e-t ertyville Off«ice 1lophoïons hum st edaithé postosfflc. e L1is Officiai Publication for oDu de waetlim ferLaeoea« Ioaiied lejabursdY. Advi susedRIPTION PRICE. 01.60O 7.J. 8MiTH ...................... ,oil. SUITI4...................... WU. H. ECKHAROT ............... Whén, a !ew days ago, te senatr that had been hollowed out andi theelc éfta a as 29th streét on tnec at Springfield had up for considéra-! vas the body of thé Kng embalm-,d Emil Ficke, superv isor of Ela lOwa- car to tep If thème would bec5'iv tion bc niatter o! adopting théerrso- and perfect after ail tiiese years. ship vas thLsafaternoooa unanimt'usly trouble. The three men got on the8 lution whicit provIded for cobcur-1 Around Ibis room vwa% a irranite shif ciected chairman of thé supervisersacMr qulétly. like gentleman.E rence vitit thé Houré In denaneling on whlch vere fond, gra1nw, bîti'lfor t(,year 1919-20. It leînoi INfirnt tintéthat flo.re,1 an investigation o! Zion Ctv '. .. 'I., ' t an w nren bac' - rtrouble. Lastrpe- Voliva, senator Roiney i emerF'a- :trrpî'1e Liberî' 1Ille madie an Int *neIiiiuaîns The idea of lire e ta tuc't Clark cHIndee called t e flC"b9aul warned in "r th.(,ueZion 'court thatE tércsting speech !avorl'rg tih ie 'e la thosé <ays Lty l'e- 'i t v er f't5 bteorder andi road th, cai. Ail of Ir tl"c:. r' rrrvfuriher trouble he.ý tigation. lecause of îLe apparent "ody iat have ltre lhinre of lite .sîthe board excepting iluttonil bý- - Ci, dr 'rn citetiInto the <oim. tact that bis édreas liad inauch trr tIle spirit left the body foýr fliglit over gess5 w're prpsefl. The ofliy t *- t\ylyCorit r r.iicharge o! iel Thev do with the seIt'e vottng for thl1-';lu-the éarlh andi oftea came 'baec1te membets are: Conrad Hollteifl, M'nu-v. <ré ecr .2 -,$15. On thet occis1 yéstigation rnd thuq tnslirlng il hc- enter the body and wvien il id the kegan and E dflrowa, Round Lake, Fion for zi'rx.rying George W. Lam, lng cérried on, the sénator'e. speech bodyv must bave the thieqga o!flfre at, Avon township. bert on ci (ars.i la given hereviitt la full: lhan d te make usé of thém. Oulside ltingdahl nominated 'Mm. FicUe for1 1 livé bln Lke County andi kncw thé.val of Ibisr.o. was a smail permanent chaimman and Vercoe W K N AF R somévbat o! Zion City located ln tne passage tbrough vhich the priestîs movéti théeseléction bc unaninants A K N E mare couuty. 1 knsv notbing fr! ould crawl andi through somés open- whétt no other nomnaions wert -tIlla résolution vni l as introduced , lge carefuliy concealed by means béard. Thereupon thé board votcJ I A S IE ;I ln te buse 1 ad o prt n I; 1o fcrooked sticks tbéydrév thé offet, unanftotitiy for M. IFih and hé I D YSL E ;I bave taken 1111e part lnfil since thre ings o thé mounlng relatives and assumeti thé chalrmanshlp hy say- Investigation started, friéndsaaa. Then more vould hé Ing*i R C V R N O Thé commttée o! preltminary la- hought bn and thé géme hé played 11 tllank YOD véry mach for th'_______ yestigatton appinted by thé heure* over again." On my remarilng that bonor yon bavé givea nae and as.Lo, dionoFveya l te dterminé vbethér thee veré 1thèeevas uothing ne- abcshsaid, "I sure YOD o!frny