CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 5

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LI"RTYVILLE IN EEDIiTHU MADY, iMABC}I 27, 1919. Irrd Barréd mal. J. T. 1291 Irait hersés dre. sophia 12-8 ..d harne-. prIl liet. 2%4 n Sol Kslmey 12-2 w. with don ver soline F cuivator. ville. Phone 18-lt OUS4 Dabhines on y at Libw-ti- BJacoion, îa.'Pt tu Liberty- B-Wé bar@ silo on the Duns rabiang. trle. Dept. 4 )a City. 21f ederu room., 10.4 e akeordera buvre for the fuil lino for Eliminaté. )ré#pare lime .Expérience tional 8,toek- 88 >ung mares t be sound; Id socs, Dur. Id Hf. Kan>~ '111e. ItL 0 aâucunt of Ierv for the -l r-dJue. thé l. of ruade. 'vided lu thé the engineere 1 P.eict roîute Istr attention Id thé leugth te a exuienso frîn.I sourceu âun§purtgetion. - ly ften thas ngineer@ cilS Mêlectinq any cbi,îI, passes e ille andt t dirert andt byville. tu t1. @tories ave aiwae y .,rher way ai my record re will maow. ay yourg, vior Avon. BILL IOUSES Springfield »enamnent, e Hit. 1 FFECTEDd" 4g the dras- g lu the @en- g shahl be le-haif timen etreét chicla er thaja St *ae a bas!k maé to lia r the batil' Mt orne Ont- ncldeit re- grage dia. nitailon. te Atry City Enf<wcmnî péiaallo te t of Publie 0 REPUBLICAN D DEMOCRATC For Sehool Trustee, For Sehool Trustee. DANIEL LEE n] The Followng Proposition On a Separte Ballot: Sha a Specia Ta of 40 cents on "eSd80.00 seuued valuaion of il[ the tauble propertY, ia- clddlg iroads, in the townsWhile keW mu-. el, for & Ie jean, forlb. purpos of contructing Gravel, Roc, Macadm or other liadro"a, in se- ordanoewihbà petition fdied in the town cleika YES NO ________________________________________ S d~I HOME GUARDS MUSTEREI) OUT'1 complimentîng th@ mon uPon théeficu cy o<f thelr organisatIlou anticor-k. -Jsike Bsn Mlier aMs spoke breily. 9 Thelos] orpan o mlita re fai. The guns chIch thé compamy have Tlcly ompnyo!miîta reofic-bien usiug a-ère shippedt te pnifgfld. auj iembîiisd.The men cere Instructedt te kip Shin Colonel TrIpp. of Bpriugflld, Ill. wo"éther e qulpuéutlalugooticondition la lu Libétyvils Tuesday altennoon anti coa e neency animé by a-bld 15 cevounn for thé purpose of mustanlng ont shouiti hé néosiany te, cali thé coupany thé compani' chich haiben drilling un. togéttier. Thé officiai ischargéa of ths tien thé direction of Captain Ray. 8ome militlamen cull hé mellédt t thé indiviti. irlling anti manauvere a-ère glvén by mals trom Springield. the mon anti thé procsision then mévéti té thé 11gb ichOOl, lei! bY the bandi. Thse Indeopeadéft pute Llbetyvill. TPlire Colonel Tripp gavé a brie! ait, rsi.1 T KerSené Tractor REmEmBER ds -.Ttan 10-20 %vîedeaigned end Rbuit f rom g«round up to tam keroseuc into reiable faim power.tiTan100i s tigh end w oody y- and .zvenm nadtelasihjl gh bat.nfot merely a gasoin. htrawiuh koe ai c met. You'lIbe wine o e his*tA mAmd. tn10-20 nu nL, rosete unde l cuttin youx fuel bil i n h&lL Tata 10-20 records provo du&. You wa a rosi u%"a< Huelis t-tais '020. SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY REINFORCE IBAT CONCRETE FLOOR, ROAD, PLATFORM, WALK OR SILO WITII OUR WIRE FABRIC AND STEEL BARS Bring or mail to us a sketch of any rein- forced concrete work you 'have in contem- plation, and our engineering eýxpert will give you f ree advice and information. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Chicago Office- 10 South LaSalle Street NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION We are now showing a large assortment of the very newest styles in LADIES' SPRING HATS. You w ill enjoy wearing one of these Hats while the styles are mew, A. W. LINDROTH' LIBERTYVILLE, ILLNOIS Specimen Ballot Below are specimens of the ballots to be voted by men and women at the annual township election in Districts 1, 2 and 3, Ubçrtyville precinct, Lýake county, Illinois, on Tuesday, April I; A. D. 1919. Town Clerk. Do ot autel tu eeé cor herd cf bork- sbires. Woudertui animale, well.develop. éd antity pîcal ut thé breed ti mosi reasonabié prités. Thé qucker you adI thé better thé slection. Cedan Créut Farm,J..K. Drlug, Pnop., Lake Villa, 111. (North shore Fox Lake.) 12-4 Ure. John Mitchell raceivéti a lutter trou Goveruor Loctién the tiret oft a a-estl inh h expressiiampashy cith ber o ver thée oi hébr brother, Lymant Denuleon. a-ho dieti ahile lu thé seruice. The latter also spots of the Governor's high appréciationotf 1h. onk of the lilinooi Iroopi. George Ouest, represéntiug commercial intéreste ln théesait. cboue home la lu foSton, arriveti hère Bunday morniug ton aday's vieit cIl Mn. anti Uns. J. W. Cole, Uns. Béeaon. George Clouse anti other relatives. He dçparted thé same evéniug ton St Louis, goîng mou thene 50 pacifie comtes pointe. Thé LihértyvW@ eTownu GIrls basket bail teain defeatédth te Anas girls Wsd- né.ay eveulng by a score of 33 to la. Déapite thée unevén score It cas a bard anti faut game. Etins Knox, Bama Miller, Marveili Fishen. Mayme Jenkins and Hanniet Ruby playeti for Llhértyviile, anti 'Gracm Beaninan, Alma Tofegmern, Hulda Meyer, Giadys Doiph, Dorothy pHardlng,ltihanti WanG Racheli Déchus. céller for Area. The hUnteti Statés aéré brougt a the UnsitaedtaFteserdéli yeter- day. maklng thé total of patientsi 2200.. Fifly-four o! théM a-ère froin camp Grant Anothér big baîcli o! coumidt la exp.cted from the east tomorrée, accérdins tg Iàent. Les- ter B. WIllianhs, ssiglant hoophItai inspectai. Reporta recélveti lerO am, W the effect, that a plan la on foot ln thé stats of Wisconsin to make an aseas- ment of $5 for evéry man anti coman. to bé useti ai a fundti tépay $25 té évery returnéti soltilér for ecry monilihé s pént in the service over- sesa. A similar law la proposed ln Minnesota. Illinois lias néosch. lac untiér contemplatiOn. Secretary Hoillistér, W*uksgan Chiasber o! Commeiceé.cith jutige Eticardé, cènt 10 LibeTtYville Mon- day niglit as thé gue8saO! the Comn- mercial association o! that placé. Théy tolti chat liel been dous hi thé local association, anti camnetI gainit thé making of mIstahe, that have bien mati e hre. Miwh Intereat a-as freshanents. I Won%. Forerai. etcn a thuUe IOW DEPENDENT nioh 18.» p*ressf TO ALL HOLDERS 0F FIRST AND SECOND LiBERTY LOAN 4% BONDS MieLibertyvllle News hIf yu unowl:cafoan item u:o loa.::::sst indly e: pone N. 1:s m«Ramit Smaie cai lu LlhértYvflllé Mr. and Mne. 8. P. Evîleizor epent Mon-GR L E IK Sunday. dy aClago. GR L E IK Max Kohner cae lu Chicago on hiuât- Mr@. E. T. Langworthv cas a Chcago ý sss~ywpg Uc ne"é Tueuday. vsitor Tueday. I1E'.)3 YIiCTIIJI, l E. A. Biehop was In Chicago On busi- John Vanderspool réturued froin over- noms Tbnraday. seai on Mondaiy. SLEPT TEN DAYS Wilard and James Hyatt have thé 11ise ettyq Jochhelu inîamee[à Chicago chooping cough. vistur Wédnéedoy. W. W. Orroi ces lu Chicago on uâus- IMcKtney Gray, of Grayoleke. viâlted Little Jennie Kula of North Chi- nées ou Thursday. Walter Utile gaturday:' cago has a Most Pronounc- Mre. Fred Haines bas returuéd ater a Miss Ramel ickson visiteui%111es Jean.