CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Apr 1919, p. 13

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L1BERTYV1LLE. N)PNDN.TiU8hVAPRIL 3.a919 - - . - ~ ~Na.a.ij AIS. V .L~ Ilep vat 3ftel 19: -'ropdà 2' cey V., uati art paaam» FAIEP.'1 HEAR ABOUT WORK r OF STArr. ACflICULTURtÂL ASl7î-J i t i t . r rr .. r r r fia iln, I; r ..rrri ' 1.ilian rrr rr~r~ r j" u "I' t.-l tri Or riT - t- 'rn it irr j,, I11r- r r r' i 1ia1- rr. r trIf. jr -, r .-'r i, 'rrrr 1 Ir. r j. (r r r'l,, r 1 ri rrn l irt tri. r A r-r )'ur r.,l.(rf'a-rn - mar- -,, n. 1 th itir -- i (If r r ,, r Ila lI' i lairçur r, rr -r' rl rt ri- irn.i pai andiIr n (lr I 1 -cdur r --.Th r.îiîr~ri. ir t rttr t ri itutu i ý ur i- Iltai t Iti 1 'r "- qo I, nI i .trtr' hu t ,ttr't ,Ir/ - I )I t iIi-,, il . Irtatî 1r'rt orga)Intiri ar.rr un i11 fiàri(n#,(] i rni t- itiîît'rr. r..,ic ti) t - t-r , itii!, jrt-ti r tut nit t rt iii> 1 ,r i-, rt , i 1rtt r . tt-r i rt -rri rît iiitrrt i i r1rn t r- f. '"i i rv , tIII t.r1t it 1 -r , i . r % r ., t h- p- :t. i t irr- îrtrîîS r'ield ; itlIc r "ir tîtr- i n. trr1in- tint .,tir itrt7. r t- rti' 'n jr. -iitumr, r, r-p ta i;o n'att ,t r týir - T-h irit :,r:r . i i l rt irl a. r-rt 1 ,tib'. 1rir trit!i , ir, r-r' týji')rurt r. titrai ti' t trir~' tii ti dutiitrrit .tr!itrrr e n .. -1: t ri.. t ' il - r ri i Jrt l riî î iirr T h'r.ri , .1! irt)t. ti on r. tttic P t 'r:i--- f ,'rj Prg ran rom s lo 8d. tir tintr al], iio k- t r f- r r i mi il-n cr - rthiirirrtriirther lit- ,t r t i- ' il rIl,* girave. rîorud t io rmta trir rîti rrt il ! r . . r It r . tr ' lt The patriotic spirit and devotion with whjch American women have 'o fan performed war-service work r-.'jand made sacrifices has never been c'qualcd in the history of ary -r -. thrs wve adr-s 2 ten3 support this burden wit!u ~'-' V strength and fortitude. But those who are already riserable fromn >1 the complaints and weaknesses r whic.h are so common to women, 11-M \ -r should take the right tonie for \, the womarily system. r If a woman is borne down by pain \\ and sufferings at regular or irregu- lar intervals, by nervousness or I ' \f~ \ dizzy zpelis, by headache or back- l~~ ~ ache, "Favorite Prescription" I \~.should be taken. " Favorite Pre- scrptin "cannowbe had in tri l\\\'\tablet form as well as liquid at most drug stores. Send to Doctor Pierce's Invalids' -Hotel, Buffalo, ,* N-\N. Y., for a ten-cent trial package of tablets. This woman's tonie has neyer contained alcohol, consequently has al-. 'way5,been the temperance rèmedy that a won'an should take if she'a overworked, nervous or rundown. FROM GIRLIOOD TO WOMANlIOOD. * The moderni young woman is often a "bundie of nerves"-" high -strung "-fainting spels-emnotional -frequently blue and dissatisfied. with life. She should be helrtrd by a tonie and nervine that bas proven successful for over haif a century. For fifty years Doctor Piercr's P1êxsant lelletâ have been inost - at sfactory ini liver and bowel troujbles, foir a ecriain titrir-arinu iatir I aind! r-r' rit(- firr tiih î. i-t . - ti t i'- > iiing marIIrnm ir i ji I I, ,,f-rrr krir.,%n con it tir an i rîtmeri Iîýg an(] injurié,;r tir oirrttr air 11., lidn'ri t -rIl hizi ,>!;irîr r -r it 1 ,n i , tu.rrf hii',unt ibu tri-,I, r,'r wl lti r ari. ' ), 1 for a ],Il , ii- irriki t rrr'ri tir' ari Jr' rî t , i,~ îrr.-i Ftiirr rr- hi lronrrati r r> lu ri, il! litr n ! tiIl ,r-itir t t-'fir' I ii at li, 'att-t ', i ow n i iltnr ag'ia ir, rà red ii,. 