CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Apr 1919, p. 5

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.1 1 à Jring 25flh1ineriq NOW READY FOR YO1:ýR INSPECTION We are now showing a large assortment of the very newest styles in LADIES' SPRING HATS. You w ill enjoy wearing one of these Rats while the styles are new, A. W.ý LINDROTH IBERTYVLLEL, ILINOIË TWO $501N FAR lug any nenher.sud district courts hilci have opposed the receut In- DEALS PUT O ERIN bgu oeease sSt rên t t cl - a~ YSlection 0f the iigher premioms. aud LAST TIIIRTýY DAYS I te laimed tiat they have beenE summoned iy thc offciais af the or One aukgan rokragefi rm der ta show cause why tic'.' shruldM OneWakeanBrkeag trm fot bs expeled fan Ibis sauçtIun. h i Seils f ive Farms for $150.- Court of Ht>nor la enjoined againstL 000 Last Month. taking mny steps'agetiese e-f bers vhich vl! Impar thair stand. ALL ARE TOP NOTCH FARMS Ing until the viole mater oi lies luereesein rates bas heeci passed P- No ]@oss han ive large tanm sales on by the courte. have beyu madie thraîigh the T. J.T lahu & Company irokerage tifl wth- U. S. TREASURY WANTS TO PAY. iu the luit tbirty days. Two of thw"e tTr uydeaintlaRti 1 faimesoeld tan 50000 cach and tl e ide preasnry mepîment i. gathe These comprise son, of Lake C<oît- paruthebett movsmeD upandtii.e ty's very toi>noti farms lYing we-t Tressurere, urglug hoiders ai Coupon snd north-weet af Waukegan andi witli Liberty Bonds ta clip the coupons on the exception of ans vers purciased tus, sud colletthtiinieresmtftalles by local men via fr0., exPerience due everysix mon lie. 8peetai pubuicti appreciate the value of Lake Cauntr eirculeas are bing prspered sud vîli Boi. @soon ppesn In postofficeseand otien .The Audrew Ettuger tarin of 104 puiiepflafes. Tii. isiturs oi nsny bond acresknan a. the Keti tfarm. a. tolders la clip the coupons and present pmchasedoy .oseph p. Sexton, wvia hem aituhsnk for. paymeni la ereat.- piaus ta make ai lu s nodel stock inga alarge soin n sheibnde of the teni. Treasuren ai tie United Blts. vileh The 242 acres un Green lBay 2usd miould h. lu circulation Instebd o mass, ovuel by tie Grahamn Estate vas îrîng Idie, as un protdon lsenad by soifi tu B. Louis Wall sud Walten . congres fonra"Y other ure 0of u moey Dupiese.the latter oaI ndiens- eppropiated ta psy ttersonu herty The.. T. Bary farm af 188 acres Bonds. pea dura.. vas old to-galber .iti stock *ad tocis ta Dr. L. lMa-noaOfi Chicago vbo plansacm 'making norne1 extsi.tve improvements 'ith s viev to ta kiug a smmer ho me for hum. self .adI fanily tu Lke Couty. Thea. H. Dmrt bought 84 serez, af Ec !Ë.- ýau*knr near Drue. ceand tme GeM' '89 aMmoe ast ai Mlbi' va. sold ta Ca*r JohnkfledE aWaukO- gan, via viii teks posseian ai tir fer. April iret. Atemporali injuntion . bas been ussued et Sprin0eild, Il, againaithe Oupreme Court af Hanor sud ils of- Vie reaauy annanemsiit viii tats that meny coupon baud bolders have tis ide tsta b tsitng ta cip the coupons or vithialdlng tileulion psyment liat ubey are coutrlbutilig monsy ta the goverumenitavoard hlpiug t a py for ths van, but thatItilà & a roug inipres. ston. Vis Trelurer ai thefUnted Biatue muset