CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Apr 1919, p. 1

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LAE COUNTY INDEPEDEN Lake County's Big Weekly WAUKEA EEL U L.XIXVI-NO. 16. FOURTEEN PAGES LIBFRTïvThLE, LÂKE (JOUNTY, flLU«)IS, TUURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1919. ONJE TO EIGIIT. $1.50 PER YEIAR IN kDVANÇk. STEA CAVE8ON ARM uarF 1, 119, tktd tat hosc1 Hve PrperPride in Lake TAL OFFICERS loALCLVSONFRM I w4VWIY THE dierf 5,8919 tan ethitt, i. VLVS>TLSHv DELAY 15 SEEN IN Me na YVord, truck. beileved ta viii be segrogated and asslgned tuiN hoWakeaiitn'o Nrt CIcýProvisional Organiations retUJned ti' S U LE F ATM J Teo Lk cut hv STARTING 'WORK NA AL STATION goes wakean1 the Pa rtl Dub a BOYS STILL ARE Europe for labor purposes. Thiis or.Tefrieso aecul near Hiendee station west of Lib'r- deer paroliere Wtt ubic pride lu the Lake County DEN AL CJARfES yvieiday night and $foie trorn lN 1RAN j:hsewsn:en te unt( IN NI3XT WORLD ýFa.rm Bua, ü or tON SeyefcetaokTATE ROADS _____&Stripe" pub- tbsdn n sdlg at Lakes Wards Thrown theves et ts thIroat nîe t lo Corporal Herbert J. Cole Sentid ilas~ beoegeea tha ul mc rae mme RUSSel Attends Meeting in Chi-d en to Reporters to Prove on the field later showed. Letter from Commander EX. leit In Europe vho dld flot rcîurn "Won't Have a 'Shirt Left' wili bc carried on nex t week, lu whici. cago Monday-Contractors ondition There are Ideal A o nthe place made:a distur- pIaining Situation. with thair organizaUions. and üll mu when 1 amn done with Him," ev..ry furmer Iu the rounty 19 invited to Uncertain of Rates. ARGES RE UNOUNDE t a ndi g meber o th te with LABOR BATTALIONS or IA Tells Big Audience Here. become a mernber of the Burau aud of SLTIN I falygae-as ath a COMPANIES, and ait mcn ihteIlnsAgeuur sdao. e ________thieves as they made off tovard theý IiL AX USFR HM.Provîsionai Companlesansd organiza. ofthe Lake-bi (ounty Fainot Bureau inl bidute den'ai of virt.uFiiy overy eaut. Tbey foliowed thefr car ai- tone are ment who are vouneaiq or ED PlOT YET MOURNING. Illinois WIiivî uüwtd corîtitut: the Charles Ruil,1, county supera. e ad y aios ndmrve mont ta aWukegan but there test tihe 1Mrs. Mary E. Cole, 870 Grand Ave., tdesorts, or have been "absent witli- rnlng wrongs In naval hospitais. trail. bas recelved a very interesting let- out leave." This la AIISOLf. TEIY st:~o f heliiniAgkutu. tent iao froday ttMdako Cun t. a reasonabe expiaations or secm R n'ES ter froin !er son Hecrborat ino t WRONG AND UNTRuTi] for mnany Wilbur Glenn Voliva ut Zian pke T@sa ai ueu i î h i fcUt a lreuaiis e lee o~ WOOLWO T T I ES overseu. g le an copralnt h mena eft here lu Europe ln labor corn- bis dellance ta the propoeed Bleglala- etaté bave beiped the rougr lu kel g dcnrtors fc uesnn regries wîee Commaer t. a Hdqrs. Company No. 42 Army Service Ipanies, battaions a"d provlalcual or. tive investigation of Zion City a te faontre rinie L ai eea u a e mnontractu. iuhqeton bad orn snormdiw hcr ad"o vAS "A5 