éArnést désiré t1se eol adJhsn ieya l nattersaet Zion chsi-géd ln thé rose- vonder bIt vasw as bard on thé vi. as youm ebairman te, thé beet o! my Child, one of Few ln State to lution beld sessions and caléed wvit-r dova and orphans then as nov.' abillty. Recover fromn Disease. Dnses sud réportéd that lu thé opin- Sorné days ago I réccivéd a poi- *"As 1 assumé thé chair, 1 cannot Son o! the oommittée thé Investîga- tion siguéti hy more than 160 naxaes hall but think of tvo thines, ftint HE TOOK NO NOMRSM ENT. lionstated o!peupe lvin aIZionCtt, ranythat, !om vwhat I bavé béard freinr tionstared.Of PuPl livng t Zin Cty, anyold members. Iis la thé firthMine1 Leonard Johnson, 5 year old ton The commIttée o! pelminary Ia- Of whOm 1 knov to hé as honedtan at owshpbasud te. ima-o! Mm, and Mrs. Alvin Johnson or veatigation appointed by thé bouse vorlbhy as valk the straets Of any s; eeond, that It Jlunuît 68 year'r Lénox avenue, bas visited the valey te determine vhetbér thèe emé r tovn lu thie state. They bog itisragotsbîp o! a brn 1aal"fthé shadow o! déatb. andi bas mc matters at ZMon, chamged tn thé reso. léglilaturé to invetigate thé tondu- ago teday 'bat In v radhe m. sailtre.Teeidavci rSe fluton béiti sessions andi caled vît-, tions o! thé affaira of Wm. Glenn manner." Ing Siclcnéss, ta lovly a-covring loeaes andi repotéd that ln the cpim. Voliva and thé treatrnént hé la ln- M. ee h nwcara ithah oefteexrmyfw Ion ofMm.eFcommé, théthevlchaîrman van rine hg onhthcacoo!uthéyeatreioélyafév baon o! hé oul madte. TheIbost i y. ecbn hoomrnt iZe rhon April 10, 1862. Hé vas eléctet iFcama vbre ecverf bhas héén ré- tioneboltiho adé.Théboue CtY.supevIsr fom la l 191 ati ic ortcd, Thé chtld bas just avakeneti pasetith réoltio ad i l hré1 A numher o! thèse signera I beliese. sérvéd continuously sincé, havlag hoîi1 f rom an eleven day's sleép. foday after having béén considéedte be ât111 , follovers o! thé religons varions positions o! Impotance as Thé réturn tb consclouanesa vas by thé Exécutive Commuttes of thé beliefs o! Mm, )owié sud many 1 arn caian o! thé big rmttéé, etc. In QI suddén. Thé chlti grdually Ounate vlth the recommeudation tbat tolti bave failhin l thé rligion a.4fi las noied that M. Flcke's lection j threw off Its drowsiness and éach It do paso before vhirb conmîItte aught by Mm, Voliva but revoit ai -as chairman carne on bis 5fftbirlb- 1<a! ses ls ecovéry more certain. the attorneys of -M. Voliva had t h * e conduct o! thé business snd inter day ta >ýatàer ciucidental cimeuin-, Durln.- thé limé thé child vas sasléep boaring. r ference of M. Voliva la city affair.s stance, hébctock absolutely nro nourishmént. 'Thé opposition o! corne o! thé'1 1 hope 1 vili never taite upon myseif The board votetoti teaîîova clafi Once ln a vhile it vas possible te honorable senators te 'bis r.oÏution te pronounce a verdict on any mas 0 30tetétvuo ua o gx et ],rin telaka it tile sip of vater, 0séato cIl. for a etatement fom religions heliefs, 1 have no contera penses ln cornhatiug the fiu épidémie 1)11 nothIng that vould tend te sus- m.as 10 thé religious convictions o!f any at Barmngten laut faîl, It boelagex tain bis