CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 3

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Ji1 ma ' am bank- pm Jur. [or la nLaug- aMd mutai 1far t mat- weoré Mode i-7dgaru ante, ENTERPRISiE PMsT Ml4 SoId by GEO. B. M-A Libertyville,1 I. '~ ed hg 'G. CO., Chicaîo &SON IIfil - ("1'AI4UILTation teatet amake Great NAVAL STAION Alen. off e ntcomte fts Lakea tise ieadquarters of ail that FLYERTAXE BEL upto-tate in fying. Tise navy de- FLY RT U S EL pertinent apu n me of the big il fAN AIR RIDINGflyoetuigis t oLbry oos I _______carrylng capaclty cf fteen Puan- gars andi tanks tisat viii isolti 4M0gai i nsign plgt and Secre- Ions of gasotine. Thoe planes cue Over Lake Michigan. "~WAUKEGANITES SEE FLIT AFL TR ED By E. W. Croft) Case Where Eleven Chilkren, Those viso have beard tise hum of a flylng machine gobng nonsh andi By Loss of Parents, Were soutis dm117 have periraps vontierer Made Orphahs. wtemctn twsan h h An unprlnted tragedy wviicistrucit aviator vau. Tise flyer la E'nslgn Ray ~Chiceago famliy turing tise seions Ssl w Ii5oudhppeu P. Applegate ten ro i ait es' avis- spidemie of tise finla toli by a Wsu- to me if 1 vie your ksd? yn nt Wesil you'renant acqualInteti tion dteDartment, ant ieh hla a 'roan min viso camne la oontact wvms vils Calumet Bakinga Yft N-S seapiane. Tise machine la paint- tise lrcmumitnces andviso knev daot knosv viat a idex- et visite. viti tise worti "Vlctory,- luit viat happenot ba thie fsnsiiy. cuse I bave. 1 Can'! felp IIelpin.I Mysef- tieyre sa, In large lettons on thse aide. Rare lavisat ft vo.: good 1 Good for' me too. ha- 3For noarly a veek tse aviator isas Vinst thse fttis.o! a famlly of cueCalumet BakhM e been flylng ta andi tom Mîlvaurea.6.hldron dleti. Siortly aftr ho caules l n mydeed lwuce ied, bis vite gave birtis te tvln boys. millions <f o .. vimsere ho bas been gvlng exhibition Thon eune of thse tvlns tieti. A ~ mm m s'. fligita tealad recrulting for tise avis- short time iter tise otiser tvln dled. CA L M E tiElE I on dePartment. ant i aso to aid tise Thon tise motiser vas csfled- to ber SAKMO GWDR vr exhibit whlcihbas hein golng on revard. That left tise 6v, ebiliren. BAcausCot Pniy-iEcate et thse Mlwaukee auditorliumf datiy, Thse five chiltiien ver. taken ln by anti viaici viii ciao-tomorrov. an uncie anti an aunt. Shorty aler k ray vmbetresuu iad ithandtool Ue Bye chclosn. tise ns ocarnaaMsin cost and use.""r te oktefvcidethun Coismeg@..mtine as!> sscI Uigit Applogte la faineti forbis cie ln question dieti anti, a tev deys Ina,edmsts . *ass@trilck tlylng. Hoe@seoinste ho lut as ]star bis vite, tise aunt, &lie dieti. .eed o hoiis mucis et home up.elde-dovn as rigbt- Ali re vctime of thse Su. »0 5i sa l6" sY~* ibte.p, for heohlail tihe tîmo loop- That iett Il chiltiren la al. for, tng tise loop, dolng spirale, zonmi. tise undle anti aunt hadatisi chîltirea falng beai, vIng aver vlng anti sev- Oft tieir ovu. Thun eut o! tise tva oralothr sunt. Th bevy ou-familles there vere il ehfliren loti oral tise atuts. Tse havy oerpsans by tise deatis of thir Parenta taon, undor thse machine dosesnet turing thoefdu epidembo. seem to malte any differenoe. Mo diose anytlulng that an arati filer -.zi PLIGHTED TROTH BEFORE7n ta, anti does lb Jut asi aot. ___ I'riday lait, viicis vas Belgia day Pretty Weddlng at Lake Bluff tth a xiibit, Use aviator madie Thursday Nighi; Geo. Bowen a fllght vitis lmile Paul HendreictraMis.telCoe secretary ofthtie Blgian mission. WesM sEtlCo. Threre only three représentatives Wisen George A. Beven, a youuî o!tise Belgian government ln