CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Apr 1919, p. 1

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LIBEýRTY VILLE LAKM COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDPENDENT ,IVOL. XXVHi.-NO. 14. SIXTEN PAGES LTBFRTY VILE, L-AIKECOINTY, ILINOIS, TBXTRSDAY, AI«IL 8, 1919. ONE TO EIGHt. $1.50 PER YBAR 1K ÂDVANCU, CONVICTION OF 3 FISH-IiUNTERS TO SERVE As LESSON Three Meni Pay FInes $15.70 For Shooting Game Fish in County Few Days Ago. ARREST ALL VIOLATORS. The arrest and conviction oft tiree Orsysiake Min, charged with shoot- lng doit, las'e1pectêd ta have the resuit of disoumigng te unlavfui practice. Thetire tivilators yen arralgned befare the Police Magitrats. Walter Taylor and vire assigned fines. whlch ý%iîb the costs amonnted ta $15.70 ln each case. The imin gave their naezf as follove: BenJamin Siteldon, Bert Brovning and R, E. Clark, The arrest of titose tiree min vas brought about by activities of Heu- ry Keru. deputy stati gaini varden oi LAke (oint y. Hi discovered a number (if ttlations but wit!, the ?x- cptiton of three cases allowed thei vilators (o go ithI a warning. Souie vc-ré m ts-ues,%8and ..m' vre sitootîng lsh. TL,. h r - nu -n verp nstifie d t e ai) profesalonal claingnars bave destray- ed the nests of these fi. The order nov ln îffect vil protect the ftub un- tii after the spavnlug season. Find Many Pearl* Pearle valued st thousands of dol- lars have, bien tound ln clams taken trom the bed of the IFox River, but the state varden says that the pennl huniers will be able to> ttnd te tones Bter July 16 as weil as durtng thei tlsh spawning season. BiAI THE OPEN CUT-OUT REN MOONTOBE iN SUES BROThER DROWN.- ALMOST LOSES RI3ASN Axel Bolin of Chicago is the First Victim of Drowning For The Year. WERE CHANGING SEATS. "A man bat gane crazy at the lakee sitouted a resideit on lte bank 0f Leng Lake near Laké Vlla Thursdlay evenbng about eilglt oclock viten hoi (Dy suator R, B. Swift) hoard a man yellng and ohouting lîke Titi Illinlois senate pasaed th ii ha mnial. to (eep the. moura closed aud thuR And viten nigibors arnived'at lte deadin- ttie soumd of tee izt>oons laite shore tiey saw a flan, lu lie as titi car Io operated along te moouligitî tanding at tie shore tran- blkivsy. Whiie tiene are many pin- tically vaviugIse arme anid shaubing sonsaito Ilke to er lte "itarit" Of as If insane. titi motorarnBM vIiimissel as titi nds-tei ltrdeeopdh open np thie tisottîs 1 isten tin nd.vileaILla xtedevelo*es hi vitither te motor Is ru>nlng vItht was miroeatyictd tWsn smoottuess aud vititout bilng aven- van-er. for, hi bad sein his brother heatid, stil tiere ta 1111e use lu bav- drown himself-was unable (o extend Ing the pidal et baud to open ber a epn adad a ocdt e uP. vien te notion strikes one' tithe lýrother sunitbeneath te vaIn It la mole a nuisance hY the rOck 1ofthLie lake twu tiundred f eet froin legs and nolsy. It is Raid lte.Na-1 Shore. honI Atombil <hamber of Comi-Ilh pnisd a ead c-s-ning',. Oitimmt merci ruled agabn t te<ut-omt soni !for ChaIrtes tit and hts brotho-r, $26.000 and 828,810. The Ioss o, h-y, grabn, iarneos, âhrm mach lnery,et.: amoanting t0 frein$3,000 to $5.00, bruught tie tota losa to 30,000. Aul modern aDliafflhad