CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 7

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- - - -D a sort of ectafly <rue tiO battedT nehuuber lest go aMd va 0a mmn te iteeve, the. r la the a. 'ha tuted Ipîom it ih. à Frencht lan>' à u i a roait of g thé shahs 1er>' vitIci ps lu the bot barrage yeuwe lte la comnmand i and natur- aie are @lot- Aih tem, far i *Pd appr.- vas able ýte millets wtti- Iceived ber. f Lieùtenent ,well tuova .iéut. Shielli tis inul sehedateil te t -écails lte tén. Wiliam Mut of tic Campany' of nvico Lieut. a draftsmaà Com pas> of r Europe an wiio vas tanine. Dia- Ilsi as &mont The eIder ke.- usîer of sud dropped Aicv days fcaisuatttes sbawed that ,escned. nch service an enviable i, lni Wau- n af is u-. uinie té ne- lihieîts at- [11gb -,chooI e for saine oflcIaliv r-. n record ai b. ahot ln the i lcides bis ati; et watt- mur who ré- O 0 WED tram thé 0ow anotiter c4 a popular ag.- serting tgeit a part- t Iis mos-a apptied at cnt sund ast- tgé lcéna. kt hé moant 29ansd liaI àd cotebrale r>'. Coanl>' 9ousl>' bal5ý t ho muai befare tie mmd and If Lata licenme la be post- v ine yull deit Copld's t watt 11M n the nexi )f boy Cai. lita euples med tape et tIi lte coin. rk hait tu olvéis lust iorntug te te tratulng bé C. N. q'. ires, Of thse chargés or a arreat 0f ber sailors suit but MYI' --"ÂY, MA1R<J27, 1919. ft~ - P.£. HIILDEBRANDT, Cor. OrssT nforJo,,b W*'*ork I A&Mdvesng rate on application. The. surprite parti' on Mir. Crat. Batur- da>' @veuing given ln Peters hall was a complet. surprise. The evening wse @peut lu danctig and a fine time w. enjoyod b>' ail. lte.Beuste Whttmote af LibertyvIlle, opent the. week-end wth ber @Inter, lits. Jg. Peter. Lan Frank and Peter Newhouée wsre ainong the Chicago viitots liouday. IlIre. Whitmore, whe-bas bren suffering frovu broncitis, Io a lstte lmproved. lits. rar>' lo entrtaling ber olter, UmesJohnson rom Hampshire. flltes Bertha Plue" froni Wisconsin, le vtstfng ber muiter, Mir@. Wambolt MieseFrancie (ietz af Chicago, Wa@ a week-end viekar at Chas. Tante.. % nurber ai feiiaws wro canght San- day bthe s. aine warden. But sentli.î b.d noa mrne b'wso reeasomd. lire. Dr Palmer -A Waukegan. ila br. lonoklng ,oer ber praverty w blieh@bu. rented t.. tMr. Pittan, foninan af the lntr.îi.cC~nlngCa is wtt.arrlyed lent wéek. Dr. B!. 1< truthers Chicago Manda>' marnting and dravé back bIs new runabout iodge car. Lois Frank bu@ purchaeed a contins syst r hlb@sretaurant, thle dolng abway wttputtîngupte.. Bebas taken the sgey for tht. plant la Lake coitti. Bd Bizter and Bd Baok alsa are watt.1êR for tbeïr caaling plante. The. basket bail gamne Baturda>' even- lng end.d wtb two mare victaria ta aur credit. (irayeLake 84, licHent>' 21; (irayolake Ligbtrligts 83, Ournee 8 Bath xamesj were bard game.sud bth aides played bard un biI the tast Minute We bad a good crawd sud thers w.. muctichet ring. NeiSaturda>' thé tiret teamn play@ Waukegan Speed boy@; Llgtwelgbts vo. Zh. SLAKE VILLA C. H. Keller ha@ upened uplor business lu th Putter retaurant and ta agai. readyto oa erve e nrde t ail tmes L . lGItîe of Antiocti, wasIn towu on busi ue@sslsec wek. (iround I.a. btâ -nbroken for the uew drug tar.