tise carpentor et ]Laite Bluff mre*ti Unitd Sttes andtwoof tons areaay to van t vai viti tise'prom- Unîtti Satee mdtvo t ti05e are othat visonlho raturnati Misa Etis lu Milwaukee. Mr. Hendrbckzi vas Ml Colo. ase of Laite Bluff vault isho deligitet vibtiste trip, It ieing bis coine bis bride. Baven returned firt expérience ln tise air, aitisougi frotties ervice a tew days ago and ha lsad seen four yesr' service t Mis Coe kept her promise-tisey lise front. vore unitet Iin mar-nage Tiuri -On Saturtiay, lInsign Appiegate nlglit et elght oclocit at thse Cole t: omb Old 701101 Adlunot. fe heogn Wsadters omne. bs bavebhei ued inbtise toltlow ieogaWtatits e- It l.a ald tbat Boven anti Min very ilicielit times. lise Greelu.Motietttisaevoie deligiteti vlth thse Cola bat made arranglements foi Egnutan anth ie Rogian ladies liglit. their marniage hore ho vas cahotd 2teiust arrange anti holti p Oe trp vas Iata from Mlva- Into tisa servie. Wlseu re relvet r h e tin e v e n l a d i e s a m n r f t h t e e e n d r e tr n i l n o n e h u r a n t e c a l i b ti d c d e t s y w o i v a es akiit-dwalers seans tu havé twentt- Irinutes. Tire enqan nmade alutil after tise var for tise coremouy tumliar with thiera.Soie o ut -t pacorsonec irîrried flgit to Great Lakes for ens- Tsykp pacrepnec oaa uweenamadeofo!wood, norrue of lgtruhttewaantèewsa neo! bora or o! Ivory. spaci. 'munition, anti carried back 1,000 hu ts as ni iba a ne oyfui ineetirlg visen tise young sel Open@ bave ofttn beau fouati ln recent !rounds vitis hlm. Idîor returnoti home. No time vaE It la tise Intention of Lieut. Hugh test ln arranging (ho ceremony. n i SAY VALUES ARE TOO 10W. Tissis tise vear of tise quadreamntl asîesîment-tisat lo, tise goar la viic the aisesoor fixes the valuation ths* boldo gond for ths aensuing four "eare It la extremely dIfficaît to change real estate valuations fixai ln quatirennial year unies. improvementa ta tise proparty are made. IMor tisat raess It liq necesiary for tise assesor te pro cet viti more care in qîarensial year than at otiser times for It be tise time vison neceaary correetbons are matie. Itha baééienclaimeti for yeai'i that tise asaessed valuatIon of mucis prop oty In Wauckegan la entirely to 10v vwiscis accounts for tise tact that thse clty là not abe te raine au mucis for taxs as la neetigi. It la salit that As- sssor Dun viii haurged hb' a coin lnttee of représentative cttiino te rie tise valuations to a point viser. it viii be possible ta coiiect Cuffcient meney Iln taxes. Tise vont of makIng tise assoîsmenti vîtis start eaany ln April anti usually covera a perioti of two roantha. Thi. la. not a vary long tîme la vhic ist toe ho*ffared wIll menit bis attention ai 111it cans Irvestusents, asde trous tiai potriohlc appeai. -Rlzty tlîousand Ansoican lads. manp o! them termer boys, gave tiurDiaes for tise freedous et democ- tacy," sadid nu oMetcaI of tise United Btiles Foot AdmilnistratiOn. Esadthtie vin contied ibrougisout nDMt mm- mer, as aur tilirsry chiots beilevoti it vouit, tvo brîrdredti tousand Ameri- oasanti urny more issntreoti f tisousantis oft rieir compatriote veulti bave hean sleeping linPlandeons'fieits »dt benostistisenaod o! Franee anti Lorraine. "Tishtlboe e is were spareti vas tue ln s largo measure te tise laviala expendIture o! the Uited States gov- ernusent In aisserîbing monatd muni- tions to crusis Oermay. Mot of tise mmn anti aven less o! the materbal of was- s's nover nsed. Yet tise mlghty preparstlons of our goverament foneed tise Germans ta cry 'Kamerat.' "The Arnerican tarmerl' sonosare comlng