CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Apr 1919, p. 9

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r *"* '~ P ]LM RTY ViL,,LE E r LAU COtYM INDEPNDN Lake CounWit Big Weekly WAUEGAN WEEKLY SUN L.IKXVII.-NO. 15. PART TWO UIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. APRIL 10, 1919. SIX PAGES 81.50 PER YEAR 114 ÂDVANOE. flOT LUNCh PLAN Highand Park Coal and ice FK NIi N E xusis ' [ t IN LAKE CO. SCIIOOLS Hihl nd ae' oidll ie iwagon BOGUS YEOWO14ÀNI SENATIiONE IS M4ODL FOR STATE ing Fiscalise ~epioyers refuse c n TRJCK'EACIIOTIIER IN IIJioinfawages ftraim$25 le $27 a we.da. II U U ~M OVE TO0 PROBE Pictures Takenof Working Out Frranuk SijestSLrmWas the lnl'y ire He Disguises ta Win Her, Un- b of la i Cont Shoos nd cri eenb ran lloe. liii a' ware She's Faking, Tao; hb ZION FFAIR ' ai lan i Couny Sohols onl ri ealprtanaccoe i ZINÀ F IS ta Appear in Bulletin. tlriving business Tuesd4y. 40,000 at Lakes Fooled s. 1 _______ _du: Springfield, Ill., Aprif O.-After a@MISS PACK PRAISES WORK. JACKJE LI3APS OR ýLANDLIJBBER TALK TELLS. hiý tuermand long debate the senate'.(tu] thi. nO3N passedi Reprosentative Shur- %fiss Mary Pack, stale expert on .i,^,iw a pianotunlier posed am au eru' Aid To Tho tleffsrestitution provding for ajoint gbole sornu at - FALLS 4 FLUORS i oeghmatu fy vI cOmmtte OfthtSonte nd oua tediretio ofthestae uivesit bs tti.un intorrier tu atract a ye Foru PuIiooe o Ct adovree c S mp aun, wuntay suoruiteuuciu aeletWhoh glul. wîuaian nuruel, s F l1ty m de a strong speech unf v ro r t nascho , acronupariel ZL--.4 Park.M ystery Shrouds Fatal Plunge Iioug sîih î uvi iille u investigation. ou Miss Pack was mach pIewýed alliofVuth After The fte cusîgu gave bis naine ai, a This mans tuai the i'to oiiai bepoges hat bas bc-n triade r lnss iry4, une, hcg.Acodh ~ L. ReevesLocked Up i lae' on lu larnest. It shows tentthe iflue mater of sehool lunc-hes since hrlles.lierySKnoer hcg. nuit CityJail Doenies Charg e o verse, r of Zion affairs 'wili h. lu- férst viit ltalLake Caîunly lastit e u l-h toylefoILi la Cit Jal; enis Carg in vesligaid by the statuu bs'causP flic The follOwing tburne uchooui, ccîîrd COURT TO MAKE INQUIRY.I Ha..setl lue bas licou recouvd Il, 01(î l Face of Identification. bouse alroady teb a 9ldss the lbill ing ta Miss Pack, have ma111a4dPrang cghtme. f n tiu ulA ul îîiulipeupa luquestion. This wastb e fiuai art credîtabie showing und are eut tii-I t> Leslie D. Bonbam. the apfrpniii igu Inueos oilfa:in ~ELD IN BONDS 0F $3,000O.!u u ellauet atete1ia pas: Sbol'is tmi. aman whosc leatlutrouigl ýi - o f igatlon a certainty. The comnittcc Warren! on Sh -is S Ing a bukiluneck lu a fai in <lieà igieuoWnGr James L. Iteeven, age r5. a swilnut uwwilpore u e lMwîa efuhe. Tîiesduy was natedin lTitîSlaaDugie tWl'ir a~~~~ of th npu tteEgn oe tinvestigation IL will îuurhn uit iOl Hawthorne Scbooi Mls.a 11111cr 1Sun ellbcr fell or jumpes frotteîa ilus pîrpoe.e, lue said. in creating Eatrsomeertiglme r Il-y t. o earber foiirih flouor staîr railing ftii.the himcif au ensiga, waaLu owli l.tirei raioah an rmi w. sn ýS6ugutiuck Scbool- ssllfwkwih.jment iarudlng au Lb.. homne Irf lusadmiration 'if a pretty girl whonu h. Ivdps tet, wiras lace dr.