CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Apr 1919, p. 8

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-s- frea- and Vicinit UneD7oai iatretad lu good. whole- i»ma ataInmt luAns walibu,. *hS tu the comuty welar1 enter- ahunbt ab the ouuity bouma OB Miaou DM lanche Shaddle and Rachel llukttavdlsr bave ruuued tber latod- tui et 1.4m Forest coillge, aiter a ton E.A. OCaua. apent the week-end lu Bu@ay morniag. and lu the evening apolaislathe. church boe.. Ut aMia.a. Ama Teguieyer and Bulda .l"e* Un Wednesday lu Gilîrer, after *crwoss-country hike of Ove miles. The CioumbiaEntert&luers, oftChicago, elli ppear lu the Community houa., lu Aima, mit Saturday eveuluge, Iu a pro- lpfia'ull of ftu and amua.nt. Heur Ira. Walter Leruker aud chldreu went te Gaidoula the lait of the we.k ta ailebrat. Walter Lubr'. birthday. Mm. Laroy Kane, lMt. Robrt Roua. "ad 4augbterand Umia.Tui. Brockaom aft Tburedey aiternoan wltbgliMna. H. MarellI B utchînga apont s couple 'o ëff, lu Chicago the. put wuek. Mr. and lie. Auguot Stoerp sud grandaugbter @peut Tueadai wth Mr. 60SU u.WS.Stoarp. Mn. aunO alrby snd sou bave il»ved to tb.lrnew homeast Lihertîville. Mia. emie.Hemi@peut lait Tauda, ve.tug wtb the J. W. Cooper sud Je&. Ilewe famille.. Fred Lubkeusu bas tane down thei dhurcb sheds. Meurn. Jerry and Fred Towuér werej Mvmnton viatora Ssturday. Mr. and lit@. Robert silouse, Mr. aud 14i. a.Lroy Rand sud Léwls Mille sud Ulm Mal. Relu atteuded the ahow et IWaukegau Weduesday eveulug. Mr*. George Gehike la 111 wth thé pàmonus. re. Ernet Butterfiéld la ja"ediug ber. at préaeut se le doiug Bou Duebek le able ta b. about agalu. Mre. Albert Dyer viitted Mns. Wm. nSur ua day lait week. Meura. William Poulton sud Frank Jaolland wera Wsukegau vlator% Thur&- dyeveulug. Word bai been rclvéd fhou Private tu irp irou Francs that he bai the SUt. sud UMii Marhall Hutchînga wére ' khJda'airtw visiteorrday. nea bikat sial i peu by the acho oi c- effrau wai well attended. Thé pro. gm wwal"Iraudered asud upeclslly ,-ýfmlaitruumtal musse by the mille embeahu*ransiaeo by the ldiea.i Hea. Umsrly $50 wai taliou lu. raak tuipaud Mia.Evoline Towuer svan Prairie Vlaw viatori uudsy. Mr. and Mr@. Win. e Hokeinayer ai ]Palatina, ipant 8uuday alteruou wlth «M. Sophia-Towuer aud fuuly.' J . W. Hutcie@peut thé week-eud la Mlwauke. W. D. Leinker aud mou, William, epeut oubdgày St Wautegau. àHaS EllSIýwbhHai epen t Suuday ut the. home of Mr. sud Mre. IH. Brocmsu. Guetat Mr@. J. W. Butchinge, Mon. day were:' Mr. sud Sire. C W. flutchlugs ud4 daughber, Mr. sud Mr@. Marohail lftoblnq sud Mia. Evoljue Towner. Mn. su ad Mr@. Lroy Kue@ peut Mo. 4*sq lu Chicago. Maribail ubebluge bas accéptéd a positionu'ai brakeman ou thé Sooue frin uWaukesasto Chicago. a@wile, offacts tu maie to Wsukeâha lu the Mauture. Frank Doidfer sud famlly of Grayalaké, 9 @pant undaY-wltb.tb,,former'@ mothér1 lin. Leo Meyen sud cildreu of At& VIRts, lova, Ore îlaltlug rélatIvesansdE -.iud rlndemuFremout sud îlclnlty. Phd Flan sund WiliI H$maimui