cmpLMns rac, h mels eyrbCnommabinderaa hre sprvde ortrn cRu., edrigbrus a >enraadndmnycntatasa IE wCorps and la located in thse lirat ganiaztions have notyer Teglt is nte reetba, aspoIefr cheduies, organtzlng farmser@co-opera- ta whether or flot they, are entille.! * H e r y' . O d l , com m a dan t f M barkation c n ter. a n th e P R Cnc P b l ng ate m en a o biB tl f înRe ubl cn t celead rvna s at io , co pan es In aroi a n th s o v e rate s l f eh r a ul ig generai hospital, at tise Great TO 14 IR1 BEOUESTS EHia lettirs are especialîy Interest- aheR CoifenaP, *blongl s tan t aen arshutaf eulcnledr a soItin O elu soca et tmtna o odbidn naval training station. The Ing because ho çscioses a formna] Laor onapaiemPàsd &Ittlon ande "Mnd aSsued ll rons, co-operatîve puehai ot limegtone Thse fallure ta coine t an Linder. r. thnv ope thei bosptais a De.Ui ~ rank . Wôoworth lettr lui b>' he wa Depatmentpro;ilonalcatpf o.utd a.ltt ha Mi..nhertock phosndphtatet heand rck phsphat. obtiusuanedinge snndingon poinpoitlaa eepln rep ote n tadhlr btal t Det akFanb.atwrt.lte mudb h arDprrt organizatious at the 8PÜTIR are made won't have a *ohft left' b>' thi times ceda sal testLing, planning arrangementma>cotcasfrmptngi . pirer tand tal wbomh t esired, founder of thse Waolvorth stores, toq which explains once for ail, wis> thea up of cdean, vbalesome. Americau soi. 1 arn doue vlth hlm," gald Vuliva ot fildo and gyntema of crop rotations tmates snd ma>' deran uchin rosa toffho plaVedta n a etre c, ho W84 about ta, vll large beqse American ooldiers are stili la Frne diers. Neverthele, thsa soidiers Bunday In Chicago, when he addres- aud liveutuck management, In appiying ork.e Thsnud ma elaec ach Coad le ud-d tap Setth fc. to chanit> and ta, aid emploYes. In bis letter hi states that at tise bave been embarrassedaisn cisagrlned sed a big audience et Orchestra Hnll. tarin labor, recelvlug man>' offie cali@r. Thi wol efaîl.eCun1f . can o4n-lav, tîme ho Is wntia lit, he la alone lu as the impmeslooq ha. beeu broademat ..I tell Mr. Shurtleff ta go ta heul. and makling tarin visita, and dlstrlbuting Tenwfrlh aesatapi tigD Miksreglmeutal ba bise office and attrits that thse Âifily tisat men of the Labor Companiet utnd TieIl'tobel.h o' omuhifraintsog h re ad Teuvfegtrtsaeapi * viere aniy listl>' cick ar Uc ody The l adthir papîr work la moat tediona tcr hlm Thveioa oonlUon arebl of, taiseoinc nomtintruhth rs able ta counties and the question tg haro are the tactesea the re. yeare cga, laves theisotetat rs tafsent Nes;be teviiiea bgoProtiseneorgnbullestinsf.te toraet ether hawit gi cee btleiasctathr tecant avacana t ri found: JeneWowrh h io.A nhecmas ubl an nCnitcu.later. Ai thia service vithin a count>' inan ernevso h euto rwoâ Good food, weli coolce., cicanly Mrs. Woolworth la Linder medicai i bis cmpn aisa a baeb althea t bng 4. Tise men of thse SPUR CAMP "iDon't Want Sympethy" Buatty better ltin homes, botter coin- trhe us e tise reducftyioo whW. id idai ooi arit> tu mnucare a cenmlttee