CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 6

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k. CowtYScat News De, Smallest Ra. *'Dlnky" Railroad operated t Gobt Permit to Wind U. i "Pre8ident" and Assist 'New Jobs." A, président of a rallroud,a ,hlO&d secretsry, and, In faci, thé .«"hhe1:blamed" s*etaof ofli- cers of teaalleat rallroad i teti. it r: ta lame their Job. In at, îheyre literally fired becauso the. road has been mnerged, It ha$I 'waund up tai ai- flre, and therefore there'î noth- lng let for the afficeri ta do. Eoid tuis teiegram trom Spriag9- I oRdt the Sun: OPPRINGFEL. Mar.-h 20.-The Il- &Misa public utllties§ commission ta- da Isnued an order autborlzIng the tWaukegan lsslsslppl Valley Rail- va>. cmpan>. ta seli ils locomotives bS inaterilaste the Anerlean Steel aUmi Wre compan>. af Nev Jersey MU ta cafioel limas heiveen thre tva V Whst Road Has Donc The MIielsppi Valey ralraad Is tbe "din'iy" lin. that iras operated ft to yards af the vire vonks la ïWankegun for years. la fini, sînce .ePlat vas located irere. Tt vas bivayi run as a privai e corporation bai sqId isî service to tire vire com- Pin>. vhicb, In reallty of course Ovned -i. Novever, the cliange bas Mov been made vhereby the vire bamaniffleIRta purciras. h outrgit aind nit as a part of thre local plant "di net maintain it as a separ-aie "rnporation. Tt lea idlithai the .igsei.sippl val- By road la one oilfthe-w prlvateiy vwned corporations aperaing on O J~ o d.sth in France. Tire letter dopicisithe acta of one 0 II roaa ut akgnam4 Speosw UDJ Waukeand a aiL a onipcou BebI, German>., Mar. 7, 191C in the Waukegan Wire-W.orke Dear Miess Bana- rp Its Buoines-Â Ealroad 1 knev your brother, St Samuel tants Thus ane Loking for H.LHunna fain the lime ho besmneà member of the 121h. M. G. Bn. He vas maie Sergt. as;iro shove< tis plan that bas been la operation -erlouinesa mand Intexest In iris vork In the state for saine >ears pust.and ntait i res fnlfilled bis dut>. as a Years ugo man>. of these "dinky" truc irodIer. He vus one af the cool- ronds aperaied hecause titre vas an est srection leaders ve bmd In oui advantage ta tihe companies vhiehcir ay1 h rieo hta ownec thra, due to certain Iraffle cmay u h rv nCrta arra: enienla tuat existed. As the Thierry la tire Aisne-Marne offensive Inter. tie Commerce Commission on Jul>. lSth ta ISii man o ite Vesle came ittapover, irovever, mattra Iar In Augusi. were ciranged and it carne la pesa: In the St. Mieirel drive Septetaber tbnt tbere vas no furtier- advmniage diita tSeptemben 151thho again prov ta keep the. raliroad Uine separale cd bis effIiencY and knovledge as 0 fr-arnthe parent corpnpxy. The wiremahn uer vorks of courseowoned lire rond but ahnguer kept separate books an 11, business%. In 1the Argonne ]Meuse action Sept la Waukegan the rallroad company 25 ta October 19 ho had charge of à conslated merely or:-setIon: on Sept. 30 la an attacai TItree amallocomotivres. lhe Boisde Ogona. vih took place Trackage Inslde 1the yards of i 7am.hsdbavedcorg 1h. copan>..ouas ork. Mo isection had 20 mon ane Theic'xy' engines neve-e îilcb- vIienthe îliack vue ave? about if cd outaide o! thre yards o! the vire o'clack tliere ver. thre. men ani ais vorlca. Ybo lire. creva ver.hifred und fired by thre vire vawork Mclala corpioral and myseif vho wvont o In the pust evea tirougir under a ,ep-'inJured. ln this uitack I1irad tva sec ar-te Corporation. Tire, as