strength. The Senale vli partiqu me for re- pérson or commrnaty. If howe-ver a plaluéd hy Klrebner that Cok Coun- lu Ibis Instance as ta patically lating su Incident Seow yeare ago Icomrnunity o! nealy fivé thousanti ty bati aleady assumét i Is ene-bal! I 51 cases o! the sleeping aicknéss the I vslked acrosa Zion CllY sud met a perons la titis etate o!Ilîlinois la so are. patient fimt bar! thé lin. Thé lécp- Woman eadlng tvo umai chliren eonductung ltsélf as te hbe a festeringc Elani Clarke addresed tse board Ing sick unesi !olloved about a weoit suid site bad sa mati package in ber @ Ore on thé body poîîtîc as té claimeti ln bebalf of thc victory Loau Drivé later. The child wva attendeti hy band. I said te bar, "veli, madam I ly thée winesees testitylng hefore asktng the board 10 landi fianclal as- Dr. M. 3. Kaloval'y. bO o ngcs Zon 'basé days » sud she thé bouse committetu favor o! this istsuce te thé vork In tAke County. This la thé third ponouneed casé Mid, "Xt KMo very bard vlth thé wj rsaolution 'béa t la thé duty o! Ibis At the asat drive Uic board appro- et the dseae Waukegau sud dov sud te caphan," aad 1I id, sonate te carofully consîder vhetliér priatét il*,!O for the vorI. Dilger Nrth i oeoo. r.ofo!thé patienté @10oV la that ýmaet" sUd abs $Mdthe filurete PauaIbis résolution te- rnovéd t, rWer to e nov nance com- have died. fpyo Came té 'bis Communlty My day dbee not give 3fr Volva àa dean rnttee. bwbaad a"t mysel! vith Our cilhdrén bilci or h th sUd encaurae hlm ln SuPt rondsResu» aked thé board C lE E EV Û tIth a cSiaderable su= n cmey; the may nts of oppresion that bil te aUthorize uoboiy te meet the o Ia m U~iAtVM vs lnveeted tiai o!fllunpropwt, opponenfts OlUm .federsi oafciais roea tu te econ- bomeAnd the rosI vo Put mbI ls th I1 msu nt dsculnelIgion but trect for leth ioe WMrai rostubu I N OS E lIuM ba*; 1 bave ut lésa dova te open disrege ud ndoitemPt of the b ltttis ym trem flve Poits to .ZO T % p beaduarar, My husend bsvingt a-asuMd ltlttulor ci ts tate. Loke BluM .tbeu m >be-fmlle vest. À S W YJE E dies& te trY te gôt aomothinteu y l la clalmd that lon City. e City o! Ibhis atreteh la rcPvlded for 111h P S E W Y M 000d sud 1 8t tveutr ve tCents. Ove' tiousand *eehm. go hlgh *5,000bonds but, Mr. Ruaselil mye,- lb$foOd 1I bOUght vMit lle a hrse&&*cIioilae hicb ebol are oa homai eet more. Eslrgtov ezil&la dC,. .Klnasltey, Agod 84 Came lu tIaISPackage la my band. It lea dmtted sualesa M. Voliva. pérrnils that UtherTOdS oommitt@oe Slr«dbls HeeFda Ateno; o &Z va bave. ther attonansd yt ve are de- that pover, HeeF zAte£o;H I thon sald te bar, "'madam 1 @peut bAtiag In Vaisnonate vbother thème Virchner moved to adjournto April Pamsd awy Sunday. 