viii he appointed. iccm nadafvtsrt hbave served their country' vllilng!y- 'Il bave had people extend their munteu, botter systens ot agriculture,ertmuIiebecnt'lef ho ed ad ofgon varellyin enuBqueste Wooiworth isad talked o! vblch remind the boys o! America Itise aime as, men I lusmilsi onganiza- etra.eeo aktn er ro oaa.Teenrcod e fý tien and rotation. vii1 beh made by tise taini'y. The as- and increses ptîi.r, deaire ta Set tiens bave dons. Tise> have beau sympathy au accaunt of tise action bitter systemau mapretiongo trined tro dosub bid. T ucntactis doutte 14~ Clean dishesé Instead of "disises whome. 1 tf thbei Illnoi untîlaure bhtt 1 tter flth>' the>' spail aur aPPetiteis," teba eneImedalhewy Co-p. Cule talla about beibg givpn rmyosi forbt luen bte aighit vant sympats>. I vant Yeu ta coin- 1 frta folks. dcdddniey betvean $30,000,000 and $60,000,00o. ajhc ttpudvcn n day hee ing bhave vae aflht.dpîetm o bigbgeogst The lilunols AgrIcultural Association la Tisera la mach state road *ork to plained of b>' corne gallon. eokoftpo______n___j____enhv______ Ian lmetm frbin i eog t h bd -t hii e ahru h îg n aeConythsyarad 0. Slck el twce dm11>', ,mannug yeet> and admits tisat it knacked i day: In mari and sain; coid and drav tise tire uf the Lagislature.. ebripoal the bud lst wlc l gthredu f o the' goso lu lak Cauu tr thu a théau niTLTE inIÂVa ofInceaDIVk hlm out for two days. Ho adds tflat "Mr. Shurtiaif thought tisat h( eseei taltetarsiueu tfrta eao tt eie ia h nies?,AT MAYtea a!PP oncet a vabeI I jj~ at: sud tiseir vank la equal ln Illinois. matter ha settied as soun as possible4 4. Fari.-ys for dîscisarga or raturas a numban ot the boys lu isba campany i ven>' respect ta tisat dons by any coul.! wrack Voliva aud Zion. Hea If lte the medium tbrough whlclstarmers dw fan average of flft>' min CF F TF RR A S ha. ha.! tise mumpa tisat le bas as- man 1 nthe Amirican Armn>. Thay dîservlng o! tise condamnation ut ali eau opeak tu ail orgaubzed business, talu A I. y. CE E TF RR A S capid thera go fer. have neyer cease.!, ovin afler Laustiii- dicent people, tise end that eqeit>' und justice bu deait T R NÀB Fu ,'o oterations vîthout consent y p <vy r'i i WHY THEY'RE IN FRANCE tien hmd ended, and thoY vUIi Continue "I started la 1907 vits nothing. thse feamer lu his business dealinga. Il1I B E A atient, no natter boy trivial, bu- IN'Il iOUNil OF LAIE Ini hie latter, Coi-p. Cola encloses ta do their dut>' uti pormitted to and l'y@entasiiahed Industnia.s em- I la the watehdog for thse tarmers buIn,~ '1EbI Uf ofa thse attend. «multitude af tisis little note ta tise Editor of the go home. Tse>' di.! Bot .select the ploylng 600 persans an! vt a Pay begisiative notera tots etate sud hilE! AT MP »î~ ril tians ta glve Young doctan. ex Sun tugether vlth the cap>' of the km.! of vork sud puces Ibm>' vira ta rail o! $6100,000 a year. l'Il pa>' $1,000 national. UWSj V5tv qwc. Representative Shurtleff ilSays huter train Commau.!ing Officir, accupy In ur Arn>'; tse>' Vle place! for oui dissatiafle.! Investan. 