion by Genevieve 1,ange li vases wtierc baîhi-r havîe not rr-l Tir. and Mrs. A. F. Brown lav-tt anwd teirlirnse inili. listtomotet] et thp county hospîtat wlîaere j or lire ear o loge iflsfies-they lire ta have their apartinents %rfor ten tarsrleif l tcSpn-1 hpreaf er bthe nurses. lcmu- caryd for athepnsp. cos $tta Slied ~The whole structure bas jubt been fielid tafor a licen hse ho is ed finlahied and turned over to the rotin- tutcd e f akle et a eceibt oe biolyar tv The superinteadent and li, !ami.t ters ln adutreiondutefnues dlr Y haro flic front portion white- th'ý -tbeialit neaddtiondte thefinpidnurses uuarterg are ai teb- ast !sîde Thnece licefieystre gon oey ihe, andi norih aide. Jac wb11enstîyetfco brecc1%The, Gus fiheil. n iia train dol l cner. orbrbr e 5 ng camp in Geai-gin lojTthe pa-uf dollar.year returned home thils week %it't State-s Attorney Welth feit lîke big diftharge f rota Uic rmy. tIr pggni Ologene Tueeday afiernoon claies that ho hnd s varicdei xî whon ho discovered saialionest nian Inonce while ln camp. lie wu,, s Jaes Draces. employod at the Jamets 'ceai cutter for saime timo and tirn bhaptice barber -hop at 126 Washlng 1Was iransferred ta the bakeri' dopai-t mnt aM thon van mess sorgeant Ibn strot. vas ovcriookod by the ln.-1 for fimie. lic bas new returned ta ugictor who rond Graphes condiitioi ithe groc^ry departmoot of the Schaai bis Place without as lIce~. UDm01nstore. baPPeuod te bcoeut at thoeflue-. Moat The business men iîeid their reg-î lar meeting Friday nigbt. The cern- ueo oul bae cegrtultodttim1.mittee- on nmovînitpicture ahow z.-. seves upon theîr good fortune. Net Ported that tbey vere in cemmuni. no ithDraes.Dewaled a te o, catlon wlth several mon who re 50 vili Drcce.lIe vikedte 1 o i etîd in fthc business. They weut ftee cf the Police Magistraleo, aditted1 write te s9me ef theni and have that ho lied negiccted te ate eut sa th'ot ein oe lbora and loIt over tne license and ecrfully pald bbe fine et ground 'Illhobuisnessemn are wilt $14.40 vhicli vas assesseid agaînseloig te bac-k any inan who waiicerne 1 Lm.Rbet, --r %rèy ic. ..j C. A. Sanklcwi-z lias doni*ed lite '3c Rbet» an-got a. 'i~fn-- ,roit- ofloft )eung mapie tri-es t t Ricks barber sbop. 221 South 1 te thec:itY' A comnttee from ,hp- Genesce street, Sa-. unable te psy hi.-1 lusinegs mrn"assocition wiî ttke 11i1p and .aid lie guc.sed cd o ouldi u,î.r;,ocf the ;-Iatin- of theiiî 1'ý bave te go Ioe Jil.1intlir arratigo was cigeted that thry lie pianteii mo'.nt was reacticd wfierehy bc psitt anty ui streots thai had licen pv-rdf hait hîla fine and wilt pay the resb ea Ii aimest impossibleta î" tbree veek. Te arrangement W., erte (o trocs during te t"'il" inutle lte a oliema bal be amigradli og prov-e.-s. The lanr fey-_' namode t aplcea adbeof the publire schuali ltl ho as<oed f0 sîimmeood.a..-ist le the plant ing of the Irel-... Fioenceo lrenke li lith theli- Log 20,000 Vesae Id, p:et oe long &go a wnrkrnsn. 81 fpt b9low the surface of Broadwvay. e-r plae etreet. Ia New York Cty, fîînd 4 piere ofcelluar wotsd that craltîf v paeed a remnarkoble disrovery. The Wood bvas uncoveretl' 1in oxcsvatlnu for the teudtonuot à big office bulilIng. it woo a prt ef the runIt of a large eeder ree that grew al leset 10-M)5 70855 &go,.and more proiisbly 20,000 geare ego! The Wood was withîn a foot of lieu- rock. and it wss envers-u wibb 80 test et bowlder Cayad glacial drift, whlcb %brwed filet the troc trou whicb Il egme mueavebac-ofutrlaheu beortes he ast gi-gt gocf [ce. enefft Frmm Meing Pet." Tke 4lhamnbra, that exqulste- Moor. lahbpti.e nt Greaea. wlch eus ove Waalgoo lrvlng se graphtcaliy île- anibçç, la etih a bilent wtnesa ln the 1U57 moand nkill ef Monriph architecte toiai ptotr. Out Of ail these allen gespiq Who lite cîîoule ous, eh. $uem mo <ry tors-igii t.) us thet as. C lmtiem Bms altis nlFaîposîbte. n. doub w. shall derive a lienefit met en etbercoeunties have beneflitaI .ther deys. Hltory repente;lîricif. mud Amirica. ftho great îîîcttng pot of the wvori nattons, înay birlg forth tiou the crucihîs- mon %%hbInt he fa tutu viiido thi -part in *plîold bai trumtie e n land ad ses. Spiritual Princes. il.m te ecnd c--eîury. nuiit luliai *bellop as eariy se :114. Ttea- tsi-. bbfl W etTreî cc bec-i...- mie.-pf1i li leb15 spiritual pria..-.ut4 tu- eîrfyl CMaMma empire. The Treves ofu tolay te s rtc-handut atiNe i1î-or ob&Iisfyý I~M ouis. a show rlty. a surine lty, lad one lu which the Yankee touritit gOeuld Suod mucli te intereet theni. OodUm"aTbo1lsuht. sed. ot tu omut pemtim beors Artur Nelson af the 'Unitrd State, nvy, y. ah acbeen In Brest, Praîe for avor a yesr, le cxiecled haine in about a mont h.. 1 inembere o?'