Mt me ofet d 1hbu em 1sy IR Modm i, t e e »e b h> T embaint taiho. s, am asurs ei1 gotuuh evêà tboagh Ih vouiti gte gresâtre- Thi extensionsoi thse service ofn thé w ü,but ti lat cor tic!. ubulti b. vaclseti msnediîely ~la d bas mach 1t e y about ten 5 WW,£ iit h l tai nl.peetYm i h ont athe moR TROU lens 1111e, wbeetmi these lverai waters andi then lun miiicj. Uttle girls hie ieets. but every f AUI uldn o erors.Tabadimotn tpud.tknb h ore i ni: 15tsoki1hmikor days Il la a different girl tisat attracbgta À W À buldngfo ysJorgofhebordImotat ltp Derakn y4hIYSE S U am real uTiseînt wor l thehui; . mSDv l d forppea.Ws- l. Hi nhemud"1 araltifurtiser fait liat a trame but on aur sinca the ver. The extension pro. 3iakepere &Mm la a Ro- log the article tmmediateîy ln vinega s0, that you are changeable." RH. u nl f Nman hooubfVeadacnttaau pgar vi nsande bthman nd llby. T @R' neeag a co«t»tuoum andi voter, andi theailn, oap andi va- Uvereti, "'Traia't me that change.; W 'wJI Y building vould ieh very, unsightiy dprmtt nith ln ilh tise lago. ter vIi remoye ail ordt.aaqlut: main thea,, wben you knov tbem better.'adta htee mrvmn i "ce nSpeainwt r _________________________________________________________________ National Offloors Corne Here' put on the nev lot shouit ie ofa feanizatlons alreedy existtng. as vel and Suggest a Temporary permanent natura, anti ln kaeping as in the Innovation af ncirw va. Brought to WauI Strucure t Nort 0f y wlth thse grovtls andi prcgreua of aur The 5OOCesa of th. publie achool DeepstaI Strctre ___Norh f ch Iy. basket hall leagua vas suCs a pro- From Home 1 WANT ERMA ENT LD. Tihe N.w-'"Y" building nounceti succesa thet staps ha; beenu WANT ERMAENT ,LDG "Whet bas beppanadte ta he new Y takan -ta iaunch a achool basebeli FINDS MANY FI Trirerepresentativee of thse Y'ulding" la aquestion fraquantîyleueton. ver. visitors te Waukegsin on Tus asked. In view of the offer for a Twiiight Basebali League Tiirteen year o1< day aflarnoan loaking over the vorc ;rame but It ia velI te ansvar the Tise Boys andi Piysical Departmenta o 60 East 48th sir of , te local Y. Tise viilts ver, question again. Thea boardi of direc. of thse Y ara worcling tagather in the avercoma by thea A. H. Licbty of the aNtional War' tors of the local Y, of vbich W. 0. crgaftaztion of ea'Pwiight aflseli day anti matie hi. Wark Cauncil, K. A. Shugsaker, st te'%Iiclinney i president, does nat Inel Leagua fer tha benefit of factIon>' men, training station wi L secretary for Illinois ansd A.. tbcy shaulti undrtae te ereclion dlents, business men andi groupe eof ictitiaus name, saiti Booth, sacratar>' for the aortisern di- af the new addition tý tise preant variaus sorts, ta he playedtiea si Foargo, . D., anti trict of Illiois. The commtt0e WPrebuilding, vldch voulti cost approxi- ln the evening. Thts vili ineluie QU'The afficar taeviion mat b>' mambers ef the Execuho matpiy $100,000 until they. are as- interasteti, regardics.s o! membarshlp convincedth iat the b cmmittea l b. h loaci board of dir- sureti of the maney. Durlng tiha cent-ln the y- anti a runawa'. lit sctais. 1îaign o! lest fait, visicis vas tuer- A track anti leld ti tgcl is cg ta th. Pederal Pro, Au a rasait of the confarence, it rupted by thse fenrful Influenza cpti plannai, bittes have alrea'iy been Waukegan, vas roundti ta the National 'Nar demic, suficient cauh vas raceiveti eterteti, al of which caver ont>' tise Efrst h Watt Cuncil0f tis Y calti:nt eta ay ln full for tbe nav lots, cost- pisyical phase of!the Y extension Efrst e h an>' of tise funtis te ha eppliedtil logr $5.100 plusa Inerest anti taxes programn. The preVaiiing pollcy of wcorrle aitra ve , permanent local building. morei .