CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Apr 1919, p. 6

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g- Û~jII3Y Bp- g i v il s t t 1: I. -fhIEro JURY ISOUT ALL IPLAR CEAII, ÂIflIOkUIIS-iNe; FALSTO ISLPIêA1 TTIDBYCLam RI3ACI ÀV3RIICT IESIS - a 'fler a sleepless.1ailniglil delîberc S. Boshear of the First Reg- ip Mlan in Navy uniform Takes c. atian, the. jury lu the $40,000 damsage 'ient Awakens to Find Hlm iF. Ingals Car from in Front suit vhlcb jackt Lleverc and ien Arms Baly Burned. t of Store Saturday Nighi agn'gtaans .F.n wI aud Eari-W. Caspurson, eldexelu Vo- - N.e liva'a cisurcis et Zion, City. admitefi FEAR OF BLOOD POISO IG ta Judge Edwardc Ihelr Inablta-v - y JURSUEb BY CLERK, FLEES. arrive atina agreement. Afler uaur- c. S. Boshear, a. sailor of the First l Ing nîiceht that thure vas no chaqpe Regiment lt Oeat TAins, went oi f obtalnlng a verdict> the court dis- tbmougb aun unusuaai expoeience Setur- Aerlrng ablempt te stual C. F. In- missel the jury, and l will bu neces%- - daY nlght lu the Hostes s ouO >-.~Afl' tourlng car from lin front of hiýeuary ta try the case ovur again. 1 1Wallslngton street and as a recuit9 t~W1Ystore ln Gans" strept 0e- The case veut tes the jury att lrme of hie condition il la likeiy an Investi- '*MneA Surdayf ole abut 9 ocioc 'cock Wcdnesday ater-con and, galion nsay ho started le determine ~tfl bn~tiuds0f eope vme assmany exprecsed te bellot tnat l lio Il vas that placed acld ou> bi a fev fest avay. Tiat the tibef, vould not talco more than an boum latorarma, vby tbey did so and vliut vora the unitorm of a qailor, arrive t a verdict. The pooetuillty purpose - couid PoesiblY bave lmPelled pl uuSeasui vas due 10 lbe tact et a long dlibération vas apparent sncb a terrible act. »M CMet fthse demis Iluthesetore about six oco: vien lie memb erg e er on eIoýo bu ' "Wthe teilov enter tIse car aul 0f tise jury sent out for cigare aui 1,bosisea, afyabnceerllu ndstaou litv ortis ln Genesestreet 5and1 1, idbv fasneoe ud cigarettes. This ln It self vas ratber lie decIded tes day athtis Hosteas *pled lb anssng ftaure vien Il wva con- HouaI and got a room ther.. Ho re- One cdemi lurrled tb the police ae-sideredt laI the Jury vas îQ]Iberating ttred eariy, l. andA reofl the robbery. Au- on 4 case that, grev out of , When ho awakened Snnday more- 'Weefoltoved the cwgtu0 bie Y. 14. C. lu Zion Cty. lng be toit a terrible hnirning ceusa- fA. corner and cav ILt tre eut5 to As haur aller boum passed tbh eo-, lion on hie luit ierearm aud a lîglit Sheridan ftoad and tissu souti. ibilty ot arrving et a V'erdict hobu ning on ils rigbit for.arm. A.tber dutr, M. W. Soreusun. rau came mère anti more rumote LaIe es lui medlatelY gaI UP sud inves- ilea Wuainigton stret ta bond of[ Wedneaday eveutug the attorneys lu ýttgatei. lHe found the compbl tfre- he lnclu e.he returned that the case bucasue couvlnced that au anusof the lrtI arm a massof bUes- wa.agreemet vas not probable be trs; lb cpvurod a Pac about 'l "M. sailor drove the machine <buvu Liovers anti Pearson asketi dam-' juches. long sud tvo lnchoisie ide. Plie Madison etreel bihl and thon agee for a (ieatlng they rucolved t H its leftIammn bad a biolch on It Pured coulhin l