a set; ions, one ni>.loftio! the voodi undol ai afficera o! tire ltte raiiromd and Sgt., yaur brober-'s friend vir< the>. ai course received a sali>.. vas maokIlîc.. ad tire rugit sectior Tire >reseni retilng affinera who under yaur- brother Sgt. Fianna. I vat are Lime aut ai a job are- about 10 yards irain im hlmvrn ho vu, J. S. Keeio. presideat (hoire ea vice-President of tire vira aompany): stt*ucIk li a macine pin bulici maid A. F. Allen, secretar>. (ire l as' a [feul. Oryr fIrsi-aid strelciier mon car vice-president of the. vire company).,ried hlm away on lire atretchiers and Nane of tire officers receit-pi mare ail 1 kncv vas thut b. vas serlousi>. tran a nominal salar>. for acting as1wounded. He proirahl i>. 41nlathe ralraad o0fciaIs and tity liai noili- Aield hospital statianed at a place cali ng ta do vith the. oPeratian oa h le d oeisv. rond wblch vias andleti entirely by bsit aesuaIvrIhtl officias aifithe local mille.i ti thrde haYwi he ilte for it makes me realiiO virat r,o,,r fail bs-s. A ifine type.o jIOr arnuyrie heot ,,en uca ypad c p r t e d f o r c u t y o n e b r u a r > . 2 1 & t .11" pt e r - Fo n a î iv r c m mba ely o. CHIANA G TS hemessage vas fr-an tireadj ut b1oth er. n allett rer- a lendanDepi on' ge,-raIs off ice. Washington, and r r n etit teWrDp Vei . ..dfrot te hart 01for Ibis bmat envandi courage in action Y EAR IN PRISON ;rret-O bs fiafr-arn tire heurtswhi th on ansrelatives via, îfavIio falllesanogmeeewvli Lee Kpee. 64, a Ciinese, vas sert- ing word tht trarg vas rissing nwasne!?toatieivelaau Itelee Incicui cort ody t seveaction on October- Ici, lad concludeti men My heari bleeds for yon ail n uJOin on ta ivent>. year-a la state-s wien tire>.beard Ira tidings f i o! n rîîn-rudneep 1ranepess d nda ththei, keiy bailic-en kilted. Faclinti lv ht eprsct n rd prison on Iis plea ai gulIty .ta the i utaotcnlddIethave awylat ntetc htyu )Churgs- af having robiedtheticChne otie>.Irtih ia boubcncudtiti r aaa ad, in ter tact u on tesasr,,rî -n W5bagrn Sree. Le amn't a chrance that he liii d. bohr a eae !r> o reoacago WtsingLetSret.Iee And nov cones tic big neya vircbmci àte ws auht n heac asbe- s .Sîncerel>. Tours, diacovered In tierer-ar- of a theournaga Young an iu i- jEL 1D. BERNNEIM. Mitb>. a policeman. 'Tie proprlietor- srve.d la&&n dbk at@is. ULnt. -i .M. G. Bn. mOWd over $600 n cati, vas taken but 4tli. Dlv. A. E. F. <lida fever-i t' Diered. godar ZLdwrd--W- iN ADE SSeeks to Save Bo rm I Ke - t ie.-ili=.- sik-! azi Aul ii i m a mtm a LCire 20-1 latee mono-.-tirnspite ans: Am UP l> UitLA 1i labiLs corpue vus Invoked ioda-y b>. ' Èwu lt haiil,- ' wa BDUP O I E L Iff Johna J- SIhlof Northi Chkzago te iul MD sn'eno. tbi- z!-Dusnr.rr Bs- r -ave bas If leur aId son Chahs f, -vsrat ib-cane.- of Lk ar e eenant in ChareOf Cern- beiag sent 10tirtheia-e siolait lm re ue wa:tb eue of<a Chartes. Au ander commftting the pany ini Whlch SamtHannfa boy Y t tejiae czolwumaeOt M ee o&-. Wn =p - asSert..Writes Home. -tar bijo e i-m. s a Sn ," e ies 'i C:iurt -I-1 ISPROUD HEKNEW HANNA. taha- v>.b>. âShcru&..neh a.nursl ràà*bùaFM"ar --i ! M- fin ctire habeas corpas petiticoà meWM"dc;- = , . M il -s ankum.b. "m Base4sa-. ha itire effert or et&yi" tLb.exgentuo1 Mea@ a ut --u* rO -y i tas m e citsi fer braver>. b>.hit aI tire WTt.BastIng ou Lb. pett 4mobaO uo- 7'::» Wb L- V ene, albecaus irelia owmmnieegof wu itake plac e Wedesthy bore 1 Mobbyeb M"a-e- -e..,.ice ~rcseed id l itho vaswuJudge Bivurda la clu-cit ourt. t92çrded sM om oo Ai tth e -w the U e i onets fortAi Ibat thé.boyi aiea-e' llr. mec- acier th*elieuter.sat aid w nollaa tire cuetai> afthe sherhfft STI I19 ONi m e mna-de a bcit-d.g l ighfl paiaitbe ca-seet bla houag iotinedor lm, - STRANI 0. ktise 1410V h-he lt te iasa-st »w iehm prnonibelg a orrof Juige IMMSN<,1 .K calrt c«d the bgftle4geld...the&4 are thtr-s- vu a irear-lag hel la secret b.