CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 16

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OurGret Rbuiding Saleof Newest, Smartest Capes-SUi Dolm n & D essian occasian of suprerne importance beckoning irresistably (ý toiiai oal Waukegan fciiiely -attend this affair tomori-ow New 475- Thfis big new addition of ours is being buit sunpl1 be cause it is impossible to take care of our enormousîy in Silk Poplin creased business or to ouse the stocks reuired in our pres-- -at 2 8 A "p, clal ti adi.).jl.s ut- to tî fer -t hes, lot aco and liaipk al, L thera $5 ta $35 fin orf tilu or wotl 111 i Ot tom ltRfltttqtt " hPt" It lk t' it'o n eorg'-m ; t î'trliog, andi li- Sen Rebuilding Sale o] House Dress Apron s Up ta I 50 -a t95c A sPe.iil t- clh .-t te Ctitn RffaU d h uî hous e r5 d pr - 1 a,r t i V I w frice oifýc. House Dress Aprc.ns to 1.69 -at 1.39 in ihi T m dst - oi î:X ts ozr. en a . 1.. C', O. iý WVhcn you can buy 7.50 Si/k jersey Petticoats S-mat 5.25 -you are getting a really great bargain A t r: , t i-t of î e i t s anit, Us~~~~ t In'. ., i * pettîcoats an 1 :1 z2,t range cf new cotorin as sll t l - .1!", n oX', bron-es o a%,v t8ttl> M t 2I g reen. etc, 4.75 Silko- Petticoats 3.48 Ptcoat, s:t Xaand nercerîz -d tosw:ttîdl s îX tafft-ta il unces tin a %idc ranzc t. ta rt'-, e SiIk Gloves $1 anid $1.49 A.1 <oos and i- for n luI e ti :,;. n1t1o , biX , s k goe S e- diat à,1 tanid $1 49.. Phillipine Hand- Embroidered and Silk- Chemise M Gowns Speciall9 Priced Corsets to $3 -at 1.79 1i-ontinus-d umbers in Americaii Lady hack art- front lace styles. At 1249 are discontinued outbtrs in tht' fanions 1roazet front laced corsets th .1 out $t 6. 2-59 3.50 4-98 Many wonderful Ihings in soit dainty undergarosenttî are rady in these dcli, catets fle-th tinied ,'tin<.;. ol«.crpeea.or t now s lut' land maie and hand-emý hroidert-d Philipine go)wnq andi envý- ope cheviL-e au the s-pecal prires quot-d A' 7'P. l $1, t49 and $1.98 ws have a gr it d;sptaý- of new silk corset icnçr, in ail sites and handsome itt c s. Suil The Important- Rebuilding Sale of Spring'-s Finest ts -Capes -C'oats and Dolmans B rings the most attractive values of the year One I-retty- CAPE 10 SPecia)ly Pricied at 1la etrade of a good t srkio g ,etin navy, wth eame or contrasting cclored triromlng. Matie ta atli for S h- 'ery stylish garmernt. Other Capes and Dolmans Specially iPricedi $15-19.75-$25 2 9.50 -'3 5 -$45 Probably the mot: -fir-i tîîl inncv- t ionq In wompns 0111cr autparr-l t,, ho' lrnugbt oUtin 7ysars are th,-qte came capesa andi dol-man), - (i. f tnt' tapes hang grarefulls. from Np-k-'- suitc rny he plain. shtrr.-d rii îrau(Jdd thprý flare large collsr'andi jackt"I 't fI-tit and may be sery quîu-kt-l h.1 Iiant) rct' liolmanu an7i th, n t htre aTie lie Dtolman garni en ts whithhase, hý 1h'- i of the cape combintc! wson lb- ueful. nes of thse coat. A Moré Handsome Collection oj New SUITS - was never shown; hundredâ af new styles are-i7clu2e29at 101---'14d--5t Icluded in this greît Rebuilding Sale are COATS For women, misses and juniors, 25 2W5-0 35 l'ht Pxt-elncp f rtheoto-aosortmnf.t- i turPastsed hy none Pven in the larg. etcillt].. <ortainly tht' rangeor fprît 1,; hid sue notgîh to prrmit a Syon. t, t-tilt ihpir ;etkMt hook a,' well as tho'tr 'tyti rfttitrenîont.. hese prieg rs really quitp .'mual hprause they 'affor'l uavlnggt ofian tunprq-co'denîed .,haratcir The t- IP stl-llitraisd tshow suai >yot $35 to $50 COr suit et dci are se oumeroît-; andi varqc-d alz tht' tastes of the blundréedt- or vomi--ýn and Inti,. -s shb UY them Tht' go-at m itac o f oir ct)lltctit--n la t]mi)ty o-ne of tht' mui intereting, feattures of Our stip.