- for B, J. Eooper. Hainilu & Boins are d,,itgc the watt. E j lelai éreuodelng the larm bonse o.. ullet by 1,ltu-hta, Mrt. and lire. A. Kaplle mert Sunda>' with Waukegart relativei. Mir. and tire 1'. W. (Grayandsudnsouf Chca l settSaturda>' aternoon aud Sunda> wththeUi C. Hamilu and Avery' ftumlio-,. Edward Lconard was borne fromu JacksonvIlc 1st wéeet R. A. Douglas sP-nt Iast we t at bs borne ber. lit. and Mrs. F. lodgklne and tMr. and Mirs. J. Eberler of Chicago, @peut Sondai' wîb tbir parents, Mir sud ire. Janiee Lfflard. Chicago pasoeugershtondaywere: lits. C. L. Bradt, tirs. J. Fiannigan, E. A. Wlton and H. P. Lowry. MiseFrances Boelini has gone to Chicago to ta>' wtb ber uncie. Fredertet loebm.iwbo bas beensrerving ln U. . 8atm>' lu western sud sauthern camps bas retururd wth bis bride ta maets ttt borne berr. We welconme thei n sd ex tend congratulations. lire. Cere and cLi.tdrrn htve mared ltot the E. A. Witon, ottaxe. Mis Mary Ketr i ranýac:ed business lua Grayslake, Saturda>'. Willam tireraitwas laken ta the basptal 'ineeda>' for treatinent for pnaeuniona Earl Patter, Who bas a positian ln Chcaga wlh tbe Chicago Telephone C., &pont Banda>' wttb bisfamlly ber.. On Thuteda>' aternoon, Aptil 3. at the. M. E. churcb ber. wil b. beld thé quarteriy:cauierences ai the Lake Villa Antiocb and Grayalake churches. Tb@. Ladies' Aid wll serve sap.r ia the bassinent af thé thurcb and the. eveulng Attention beinning Aprd loIt and cc oelour entire lineof Farmnin -~COnaing of Mowers, Grain ad Ce Rake, Hay- AT COS will ho tslksutopilà its bhi, the. minute * s~toc aIvtéae at place.spelicag foi ti5 west.0 Engi otti@@bd!@btidadDg lb«ë. Mr psiai «AMaoO WrAract TOv CHILOTIC OR LSTW1M.C. A. OPENSC I P.Ys .,E..OP NSIPLEsfilANR D vIqqGagn Lake Dimnd Monda>' sd hte te slng a ae. Re The. itormi lioda> kePt hall te chid P Lae, Anttocb sud Hcory on te $Pbiscl reived su iDjry a few menthe &ga on b hme ron Obo<>i hsted totr.&lB rend oralai 'tcs a t. alae s is Tht e Vnaek cidenrt n ta IS ROAD TOECONOMY WORK IN ITALY DIRUGGIST Mris. P .Dnil n .C .lu Antlach Tuesday. absentce,,Hm xer asL 88CDtk lire p.B. Dntea ad Mr. C B.Thos. perfet lu ePeltng test weet Home EconomioforExperti"aOf Hamilu epent Manda>' ta L'hI1fsg. ArhrRsfod oCicg were: Victor Deliéjer, Cei e Aman Way la to Teach Youth Early Te a an Club omlpndfrhn e i.c TeLadies' l iimn eu .-Mniladmtre u nanwFr and Gertrude Portegy. Proper Apportioning American Women. Pure Drugo 'and Chemlicafil Aptil 2, witb lits. H. Patter. PleaZs Bdan. Bslsamyete >tadis are pretti Soverat train boe attendrai the dance of an Incarne. Patent and Proprietary brlng needies aond thrie. adhtween Anttoch and Chicaga. .et<G.,i.. Monday nigbt, returntug b>' Miss Charlotte Niven, Dîrector offitni- M dcn. tttnr Horner Bowliong01aienoe, Ore... came Dr. Warrner purchasedàa uow five day light sont uorning. InWrc rpn o nlxc oltAtce n Fttday and wae a guiset ofis ount, passenger Fard, Tusoda'. lit. Portegy wnt ta Chicago Thars. "Trho but sud mont nhturel way of Ja okPrpe*frIluofTitAtcl an lits. 0. Bai-ntabie titi Bandai wben she Leilie Craudait putcbased a new Fard da>' teturulng an Frida>'. begnnlng truc national ecounm, wîse Amorîcan Womign Studenta, Druggists' Sun- accompanled lm ta Chicaga