- ed Case of Malady Iliness. ceek's visit with ber parents ln Wlécou- lette Mundes lies Snday. élu. Mr. andi Urs. Bay Smijt, ut Evanéton, SLIGHT CHNE T I . Born, on FrIday, March 21, to Mr. and yweré visitons of John Law rea'rc un Sun-CHNE T LI . Uns. Pant Morris, a sou. Howard Mail- day. North Chicago lias a rond case of coiza. .r. and kiUs. Thom.. r.ranof Wads- sleeping sickÀneqs. Thé vicilim la 3 Mr@. F. Wakefield, fron Waukega. curibh are viating thelr daughter, yéar-old Jénny Iula whosé parents cas viitiug clth idrs. C. M. Sprng ou Wai. Fendick. live on thé corner of llth andi Green- Tuésday.I Thé Ladie' Aid of the M. E. church field avenue. St.Laceuc (Jildculmee clh Ue.ilcl hoid a bakery salée at ttchanck'e's Theehü~fd ban bien sleeping Sound- Eruéàecould nThUrotif,AplSrw Had-aetoenrMyMr@h.201 iy for ton days and Dr. Winner ut Ernet MDonld u TuréayAprl 3d, ardareBtoe o gaurdy, airh 2'i1thé state board of heaîth cent thérc ab 2 o'clock. Thé Lakeelde Cemetery Asociation this niorning te examine ber. Later Mr. and Urs. W. FI. Dymnd returned wdli helli a meeting udit Friday ater- hé stated postitely Iliat shé cas a bo Libertyvilie Tueeday after éeéding noon ai thé résidence ot Mr@. Lulu victim or thé sleeping diseask. thé ainter la thé South. Mtaltock@. Hé éxpressei littié hope for ber Urs.Ed.Scheidr. iseAivreta M. ati Irs Ge. Lhée viî'aatîercovery declaring that hère a-asn Mr@ Ed ScneierMim Avertta Mr.andMr@ Go. abs, o Paatieone of thé mnet pronouncéti casess LIghtbody andi Mise Mande Leightun andi Edward Bauer,of %Wauconda, viqited that hé hati r-un across. t were Chicago violturs on F~riday. over thé céet end wcuL Mr. and, Mrs.I The casé o! thé littie girl le inter Ce E. T. Langa-rhî came hume Tuesday Jubi Deinlelu anid tamliy. esting due to the fact that recently il f eveuiug clth a nec Olimublie a-bith le'S.ed Whéat: Couuty Agriulural Ad- waa reported Georges Holmes. nine 1 drové trom Vaiparalso. Indiana. viser reports the jielti ut a eat un our years nli, o! Snth Park avenue, No. Thé Misses Edlth. Rnwe'ia, Maud and farroam aong thihe l reporbeétu inLake <'hicago, was the tiret vlctim of thé f Myrtie graitespen& thé week-end aitb Couuty lu 1918. A limilteti euppiy ofý sleeping sicknéss in North Chicago. the . fi Peter amll atKenoha. thie sééd for salé as $2 7.-) pcr buohel f.o.It develope that the boy cas aseeép théW. . Péte faiiyat enohafor about 12 days accordlng te Dr. Thrécli é sisinn ren héb. Lake Villa, sacts extra, Viret cone jolly. HélDr.bteratounh Whlé féiugMahle C. véy Fldytiret serveti. J. K. Derring, i'rup., Cedar la not able te héont. it a-as not dé- f Whit dologMacine o. ver FrdayCreét Farm, Lake Villa, Ii.i (Nurîn shbore terminéd for certain that hé hai thé f eit Libertyvîlie. Ask him about thé Foi Lake.) 12-41 sleeping slcknéss, bis condition fol- White. , 13lpt Mrs. Edythé Larson, ahi wlth her lowing an attacit o! typholi foer. Nuel Yunug vielted theé itavnéood father, thé