au.4 VICIyed bY SmIth & Brown of Roupd Labbe. ver, buelneaa callera hèbre lat Bsturday. JO@ Ttu@ansd famlly euterlalnéd cou- pacy from,,Wllette sud Libertyvillej Cicr Suuday. t*.sS. the Ioofeo!uch a tisa a«d clevar vite sud to the lva sall eblidran the fi of a mothar,,the osa, vbo uo one lu thl world cela avar taka ber place, but &tiI we know that God bai judged bar work ai doseanadI cllid blrai Iboharlght tima. Rer fberal vas beld St 89. Mar'. cburch,' t'rihay morning nt 10 o'clock aud by the vary large ettendaneaitcour4 ba plainly sau. how graatly elle VaU admired hy *il Who kua -bar. Bai. P. Md. Bue bail charge of tha services sud gavé a beautifui sermon, Nil of couiola- tlou for the bereaved fsmlly. Il la sd that oua va cbariih Sbould hé tskeu tront oui home, But thé joye that do uot perlaht 1 Live là rnemary alone. Al the yaare we'vaepeut touether, Al the happy, goldeu boure, Shsll ha cberlahed la ramémbrauca Fragrant awuetoi rou mewory fIayens. DECIVED TOO LAT£ 1MR LAST WEEK Boimar Cookt o Wauconda, vas a huaI- umi aleu.boe.Mondsy. Anna, the joungiot daughter of. Mr. sud Mrs. Mike Obausuf la quiée 111 witli pueumoula. Jobn Hioimus of Waucouda. ipant Tuuday atteauon vith bhie tar rea. SOtto Obausuf adsud Mister urus oi Glîmar, vislted th. latter'$ brqther, John Suruasat the Mc&illltir hospital lait Wedneaday. Hie uany frit nde viUl ho glad to kuav bo a.gtting &long very uicely. The fait of St. Joseph@ vas obiirved witb ipaclal services atfit. Mary'. chprcb lait Wedbaaday morcng. ADelteil uflouary trou Techuy. Ili., vbo vas ordaad &0 tha prleetboood Ine Yeats agn.sud lmadiataly a.nt to the Phtil. pi@ Island, had chargeaof thé servic@ sud gave a moiS lutéretlng talk of hie experiéucpe sud bardebîpi whilé lu thé Besthéu Laud. Thée ommnulty willl haie a fIre@pro. gram ut thé Wooduian hall, Thureday eveulug, Aprîl 12. There vîlI hé local sud outelde talent. ThéeIdié. are requééled ta brlug a seiall bail of carpet ragi witb their namé lueidef The carpét rag halle are ta hé ane.tioneéd off by Fred <irbba. Lunch wyul bo a.rved lu thé dlulgig rooni. Chai. uîau nthe alckflot. Mia. Coaklul vas entertaiued ut thé Hodgkiu@ houe over Suudsy. Misa And&rsou of Palatine, ia alao vlaltiug theré. Mr&. Coou rielted at Waukégau one day lait week. A u umbar trou here attéuded thé tuueral of Mns. Klen Schmidt aut Loug Gravé, SGuuday. Mns. J. P. Ritzetbaler la ou thé aing flot. Mir, sud Mns. Pedera.u autoéd iran> thé city Suuday, returulug Lionduy aftéruoou. they were guaite ut thé A. C. Richarde home. A youug lady urrived ut thé Wallace Ritteuthaler houle Marcb 25, Mother sud daughter are dolug tins. Paul Peglow i. on théeik liet. Mr@. Butchinga le able to leave ber oom uto toit flu a eunny wiud, W. 1 Ltildred Riitzenthaler hué tukien ber position lu the City. Chritine Seller hue returrned tu lber home sud Myrtle Kruger hae takien ber placé with Lire. Butching@. Lira. J. McLaughlmu la doîng co nicely that ehe Ioexezpected borne Saturday or hunday. Will Bolet le on thée ick