- Luirea sMonagftarn thre deai al»Maal Vlerrecelved ,b>. M#As E - vi'as -ntr vithout an>. vic a. aeMnci ?A. lt Ny. and Mn. Itob-: I-taisromtshtIe lieutenant ln charge'firICnt t t uetan I it lh anDo ~ tak Mt»m ofanGa!Grneb to a sef!c.t: jaOfth*e comPatiy lnwhici, Ber-gi. scie-n un aper court anidvas b«" e& '#Yu'ir "a, Waaioy H. SBIna-mg uMtns vwas %flnltg utiesi hé mot tinoly upon tire secret rocommondu tion o! tie Assistant Statea Attosiay Imm AV tomne> . .A. MiM« wvierepreamte 0 tirs-P-titinraya the eae gravas 1o« KIDNEYS W ET AKE ING? oj auIt.Ie ltrIet liraI happene i ut LOOK OUT!1 ch:ris-15Smith ' ab"is u em, vas ia>.troublas daWL dtgtny rpet fTIra buasl" « aa ad u Inlatho Ba len hb.u store. HoeaMya ,00.sevcuThe>. grav BiewAy butnIO@si . erinîrig h.ailb vith tas se., lie vhthout te" sa wltb- EI-absrgfalod te puy Uic boy »ae ,y erainyunil io fall O wwou l eal Dt Dom se*mucb hproend theLboya>.took si te t icurabre dissalle. C t ruila QÔLD MEDAL Htaaem te warttfmr X:eo WnJrun toui.ite ahingtiare ma it Caure. The], r-ater. strerîtb V O Itiandise tO square Uic .>a a ulé. bt utileitti aunao*senehI ad ara e eponabLo Ina g amineur. 5<ctunt, Tho boy vs» arrnled tiand -aches.uturont ifrtrun e i diatmn &o. e r&aun .reui ti b ar(is. stiutiona Tir etaiesAt la Ttîh ke01> ro r ouei 1 Cap-taras-saoffice f51ed a petitioa asggf tes ens.T a brs n-ou-uvr -eDtraidois>..Go te YeUr ircigtlt n - T. ruiio amtr.ire t a mtion hiie auDuyag yo ith çooI,.r iii nihe lie d'-clarcd deffient. I ;patn.h. b MEDSAL Hleoitu 01 apules. Taire "('har-ieswaxsesnte okn y Tisvcl-ieow Oonnstoaira bistho as«dinec&ad Asiyen are autttav-kn ta~ç 0 h r-tilremedtes of Moi- msîlled briv It» sli our dTigiglt W.-ru ai ,Une Iîiàrvdfor crituries, inu16rsc t, egover-. gsd> -fa orma>.lokt, Ine~Att>. Nller sai. "H.1 '~i Iti t. ru'e a..t. hé naine 0015) 5(FDAL on tiheb-g ,tOkru tc--- uvs-avo-kt ito iiichi-re- atriri s-lisire-aansdiar-ept ne other n. u el*d boxes. , >-î'nL-nel..A euib ami ae. tree Bises. PY-i-nhnr -el..A -utb wax rir.&r-t.d aemmt.ied lt~e echoal a i St. C'harles.- theodorelp.i-urst. Presidenl. W.B. Smith, Vice Premîdeni. F. W. CurchiH, Secreîary and Manager TELEPHONE 81 SECUITYTITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRCTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED CaPital $ 125,000.00 FAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS Lit' Great Lemon. Tie i - r . , . iira Inta nas U'tlcu911111 r .-Istprilo)n tiret i ~vasii.i - I hftr iany rf "%,"auI frfi' .11110,t: T.>mat,'iat. tebir- kri B,.r lruglîlsn. Al ithéeCao SgBw Thane. Th?"e. Itho boys yeren.Uinsg mac 'o ythre naineeof "ei.m e Iriacb' mari'T'one&*" Wieii scird Y l " - Y v IIII 1 i iVrîr rior-u xske for lh4-irr. Ils u,,rr rirtii,-, sitt rare Dunr- 1-.