1 1:ay ILle actIvel>' engage.! lu tisa problein 1IJ'LE W l It Asttanding aller b>' the Crl h eisa godpsi ty wihepanswyteby ar iswe-e tise>' vers neled mast sud tle i etItre.MY m*ontb het workiug out adequate sud catise- an p to court-martial an>' buiiving I o fihis Being uofle. In Frne tise>' illing>' tooli up thse tasit ai- i. nat seaie.!. zelIse- am Y tise PUPttfacto>' cysteins oi marketing ru opera- offlces-. TieAO KNOW lotte.! ta thona, and boat of cl-ise>' o! an>' dais. Thsis service la bel.! lcol>' vii and livestock. North Chicago Men Gettmng off t niPitty oficeine inl charge uf T h pmaibility existe far liste Ta tise Editor: dI.! it viii. Theirs vwu not thse fiel.! at a cost of $2,000, but <lad bas neyer [tila operating a latin d&partint for Late Trains at Warikegan k t> , meailege.!,manufacture o! cement," Rîpriceuta- As thorae are a nunisar o! un boys a! battle visane birns dit, but theirs falla.! me yet, an.! the Illinois Legis- tise plurpoue ut rnaklug adjuatment of Gabe byFd Agns s leebut nurses an.! duc. _tiye Edvard D. Shurtleff O! Marengo lut tisî5 camp troun Waukegan an.! gur- wu tihe tack of petting theio M n lature viIi fin.! i out." cliefr_______ r lsa d- Gabe y eOAgns conmanding varda, vitis haspîtai àeclaned lu discussiug tise bil Sp- roei.!ing cills sud ta r tis te tise Bil fbtl n eei. conIm for its einers.n tilsn leai des-___ entîces or corps meut asaiating- pnopriatlng funds for tise content -an parînen laa hngge. luc fightln auk WILL RESULT IN A PANIC. at nu Lrne vine sucis C. P. O.'s trust investigation cammttea. I>' ruion S tat,. havrin o fte bin p ea. bio ns itho a ui glriva. Tith'eT u faraurdall ha ae bing fsli pn____ satimakers,~~l thekmih Stand 80cnnn aStops attiseae b test VOIVA N W CON- TeeretcosaugigIt saimaen. baccmlhsan 50 "Sip vii a ake b' isestteboys that dîdu't ratura yitb thelr va-e th eopera vitishome gsait. t tm s aîî hy îkrai0 Tise saungn ofticiaus ce tut. lut charge o! yards. ta manufacture ciment unlese the suaiateLad vh>' t'ey i-satre i sdvsn yaut cnve! big4 L ant rotepît a proa ai tohe ueano os uniai! .ThsaI convalescents dl.! vasis uanufactureeis usow a di3ICsp sIti 1 ovîr hîre, 1 a yop a wha >'o di an whr Ye~u~ atyd po N O w~c i e V vit" taii-'> mai becme maorls to lino, scruh Iloons an.! vis vin- ta grant at toat fain pi-Ires." hi de- letten sent out b>' aur Camp Cous- cible contradiction tisat >'ou grave neile t srkisng asocihemuation wau.tifcul if fedea tagens cndtaffront asalgdbtte eemncae.mander statIng the TRITE REASON ontisîvîievraom f I A'lAI AI ilagriculture as a business tu tise place >'td ibryweevrte onr bonnetna.rI hep ih vrya4&o J5JH A A S cans as clozil>' as vas done laut Set- 'naed"ilîrt vsenvi ti>' The bill passe.! 