hein lustallpl la the. barn. 10 make It aaitary In- cluding iudividnal drinking bas'yq for each cow and horse. The haro COMM~CIAL CLUB IN DRIVE TO OBTAIN NIliT IWATCIIMAN va. ligihtesd by electricit),a.dwa a, mÔdel of completenes. The Business Mon are to be The vite of lthe auperintendent tof lte farm avoke &bout mldnighit and got up> to gît somne medicine as she had bien Il. UL vas then tijat shi perceied dlarne brea'<ing forth fromû the barn, The. alarin was spresd andthle employea and neighbors lwt fao time lu regieifg the cattle and homs. Thei farnâIo â Quipped sith lis own dLri fightiug apparttts but tbis vas Inadequate tg cope with thé ire vich by M is ime vas out of con- troî. It va. paisble to prevent ad jolning buildngs troi catcbing Ijr. but lte i tem i as a total los@. FARMI3RSJJFEND THIE PRACTICE 0 SIJOOTING FISft Assert that Fishermen Take Fish from Lakes ail Vear; Farmers are Too Busy. Asked to Provide Fund for this Purpose FIRE PROTECTION' A FEATURE' At a apeclal meeting of the Commercial Club lasI Thureda, evenlng a plan vas edopted ta provide Lhertyrvîlle vitit a n -hbvtcItman so tat th.e vilflge"Ill hi proteclitdagaiuit burgiarieo aud dbsstaroue nigbt lOre, Tite plan sub-, mitted va. that the businesomn pledgî titemmelves for six montita or a year to carry ont tbis projet aud titi expense lncurred ia tu hi borne by tbem, pro. portlanal according ta îacit business riait againet burlary or tire. Titi pro. Ject for a nigits watcbman vas voied on, by a majority aoflte business men carrled. sud vas placed In the bande of a committee oftitree or tu Interview touo vito vre ual lu attendance, Among other tibngs discussed by te members of lte club wao a pian ta suit. mit to the village board for the @Ir lîgitis lu te business biocas 1te tipI pbnrnlng until da>llgbt ai amotter precaution agalin8t lire and hold-up@ for the Street. &-e dark aller niidnilhm whlich maes it ail the mur.- favorable. for thelves 1,, other counties of Ilinois. Under the new plan the work lia varions pa-ts of thei couaty w111 b. carried on under the direction of comnmunity commit- tee men or. chah-mon. Toliowing the adoption of the nov constitution the folloving oficeSri vire elected for ,the ensutng year. Presidînt-It. F. Rouse, Area. Vice-Pres.--D. H-. Mînto, Antioch. Seoeetary-J. U ~Borrett. Pr5irie Assist. See.-Lealle Bonner. 1.aIen Villa. Treasurer-L. A. Huebsch., Area. The entire pl&anud direction of the work o! the Farm. offlu ill be under the direction 6f%Îi ezecutive committieeelctedau <oloffl Geo. Whte-.Antich--Sol B. B. 'odnDdee--rp RalehRua, GaKoppenhoet" Forest- Wm. Dillon-Round Iake--l'arn Management ýIH. E. F'iood-Mýurnee---Meetings an H. E. Wlood-Gurnee---Mîett"gs and Tour, Thei offlcers are ex-officia members of the exectitive ttomttee. D. 0. Titoipion of Ilinois Agri- cultural Association gave a general outîlie of the Blute organisation, 1t, plans sud policies. Mr. Thompsan «aId that iParut Bureau vorlt vas eomething more than agxlcultural ed. ucatioflior Increased agrieulturi pro- duction. Mr. Ar'thur Lumhrick. tarini Rdvisor pear t 'lilce Magiatrato Taylosr jbl-'sypasos the a n e copah .î d lý s witli heir cousin wur.iung tnglb i-ssig n r gni of -aiG -in adta lbd '-)t10tsitw Th repreeotatieouoluhe.r %il,)ah%. 