borne for tise mont part un- icathed. For tiis tha American tarmer ln duiy grebeful. Froto bie abuntiane frous tise rantyaar and &trm biseas sureti prosparity for tise Comlng sel- soi, ho aisoutd and iii net à nev tee- o«d, a Thinkselvlng record,ln hîaesuis. seiptîcu hotlut- Vietory'" -HELP "FINISH THE JOB.ff- sîze of Wanitegan ao If tisore la ta ho UNCLE SAM. any tiecitiat change It probîhly vill be noeosssry for tise asmssor ta itart Uncie Sarir i8 asking for a Victary mapplng ont bis campaîgu n motînate Lberty Loari hi clirs eis s tupendons demonstratîttn tisat îmoral foîrce, not ly. militai-y force, lu rnis letise voit. Tisosa viso are ln a position te We mut tie n r our army o! occupa- knov asient there arIa many citiee tien andi bring lb honte; ve must recon. ..aucis smaliê-r tisan Wauitegan ln trnct ainîr nabilîharte tisose viso have Y ,icîn thse assemme valuation 11 mucis been worander arnd blintet ln tefense h1ghr tan n Wtikgan Il u oethtie iglat. This la to ba n Loan of isigsertha inWarîtegn. iso aiTisank3glvlrrg. and tise response sisouit sort tise ai-obauisnlIttle change Ihoh o r- era rty andi jayous tian tise tise amssmpd viirîatlon o! Waukegan suspense te any oftsisi preSelng ln tise larit ifty yuan-in tact tisat tise Loans. Uncle Saim bas halped te save nasessment bai not kept obreat of-tise ivorld for iberty and Civlistbon. tisa contantly tncreaing value o! thre I Lt us glve Im rîttisheepItisite complete tii lit. rropArti-. --HELP ,FINISIHtTHE JOB"-- Correct Veur Mistako,. It la oniy an amuir irn judgment te' make a tiniatet,, r il iroe nfirus. Ity o!I ciarietir u, uil r i to It whon di.covereil. Total ............12,000.00 Annuai Income 12A.. Uavng...........I Sheter ............ Fuel ant iigbt .. Foodi anti servce..... ltislng ......... Carfare.......... Recrention, 'churcis, cisariblas, etc. .. Eusergency or bouse- helti maintenance tund ........... 1166.60 Yearl y ironthly 19)8.00 $ 16.50 540.00 45.00 240.W0 20.00 9W0.00 75.00 300.00 25.00 60.00 5.00 150.00 .12.50 111.66 9M3 Total............. $250$28mm Annual Income $3,000. Yearly Montisly SavIng .............1S240.00 120.00 Ubelter..............720.00) 60.00 Fuel ant iilgbt ...270.00 22.60 Foot and service.. 0.00 90.00 Clatis ..........360.00 80.00 ORnfire ............ 90.00 7.150 Reereation. cisurcis, charitles. etc-...180.00 15.00 Emorgenoy or bouse- hoiti maintenance fond............ 180.00 15.0 Total...........00.00 125M00 Frtise Initial preparation of a bud- get bou@eisolt co-operation muet hq oh- taiaed. Tisa exact diaposal o! certain larger Itemsq, mais as rent. fuel. food, must ha decîdeti, plans only cisangeti tlsereatter wben proven Impractieable «ai s first arrariged. A full account o! ponal and lioi-meirotd expendîtrires iboniti he kipt fir friture retaretîce andi possIitr- hrrigît reirdjuitmonta. Waliy. uttii. tise budlget qys-stem vlI lift mîîny r fiirrîtly fria a hInen- ciii Sloulr of ttrsiriird tbsunshiny financlal heiglits. .-SPEND WISELV- SAVE SANELY- INVEST SAFELY- Lots ot Mosey In Amelico. Thl ri,1- IIr ioorey I ii i reaî iti i rg-. vtr -. ire In irrg .