let. Mn@. Mitchell of Ares, Nire. J. Dolle. mier of Lihértyville, Mre. Wli Schuler of Itoulle, sud Lire. Relemaun o! Elgin, alao Mr@. Race aud Lirs. Hayes vêt-e vlators ut thé ceuetery assocatiou ut Cora Hodgkin@' @pont Saturday sud t iuu J dsy lu both e . Thé Ladiée' Aid vli muet vth Mno. 8. Ott. April loti. Chaplaîn Paul RL Reualds ot thé Sprace Productian Dvsion or! té aruy wIul Ppeak at thé Conggtloual church néxt Buuday éveulug ut 8 o'clack. [le OBITUARY. a régiment vIbicW&iai antto the sprue aenitire iommnratty wa8s ehcked iumhcr campa o! Washftn"uo to speed Ba&ddeqed huat V.edneaav nornlng nia thé cttlnugoft Iluhr for n@ lu thé 10It béc'ume kauwu hat tIré. Mary manuftacture otfstoplance. Bé bas an Uà Aari pusedavvuey at cidnlglar lnterétinugetary to tl f 11o oythe Ab"D vue only thlrt3.l ve year. solîllere a-umerneicoutact vlth thé I. W. w. Ïbdab torwerlY Mise Mat-y Frienra, o),ganization sud boy thé urmy sueSe. ýUn., but lne ber iraurage ta> urairaudled labor diffilculttleawih xmua thirbéén yéurë , asm tht-eatened ta deteut ai sropîsue praduc. ledat Fart HUI, wla.-re mîaaî undetMo n. r.eynolds wwUl b. renremhéréd *lieedhY ali lber neighbort, . lî y af IDIay pe.ople hecaua. o! hie îv In.jPiu Iant abe bas ber-n a visit lieré two yeraugo wlrilé a studént abai ld supporter o! st. Marye attChicargo TlolaiaSenarnrry. 5hÜé mAhand ereth leta-hdFer Employers' Consirleration. pseb u d ber ea rh lfW hé Me"a a'"àbar -1 ti,a Inae ira zirIrvoit lia. re.édvlt aeorowaIl th"le ti tr.> "Y a%"' frai. lrand t» I porgnaut hecaueIt came e00inoutI. 1and.1viii .11a)t sradhabits w1di. Mns. Ausuu vas a dutflul o!f Iaalli na-. ialang thé lahoring ~Ibar suri4S lÔvng vite sud oune iho lamr, if taar nrair re toc0por o WWrileéd ber young life an thé sitar heIrîot a nbl hn lie motbérbi,.d. lit- ardaed a ruil- ta !aart(ija,.' 111, laUrtlant la go. i o tethée orewing hueband lnInig Oaira li- Iurad Ecag Robert Kaateiuspéint the veek-end iat 'its houa. .4 "Mr. and Mm s. u Rihuan, Jir , ad son, Greanvood, apant Suadar lu Chic.. go vltb raltàvas Mt. end 'Mm.. 9 BSading virsa l Chicago Mouday.0 -Cha&SeBnti calion lrisnd br. Baîurday su d iueala. Mi»Leasurs Ville vistod miath bar ,dataèr. Mia. B. Andàruu, sa à«day..l Fred Pappan l. prepsdag hie asvly purchaied proparty for rentan. At the cale of the Hlmi boum» iaturday mtrnoon, Wiu. Polusun pnrohamed the property for $2,550. George Eicmsu viated vith is patente Sunds.y. Mien Gertruda Rime spent s tew deya ln Chicago veitlag Monda. E. Frank sud B. A. Fieka yeen cllaort- lu Waukau.Mouday.- mia. B»"ia McVrtby apaut saturdsy ln Chcago. - Wu. Ankela boa uaved ta the 0. Frank maldonne.. A. Biser w&asgout at thé borna of Roi. E. Biser ovar Soudsy. A flamber of people trou hans attandéd tihe Pragrlansd baskat iodaI et thé Hubliard a.bool TiMraday nigbt. Sund" "aturuon a party, both s aurprua sd farsycîl vaiglvanfor'the Frsuk ébiliken by the varlie. Sunday achool clie to vhicb they belong. Th.y eujoyed a phassut stternoon plmylua gammsansd yen a.ervod vitltle. crem