Spring truet. Near the bands eof Depev and Caspersots. about as large as a cliver dollar. DO. Cousuercsi Hotel corner 'lieIve wospucl policemen Thbi~ bealing i Boshear ismudlaluly looketi-about "othr salions veru valliug. It la bc- 100k place a yuar age last feu Bth tbsee If lie lied lu vhich bu sept liqred hiI Ihey voee Uesame one Depev and Casperson vere errsled coulA bave been near a bol radlator wbo bcd tood lu iront of tLe lu- on a charge of assuit and battery eud whlcb 'ho mighb have bushed up 8"lstcore a short ime butor, uvl- bot vre fîneti heavily TIse Plain- agalual. lHe found n radlalor CI5y- demtly slzisJ up the' car. Thero Cvi- titis wemu eprseteti by Attorn0ys vieme near. And as bu neyer was denblybled heen a precouceived iopln Deene anti Orvis,- Attorney Dai W ý(own ta walk ia bis sleep. bu could #ba Piathey vere les watan the bolel representedth ie defendants. not figure ouItliow he ruculvuti sucli C orner for the album pailor, to brlng a_____ horrible humu. the car around sud give theun a ride. Accordlngly the sailor wunt loa < Asgesod luclcwould have lb fomen- ROAI) WORK FOR Waukugan loctor, eboved hlm tise pon ece h corner Just as tIse arm andt îl doctor et once tld hl- *iMacine vas comlug Up the Spriug the y u. has. omIXII( acbu atet bil. Wititout besalan ho I II RERSIN lTt ru bcthorn eytram oaci leaped on the runulug board . body maliicuisly Inl ned could have tils cr." whodean doi DgNJIi jhj appled tlb. cdlAu les seboy's arma k. scr, i de add UvCO N hiiu bu siept andt bt h o souiti ual Thie sillon gavea etartliug look at feel Use applicaton as il vas bieniL im" tionlau'leu. Ume sat -1l Supervisors Authorize Step uad-eDelalyvonle as trd WM tetel lb tleaped out est Use op- ..- ont and sleeping 110 soundly, Iu the ýsste aide ofthbie moviug car anti Thore Whioh h oîul be Tried compart&~ent wvies the. ailar lopt veosd dowu the -North Western tiesoî Out ln Lake County. ver. a nusu*er of otuser salor. noue Sb$p. anA dicappeared. TIse other o f >viom 9oëhesr parsonally kmev. 'lUts attesed lu différent , dlrec- Hrrjela agoodý thouglt for Wauke- Ha explained Ilial ho olultn uden Lieusliegn and A La:oConntY, Oua vhlCli bas stand boy suci a thing bappened he- gari-.w U aa a b ehico Drevent lie been conedéred betore ind tined once jcausse nobody tha lied a grudge mrtrusrenatng téathelb ditci, ai- vithout sucesnder mayor TiMer but againat bina tht helie v etofoven tbi i oc: qulc von on bis vhicb alvay appealedbte, heSuns as kmev thti e vas sleeping ai the. »Ut te Isap the »asm. He then 'worby o adoption. The Belvider. Hotsteu bouse. -Wve Il back te thse store. .lÉepubU?.u ayu of tIse -plans o! eus- &y Have Plood Plofllflq. neh ýpalAceare unable t décide iloylng off endors tlienr u ade: iu aousa Isonsalor appçied the M vethertbila vasa dlbtlu- AI lic cession of thc board 0f Su- actA llabthe hope eor bavlug uomne funi, mat atteqg te sisai bbc car or pprIuc Wedneadiy aternoon a ho, oomnultti a sellonu offense or 4*ktisr Me ailors abaply vene ueek- résolution vus adobteti eiPO'weriuig the dodo? adrlised lie Youing mDen OU a »oy ride. A number ofs cases the court lu vitch convicions for mis- ot th le buring *» 'or suce a char- ba*e teveloged hoe-a viere canadonseanoe