-btouacher. aorlin uc lF. W. Davis. 5445 flrexil i..e. bai ut en at ation lu ce TheiHawhornestrooeta rdsnplnuee1 Cicagr.lie d dë odon et uni piet bhe Waukegan police Tues AII B DD AN S t i us Pack<, lueksalusoiuî-ly nulle 1 î"- yîeuîîg uari lit Greulat > -fornu and ibereby gain acces.. to the niayuht un a charge utfliavlug bien ingi qimn.Shc LlIinKs, how Saudn ie 'veutiflshig wilti i 1 naval station. Arttr soverai dayq aiu ~ b e t u a u b j î m i e [ h e f u u k ~ t U I U A ' U I f l ~ f l i e n h t t h e W a r r e n o n a r o o i e s , u n - l e S î î d a y . i i , w a s t a h u i s , t i i P r a c i c n g t h e s a l u t a h a a p p e a r e l u t 'III H A. IJR IIU LU I nI L dt mi 9cci frlaiîm IaI tii ation ah 8: 30 Muudav the station lu full regaifa. f loba Lamnovic, 8i5 Marktet aLet. rv, mucueup I'rhwre n-'"IIMalyuaun . 'ne -i Nouue qîrsîonel hlm and ho went petin awy it 3230 l cah. ~ D(ÇfN ~ jl V qulpmevnt, appurenîiy, wa ol foirth paincu uof a soverc beadachi>, .-tvi 1wherever ho chose. ~eeves uns plarOil auder arreat on RE omiug. JThe Gages Lakte achoolNliss ',atlle Woaver. a trainel nî.lilae %ot ýeverallfflers 1% Chiu'aIotu Btlp aupplied hy Frank Paisat, a 12 und [hue Spaulings(Cornersschirbolwho rroums with Mrs. Davis . a.-anul addresged ltheun ta binseif ai, tire is... an M~~~~'ise Pack siays, have apI-,nîil fac'li hlm meliclue and pboned Greai tato u vr a fow i ties for introduclug a system or uhotlkes. They said tbey'd seula oc "callel for bis mail." He aus.l, fre- tirent. lainis se ta bav-e .su-, S. Government ta Take a lunches for the chlrcu. but have ut or. but îhey didu't. iltint visitor ah the offieers' club andl Reeves abaout the tAmovtc pr-mises. Postgraduate Course. avale themaciccas of the ûppcriun- waa always on baul lunlng pperiai Lamovlc liad place the $2,101) lu ify. She regretse that tire lirertors tof Od' Wsot Rtrremols bis trunk ma that li rouler pay for tvothese achoals do nol sac, their uay 'Everu- lîthie whhiile eboy imoaiued. olHe;$eFoeHi luI tuaksuIba le cîul py or 30IESTORES MANY CRIPPLES. dlean tu speul thie faw dollaré; nec- And ha kept repeafing. 't dont arinFt e; h 01 l ,emr Fuals uf rualie bich h 'xoe.tcd aasary tao oluain equipteut. Ahthel ho go back thra-I won't-go baci.' Then hue met the girl. Sh.. ac'eud lis fariva ' rion ay .rornu boinel prassent time there are elght schoois "'uesday gai ready te go down- mach pleasasietahbis attentiane sud lui fmii wre wa frm uu C aptain A. E. Batdde. former Wou InLak.e Cuunhy uhirb ar- eron ig bot towu. 1haI calel Up the station and tram thon an tbey apeat most uf lthelu *bout an hour Suuulay aft.ruon. Wbeu kgnad ot iaop..iin uce.te fee eBn uablne et oohr h oeteui-i Ilbey retunel tiuay touaI fthaï.t h. eg ane orthe Ilu"(go pye inte lunehes.icpa [et fM.s aksbey Boffereld t hIavemblanceleoaher. She