ÂPB1L 17. ~I9. - Y' -s _________________________________________________________________ >4rea and Vkmnùiti< A^«A BREVITIES 8005 a.retnt>'pnrcbased ot 1108010 i Freonttovnshlp dl00 scie, together wiLh aIl thé Wus *bd Implemenle on the place. -"dMs.S L. Trlpp rebnrnéd let i piton helîsnth trip. On thé sash. b>' sto-ppedta llt Mr. and %. C. ileen, former réidente of! Boss NcBride sud MieHelen1 M qet lait Tbursdas laChlcago. ifuBay, the lflth, Aiea enjoyed, b tlvould bhé nearer thé trulb p ffdured, an letion o! village m. Thomas Rueell wae elected kat of thé vllage board. R. I.. ~ .L. Dorfier aud i. E. Payne sbtsd aldermen. W. 1). Porneous W»Cted police magiotratté. Therej mien. full régular ballot lu thé laowevor ou thé day preeedng1 Osedoa, friande of A. . Stuiih go n hlm tLa show hie naine tla bu. thé people ai a candidate tor b0Se of préident of thé village 14 Sot bavlng ime Ca prepare aud1 Wt a tormol baUlo, thé solitar>' j vas scatchsd and U. Smlîh'e îlassted, resultng lu 55 vote tu4leêtr. imlth aud 67 for r. Ç,84 wmqIiou votlng toi Ni. Solth wovome toi Mr. Rusel. Tva Mg voting tor Ni. Smith reversod "iuliselng Ihese votes ta b m -lm%, otheîvlue thore vonld have léle re'morod that Ui. Smth othlb election vhlch rsulted a majorit>' for Lhe wlnnlng Mm« EVRJ M td.r home at Lke grer gaturda>'. Webronberg sud tamly Sundayed B A. C. Pter@ home. Wiss Seller and two sstere called xa Kutchîngu Sunda>' atternoon. L -BoS ad tamlly sud Emme ib of Chicaga, vleted at thé L. Wi home. *.oodcock etertslued compan>' UnMs. A. C. Richarde sud tMr. ,mPedemeon vlstéd st thé J. O'Mp home at Damoud Lake ruad Uns. . L. Tmlpp, who bavé blIfoma Iheir vacation lu Flarîda, l.sud Mrs. E. Bîuhm o! A¶éas, 60 the Jas. Richards home Sonda>' R5 ook, Eddy aud Pébers LâWsrlIle caîlera ane day Iset Wip& OlImants vistlug bls son sud Lrani Jus. Beed of Gluvewvat ~uiA. C. -Richarde, Wdnesday %iMllngt thé Jue. Richards home. po Ibres Jeans, gandpa Richards le Mi t La vsk, belng able ta get ont lé and walk b>' s chair lu hls raom. 0ilut cbldre's practice for Eaiter, SI"> at 3 P. M. Sien the choir WSe Thursdasi t 7:30 pi. 0 VerunnCométer>' Association Wil Svlth Mu. Aug. Wbrenbérg ou Okastrtot nUr Mlwaukee Ave. a OWvIlle, Thomsday aternoon, April -CARD OP0F NK uid" l express oui Sincère hauhe lai~borusud man>' teude for àWnp anS expressions, o! sympathy W b lie nud déaîb o! ou iord Muse. WIII&M HolsI, Mire. Bati oet, Mir. asud Mn. K. 0. Blluton. Wunlan service sud réception o! mm vii h e iS at théestar sr ét Sonda>' evecing t thé Congre- âWi curch. Tho.