ýofrcî. loy Pirr i II la I]iiiiiii iI 1tit tuait ir ti ir-e fls iitis ory -ewr 1 -an1011g. 1-vtheliis igosve tr ][ii Tint s.Ii..ilir. tir riinimiîî 55 iti h w an i li,<r iri as rr Itore 14 ientOMIs'MOYilt toe oer than matr. Tinrse g- baindth b ell ] f iitit %Iit 1't. ifetv snd Victory LIîîriy I.irn ivienir t ot)ites. iltilitiistirîl tiie blrifi habit -SeCnahtiîrY 1IRSaS.Ii h.I gis iiarrafurtirer Imtaus. Pbhiip wantot ishieod jois back, as titi Williamt Harding anti Wlliam Siegel, viso aiso left tise banit, and visose iphi Ulkavlae are held by vomen. The trio vent to Frankt W. Reat. casiir. "Notlng doing," ha toid tisem. "Tisagirls titi aplenditi vonk anti 1 vont fine tisem." Tise tisree boys set ont te Sund nov jobs. BAGE; ESCAPES A FF SuER. GUARD Frank Enicotta Slips Away AI- mnost Under Eye sot Sen"r; No Trace Yet. Tisuraday aiternon. a BeUtrT heav. ily armed ad twto pnioners at vois in Fart Shserian. Tisoy vent te thse officers quartera anti one of tise Pt']>~ opgra was sent lasite tLMn ud garbage. .That latiste last seen Of hlm amI isav ho managedti taescaPe 1ti11 guinds abouit tise reaarvatOuiS lahan ta figure out. AtsnY rate he matie gooti bis escape andthie isaIlO ati shsore vas scoureti for hlm RUilitor- noon vitisout auccess. Tise prlsonera namne vas Fr-lc lllncottft 0f Chicago, tis amn vas sent ta prison for avasion of tise draft. Ho vai about *6 years oM. l3y a vote Of 13.3 t10 Otisa hauge Springfield Tburatay paiseti Santa Hughes, bill. giving returDIU ol- a disco, salions anti marines AU erlgbt to vote In ctîes vithout reglsqtrattloa tisirty daya piIon tt 'e 'ioto.Tise bill vtllrsow gote e re ienLowde andi a,,i caXrties un"riii,,rg,,ncy clasea witi hýýome ctcti aefore l ise Ml- inicivaI elechirin A jîri t1 A largL nunlbr rf0ffitîciarget o dieir, are tllin i leirdr iChaig0 P&V- ers ii h Circ rît Clieknt rokWl. - OIrr~m btrrfinig certîfli e O to n tod W Wasanghongo thse, c ,ibtatil, their $60 eXtra aliotnft. A New Coat of Paint-' a New Home With a New Value A small investment in a new coat of paint and you have a r.ew homne with an increased real estate value. A f ew dollars this spring invested ini paint means your money back ten tîmes over in the appearance and actual va.lue of your home. Good paint is insurance against bad weather. Good paint is a rnost econonijealinvestmnent. NCXALL The Paint W'the Guarantee Behind NoxaIl Paint is 25 years of paint manufacturini; experienceý and an unlimited guaraiatee of complete satisfaction. It is eco- nornical to buy-invaluable to use-efficient and durable. Order Noxail. You t;l K-now you are getting the best uaint to ýbe had. I __ £ IIAL~ iE WEAIuAR vjEE IWMTH ROUSHU 2 6iIfLÀND TOg TI1 HELPS ALI CRpSBOOOGET SYSTEM MUN FOUNDJ IP MÔVi CARR ta as a Balance That Will Keep Caretul Accounts and 0 ivide AG SFL Resume of the Things Which' Sustain Present Prices onl sggsi nones f Va- Spend Night in Ch' wiliIbe .ti V . i Health SAglesaionProduots. r ing House; Bodie Distrctis Voted. Al Fr Podcs.ou alr Door is Sm2w PERMANENT HEALTH DOC'R.1 PUT THIESURPLUS INTO BONDS' A budget la absoiuteiy necessary to APPEARS TO BE On April 1, liiS. a the Waukegan tire wira. and well-proportioned runnlng townlship election. thse votera wlli of a housebold. No budget eau lbe made Two Highliand ha,,an ppotanty f cstig teirPedvaJResrveBoad Loka~ t1 tît alilfamilles. aveu familles of were rountd dead lu a havean ppotuaty o catingther Fdfra Rterv Boad Loeta ilmilar size. Iocaiity. etc., but the well- ina Chicago roomizm ballots for the création of a public Fermer for a Genorous Support proportionefi budget provides a fair day. Gis was flvng heaith district vhich will men gv- of the Comlng Vlctory Élinacitiblas a startlng point trous gai jet, thse Indicati look &fier I#anez1 orgnat ionto Liberty Loan. whtch i0 begin the work of wlsely di- 0ne of lihe men lhadt l ater btéhaihy«,; viding lthe fanilly Income. flame iseforp. retiring. ia dorveisb onsOeIndfuisrie and The United Statés Congress bas ais- The main tbtng la te get thse budg- Thse naie" ot thei daimof