orne ubavy Offlu 5orcedl open andlrtue money taîten. z medirul Ieparmtnueflth - Utinited cuIgt ta i.aîa County at Iis uln a sdilda't uaut ta go hack. le saId sev cdais bellava. suabele miglut get Imu Army. and whoba s c-u-uu f0 obtain pictures orbte chllîren oral times, 'lve just Sot to go haclu: the i.alluunuln meet thue *ensign.' The PaJuar boy suppliaI the polira uaariy a yoar of se'rvice ovarsea. hibrui ublie carryiug outLthe bot lunch plan. He wasa ittii« on thue raMlng, The twu ucra ruai Ouiy sucessfulii julitb teir uni> clêw. le gava a been sent fu, the wur leparluncu' ta tboe epicturea hoelue printe seuil In asmokng outsida thie joan as Nirs. fullng caclu other, butt hey fuolFdlà d00 description ot a man he sahî Lloulou taluita ssix eek's puit- theuestate bulletin. Srma excellent Davis sud 1 alartal. I hall bim heo tbg 4000 1officers and salions alsa. t e hart seen enter the Lamov!c home.j gradueale course lu Orthopedlr Silr- pictures were balnel aIibe> War- lookel ton weak ta go battIt, but 1'e Tuesday Kenseler wax on hanu triE ~t. Chlet Tyrrel lbâi a alle clew gery. Ho wu aona ef 200 physiriane realon. Hawthorne sud Saugulucil aaid hae wull go anyway. that ha ravlew the recaption ofthu, congres-s et ttbut he starled ouf sulddis-selFctal out ut severai tboiusauud, .uy sehools. btl tugo. Mrs Davis -nul IIWeilt.sional commlhheeanduilta walt toni te wavraiFdontht a ibl .e tricu re iguv bism ort at a ilarof Miss lPacks ays Il lu. un establisreul au, tellng Fhlmtwe'd usît for hiem on 1 girl. Ha uas loungiag Just .le u uorel u fîerairol.Themal curs i. ha mpoial tî.nrbuttact that chlînan wilii le mure hasl.t-hle corner." 1main gala uhen Lieuts. E. . Pittuîan lel ta Reeves' home but he uns away. I urgery. tby and ulil perfortur thir school 1h uns rive minutesi later the janiur anul Wiliamî Edwards stopped amI, an hepoue il uLrotur auul Thus is leane Ina letter receiveul uonk btter if tbey have a bot. lu- faund the sallor lylng on thie bate' I bogun cbnting uihh hlm. Ture huo Tuesday igbt, timing their arrivai Ly Dr. 0.-orge 1. iBarmann front tead ot a col oonday lunch. The ment Fluor, is skul trarturel. officeru lecama suspîcli<ls w!uen Krru-9 Ilere au that it woul I- about the udde. writen by the latter just be uunly aqiptuent nepedel lu a seclaot Dr. Willilam orch. 5414 Drexel ave- isaeo gave "lanliauben" ansuars tao -@&me lIma f bat Reeves got boina fore, he eft lâiverpool for loulou, ta mnusal the bot luchbertlaia munait nute, salilits is opinion the yaîung several questions and tbey asked for tramon wolc. Artiopei, orgnaily. ns rfccu it ol ova a eute Iletles anul ishes. mon tba suIfera an attack f 'r-, hitscrelanhils. Ife a noe utîl Ï R eev s as arr uig ucs l u police i raI as the art at curnluî eform i ie,. e Ic . T he nti e c s , %Fins Pack ays, tigo, sd til lr h o bal hppled ve n they took im ttu ust dy. court thîs morniug. The- raki.' sas Of the body, esperinliy chldrcu. Thuc.e la. unIon 1. the raiiog. 