éwlshIug toounît 8. church are saked ta notll>' thé WAlo- loyer sud plantes wIlilbé @mm MOIt farta. Mr. Lnebhe, an aId reeldent o! Bremont, passed saa>thé liret of lait veek. LouIs Prîe les tayiug wlth hie edoter, Miss Battie PrIce, and le nil ver>' vell but under the skîlîful care of Dr. Taylor le elowliig impmovlng. NCsé. AIma Dncdka, daughts.r o! Mr. and Mir@. Fred Grass, vas taken to the Lakte aount>'haspîtal Bonds>' morulug. Ber relaives and friénde hope for a e peedy recuverY. Mie. luke epent a fév days last week wlth nr ativelu Chcago. Mie Cecella Geai>' vas a Chcago vîstor vturday. Mr. and Mr@. Alvin Kimbal otChicago, @peut thé week-end nt thé home o! thé tormers parente, Mr. sud Mr@. Y. D. KImbaîl. - MIr@. Floyd Cari aud Mils@ Lydîs Clark of Park Rdge, epent thé week-end wti Wauconda relatives. Mr. and Mr@. Wagnerof Chicago, spent Sunda>' t theîr summér home, here. Mm. Lbby tiammoadile spending thé weet vlth Chicago innda. Bora, to Mr. aud Mm. Walter Neyer o! Cary, a daughter, April 4, 1919. Mis. Meyer iwai lbrmerly IissFoin Buteh-bi son of hIa place. Attend the social nt thé Grlsvaid Lake scbool. Thuroda>' èvening, April 24th glyon b>' Mis Ceella Gear>' sd Ipe..A fBn. piogam wui yul.gve t 8 o'ciock. AU are cordl& alI> buiLs. )de. sud Mis. il. 9. Mamanvoie Long Grave vistors Sanda>'. Mies May' Dale>', bo teces serbool at North Chcago la enjoylng a wesks vacation at thé home o! ber parente, Mr. Altman O! Chicago, vlltsd Wao. couda tilende uda>'. Mr. sud Mr. Emmîit Geai>' vîslted relatives at Oayolake, Sunda>'. Fred Moushan o! Chicago, le epèudiug the véék vltIug trIende sud relativelu Waucaudeansd vîinil>'. Mr. sud tirs. C. A. Hapkè o! Liberty' vile, vIslted Waocouda reaiveis unda>'. Quite s lttié strifé vas created t the Higb echoal lectIon Ist Saborda>', 173 votese blngug t. Dr. Mecormick reeelvéd 115, C. K. Wérdeu 107, Leea Bueou 57 sud H. L.. Brooks 52. Wm. Dillon vas elected school trustée. M. sud Mr. 1P. W. >leyer receiveel a letter from thlr san, Charles, vha ha. béén vlth thé arn>' a! occupation etatlonéd at Cobleuz, hat hé vas 1 saili for thé il. . au Aprîl 15th and vili hé hame about NM>' 11h. Charles le lu thé 107 Engîneérs, 82nd Division, enlltIng ehorti>' aler thé U. 8. éntered the var sud ha.s een inuch activéervice bis compan>' béug under came of thehotést ire, but hé camé tbmaugh vithout a wound which la mraculoos.- M. sud Mrs. Chas. Dean spont Suda>' at thé Blekuasé home. Mr. sud Mis. J. Dymond are thé proud parents o! a baby boy. Wm. Hatman dld buies lu Chicago Weduésday. Mme. F. Bîso sud daughtèi, Jeunette, vlitéd relatives St Msyfaiu 'Wedneeday. Mies Elole Kohl @pont a lev day. lu Chcago lat veèk. Mises Hanuah Scboiz vlsited with ber parente ovr iSunda>'. )41o@ Ella lisuri la vorklug lu E. Franke' tore. John Prèbi n sd Phillp Schaeffer are einployed at Aukel's garage. Thé basket social aud prugraul gîven b>' Mis es seé tcCarthy at the Pommo>'1 chool Isel Tueda>' nettéd aauso !e52. Qulte a nunîner tram hère attended. Miss Mabel Helfer and W. Jelle>' epeut Sunda>'w1îh the furmer@ parente. Mr. sud Mm. C. Andrews are lu Ibeîr cottage toi thé somumer. Thé daté ou vhIch thé pIS>' "Hunker@ Corners'"vii bé gîren la oon 10 bé ic toiJJ UVL.U<deoLtU t.u iuii. announcéd. Scouts viii meet at thé tovu Wm. Bueschiug. B., spent a fév days Os>' evéniug. Thé scouts nov lu