- r,.s l ,- g.irig" Fff'ONIJLIV NOrb..hicao PlkaaWon- E~I~LE TOBE Doesnt Change Plan. 4 ')IS PeÔpIe ane ondeflng vhy Great i Lakes -cigals continue the. erten- Dive building wvh> la pragresslng ai itire station nov, espeolall>. ibose in- .5 tero.ted ln Induittlal matters, are 108% fl 0'Couirson LIVM w ondirins vhy, na'w that lthe varta1 rraOtltym arkthe PaSS- over,: the Ba" deipartmoutInit Ing of Hor n nWaukegan ust u rai hu" hppez, ta ho n thé. naval station muai continue iheir ISPLACED BY THE AUTO. pasita evacuate n other vordi, nov that the var te aven, tre>. ses no ne dy aiihe ra'-e inWal essnac. for thre continuous e«pansa The dy ofthe io-s in auke ai of tetation. eapeclally lu viev of on vilI ho a mamor>.. tbe fact ihatIil moins the. removai Thba me kuava today vRi ie Or closlng up of saine af tbe factor- mnncement tuat the ctYr ODiF . m or. stable la going oui af busincss. Tuai vhy lh Io necîssar>. to cou- le Courson lîverly, locited on Mii tlinuOe b.expnsian of tire station.. ct. Dn streut la viii vas fommerly the90101Yiali. uvlev af thre report that th" gVo= ,ezt la golng ta close ÂArthur liven>. stable, but vhlch CamprPerry enlirai>., la bard ta figure CIO sot anm live The lacz Mci and flural by the Coursonsa vir tarhe report la qulte authentic tIrai year-s ad conucied a lAver>.aiut he. 'Camp PeMnyla galng ta bo closed Up nati euat corner orfNM'dison uni entirely IDlnbthenoirfuture. Tiat r a beAng tire ease people are wonderlng Couat>. streeis, is taelie stlii nc. vhy theire linlg tiil conlAnrim. tien ta the iiglesi bisder-uirut Ai, tie stock ls ta lie dispsed of, as thre tstable ltiseif la ta be takea aver by R OFM EÀ aanotirer conceru. D 'llino as viien ter-e ver-e noiri>.IR O b al! a dosen liver>. stables ln Wen- T1IR Y T EI > kegan an al seemed to do a fliarih. AJE A iR Thons ver. tire days viren tir eva-v sick ivain vauid go ta a 11Yd17 stable Engagement of Miss Elsie Hig- tanad reni a bora. and buggy. Clicket>. ginbotham and George Cal- clack. clichai>., clark 014 Dobbin houn made at Party. vouM pianc. aiang epni>.. Whou! ____ Tiren a Young vamnan would trip along Waukogan, Mardi. 22 -oui ai a bouse and avay thLb couple A proU>. farter the var romance de- vould go ta apoan for a fev honni. veloped Lds>. viti tire annouace- Oid Dolibin neyer vau dr-ven ver>. Ment ar the camlng murriage oi Mise i irrd on Ehs rp-nfr euu li]Mle Hlgglsrbotiam, dauglerof a!Mn. tirse rip-Inladirenatand m Mr&. Thoamas Hlgplnbothai ai va- alloed 10 nia..> along. taklng 220 Wasirington Putk, la George cal- iris ovn turne and picking ils ovn lbaun, a irero of Chateau Thierr y. 'Fourse. The elract data af the veddlng ta 'Tiroseover0 lire dat-s vien the liv. not knovn but il la muidlitl yl he er-y stables fiarisied 1 ln the. not ver>. far distant future. TO&Ythelovpic swln op. lae 1The announcemeni af th. coinnr aTodvean tiree k laiiirlou! mi arriage vas made ai a dinner- par-- a fs-vr ad ake îh on>.gir" ot t>. ai the, Higglnbotaiia home Thons- for at moontiAgir spin. This Is viat day nihbt. caused Lb. pasng ai lie liarne !Misa Hgginbotiarn la one or tie Miost Young vomen wouid tura Up cty-sM iost poptular young womner. tireir- nosc nov nl the- suggestion of, She graduaicd tram the Warrkegan a burggy ride. 'townsilp high écirol vitirtbe cia.7.i that he bmt vo ranoff i f1914 and fornmetUrne irai hetti I. tnt le ir-t -ou rrn f1ethe ~~position aofliookkeeper ai th.- 1:r a-ks didainfui!v t hveplenti.Cyclone plant. ,'~ chances ta go auil niding." And Mn. Caliroun vas on. af tbe flrst s-.. does, 100.1 Wankegan yaung mien la enter tie Extremel>. fev lior-s- are uaed ber-e service end sav muci actiona abroad. r nw fr dliery as ontofInlathe battle af CiratAau Tbierry ire Ihe~~~~ ~~~ woa trsbc'isuldmt as abat lu the ight sarn, thein- the ocalstors La-, igtaled m nn>.uryberng af sucli a serions natnre truck.