'Seat. the Devi, e Ba$y@ cauhtinuod anul Reeves was lî lu leforuitias uually waro of a con- The chldran bring thair regimar Baubsm anlishal Dcc. 31, 1911t. lie Wben the affce 'i~ ;1 u the bauds of $3,000. genital nature. that l, clilîreru star. lunches train huma but arc urgrel uval witb bis mthor lu Ashiey. o. statua utfflua girl ho namel f bey *Reevas pîsiiveiy Icuies nnY buru with thetu. nul to hrung su muchu. Tluey al..o Mr. Davis saId thelboy joinel iue1 discovered sha was an Impoaler. r knwiege f te rober an opnly A nuawanul more far-reaching 5cOPe brbnug the rauermaternlasforsoîîp tof navy because ha didu«t wunhla gu Wbeu Kenspier learned if ha grinnaîl kaaiegeof herobar uI pal ias eu froun for orthopelics. Sheli, saune kind, cacas, or snurie surlue warmuu fe biglu achool. anul salI: tbreateedprose-cutionoutrieuse uhs , bave brotîght it.b a urgei. againat abrapuel anulbult-abattered 10005 foud uhîchu rau ho preparel readily. The body uil lie tlken taoGreat 'Now dont that beath t hadecil. hlme. To neuspaper men ho sidhe bava bei-a replamal luy sonintsortionus The tanktut eookintefoob dta. sorving Laites, ubare a naialcourt ut in- Haro 1 bave béeau tailiag arould an; li aI visted Lamovir'splace un twu ut ofboue by lb. onthiopelist Iurîig it. ahîng the alles, etc, tla ivuide'i quiry wililue hll, an office r lu arIen ta attractlber 'provicua accasions but lun ticrase the uorlî uyr. Plasticr urgery corner amaug the varions pupils. esch taig anu llse ,probably 1. muns t.afing wotfrte llsr heMcio.leunder thesanme categ<ury. Opaations bis orr turu. The -plan hum uritlk T555d a7 rundlnl thut unitartu tan ther ~~~aiilorie [la nlahc hs ausby othapoir aurgery have out apenlIly anulMisPack îsays S ILOR JS a..EÀLS BOX anme ranaun. Weil va «et auay si hato uteorinks oasio, ny beau lile shart af miraculuao. Thue 1hta a ras niateion ta sea ir hluadl . ~ ~sy Ithu ut prelty stick fan elgbt menthe Ana we caty rnka s hskfor, il. hope uf the Uitad Shaes goveru dren augagadlnluthe uork ut prepar- a~j~ ~ LL ~ nul it wm .easy. Why 1 raîlî have Headnmittel belug on Market treet ment ls that many eripplal suidiers ilng the fuad. carrial off the clark au ther tfwar Eudyatr nbtsltb.' went rau le replacal lu. their former ctou- Miss Paf .i, I urging the Installa- P I O E L R It 1 bal made an effort. Sl , nthlpacîaht rnko iion of bealthbtlraîîgb operations flou ut the butai lunches.,ftouchers P I E L RPuanned toPromote oi Isîukey. le say5s lue uil Mate fi yat Lua b performel. Thilsi 'lelghty ou the subJac of diaL, urgîug remn ha army surgeuns are 'uizrur"My faitiiy ail tbiu's I arn lu tire' tuo for ftha bliul-piggers a..s monea ren a ncdcureo n othat ci.hilren ta brlng las..ment ln tireir oe Kueshuer, a sbueunaker uho bas uavy anul iexpactel ho promata nuy- ha igets out ort tlumîtrotuble..le g icun Capt ue ore. istorthuoc.iua lunches and nmore rit the green fouIs. abuhp mu the Auditorium aht North sIrtaua tfull grade lieutenant lnaa biames thaun for luis prescrut praîlea- le aî.Ble nftlheurt Speakiug of Lake Ccfulty's shOwlnrt