Chicagouiset vee vaieiIlug relatives. la members aud are y1anulng Thé -pupils of thé lover omo at a exhbilbtion o! theli w oikéani>' cLiul are havIug suhool occasioué,ilY On lb, Satuîda>' to imLé up limé e ltdoriug ~5~ymIthé teache'm lies. Frîda>' eréulug a metiog vas beid aI ons>' vas a rsry nîcé dsy aud thé sclsool building Lu décide about ir nomerousé couiimation" havlug s 11gh éubool, SupI. T. A. o Irougboout thé ueighbor- Skmpsun iras présent. Next year sebool vlI open vlh a bwo-yeaî igb siciool I Mm. T. IL. Tht,hr, whlo course incluSded. Thé second ilour o! thé gviotng Mr. sud lire. Il I). éciol building wIll hé ittéd ibis summer a-g retomcéd lu Ibeli hutiîoIni I>r use lu thé faîl. gkota. Tbey both are iuLill' Mw veu they camîe hiré. lb. Evangéticai Chur.ch Notes. om t tate ibéir ésiratiun.s ElstriiunnoS da co. ,». Cook bas bun cp thie Ick1 i -c lrtgn od> co *pMteifev weeke uand wé are- I îa',r Srvi:eu <týiermais) 10 a. m. min that ee un t he gaàlu igli-ti t uinimiuiouésrices@Easter »a, who bas béén boarding pouls Lrogbthé vluter, sleLké Foreut Bat urds>'. la Jouesoui old ueighhr.r, Jas thepeet vsék but wè lmit bat 5h. le on thé gain, 4 sh ah tabing the 1Ivanboe .-MarIeS go drive back sud eserlae 3icagaîn. r e iel eqeIpped for m bhaéa Dowusuactor ukqt he lswek-end vith vssk-edataIbis Easten lrugrS.. hi the Suda>' school ,p.ni. In Memoriam Huli1wn-Cell i linan. la iovîug nesilor>' o! a glorlous ile -hu8LeS b>' deatb tour yéaue ago, ApuIli1-J. Mhée h6lilneyer hé forgotten, Neyer shahl her memor>' fadé, Sweetésft lhogbt shail evér linger, Round the grave vbere she i a isie. Nir. sud Nia. Hilîman olliBlman. Park, vus isguut atiaram reLeu, Prida>. 8. A. Blsaof Lexington, gay., @peut th. past week witlbhle mother, Mia. L. C. nole. Mr. end MIs. Abet Kiapper and son of Chicago., ve theb.guetse of Mr. and Mis. Leo Seller, ëunda>'. Mir. and Isr. Frank Ott of Ilin Park; spent Sunda>' a% C. A. Sellg'u home. On Monda>' word wa. reclved trams Eclon, Washngton, that LYman H. Wlmot. formeri>' a résident of Deerlleld, had dled ou AprilI th.t Mr. aud Mrs. R. Brleknoll ot Lake1 Forest, vere thé guests ot Mr. and Mre.1 E. P. Oâtermsau on Sunda>'. Easter serîvices aud kiso communion viii ho held lu hotb thé St. Paul§ aud Presbyterlau churches on Sunda>'. Miss Mollie Quinn of iChicago, spént Sunas>' wtb ber aister, Mie'. J. Duffy. Missies RIanai and Jeauëtte Putnam or .&ilgton Helghte, weitbe week-end guesi of MiWeElesuor Meyer. Mise Elizabeth Emuze of Chicago, le' viaitlng ber ulIées, Mr@. Edwin Selig. Mrc. and Mrsi. Almon Frost @peut @everal days vih thir son, Berman Frost. Tbere will be eervieeq Frîda>' atternoon et 3 o'clbek t Roi>' Croes chyreh. Mis« Margsreth Plaffl, wbo teehe near Barrington vas home over thé week-end. mtilliam Bfodges o! Chîcago, and Ed Therrle.u et Highland Park, vere the gueste o! Virgif Solg au Sanda>'. is. Joab. Mnlier o! Highland Park, vas Lis gffet o! ber mother,is. Il. LÀeaue s