itisnhitrondutrie an 81,0.0,000,000 to guarrintee e tre.10ke aeulacut_ RANK KIRBY, em ita promlslg fntiis'e.the American forumer $122 a bushel for In a way finat wîîî permît analyzartion dy annth gre Just visat an adequate heaith or-bis 1910 wheat crop. a isrice which lo xertue-fre es e era onductedj by Fritz1 ganiatin w an sbold o ale " 1of epenItues-for i lustsevralsloner of public prope gnîaton viiiand ou id the able1 mi bushelpmore than hiernlghtmota r 'rrifosil. ay ta ccmpia troghth pssge reahonabl>' ex ectIif Amreîanwbeat peonthse keearuntsfpSheo ni Park.C Rf tise abkevp Icvuctnbeebroge am WILLIAM 'ýCU mrihed as oveliw aebeb: fl waî ibrown on thse market te coin- bons liold, only in a svny thaf ibaIlnces In the tin sloî cord 1-ridaf md ssae frndpete with Argentine, Australian and casheund shows hovv it baq ber-rgen-iand Park by tlerr arneaith rinancparsageaorng the Indian wheat. Tihe American farnier ersîîy experadesi. A budget sbould do mer., of Watikegan; er elhOdiac eubtn h ai reiponderi to the goverumenti better than thasta Jockeyloir yr-air. obsolete oflAi. guarantee by predgr;rg tihe production A xc ugt1 ifcl- r- Fiwsc h op 2-Effrorts tousecure adeOfate sew of millions of busiels more wheat than A xc ugtl lfCl.ple" o- Fd rie ai ci the ou age for thé entire communif y andi he has ever grosvîr before, accorriîng vide at present, with ailIling prîcs b :adMC1t- e a pure and safe vates' îupply for ail. t0 officials oftheis United States Food in a otnte of flux but wlth a preva Ilng i( r CIhicafo Wednesd 3-Improvoment 0f1isOuslng condi Adrnnitrations Grain Corporation. upward tendency. Figures difter great- pl..o being te speni tions through toaching of sanitation The American fermner bas eer b e ly In varlouî sections of tle country,.'ber@ and retirn honE In scisoolso and siai otlements. a l bte iaca odtots fi frequentiy in various sections of thse isip tramsig veli ~~I abpssgofttrerae ri il i a T reotiothéOfl sinme tate. But in trictly industrill Nothing was lii ard Wel as passe o flil iBUo. Bt oicel@sr e orepîorîtisatth F 1918 lcentera, It bas beau antbentiraliY Coin- 'rhîrsday afternoon N rume eftabihot0 hr ng8-6-Res roardd so$17(i.OOtothe 118puted. food uîually consumes about 48 received in Highland infant Ireittestations, wliîh nurse.- weaith ofthconr.Teom rD per cent of the ordinary Income. s§sel- mon isad ieen round and Phsyiclsman i aendance aoeptie onr.Tseci r9ter 18 per cent, fuel and light 6 per Ing bnuvr. in Cisicazc 5-Systematie and adequate 9sehool a I t$853 ,oolath ar cent, mdtisevarions "îuondrîeî" go taren te a morgue. Inspection. grouped becmue go dlffieudt or more A& nearly ai can1 (a) Te keep contagion out 0f exact cassification, 20 par cent. In thse two men slaited sevc achools. foiiowing suggestive budgets for ay- ing tise ifurse of «W (b) To heip correct ph' siea1 (le Ing lncomers thse 'saving' item bas Ing and thon decide- tacts in chilidren before tisey prove been placed asot nece8iiarY alght Ia Chicago, rai permanent handicaps. *~"wbere tise tamlly Income la net t00 borne at sncb a laie1 (ceaTu n g, etlatoetc.lsiatoin (à4'r. l\* a temaday Incie 11f.inesuac, and foredgn i r (c) To roventlatentet.,nitatoI C~ ro hs ndem aprclcalllr neraîtc. plad afor ldgng t se ciildren viii vork und,-r fav serMinga hanit accounits and sncb mesv- more was heard froin orable conditions. 