-. Tier-. iv t trie Indication tirai Ithat ire vas ln the haspltal even ambiber lin ens- sfubl.- ilIlibe opened menthei. In tact ho vus dlsciar-ged uP in 'aukegan as the chancesof ait froin tho Camp Grant baie hospttal succesa iare to ncertai. n ecenil>.. H. returned teWau- et Vie local plant ai tire American Steel and Wlrc comnea>y. At the lime TO ASK STREET Mn. Caîhoun fini n.tumnod te Wanko- Câle w Tau main overmeasho vAS give a CAR COM ANY TO genuine ovation b>. vire mliiam- %OAK ploye. Nunireda of men, beahed fila uisuiab>. a ha-ad, iurnei ont and marcired BRINO uwwm fen hlm. Nr. Calbaun and Mines lgginboii- am w er-e good irieuda hefane tire Women's Club ln formai Ac- vit. Tii.>.keunp a carreepondesice tion Monday Reoltes Cor- durithe L. Lme Mn. Calhaun vuinl thre service but t vas net until iris tain Things Needed. eunhm btteewsapr feci nnderstinding, teadingt tirte an- HIGH STEPS BOTH4ERSOME. Mauncement af the engagement. The. Wauk-gnn Wosnans Club o n ur uNAT Monda>. dPl vsd fato street car ma-i 1 UIRL WIIilHiM M ~ te-n vhen a lengthy discussion af tIbngs liat ased Imnproveniont An the A iS~ AfN M. lo-1 ntreet raz service vere talkod ÀLALE.5EASAî IN- ove-r and final>. Ni-s. F LU Gounley.D~> vasq named .'hairman af a committee.S DYR te confer ilhhelire a-roiaad sMeif 1-P-min canot h Mad.AÀYoung Woman vira regliered ai Hére Islal Uicthevomen votil ed rthe Camenon ibote] as "dlMihShan- ira.' locktd irto: nan," and ut the Waahbure hais-ias 1. Thre IOwerng ai tire tepq or "'Mrs. H. W. Na.,» and via accordhurg nytth eide cars no lirai vomen vant ta-lb. police la knarvn isa as Mrs. have toG mueh troubrle gttlng Off and Frrank Shranuon, Mn*. Editir Keena on aud Nias Editir Siakini. vas Laxen ln. 2 TO s- tht tire condocior ai la cusiai> Saturdu>. nigbt b>. tire lrlao tar9 calas-r tae a stoplaorm heaiîîîPratective Leagrie uni la being de- 4,arc#)niý te stp o whe 't1'iainod pending un investigation. Tire star-ted avat tram the termijnal pointa Y~ong varnan la said ta have been ln 3. Tr, p- .tirai matormmn po-saigWankegmn for leverml duys. the nor-li 'elool ring tiroir bel] con Ca-mille Onuf, tire Youug voman ffantl>. bdXrrirs of tire preononce of seviro made ber- escape frofo a member Masa>. 'bilr--n andtire munno r Ar athLb. irl's Protective Legue a ievu vi eliViecars are abscured aut he veeksa go, vas taken Ato cusiody corner. Sundlu>. aternolon viien sire vas taken 4. Toes-t. if botter counection vit Ir nto cusird>. Suada>. afiernoon virea err frara thr. soir cannot ho imade she vis taund ai Lb. Edison court ai (iotnP;ses- and Waahlngton atreets station ai th. Nantir Shore rallroad. and Virai c'rnructori b. instructei not She and Mabel"Savyer ver. taken #0 Pull avsy main ci-aealngs vWheu tire> Ato crrtody tva or tiree veeki mgo Clee peesengrre iurrylng Id cars, but bath oi tiem snceoded laninaklng 155. Tira a bp.-Uer aciedule he main. uder escape. 'Tie Savyer girl vas tàlned.talcen Iaio cutoo>. at Mil-wauke ad f..Tiri "teducorsb. nsuctt as brougiri baci e LoWmukegan, behng fi pob tee; fb-nsyeopen vbeu 1h.