are obafned anti cimin- acter Ibat ha migt bave bliodpois ea4 *f» atçlendrivon about for a as sentenced to hupislonmjenl lu lis oetag la bbc lait at-m.He vas ad- tov bbo M i a lleurabacdoned. Ou oounty lu brequsimo bbit ali crim- flsed ta vatch il carefuiily and e- Uic ~ "Ubandi a large Palifinder inals labar on tise stzeuts sud alluys cordingW licept ci0seiy lu bouch vîti 7, u*tomobile va. tolen tramt a naval ln bila county, usuter the direction the tiaCtorr ail o! gnnday and nov -fl Iwu o hc rwecuby sud vas drven and superviuion ofi Use sîet cornu- bis naval station dactors are looling ýteaiLpolit uam Highlandi Park viere clouer. or upon lIse public rods ai mter hile. inV vuesturoyal liy lire. Il vas the county under supervision of theB oobDseear titadly oceentle oCJur- bore&y a veele ago Ibat an anboaorna oati commislonor or te auperintenti- roceecause lia déclares the Tiça- Mie v» stsllon, in Waukegafl froue a ot of blghvayc. 1ts oa oi vr un a e Mm livIng yodet flàie Bluaff and Wihal tbe roati vomk under con- biame for it. "Thst Hostos bos. Mliasg bam been beardtofest l ice. tansplaian for Laie County doesnt 1le Oufiest liat cauho fonndIlà thse It èeson a aborin ta thtatUe la- coutry and I vouldn'b &'or tbe vOrl A marriae lceuse vas laued lu hon of many msen la bled up lu thse gay anytling to hurt thein feelings. Waekegstits aatemnoon ta Mise county and clty jeoli en coult hao0frcourse thay oanIb watq4x the tel- les Qunto 0fHigllan Pak nsA to, adranlaga lu lmprovlng the, love as îîey leep-grnc bn mmd E wvdt C. Darerey of CIscago. roade? Tt la a thonglit for tIse Lake lIse ooma. 1 believe Ltonuobd7 id <Et.loyTley. CounnU' auxervsor.. it ln u tn bul Use way il hurlaelsf'l InUcb fun" Boshean as bu shov- ed Isow bis, buçp vas of cucli a Char-' 15" acter tisaI ho couldn'l clsebils arni .OL Ad~ C A.DTQanti coulIardly liftIiL.H l e d ýOLD STA917Sabout ovu ail Suuday vith ist o ovu bils shonidera as Il burt hlmto !A M 588 U 5LAO NEI 5& mach ta sui t ou over bisa urne M U d#t" 014 un iti evmiov et vater. Te en stimuweaIs rin. '- = a w.eegsu'a =Mbsuusu 11106 i thé aer ationsd omablées li TbW bêtlu esn u.ti e ergaas te trov orf the poisons viet thabbi eapag U yoà catiue tic rkx r ax u t takin a Oc nie à cy Ie re ssltrl 4NýIE r1 - iprlo-"ft um buMA0 r s iorto a may ths ecare einE, » LD . -AL eatesom Cap- a a b assud ie Fac orr 20 bec- COO MBALanA grevent a retuvaoreth* ie O Iaac-lem àOn ba. bo eenc-ievlag ts e othé 1ntI 5 aerAiu eukaasaa and ilasbilty due te aBd- 1Mv. stwra voeroe Go eunr B F R 100 ryeaà.Il la c tandana eu- etMa o et 0010 X NY R eom*hume s-oedy sud noedil no latine.- 011and* apsuox . one lieu COT) E5)L Harle ot .ratuaded if tiey de Dot lel you. Thre M, sOdoriesa, taateleas CapSUIl s glas. , Cseame eai o i t 'ft Out 6 drupetsaris. Take e Bitrnai moeto «k to Moemntto Conet ak sou would ca plu, witli a ornait ln seaied packages. Move .n oCnetLk Maen Region with Atlantic Assum- es Formr at Milwaukee. j' Theodore#O IMurst, President. W. 8. Smith, Vice Préaident. ASK CONGRESS TO ACT. F. W Chrchîl, acreai- adMangerTise dream oi tbe fututre, ni oceaul TELEPHONE 8 t Oluers dacicîngeta Wauiegau, eoh and Raciae anti Milwaukee and alier RITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ports on tise Grelt Laes vas etue aithtié confeence held lu Milwaukce ýA" MTR 3CSOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED 'on Frlday anti men n-ho atne o Or-vAÉÉ glevedti tsai ane day that dreani wice coisvil lIsne tions t fethe tonsd. - , Ite tani 0» pud maAre Muteossible foththe Five t ua vouertu da aud ad Orm rblrh mar came true. At thse conter- ieDy oeI Seing iace la -Milwauikee il vwu givep thecVIoat dt. suppor or 0fa TnietatOtates Senalor and membens or Congresa and the re& MANY IN COURT SQUARE. olutions vased taday viii ahow'-tbat the people Of the lakes roglon are un'1 The calent 10 vbleb booze la be- aumus for the carrying out of the 1115 bmought;t Wankagan la viola DIN11. tion of the lirve mlle «>~Y zoue ruling The confOenco Proposes 10 have bia beena ver .y marked ef late. Hun- the panaacanai iaw ameuded ses Cl dued of "deafi oldiera," empty vhis-i to permit raflroati conspaflies ta aller. key botties, are belug teunti scat- te ateamboat Ilnes,, and thus bring tae about the City. Tlhe court a return of thls service, bouse square axipeana to e à apopu- it alfso proposes a permanent organ I'an place te diacard the enpty bot- letton %t3 producing' manutgcturîng ties. Not a nsornlng Passes but what and shlpplng forces ta influence Amn Oliarles Thayer, custadian of the eitican public opinion sa that Il will couirt bous, lnde trvonebe bhall support represontatives aud senabontý a tiozen eml>ty bottlea. at Washington ln edvocatlus Partiel And viat ia more ttlke point the pation b>y the United Statea goven court bouse square la not the ouIý meut iu deepening tlie chanol of the place viers these bottiez are dis- SI. Lawreuce river cooperallvoly vilts carded. Many oft tem are found Int Fanada, vlth the object of utilialna the baseneent of the court bouse Il tbis route tn conjunction witi the self,. it bcing apparent that norne men Welland canai for paissage anti oceais steamers botwecn %Mantreai, Chiraga Milvaukee anti Duluths. United Statuas enata r-vine L Lonroot, vha vas a guesl of tho cou. ference,. assured the delegates liai theïr projgraus meut' vltb hic appro bation and tisaI le will give il every assistance possible. "Tise day la 10cr," declarud the con. atom, "ven Milvaukee anti other Wis- conclu ports iii se oceaugoing vos. sels ai tusein docks. This muCus more ta tIse proes.ity of tise mididle vest lIsaisauy otlier movemuent vhlcli hae ever Iseen proposed. Shipplug centes" oi Use great wili bucomo shipi plng cunlers of the worid. "Thse greatust appo.itiau ls expectoti tram Use east, viir sees. ln thip moveent western parts taking ther place of those on the Atlantic %ea- bsoard as the gret boat terminais. The auccestul carrybng out or sucis a pro ject vili muan tlIsasing of ati east r cents an every hu.heiof grain shipputi eastward." Tihe cammittueean permanent organ ization luCludes H. T. Lindsay, Mil waukeu; J. S. Braown, Chicago; R. C ,Plunih, Mauitowor: t. J. Ci-put, Erie Pa., anti R. G. Brown, Miuneapobis. LTe IHOLM, fieS tSUD, 15 HOME ON Man whe Fought Through the hick of it with Col. Sanborn, Ouest at Whlpplea. WaUkegazi, Manc, 22 Uoeut George Blai, a momber o! lie 1lusIinfautry, unden Colonel