ta spend truck thle wesk. spending and wlse saving." maye re the dey with lire. Waters. Borner w.. Mt. imanson putcbaod ed ire5v Stolckin Lake M(chigan Ruth Ward.ll, head of te home eco- Ital>' le uow iucludcd lu the war an bis waî to Dtroit wtere heoilt take passnger Ford lait week. WDemie@fom pig ro e olo artndw of:the n j t work af the Anerican Y. W. C. A. a&t six %este course Iu thé Fard choal Wt ihfo pn rv fIwadwots omrsatd Ms oe anro aia a. tbr. sdOne at Lue îatgeeî auetian sales îeîd lu a bhine ecouamîe depaîtinént ln a ad Micago e arisa er ! alisâe Kari.,'PRSRITIN at>' Aiae r aiaiLîe tyrié, Walker ors otri tTe aw s et W oldyu 'belolvé it, uat the -state Ceveland (Ohio) bank, "tlab>' glvlngsu llaoifPrsafedy ao IYSCA 'PR CITIN eut thé week-end wth tbint .1.1er, wet. ftub hatchéer> at Spring Grave has ofUm e lrenau ullonian hé ée o f aor oe Roe r ertilelanchargelsful omon lire. J. Blotk,___________________placed lu Lake Michîgas four million filnsrapetiapprîannaninarne. emp alosetere hoeéorAmerican gRld lit.andlidre lt.>noldDlanalKenasha, white fiats aitlanane lot?thusie n>' rdle ars th loa cmpCross, th e b>' nthb Aericnedu visitéd Saunda>' t thé haine of lir.and I MILLBURN j Thats what thbe isin wardeue d Me Wrrl aos h flwu eCrcoss éombassiond ths erner u lits. Jack 8int. B~~~~aturda>' wbes.the>' brought tram arrangement et a vMer sîâ ge, gay ocuoi omiso.MisWre i. Japck an it titsueli- iesMryEchnersen everal MeHeury Coant>' batcherY iuge tube et six or seven. Il moy thobmlbe ver>' bus heemdirector af the Y. W. C. A.ER XA LST R proved ths.bad ruadminan>' thanke. days wilh ber cousin, George GarrIty conauut l the Un ' lttié f isieand zensî, uoy tai It lite pbuddug CII i sern oue a r oe at srance utsud lre Tea arl, frmin. akint ml l hoa ae hk wentueasciloal pencIla, tiblets. etc. The pur- aud club roome tthere thé Ameridan GRAYSLAKEs ILLINOLS 1 hal mle oto*0 ait whre deychase af echool books provides a log- wamnen cun galber for social lImes. Everelt Jacti aiinhr, o fMrrrared e ar fcr lowa0tadaimed then loto thé watr andleat next stép; a little later @orne pet- 1 Rorne taharborlng a refuge population EveettJe-b ummnghimto OfMilbur, etunedbor fom owatewatcbcd tbem ,asolioff ta eev oc eogus uhn hë,myo bu 000adacmoain it. and Mms.Henry Cunelthain, noec mate their baine. They are t their their uon,"schooljng lu thr trange Blelauguaddesd.ce n'a aot4,00adacmmdtos DR. IHERBERT RANKIN STRLITHERS Te"ole aîts, was hortu et Late Villa, daughter's, lire. Balpi Millet, lande itenoaththue waters o ait~ e "aradded.ttefid Octaber 28 98 n a r"e t M.EA ari n oRcadti kgn I se>' hoes,' expiafins Miss Wat- Thé wott lu Raine was starird as a PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bullion is, ach1, 99.Th tls frKeosatavai eraltr .1L arg tohis ln Vear. dot bcuehirn emttae direct resait af lime appeal ai Miss BuringonWie, a e îi, M1E. eVrfa ovralda..E . . a ti erntr A furtbér tact ofItnterest la that, mare Iterest lu shoes thon n nemut hrot ieoeo ainlPoe5 tusserai w.. beid e aeVlaM .frsvrldy.E .Mri etarticles of wéaring apparel, and lb.. hrot ieaca u ainlPu.5 cburch test wetsund hurlâi on the Flab there Bandai rturnluig Monda>'. lu the year ot 1918 thé recordes hbw Y. W. C. A. isecrcîarles ofi t-uiy. whe lm GRAYSLAKE ILLINOS féinti>' lot be.. ereCotî iCiaa p there we caUgt af Waukégau b>'y~ spcuding a few months tin France as Gere- ket0 hcao Pu arians flatting oulpanke8, Juat 958,- adelsor lu 1h. French wark._______________ OSITUAAV Baunda>' la Milioru. 