Chicago, thoughbcuestruck na bar- fewueshcaslbgilalsh ment. frhtaCm Grn.Fantee h h. saId: gain anc day tiu..waak whrn ha lîked thue gol stîpos anul 1 fIgw'c-I Âccorllng ho tha story 1011 [he p uosnt t h icagetll a it e a usen- I thint iLake Couni y La uîaking a bouillit 23 pairsrot shoas frtrm a Great thenmorea1ihiI fluamare ellewuol lire l'y the JaJsar boy tha man Who.lnotapl ndwelewstrl- - eterI amoir.. ous tiolfia farrel te il'ance vas oua ut the spleudil showing rnul M. Smpson ;a haire.s sailtir ai $300 a pair. Thoy like me. eted lu thur ou se ala glforithon axtrenueîy feu army eargauns uvar- eauitflel Lumurtecredif forFilis pro uere goal ..f mrg sioes aurlu asara g th nli h rn bn . a ienh b a r ,ul flu iy sea s W h o b al a '< o ue g a o ! th is g re ss iv e n s . lIt t 'n a pe u re fa ec fur alh e l iy t ha N av y ald tirem a su io r "l lip p e l u p w bn 1t i fI ne t get fhorm l ha ee a t o o r a itelad branch u of a un e .a sup r ltend nt h u th ro s s a riehu hen le sol hem ia Ko istnru e x- hbl of n lot o ! nautial term e a t a SaceLa the konhua f omu a alu e "a.D u r g e mniî hnth.nsc energy anulabilîty irria bis uurk. li plaluel Ibt et ecause Lune sunboid 1coul aprng au othen aflers." i Rin onthe ear.lad upon ho perfortua lunst raunîlasa la easily seaur that he is intertil lu beau lereliet lu sauling bimu bIs pay Arcorlîng ta Kenseiov -uhen ho lot lîinontu ra.oparal ions in a base hospital is prer- is uni. I1hlai.Impassible ton me tir- lue bal iept on drawing oasu as tt urh t o cash ha vent ta Chicago, tical Inallge a! othopeie sur. psy a persousi visit ta il schoionluas ha coutl lu order [o getluR number toot off bis uiforui, oanel varii The Whippoorwilli. gr eae am rne. Hsthea contY-for thut reuson 1 uould ot pairs Iogeher su thatlhe could miathusasnul tkpana tUing jobs fcir The favorite bîmting grounul of the uark aloug IisUe mt ulth sucb urge the touchers outitua chuols uhere aBel hem bruI geL money ta buy a feu lnya. The nnval auIrers say 1oneet, on ll anibo ittp fd9s Of[ a e pralse that ho was racou'oenlel a. i lu not have lime o visit ho go teu juraiaus. etc. uitte. fluagirls art in wearlng the uniform iufoenetherbig. faet osofthane ta h es of lhefewtetakie the priosral* tire achools uluere the panu 1sbelng Bot uben asistant Provuat Marsbal lu. au offense as senions as that of fouaI aI nigbf. Ilmineç ni) nise as uate rourse fa Lonlou. worlted oitf and than Instali et imi MeOulre, anul a gurd appearel at Keuselar. Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u fie.bruaft elur r uiInplan la tbrîr aivu shools." Koestnors bon rTueisday afternnan Tbe aighteeu spartient builifngs &n nul u aI arsPs O n maIe a saarch îhraiigh the store ah the aautbapast corner of Maya aometboues iI tter5 surIsort rosTa. i lke Walsh, fouelder and operater Charlea A. Suttie, au autonmoile adwno n kpseso f21Square sud Wnvelaad avenues, Chi. YThe nlghlbawk o-cslonnliy gives vet af the bobon collage la Chicago, a dealer ah Zion City, anulIa May ans tsosuib hyiohfei aalt51x!0fo.uhhyn