lval ild In esdinse e sucs sufficist ta psy evsry penny o! Inteiessi vbini falle due on Liberty Bonds onr sny othogovrekenitlndehtednue upàh vhichintternsatie dus. A main tMature af the comnlg tresury creuisr viilb. la urge lis publie ta boy Wer Savinge Statue vti thes inrreet mouer obiained ira.i Coupon Lberty Bonds. LiertyvileN w Iyou kno*liio an item of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 lire. Dethr. wse aWaukega victor Tht. .vsnipg, *iù Town Girl@ baskret /f on Fridai. bailétes. wli ll 7urus. ai Gunse. O N Y R À lire. . P. Evilàsor @pent Friday lu Bora tou M. a4 liro.Ge. RaNTYof Wauksgan. reltDve ' lamond Lake, a, son. IGo.Ray wu&IA S UE Mr@. Charte. Jochhdvei yj relativs rmerly mi"s mare chanck. f I AL #EE North Chumag* onday. Mis. BRUde liebawdt,o adison0, Wte. The Lthertyille Bakery la building a niece aif.1. a. Alismanle spendlie thei IN LIBEKYILLE garage lu the reax of the baksry. wssk wtih Mr. s itli'. lmtu arvelta Fisher te now employed Tomorrow eventag, the hiehsechool The county road officiais -and super. ab Lagwarthy's Varisty store. glis will meet the.Waukegan Huinee vIsais met ln Ithe viin ge bail to-ay ie Enright of Chcao, spet îe Girls basket bail tim et Waukegan. (Thursday) ta takre up the question oi wesk wth lire. Abert Faulkner. lir. and Mlire. Auaut Sbanning and the ruades sud particulari, thon aif the Ob. Lawrence 6 uild v Ill hold a bakery daughier. Evelyn 01 CHIcago, vislted retîroade. Same of the ratiroad crase. sate at Wairand's stoie on aturday, wth lire. H. D. Webrenberg. Sunday. luge are lntuebc shape ibis meeting ile AjRl I i. lMr. sud lir. Frank Ligtbodreoeived ealled to taiks drastie @tep@ tavand a bo ofGeras Meefro thir on.meking the. railroade Improve their lire. ChaIrtes mith oi DesPleines, was e o iGra eistmsersu rouaige and keep tbem In gond shape. à visionr at the P. G. Cevland ho me lem rnot na 1thswe. The meeting i.wellt tended. No furtiier Thureday. John A. Sreurs. who for a number of Information ls available at tbis time .UM. and Mr@. lBennett oifZMon Cit. yeare candueted a photographers ttudja awîng tauithe tact that Our formes are spent Bunday here wIth their son, Jeanlu Lthertyvile,ltugnteoved hi8 studio closIng for thie week's Issue. Bennett and îamily. and la nov ready for-hueiness. The harl Gil@ nd telrIrlede ere The eleciion held bt Tuesdey reaulted eTeined haythirs stes illseri. lathe letIion of Daiel Les for sehool neorty, Ted by atii. M isss ueretatrustee viii prauiiaily no opposition. High School Notes Marcha De..i S. LiheryTiie graveI rosd jpropasition u acrrtsd Qnt otEio ldambl Dealé . Liber vawoncallsd lîy a maîariiy af 17 votes. iatGtidto ilta Edison Park, Cook county, Saturday, 1.By lskoaa h ngt Ale F atedifuner e oF relay ofaiHouar oi the Psebyterien chu recbbas The boys are Mreesîiy working on fl tbet Fullnertet on fria or rented the Liberty Theatre torI Monday track and hase banl. heTiirack activi Businell, ouh fDkota. ta attend the night. The prunesde wilitg, fùr their i', w'îî co0si t of ths al T g n flfumerai ai hi. brother's wife, Mrs. Fred peg o h wrpieo h hrh olrlg n Faulkner.] ide'ru s epieo h brb mils race, mils and a quarter race, two The. play