1a19nu Ver19illVrmiblodh43 45 marn o!,r Wammuos.,s andret l , sossla iMi rcnatv"o"QC~5- ~. ts t- bsaetisg' on t'se THIS IS ONLY 0PPORTUNITY Ibis cuntry and ln othes- nountstes., Ibelns. olongtePatmeig KIm m0fo cns 'I l -m ta trdutry are on hand whi,q,,s'sr] îaks- Tl,' rottms-s !s ..!s,s, n ~ ,roishîri.-.are going tu Ilde of lrequeus - nîoNin h er etn avori, out warrants for the ,-r m sf f anythlng affecting Itel ssis 'lt n n c'satyrieiOIr cr.-c.C7 local men met and pianned a coun thetn ncsd hbiltht-us riluht lu lv titiroada.s, s-asilng.etc.. aillte n - Thurday vas to Is>us oiver tlb. r prose iFarmers of Laite colnt, ds'fnd itise nuiher gourid Polist Inbavitg oa ntghttI~rmmag 0spotlt lI r thei sý-enlffTh shglooting of fi.b haý, erî> practico that itas ext.ted fie' yean: vwatei-huimuwii ti tas t bey May be allie gnnization. Thits campaigu was tes-nsi mt' si sîflhin 15:5 lie li (5 '~'but,~ ]they ad ul Leftt Ci e ny. aofshoottng garn i liaiand t5oy qits- ta obsitin înngtary ienac1aj et'ireught toa ri succissul close In Feb- Laki (îsmntv lltteffort,,s :lie 1),0112 ICKS3 i.S smsH tisreA l io h arn- fare.*lgan lkre aiead t 1 wlameb poaou made to stiseomrage te mîe sover twenty minutes, b r xl ~ inIefins !artgsdlu. It maY have a tendpety ota ower 0-' ruary w¶ ebrhpa bu ~I fA5CT'dnowned and Chiartes ail but loast bIsi ng the mon vito are dptèrted In tlise uranice rates as theolire rtsk vitilot b.- 1,000 mon. Tht-ee re about 2,600 Ill h5dinti peensl- S-pa" I L i .piraclice. On ui arrexpresse% hlm su great. 'farinera Iu Vermillon counîy. ainf iltshoot ùti,î, selPA SE Y E f as follovs: _- As LbertQviiie lm now sîtaglng a Tthe T's-m Advlsors and Tnt-aures-s! tie sîsîssa esson. M-r.Kern hsit I as JN lC'onJT ii tiof b scase ts erth,, aie"Noue of lte dIsvwicit are abat 'gel-to)getir tuovemiol mmangounr reports wîli appear in lie nean future vwarneda :iy m:-vtolators tat (bey ahI., ILLI1NIJ JLiNATE iotheran d t changloto tieinaten ýby the- farions arevastod--att are mont-ante,tese oeeting@tif lte Corn. Ttme local coi-titee on arrange- bie ar-otO f augitîte second ts.i ltiic o tidober managoed 0 ae lm aten. AI niost seasons of titi year marchai Cubaougisto beof morefrequentrnient,. vas composeid o!flte ollowlng To tiies, wvio may net undenalansij titi farmer doms not have a square occurrence andi titimen soniud voici Ouroce min: Harry Flood, L. W whiyt ias ashoot fî i,-.i ay Permits Sohool Districts to' ef.Ides!. Durlng the. stimmor uid talit aeytlîig li ttey tbitnk viii tof o scbWakefield sud C. J, Turner, heacher ai be Eattl tat he arre r.shgo ntoThebroher arive a t :40tosands o! ransient flshirmen vs-a-Importance&asviliibetp titi village. fiame Agriculture. liesbîsd tattie gns fs-hgotno~ Levy 4 Per Cent Taxes- oTicabo.te ariveda ubo t : l ItelitentuLaite counby and fUi of thbc mutero. spole of submitIlng s sballow watert-r 0depoeittheir spavonomChîagotThe btika eso luth Um Titihunters, smi Ge t oe o ln tr- bo hircu ' ars athifr hiant's content. At t tire îoîntion lot anordiriance la provide armed vithifntles and momne with abat-1 the ]sato. Titey were vitit 200 fiel limnes of te year thi farmers are Ita protection for bie business min ity LB R Y IL gona. and vearlng hiîtboots, vaste Springfil d,. arch 28.