aud cake bafore hesvlng. Tbaebhlîdren of the public achool bar ara Vary proud or tlir Dov flag. vbic thay asru.d by a.lliug pine to relatives and friand. and' auoug thommlvi.. it wai ruuored that the P. T. A. vas ta scure sàflag for theoichuoi, but tua lgag vai obtalned by the wark oflttacbers sud pupla thema.lao Lira. Bd J'breud of UIahlsud -Park, vas tbe guéaI o! lire. Jullua Johnson ou Thureay. Mir. FA~d Kimhark of Ravaswoad, vas thé gut of ber muther, Mn@. %urah Adam@e au Thuneday. Mia. Joa.phlué Woodmnu, @eut the puat wa.k with ber ttér, Mr@. W. H. Kuitof a!Wlmette. Thé Royal Nelghbors of!àAmérica en ter. tained elzteeu uelghbori tram thé Shermervillla camp st their lait meeting au Tburaday uixht. They alao adopted tbre e nv mmubara. Foliowed hy ire- freebueutsansd a royal good tlrué. Rév. Stelrwald bai been appainted as pastor of th. EB. chureh for thé camiug Year, ut their cautéreuce held ut Barriugtou. Euhl Frédrîchei of Arlugton Hélghts, uoved ilamlly loto theTriér bungalow au Friday. MlamaLoi&ansd Mldr..l lyucb of Chcago, were the weekend gumatq A Fred Horouherger'a. UmAloilîla Peterion, vho vai aper. ated au for eypeudlclti, s wuek ggo at thé Highland Park haepltal la dohug ulcoly. Uma Faitb Riecheit of Mt Csrroll, la oeédlug ber eprlug vacation uit ber father's, J. A.-Rlechélt, Sr. Roi. L. A. Kelly îpteacbed bis tarnvll a.ruou Suuday morulug lu -the Pnahby- terlan church. Hila cougrégation reg ret ta haie hlm Ieare. né bas accepte-I a caller to a ouch larger ield ln Spencer, Indiana. Mir@. Cutier le back home fr on the hOehPital and lé regaliig ber uouai health. Lire. Ed Therrien ol Highland Park, waeithe guet aofLire. Ed Landau on Thuroday.' tirs Wlerd of Chcago. wus the guet ottrer daughter, Lira. J. A. Riéchlt, Jr., over thé week-end. lire.ena Jobnson éutertéiued s number 01 ber relativu* ou Thuriday lu honor ai ber blrthday. At thé sonnaI church minlg c0fthé Preebyterlan churcli the cal vW&@gîve Mn. H.Meidowell fLicCormack Seminnr for thé -euulg year. Umie.Mabel Boreuharger vas thé gumt 01 ber cousin,Lra. ChrIs Bout ot, Tuesday ana Wodueaday. Thé Dorcai eoclety viliimuet tauew ut thé comuuuty houa. an Fridey aftteroon, lnead o! Tbursday au a nubér a!thé ladlej 11b to attend the thirty-fitth aunual meetng ot the WOmau'A Prebyterlal oclety for Hame Mlealoue lu Chicago ou Thursday. lire. Albert llagigie antértahaed ber couein, Lire. Auiruet Juge o! Omaba, Neb.. tihe paet wéék. The Miiéionury aoclety of thé U. E. church wéete rtatned by Mnr. E. A. Frant z ou Tneeday. lire. rhe-. Elemeyér attouded thé funeral o! ber brothér-inlaw, R. w. 1M&R1bcýf Chicago, ou We4uuedsy. Round Robin. O)riginaly ILround robIn vwu a pau* tion or Droteat segnéd lu auch a vat WA OLLGWS.S>FE PA T KUTl~OE ftrni ad jeuY and Iolda Her IPva. $ 1«b A aatba4t$taua4 rowm by Accu.