>. are ietala.d et the ecant al> mi pendlng a nar-ugul. and!Ar tire>.ossomorneici.urtlerioinveatigatlon.f w1tbrîrb rs-.sîaile distance, gi. ein___________ a -,e'r inpreàeai01iturnilg tLiu healis and sîgnaîîîng to pull ava>.. Wiiy Business Fallu.e ________________Dr. Malicolmn Kpir af tirhUlvfst çfPeunryls.rniii nîbnihutes tire 15,000 Nated *CoIored Woman. tlt 20,000 tîiirr alIrlur-es wvineh ccun fittlrn,ar Trrutîu vos ncolore.! vaoi IIMunlly ltrucn or mare aifliai iallov- a-n 1Irrfnr i-w Yrk made, ptobably Ing causesm: lnr-xîrrienne, unvise nos t aboru ute1 111,Ilîîe sofitheelgiieenth et capItal, eniuiymei oi relatives. 0 he .ur, a 9sr,-ii. as nrrlddile ged iltlort loaltin sud tccouning, sexln- , tc ofne api rhîngtari'o dealb, la Con oficrreit and dliionestl. B b170S. Tiret was astiler i-ou naine,b but 18ire antusr-r(litfor- retteaiof br Rslnlng "Gateanid Dog&gb Bit' Hhêwala uve ml ber liun . IDa Engiang tie nmale ilossom aif 1h.e c fi tir- il n rtI i:h',.e vYorkwilows ane called 'cats and idogsu" ad n 1er-04;,uqî- 11r,7-r-i . -e- -.a i-nstarrn vould sake ibeiOff andTi ln tîrI ,f ;ît- iy-ii2. Is Ur-strev lrei n antire ground. Henr.u arome & i- , lI-t1rrril 'v4 . ,Oer.ti . liteaer. 1lte e«pression "ralnfing cuis andi dogas" g lu Jannary .Wsukegan vas Ohreus mrha.d b>. the comDpau>; lu Feimnar. thir r aiesarea carne hers. Nov man>. irugirt stock la nat knavn. A"i ndv Lihe attorney genenal aid Socretn>.oai State Eminersan are Investigaing tLb.*sataofa the COMpuuy'i pnopooltioa. .Waukeran People are belloved ta have Inventeti tirerefore thL ie.vlI vaici vith lIr. teresi vihat transpires. JIERO 014MAN BATTUES IS 80OME APTER 3 YEARSý Percivai Miller who Actually Fired Big Gun at Hun s i Home on a Furlough.- Pencivai Pl. Miller, 821 No. Cani> eineet. son ai N. Miller retnmned to hin5 home ia Waregn n flia> miter lraving boon gaesava> ionrr-ee years. in fart itvas tirro. years tn tire dsy tiret ho icit Wmukegain ta go ta, (Iltago aidtender ltaservic- ensu t Lbtovennineni aid vae snt 'nain therebto efferson Barnacke, Mro.. vbere b. vas Lralned, ion the artilier>. branoi. As a member ai the 57th coasta-r- .flleiy, le bol part in tire iatiles of Cira-loin Thienrr, St. Milbil, Verdn nd mithor ongagomenta. He stiii la a meniber of Lb. artller., beug haine on a turlougi. Miller vas lnjuroi ver>. ihl> cn tfire diffenent occasions but la ta cave suffielont>. ta drav irloati. l'ienefane te thtnk Lirai the Wmrî te- gan manvont ilirong treac big ta- gagernenti vitrant irelng hurt sert- the aupuam. Thon caie the diocavor. Couut> Cleri Holderneis cautosel but, fnrl. remladed hlm thal lho Muat vali ait tIlve day. alter tire man- ige liceus. vas iied be!ore thre ceremon> caould he Penfarmed and If lie vas to get a Wlscoala licence lie banquet vauli huve ta iro poi- paned. "Well, ailLb.hevedig vine yUll he drun b>. tien," responded Cirpîd's devoiee. "No. sir, i caa'i vattin 901Ug ta Waukegua on tir e ot "Juil anollier Instance aofirav Cu- pid la guidhng Lb. Kenasira couples te Illinois ta, uvaid Lthe red tape of the Wisconsin lay," vas ail the. coim- ment Vraitireé conu>.y cl.nk had tu moite ounLre Incident. omFcers Radais and Foiver.. 1torced ta drav tireir revolvers Juil a-lier one e'dock ibis mornlug te quoll a noar rIot hoiesa Lbth. offurs a-nd lme acket. fi-antho tininng staionut tLb.staion of the C. N. 1& & Milwaukee electrlc. Three oi Lb. sailari vere arroetaonaicharges or "dlattrbance" and mlter tire arnoat or Lire firit one tioa e astusuLa caaU of "gang 'em' and thie other sailara got threateniag. One oif tain pick- ei np a groat cirnnk ai concrse.