yull be- "The. Secret Gaerden." twsntiyard dapb. hundred yard dami. The W. C. T. U. villmueet next Tuesday aiternoon. April 8, et 2:30 vith Mmr Carnie Fuller. Ail metubers urged ta he presaut. lire. Chas. Ling and son, William spent a lev day. thii. eet vith ths iorumr's sister, ire. L. Z. Protine snd iamliy iu Chiraga. Bander. liarch 30, vas the shorteet day In"the year aud immeditely the people of the Ur.ted Stetes tont ugpnoxi. mately 11,413 jeers ai sloop. F. P. Dymond Io traveling nortbvard. The laetsreports tram hi. are ta the eisnet thst h. lies et MialadDaytona and is uow ila.Jacksonville, Floida. E. W. Burke of Oak Park, wasea Libertyvilie viitai Weduesday. Mr. Burke le au aid time borsecansd makies occasionai visite bers ta buy up borses. The Coluuaibia Euicrtaiuere ai Chaga, liii eppear Iu the comnmunItu hanse lu Ares net Saturday eyening*tn s progremu tiell of fun aud amusement. Heur shem. Se-enty thousand pounde ut gsnden .ffld bas beau aipped ta France by the i-niteri States Amy thanaglitheDeperti. meut of Argicaiture, tanhe used in shel-toru tend. Libentyvilie vas visited i, e sL5 electricel Inspetor lest veSk kud tram recommeuritions vbich is e t lu places violited It looksmas Iltbeeiectritai vorliers wiii ha keps buoy for osie tins tbis @prlng. Vhs UAbertyviite Garage i. iresking graund for their new addition et 42 test ta tie praseut building. Thie wlll meke quite e big addition sud ogîve piauty oi floor space far their repatr vont and the. etarage af cars. Mdies Cbcitiiua Anderson spect part ai Issu weektuDGary, Indienne, viere she ected as bridesmaid at the vsddlng ai Miss Myrtie Boke., &former Litertyvillae girl. The marriage 100k place an Wed. needay, Merci 26ti. Gearge Bond vent ta Chicago, Wed- oeeday, tesling vitb un. bis son, Dan- aid, ion examinàtion and posibly sur- glecal tresîment. Donald austained s fracture of the, up nom@ moutis agoand his necavery bac en smeviat unset- factary. Do nu al taittame aur bord ai Berli- ebirse. Waudantul simal, vsldevelap. ed and typical ai lie hreed ai most resonaile prie».. The quieken yau ait the better the selSeulon. Cedar Creet Fanm, J. K. t>ering, Prop., Lake Ville, [M. (Nath sbore Fez Lake.) 12-4 Ths Ladiesi' Aid oeiety of the li. E. churci yull meet nexi veeli TuMsdy atternonu, April 8, la lie parloneoaiths churci ab 2:80 p... r. HBoekis, lire. Gibson, lin. lixhamu sud lire. LUt viii act as hostesoes. Ail th. e mberand !niendsensreurged ta attend. W. have In Litertyville a smalt crovd oi about six ta ton boys or youngm e., rangiug around 16 years old, viaoae becoutîng a bit 100 mlciselsvusfor thein ovu good. Il tbey don'# Isme dovna strifle someuhlng viici viii ual be very peuaat fun iheir parent. le igoiug ta heppen ta them. J. W. Ehedge ai Waukegau, via vas arrssied let veeli, va. betore Judgs Rnbbard, Fiday nigit sud fined $.00 and cote -for disorderly canduct. Ho vas plaeed an 0500 peace band@ as h. W# made tireaissanw lire.O'Neil and hie vite. Wisn liersiil Umbsrry an«ud hlm, is vas oarrying a qua.. Seed Wisat. Coany Aniultursi ad. viser reportse tbeyeid oai vat on aur tarm.among th. ighs.i reponisd la La&ke County in 1918., A limied supply ai tii ssed tor maie