- 9 U NU3R mélatlng &afae TiBonds. ~ AJ Ti" le, the tovy oetMm a haIL !RS. SC JL45 Hallan, Who -fer forty.five y»t pa e n etba oial re rkdl: etao N wSoie of W ages Effective 'I s nom begn W« a;Ià" ln Living 'b- u lliaipèba he= -- ofBi sReason. sicragg Iilth and avarage lut«.l akga.Arl ganca Capital alie hud noua. But WU« ,Arl isa bai aomotling ese as good If inot Tic nev mala of vagea vwhlclithé btter-m appreciatlon or the &dan Teamaters Union o! Waukegan baq tage !thrly ri# anusvervlng am- décidai uupon wu. maria effective bItIto a aceri. hema toda,. Thé nov acaie ollows., D4UpstMat.fraors salarIi ara net _*ifty cents per hour fer an elgat 'tou. tvar prapért!.TétMl.old Boulei-ai forty conta par hour. Ralîu vomxers Sh asiri li9t vepr day for tomme. Thé aId them Wil. Uha neyer speculttd. Sha male vas 18 ver dar. put ber £Bondy onîy luto mchinlvaut- 8.50 lierday for driven rs o ne mouteanai ould ylel a Bure intrust borne wagons. Thé ould secule was ratai-. Upon ber *Iath ahé laft au $3 par dey. ditate vauai aet 570,offi. go tar as moi-n thé coutractors Bad Mimt a siai, aurlg the cerner snd ceai dealars have decidéd te pay Yeara Of ber progress tovurd pros- the inrassa lu thé vageseue éwlth- PeritY. the daadieanaga of lave.tlug lu Llborty bouds, ber pue. vould havaeout a stranuous proteeît. Théy asert beau stMl mora apld. lu lier youngar that It glmply meaus tht thelr er- diy thée e ra no gevernueut bonds hesd érpenié lhan baein lcréasedthit availbla. tu order ta ho sura that mach More. b« Ibvftuants i-ère saia &ho care. The teaatars union lu nfnounciug fflly studied the luvestueut fIIldvaud theini.mse lu l(ates hamtt thlti accepta a couparatively 10v rata of diay are actniated only by a dêsire toi Internet. But uhae scceedad lu apitekaep abreat of Increaséd living cx. ,e mtania o penses. They aay that thé living! suI« enad vomen. stati at olifrtbnslvead hi .OU tdzyhavea great adîsutag. cnebtfothmlvsad'pi Tha wui bu for thé fitst tmmiinca home, basinelucrasd ta a uarked ez- 110 masde govamnuent bonda of the tént ince.the last écule wéut into United Statue avallahla tothe diaullffect. .iâVetor. Beora 1917 the mmal gov- Oouuiasiauer Dletnteyéc aaéérted arUDMMtotum vére suappari up by et thé council meeting Moudsy nîglét the hmuks for their own ipaclal arrangements vîlI haie ta a)P But nov Liberty baude may ba bouglit hi esupycu ansd eta higimr rata of ta psy théecale ta téameters Inters«athdan vould evér havaebeam lu the clty'a emploi. POehadr It flot bécu for the i-ar. The govemument soon vI o cier te dia people Ona mord chance te partiei C1IIC(miOPLANS À lis lu a greatlosa. -B*iat tum dia nation i-ill havé contracted a dont- lot debt of more tirain 05.000,000.000, WELCORI ME TO viich mUait ho pravidal for. Miss HullanVa storr shows ithat a"j- body cm nie and cuacunuate. An. BOYS Of 4 9TII. coDmou meuesh lowsa tir ever3-hady i-ho laoavns dan Snd na investuent Chicago le ta haie an opport.,nlivs qulée me goori a Uncle Sam's Victori of -welcomlng hionme thé 149th lerlî Liherty bonds. Artlllery, "Rélly'é tincksé." as con -HELP "tFINISH THE JO." as they arrivé home front Mucona - %NO OR OD G Adit. Gan. P. C Harris, nore SAVE NOW FOR LD GE Tbursday that thé régiment wotrld Where WfII