-Ths ena o f ahane but tii thought th(ey vere bosy ta liait. Titese tranaleut lslihtr- mtIinltit cotnpuiory foé any fartly 1 mi. uchicdoser, tey dîcidîd ta change minlaite tram lte laite many Uies; Ipovlng avay trirotuLîhrtyville bu gin a sei a fisait d b l aze avay. by a vot(- of 41 bo 0 Pas.Aed lthe bousel. The- boat tlpped, and because as many isb as titi farmers cold a reaaonable notIbbiors dolngi% rs O TIfleALE Mamen Baethlaaslitespr ut luS fbly bho tri ctnsntaiv taxes upenabîn Axel t-autO uat swim, hi sanit front do byhi'untinz. Why sitoldn' tic, vonidie a greatiteip to prupenlyavuers asm.n itils s urbutit uhot isrh-b t lvytaesUptosigbb uf tite braibler Charles, whss cati fariner bave a 11111e ashowl'as It tas ai ten lappenod tat te P I é 17 8 fou pe cnt n he àsý;sd alla-svlm ltgitby and visa managîd ta0 "Thon (bieeis auotitey side l bte eprtiusrty avuer ta@ hein cailed open ta DEA tienFoSIIERSabie oui p er tv n tis e rei un.gîtta 10 r. h i lsset rus a Yellmalter. Thse fiaitviticit. do (heur 1pa aber bb blltaI a former tenantSces- mca.une ov g.îsta lte itich trcl l teto o eg-SPavlng al Ibis s l fte year ha@lf ehlnd or agrocery min bst ucs of the Monthly Sales 't -e raur rowj,,, lebora h ure ta the sp.ot andl sie'b lie iiallow, gswainiw places t-teck oil on tue profit and boss acconut Dates Proves a Drawing Card, BARRED FROM FOX gvro o is.iutiefouud bleu almost bceet of reasoi,. vitre te vatbut55verdlowed te: ilhn thsi mornesrme tas lt-li unpatd. mecasar th isi. AIrevenues itis pendlng In i ý ies' . e orpîs'ned watu uruuding cutr.Hundreds ad Teuriit fLibirtyvIll r o ecat r nhsat 11Et nate soisopol Os-trcksas e blcrs p' sns d'said bis brother Aid lihallnov- isundreds o! t heqe fisitand i 1111e of tn a cipaigri totsi î,îisnmtsitiita(he RIV R F R nabe cho1 i tiet, a icra t- r iatm oittIhe lake befone ansd t-uis! the spaw v v-rît batt fite thbec iOisbie s? lLake s-.uaty iliat tii-yt-an On Malm-ti 201, 2l and22 ilterli mt orprcnw e aa s troke, 1laite igalu. wy, It la a crvim fom- l)1t-si- s.e.ville ansd have tboir beld ta ltrsb i)o ssiinssbte moas amîîngj netirro 1talite senate rnonue comîmi It t ets ia rinn ntise,!te tarmerms lishoot a !îw oa! (boue os 'sy %55 suspçss'Iiedbre iiistiad of the prîsuiiii-ît tuerchliits auj a lua-s te today vben thse upper itrami'bk egoîfrth-.hlfii ic myp-iitaya. gsssimg oth iin.-anby langer tuwsivts buodof i nantéieprove beyonsl a ,iont that Dig!~np o Clas ma flotak ,,,oted aul,, ta that end. Te as'____'-Th_____"ie sptwning season couv@-naa bu-t'" ijsshpinlg, A sis-as ftsied ner- t1t-saisieo simîg to sie grpat lcj Place in This Stream Until blon vas Fraid [o baves- ge q dpeibd tifabout a week. Thsis mtit it, . cha'si tisîsît i-vers ont- o? thon, boça-O nducingth8 ol e tussislits i- i i After i 6th of iuly. by the tato finance dt2(ItinII tAS ouiy lime durlng te year viten tiseruade gosîd in (hein rt-s-sut advertl@ing trading tlu Lîbirtyvilie Ou Apsil l'O, 18 cear up an anomabous conditon due$J i4OJ5J Sfarinerabas-c a chanci. Should canmaigu whit-tî as beld tiers about anti 19, -ttc mort-hauts ssult hl tht-l te ovelapping of smuillai- bilsiî unp- UA>UIli111ya tiey be deprtved o! 1his? lb