0 L "'fItable Income-isearIng goveiirttntal Of>- Tiere was some su] cdiasala r pergade irt4 iotunder curitles abgoiateiy necessary wlth tise did neot arise Thursd (d Es ota.bilhgadelth nrm' 'kîntio! incomes iioted--a lbei'Iy vetigation was condi direction of achool nur- and a Mi Boud$anad War Savings Stampà. of gas was detected ciass o! sanitation for boys9. ~~Expndtur Budgets was broken down.E 6-Food Iinspection to inciude al] t ires ware found in retaudantirryinsspeut n dAnof noaiiff.ig eule ria etauants, rocnerls uttn dsf IAnnun Incrue$1.800. lng hre utad from s o milk supplied to people of t'..- ban U s% jYary Mtbay Tisera la ntithemc acg............ 0.0 so athoyta h ship. N Sis 1er....... 0 tried to commit sui 7-Inspection andi abate,ïrý of al ~Igt . 50 the only r.nraing nusneFermna ohu ood ail service_ . 0 X 4) . q the gas must haveb 8-Estabisisment, of a I 'ri, : torv ClothIng............ 240.(X) 20.00 rather than turned o for analysîs of ipecimene ubmitted ýX Carrure ...... 00 .o Both of the men ho by pby.icians. Aiso aatr .and ind , rat'w curb Highland Park for a1 analysîs. iesra cniin hA > iaities, etch. h 90.00 7.50 *bts a sko 9--Study of Idutreml onedi"'Emrgncoo hus.relatives In this part witi sugestons ~ rs pocket. Iiay ndded 11,590,00.000 hold naintennunce eýmployes for Isnproved condittin' to thse farruier tiriorne. Appe% brougbt fund ............. .440400 ~fI lS IN tisrough bettor iseaitis of employas. hlm $3)00.i5.Oats sold on tise - UI L I À i~ IO--Co-rdinatlon of ail agendi ata for sdrnetiiig ver $1.5.000,000. Total ...........1. 81-SM00 $15000 of iaprovement of heaith conditions Tise guaranteed price of wheat williK E T L not oirly assure tbe fariner a profit on Arnunal Inrome $2,000. h O weat. but a iii siso austalo the pnices Y ryMonhly XÀY M E DUM O on ot uriau îroducts, Food Admin- Saving............ $ 120.00 $ 10.0B E A poirmerula assurtheShelter .................0 8V.5 returu rof anr iuiajce o! laber, tiselo and lîgat ... 21 0.(K) 17.10 L eme s su gda hig prosperous Foodd service ... 7s0(.00 65.00 Sed VA UA IO N W ear. ts tre bi<lothl::d........... 270.00 2.0 tise cage rating of1 WIt th srpls he erer asCarfare............. 60.00 &oo Pirat National Ban' tAU O N I rontbi l nq bundant Iivut 1and itecresation. churcis, ber brother. Phlp. with is bspresent ieason'î return In Ia ciarities, etc ... 108.00 9.00 «1OhPhii, luitfit Thi isYear o Quadrennial As- large measeur: curanteeti, thse ll'O<Ifl Emiergency or bouse@- your job wtien yen sesetW efle« n Reev or looks te thse fermer fo boid maintenance navy an 1î 50e IL Ip~t ~ h BIA iferoris support of tise co 1!! und...............68.00 5M igt etm eý)i Asesmet anbeMae. 1viion- sTsor .oa. 11%. vuus Plu, DEAD IN FB R0014 àicago Room- ies Found as ashed in. E ACCIDENT. Park rotent. a gaa-fiuled room g house Thu r*. g fromn an open ion belng that blovu out tise men are rriPioyed i.s han. s'abuse wvihin t Bahr. commis. )rty at Hignianti tP.IY, etipioye1 ductatiat 11gh. Lfl Schvrery, for. M;%lcCuley %vu de Say tiai i ft Highland Park day a ght tiseir mi týeevenn me on Gru' 0f thse rd of thetm until wben vord vwa id Park that thé dead lu a rom- ze andi bal boom be learnodth ie erai ialooni dur- Vedneiday ev@e- Pd tn @pendth ie a.her tisan arrive L hour. They a>- a roomlng hou"s etiréti. Notim n them, It la &ail0 apicion vison tIj sday and an lucted. Tise odor id andtise dooi Botis of thse vi. bed, deats hay. suffocation. on vble.obusha men migist have uicide, therefore tiîeory is that been hiovon ont oiff. have been around %number of yeara vn thay have »l rt oh tise country tNK LS JOBS; [ADE RUO il srnied tbroNab tishe Laie Forest Fi Saturday upan tsplendid. I1geQ >11 vent lnto tise well tisey are go- b". EY

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