Yeu stand mi Sixty-flv- lié roated throtîgh (Chlca4i and star Whist Yop De Now Provîdes *Vicor furlongli" vatld ha démah- for the Future. lllzad et Camp Grant Col. WillIaui - Nelson Pelouse. chairman of the wri-, DO jon vaut ta hé dapaudent on frInds, relatives or eharity i-heu jon' lire slxty-five réars eld? If not, Set réady ta bay 1'ictory Lierty baude to tha utmnost of your presaut sbillty, and IàY théMa Way agfiluit aId âge. Titis adîlce la toundadi upou tha e. seérchés of thé statisticiens employai b7 thé lite Insîntance compqrlao. Tira, bave dévote I nîîch tudy. tpia poir- lmi et dependa-ucy. &a ltirai kuo whey have fou niltiat et oua husdr.i hasîthy uvertge yoiug mmn vho tait olat inDHle at the ilemgorftvanti-fte rom: ThÙItY-clx wil hé deas bafora thay raidi the age of mixtave. mutof thern leavlug familles unprovlded for, Of dth e reinaug mxty-foa-mes, aet tha agle et ixty-iva e an: Oua wihI hé ich. Pour wlll be fairly i-cIl-to-do. FViveitlaC1wsuppartlng theméél4va. b, vorklng. FIFTY-FC-R *11-liebadépendant apon friends. relatives or chity IF TOU Il'aINOT WANT TO B3 NUMBEILEI a AMONG 'TUE FIFTY- FOUR, EttlCNlTu-tE IRABIT 0P MÂF- INO AND T. .hlT. THE BEST AD BSAPEST INa iSTMENT FOit TOUR SAVINGS Irli IN UNITED STATES GOVEIthMENT BONDS. -HELP "FINISH THE JOB."- Cet' Behlnd the Victery Llbarty Loan. "Pence mnr-r he inaucéiasu i-cl to i-ar, and tei(initial otagcmestofpeas may be fauIi( ever more ezpausve ,- n i-ar. Thbrefora, get bhhld dia cMtry iberty Loan i-han It couaa. -Gaecretary Glass. --I-ELP "FINISH THE JO- THE MISER ANC TH£ WOMAN. à miser. bort Ina a laud afar, Who'd galned a fortaina ovar bra, Wbare Liberty li he ia ndfg star, Lookai up trou hic gld vith a bit- ter lear. 41I got It b>' pluchlflsud goln u! ii- ,vut; Tbey caîl me gcéady; I sm." saI ba. 'Vh. Natlon's io eIland 1aibout. FPor bouclé theyU gat su goli Ire. A voman gmt-éd en as~tar a! goli. Ulb'd given atlibh*bai te glia' Ani sairlced te lm&, 'ti-SI toli, Tht lbérty and ImdI miglit Mi*. lAd Il' Ind agaimsd asalu,"m» sald, "To lrlp ta rk redy -éar's 1115, Andi ta kéep true faitli ithi aur hero deird By hblplag puy Oiw vartime buis& corniung comnmit tee bast begun ta lay plaji for a fittlng eélébration. The- l4âth la expectéd homé by théeMida- dis of April. There are 17 1-aké couuty baya lu thé 149tlh aud tiereforé Waukegau lé muolinltereted Inluthé plané te givé thé boys alg 'vécomnluChIlcazo. A jury lu circuit court on larlday fouud that Jacoeh Schlosser bas been gullty of repéated cruélty as charged hy hlsie iluhér bill for diorce aud a décrée wil b hé téréd. lit lé under. stood that thé principals yl mésttle thé disposition of théir propérty oui af court. Saliors Reiemsed from Navey Have Acquired Habit which Is Stioklng te Them. It le sald that thé Gobe ut Gréat Laite. are léscnlug lessons In douo,- Utcty that will prove valuahle ta tiém sudill vork to thé arivRntagp of, théei-amen they talce- for thir- vive, liter. It la ehowu tact that already a num- bar of thé Waukégan sailars i-ho havé