4 vizter Ita Egypt sud vhite theré 1 la auch a conduot o! matteo e t Zmon, 17, ET EUT RMFU W" *90 a t0mb of an o014 kUan isncb a fallume o! sanillon sud E HRSU SFOM L. r KMg fIat hati Ileaburled Iventy sévère.ncb aaliondagé o! coul anti An appeeil thm lteé eonmt, te the 4aioeyerrfy Klasaley, agcd 84. tl bunsdreti Yéars Thé opénIng In. body hy a léase sysls-m lanting Circuit court 'wast talon tcday b>- thé a reilent o! Zion City for the last 'e AU 1 0mb bRd Jusl béen discoveréd through a thousanti Years, auch saIHarris Trust and SavftuCoa ny o,<f lOve ycaspa seoud avay Sondai at ,1W o eil s 1 ad thé contents véré throtting o! Individuel rlgbti that on Chicago la the cam.of th@ astate of 4:S0 P. m, et the booro!bisson, ,4WU kaf-been left vhcn thé 10mb propér investIgation ve may nt fIndti Ib lato Andrevr Coo'cs. The truit 0. A. Kinagsley or 115 Boyard treet. %Mo-o»d usi P~revet Its despoliag pleuty o! matterathat réeau nensetteOrnPsy bd la 00IlUtsfinal accoutWaukegu, .follovlng a brie! llua. ore ffl a go. A long pas- laveste prObibt. 1 amn net taiking for approval vith tUiccounty Court. Rltvsatitt i ét eFe buw 4les. eout ln thé ouid about prosecutions by the tatés aI- Tvoaims vers CUtt r bal! hi 'bu Up to lait Tlmraday, altemnoon Mr. " outa aide vhlcb extenti- torney o!fLaké County or by the at. Court becaulse lit vas toIt théy ver. Kingsley vas la the best of bealtb. ne~ mue"aintua r=cm tai torft génral of the lIste herause of oxorblkat.It la boeause o! Iis fntt He bad plsnncd te visit lis can but lom oiàW grpu £mItnnlt ock 1 lave nov' on thé statuts bdb adti Ibt bie appeal vastaIe. I beause ot bia Indispositlindeferreti j liroken but Of tacts tha ird in è tcoi tep CAMOOltA N turther législationi tbat vii preventd t a aukeaafs W hIV Sm thé countY or Léke and the lte f1 bsn Lbetyvll Echage e"~è Iilois frorn liécornig a disgrace In À1 tyvIllie.Il., aseSecond Closes Mai Natter the eyes of the wbole country. u& i!Iu!'4UW Mr. Voliva acqulred a large arnount YAANQ JIIII 3 U Nt1 >r The Village of Libertvviile. Of property ln ZMon City, a Cty Of inty Bard ef SupUvISrd OV lr several thousand people and wthout 'rlere's an old saYing, 'Dnt pay1 'értleing -.&te&I Made Known on Application. publie shools, sewers, paved streette, wlth the eat tillil;t scratches you Il PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE gas and other sanltary land neCeqqn" su ad tbre. Zion City Young méà dld utilities for the right living of a large flot béed tliis varnt. Martin 1............................................... Editor number of peoplte together and by a Rueneh, Bort MoCumsey and Gusj . ........................................... Manager semi-religlous propoganda contixfiues Gre bave been causing no ënd of! ..................................... Local Manager te brlng people Into such conditions trouble on thé Electrie cars. At laqt: were, should a contagious epidemic they got a good tbrasblng. Theyj break out, they would be vithout fligbt bave brouglit a damage suit for médical belp and there voixld rsuit 040.000, but It se hap<ened tbat It an outbreak of crltictsrn and notoriéty vas net the ZMon police they lied to as would bé of great bsrm te Laàke d"ai vith this tirne, It ira$ a motor' County. Thére la au entlrelY dir.usamu the. lecti. is .name, la gard ef city Improveenits the sole @aid te bé Bert Berrong, generally objet beirag to set enoush1 money te knovn as «Sam". Ho la aso lad pay off thé délits and leave a gréât to bu an ex-aderman at Wintbrop este ln the bandé of an Individu4l Harbor. vltb thé horrible pover that la givén AcCording te »eporte. and b. hat cg to