doisulite Msile ufMas-eh Souteoftoem @uid second sais and froc - lte attractive HINDERS THE SPAWI~ >Nfi nie bath bousses. JIIELlK511ooit îite a square deal td mue and 1ait1the- artistes dvertises Che ltrot day. bargalus hat are ltieîicadvertlsed the Tii icis sitooHta bi! volu itiit hat nMODEt rBAdRdmanyulThis once a niontît saleidlegoin 1ta e >a People are- goiug bu ho aale tui sas-e on permît scitool districts te tax upta looTr>~R1V EI> 0k at themalter lu lie saineie tbîielil10 tatis (ninunttyand te mauy articles chat are a great tenet Titi annual mut for peanls in lite four lper cent provideti not monte I>IU 111 II F R l gtpeople wviii baiea bltgtnatresî in tien. as la the haime, The sali-'a huaiiîontit F'ox river vill net iteglitIs yiar un- tian tire. pon cent vaes diverterd lu-g thiy (corne funi mout t a montit, *abîsactisd people froc ail parts ofL Iake tii Jnly 16,. fluden an ondin tssued bSy Ralpi F. IBradford, chut-f gami and fiait varden. and Chtarles Adiins, dl rodeor of aglriuture, mîrasel tlisiug or clamling ln probiitltd unît! tîat date. Adam (lw ot Witatîauud, dis- trict varden vas jaotitied o!fte on- der tosiay. Fox river vas set asîde as a etale tisit preserve under thi law wvItcit vent nb effpetbjslv1, 191.q, istab-I lsitiug pnesins-es In vartoua streamsi titrourgiout tesMate. Thi mt-nt oi "ih l , to pr-airs-o fiiîsti'mnouces 'rýh tate and by theestabblishmetio ai prisonvs-et tîe natirra! condtiansi Decîssary ta titi spawniog and de- velopmînb oftbe itenny ribe ai-e pro- videti. T rtc l to te educatIanal fond as dîffenen- tiated fain thei building fund. LAKE FOREST TO REBUILD TOWN, RAZED BY FOUI GomIecourt, - P'ancec Ivice raxedd by tise Gemmqa b b h i ased froin titi asites by Laite Forest. Iu a lîtter btiste resîdînts of ,ls Fanest, Mayon Addinglan priseuis t phea from Lieut. Dujardin, mayor ot tbie Trench village o! 2h10, ftampe- dliale aid lunlte construction of a fown buildiitngs tOnpermit,.mnton if Barn Said to be Finest in the CountyA was Built only Last Summer. WORKMEN SAVE THE STOCK Fne o!fnysterloug origIn complibe- Iy gutled-the maruxoti nov barnu <s tho C. S. Itunte modeb 'stock tarin Ibret mles fsrn Laite Zurich Mon- day nigitt. Te losIs estimated ai foily $3a,000. The Bunlos camieti $20,000 in-qrauce. Mn. Bunte. via resides ai Wilmettî, Ps vite presidet of titi BuInte Candy campany Tii stock-lefa,-m nfrLOU'akeZi t-ch vasis FOUR-TIME FUGi- ITIVE IS TRAPPED VISITIN AÀGIRL. Mlvauke, NMarcit 3.-Robert Os- itorne's love for a MllvaUkii girl bas tetiu sehn -an-est binre tiree5-liies afler br.-atig jail and escapnifrom tideral aithorîttlesTwo vieka ago ho esicaped te,,,os-cnd lime trou Fart Sisonidan. viiore ime waa improsoued for alleget L.ibort ' Bond swindles, and Iaday ho vas caught hene vueite came ta at-e bis seetiteit. Ho basl Tthe tomuîert-iai Clutishonid look after( tite lubenests of the people and take np9 mil angles o? affaire Ibat viii te s hinei bu Libertyvillle nîsidîns.1 ROUSE ELECTED PREIDENT,0F THIE FARM BUREAU Annual Meeting Held at Gurnee Proved to be One of Un- usual Interest. (By W. E. Watitlns) The~ anna.,o nl einz of ithei ..