baan s-aléaséd troun thé service havé cantlnued te do their owu vashingi aiter arrivlug houa. Just nov i-heu It le no bard te got i-amen ta do ve"ah. iMg it la a bilg advautagé tfor the mothera Io hava their sons do their ovu If-not the famlly vashlng. And thé boys lu vome casés admit tiat thé habit théw torméed nt C tréat tion sticks ta them aud théy Just tir-i obllged te continuaelu-eptug tha-ir own hegins lu carnest. Thé temple yl hé rébu!lt lu Je- rueulei n lu sevén n ud rue-third mouthz and thé first sacrifice offerad. The sone at od are té hé turnéd loose éiécywhére ta have a véry pov- en:fuI relwgoue revival, thé sick healéd. devîla east out, thé blInri wilI see, tIhé deat vilI heur. Miracles will be wrought. ad vorkfug lu vays ..y.te.lansta men and vonien and perforsnlng woudérs or daing ex. iplot (Dan. 11:32) fur tha-ce ami, eue-haIt yeara. Theu thé rapture akes place sud tbéy go up sud cast thé Devi] sud the falîcu augéls ont otflieaien vhlle the great Tribulation continuez to go on wlth thé vlckéd; Anti-Christ rai hère on théeéérth for lhrce sud one-hait vears till Je"is c-mes snd puts an e-nd to the syful timesanad 9tarts thé milUenimum. A. C. KINMMEL. tinga ysshéd up. 1 Right Idea Atout Business. TC date naone ot them hav*ea dvpr TiraM.. litt-ar it i i,î-îa- ugét- tîsed thst théy are.avallarbi Mfo airai- tingi,ltea-nr o ifar aiflta-ls t Iy i-a.uhlgs bt thre are haie-a tît;btngn théy uay hé ablé tan heur rlYfva-thée u iaaa -ia i fa - ar nr-.ttrbar ttuta lutlrlê reepçet wlaich b ~tal: a -a-ur f ar-;ai ali mu Ir'y las eraorné rather ieanlari. ,tnnlly pall;l.a i --iiuttaailly de. dues of men that are sa-en alsol t t-: struvatia. .M% 1'ilt-a- ra..aarlty Champagn--No damage tle vpr-' lcha., ila i ta t ~fara nIant cd trou thre 17-réar lorust whlcb i lraatato af i .aaallvtld. j la thought will hé nbmndaant ntInalitola édthe îa 1nu.tirawu or f au.rt --reurli pe thLq yéar according toa a taténrent of beiwen ital p ýar, ii rlaa.rd a i-a W.P. Flint, éntomobogist of the I1111 eitwVn adlilc-.Ler L jnois Natural lstory Snnvéy ln 1902. rute vién.thé iné;ects arapeared laét. they _________________ dld no damagé and i-ère coutiuéd to thé east aud sothwést caunithea ot O RSi E thé atate.jFO SA E Clarence Dun n age 27, hlghly f<a- PURE BRD upectèd yauug nman of Lakte Foréeft, Vassd away FrIday mornîng, MarchI STALUONS AND 14ARES 21, attér a wéek'sI lles St the St. Joeph's hospital lu Chicago."t-le1, DANIEL' HERSCHBERGER svived by a wifé sud clalld. a i- I-éwd nuthér aud four broCha-ru - Jo.11r. fHREER OF tHarold, Eut-Isud Leroy. alilor Lake Belanmnd Percheron dFraft Horses Forest. Prairie Viai-. Lake. Couuty, Ilinois FOU-,NDI.