et 02 75 pen bushel . a. i. Lake Vlla, achs extra. Ftret coine firt served. J. K. Denlng, Prap., Gedan Crut Farmu, Lke Villa, 111. (Northi shore Fox Lake) 124 Mn. asbd lUre Ai G Zhetonoge, al. lier e brief reehdeuiosai. cils cty, depat. ei the %r5ai of1h. eel ior Chicgo, ihere ta mareteleir»u. Lir. Zbattnoga warked at hic Usde, as e uachinist, ville bere, butI lasr seered aelstuation in a hauk ta Chiefo. The Presbylsrlan lie' Brotlierbood wiii hold their relilar meeting etthie Preebytertea chureh et 7:45 o'clock ta- night. Rêfeisieuts yul te eerved sud th svsug spemi lu good lsllowebip. Rev. Rutherford of the Pirst Beptiet churcb, of Wsksegau, viiili e the sPeak- er ai the eemiug. Tii. Ltiertyvijie Higli Setaol ains de. festei the. Gumise tee. lest night eastii. sehool gywnmsiuni byea score oi 12 ta 1. The ineap for ths higk. sehool vas: Agnes Ughtbody,cesuter, Evairu Miller, Vingioie Colln@, forwerds, Doatby Surda.. Emima Titus, guards. Evelyn Miler and Agnes LIghtbody starred in mekiug baskets. hurdîs raee, dt ihows, standing nigi ,jump, sud the bop and skip jump. Last wsek the inl'. Basket Ball teamu played the Gurus. aigh School OGilsand defratedtkemviiia scoreoai8-4. Nov wbo e.» aur girlé can't play? The Juniors vill hald a iekery and cadi sas aurday, April l2th et ans of the stare of the eammunity. Watch for iurthsr notie. The stan.. wrltten by tie iollowing People vere s.lscted to he pubiished In ths Nautilus: Frsshman lass--Carroil Porteous. Sophoinore clase-Duotby Sayers. Jounior ras.-Virgints Colline. Senor clas-Jeannette Taylab. "A tfiiig of Batty la a jay lorever"' ga i. the Nautitus. Buy one and îudge for yoursell. PETONS FI.FO FOR VILLAGE OFFICES Our Evaungolieit tu hisermon spots ai The Peaplé seud ludepeudent psrtr dan,"eansd tihe vil. tothae atteudiug ha.sîBledj tietepusin orlaîoîv tem andi vies thee ooequences 15111te canidalse: For village president, J. -B. In the hereafler lu IGois ai our Iuter- Moms. Fan trumees, Joseph W. Hart, viewm vs are led to b@Ueie stiat ait those Lewis E. Goding sud (lnetav 9. Lange. vbo bave been ecteodlng tie@ deues A. lest Mondas. Mrc i lset, vas tia aud wil bave ta mai. i, scauning t les, day on vhieb pettions eauid ha the Superlor Beug aue going t-3 bave Bled, it laitt he tickets with but anseop: plenîr ai Campeur. positon, liai heing lu the race ion vliflae Mare than twe<ttr.five uhouâand lis presîdeul. -Ca.. F. $male, Jr., Oi the graé. vers e eved by United Biaise Utizens psrty teiag ths sieveuti hour Senatons et the capital building ta tva candidats ta oppose J. B. Morse. Tis daym, Iran big sud ttle butiness 'mme e dreni ai M. Snale promises ta malie In ail parts ai the country, :urging thethie comiug leclion a lively cantesl. r-enscîmout ai the dsyllght aving 1ev. Na other measuis belote Congres. le- Cn the zecommxndaUion of State. ceived snceb urgent prefleueefon passage Atorney Welcb, Judge Edvards todaY duriug tha ciSsing bourqala mouton1. issueri an order recallung lha Match lsu'itbis gettiug ta h. a grand and grand jury on April 14 at vhlck Lime gloaoad warid auyway? Nowedae sil le uuderatood several nat4ers vif yau cau go about and bay almoei s»Y- he taken up. The Datter of