&ai exbhorted othera ta iflavsuit but Fox and Radaizs mev revolver and pnoi.cted thirr pnsouenaThe,% Police O1cers Ryu nd iAanb.n arrlved and the . three mon ver. baie-din tahie 'wagoanmud ta-hon l the. Police totatio3n. ln court Uiey BAT@ tiri mesa mu neeik Tuimble. D). S. Miler mid B.-Hmiabc. The>. pleaded guili>. otahle charge mgAinat tirei nud a fine oai Iva dollmaruni coites aa sensei u Ancabcase.- Konos aNeya. Old SuperatIten Lingera. 8l'ilrpjlg neturus rît u10l couniu4es 11h10W n mucb laser snlirat -îe on tri. "aY thor n OumnY oaier duiiî-of tire woek. HNER un IV usyshows that ho led a Sort. of .~j7 A~l5 vbn one knavm iliat Lb." batteIT inlawhlch lie mm-yod AS a memllber lat 30 Der cent ln their averseas Work. Miller là 24 70Us:of Md va sS Ni," sg n mo te ACI¶Cunir.Ho er Youngest -Aviation tNwhanic lUoli lm 0ol hi h Who Wuit loto Sffvièefos t m eraoi s gaerla*0o. Waukqao Honored. 111ebb h mwob r STARTS FROM. PENSACOLA. 0. . P.iù mua à n- a Hui} - lle. h ln b pgave today ne a resuit of A Wsukegan boy prohably %wiiU h.Mleo effRorta lu oenilng the abois One 0fr th.e row «0f tA. flet lrahlp Seros tLUilne. that the Ul.ited 11*e navy bill Miller wuaa lt h. battery whlcb stort onIta trano-Atiagit Iripi maved the Àuorlcaa troops in the The local young man ilius recog- Argonneovoda vhen the hot barrage ilzed, inRaymond Viner, mon of Mr. artillery put over Il prevcntad the. and Mre. Wred Viner of Grand ave- Gorinana froin taklng IL., nue, the Young Juan Who, an a me- Miler viii return ta bis cammand chante bas been in training iu Pen- atter enjoylng à furiaiigh anid luor. Sacola, Fia., and wba but rocently ally bihienndgansd parenta are @eot. returned t1fere sftar a f urlough aDent Bd te bave hlm home vlti ihemn fur bore wuthrelatives. tihe ime teint. Ho. tel. ami appre- lit a louter home tohie taika. lhe claies ithe tact that lie.WvablebIe ta tells of bis great loy la having been go tbrougliPte. many conflicts vltb- pIc ced an a member of the crew of out isuiiOtllg permanent Wnury. the irat atrshlp amciafly dealgnatid the oeulnis ovd-Um pt tSurvives 1Battie ln Frnco; Win firet honore tgaua acitlevement Succumbu to Pnosmonla wblch bau been taIkea aofmand dream- ed of for yeam. Word bas Juat been recelved lier. Vinier, wbo la but 19 yoiJU 01t, en- of the deatb averseuoa f ai eùtenent listed ai Groat Lake*, May 22, 1918, AMeck E. aShela, a former weli known as a landaman'a mecbanic ln avis- resldent of Waukegan. Lieut. Shiella tion. Hie pragreas bas tiso.n nrked 414 ienoufemaila earlyibis montb for hoe vas Sent to Ponaacola for à uv days befare vma ocbeduied te furtiier detail vark-and flow cornes mi o an.Bsdaleal h bis seloction as one of the crew for afor hoegHi deat ! bIls theWila tler ing attei. hmetels o bielia, former preident of tho thebigerv enti i ite as ome tOps ha masBras@anmd Iran Company af the bl event A h 1f. s1919. :Waukegan. Dear Mat'ah a1d. 1919.:Beiors onierlng the. servie ieut. Dear otuarmd Faher: heilli vas employd s a draflaman I aonfeeling fine and ovelini for the Alise-Charaers Carnsy af as 0. K. 1 hope tht 70e are seell M>ake oule o uoea and hippy. iwue.H ale o uoeo Oh, boy! Iva one of the. anesthe itroojuohp Tuscanla vhiob vas plcked out ta fip acroîs the Atlantic sunk by a German submarlne. Dia- fron New York, but à rnay not go patchea lse oyung Sheillls as among nov for I amn learnlng ta fly al th to Oe vbo had drowned. The eider machines, tiioy are making fiyers outilibielis read ln a Milvau<e. piper of of theia no 1 pilot the plane myseif. bis Fon'i reporte<i dea h and dropped 1 was up 3000 feet yeuterday al] dead of hoeart falurp. Afew laya alan.