î Ti dragglng of stneama lu titi agriculture. Mayor Adinglari us-, hobby Attendants succoode Inlure- braiten jailltour limes, t-vice froin Connty Farm Bureau vas iigd ail takilg of mussels or frîsh vater sent $1.000 and personally guaran- coing te bhotougitbres stock train Fart Sheridan, one,un Michtigan, and te Gi-ubee Higit Sciool, Baturday claties lbns a tendency te, destroy lise lied anotiter $1.000,.te blazing building, once frain Font tsmmenorth, Titi Mach 29, 1919. Ail vut 3 tovnsips nîsta and Inter!ini viti t teir spavu- ______-Tii tact tisaItvaootite Immense dm51 lime ho îs8caçmîd tramFart Sien. of Laite Cohny vire repientid at lug. Iu ondin bt protect lie fiai lu Ti Àrbor and Bird day officiai barnn. botniai' Barrington. have Idan ho led a band o! saverai ont of thls meeting. te epavaning seassan bhe uate h@ýs publication pints puctures of T. A, hein destroyesi by mysterlous ires lte Atocitade. lIntse marnlng reports ver. made lssued tise ordie probtlng clam- Simpson, counly superintendenb o! durnug te lusIt-va or bhree montha', by titi iffcers and lte advlsar, mlug until Juby 16. PIai sud gaine 1iclools. 'tagetber vIls Mrs. Simpson lsn egarded as more titan a coinîl- Grent 1i qkes *o Haive Lunch vas sers- t-Oa noors i th, wariten- <of tlii dri"t ltvp hten w-and tir tva Simpson cîsidnen. M-s- rerce ansd au Investigation lutga )belLrgs adoSco Warren Townhlsp Higit StboolI tified do usnîesb and prosocutt- att v0.iti- Prieanotlor Waîîkega t-tri. m adi in au effort not only 10 asroesI, - At(li attrRasn eetig anesIs inteof mthlIe tirOr. 1aI ais, s sew-n. Tht- pts'm-oa v-egw-a; titi erpctnaton.,If sut-h lisos is to, -W;sahiWzton, . B. I7sarctiil. -Viite constilitiou wmî-. picsîated sy ut- Esc!, t1ilt-gas-rrirtitbde- (alvin o i'bau'Xio! taise Esna sI be .tht-scdse, but te Pub 4 stop1t tie' lrgîmt radio ss'sol,st in lie vanld, nfl ~Harry Floo0 sud adopted. Tils eu posiitîtuadredq ai lbousauds ot g'a-ýim»e s-iouFrancis G. Blair, staite - practice. at Harvard. unis--rr s b-ns-i, stiluttoît i. ont-that viii Put th.s tish l inte Fox river. In lie past Russrnnbndenb o! public losrîtctian, Titi large Bunte bas-nvas trit-ted fisrosi taete nasv's. tCtatLaites train vont lnLaite County an te ba,,ti 7ears complaît thas benumade tat vas dJeivenlng a dedlcaîory Inlit. -only lastumer il a cast of bebvien log Station, Chicago;. shot April 16. Ihat bas bien taund satlsfaiptary ln Wnuuty and lb Ioe xpected titis mout viii ruait, a great many more as hie mierctanîsviii maitl tulars 10 every famliy wltltnaradius îf ton miles.Titis papi-r viiole ctmansof advertistng titis sale and yonuimay loot for-thege bargains lu our udxt Issue. RUNS FOR CAR; BEIIEADED DYVÀA N' WESTERN TRAIN Floyd Palmer of Lake Geneva Bat Works Meets a Tragic Death at High-land Park. Floyd Paînsen, a memhir o!fte Oenvas a 1iîtidat ihland narit tigi mruur muzt 4':20 o'clnrK wvien hi vias smruck ity a Norlteasteru. train ai Vine Avenue,' Hhghian d Park. HPa ht-ad wvas ompleteis* soe-el trous itsisbodiy as vas oui baud. Psîbms-s Ilvesi witit bis siiter -- Hilandl Park '-He vas iturslnefs catrit atm lottrie ir nt rFlue oillis CAUSES ARRST 0F MAN; CIIRIES $69000 SWINLE James L. Shaw, WeII Known In i Waukegan, Charged wltli ý Fleecing Lake Co. Man. MAY BE INDICTED HERE. James L. tihav. twoll knovu ta Waukegan and tbroughout iAke