laté aaaius Spring, anti ber1 Hocéver thé symptome a-ère vr-y Epcorth Leaigue Tueeday eveuing, Hé , eier ie muc pIglf svr h flke thé sleeping sliùiése butS bad chargeîoferheMisewEaihélr Sprnngelétt sevércas hat care f hémeeting a-hicb cas monshe ago for a vîsît as Seattle Iita-sdIP e1ponMU"da éa c k conductedt teré. I6Hétlesalitito hé ont of danger. otherpoinlé outhepaclatceoait,returned ilu thé case of thé girl, hoa-ev'r, Thé Misses Marie Engerct and Ruth tu her Wauxegan, Suuday, Dr. Wlnnér tioenet hesitate to state Evlsîlzor attendeti a baskethall game et cumlng hère for a briel vliilon Tueéday. that ber-P is te sleeping rfcknflQ'5c thé Young Mens@ Club lu Lake Forestlie1r trip waaioneta be remembered. cithout gny question. Thnrsday evenng. lmametiely alter their arrivai la William harron ot Piettville, Ili., andi Seattle, ber fathér died and ber retuuD LN U N Suvw~ son, Rtaymiond ot Chicago, visîleti thé hume cas delapéti un tcouuat ut berE tormire ouil, Mre. C. Li. Fuller andi F élter outalnîung a fracture o! the amia. faaiuiy. Viedncéday.ON L ST CI C3 Roubert Brady, chu tee récently ré- WONE LQA2NCNOTES eived hie dlecbari6e iroai the IutralT bas locateti ln Libertyviile and expédIe Jack Pattén, son of James A. rýt'-t O AVOID À LEïVY tu rent a tarai lu this vlinity if une ls enýe, réturnéti heue tast niglit froniý evallablé. ne4Jrly two yéare' service ovérsea Satuday venIg Elle Mrrisen ile was dlschar-ge5 Tués sy at Camp, Counfty Treasurer Sends Out a Sauria eénn Esi Mrrs ner- Grant. Pattens lhoiodn1 t Lake an i Fna otc o ei1un tained séveral et thé téléphone uperatore 1ig Fnuinalast NPr.Poierty Taxpayuers et ber homei. A dalnty lunch cas serveti e.PrpryTapyr and ail chu cere preeeut enjuyed aplie- Alonzo G. James, 2118 Ellsha ave- ant eveng.1 nue, Zona City, eecuréd a license in 300 NEW NAMES ON BOOKS Mr.andMré Jon Syda reelvd aChicago tiaturday tu ced Mrs. Sarah teor.and r. Jfhn mon deoa rcelctia ard o! Chicago. Mouday, Earle E. Second notices are héing sent ta teierem reaithereunThomsfiudamthose.a-ho néglecteti te psy tboir Monday évening. tatiug thst hé bed' I Ewini anti Misa Mfarié Einlest, botli personel taxes toi County Treasurer arrived la New York, returnirum f Lke ores,-ère lîcunsétin Ch"i-acé atStra Inc h uxesee dty n rené.cage. law NMr. Brachér coutti turn tiie. Mr. anti Mr@. Jacob Gldenberg, a-ho Ilenry A. Rumséy, cealthy stock npanes of thèse déllncluents over to wer ooiewat orred f nt rcelIngbroee f Cicao ad Lke oret 'the shérif! lmrnediateiy andi causé celésuma bt a-rrld e nutrécivig bukeof hicgo ati AkéFor it, lmto lévy on thelr personal ro word truai their son, irviug, reccév"d ae Màas sured lection am nat mayor et t aytéta uth edsir- letier a fea- dayse&go lua-hlhbeh statesi1 of L.ake Forest Montiay. Ifa-as theéonis of glvlng them one more chance'. that Lie le a-cii anti le @tîlI un (duty et lait day fur nominations te o héild,(H, assumes thé attitude that possIý LeNlans, France. andi no other candidate threw bis bat by îhey did not rpcelvé the lIrsi Little Lénore Straug, a-ho has been i itoa thé ring, notice that thpir tax a-as due andi " maklng ber huméea-lîh her parenté in i payable: and se hé désirés to glve Floidao mkin be hua fr te pes- Thé Exmoor Country club flé plan- theni a final warnlnct thus the sec- Fluidels akng er omefo th prs-nîng to spenti $12,i>00 On imProvinit ond notice. motwit be aot Mé. m. endck.ita course and clubhouae at Highland Thére will hé ne third notice- un- Shé recently éntéred the third gradé ab Park. The waork on thé course ailéies thosé who are délinquent ,Iay d thé local grammer scbooi. consiit of additional bunkerlng andi thélr taxés within a reasonai'Ié 3, On tIondaY evening thé Intérmediaté moderniing morne o! thé greens5. lengtl or limé Ibèere a-ilhécnothin.