ý_ nounting tae 4.3.Tiser s t a the Y wlii bc continueti, namely tb.vathe acoetiofias psi inc thefuns rased1-z balnceon bnd e Lu agerY" promotian o! thb. hysical. social, lnuntil eamething coi jîl10. i<' rail viii hae scarcely uclent to: Service ltunti o! $i,0ff.28 anti there tellectual rantisptiiuel valfare O o! thm finance tise urge war vork nov gaing are unpatd pletiga., a fev of tisem Men anti boys, spellei ta th. ternis abou t he. on which must lbe continuati untîl tli conditional amauntlng te $5,060, or a of christian chanacter building. t e the vom'-nrte test moment vbile aur boya are I total inctuding bath items af 6,095-r- . To laok after the ineresgte of thet e eaiure camps anti averaea. iWaut<egan viii somebow bave ta manhooti of aur own cammnint>- invas ringing. Il vi Offer Use of Hut Temporanily wark out the prahlem of the larger an atiequate, weil equippeti building reich wba informed Thalocl 'Y" ~a hsen ffe dY building antifil Le still hapoti that ls a task o! sufifcient Importance ta ho>'lbed refusettetE ipi"adtise ise of one oif the ver tYPü fthe wc a>' vii open te sacure the funds, warrant thse whole hearteti supporhaief obu. vooden buta no langer neaded aqiThe public voulti no vent tbe boardi a! ever>' publie spiriteti citircns. EttnfgIerc Grea Lates tatin, 1 hamov 1 o f directons ta undertake ltseercetrctitei ous Gt a kautteanstions aentv i lar ion of the nev building anti have it Whilicrunnlng te catch an elertrie TMisq ilimmelrelcb on the lot north of the Y. M. r, ' silddled uith a big dabt anti se frienis; car at the main gaie, Gret of don, lic h v s taent building. The building offareti , c fn i the Y are belng sougit who bey- Lawrence Abert Ducltworth.o!to ie hspn tains an auditorium antisomal ro;,1îi. a vision of lthe posbilitios for heip- (liard Co., 21,,t regiment. lest hls Juveni. departmnent stae, ffcesant sverl sal roni fui coînmunity service te be renderp-d holti On the raling anti vas thrown on Sunuia> lte W I i stagebuilie ngavrani a oal Ta srl tlrough a well eritippeti, eniarget i tntientise vheels. lits ieg was in- tectivO lengue suce, D~UT it Bush up to Prince Albt t roue oe ke as a temporarY relief taeltahe building. juretigo n laten vas ainputatedtieh- the boys failler ln rb*PIIOS ha yu ve bfoe cflctdiP.A.s uit <> Y. M. C. A. neeti. Local VYFesumes Civiiisn Work - mv wthse kae. Hlieotherwige vas in- assuned liai ha Wv fit <> Board Rtejecta Offer of Hut The Waukagan Y las groving anti jureti oonstierahle. lei ttemdee>.l h ftyou oklett ike kids fit your hm&id1 It 1138 the At lbe meeting o! th. board of mattlng rapiti stnides as It returns te main hospital. Tie youag man en- mens took the boy jimndandies flavor and cocinesa and fragrace you lever ran diraglare o! thse Y of Waukegan. blllits normal prognam for civili e, " itedti e Kansas City', Ma, Jan. 27 tlion %or an autan againt 1 Thursda>' night Lb. mater o! acct-itanti bays, vho bave af necessil>' suf- last. mebt seel ithe e Just what a whale ofjom PrinceAlbert reallaY i ou waflt ng the y ver but vus dlscuoýecd fereti soma neget tiuiing the. great Isaaea batwhr idt ihiem foi ta find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put thoroughl>' frouit variols *tafldPOiy-ts trein of thse ver perloti. The mem-n. Tbere's ana instancaiIetvsr led a'hr a icl, it downhow youcould soke P.A. for ours wihout at t as decitietifor tbe present aI benshtp vblch tiroppeti tea e oeli girls b1ave made a bit by taking aanioeratc bit ite or ar ching. iOkrexc.usiveoratented itout a an ott cette fe fh number, ince lie finsi of Jennary jobs ave>' tram men ln the service. lng appareS te make tangue bt rparhn.O rexlsv aetdp M National Wer