Son- Sbora, la a guost et lis. J. A. J. Whip- kPie borne for a tbv days, baving been glven a tariougb 0of tirty days tram the hase bospital Ct Loulavlla., Ky. LIent. lielm vas fis-st lieutenant lu avelleas service, anti vas sent tes lb thospîtal citer being guseti. He bis been lu the hospilal clucu No- vember, ant i le ho le reticent iu talklng absoub bIs expenico. It do- Yelope that buoaswu Inthe.thick of Il, ail the tinse. lielied a close shave >sm tIse gas, but la rapidly meover- tige anA vilb have tW report Isick ta ILssavile lu about tvonty-aeveu tey.4, g6vic Ulime he la nov lu hopes et boiug liccitageti, tieut. Holrn basuhen evcy front Wauisga for about six yocre, prior ta oii hie ie lhe liveil bore contini- tnausly moot est hie lite. -Hle parents -vere. irnsd Mme. John, Holm, vin liveti veât ai Wauiugcnan onGrand avenue. Hle enlisted in Georgi andi cc saverseas service ovisr a ye.n- SUYS TUEUNIT ISBESTIIIA INSPECTED VET R.C. 0f ficer lisPects the Waukegan High Sohool Mii- itary Training Unit. Lieut. Chas. Vandervort of ObIcag-o Inapected bis Rt. O. T. C. o! the Wou- kegltn hl* aschool Ibis mornlug anti vien ho bil vîtuosiedthle vomi ai tie local boys, he mado e suad tie faulIty happy vwheu lissaA! Ibal: Tise milita-y training von cof the local schoal Is lhe lest ho bas ever Fseen-ftram a student stautipoint: lihaI rho vil necorniend buse local echool 1as one0 of tiesepcial. mitaiT nulle e utier 'govarnuent direction vIlb a fusiln equlpmeul: tht ail of tbe boys I ilI beuiultrmoti anA ftuUY eQuIPPet by May 1, E! e couldiVt have, Pald sa hbhr ccompliment ta the unit vicis 15w hecba tva Eé4paulue, 208 men. 1 uncak lu lier. to drink Useir hooze and tison tirov avay thie enipty Wliile usins hait plut andi plut bat- tues are fouinA the majorlty are quert isottlea bearng lie labels et veil knovn .,brande est iguar. This lis eostining ilmoof liaItte lîquor *as inougit bers from snome otlser city. Ocoi yal thle police arreat s mam vbo bas a parttaliy emptlud bat- tic ot Ilquon bnniepocaucato_an_ l mont cases lb deveoaps tIsaIMIbn l- <mon la purciaaod ontofsthtIe clty. fleauseé natianal prohibition le no muer il la believed that litt ' e ettempt ta helng madtie Warest thue vola- tora lu tba dry zone. ARRESI FOR WAU- KEGAÀN MOTORISTS WITIIOUT LICENSE Sucrctary of Statue merson haq sent notice ta Ciiet Police Tyrrnll. togeîher vils lise chefs a! aI'liii.1 nais cilles, askiug tbem ta arrest Ire- metilately ail ovuers ai sutnoînehies vio have net lailu out 1919 licences. or made application. Deepito an unsusua11y early rush for liceusos. the sccretany est stete oeil- maIes bIset Uer. are over 12500 de- Iluquenta ln the state. Iauenses taken ouîjlov, bis reords sav, total 2Ifi 1? la kuovn liat thora are a nuas- ber of deluquents la Wankogau, corne auto ovuers bers valting unlltbi very ast minute every year before making applicatim or thlirl licences. Some of these men mcyfInd Ibat liey have vaiteA 10eo long this 7cmr, ton If bbey are pleked up thbie po- lice or by lie sierlir tbley vil! Ïb. aubject tb a fine, lu addition te pay- tng thoîrlilcense tee. It la probablo thab thon. yl l e a sonamubue on lie part of doUnquens te mie applica- tion ton licenms before thuy are an- SAYS