CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Apr 1919, p. 3

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-.MIR LT-cO#NEL ivomWIH f Former Wau- kogmn Phyolan Invokes the CourtiAid ta Get Children mECALI SENSATIONAL CASE LeMt. Janesc A Conneil, a former Wankegan and North Chicago pbysi* OSs, vbo bau been ln the service Mr oceral months, wasmade defend. bat l aà petition fled lu circuit court Ioda>, hl» divarced vite. 3fr.. Ellaabeth Connéil Baver.. seeks t. wrest tram hlm thse custody of hls two obildren. Wanda, aged 11, and Bdlth, aged 9. visa vere awarded to hlm by thse court et the time he divorced bis vite. Shorti>' ater tbe divorce action Terthe wethe protecting quaitbeof l You wil find in gooi economy but M» oa wie The Paint W1 her i'ter. Mrs.William J.Donhin. GEO. B. M4SON wlhcn t ucortli ibnund automobile. on - wi ca'nd ri% en Iv Enqign George flimr Librtyill, II.mann, 0Addison tr"'t, -truck< 't'î1 o fih-in. iiing lîrs Srbiwartz can'. pPriosul]y injuring her 'istpr. Stepped in Front of Hie Car." ÏO a' tapbed fo Great Lales Nav ai Train- îý 'oIng station, wa's arTa.-l b 'poice of a the umnmerdai taion. He tWId police that the women stepped out ln front of hie c..r before he could stop ~H e helped carry them to the drug 1<s tore and then surrendered ta the po lice. Both women vere widoyws andi llved at the same Ilir Sqhvartz was a mnember of the L-ake Shore Women's; Club. Her sister la e ~ thse idow ot William J. Donlin, a former cit>' attorney'. Thse uàbortyviM nepmient bas thse biggest erutla l. 1OOIUa. dF«ea-laà- 1 io, se.icai poi.d em't. P UT a pipe in your face that's filed cheerily brimful of Prince Albert, if you're on the trail of enioke pence 1 For, P. A. Win sipg you a song cf tobacco joy that will make you wish yoin- hife. job was to see how rnuch cf the national joy amoke you t:ould get awýay yith every twenty-four hours 1 You can " carry on" with Prince Albert through thick and thin. 'You'll be after laying do5wn a smoke barrage that'll make the- boys tlr'k cf the old front Une'in France!I P. A. neyer tires your taste because it has te qualityl And, let it slip into your think-tank ltat P. A. is madé by our exclu- sive patentcd process that cuts out bite and. parch-assurance that you.can hit smoke-recordl-high-spots seven dayn oqi of evcry vieek without any coxneback but rean smoke joy!l IL'I Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston.Salemn N. C. Je He TU A LMOS'T. DROWNS; TWOW"MEN KILLED WITII HlM Unr. Vonnadl maU rris Terlok'Bô*." ItTU ers, then a privi at Fort B14ridan, f~L~f IIF~i wh abennmdas co-reepandent JN>'pcsv~ lnDr. Connel'a divorce action. The M TE C S K divorce ivas one of the most sensa- tionu, eer ieard bers. Dr. Conneli II ILS M M UTIA charged tisat bis vite vas nt a lit custodian 0f the cisdren ani thé court iseld with M, glving l'lm th,, That a verdict o $1 la flot exce -- custody of tbem. mive vas the holding toda>' of circuit lu thse politia vlîcis aIe files ta- judge R. K. WelsE l n overrullng thel day lire.Bavrs assatbat candi- motion for a new triil In the case of tiona bave chauged aud se now bas Llndblom va Purty Ica compan>' of a hapyh0 fand tvo hla blterHighland Park. lndholm had aeked tIss ber ore tr be hild. e ai- damages of thse ertificlal tee