- -Dpartaient ot thé id. E. Suuday Rechol Profeesional Jack Croké. a-ho na& léft for the treasurer but te natify couitlng of a clame of young ladies anti been aet Fort li>ers, Fia., la expectîti thé shérif! to maite thé lévies. ue ot boys, enjoyéd a party et thé home back ehortly. In previotis years thé matter of of John Hasty. Thé evéleg caesent Word bas béén recéiveti 'hère uf ifaking lévici a-as lait up te the ;7 lu gelis and rélreéhmenle ceré servéti. théetieath at Pana. Ill., o! Mise; Ethel tocn colléctor lu many casq-If hé reported te thé treesurer thet hé lu the caéualty flot publiied e fea- Falconér, grand-daughter o! Mitr. aa unable to colléct certain taxes deys egu, théenIl of Simon Law-rence Cherlés Mortatit, St. Jame atréit. that usually endéd théeniatter andi -Alizoler eppi-aretiam hing siightly Mise Falconer a-as a graduate of theno n fui iher attemplt a-as matie te coi- a-ouuded la actvion l France. Hilspeople Waukegan Hlgh sehool. F'uneral on léct the-. Aite year untier théeIa- beré havé bcard from hiai since thé Thursday from 1910 Sunnyside ave- thé county collect&r boititoec'illect ut li.sliltlééal taxes andi the law provIdés thet cessation o l)tlte andi ho Io tnoco nue, Ravénswood. hé shahlé vy a-hère thé taxes are teobe ail rlghl t tprésent. 1 ,,, ......,... unded.nldit.e n ___________of_____ The Firctt National Bank Libertyville, 1lu. .ot pald. Accordlng to Mr. Bracher 1 tam and defeaîed them for thé second he amount of personal property tax- l tîme with a ecjre 0t1t8 to 4. The baes es pald ln thi.e year le conaderably ball boy@ :widl gve a play called '"The arger thé.n in pre'.lous yearm. This s attributed to the tact that ther-OsiseFml" pi lb l are over 300 more personal propcrty ladys Ward will direct them. Don'k taxpayers on the books this year mise It! than let year. He says that for the The Juniors made a gréat sues of most part the taxie', have heen pald tiieir candy sale at the basket bail game n on time. lait FrIday. Thé candy waa ail sold ia The assesior 'uill start out on Lhe about iftéen minute. The procéd ilf first of April te make hie assesementi be uséd te maire the Junior Prom as bfg 'or ncxt year. The assessment work a succes as the candy sals. )robably wili take two monthe. The Boy& Oleé Club la making selfS progres undér thé management of Mr. George Conway, tiSi new barber ai Walker. Simith'e place, departed for parti un- TeSIr etll r uybde known Sunday êvéning, and wlth hlm nI Thé Senis celriae playb es went $35 worth of rasoirs, etroVs, ngtoain n opeino b btnes andt other useful tonsorial artI- lh rto@an opetno cles, iehich hé gathered from thée'Nautîlus drawins near. .shop.