5',gpaunde of fiait ai ail Ports s<itehMisNvusraneiY.WC.A Anams IceR . oY luIa>,Oscar Neabaus @pont Saturda>' aud sas sold on thé local and toreigu or MIiss in's d thé moflY.eW.uC A..LIWI Bada' a ', te greater part béîng sent otersiece forConLîalîn waîeu Februat> 10, 1874, and died very ouddeu- lit and lis. Lambretti aving rad te Chicago. o eiec o o-tli oin Villa, Match lBtb aifiheart trouble. Ho a Pâle Saturda>' aud wililoueve soon fur ter tered wltb h flig, this total show. great aumbers aler lime war toatsld>'R Agent for Bsi-Vet Stocci. emedy came ta Amiea&bout 27 yearsm oiago lng tor the. yéar la coneldered very muicand art. RUND LAIEii ILLINOIS mild alter opcndlng saine tîms la and Ç atlsfactory. lit la readily seen that "I believe atI iîls imé sncb a proJeCt __________________ airoand Calumet, llc., li m<oT5d ta Jamoes Porter digit]tset Frida>' at thé thé fiablng tudusl.ry la no mean oc- Fixing lte Alloreanco. la particuarîy Important becaus, wo -_________________ Chcago wbevo an Juil'13. 1904, hé was Lake Coanli Générai naspItal, and ou cupatton lu Waukegan and représents a usée Roes represent e highl>' Impor mcmae n oUi. r cauntries uhould b. _________________ nutteit in martiage tae ta iosedle secouât af thé badl ruade be was net a total sae oi thausands of dollars, tant Item la whicm chidren trequnutly encouraged ta camée la Ual>' ta replace Four chldrea, 3 bois aud 1 girl, bedes burird utI Sanda>'. Banial ai thé puy 11111e heed2*' Uic greel numbers oi Germenu wamcn HENRY JANSSEN biswlawsu ahe rlaivs urIve. Mliibu ru cemnétet> at 2:30, ani>' frieude Théeiilowance shauld pravide a who hooded Itly lu the port, man>'a îo-gBttvoflettelevs Funra ws hldBaurd>'at[se attedd ~ an u no uwn ta ave T O P TRO I ttie margn to encourage cannaui buy. hem poli agents of their govern- Sef-Starter. Genertor. Mtueto and VilaM bEeurcb sud buttai iit Angla a living relative. dsig ssblte Tqhu imnMssNv adInicsin Two Phones: 6 and Lake.M cemeter>'. tire. Bradbyto>'it Thuredaift oyAL Enatu necesstate so mach cae, or ber plans. Comeery TOÀM ELE SE; theugi tt asta bUrden te growiuI ilas Niven bas agiteit the American aeopabîanli a hcago b>' ytnugatet. It saboutit neyer, ndernour- Y. W. C. A. tae1n(1 the ][talion Associa- AN110CH daughtet, tireBd Caddoct. f 15A> ff I iicicraacs é"cpdo t ion luesîabilhing a centen, peritape Thc Ladies' Aid eocieti wlil muet ali [ALS> ACuT [OR III irir rtegalue flor exlpecîrd laecaver at Gênas, wlth twa Americen sécreta- Pee uk ile vrSrdà tih chrch Thursday lorenoon, April 3. allier tbaÙs thé necogntzéd Items. The ries, wîth Ph.sicai sand necretianai Petr utt veitd .erSada> B trs. Triger, mother aoftMrs. Foreman - - llowauee, with Ifs punchasiug reapan training, ta nct as a training sehoa oi ARJ forI ~ P tuehun ofhiebrthe, lte utt. ait a trate ai paralysie reerntî>' sud Ilarvey G. Kellen, fireman thtrd sitilîeaoutit bceincreased gi-io Ioin ac. ucuncin Ihi Mises Ete Smithioi Narth