FRNS 0F WIFE WON'T TELL W1IERE suEIS A. D. Waiker Kusband of Marie Walsh, Leaving Town, Deciar- es He Cannot Find Wife. MOTHER DOESN'T KNOW. A. D. Webkur, c serman lu tise 17tIs regimunt aI Great Laies, until Mardis tt visen he vas tibaciargeti, le loak- Iug for is vite. Mo vents to Slud ber becauso lie doosn'l vunt la bu placot lu tIse position ai desertlug lier visen lu realily bu tiecleruesshu alreciy lias deorteti hlm. Walier, Ibisa recaliedtg th ie yaung Ballon viso, la.sIspng, vas arrusteti on complaInlt of re Mary Welsb af North Genes. setreel vlio chiurged that he bcd eluped vllb ber tiaugh- ter, AlieWalais» Tley venu inter marrieti efler Use mother cuti tiugis- ter vumu recoucibeti. Since tiss, Waiier icI continued ln the navy but lie aimlts lie isatinet beu vîti his vite muci of the lIme as aie lied talien a nooru aItishe home of lin, anAdlire. Guy Alyce <of Norths Geneeee streel. Hea cAti thal tIse Aîyocs AIdnt lilce hlm inuch anti tisat tisefeeling vas meclpïocab.. Mle es UstaI lie AlyeU asbdinhueuco over hfIc vIte anti lie believes bliey kuoy vbere uhe la but Usey wyul nat tll hlm. lHe gays lie maotia des not evon enov visere the yvssug vite vbso la but 17 yecre, old, Io et tise preaunt lime. Sise 1% mach cancema- ed beccuse.bie deugisier expuo'-t l liecome e mother by the tIrsI 0f usuit mout. tI aI m goiug avey anti narly th. Alymas vIlivre me no littnua- tion et ber vhenebçats. They semi tb have an u.squi, îover ber au bave even gome 0 fat as ta maie tbrea*te 1Mra>' ttkern-lav tiat they vouid have lusdivorSeel von'betoro the base vas bora," salA Waiker t0- day. Waiker'anA bis vite ver. uiarried ater satllng parental consent, bath belIg ululer ap aIe'tlme*. Walk- entla îuul20 re roid 110*. i119nias ongulyftom Hutoon W.vil Wsiker loft tlom ulgt and vould not liaI. wîbe -Waà gorg but cave msorause 10relatifta ôt lita vifs iiatie vould leep lu tmui wti them. Walker eon vent 3seft mas ta lunite 'litIha fut linI certain folks vho vero trylng to separato hlm and bis wife and bcd even malle throats-to farce tbem mbt a dîvorrcu actian, may have kIduapPed bel- ass that she Mitght bu nov even trylut 31t getlin touch with hM betore fleavee tovu. FMAUI OE F RICIIMNBACIIR IS NOW MERELY RICH Mrs. Lillian Hussey Richen- bacher and FamiIy Drop Teu- tonio Sounding Namne. OFFICIAL COURT ACTION. Wankogan., larcb, 22 Waukegmu people viseshave reand tbat Mn. llsu' Rîci and ber tam- lby are nere frorn Soattle. vislting ber parents. Mr. and Mmc. M. H. Itupsey. bave thought tise items lu lie neye- ppers tllilng of It vere bypogrPhi- cal errons, tIsatIshe nasinesotîlt have rusAd"Richeubacher," tomrbiset vis Use naino under vhici s ireRch vas knaya vren se vas fcuarried se-ver. ai yuars a But, Ibats ualtishe case. The tarnlly naine no langer islais enbaciser---lt te jule Rîcis. il developethbat Mti. RIcIsent'nclsr like many albums, diti 001 ik.' 10 have tise Teutontc saundlag namne ai-J teched la biim and hie famlly as ià r' nuit aiflise vave of gentimenst w'ilch sproati aver thse couatrý- aga1nýt.1j Cermans. And a. out ln S-atite visere Usuy have llived for sanie years lie veat lmb court aud bad an oail- cie court action laken wburoi:,- tise naine Rlcb,-acier was chaaged