'rrit. rîof arrivai Thr'1- trîn (Iltî]nrtttit r 4<oriirrp ibrI lie mouid 1w .s- ntI rFII it Sheridan for furth.'r rare. FJNDSIIUSBAND A BI4IAMIST., SHE WILLI NOT PROSECUTI3 H1rM Thr'xv mm-i n aFi r ri" irdnrr- litrr ,irnrifr"It i ru1- -, t' nte J 'Xtk-zan rr;TIo)rinRi-, l .1 , 'Io. .inr] trrn fo .Ntrrmi, lih îe r 'r irritin ianiriry nrrîrrri I itrr m ' M .t's ârr . fnirî.î,, il -' 'r-o rlr fra \lîrîij t iiiîîr îti irI iras mrîstr-red out: it, wcnt tri tle, hrrttîp ofi it- t. uri . tl - t i zi r r ie, St i, ?iio. Telt* of Other Wife ~Thn hirs. ('titirii-ie l itterit. 1tr" (la aitnu". Ci'tictgo, mni tofIohnl-n Son.,utrutt o tri.. aif a ntd askeii »r 10 cornei'and sep J'ai S'nr- jul h",r a secret, Linntr. 'uir ior l'x 'car. t'r. '- - s-attd.'Tity reparaind sone ttmp lo. Thi y haiep a boy four 1'earr oet,,.itai. uit-y are net diuorcpd'" Ttîe giri w-as nitunnîrI, nitir li'tt betipeetIi ire hearr il rot nnrfil. ouan lt--rs 'ir e rni Jtir -Iat irr but-eau, tînîdwlti-n aire ni tIiiiriiir Jas-t nigîr t tint ha Ui'ron îii-un1)i t tire a Russ'el'tant i Rtgi re wr n ni fair awtui. Going Back for Divorce 11P att lttritti'ii ir' l! illrîn rr! . btit Fair! lit,,a-tif i-l'! rrrtrrî i trta Ai Jrri!i t fie :iii ýtuhi s-tir' Ittt. Ir', 'tri betn i qncr(d with amy liriî .l te 'rau! rettî W'tfo No. 2 wetrt to lier hroule' lt M0., Northt Mol! avenu' Wttke.î iSitho wouid not prosacite hurt -ir'I said. She titi! ovi',îhin. Tlterr' watt!3 nothing for tire pli'io o bui ri'iease Iitt. Ile 'w illgo litck tir ',t i. , lii' tr , rieirir t i v o rce, rn i t-- nrarry Gertrude-if siteip itilt 'a-ii- TAX SHIURTLEFF FOR GOVERNOR 0F ILLINMOISI Thre Aurora. fleacon-Nerrttin i.'r Wcdnesday'a i3stte s-tut Represental ive MEu Shuirtieff o!ý Marengo, -Mcteory counitr, lia the1 1 moat popuitir member oi the iegisla- r lure a nd la generall3' c6nsuierei! the ableat mem-hc-r of either bouac. lie Is bcing iaiked oi quite geaerally for gubernatoriai honoriUlIsone of the ahiest lam-yerA In the nortlicrn - Spaýrt of [he st.awi'a a inishe'! orrtrr and bac flirst clatis business qîralifi'- cations. Jf the choice for -governor Wýerc leittf0enrebera of the legi-uin- turc there wouid be ne question as f0 -who would be named-it wotld tr' iainly be Shurtlek.--Aui-ora ileacon- New%, . J_ Watch Out~ win- dows for the new- est styles in spring apparel. 'Libertyvi*lle lInuependent INJURED 'WAUKE- Lake County Independtc'nt - l'Jaukegan.Weekly Sun,6AN BOY AT FORT The family of the Kenosha policeman who was shotl FOR FINAL, CARE Sunday night, will be tared for by the pension fund of the Kenosha force-they will get $100 a month. And, with George Dietmeyer Arrives at 4he mother left with eight children, that uxeans a lot. Ail Tuesday Noon at Fort Sher- jbf which shows how a brave officer should have protection idan, Badly Inîured. of this sort for his family.- ONE LEG, BOTH ARMS HURT A Chicago woman has been given a verdict for $25,O001- for faise arrest by city police who heaped indignities upon c-,'rgî ,rrr-r lier by taking her from a bath and cornpeiing lier to dreSS boy wlho.was teriribiv if)llýjidanr in front of thiem and then added furtlier humiliation upo but abile to hc' sýt orontelifter ltýi n' up n ared for l -P.e Ortîrirr hart arrirr'il her, including the refusai to let her use, the teleplione to tit Fort shi-ýrirtan biant hontitat v.hori' get legal