Chcago, w.. tatéen Mon tu ke Count>' ciass of the U. B.uavy i.,a truc tlun al>', sîrautîl>. B hlme lime high échcol her plan woulditdie a Hatstesa Houa sput overt Sanda; et thé Chs. Lui hoapîtai ia reacheit the boy an girl shaul bchéfor girls passing through the City Or 0F - lionne. - Keller as, working (in biather's trnying pracUictilil nil bis air her own emplayed thér,. Such a conter would tir andt irs Bob Terrant of Chicgo RUSSELL ac as hé wanted ta enlilt, coutl Miss Wéndell telle an iulercsîIng Y. W. C. A. wor ln Ital>', bath Italien LAKE COLJNT'Y motarcit ta Atiuc,Saturday sud s0 net Lleave thé fari. Finaity, the Im>'aambiwo îîli pa tr u orelgn. over Suada>' sitti tir.and tirs. Elmer The meeting oi the ladies' aid societ>' harumat completéd, Keller eql.istoi'luIDClevelandt lilnglier oa iIs mon- lu lier formol eppeail for béip for the Brook. atittie home ai1lits. Haneaun wauat la thé Davy. uer ofa ptilinntlie rallier gêner- Unionsé Crietiena Délie Giovaul (thé Publiihed b>' the tir. teore Arht. emlvet atelgrni argl> stcadd.He came ta Great bates aud ai - Ou% aiiowance made by hIis ther. He Potioîn nome for Young Womcn's WAUiKE. .AN DAILY SUN ro. h;er MiPhai, 'elva ts; evenig Thetendé er>. îîa ueaottachait ln the public works départ- nv1tne a apenny îvhamîevery article Clirîstian Assoceatio) huaS .yven bas srittber bm crtc u i tte u anSna> o1 g a eaiwament, Fifiliregiment. A lutIle iatr île wore hait cost hlm; lie %%-n§latetl- ecmplail two facto, the pavent>' of stsl thir.-piîlidu tecr ci fNell' tore @tep@,.o he uoel oif ta aea. iiponsthé .igni gent regmîdlng relative textile and the Itlien Association ou the onand a itteudia O r Wob@ irn liard ýII'2toîi Wr. a..thtetie ans eing . ou té:Ing af the armistice hé w.seont ba , weiirlng values; lié savei tadîly,su d the need snd oppartunitty au- the a h pca 0 rc Jh oa(, ui ,tl,,mw treuhrtan en idaog theteGreat Lakes. laicai' ib .>.:other for an Anierlcan îîragram la can baille nier? SDAlutS'.telm Tt irF it tesinbrai.. base, tan- ThingS hait béer. gaîugbadi; w tii A Chicago motter starteit her Ilttis lteNiveuîs favarilé wny nfI llus- lier tielea liacCoaliiagli of(,i tiîcaîa. ing Itolathe atier tire, the tonrtetame the folk.s back on the little iarm. Ilii, dsughler out, elmluri>' et ci lit yam rtn h redlismo h tla vIil cdioer Snaiavwtih ber sontti re. then rannflug asta>. Two wagons aud tatlier iad beu tanced te havé boh donid iet sîxteen the gir w y ets ontrslng ie rindîim e l h liten$.5 Erneut Clark. one @et iil bannera weré babl>' damaged, ianubs amputatéi t atthé wm-st, tihe trbu er thon site girl wesea bel. swamîîofth Aeoinicais >' eilî alite bu 7runtlyn oewu url. reuaut of nociet te was aiona ,3 5 Lavtd Lîxtituer of Sycaumone, 111 lai0. he lboitaken down the pictuné a oft speudinu s week wiîb hi@ daugtitecre Ion hihbi un o in Fre Kîntdé. uit> Kn1Iir wauld not Camplain. il, Yenj avenwbrhlch r amuitmust mîîaîin iFe r ander, af Kenoens. vttted, Son- even refued te at>pl>' for discharg. Ils'pac et beio n was nt lng la ft,8in y4fi,2i 'luJh arie fCiagdy tt@ ooo .L el@ I ur wort l lim e lnioue w. have @et th weet-end with lime latter'@ s . .1.Mra ndM@ .0 u-like golng bacî on My>'Word ta Uncle lacked t taned leadecrship as wcii ms