131 t 0. vis> ve are still ovin hare doing Our stnenglis Yeu ha.!. sud that ion serve! wiic ciould be rîgisîfully occupiid b>' urds>' nlght. Thnei men, ail rosi- led, min able ta do tise vont Waukagan and! Lake County are dut>', I an suri va viii ail appri- viera you vine naidid minet ta iselp -i, aI the vire tore-tront ut ail organIzed dents et Cisicago, vere pioci.! up by trers hi-a ut bm. lntertsted In the pnoposed probea fir data It veny mucis Ir' >ou viii puis- brtng vIctor>' ta youn country. ERen> Overseer Puts Senator in Same bucinesnta.tudy iZt n 4.".HO Tisat tiser. are nov, on tise avÇ- lit means tisera ns>' hi m deasyl in IlI aiung with tisis latter lat >oun pi-son wisa has corne in contact vils CaswihSut!f n Dnlng thse nait two weiks a joint . 1100patent etthe naval tisejunting in o! tisousand3 ut dio!- paper, as 1 thInk thia latter froni cr n orwr ,aio htyu CasWi Sk efad mmoâl apagcridu ytewr lde.l h akgnCt tl, for whom thona ana tnsrty- lai-a o! clati bond nuad3 lierc. Thsa oui- Camp Commander yull exli y a'us a reiiac See >'uevenge aeCunrFraBuuadte jai'. rdoctora an.! 1Mf graduate nuraios tale la holding up ail tho contracts hnBbteata ecno r ecn, i-ct ut yal die mo a d in:oais Arit>'Frure[ A s udton the l'S I coenFtant attendance. In addition entil the camant naufactures aboivýetîuin sead>,go o a od ut Reern asudrSwf' r amr fLaecut ilb ivna, Tnt rg niar sigi19 corps mon tu do lis', a dicsosition t0 lue tain. Unlirs ti'sr Weare ail wali and! makng tise tisird, that yois have doneou d t>' l whfichwa pbIngdI tae S uta n pprere tyt Laeiisueri te gîve ais Jon Tnegîsz. k.Tht' proportion of doctors.j manufacturona show a vîllInguesa LI bcstf of IL, but wa are anxiotî ta gel n! r lidseefor, rsentadmatio n tle vihci waesee Vublsa 115 ar LiiSu pprotuit0 tat rstr theeuut Jas hutso (negro)'. et; and. orsbcnlles ia nul sqa e lfa the conteut ai ýalr prîree lise bark tu oui- lova.! unes once more, aud love of aven>' man, vomae and tus mori-nng tisaI tise Senator ha.! tia part ut tise farinerao uth tisetate asai.!, lu an>' civil bo-ipîtai. stato avilI taire up dt>' maati uren I ADQUARTERS SPUR CAMP chf.! bu the tnitad Stalag. apenad is monts an.! put hia foottoward romlug together ba a sîrong9 the train whiris arrives ln Watukigan 10nIietancp or operatioli on c'Ir an.! whle this avilI ea h un Ausenican Embarkallon Conter, A. 0. Youi- fatiser, mothes', vite. sviaet- luta IL, orznzto flnsilral erlttain Cluibave a hua rn'atisout anaecthilîsi, as aled! P u !ts ad lmistsIls:. o. 762 heart. sîster os' brotsan, havi reasonLl le nofterasi easta.Ve "eWisn I ra. tise uittîr>' aI>'lk tisan bu tise rîgiî and pruper n'a>'. sl ehv encryn admItte.!. But, it vas aiguex wll le bilît chiaper. Max-cî 10, 1919 ta hi preof a!Y'e tor vhaly>on ana of Rodua>' B. Swift, the' misnapresan- i Tise lime for action la row. Ari you lily of whiîri. Tise negi-a asierled ed tisaI the pain vas oulti>z1m Tisa lopoid commilîse weIll ),-ob, From Tise Camp Commnder,' Spr a. ia o aidue e iattv !tseEgs aaoi Ds as [ariner@ awake lu the cryîng needu ut that ha purchasa! lhis vbtckey 19 98tise OPerntion a mînor ne ua, tise prîcea nov cfrargad for ce- Cm.adwa e aedu.Ptslettv fteEgtSntra i-Teo9i Camp, visaI bas bien sal.! that redients ripait trint of the