coin- tler tb or Lerut. Conl le naiapan>' on the.grounds,'tbe noise kept loer pa ersnt.o bave theacnt a> hlm and is famil>' awake nigbts. pf tIe persdrehâvdeskthaut ellewhite the dampnesvas unbeathfuî. ive int cust ftem. he Thse jury' vas net lnclined teawaard bae isea on u rode fortlsemsBleh-hear>' damagee but thse tact that a gaysghe an.rovIe fo thra wt verdict of $1 vas gin-en thrciugh the out an>' expeu e t ber formner bu!;- heavy> cost of Iltigation on thseIte baud. Hearlug on thse ee ili taire cma> n tts an iegv place April 16. Judge Fidwards will Libomyan the aine fnacion a then decide whether or net bis de- Lnbo h al fa cint creeshaud bemodlied.enjoîn the concerfi. creeehold e moifid. ollaving the refusai of .udg8 Welsh ta 'verruling the motion for a new triai, ntice wag served b>' the tee compan>' of an appeal ta the hlgher courts. Orvls.Fabry Case Up In the action braught b>' Att>'. J. K. Oxvis te coiiect damnageo of Att>'. William Fabry lu vhlch the jury had >int Is areturned a verdict of 'not guilty' Judge Welabh overruled the motion for a nov trial and this matter aIea agaist he n ir ndvill be appeeied ta tise biaIser court. ý900&pùe IlNAVAL OFFK13R'S AUTOSTRIKS 2 ;ALL WOMEN;KIULS ONE3 A naval otticer strucit tva wamen peint whose qtialities wlth bis automobile, klllng one and int with a reputation. srosyIjrn h teFia sfcur g amle eindOr<i night In .Chicago. ý sue, apleecDn.-iia'tMrs. Phylis Schwartz, 40 ypars ole. .rast.db~ MI11Sheridan road, wa.s croasing t'a', istreet ln front of 5T0itroadwav willi reacbe& ouly over brIfte. Arthur muet bave confuaed atreet. 1One of my cabs waiting for the nlght bat from 'Prisco saw the acci<d-nt and helped turn the car over."* FRED ARTHUR GOES WEST, In a message ta relatives-,of NIr. Arthur received Thureda>' nlgb ici aa s tated thatlhe wae flot lnjured Jnternailly, and chat no bone acre hro ien. However, the dlepat'-h(s t0. day froa Oakland.say h bs kul as fractured- A Cyclone fence employe (ode>' stated that lie felt when the' tact becamne lnown thet it vould be founil chat the two women visa met death were flot the two women who.s Dames appeared in pness dispatch, but It would be found that one- was an elderly woman, the other ber daughter. UALTIES ASSERTS Positive Denial by Surgeon General Contradiots Story Told by Local Man. PROPAGANDA HE DECLARES, The u-nfli-ajnig't told a star>' related b>' Watlegan man aeat s Lakes visa sald ho iad iseen Informed' by a sailor et the station that ise hd vltnessed a horrovlag sigbt et Nov York visen a transport wae unloadlng ts cargo of vounded soldiers. H.e sald a inother who bad gone t tise Oakland, Çalif.-Marchi 27 (Special-j. P. Arthur, mil.~ lonaire president of the Cyclone Fence Company of Waukegan,i Ill., drove on auto which dropped into the bay fromn a ferry slip 1 drowning two ýou1en and nearly drowniug Arthur. The police I estahlished Arthur'is ideîtity through personal effects, fouind on his person. Oakland, Calif. 