ta bicIs. And iso l lanovwlMr. cuti Mre. Iicis vho are vlsttlng lu Wauiegan sud not 3.1r. andi Mr@. Ricebaciser as l vas vb5n tbuy bave viatul bero prevlouciy.f Mir. Ricusnliaeer, vboha come on trous hic vt vitS hlm ftis int la bacousa manager 0f tise Hussey lnin'er yard aI Detroit. DIESINPAMIS;A' Brother of Mrs. Watrous Who Made Millions out of Lumber Succum1bs Abroad. HE USED TO LIVE HERE. A cablegram received Mondey nigit by lins. G. B. Wabrons tesît bem of the dtin Perla o! ber brother HenryIL. GetIy, yoare ago a resident of Wankcgau vho bocame onu of bbe veclthlest 0f Waniegensa fermer rucidents, for, Il vas m- porbeti, ho vasrnany limes c mii- lionaire. MTn. Gettîr tam ne yucrs bal madie bic home lu Parluevîit bi% dangisber Miss Alice. Bie blitA bu- corne geatiy interentot In u eltare vomi, etc. ant i uring lie van vas vos-y active lu varionsa ines pereonel- ]y andti vlshum vealîli. ,Mr. Getty mcdo bis millions lu lumbenlauda about, Muakegan,MIish. and vas associatedti its ucis mua as MÉXtIn Ryurson tsnd Cbailea Hutchîns est Chicaga, arng Chicagos vealthtest men. Mr. Oetty vas a big stocliioltier lu tise Chcaga audl&4um cuti for. yeers main- taîneti c box at the big theater.. Ms-. oGtty, vison luWaîskeeeu IIvei whise uJames Wetrous no lve. soulivest corner eGuesee anti Julie n cIrcula. * HIse ie deabonI1991. Ho vas a 11111e altier than bise sste,! lins. Wetrous andti Ibretore vas in bis S's. Mr. Gelly anti bis dtirghter hâd not beun lu Waukegen tonrnmany yoarw IunI - oaci Çitfotmas 5emeus- beredti ieur relatives boresIsy lîberal gIfla. Mlxed. A certain protessor vws struggliftS 10 ninke dlean, tîhe point tbal bolli papents bave an equal Influence upesu a chibti. "For," te enîi gravely. *'a man lsa as uch tise son o! bis tather as ho lu tise daugiher of bis mother 10 liq - IAI«OIl IOÀYS Pesk e N. hiag NO HOPES ARE EXITENDED. c b I I ln Vibat la helleved te b. a typical case of sloop sldkneeg las developed at North Chicago, lieing one of the mont serions cas that bas beau fautif!lu0 '4e Sonty. The viotim, la Marthe, 7-year-old daugliter of Mr- and Mms. john Petadmo 91 Thlrteentli nt. ror ton days thi.e blld han been totally uncon.cious. During the ten dayisite bus talion no nourlshment. Har eyes are vide open practlcally ai the Urne but stili ac seii nous- Img. This evldently la a meoult 0f thse prtalal liaialysia 'which manifesta ltself ail over the body. The abeenoe ot feeling Lesen vIson the body la plnched, for there 14 no reflex action. Witt bite-exception of the tact blifi the cbild bas a fever oflOO.8 dtfflrss and does nlot take iiouihment bar condition appears te b. tIsatof a person vho hliaunk fite an extreuse- ly deep ulumber. Oceaslonaliy mie menus a l1111e but apparently ia ln no plan. Hem breathîng L8 natural and otbum ordinary tunctlowi of the body go on normaliy. Sleeping slcknesln the case of thîs little victim, aa iu scores of cam- os that have developed ail] over the country, tolloved an attack ofthtIe spanhali qnnuenla, Rverylilng Poc- uible has been doue ta restare the, child te conFciousness hnt It seom% impossible' toemecue nom from ber deep sleeP. The attsndinz Physi- clan te dolog ailluIn is Power but dopes flt hold out any liopeiç te