rub it im-th6yrO gI Olngto rOyerty control of bornes inder about corne te the conclusion 'bat hoe aI M 01 te thie Giiifl inlB t a de a lass bold wlth petty restrictions vas deallng vith '*iugh neek' and itlon.pWbat about the. Lui- extending a tbousaind Ys-r. lhe vould have te deal uWusly vith a? Ca th ie lives l0o n ILti$. bat. Ii ' E'storyg ltinole n nthOrn or the net think thord lie amcont of thie Mrmoxnsettiemênts taklg charge or the cMr. tlesch, Wum(mndyou Bton OUGeflhatit Nauvoo.Beoad titis story and every raîiWZand MeOmevare alleged te Fe aolng.*o a u'Ormaiy for the phase o! lit. every movement of 'borne have thrown the trolly off the. wtre ) Pac idoglm .We'r e Poulted p»00, th'eir contr01Of oSsud IS. havé become airnaivo a"a alo t hybg but Wvii~t i politieof that section. theIr Open tliamini. Ail tbree are aajd t to hehM tht OW011 i o.quarriels vlth their nelgblors and bO In thc emlOof 0f IcN s oor o ti~ bndatha sIw or ~ thir entire disregard cf the rlghtà Of Kenoali. Maly; fl à .laSUCh a thiBg U offcthae la duplleatedl la the Voliva They ame allegéd to bave used ln- ot want the.god-Star MMtito turnm iebof zionta saboyna by turettat..ung and threatenilanguag an 901ne-ew ntte to rut mony b r h omte fthe to e dared hlm te ast off bis cSr. homne-w Wlnt heMboue. omonom wu irOtl6 Ruschgota lacdk e sand bis and drivén frornIlinois. Tbis senate teeth looaéned. McCOMseY vas thé bas thé bouse report and only the Bliet ta gét Il. eH vas SOOn ont o! dénias of Mr. VOIINlsa attoracla Bi commiasion and thé tliird man, ~4 ~passing ibis, résolution lit agréés te raf tok te bis beels vbile thé gét- if U rges forma a commission te investigate. tiug wMA sale. g ke kThe responslility in up te this séiu- "Tat'i ail théetUme 1 can givé te i n esti o te te and t cant be eva*led or aidé YOU felioDws this moning." said Ber- )sne ti etePped today. lng. as hé steppedcot, bis car. C >75 (V~Thé vanquIbhed foe la sald to have 5 of LioiU I 3 uCvso etmnwra ie ratened that they vould brlng n 'tY upevisr Met ad'lrgaizegang of 14 nêtt time. - . Ficke Elected Chairman 1 This niornIn, one of thé Zion po- UJ I Inusual Ce.mony Performed Today when Deaf and Dumb Couple are Wedded. NEITHER SPOKE A WORD. L. Fermer, Wautan. a marry- Ing Jtice b.d the quie~eat eddlUg oermoay today of Uic 1875 that ho bas performed sinco, bg Justice of thé vèsce vien a oérerony ail of wlaicb vas vrtten on slips of papér was consummated. Thé contracting parties o! thée1ufr asuai ceremony vers: Hlp~an Berii- steim, Sait Lake City, àgéd 85 and Charlotte M.- Taylor. Chicago, SI. Tbey camé b bhis office this nooln and vmote on a slip o! paper whieh eacb slgned: We vant to gct niar- rléd. 'Ail rlght, lmr ready" sai tho jr.- tice but the pair shonkt theIrbad and w'rote downa 'We arec d-! and dumb." WAN T A DS RTES-tO Carniepeel se. Eaé Issstefl 30ns uNiý cisage ~»aeoeoee»q is -visite, Ut l ui a uemoone H was no botter, on hîdiay but relative% lid not tbink bis condition was ser. tous. 'He continueil te grow vorme.i Hle wau conscentu until thé lent He gave directions for thé closing of certain busiunss details. Twa min. ute befors, ho diéd ho asked If every- thlug had been dons as he askéd. Whon assured that It bad been hé serned eatlsfiéd. Mr. 