27-An auto plunging froin the slipi of the creek route ferry today resulted iu the death of two un- identified wdmien. J. P. Arthur of Waukgau, Ill., a we.Ithyr manufaéhiurer, vas retu'ued in a drowning condition and in nov lu a.serions condition at the emergency hoopital. If is uncertain whether hie wilf recover or flot. The auto driven by Arthur, was bnrrying to board1 an early ferry boat for Sait Franviso. By a mis-turn of the wheel it planged into the bay resulting lu the double tragedy and almost! killing Arthur. ARTBUIZ 1 BEI NO HELD BY POLICE Oakland, Ùalif, Mardi 27 (1 o'clock)-Arthur la still lu a serions condition at the t4îîergency hospital. H1e wil libe held on a technical charge pending investigation ofte Ucfatality. Yesterday Arthur arrived from San Diego, making a tour of inspection of the various Pacifie Coat agencie8 of hid company. The identity of the two women who were killed le still uiE established. Arthur 15 Isot yet in a condition to shed any light on the matter and there waï; nothing on either of the womOî's bodie" offer any lead or suggestion un to who they might bie. Both'women were gowned in expeusive party d1lessesl. One waa about 20 yearý oid the' other about 30. Both wore wedding- rings, diamond rings anti other jewelry. Oakland, Calif., Mardi 28 (Special to the Sun)-PNsecu. tion of J. P. Arthur, Nwealthy Waukegan mnufacturer, was con- sidered today go5 a result of the kiuling of two womeis yester(Iay' wheu Arthur's car plunged fromn the ferry slip into the bay.. A4 nanslfighter charge probably tvill be moade, authari.tiea say,. if todadj's i*lvei.tigtiun cause8 the police f0 belieî'e court ac*t M on 15 neCes*OiJ. The women wlîo ire with Arthur and w-ho met death were: M.%rs. Paul V. Smith aud Mrs. J. E. Stockton, of Tlaywootl, ('olf., who-ée hintbands left a fi-w ilays ago to oork at fligh)v, Idiaho. - itrth ir soy8 h/m,-tli t ie'tn ufront of (in Oqk (fî, tf fie; ci (bt/uith tt.ttuam ib' le-f i fciriiiil-'s u in w' i ' /i'>ffi'. j' vie c1i'il fh flilj 110' tutil "t c1.-q biîi lv, l f01- hei-iink hbut fift Ic. i i~~~~~~) if"kf-/ n-W- O i -f /î jis rffc iild itfî (iii f/ij» q t IlVai,- kegiî iri . ckitiq tf11,, orci'îaiît vtrt in iia finanriîîf ira(y 'Mr. . lîrthunr bas boin in ('alifornia fors the pagt several wee'ks. 111e wlfe iand son arecrit their homne on ('ory Avenue. Wanukeg1an. Mr. Arthur w-nt there on business. fie and bis famiil.v speut a greater part of the w-jter lu the west but Rhortiy after tiseir re- tîîrn lie again went to the land of suîîsline 'w-here hie bas .tic been 111" Arthur was one nf the founders of the Cyclone Fence Coin- pany nf North C3hicago, and i onue of.the most prominent manu- facturera of this community. H1e has been one of the active bonsters of the manager plan in Waukcgan and is sald to have flnancially assistedl the movemeut bere. 11e was oue of the party at the Fred Buck houlla at the time W. 9. Keith dropped dead. Wauikegan people are greatly concerned over the tragedy lu whlch lie bas figured. WOMEN ARE IDENTIIIto - AR- Tinenot sud raving et times because .TKUR PICKED THEM UP eaf a fracture af his skull aud, a .ON STREET ' carding ta tIse suthonitlee, it vas &sn Francisca. Cal., MareSIs2.- necesar>' ta strap hlm ta a table in tspecial.)