-Barringtoli Revie. Now the# thé basket bal sesson la over thé boys haveéiurnéd to track work. Tbéyseéem to hé évén more enthuetasio BOUGHT CALVES IN WISCONSIN over tkiq than théy were oiver thé basket The followin i temn concerning W. P. bail. liér, a former reoido.nt of Llbértyvlle,- Théy are already conetructing vanl- but now eounty farro advisor of lng standards, jumping standards, star1â- Nlacuuplfn countr, appeared lu thé Carlin- 1119 tramés and later wlîl purchaes ville correspondencé of the SprIngfield gymnaiium ruatrée. 1 twelve poua« Joîurnal: ebhot and 1 @ample burdie. They wlI' ('uny ar AviorW. P. 11111,r, eithér huy or nale thée basebali plates. accompan1éd Ibv [). Eanold ot Brghton, The track and basébail diamond wiii ber have returned frini Waukeecha ronnty, ' ayed outi ti week. Wis where they purchateéd a carioad Pavb otf(iuernisey and fHolsein caivefor ----- thé Blrightonr' laitclub The animale wilI arrive Mouday and cili hé dl@- trjbîîtpd arnung théebhlîdren chu are IH F I U R ruemubers uft he club. They were nul ail bought at one place, but were picked up _______________ &iuuig the tarlotie tarais. ____ ____ ____ ____ SATURDAY, MARCI 29 F Paufine Frodorick in High School Notes lJ AlIso a comédy a-itb e victuryl t.est Fridey niglit théeNiero.ons play.-d thé Home Guerde ho a âevit ntéreetina gene of basket hall. A. It waé thé et geme of thé season thé corridors a-ère full of spcctators. Buth teans a-ère cdll metchéti andi both playeti extréme;y ceil. At thé end uf thé tire hait thé score aaeseverel points ahcad lu tavor of the Marnons. But lu thé lait balfIl e Home Guartis shoa-ed chat aesIn theai sud thé @core@a-as maeé uarly e lie. Just befote lmé caclled thé Maroons matie ta-o baskets anti hrought the score te 28 to 161. Thréé cheerm tor th Maronné! Thé Sophomore teai played the Junior SUNDAY, MAICII 31 viviaMerlin lu Burton Homeb' Travél PI.turei WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 Pauli** Fradéruckina , "MM. ~UOQ99 LADIES' AND. CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND -APRONS Many new thinga in wash dresses for children and dresse, fer house weer and better wear for ladies have utcaei.These are in at- tractive new Spring styles and are pxcdmoat reasonably. Special lot of cbildrens dresses, sizes 7 to 15 years, mnade of handsome plaid harneand other reliable fabrics. A wide variety of styles i the loremarkably well made. We bave pricied this lot very Iow, at choice fot ......................................... $22S Big new lot of lad:es' aprons. Several different styles in light and clark fi uredipercaealso some ina plain colors and somne new plaid e&mct. M c fteea ................... 1.40 Avery neat and appro.ite nw apron is of dark percale, i amail fig- ure, made to tie nt te waikt, having a large bib and the whole neatly fnished with ý,rick rack braid. These are.......... .... -.75 Cents The new house dresses are of véry good, smtall-check gingham and dark percale, in blue or grey. They are eut out good ancd ful and the work and finish are of the best. These may be had invery.large sizes if desired and the prices range frorn ............531.00 to $4.00 W. W. -CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phono 29 The privilege of converting First and Second Liberty Loan 4% Bonds into 44'% BONDS has been re-opened by the Govern- ment and we are in a position to effect exchanges of these bonds for al holders. - - gww ý,wqrjw a

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