assistance. T~his should serve as an example to lie now I. beairrr for anidr'rhi'r, ail police forces that the. public lias certain rights whicUiri' wil he ttptd unti îiîrrhaîi must be regarde, the ieast of whicli is not the fact that: f serrvi tliey are entitie ue a phone wlien in trouble inordem 1 oonattr ilvii 1'rorn 1rriv rtr to protect their interests., Often in arrests are people de- lie r,arlied !f.r,, :tic, nied the use of a phone and heid incomnuinicato for days hin motttî-r _XirsF. .1, i, ir iru-.cri at a tune-which is against ail legal riglits and against 1 -rI," 'ar "rîJw" r tI týIh r t the freedom of the country,. The Chicago case shows "n" ; ti" ilie ra! tarri ri roi-'t policemen, that they mnust regard certain rîghts of the tîîînatu~rally lh ,moliss, 'ýaa1 ,o- public. 1 r 'riîîic ltiioy Attractive Styles-The Season's Newest Models m 39e75 m 49*75 Ai lts art'lith itch fit'tut* iiSrA soii, tuu' tIeti\4 i i1 fllilived h'the nut ie'w 'tstees, 'u'th i al-es it ]o rirrili rirt-iit' , tr\s r.ioîqu i i 'r'îs lt tit îrtlis Vti rid(t sit. 'li-- tir.ît jr ' tti lt-l jilo n o' Sr îiiig Suijtr-t 1,41v f i ne i' u ji litv hî"', Tiitotiitu. IPoiiret Tillsj1. anid W,;11--r\X .tiSer'i. p iiets ilt'.r r lr-iîi îwesl i nU)î'Is sititîrliti'nî'box Cmatts, <thers tii'!' ltet<tand(lSeiîî-fit- tir! wliirl' nillî faile' i eealitîltr'iiinet w'itli silh lrid t. Thle <ollars aie of self înatcu'i:îs. 'J'lie sit aru ' 1-i ig-1tu it h le 1 j-- 'rt/es fii. 'ii(i a t îîs tout'~X oi1in ý\ lItiii idli"ea 'xiilr'ilsl" uî ioof uîwSpî'iîg Sîîits, sd'aI'-<esined Charming New Millinery rJr eXîuiisitt' l' lai-s areti' e n' ryî"'last \voi'd ini fil], -i'îîjr'anîd siini t. S 'uu tutti Watteaîu blats, 1iqîî- tilnîl '%- tr'îîîinied withl 111m erts, riÎbnhî?s- ait]4 li îst'iiail ri *s liit.. $5 and Up Beautiful New Spring Silks Ail tliti tv iîl i al'ld tedsilks foi' spiiim m'erî are ilre ini a large at'seîîtlage of lpat- t CJ'i1 an iiîi ' lîts. Ailtîîg ¶Ill' popiîilal' fa liiîs Ftîilaîds litu 'r Ille 'cad, and Nv~e aie siiowiitg ai sltltrnîliîseleetion of p.itf'ïrii- iii Fgbt a nd daî'k viiiorsî'11). l ielus \N'ide, spei'ial1y pilteil at ~'iî $1,898 The Newest Blouses the Wanted s. r$ Spring rr Shades -i t r-p, f f~ i -1~ i - t - V r .-. I i r., 1'l'ut le oa't~ f the suiititsfi' siiig liai-i eî'-eatetl a ig îlm an foiiablou irîses and l\<ir have aist'iîbltd a \\iiUl'lliI .iul~~tt iiii (~eî..trandîi (r.adar hineîj ll ii avs i l 11I lit' 'ta!î'ld stî i îl's, 11i'î"sî'lig&' frill 5.75 up to 16.50 The New Vestees The nr'w sestleas. su mugir ti rogue, tire bere in a large anst'mbiage of styles and col ors-. Tira popultirity o! thasi- Ve'rreeia ls constantiy increas- et! iy the differant suit e! ferla obtained tbrotrgb their use. Pricsrange !ro'o 13 to "8 VeiIs For Spring Wear 'Te have e cxei! new ini Veil- ing, 1w the yar'd or pattern vx'iling in a good selection of coioî's. Patterh x'eils 50e Up to $1.50. Veiling by the yard, 25e and up. 'DA~r~ We do exactly as we advertise. It wilI pay you' to read our ads. The Greatest Selection of Authentie Spri*ng Suits Ever Shiown Iii Waukegan-Awa-its You Here., artgr'd. I tork(i I lu uar J.rrît Lal ridrmaroi lutforf.t outId lier lur!on wi ligbt VI! t- o! bel Moto,. ator le i 150 gril blheil ab<0 nd an in The ah ruiding 10q t lt tuay tils or gel mst. 'T iuiu nuL rer mnn b elther 29*75 RECEIVJNG WAR CROSS IVFOR 1

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