State o! Illinois," said tise isour for organise.!, unitaîl effs.rt. eoi. tisa dangen frcsm anaestisetlc net und ailI datari-mna huv nus IL To Ali n uf tise Spur Cmp ion an.! >'ur vork; i ta mctuaiiy Voies Ibis mornlng, "I ha.! a good lu union tiera la strenglis. Mns. Thsompsont appeari.! aI tli gîngis h greater thans tisa danger front Costa ta manufactura this pro list. Suisicct: Tise Spur Camp an.! ]t'a visaI yuu ARE tisaI rounts, and! >our hsanty laugh, snd 1 hope tisat noue ut LiKE Ciii NIY FAisti B 'i u , police station Sunda>' afternaea and. r psatte Tise>' tisen viii neport back ta th5e Laber OrganizatIons. . omnlgOfcrbri> ilrs evlr f1 ititaiisie lLî.îi-ois AssI iii Asiî[ .9sserîl tisai bir buabansi bal jaus e 'itcisen-- gale>-'-W fret leglsîalîrreansd i vilI ha datersesomi 1. TIse purpose ufthIis lattur la ta sa.! joclims lu tisa world aI large, an attack or l'rain fever atar read- 1u -,et il,~ vhIscy fen ber asmie lIed. Tise tuood wa Seing piapai'ed b'iat milion la ta o ben. ciior up au>' doubla vbich. mlgisî la Yeur tamîl>' sud frieuiq, and tise tng this speechs, go ranarksbio fan sel.! shiussaeded Il foi madho.ýl pu>l éoal ranges an.! tae phace vas, KEEP GIRLS IN NIGHTS eitlth ndinayotemnpole at tisa United States lu pair- il'. billlune>' ut tiouglit an.! ils beau- Dynamite Blown up ta Frustrate! Po8a9. Sise prolErtad loudly tL'ut lier apes anis' tisau many homne kitchena. At La'te Forast collage "hale at sud tise peuple back hume, sud ta Uiculan, tsaI >'ou ai-i CLITAN, MORAL tiful floviutg Engillis." 1. W. W. at Fort Sheridan isbanti wag n3t tingui ta bruak any ilevbng la3 a sampli diet for 'Mua- ligl) mca 8:30 o'hock. rafuti a gencral erroneous Impreassion HONEST, LOYAT SOLIERS OP Aft hi ren tisa art'o Iut hie a!- laie. ,;lia mai13 a despars a effort At Lake Foi-est collage ril t Ia ser- ut tiste athte n SteA.EP aoce n d mon CL A.fcVlv msitl aldI aotl ossino h iu 9.7 re~Dnakfast; nulle.! nais, hait has, loua tliiig for a girl ta walk acros aIso t e Un ise LtaB R BATTA-n men FANK ANTHONY IIUNTER, tise manager of tise prilting- plant A eesoexlinsnthgv- tlao kw hthrrnt cota. braad, buttes' sud coifea. wh aein h cam3us avilis a. an' o r 'eru rment resarvîstion. at l'ont Siseridan tise trains are lu ha wacsa. agalal oatmtnccae!ots- ctapu Fi-t la g boy cnt. LIONS aund ospacialiy Ibose locatosI Captalu, Infautr>, U. S. A. autd place.! lut ibanda aname onde f0ienrhsoaMo u il nw ta ftepat ne;ratmttn rae Dt- A ae oetcleg oetyan.! vor lug at tise sRi CAMP. camp Commapder. a ite- tday. Tise gront asook; pesople la followed up tiat tisa ndoubtedix -v Cape 9, mnasisi. lui-ips, plcklad beata. C. Edwvin Johinson ha.! to leavu i'vith- Tise Spur Camp la Ioda>', tise hub or - vicli Volîva gays, wll ha put lutalce atlehn ots vîi ha mai>' etolatuns pickîd up for, aki, nie d, butter an.! coffea. Supper; ont bis degs'ee bacanse ha siare.dl ta r entai- ut tisa Amenicaut Emba- avory home lu lise Fligisîl Sanatonial fik. a tlycpun re Wts. u-lre uattsotbtedSnâ 51'i jack