-mrs. Paul 'V. Smiths andtise receiving haispitai foiiovlng tIse )Ira. J. E. Stctonu,/70u vlisofaccident. csenlista;, who left Tuesda>' to 'vori WILL PUT BLAME ON ARTH'UR ln l!ayvaod, Uahs, vers drovned The Oakland police se>'.tiat Arthur carl>' ihis mornlng vhen thoentama- viii ho clserged vitIs the denth a! bile in vblch the>' vere, ldlesg vith the et'w omen I ieosrie i Josephs Preston Arthsur. a veelth>' avu injuries. business man'- of Waukegeu, III., We wiii prefer charges or man- plunged over an emhenkment inta slaugiter sgalnst Arthsur," sld Cap- tise Oakland etuary. tain ar inspectors Drov, "atter we The vomen vero Idestified laeo&hall have lied an opportunit>' ta taik viti relatives or the tvavnmnen." this attornoon b>' Mrs. S. A. Abrams, Previaus ta the start o! tise ride manager a! an apartfielt bouse I in heddI h daho h w Hayward near Oakland. Obe said thse «Whl eddi h et fts v vomen. Arthsur isad been la campaay young vamelà came ta ber bouse a wvlth Ro>' A. flunnan, manager af tise year aMo. Standard Wlre ltence Compan>' of Arthur, preeldent and general man- Oa'dland. The tva mon artived la ager of tise cyclone Fience compan>' Oaliand from Sau Jase in Artiur's of Norths Chicago. lies at un oser- automobile. gefir>' isspital la Oakland with a frac- Dunnan tated ta tise Police that turod ekuli. ho le! t bis companion about midnight, 111 dld nut inov the womeni"lbe after Arthsur bail talten bi a bis said isuriug an intervel of consbous- home. and 1ev noting of!bis se- nons.. "Tise> waved ta me as 1 vas tions afler that isaur. passlng a cif,- ln Twelfth streot et HUTCHINS' CAB ON JOB. 10:10 ociacit ast niglht and I plcked That tise country isn't en large ties up. we drove ta % cateintlalter ail is .-e'n lantihe tact tisa, il fiseryville and isad a few drinksq" vas ane a! Ned Hutchine' taxis et Rescued b>' Firerhien.., Oakland, Cal., whicb vas on the Policemen said the' automobile vans Fcene wtîen J. P. Arthur'e car took traveilng ettise rate o! tift> miles an tise plunge Thursda>'. Futchins oper- hour visen it piîînge-d on-orbise emn- aee; a taxi isunInes tisere, and lu banlcmü~nt. Tt turnv-d n laop and land. a vire repîr ta thse Sun, under date ed upsîde dowvn bin ie feet a>' veter, of the 27t15, telle tbetie tacts about plnning tise îwo women and, Arthsur th,,e actident ln which tbe Waukegan beneati IL. man figured: IMIre trucks rightet the machiine and "Accident hiappenod et 1:40 thia firemea tov'<\ from tii' water the lire- morning. Witn ss declare car ual les. badies o& tise fwo Young vomoni. golnv on-er fiftteen miles an haur. 1Arthsur arreinod aOukand a few Positîn.1'<ca'rt'a, hobota ,0ftre,t days ago. bringing vitlt hi. hi, auto* confirme . Arthutr pulleil ont un-, 1 obile. With a business asgelale con ecbous, th lits coat off, eays bel rp..linpdljýt ir!t fiean vn a,, m- re,,ni,-, notng ltorf the nrclietil manager plan lu Waukegan aadad- mitted>' contributod iseevil>' ta tIe tcampebgn for carrying an that agita- tien. No saas more tisan ho. unlees it me>' bave been 'Mr. Ilarwell or tir. KeltIs vas mare canspicunus vitisin tIse lest few >'ears Intise varliane 're- tors" vavee t rged upan tise- penples o! Wauicegan. SUMMAREE1D Outstanding Facts in Connect- ion with the Tragedy in Which 1. P. Arthur was AI- most KilIed. Outstanding features oalibi' tra'ail< lu 'vhlch J. P. Arthur, lin-aident af tise Cyclone Fen.e conspany o! W'au- kegan, figured in aI O'<kland, Cal., Thursday isnusnin>', dedticed fros 'Unitedt Prers and! Assoclated Prose; tdispatcies frons California, are: 1-That the two wamen whomn Ar- thiur- b, d -wlth i, h and who wcre hie trip to Sans Jose. 1i aillii s' n hie autnocrîf taris>'. bae - lra. Sboekton vas' 80 ycare aid. Streets e nre, tom up a bi<mck hel- a. were not friends, but mner' trang ers whom he picked up ."as MrIs. Smith vas fauir years younger. reac'hlng end of the treet. anti as lie te' wresain nfrto!acf STRAP ARTHUR TO TABLE. j cleared titi.