Carl Say- thing by wrihing raur naue (or soms er vas one of t.he nattera whieb otier persans@ nana) ona smali bit af Judgs ltdwaWts suguested be taken UP eaty peper sud get say viit. Ifi et that tins. yoa get caught geuerally Stier or __________ moibar cames along as muSe sd yos Tpiey bava issu charged vîth go -Sooat ires' end lu a short trne yras grand larceny, the allE.ged offense te. try l again. Ing the. theft of $170 snd a dreqs.. Vhe movement ion better speech:la sTbsy declans lbey are Innocent, but roasiug su annterest enong thtaking amu5 are belng beid pending tie Alabamai and vonen tirougiaut the ebunrv. ~s~ ria Tbey aesreatiztug lis speech of aur p ____________arrivai. pie (that ai the yaung peaple snd grovn j eij'ie oe uB.u h N up.) là not the efficent sud splendid lu- 1)IaIMENDeNrSe, Uts le te 1 stramnut it ebouli te. Peopele a&Il INDN reoiSM pmus vaUt. of ]lie are boiug rousuj to hs ne- w5dChY. felitr of e more ercflius. af speech aud voica. àspeeeh reveals the me. vhet klud ai speechb have Joi." Ili. R. D. Confort, iran the Amertean Speech Commtte viii speak ou the' subject, "Botter Amerien Speseh"at the Parenté Teachens meeting, Frld^y, April llti, au 3:30 p. n.' at the Tovwnifilp gh School. IlPoor Speech t@ an Oxeert, Gond Speech le an Airpîsue." "Botter Speech, Boiter Job@." FARMS FOR THE ItERDES. Because ai lis iaiiure ai thelest Con- preu ta Pms@ the bill granting ires tarn tand ta relurned voundel soldiee,, 1% la not a sign lii st hemstisr le ta i. dnopped. Sereteny Lau. of th. Deparb- meut oi tie Intertor la hard at vork again getilng is fonces fla ardbnharenev the bill ien ths ertra session of Con- gresels celled upou the Presideai'. retum rDin ,abroad. Thé tend in avil- ails sud fenner so4jere are olmoving for fi, sager alla laoOb"th lse psot training ia fsrmIng ltha . feture ai the. bllpravldes.. Bad ithebillien psssdby tselest Cougrell here voold be many soldiers nov on udr vsy to occupy sud vonkthltnd grauted ta tism and th. aid ila ia m a&Y ta Increase tie food suppiy. The IUbertyvIlls lduhideni bus tic blggest clreulatseea IgU1 offlty. TO ALI, HOLDER3 0F FIRST AND SECOND. LIBERTY LOAN 4% BONDS The privilpge of canverting First and Second Liberty Loan 4% Bonds into 4-4% BONDS has been re-opened by the Govern-' ment and we are in a position ta effect exchanges of these bonds for al holders. The First National Bank ) I Liberty'vile, 1ID. S.uday, April 6. Sunder scooi 10e. m. eetingotalil departuieits; awerding ai pinssuad maents. Sl a. m. PreachIng. Tapie ai sermon. "The Valueof a M an." Preaching8-.00 p. m. Tapie serman, "The Temptetians ai Christ." Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. Topic, "Our Relation ta God. IV. Pmaylog" l. il;19.26. Cobsecratian meeting. Prayer Meeting,, Wsdnesday eening, iprIl 9, a 8 o'cioek. Toplc. 