me! trankfurters, masbed pots- faltlut love wîth L.orr-aine McCla>'. Ê ain<eti vics ialrAst 'S S ~ iAS3District. Tise pampislet, ha sa>'s, vc osrcin qiitmiit',ibv eub-igtltaWusa ctrs a, huttes' aened coffea Tis menu Atr LaSUSPa oleayctnaENDl I SEwl eltesoYo ony B i vas conuiona CeureraW. blage quanlîts t Illi.! WauosiN lucnrs, niaI. slaw. talICOQt pluddiu'x coed. an.! nuit Important anea bu thie A. E. t1î tiseIn alo-> utRdt>' iame excava3 dynamtai ' c tve tae ht rlm asin ci tisauyack a wv'l blne. ! ort'; At sueFrs cleeyst .ad iL locale.! lut sud anaun.! La IU iE TR T~ Swift'g cureer. blotag fut ofa alun ity vf stae.! m effecvs tive th iv e sgial au ot,1 bal Iis nsA LoalATaEU SJ Tisa Zion Oversea dedans tbat liha gII u tts '>"p-hbts îos. ion fet uls Theilcn 8 cent tth- ton, freshme. wre pisise.! for ia-, tisa Spur Camp are Qati. urnast'r. - - ll carpt tse City' ut Springfield, p se! ore ynmie u te Jlv1 lquito. beau alsueaied oniv I lits- the tira escape atar 7 o'cîock inSupplias, Engineeing Supplies, Ord- Sprnilîd, Ill., April 14.-Tise 1111. sud particularly tise balla e b! 'Th vlg foun tis n ezn spta," hi ofi leas.e- lîsero lii ae b eau oreta e.Teration cuis ent ath evetnn an.! actualiy goîutg ta jnne )TTta grasprttio,!orevas froazu.itcs omlglWet aytheugusiofRe o!nttIlaIei t bstaa karidofthiiad e aâ have biend bou gît-g Huo y, tirees meais for ono man. Thist danris. TiseY cannt leave tisa casst-, Tanportaion, Tandpotrt n orse îoi res public utic ocommIsIo oda>'t th ue u t ih Rhg mbelttiae.~ ile hasts ay el n xIod ut. ths-n iler wa fig erbl!abus.-ugfl q slnabigier nýtsss rate Ihan usuiaa lu pu, for two vaeeks. No dacea; uo transportion, sudl then oria- teU psesa unil nse n outeas ti se a inae aiis the papletaboutis asist vay, lut maie Il.rt Ti- ei-a e service. phonue conversations vils boys; no ici loCaerblavesbstn srielu -ak nalgln Zion," said tise Oven. AR tisCne. o aerhaig%,vc are vaebess banev nseatn , sonding ta ail arsenal .Dr'. Shahîcuthargis', turmerl>' 0 ci-eaut parties avlis othes' girls lu .T hrae rbosmbkrt, gai o! tise public service Co. of seir "Thon, tee, ave vante.! ta Put il Wqut'<gsn, avio vas 1 utisi arvî I)I~N BIDS FOR lovu. Tise boys cati it "nampuisse.." stables, depota, t-uck parka, huadrado Nortaeru Illinois. ofa Sitn t t aiern hyon.! lise reacis of au>' 1. W. W.,@ but visa nqees guI oversa, as. hula Ni- vils FOR'1 At Lake Forest collage Helen Bar- ut barnanka aind bulidblgs, oleetcîTes o t ahriectdl Rcfra fln n osmfb tisouse sud Ma rgaret HorIon ha.! heu-lIi plns potofiebthbues D B-beuia isavo takean o ption on tise or prisonena dearmlned o es icape. cas!ltRcfra tztI a mbi 'ite a c le d T iat 1îeîc p lantas, pons ta oue , t m es P.l5 '5 P n y r sau tîarun o f tisaI place Tise>' c EM5t u na l nav. F ou c ai use o k rd p e O Y n Lini)_IL_ niais "ND aIÇ un> s!C A., i erisos 1<.eled tD o C. an.! te grovnss Y.M. KVJILr and planC p-_isan -tfr-e-s»dnaieoI> an.! W- 0- '.îidar havi as cuti.

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