- lie- iltthave drl'<'; , 2 That lie muei have met the m- Oaland, Cal.. Marcb 28.-Artburt carefulis-. Polic-e thear>' le (bat girlý Short!>' aller midnight, for the acci.1 staeeseus ta tise police vere Inca- ived ý lamneda. wbicb con lit? dent happened at 1:.40 i n the marc vlctlm or sbolI ahack. tpd a ati pasmjan i peaqunse £pu-u ilu tîJO lias Mudur pue aianqauup i lqîoq =_~a Weà& eluild îuu a»ài JO jo.aqwumu 'aluns ju .-4adua 5tilX £ flualpi Suu 4ao pajini îîa JO unowe eaq; i4 £U.euîLia ite .v ja181 mi uu.q J10f -dus atil ')siutudur .-q paîîoababo -ajis1tUsi 1 ej eîuq u ni u -uî.ds uiuli5- qalti.e '110 ustoq ncou 3--That ho took thons ta a c&fe. whoeo, AccOrding to hie admissions, the>' had "a few drinks.". 4-Me daims that ho-belleves thse 1 lquor was doped, becauoe of thse effeot It had on hlm, wlth thse sdded *e. planation tIsat "ho did flot take mac>' drinks," 5--Tise uthorîties et Oakland are conaidering holding Arthur on a charge of manaisughter, pravlding thie cofiditioflO justify criminai prosecu- tion. 6--While friends of Arthur h5ýo wired home that ho isn't hurt badl>', ht appearsta have boen merci>' 10 vllev. theîr mind, ase officiai. de- @lave ho bas a fî'actured askuti 'and la in bad shape. 7-Hi. brother. Fred, la 00w oM hie way ta Cailfernia ta joiei thse a> jared man In hl* erkous prodicament5 M 3,1919. flavever, att dispatches glu- tu e vharf ta mieet her son almoet faintedl sane nases of two married woi vIsowhn tise young nman wae carrtod '<ut nd autbarltis ute Arthur tamseif In a basket, bas ig lst bath legs sd as admitting h, tîad nover n. - ibm bth arme. Tih, man told the Wau- before lie pickeri them up in frmnt kegan nhan sailie had hee.n an tise of a cati'. and tbîaî heie a adrnlîîedib ln question and actualy vit' tekiag Oient lnto soime place wh-r, neesed the sight. the>' 'bail a few driniks." Surgeon Geaeî'alIlreiand of tise The ian; hýPre Artur.bro0erTnited State., d'-nies that tise camn- The J.tan, b>' red forisudr. br try>'bas an>' "basqket" casualittes and o! JlP. pftrovmdfor bis dtertutlied' attributes reportsý of tbis kiud ta pro. aid. H ws edevo rng urng hepoganda. Hîs siatement ap al da aide Hevalnoav l oring durin the (ofoiîavbng dispntcb vhich vauld de>'ta ot a tuchwit Ja Sbmer eppeer ta lbe e positive dentlio! tise suporlutendent o! the fonce plant, sa> odb h akgnsn vIsa la lu tise East. fls desire wa, MorASlNG'i'Othelard 2S. man: ta have Mr. Slomer accompan>' hlm gWASNG TON, Nrlarch 2ud dnia o tf a ait!nia rhr ioyreports that there are "baW't>t scs» wilt mreithet ri. Arîburllkiy!