'Kingsley vas born la Luzerne, N. Y. and lived lu that atu<ic Up to Ilvé yéars ago wbén hé rêmoved to ZMon City bécausé bis daughter, PArs. -Eatella Heath, bU tsken ix» ber rési- dence tlkere. On Decemer 23, 1917 ;Mr. and Mis. Kinsley célebrateut their 62nd vedding "fniver5ary. Mrs. Kingsley poufel away iaut September. Thé funeral wilibuhoéiod Tuesday moratng et U 1o'clook miter wblcb the romains vi» bo shlpped te Cor- atth, N. Y. for Interment. Another son. W. B. Klngsléy, résidles at Cor- QUI14TEIST WEDIfi ON REW1U BRIE AuW iOriSILEN FOM SALM-Houso. lot and lier.tu village09 Wadsworth. laquire 1. OWDsUs.m Wvert]4 ZIi.àAbar. lif taiea S oui. Wly 2t. FOR----- ---b-- .lsud mo sssd; 60 bu. Duckwaat sud &bout 150 bu. good c ora; st my fr.s ornesaile southol AptakWae. F. J. Hoiub,Prslle VIevIALL 14-8 FOR SALEk-Golden G010v Comu from soud that bas von more prises than any other cota lu Wisconsin. sure tu ripen, 100 bushol shélled or. bas bern produced on single Bre, lu- qutre Crab, TreFarmn, Lake Bluff or piione 728 lAké 1Forest, 111. wklyit FOR SALE-Cernent stave silos - cheapest and beat; vlndov and door acrééns; bouse znoving aud bouse raisIng. Zion Institutions and Industries. Deparîmét Ne. 4, phon' 49 or 31. Zion, Ilus, lb-Il Jeweiry on crédit, 20 per cent do, and 10 pe r cent santonth. Bo ' Yeoman, 111 Norith Oenesee et, gan. CEMENT SILO STAVES-We 1h the cheapeat and tist silo on mnarket. aonSsemovlng, bouse raid Zion Institutions and Industries. lie; ,Zion city. ii. Phono 49 Zion Cty. + "~AL ETT FOR MALE-Cholcereildenée lots on McKtliey Ave. irs. Olmee. 2-4 1 baýve Borne very iOn. up.to.datebogue5 st priceemr82,509. $8000, 84.000. 14.700. 86,000, 07,500 to, 08.500. Ail modem niceiy located. vhich I1shah be plesaed te show jou et anitime. Edwin Austin. Phone 1e, North lihor ou sCo. ti TO TaADM-'1're oearteed elrd for orang grove lu Florida, de, noar ma inon for 030 or f or la- i»ts frq or vwhat bave you teo gfler? P. A. IL.MMrc es08 ektel i nue, Z" ceti. 14t FOR SALE-1 iLaY lî~- i .L h irc , i. ."~i Teq , i,%-Io. ý -;.1.i '2 f'I a î.~,14 Ant Ihn tre ai wr~ n.îre ,,'rOFFICIAI- COUINCIL PROCLEDINGS " Thé boys et Iligi'irlI',rk lihr coluntIrerk's office Mh' lb01 VILLAGE 0F LIPIERTYVIL.LE LieFre r I b-e 'p agae resomtéd to thé Use O-f slipsrrf B.-guinar eet-lnrc of thr- Trrî.t-ep-J tih- r'nortit shore correspondc-nt Moi paper, among thé ansvorým nadçely lthe vag--aop" ni I-rt3 ,jlj'- 1r,!I,i A.tril 7.'nlgbl, Fifty o! th-un birc an thé bride héing: "I vas dîvored 'J a 1< -ulI'rr -:,1 t. J 1, lý r,; trie parler <car <cry Sondas mor yeam anti a hait age." Tru.-tcm-, Cnllis'. î:lîwrnrîli, trul Thé>' chlin ta é",<fllrrkrrrav Tteturaing te thé justice's offce. linrt sud Wright; t:ie.-nt Davis. They go to Mulwaukece. They, &I they pmoceted vltb thé unusuril ilitlutri, <f m" étlelr< bI.-I'l >1rl' I4, thé mest on a big tartIn luiulwl veddlng. FImét thé justice ,wroeéIl t> s la1rý-li 17, 11119. ve-re rcad. vbere théy bav-e 'cm, anti hava, down aud 'béa thé bridgé andi groom Maied hli Çuilin. ecrnerIty blart trit open on Buntisys, Somé o! thexa respéctively vroté their answérs rtnt-.ipfirriias me-ad. AY.'