oi tu ed"ak nF e trUbmnWoansteebveve wdeBrnsagaie r aIr.o ot. 55 ?h vyalnea andl removei hhem LuaIal f about $8.000, bu been sli by the a bl "auv u a aclb an vilpdaims ta b a ar uil manaoaageles a! iWauai toat e station, -Koeêiaer agreed witb Dr. Marzàna La P. T. Banry for .un3unu acqulutuce Ith 5hI sua," scia marlag ifrase u? nutgan h e l.Provoat guard thaf ha usa en- dîratail 149.000, ambjet ta an lacum-s leaders, politiça& leaders, (etc., bas - Sheridan RanI north of Wauitegan . oluk. ufath vsbacot82,0,fapuuhegl. Real Hît t .Pari&. Zona ho uon'L Au heal tof the "Col- la biug grael preparatary te thueabu$61orhut fuc nlh îgunptpyehntrmo19 tThe Place le la Conc rda le almuteloge for hohoea Who lida't waut lu reaumption utf Javial operaioIll. anov u.$69mosathe fnrh thad hoacresn purt mile ea feriauoa92 adte ea n t o aatha fushue Plae uuric, hoorcaplel qulle n novai posl- There fa about oana lnhalitlmsrfelatifor thp story" uhiru the salior aubjech ho $15,000. ]RIivol endssolnd theChamnps Eiyaaaa lion for yaars. ' owha admîf alehofo! aviag sf111 ho go la.hal hlm. ________________ beglus. It la the rae lenunlaton a iao unravotnu 1i aten Bide uer o oeued'toilay ah Fox 1h seema sccording f lat the saslor tua ruiler he ue Radeasoro tol. iar a ufr tits, RBluis atl' Laeon rod. tding vont but the la question stole a full box of shoe selfaInsd slI the halanueF leKoastuer. -__ »,...1hlunoft. --0mo iatnanumte raofnes, e luesasd . .-- .. _ . -. tenlereî Rein AdmiraI Prederlee rilde ulyht lue suspectaI for Mi;s tirew&her i3assettf romusanlar a! thue Johinson somiglul mucommit . slcile .4aafln. by [lue As.sojiallo f Cuti stevpra1 yogrsago uben she hldnit mnerce ai Ihe, Cuntre.,s luotel, fihieug.u heaI lto 'tue mite trom a plan a, Tueslny nuglut. Evarualon. An îînbuppy love altuIr Ail prarlaimel theunseivas aiso. Is nîlegel [o have liou5ri luiouf flu rates uf thue barbor )rojcî. Nipn ~i ncident. training ai the station nov bave in Sbortiy hetor,- hon dis4v;ipparitn-e ýembani tit Lake IMirhigun. Misa, Jobhnson bal been cunlovedIn uia garage at aite Forest. rIT IS TIME TO THINK 0F RE-FURN1SHIN G THE HOME ý' A new lime of Three-Piece I2avenport Suites cov- ered in brown leather with fumed oak frames. A Queen Anne Dining Room Suite in walnut with large buffet to match and slip seat leather chairs. A New Bedroom Suite in ail the new woods. Complete sets or odd pieces at remarkably low prices. si15 1 piece roll seat and back Rocker highly polish'ed mahogany, heavy and substantial. You Will neyer çluplicate this .$79 at only ..................... ."e The Fulton Phonograph is being deionstraied ali this w.ek aud vou shouid>, avaul yourself of the opportutnity to heoar this wouderful inatrumeut. *There Should be a Duplex Alcazar in Your Home RaYou Hearâ th. Fulton Phonograph J - ---------- NEW LAOW; MORE PAY FOR IMVCSTEDV SUR-. bi m e s o h a ë ( ui o r R O U N D S D O U B L E deat Sprinlld büau ýalw lleDISAPPEARANCE ly for the li mue Lhey are ln session Wtaukegan. Many meniera .