patents, Mt.ait lAis. 1). Di. Campbiell. it vs. it. Mrria>' nit lin.dR.G. ur- ,Sain." The binkiés of tic sailmr, h aeilrsucst iesc Ele Book re isiéd Fits' igt sitBaard>' tndiug hé wauid do nathinginiý;eli th fr nillog. esv o sl it e soct M.adMs leBroswerrrw trelatives la 100a. ok r-e caseuteg. WerloPve hait noim'aernta Chicaga passeagers Wcied@a> ot test Ale, sud lilidreil Siver epeut the weét vitian aid ta the commandant. Mm. éîî"by e rn uipt.Cvisibeqésultea L b weet. rthaeyv teviilelletao Ch».Mnnng0 Cicg, putSu-en e om.Gat>' sent for the lad, and sattheit Suyîng i-ls Owss Gonds. Amerîcan endt Britishi work. da wlbHat> Sli.Nra elogali, of the uneris> ohof -the erouss af the casé, auiv.sili arI PitinsBarry rmithL e, asChicago, loe riDîg the wret wth tien cd hlm ta filicapplication tor dis- drén nere %oel stacleit on théermail to eueleu a au rlsokmIn béIl pri of EariPitmu 01Grea L8k@. ws @iterMargret.charge. Il îook sam ie e tacon- Étuasenit self- rcspec-timig asi ndependit. ualy bels.Mn>o ils inail parthe I d pe d n home over Sanda>'. MCtr,an Mr.Gog oe@et. avînce thé fireman that' héewas nual eut ciiziisBliiP Bath wélit cuier col- Ualons meent inu Ibs lîves. Italian Herms Kng o Wakêga, wi 1"going bai k an Uncic Sam" b>' gaing legé s itha nieso uttle tummncisi nest girls are loachîni>' gnateiul fon lie D lw dysln prigfeldwlt M. D-borné. but it wasstunali>' seconspliah- egg tua nuait themeghcginlg ai their emallest efforts. The>' nespaniteagerl>' Anioci thé fuie 1part oh tte wrck. Forri' Pister. éd. buinesa or praîceelonal Ille. ta .inlnitless§. Ticetiaugbenbach Brathers, wtii havé E. P. Siver and famîl>' entértaiued The________________t my h been wortiug thé CrI istubnatiena _____1____ h iiisalwnci e> . Thece la no otuen egenc>' dnîng la lutn relodhg inthoseiaitgodsfrienuits main Kenoeha, Sanda>'. WSST I l~IAadd-ed, choiItho for nocetties meini>', I!tal>' wbat ltme ýss0cIntIon lmtrying ta anit arei mlemlD elutse cat sdeé' I- Kw i-vltbutal afait nsaodest margin for do"The vi lavdrsImlne fa a .. ds r dt eloney A - IUO B A Ya perseni lluxurfes anuitpîcasmnes.Ttilie Niven fhns strent lte part even wilwa wbIné th>' vii atfo etii one, lt W " 1 abooedt îbnyile n rv ca~E v soutit ays hé técagnilard as .llOsv- mars lu watt wîiite h.Itailienwomcn, 1e i Iw.he ant ins.wi letBse ituileme. trs' iBchokt RA tu 3IUIUyU jje ng for e regular proportion ai mav- sterling us diréclor ni a tostet, or L e tl Mr. nd ire.Waler Bsseand itte Sturdy nght.RAC STO£D N nge, prefemratIi> nvestéit la gavera- honrditng borne ion Itilan vomen glu- l ct i rid andt li. Basses-@atother ai Chicago, tir.aitdtir@. Portegjys vil@led Mr. snd N 11~llLp~ mental speurlîles. It aitomili héc cre. dents, at Floreuce. Site la su Amen-. bavec m canél Autoci tetamakete heir Mr.Peterson, Bandai événlng. LMRFtL III13I uly djnrted, rigidl>' aulienc te aounj cenfrain New Yank, whereasite a Iron haine. The>' are hourdlng wttbtir. Saperninert andt lit. Simpson andt bath,,.ite of théehemgain. Sncb re. onetime brait aithe C'irladona Set-- Eddy, bus viii mave tint haruttuné here ail ndi uiMtr. nuitlir. Leslie Warren spect and abservance nu nOi>'îI l iennent Houise. s 00n s thlibans. le coampietéit. li,.and daughter taak dInuer wltb