é Just gettlug bact oaigt" When il came te thé ring féstur-, thé olrm i@otiGlig at justice told thé groom te 811P thé Wright., tarred. Eric Werner o! ChIcago W ring on thé hmide's fiuger anti le di.1 A cuatuiiltteèir>ni the Co'mmexnrctial 'lub' Willis-Knighit machiné hati been camne belore threboard that more Ilgbts len lu Ibat cil>' Wedaeiqday nigbt se atter smiling at thé vmittétt aea- belutlldInrluthe tiuliiesection of vhich vas ahaadoacd be- thé sage Fiet he roomwroe, II aevillage; wbieix vas reirrred 10 tue llght, la Waukegan at 3 a. un thé folle' theé, to be iny véieti vife" andti le lire and vater commuttes to- reprt aI momning, <cameléte W%ýarukegan tht bride came bath vlth: "I taire thce meeting to becbe-id Aprll 21, 19419. lémnoon tu drivé bis machIné te hé My lawful vetitietihusbani.' Tihe treasurers repiort for tMarci, 111) te Chicago. SchillIng ari the Hé 'béna atiiéti "Anti vlth Miy wa" me-4d. &iuved by (ioilg ée-..ided detectivés madtie otrip tisk te vorly goudas 1 thee ntiov" andéhe hy WrIgiit tirt tî'éaturer'o meirorl ire cage lunlus machiné. smiléti agala, accepted as read anti plated ou file,. ",By -irtue 0! thé authority é51P< IlAves-Coalins. Ellsworthî, Golding, iarb, For- ALL the famil>', The Indi la me, I pronounce Yon anî n rih.Caredont wifeé-kiSssthé bridé" vrote thé 1wF- 'The ioiowiug 1,111qi aremeait: tice anti thé groom ,rlasped hi-q Omar IHeathr, streeb vomit.......t14 <00 bride. emacked ihem gooti anti ge.- JobneItrîonmet., ork-....... su 8 1culating. 'bey départet fer hom e, té d .nri Boy se ' stréet suant ... 0... lenet bavlng heén tieti éven More Art Kueucimau, stre-et wok ..... 9300 firu>', the justice believes, than fGoge TrIg 0, feel vork ...... i 400 thé cemémony vas oral, for bis1 con lottetaté Sand& Gravei graevul 8i0 1téntion la, hé bas fiail in veIting- W. F. Fratizen, coai ............441 andtha'a ubtanialprof. W. F Franzp, séer pipe....- 7 , 8 ani ht' ubtaîalpoo. Llbértyvîlîe Lumber Ca., cual,... 6 25 ~r 4 - 7 ScackH.C. dyce.batris3 50 [ MO1?IER O J S HW utb,2dy upn. 5 00 > TOJTL N H S . .A. Treptow, salary-------..... ----- ou TO OT UNC ESI ueo B.Maon, we-epingeouîap.. 3 65 Jon 'ster, speciai police-..... ,G COUNTRY SCItOOLS D. . Umberry, seamy--------..... 5 0 -.A. epow ostage ........ 00 Dés? Bir:-Once again a "Misa" Llhertyrlle Indepencient, ajrrnt- tei18 us vitat la gooi for chiltirénleu ngordinane--------------........ 3 15 Mbse gpackt atvocates a hot lunch for 1'nbIIc Service. atréetlilglute Feh.28 - Paint epupils o! mural achoole.adMrh.................287 1 Thé plan vouli probabli prove lien- PublicSEWrvIce, lgbtlnohlipools - Sadsfaction eflclal lu cbty or village echnols, but 8 montha-----------------......... 61 You are safe when thé average rural sobool chilti bus Fln department, ptaétce..... 