the parents. inabillty ta give tli' chiId nouriliment makes J4 mero1%- a ques- tion of lime whan thîs ln itself will catL-o <bath. FRED.IH. »BEIIRENS DIES AT MIE OF 73 Pred TT. lehrens. a ploneer residpnt oft Warren township died MoudaY niglit at bis home. Had he llved until May lie would hav, been 7. years nid. Hle aves a wldov and tour chl- dren, lira. MaryCashmore, lirs. Auna Cashmore, bath of Round Lae, Herman of Stockton. Calif.. and Fred Whli Ie. at home. The Behrens borne ie at Behrens' olnerx just at the :aand Avenu to-n to Druce's Lake. Puneral Thurcday at 12:30 fron tthe house, hurlai at Gram.Laire. 8PUCIAL AS8SS<ENT NOI-ICU DOCKET NO. 137. Notice la hereby given t ait per- Susnsnter«nte that thse City Council of the City of Northb Chicago, havtng ordemed that a muppiementai issus- meut be madle tecuver the deficien- cy la Speclai Asssament No. 127. for the Cost of improvin, onstrncUng drains, catch basins, .mazlosand trading. dralning and paving Wl~th te- lforced concrets and macadam and otherwlae lmprovlng tbe roadway of a Portion of State street between thse NortNwery hmn. f Twenty'eonq Street extended Eaaterly saros ald Stge Street (Cbeing tIl- Noe-therly lineoot a concrete pavement) and tie Northeriy liue of Broadway ex- tended Easterly acroose said State Street, at riglit angles thereto, etc.. al] lu the City of North Chicago, County of Lakte and State oft Illinois. The ordinance for thse sanie belng on file in thse office of the City Cifelc of uaid_ City, and the said City bar- Ing appled te tfie County Court of Lake County, State of Illinois for an essesament of the cont to cover caifi deflciency according 10 tthe benefita, aud an assessmeut tiseretore bI lng beeu made aud retuMned to Rid Court-, the fiuai bearlug thereon viii bu liad at Ten o1clock A. M., on the lut day oi April, A D., 1919, or as soon thureafter 'as the 'business of thie Court wlill Permit. Sald ordinance provides that thse aggrugate amount ot sald. asseas- mient lie dlvided lu ten> (10) lnsail- monts bearlug Interest et the flvi per cent per annum front the date of tise'tiret voucher lesued on account of work doue on adlm u- provemeut. AIl persoasdesiriug may Ille Ob- jeqtions ln caid Court betore ald day aud xnay appear et thse hearlug and make their dotons. Daled ai North Chi cago, Ihlmilts. Mehi 26th day ai March, A. D., 11.. JOSEPH L. PRZYBORSI, The Person appointed by the PresRi- dent of the Board of Local Improve- meuta to make sald assessment. Wkly -Marcs 27-ApriI 3 "a)lai Mr. ai violtors day oec vho re Fourtft g151er s vseek. Pater 1 busines Tom ont for1 Dr. aud A bab., The lii boys. 'i tvo t-sel snd vas tIse gain snd fell c for a ev 0.17 leu Tbnrada: Mcilenry for. Sa ouest Wb gaine amd Electio for super A man Long Lai binssil 1 ah. bsody Joe dch relatives TIse Pi spending aI Gags. Abu cccl man lb. tii. other Injuries t4 froinFric lu Ciulea Mm s.F Friday. r Sspent th Park. Mims.F Fred W ou thse go Mr. an( day alter at Buria Mies. Pc sometînse Mauzen. Mme.Cli <n busIn. P. R. 8 veek lu ( Mr@. D. aid Mis ire.ore choyer I sud avýe by &Il Pr diahea of tii. ree Ballon 1bc à bncIý mScety 1 sud ira. Aprîl 7%] telophon v.Bq

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