lit, sud Zi-un as sqîirréilii>' up nata ton s teacit thé chilidgoait econamniehabits, is ready Suces la worttng for John Dapre. lin. Thomas. bard wînter, src dorýs Lake For-et pi- bat stili ailhh ny Loo frequeut an- OE LARIGMS G. Mr.end ,lie. C. A. Pow les intoted lae lir, Jack Tisonnais spent sèeral dais pare tonrte camiag dr>' speil. There nuasc for théedinai heladot fhoe OE ERIG M SAE f r~ v r Keo Bandai. la Waategan wllh ber daugiter, lits, la mare wbskev ta bc foand ioda>' lu acci>cîlit glven an aiiawancé vIi *a-nssntowss y. W. C. A. Trains Wom- or w r lit, sudlits. Andrew Harrisan motor- Ruiti. Lake Foest homues thon la il Chicago enea h a lensiwthbs nfoRcntrtonWr e d tu Waukegan, Manda>'. MIse Raidàe Aian @pontthie week-end le thé opinion ai Tîmotit>'Have, fan. support andi athiciparental ptvovteu m o Rcoruil r& in a M ouilent Mileimeus lait for Bebran Moada>' wltb ber Parents, .mer asseessofaiShielda Townsaipureprésenta hl@ fair abat.e0f the . a mn otes havlug amcpted s position onualarg. Mr. VaHaeks vistait the Wilson Isti n sd kuova as saitoander oi mtUlonal-e Il>' Income, sud that, as a docet cdli- Bud*yaiatthoon. le« delinquents. A iayrack fond 01aieu hoi.muet out sk oir rexpeet ho c«- Htucatoual courses ho prepaen. a IIE tir. listross sleeitg froin Rn lnifectOd.bars-et gons vas délîvereut riectlte otaic It .An adeqaute athowane syl ouenast aides lntse rehabiliation of or T w Blond potion met la rom a scratch. lbe borneofa i vli kuowa ntlllcnaretens, moevor, vit ebyiatis lhe 0,11 woand.d oliera bave bocu opesel at B'.dilire. Amans acid fmili oter- ________babIl of cr>'tug or pteadtngfor SPeclal lie Germantown, tPa., Youg WOmEUWB Ailthat isn neded in tailan] omp ujBo d " .Iu lgnce* ad more ftade. Ointl ac Asecatloi ta o C nn ct it ta #M y 1, F 'a riie rs! 1fr u a prb e a oard TOLMÂNNOIW O -THINKI( BEFORE YOU SPEND-. lctues a natmipinul My,' fatr* loasclom assayog ou, -- &i ay Bt urrandJohn Kelly wew..te DiametsdsWhy Net W.1.1, ~cé vert ad a shovenaont m4p. rÔQ any Lotir cf ite Dninuing for 15 daysewe Winfl Bwob Cuti>' sud form ellisvtiaId@i-Mai Iv l ADiamoadis ethe* Vaioué o oooSa."o.ie5beryil onderatte, ettrtbca- day or mght. kgliplmnt ad .ahie lttbwo, Ierà lb.lamr nvte bd i. ldIEII - 0090-escutIahit tic aveu Ilabl an sd bîdrotisrapy ane i,. by lVlUridly istier, ha ts cInuatodouvus.&elr*cdocters esuara.i, wheiseah. opso.fl ra. IAIDSUtIRW "pu 1lîandv Pcqva.d la vis mracIal work h . W LA. SAl >rn The tarmr ehave ail tlat Ms u iiY R the Ui Ieati1ii f Amorlca M-d et hospitalt. The Courses amroc.e omBinders, Cultivators, fletii b i nPWetyth <litge. dameudB, fasclnatlug ognîxzel b>' lhe BurarGon ral. on Loadoe., EtCs ianter souhln iiIllinol is. ÂM e e Dn1.Taman terte8400,00 ta. l DS te _ OwearI.of hlI Sîmilar Coursgesbavesalaisobeau op@*. L«d »,Etc t. DgiltngTlm , cirte14,0,00 omercalWu& nu"m. ol d la tb. Nov York Oity' central tolusts oute m m. adelstYau ecam. a Gréat Lakcs dVet U@ ~~tieev«r>'nov end saat, titi>', but Erancit Y. W. 0. A,, viere a spcgity Mit !gr 83 c ana'aouu huîeti-M t iSiraccuo .tv. .md îbubmtigvt iuMDveth b aqcam iGr.,*.m a sa anyùî ePniii li'clus a a foa-t ritgvmnastair o o T-azmrly V rrl :

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