80 rnmungchré wbc céaé bllFred M. Beydam. relunt In tax. 1 <>f>u p r Noxeli appetite for eéalfa, rsudirteoonrwet PaSUt. Tts;riie ia apptie fr reafat nd i OOD TtS. ...........................r.e 140air, its qualitr unex. )tÎme a lunch preitared by ýraoter g 15--------------------------- htI ccl:cd -tlizn resuit of MovOd noidluusecondd b. y=&ghci nééde nO suplernént. Ont bilne te alioved sud varrsuta te twn .oysa1 Ain tconfident thal 1 express théedrava on thé diforet fonds. Are- palit maldcng. sentiment of mot rural mothers vbon Coln, ESevor'b4 Godig, BrtOX L -tI staté Uiat Misn Pack voulti rnfler Wright. Cànd. N X L 4mach more tangible assistance Ou the The bond of Chao. Herrlogto., tremurti'er i@PWWmII ch el lunch »roblem if ehe voulut ol uî.r tâtn liOndepartimont vas rend. Udnt ' corne aaound tvice a veek ad bae iMowed by Collneasssconded by Hart that No xaltl rcers six or eigbt baves of délielous bréadtiheb bond be approved s rndad d tauid bchind it wh fer each mothér. plasceil Oe. Ayggo-Coiino. Ellsworth, a Kiuarantee as eta-ong in justice te thé direetoms of the GlinHatsud Wright. csrristi. as itlais possible tb Spauldinge' Corners' district, vlll say o-;3Y-wright seondeti hiElle-. make. Ibat thc bot lunch plan vas Irléti four vortb that P. W. Moore ho employei te 1 ' rr"- ienbsolutly ycars o ansd vas diecarei hecause taie cars f lbepark for $125 for the . ccu-taitr cf parInte- til pmoved unsucceseful. Pupiia vbo "Maou 1919. Ayes-Ioin, Eilsvortb, i'-U or--j preparéti lunch 1011 too Much sacheol Golding, Hart ana Wright. Carrbi. youorSJu lime. -Pétition prese nteti hi EtiAustin and - Noal L As chilimen are yen éentbuslaslic othér propertyonesnMiiCute édgae.dg over Innovations, 1 éxpectéti my lîttuéhv vtrman xtuitiImSeod - ne PM s boys te hé déligbted vîith thé bot gtreet to, sud ounuil Court vbich vas c4M.s< réferret e thé ilibtfime anud vator ce. CR.e .MASON r.lunches. On thé contrari tbey rport[ milles by tb, présidé ut. Ubertyvile, IL eti that thée oup anti cocoa, vers 410t IMDved by Ellsworth secondeti 'hi as got as mine anti they didn'l vant Colitens te adjourn to Aprii 21. Carrled ~ a iny more. J. A. Treptov, Vlége Clent. engine niber 2184919, oid 10 Nons. on front. Front and back bul brokenSaMdspiteei with Ivoive la PhéolotS. R.verdrorretwui tol o0~o."il maci, Waucondg4 Pie Banlngton 124-W1. WANTIEDI-"eOrwouento takord amoag frisod n elghbore for pUlusm guaranied hodery. NU 1lime, mmu. vorneand buidron. 111.13 ,daamlsg. Vs peir50e su out re orf$24a voek fortoinNtimt. Expeeh aumllésmn. write. luternaUonali am tmg MMi. Norristowu, P.. WANTED)-Tealiof'ij0=9agmu about 2M0 pounds, muet bu O ac a couple of Sud brood soya, oca preferrd. Address M. IL . prt IP. .D. 1. liertyvlllé. WANTED-Toug wouion to tkecoý of groduata nurse.-iBoard, ro iauudry, uniforme, books and ez; rnoney fnroisbed. Nurses hore ou strict upervison. Robert Burn,1 pitai, 8807 WasbIngton lird., Chie Ili. 1 F09 RENT- Sîxty acres îaMiure 1 good pond. Addrees, J. F?. firs 4827 (Qulucy St , lbleago, lb JWANTEO-A .younic girl 1~t 5 f ld tovu rk îîrnl g wérI 11r <ci Srirbr" lia-,.tàUrrtI "And now tii.y're 901'4 plan nOaing a biflion dofl to firestore oconomlc coud, taita? Cati shob. rusorec C"&u1da .1 ranc. mad EM mni) b. restor.d? Ax. we dàevamttion mii, cr.ated il aul patriotic .nougii to do «oMes to pouing gold -Mtc mants, we're liable to b. i b.ing too mucii. W. don't over inattheir graves in abi la peaoe. Senator Swi Senate tc Status