-rtor s-rviet-. A hanriful ofi!te hunrridi uof hands',me nodels are pi,- ir.o 1 al-)%"t-frOm swioh yoîî can form an Id t;io f derlrablenesits andi heaut ly . Y oII tua> t bo ose fro m e- r9', K tri tînet-, w col ijerseys ethpeketi velours, galhartlquts, çtoin n ose>, hack, tatji:e Ask to see the famous "PEGG Y PARIS" suits, coats and capes especally for small women and girls. Broc sded georg-tte crepe, satins, taffetas, serges embroidere ' -erseys, foulards, velours, tricotinc- sr,d tricolettes ln the- New- Spring Dresses In the Rbidn Sale at 9~,$15, 19!- 9$25, 29~ Here ai-e' haiîdsojiine îw srigtire-tes hy jýI 1li(,îttdie .liag-k afteî- raek, cabiinft,-i tîU abliet, i fgt ilcîeat-tally tlîîtîsarffls osf them i matc ii-is isted ahî' as WcIll1& Iînaîîy prcettyv oilbltuk l ions ini al eolo-s aiffl ste s foi- wxonen, mrl ses and jnos Som* suit dresse& have jacket effects, with contrasting vestees. Others have crushed girdies, sashes, beits, elaborate emobrodery on bodîces and àkirte and Mat thers have pleted, 'lbarrai"l shaped and ruffted skirtsaua wetl ne tunica, panels, button trlmning, cross tucks and pipping of -cDr-- trestlng color. Ghild's 59c Hose 32c Pr.. A very apecial ptr-hs ringto al alizea up Vo 91,,.in ,,tionly Women's 75c Silk Boot Hose 49c Pr. Ail colora and ft-l,i t', n aood quelity fibre si1k. Women's[5 ALL SILK HOSE -9CPr. ~ti Wemen'afine mik ba,ý l I colora ant i aitui. wtefi valu(!. GUAR ANTEEI) ALL SILK IIOSE at 1.50 If they fi art i s â:,r gat a nes ipair, lllk, ,wn bronze. Children's New Spring Coats, Capes & Dresses The Re building Sale of- New Spring Wêlisis Affords Special Values at $1.00, $3.98 and $549 At $1.00- 'l *h'-t e arA su, ny frýtil> 71-w pla 1t, W hi tetr strîptu t'lfec tg sort b tt At S3.98- yrpito 'an ,ît tfroint dli. <.re J"i eh tn-tt, p'lloibt Iii kit inti getrget t , a lto -s 1 I vi c el W t'st -t> l' . 's u et- to $ . 0 0t At $5.49- Th'ere i iian af rtutrt !bcoging ni-w b;louaca blnCeorgettoe drepmafutctt- inoc>'X ,trocdor l n iik or hraldod and fh-ado-ilVailuenKto -ta 8. Many Other New Waists Are' Priced at 9.75-12.50-$15 Mur waist itectidà tg known ln alilCor- ners Of ttite communlty as the finest .Ud 1largeat tnoat an>' voman or mines Can tell yoU shY. Theme exqdlaite blouses htave an appeal distincti>' the1r own. lWaybe tls the excellent quallty of .11k, the tntivtduallty of style. the bantLaaa. bollishmento or the IsTautiful cioruga, osec theiniyour3elf. -See Our Windo* Dresscs 97c and 1.98 Values to, $1.50 in preti>' ginghanis, ail izes 97c. Values to $3.50, 0ev col- Oring and styles In szeg frotn 2 to 14, made Of excellent ginghams and per- t-ales, inclitding white St 81.98. The Coats and Capes 5.98 - 9.75 -12.50$15 The lutile ttAla as weil as their oldar silsters aLnd mother are assured a fine colectio f new coateansd capes In many new styles, colore and ma- tentais. There areaail sizes from 2 UP to 14 and tlbere are onany speclal valueg as well atoong them. FI ARRI The Ing fi of dit The, befori Taylo $15.70 their and E The broug ry Kq of IA numb. ceptici vIolat sbooti TL- pea.r the un 1.ak t miade It is 1 aticut the s, be ar To what be Ett shalto lu Ulit arred 'uns. Bse a DEA Digçui p 1 HINIJ The Fox ri til Jul RalpIs fiaIs p rector or CIO date. trict der t( Fox went iablng thromý of pr neces velopu vided. TIse taklnl clastî flosts thse f issueý xing wardt tif led latore Eat jtositt f tel 7ears

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