-, and 1 may trika the trip acros.9.liter a rrr.ýcted ll'.t of caîrraliîles 1 hope 1 eau, dont you? Then you 1 vas received and thua showed that co Bay: mYmon vas one af the tirst! Lieut Stic-lis mbai en reicued. ta go averseas by lylng. 1Lient. ghielis eaw mueh service WVell, there are four planes golng, olerseas and e.'tablished an enviable tbey carry 60 men ecd. Anti theri re-cord. we al are going trom bore, aa berc' * lirindredlaaiof î- ri. Wau- baping 1 ga. kPgan wil rýg.t tu 1.-arn of bis un- They sitan t ram Rcctra*ay Bf3cci., tiinf y deatb. During tii.- lime lhe re. New Yorý, Vien go ta Nova S(coîu.iai sdcd lna 'auikcaa, ',%I. lihielis at. ln eastern Canada andi fly ta Engianrd tended thé Waukegan iligh s chool in 24 houma Thene flylng buats have ai th- lamiy lic-d boe for soute titree motors and a place for the; tine. lie %%ab a cire.- fri.-nd ut . men to rlevp. Sa ibis ipenaaccla) 1Ilomner-Dahringer vho le offIciallv re. in tbe advanced station for ail ihat ported s*killlýd ti action - kind of thing. Lieut. Shielli ba.d the record af bo. l have the frlendahip of ail the lng the second beât rifle abati, n the big men. 1 gati IL b> taking therri Uaitv-d Sttes. lie ieave- , 1aides bis around la tire motorcycie, s0 ihe>. ail vlfe and 20u nthnulod baby ai Wau. 1k. me. Thias sation la galng ta w&ueiai, Wis., bis motlrr who ne- boecut davri ta 400 men. Ililà going sides et Milwaukee. to hoe an experimentai istatIon.So that lanvi>. ihey are teachlng us i i- l. tla reai sport ta fiy Uic Gi BACCIJUS BKINUII- Sud N9 and H16. 1 arn iavlng ont big tin.. WIII vrlle agalu Doon. Your lovlag son, O BE T D RLAYMOND. Tii, ioilovlng article f rom tire nuE E q0 WAII Knosha Newa ylso nte MO Ereason vhY Wislegan ls a oar WEKCOia Green thmrig eka KE<iA DM PLEIN Wisconin ouples:a Bd te ho lmsued a marriage lcense Another concern wMc tria taImmudiate.M a d Mthat ho meant Beil etoe»x la Wankegan tva month-i te ho Inarried t"uaeveningand tirai ago a n lbtrouble tn Chicago. &aWv114110g8banquet vauid celebrate It la lie Buck Rua 01OUmuid Rela-' 1%g Uompan>. a oncern vilcIr.L I- ClInied, incie! the bIne il>. lav ' Themeurpr day venn oomplete oi @pont la da eaJoycd byr Miss Boni !go Pester. Lau Fnan arnong the 1 Mira. Whil frous branci Idra. Grîi'j Uim John@( lias Bert vlmlfng ber miss Frai wek-end Ti % nnmbe, day b>. tIe had noa gin lire. tDr 1 lonklng rented r,, loterlîrd tri.. la-st vee. Dir. B. lR Mdonday i Dow runabc L o u is F r a cyatom for abma mgnyit Bd Bixier ai for twer Co( TIre baia f.g ended aur credit. (irayelake Boti gaines aldes played Wo hâd a j Mmch ciret il toam play@ Lightweigii C. H. KeIlý lu the, Putt rossI>. ta@et L. i. Gune, huai ne@@ las (inannd L. drug stor.- i Soins are du E j Lvii bounneor-r uî Mr. anrd t witir "1 ut MIr. sbd N sunday vil lr&uilio-s Edvsnrd Jackion vIii. R. . D îou borne lire. hin, and à MIr@. J. Ebe Leonlard. chicaga p C. L. Bradfi wllton aud Ias Fra Chîcaga ta Frederick ln U. S. ari camps ha@ mnaketatv them and e: Mn».Cl£vr io the E. MiseMerý Grayalake, Wlilliam liamptal ' Rai-I Pal Chicago vi &peut Sund On Thur Lb. M. E. CI quarterly:c4 AntiocIr ai Ladies' AI bassient o A nhie nmk give: El i:

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