à n Amterican icapitais-men vIsa bave wilbe no t mets n.Seai I islt bath armea'ud bath legs. Gen. et br aartmutson Cary avuinuo. reiand sYs: "Whcther malicbous an lira. Arthu- naturailly le prostratedfottiermrofuhmuiI a b>' thee nevs fIrom tise West. nt hae ronprttTrsso sci mt a Let niebî vIsn it dv'veloped Ihe>' havge bea ertaentherlu Ise nt-a were oni>' casuel acquaintances o!fcsileae reamoatse sldite 0<ts ber busbaud, seecollapsed. e at.Feurd othsiers ufInte 0 "t >don't knov vbat ta do, se>' or auA.sEP.,ansoler haIouognsbnenof thiak. she ald. ounded duning thse viole peniad ot "Preas" Arthsur, abe le knawn, the ver." came ta Waukegan three years ago__________ wti a sboestring. He and bis brotti. or# ýbegan velavilig vire fences bv N E JG O DE haitd. Tise business ioda>' command IN E IQ M R a' vooid market. Vllf V(AA Abpnt a year ega lie and NIrs. Ar. flILLED filY flE tisur aàaP'tcd ".lac'< a' the W%'oods.' a baby founi b> wood cutternear F R IE IA North Chicago. O TSR I FRIENOS-BUT UNKNOWN. The Gazette tast eveaing, la r' Harvey Dorsey Leaps on Traok fî'rring (o iie art i<ent lu; w ich .. il When Car Was But 50 Feut Arthsur ofi Waiikeg.-n wasau 1.-ncu, !, Away; Death Instantaneous qaid' "Two wocma frien(Ls a! tic______ lait>' drowned as ato takt, dii. SUICIDE IS APPARENT. Into Pacîlir," amdinl the next para-_____ graPli tIl»-Gazette saa: "Two un' àlarsey floreey. a convalescent sol. ldentifii-d «amen frieads af the fam- ier ai Fort Sheridan hase baspitai 41>'y wore drowned.' whaee hanse was bu Girde, Ma..vas I! tise> vert, nnldessttllod, boy dld kiiied Instenlyi>'8t So'clock Monde>' the ever.knawlng Gazette know tue>- nîgit vhou run over b>' e Chicago vere 'Frienim of tise fambi>'?" 1 Norths Shore and Mlwaukoe eletie Andi accordlng ta telegreme f rom train. Tise accident accuned 700 feet Oeklend, Mr. Arthur bînsseif Thurs- narti of (ho nati gete et Font Obet- day nigIsI admItted ho dbdn't know dan. tise women; tist ha had i pcked thiesAccarding ta Uic mnotarmsu Danse> up on the street aud 100k tbern for darteti out of tIse danuis Isontihe a ride lu bis car. train vas bared>' fftfest ava>'. 19* ActIve Reformer lier. ig ta bis kuoes lu thse middle et tise Durnug tic pat fev years Anibur track. "bktig i face tovard thse Mr bus been ver>' active la retors sudis ciasPed banda raimlu eI -8 movensente lu Wasnkeg-an sd Nanthis rayerful attItude, Dorme>' fler'O Cbicaga bence tise accident lu Catil- tisebeevy train t as bile.I forula caussod keen Intereet, cetero- 'lhe motorman vas tenrifihhulb> thse bng as it dld accordbng ta inferences auditennees af tise limpeudlu tiffe. ln tIse telegraDii reports, bu vhtut lie îugged et tise vIsite cerd fratie- sapeared ta bave beeu an auto loy- ail> et thse Mme time lampi M sthe ride. emergency brakes, If Dorme>' is4a Arthsur vas one of tIse men vIso thse viise io pald n. attentlon, bW hecame active lu puttinq Waukegan on-Meut desire beiug tao mit M4 dry and vas one u t hase vIsa con- cîdo. It wva physicai impmdsbMl> trihuteti ta tise fund used ta that ta'> stop thse big can lu lime te midi cad. Ho vas -aiea one of tisreo men su 'accident TIse soidier vas groual vIsa 'saved" the Gazette a couple of ta doath undor tise vheois. >'eers aga vIson a recoin-or steppd Darse>"s body vas picied up sud rM Iu sud tho tria put up $19.000 ta savre moved ta Fart Sheridan morgue viso tIse peper. Late r iso and John Bar- the lquet vilb.oiseld. woil diepased ceuthteir interest Ivi Dorse>' sav service avenasu d the setter ta tise laten W. 8. Ktlis vas sent ta tIse base hospital at Fnt Arthurbefare going veet icas ai.Siseridan. He le said ta bave bom a

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