ùi 1867. MJCHIIANS UTUAL LIFE INSURANCEI DE FROIT JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area, Il COMPANY Dcar Sir:-- Duringiýhe last fifteeu years yeur life-work lias been shaped and detepnined, If you have prepared well, y,,ur future holda many gaod thingà in store. The mattrer of insuring your life is ail-important This you know. When you acquire the property which you feel will be sufficient, you wuIl go tb an attorney, Bit down, and quietly and deliberately make your will, But your Life Insurance le of more importance; your wiIl simply distributes, but your Policy provides. You îuay make your wiil at an7 ti u uring yiur natural life, but the time to take Life Inisurauce is when you can get it. Impairèd risks are not wanted, Let your Life Insurauce Salesman quietly ait down with you and tell hjîn what you want the inâurauce to accomplish. Let hlm be your insurance attorney and adv imor.' He lias made a study of the business and can explain Iiow insurance will serve you best. No higher compliment can be paid you than his desire to interview you, for you are supposed to be of sound h-alth,, with a good family record, and of good standing among, your fellow men. Your Life insurance ï3hould not be negiecied. If you are in the market for, more insurance, please let m', hear from you. Vustuy JOHN HODG-E, Diàtrict Manager. lIt Tuaa-ai Sicaie t te-d ftatt laids tfor r aie roaai thea I On the 1, ià 22% ag, The vote HE «ainst- 510ni3' ai >00- eaJot-o wity i-ao e 14th -1 Pied Tora-- Thé da-ý let,, at plan lia elently la Mt thiatil the tomn willi ulta Thé r-om th a lima @alth niai p'éd canif ho emé, Ith thé C heu I i v ad niai 1), io-i th-r( ia had ça reén Bay iisbed Po: SCi-IIL LIN Althlrotgh hilling of énce- for îly wîll i a-y svlaaa l 4, thére a îélilaood t Lt of i1e ililling i aientent iake gocad Isar Gent- rîhilling i> pas non av ake. gaut ,NIr. B3air lfO00 to Si vas toit .le lu C Thé poli aty ld sut thée e rieu thé lacé early Ime Schill la bonds( rai angles omg but hé i power mse- Thé usîr Weed of it varIous lisse cati ODNTA 'ýLA1 Accot-in ld a ni mas lucori Ieak-pmoo hasuactun ,The capi lrontand c s-s are: D WI and C. VOL. SEAPANSKOMIJE«MENlL3 MEWLÔAN DRIEINDS WITIPEACE molli ma«psas te héusad lu thé coin- log victory lbau driva are rapidly Prophecy Forses that Peace nearing completion st thé naval ~ Table Finis Means Start of 'tion liera. T%@ p1lau e U aug t hoRelgn of the Jews. hut at tha quartarmastér échool. lstIt rgimant aviation Soe n dtur aie of tino typaa-HýSZL sud N9. ThEé KIMMELL POINTS TO BIBLE former la of tha îaue type, as wvue nadt by thé aavy lu the gréat world ZMon City, .NMardi 21. oufliet. Accordiug ta Lieut. Moria Editor ThéeGSu- la charge of thç quartérmaner échooI The latet prophétical voiti or ln thea aviation camp, evral large ci,- névaws %hava nov coucernlug tha tien haveaasked for planez te hé nsed, sigue of the tlne. corns trou FI. J. durlng dia bond cainyalbe. Evart, edîtor of "Meat lu due Ba- son" paper of Los Angeles, sud Bld. Pr . C. Bachéldér of Sauta Cu. ONCEÀ W. R-' ' rThey sééu ta se very clearly that 6 dDasénoce ai theé péaee coenmlaslouer UÎ)9ÀLWÀ $ 01lFdg turnthé country obi Palestine avec tthe Jr-ws that thé timffl of thé TIR S HON UL gentle u sedéd aud the groat time TIllES ftOof thLent s esven vears of Chisegon

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