CountY, ispeciaUly Bt Fox Lake viere he Promoted the sale of a large gau>.J division, ta under arrest ln Chicago. on a charge of havlng mulcted a Lake County, neidint out etf11.0m. The charge against Shaw las larccmy as as ibelle, iuhearing viii bah iplace ln municipal, court lu Ch"ea - go befare Judge Stewart April Il et tva o'clock. e Attorney J. K.' Or'ris vho repsqe. sente the LaIxe county Man w» î iost the large suuu of Moniy sald be was not at liberty to divulge thé name of ie client at tisti re but i Raid that aIl dotails vould c»Mor«oi at thei heariug. Shaw. according to Mr. Orvis, *ý presentedto lte Lake Conby wM tinat ho had two otiter min to »ft in a dia! to purcitasi a large true-Jj of land just outalde o! Detroit, Mlb.J for cemetery purposes, 1Hewva te act as broker, mubdlvlde titi tract < and merely take a commission. H# gave a bond 1totie Lakte Couuty mmsi for the faitbful performance of tbet trust. lbt i changed that this bond proved ta be a faite. Siub,,-qtitntly Shaw, aecording jte tii chrages made, vent to Chicta> disfplayed the money be bad ob. taned of te Lake County minu.asd on the strengti a! It gîttwIvoChi cago ni"monbPut up 86.000 eacit. 1; la charged that hoi acbually purchad a tract af land but lb la alieged ho pald mîrely $3,77E and gave ne o -j countlng of the remalnlng $14.386 t ho had oblalnod tram te làkO CountY man and tii Ivo men, la Chicago. Mr. Orvis aaid filvas very possible.~ that hà. wouid take lhe malter up viit States Attoney Welch of Lake CountY andak that Shav hifle. r dicted lu titis county lu ad&io&4i, bo thte action tliein lu Chicago, ,eiaw là sald ta ho vell kuova lu Waukegan. Ho bas drive. bis automobile bierequently ad uin te course of bis many visita biorne 1, acquainte<i vitit a number of local min. At presset tiine ho la out on bonds. TOWJNS IN COUNTY TO VOTE ON RAIS- INGiTAX RATE Wili Put up to People an ln- crease in the Rate to $2 on $100 Assessed Valuation ALREADY ADOPTED HERL. Thei cîtizens of Waukegau receai. ly votedti t ralse the rate of taxWs froini 1,20 on t1ii$100 asafflel val uatlon to $2 on the 1100 asseM@g valuation, bus itoing don.@10tu e»bW te cly tb ralse quficint money bW taxation to Dsy for corporate eameo.' Tiiere are alter commuities la lAke ecounty viîci havi taitin kiudi, te titi plan and are. preparlng Io submlt ta the people t thei comlag election a slmîlar proposition of lb> creslng tie City tai rate ta $2 M îacb $100 as:eited valuation. Ona,. Wla't Ione of thîqe commniUnli and Ilbla said that othir ciles »i tovua lu Lakte county vhIici plan ttii - taki sîmilar action. ic old rate etf S1A'at orsi- tound tsy niast ities to bho iiirlY' tuadeq1iate muiid tihe îsoqsýibl]ty-of da Inci-ensoe labeini haled s a ne«S or relief, il la possible that t11h plan wlll ho lu etfoct lu a number cOrs Laite.county towns -itbor ttealec. to go 10 Itondosîttîhro b eplanu- 41i t îs itnovîî tisaiin at ltait 0 s-tn'bnc a triin for. Lite eC.ýnêva,- as- w(b Instances scities bu Lake g.M Palmer vas .17 yoasnid ansd qilits' ty have diclined la subit thle Uat- a viallliy man. ' -ter ta a vote. Lake County'"s Big Wèekly C«um Goesto*aotem WeekiwmanCouuIComlhs WAUKECIAN WEEKLY SUN

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