(habl brtieday clut, with [a six oeelock danýÏr iazt ening in benor of ber irthday. Thoeen waa otafborate and ail had a meest de- lighifui Ume. No word bas yet hee o-oe frein Rtay llelmkcamp. The matterli- been reorted te, the local lied Cros * snd they vîli undertake '10 eue Il tbey can fInd hlm. Th.i remai n of %Ira. Catherhi... Morga , an oid readent of MWa'ke' gan. v.-re brouglN bore from Chiv. go Tueaday for interment lu St. I Marya cemetery. The reverds of the wauk,-n draf t board were crated today cnd ahlpped ..c Washingten. The go vern- nient centracteut for the mantitactur.- of thp. craten which vere made- la Watukegan ai a cost ef conaldoraiîty over $100, h le sald. ITeder tbe-P.1 rlllcaiens from the gnverement, tIl erates haut To ho made eut et etc-ar Norway pino or aruep lumber. re' fram anotx or blemishe% of Bey klint end, dreseu oâi both aides. C'hoa per t-raton which undoubtedly wouid have! answerod thp purposo jiiet au ci-tf.' probably coutut have been p.irclia.--dJ a t a tentl Oef the -014t. Thu Wompn's City club of Wau kegan. whicb bae been r-c-enttv or ganîzout. wyl holut their firet inuee-Hn .it the Partsh llieuse. N"nay vie nîng, March M, at 8 oi'lock. Miss hIarrîitVittuni will peak on %worh ef city-widec ltibs. A large atti- nce la deaireut Bnd tuti uiportsuii-. for att womee preeco It i 11 iir bhership carda. GCod musc, Dcputy Coroner Edward Conrad wâs calted te Zion City today ta> bold an Inquest over the remains eof'Nlrs. Etîia Clark, ageut 80, who dinut natti.- sud- denly -aithouut tho attendance cf a pbyiîiclan. The verdict of the jury was that'deaiji retault-utfrm morgatil, iheart digease. J In.~ ~SpÎùgtyÏEýhîit - '4s Stturday, March 29th 'T' S Spring Openiflg is of great importance to the buying pelbic of Lake County, for it brings- Jto thern a completed chapter of a new season, and for which they have corn e o look to this store for- l The fines of mercha;idise selected for this season have been chosen with great care in order to sustain the enviablze reputation this store has established as dispeisers ofhigh quality goods. "And so by the displays shown here the, discerning buyer will be guided in making selections for Spring and Summer.0 Dresses, Su its Capes, Dolmans In Gorgeous Arri Fashionable womnen înay delight as neyer befcre ini the individuality of their suit attire if selection is made here. Every model presented is a character offering, re- f lecting the versatile of the masters of fashion, the incom- parable line and detail which perfect tailoring alone may accom plish. The qualities of the fabrics are fitting founda- tions for the many cleverly designed trimming innovations. aîy of Styles A distictive new note is striwi< in the new Dolmans and Capes which 'are the seasons leading fashion. The graceful, unes upon which they are designed produce a charming effect of çlenderness. Linings of silk add a pleasinLy touch of color, and their smartness is emphasized by trimmings cleverly applied. Generous price range to meet ail requirements. Springtime Dresses 1 Stunning Blouses 'Vthe tii-m li-i-sst-S fo*tir si-iig, wlit-vit-tluis rgl iiifltî-îi.uîlui 01.îvîîîmi, îthe11W uitlitaIt-I it-aIl kilîil. aill -iîuil a îewti-ss tir deisigni iliat w iîs fieiiq-i in~astat faîvut u- Mat-rîaîls o e - '.iv il t t-Iih ttlit-1 [for ppiularity. Prices Are Moderate ftl iiil, and flve tîîl ti-v tttt-rîing tt uval MIau ' v o th i tu- t- îîtîl - gri-t-jeatly etilhi ii--i bYii tut- ilt' '- tî-iiliigs dlia'. lîavt- bt-el ari-ts- li îltY a1îplit-tl Ail Are Consistently Priced A Revelation In Millinery A~ irt-elai tii i-ttori-t-t iL itiv a t helî -vistihr tii tlis tutiHu. (Our t il ti i atllI)t i>114 (Jtitlit- ilt sit t . îî i iiimls . tut . ii- îtiu-it-r izetil by attentiion to i li .Iuil i ypei î i iît.ii. iatw i i t-l i t tî-iu if jî dginuiîît a Pîîreeaate inkt' i lit-tii aiIl I lil tle or iiter-t-ti lig. Tlîi i tltiilig turbîansiî, Ile t IIItfi iî-11II 't hîitii f 11.iit i l(4it l saili>i afl l iîîi( t litil' liit i il iliti tx li-Ii l tl-i-Itaiur4 la l tI tt- ti . Ostrich is much favored for trimming, while wings and flowers find many charming ways of displaying themselves. 'leB"5t.&Ore~ On theNiovth ShoWv WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS fi, 1111-111 ;i Nil 1. li i-i lit. '-tii. à- a imi

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