na>'. hies 6I. sud B. Buhert are spendlng Lb. veek sit'Çorthbâeld. Ma-. Myron G. Wright epent Saturda>' si ber fatkîen'e, J. A. Rechéit, Jr. lihé laon bervay tiNew York tomet ber huaa»d, Dr. M. G. Wright, who le returnlng Imam overess. r. ainsdtMrm.Bilahbof sud chldren o! Chicaga, vers .the guéste o! C. J. Lange. Tue nev oflhcers toi the village are: B B. Kiese. preoident; Thea J. Kusak, clemk; trueteee, John J. Bectie>', Hérmman Hsuuschild, Edvard F. Seget; Engoee Euder, policé maglisraté. OBITUARY Lyman H. Wimot, who diéd at Egbon, Wae., Saturda>', AprIl 5, vas hurled lu a IllitIe utie cemeter>' o! Ibat place on Monda>', Aprîl 7. Be vas boa on the aId homesead April 25, 1841, suddvas thé son ot Lyman sud Clarrîssa DwIght Wlimot, wbo came hais tram New York the yeom hefore. fie llvéd on the tarm untîl &bout iltben yéare ago vhen hé aold out sud vent Laulve vlth bis biothre taml>', W. H. Wlmot a! Waukogau, toi everal years. lie veut froin Ibère ta Washngton sud llved wth hie nloce, Mr@. EloesLudlov. Be bai héén sérlouel>' 111 o! drap.>' snce lait November, goiuoe ta Seattle at thal ime ta hé under a doctors care, uaL le- provIng ho retuîuèd ta Eglon lu Februar>', aecompanied b>' bis brother, Lpt o! BMains, Wash., vho cared for hlm until thé lait. Whlle lu Deîlleîd wai always a ver>' public spiritlminuasd an active mémber o! thé Preshyteriau church, helug one of Ibs foundérs. lie vas aloo an eider sud eupemltndent o! the Suda>' echool for yeare. Be vas a ver>' excellent bible eludent sud even mInItère vould go ta Unele Lyman for advIce. Bé le @urvived b>' Ibrebrothers, Levi o! Washington, Rush sund Porter ai Coorado, sud a number o! ulecés and nephèe. The nephève, George Gutzler o! DerSieiS, sud L. J. Wilmot a! Wsuke- gan, are thé ouni> relatives lu thia SCIJILLINfi IIELD ON $1,000 BONDS BY CJIICA6O JUDOE Aller Ilualgu Wm. C. Shilling o! Grent Laktes vas balcon ta Chcago Saturda>' !uleoWing isrelassé lu Wauleegan afttr maing propcr actîle- ument vith 8upérvisor Barstov foi the stolen cars hé bad solS the Wau- kegaulte, Schilling vas oeorteS b>' the d6ectivés vho Iook hlm hore, te Judge McKiniey's court. Juelge MIciinley lesued thé var- iants te the Chicago police, one chargiug larcéuy, 'thé other recelvlng stolén propert>'. Bail vas fixeS t $3,000 on eaeh charge. One ot th cautus belonged te WIl- lIam A. uDuphani, Oak Pae, thée ther to Arthur E. Dilc, 7724 North Paulînu ebi-cét. 01Mbhavé beon récavered. Mi. Dike and Mr Duhain bave pro- mntaed Sergt. H-amlton tic>'wooid prusecote. As sooen ais EnsîgnUbSiahilîg baS been booked, "Dlamond .70e" Esposleo szosoared sud guautéed hall. No toid SchIllIng ho baS gîven a $200 check tu a bendsman te goa accnt>' fer hM. Schilling lives Inlu aie Bluff viLh bls vite sud motier. k «Ne tells a goo datas->'.' mud IHain- fitan, "but 1 dontL tinkh'. on the square. He fixéS things lu %Wuoke- gan and heoa ryug ta Ix the" bore,. 