-f the Miss Louisa Johnson, a Pretty oaud cantiatfford fo give Up uhcîri Bookkeeper, Disappears the ýuIesfrseveral day.. for this jsilles r(ieao for while t:'i~u Samne Night as Benjaimin ly wa.4 fuir pay fifty years; ugo i ias lecounê sery Inadesquate and'r- HIS WIFE ASKS DECREE. tuirca a reai sacrifice oui t'ire part of___ aiuibers of the lxosrd5to aittend i 10e'- Miss Louisa Johnosun, ageI28., a igs Many of the nuiave Lu I rîuvei strikingiy young woiiif 3 iifoiirr lng diistaincs trigethere. 1 elL. p.ilnu loîkcî liowng ~are sorne of the ùIiiv1r at the Lewis (Garage, lias bhen .Oz.i ils4 ip.iaas.d Iby he .cenate îg,-tliei iing frointWaîikegar. loi the la., ' 'iti. the namcos of thie rosa wlo ini. weeks. lienry lfcsianin, Waiil,.. 'odiieed tlitî'm: guru man, also ha., licou flilig a lrâddy Makiiî.i apîîropr lationa sîîiiiiIar Ilciigt!l oftite,l. Arr1uaîii ntl avilablui. ther ttu ilitia ai ces bFlieve tlucre us imur. tian .a '103 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Teclitenlîî'lgu~î jueîr., c(in,,idpnce luire fart di:îi ilailcy:(living the iîeî)riaîuîîc' of hcy 1)0111 leftthl'. alivnig!.l NoC. lor flue rugi.!Io etlli-it iaî'r l_.Ing bas been beard front cither if lIlîca for useii in uu.wî,î k fî)r, (hen.since tlîcir (Ii; auire. i iiiu iing sîuidiers. Records on fMi in the oftice of lb. Wý%endliuîg. Incrcusing the pr iion, circuit clork of Tuki Vulni ýlow of îoîîr! fIronit $8 i it thal.Hetjanuih 1'qwile, Mrs. *iebdc lier da.Agnea nBenjamin (nec Stronit),hla C r ls n day.ii g h , l f lld a ih for divorce, charginig ('aiso l'ohilhîg Hc sie f rueity. The case la supil t0 u.' Intoxiu'auing liqiiors oulalule 1't" cor- henrdnIit the present teni of court poi utc Jijuil a orcilices v ithuuut Il-but tire wl fe atke nes P cerie fontthe oar ofpromecule it. Jewelli irreus.*theifecs of thum. Prienils of Miss.Johnson fissent luhip cûnstahu s. htgp4Jbe mal u Dunap: MaýPe ownshi ýtseg mer BenJanulun. Whilc Lhcy nPvc- sors thécolulectors. of ftIin,. tîitc. a.ppeared lu public places fugoltuer for the departiuuînt of jouhlie w.!lfurp. ft lasaidtiucy bailseveral' secrot Curtis: inervasesm the fax for toarhu meetings and were lu each othci's frs' pensions frmin on" tIcuhuof a roiii compunty £reuuuentiy. to one fift i. On the night that Bienjanin piark.d lbis suit cases and lit Waîukegan 9iii weeks ago he i14 sali to have assertrî huit he was going lu one direction t,5009000 FOR adta isJhsnwngigI HA M RaÀother. Aciuaintances cliauus u bave seeu themn together in Chicago HABRATGETlater the an erig LAKES FAVORED anM Itp oaprhdbe hsuaband. F'riendg of Miss Joinsoa sconu, Cie. A iuisuge iluey wouuld do ail lu thi-Ir foui play theorv s, fur as. she 12 ron- tiower lu seclire an aplpropriatioun of cnneil, basing their opinion on the $15,i000for a barbor ai Great Lakes fart that sho ind l3enjaniuu dl.aup was glven by four Memtherri of the peare aiatLhe surie lime. Hlad tl- naval auffaira u'n.nîa. ,,i nc-jet!ot been the case the theouv nil

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