Watt CounCil. It vis bas increneeti 3 09 on April irst Tis l as thlIe Great Lattes Naval round bis father val cuts out bite mid Poeth. l ait tisatishe eraction of a tramn. ,tru- anti grovsng uarger even>' day antila Training Station. Girls bave beaunlha arriveti bal~ et1 Reahze what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jhirty ciura, ;even &thongb 1oJrtsg temý e short tima vii snnpesa Ils aid re- put ln tise Nevy Relief Cefeteae trhere vas no ,,Id pipe or the paput every once and a whiie. And, puf to poariy relief ta lb. local Y ln its hcord "s 660.,ikwDecUlethe le ate tise places af seilors belng ne- shail3. beat the carda t Without a comebackl Why, P. A. s m work for eulistati mon, vouiti n0t boys gel home andi returu te civULten leaseti from service. "HIers, take this «I guesa It vili I goo yu eellie ou' jathae t et hatfrgrntscmokel appeul te lie Public, nov voul t bchalire, and ara given back licir jolbs. upron." saSti a goh yestertiay, 'i 1ook lason, lthe father i goo ySfée lie yWd usthav toeatUmtÛ%W t f permanent value anti etiier The gravlng gym class. andth Ie lu- enaugh like e girl ln tboe clties R. R Iu1d TobaCc CoMpany, Wi»tonS&IOS,, N. C. woulti the expense Of mOTuS, srecling creaset Inerest ln ail departiments of vithout an apron." unst THE MODERN "FARMER BELIEVES IN The Lake County Farm Bureau BECAUSE THE ORGANIZATION I t is one of sixty-six similar organizations of Illinois. Aids members in testing soil, planning rotation and drainage. Tests farm seeds for purity and germination. Ugsbetter feeding and breeding of livestock Co-operates with ail livestock breeding associations. Aids farmers in keeping farm accounts and filing income tax schedules. Publishes a monthly bulletin of information. Elrmploys.a Farm Advisor to look after the interests of f arm folks. Enys limestone, fertilizer, etc., in a co-operative way. Locates and secures reliable seeds. Organizes cow testing organizations. Advocates more diversified farming. Advocates just market prices for farm products cover cost of production, plus a profit, plus upkeep of the land. Operates under county, state and national supervision. AND The Mlinois Agricuitural Asssociation BECAUSE A STÂTE ORGANIZATION Gives the farmer a chance to meet organized business and -(iuards the farmers in both state and national legisiation. organized labor in an organized way. Works out satisfactory co=operative marketing systems. Iiaslegaldepartment tofight fakes,frauds and adjustclaims Will place agriculture at the head of ail organized business. BOTHARE MANAGED AND CONTROLLED BV FARMERS BOOST FOR A PERMANENT ORGANIZATION BY BECOMING A MEMBER A TWO*WEEKS' MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN WILL START APRIL 21st 'LAKE COUNTY PARM 1LLNOIS AGRICULTURAL ASS OCIE BURZEAUI ýATION - - - - - - - - - -p- DI EAT LAIS <egan where it Away' RIENID RE Id RobertO'le t. Chicago a wanderiust Buta,'. ,way t, t he naval rere hie gays a h its home va. at sought to enlist. ,n he applied vas boy was under age lturned hlm over otective leagup of in boy to give hi.i Pr in vain and li yto, keep hlmi at iIda Illmmetretci uiid bie found Ont n fficers returned ar their telephone as Miss IHimmet- Pd them that the stay with lier andi ar the ailcers re- eto the, home of andti nipthe .boy. 1 t the police @ta- rt th. night ln the women of the Pro- ,ceded ln locating iChicago andi vas vould be bere lm- ineantime the vo- ta the naval sta- )obile rida. lH6 isallors andi matie )rvhen lhe left lhe junty -sea-golng" cs of sallor vear- te UP anentâit He iting for hlm vhen, lb tepolice staton. ditng-just a band- Leach him a goend said. tu COU NTY-ThS and ho, L eau«E afford Lher on