1 do't liké thé appéarancsofa!Esp* ta a fise case." KUIARRST Waukean, APril. t Nlck lvkovolo, Tenth etreet, arrest- ed lsut nlght on a charge of conduct- lng a mnoonshilssestili, was OisOn à heuring ln Chicago taday anw was diamlssed by U. 8. Commlslner MasOn. On hie rturé ta Waukoen abs this ufternoon lykove said'tht the aniy evîdencs agaist hlm was -This vay ]Lome througm Eerlin. La Douin related ma>' of tbhe ré- sulte of battle. Re»Midhei.dougb- boys ozhiîted wouderful Pluck. Man>' imes ho &aid IL aa néecessar>' to porform opérations without au anae- tbotic becana. the vlctlm, vas too weak ta stand thc effect of the ether. These brave boys nover even ilnched wben the knlfe vas usod. The réunion vas ~one t tcelhep- pleut fimagInable for both Young men returued fram Utcevar vîthout a scratch. AMICANIZATION. ththo was making wine out of rois-1MYM3N 5WL A moonsiue cozplracy tbiough whIch a clique of agents vas to man- ufarture liquor lu privaté bouses bas beén dLcovered b>' thé Internai reve- nue Offi ce o! Chicago sud thé firét o! a séries of arroste vas made yéatar- day lu Waukogan. The moonahlneré boped to opcrato lu Indiaua, michigan and lova,-wlth Illinois ns thé dIatrib- tait g point. Printed Iustructions liad been pro- pareil aud full directions as ta boy materl avs to hé abtalued havé falien luto thé bauds a! Internlai revenue agente. The arréat yestérday was made b>' Agents E. J. Haran aud V. Trausch undér thé direction o! eGorge Dun- lap, chIé! field commlselonér tindor Jullua Siltauka. I4AD TINY STILL AND MASH Thé in u a. Nichoas Evkovic. 1448 S. Sheridan Rd4.. vbo bai lui hie possession a Lin>' SUUilasd four bar- roIs of raison mash sud other ma- terlais from. wbh hwIskoy le made. .The still renémblod s retort used .lsy choilas but IL had a cappér coil kuovu lu dlatllory as a "worm." lb vas statéd b>' the revenue agents that Eviiovic got his matérlal from a moanshîne ring lu Michigan. Saine Ume ago Evkovic vas LaiOn. Into Chicago -whera hé was gîven a flue of about $15 for having fîîiled tu set tic necessar>' permit lu ma-te wlne for blmaelf. Evkovic lîves St thé coruer uf Sher- Idan Road sud 10& atreet. The bellottlunttat Evkovlc Lhought hé got ofet! oaansd that vas vhy ho plannéd taklug further chances wIth the roault that ho vas again ulpped aud taiton ta Chicago. Thiée other mon vere arrested b>' thé revenue agents. Thelr namnes voie givu as ltrank Noaic, P. Galcih and Frankt Cvtan, ail living at thé Rame addresa. AIl vére LaIetoo Chicago this morniug b>' Messrs. Hlo. rau sud Tauacb vho voie accoi- panied b>' Policeman Thomas Booth. The>' are to ha arralgued before a T. S. Commlssiouèr. Mr. aaissd bis brother federai agent coufiscated the four barrels o! maab sud au- uouncod that thé>' woold returu tâ 1Waokegsu thîs g!ternou sud dostro>' IL. Thé>' have eeaied thé hasement or thé Eviiovia homo. DURKINS JJOLID'IE- UNION FOR 2 BROS. BACK FROM 'WAR AUl Members of Famnily with the Exception of Two Gathered Here Sunday Aternoon. 