'Beoming au Andrew." Boy Scouts ai the churci; Camp Fine Girls ai the parsonage. Fridsy, AprIl 4. Chair prmeec lndeay evenilig send N () > P iN l.nlday eveulug: lir. Madison, choristen, Motodst-picoLI.BERIYVI LE lfOI Services nexi Sundey wviI e held as1 EO N D toliove: Sundar sehoal et 10 a'cloek;! Moruiug pceeching service a% il o'eiock. JOHN A. SCHUJURS,--'hotROpah lu1 the eveuing at 8:00 2ev. Den Batey, UBERTYVILLE eveugelisi sud Mission vaiker i fChia-' CHICAGO RIQKLANDPA5K sVA.iSszW goî, yl preach. Spectl muie by the i_________________ chîoir et the eveniug service. Bath ser-, vices w iliite ai an evangeieiste nature. & cordial invitation le extended toalal. "Our Relation ta, God-Trusting" viii ha, the subjeci af tie Epwartb League I t I! lEA l tesson Dei Muuday eveniug et 7 o'elock. Oea. B. Faliattuviii lesd the meeting.- Ail aescordieilliInvited. SATIJEDAYAI>IILF There wyul te e choir reheareel on Tharedey evsning of Ibis veek. April 3, Wd"nis lin aie ti . ii. e chc. Ail memiers urged ta bc prent. S[IH T I EVANGELISTIC SERVICES o aemd CONTINUE AT M. E. CHURCI4Ae acmd Nazi Sunday, Apnil 6, the spelal SNÀ evengellsîte services wilI continue at the ,JDY.AII M. E. ciuneb. The spinit u! a religions £nid sa" revîvel seesta bc huring In the beants oi the churci people sud tiers tà a greet TU iRI desire au the part of msuii uLiberty- continue. utnBl.'Tas its Rev. T. E. Rete vili preaci nezt Sun- day morunog ab the. il o'ctoek service WEI>NESDAY, APEIL 9 and M thes evening et 8 o'cioek 2ev. Dan Betey, supeintendent o a sioas -Dan CharlesRayla Bater Mi@-sion" ef Chicago, viii prssch the sermon. Mr. Batey la almosi a vel knovu tod*y as "H.1arry Maras"-, ai tihe PacI.fle Garden Mission vasi ahieslimo Bray Picitograpli day. lin. Batey ieepeelaliy Eveagetisi!c i. &Hai bspreacbing sud in bis sermon viti tell ofi "Goa dMiracle" thet saved hum. A cordial Invitation ls extended T hao.ore borgaine la The loda. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Special Notion Bargains The .5aving on these standard made articles will be apparent to aul. Each. of these items is the best in its dlas and those with Spuing sewing on hand wiil find this a good time ta buy. Clark's 0. N. T. crochet catton, ail numbers, -M"' ýhiie and ecru, per baUi............ ......................loc Per box (l2 balle)................................ $1005 J& P. Costes' cotton thread, ail numbers, black. white ttnd colora, per *pool..................................... 5c Per dozen spools..................... .......... 55c, Old Guarci uufety pins, rustless, protected coil, alilsizes 0 ta 3, at card of 12,.......................................... 5c Dainte Bas Lawn tape, white, black and coloe; ail widths, now 10c Beat eewing siEks, black, white and colora; 50-yard spool et .... 7c Embroidery needles, assarted 3 to 9 or 5'to 10, per pwl.... loc W,. We. CARýROLL & SONS, COMPANY, Phon. 29, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e h took Fasse of 1amd Md tau lagmt Dm t ntmera se gsolino «actg wim keusaa mDl youlI b. wiso toep " lu-mid.Ti a"2 MUnouBkarosaiundel m @uha ourfud bliiaha&l Fbu aê2Ov.clu' oy ahi-Y-,wa* «lI ",ne, SCHANCK "1%rHARDWARE COMPANY si Ai teel Pence Posts Lre Indestructible -and cheapest in thç_long run. No post hùles ta dig. Cali and see them. Phone: Libertyvilie 80 r ircuit a diq- Mme. 1$221 osier. tamo- 'veral .'ared regon. opped wagon bd by a. on same 1 vote basa art l 1t hie al the beea Sthe. b con, penuenve auverueinq uuPumim pkI i Mo me PuDite.

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