'LISTEN TO TALES 0F WAR. Thé Duritin fansîl>'o! Waukegan had a réunion Sonda>' lu houer a! thé réturu from the service o!rBEdvard aud Leo Dililen, huth o! vhont bave Juat been usustered out aftr baving ervédl overseas, thé former vith thé fielS artilier>' and the latter vt a basé bespitul unit. The reonion vas helS ai thé home et bhe mother, Mrs. mary Dori ta 426 North Utica street. Thé folov- lug brothers anS sistérs attendeS; Joseph, Thomas, Walter, Edward, Lea sud Louis Doîkîn, ail e! Waoiceg'an. Mme. Mary Gorman and Mrs. Margar- et Kirh>', both o! Chicago. Slstéî Joseph o! Sinsinîva Maune, Wis.,anud John of Wlnnna, mînu., vbera ý0 la an lustructor at Christian Brothers Coliege, ver. thei oui>' inmbéra et thé fainl>' vho voie nt présent. itteeu grandchlldreu miavoeré r- sent et the faml>' rounlon. The tva brothéra via ihave JuBL mtriseS tram overseasarelatéSinu> o! théir experlencca lu Lie var. Lieut. Ed Duukin vas under arue nînot>' days anS tQok prt Wi seven hattios. Thé, vomit, ho mays. vas that 0f the Ar- gonne-Meose. Thé taklug o! 2Dead Man's Hill," ho says vas a fott hlcb the allezasaiS couid uaL ho doue sud lb vas accompliiied b>' tho AmlOtSéi forces oui>' vti a heev>'1008Of lfre. Ho saidt!iheGermens uPP«Utotl>'ng- ured that tic Argonne foraat vai li- proguable bocausoe>' bl hd.laid Out semi-permanont sods and heeaIqlar- Lrs. Ail over Franco, ho may'a, agu hâbd beon soctél viti a baud polublug LO- yard Gern=">' ith Lie lbâitptlon UNDERWAY MUE steel MilI has Set'an Example which Other Industries are Expected to FolIow. JDG EDWARDSSHOWS NEED The Instructive onîoitaIunéiit glv- en Thuraday nlght b>' the Amerlcan Steel and Wlre compan>' for olght hundrod employas and membors of their familles, la onflo!thefireat tps taléon lu Waukegan toard a wlde- spread Amerlcanlzation movement hors. Other Industrie. hore wlll h urged te fallôw the oxaznple of the steel compan>' no that ail alleu@ heri' ma>' ho taught how to becoine real Americun eciteus. Circuit .udgo Edwarde ià takîng a deep interet ln the Amerîcaniza. tien plas= for Waukegan. As pre- slding omcfer In the court where nat- uralisations take place ho la placed luý positon t e oeconditions as they exist and ho, mot of aIl. cozuplaîns bécause the cîty ase a whole does flot do more ta Arrcanize the allen residents. Itlu lo t oulliclent, ho pointa ~ut. fn give an allen naturslizatlon papere and then expect hlm to -hé a full- fledged American. li e sys that the allen population cannot ho asalmllated ln thîs manner.- Thé éntertalument given b>' the teel mlll had a tendency te Inspire ln thoso who atténded a deaire ta be- came botter Aàérican cîtîzens. The movlng pîcturos shawod the stages o! developmont lu an alleu comlng te thia country and gradually &»iuming "the dîffercul modeofIlite. It le planned to hold more of t.hoso enter. talnmoents and predîction la made tbst tho>' will beo! much henéfit. Mihng a peet card out of the mail box blonglng ta thé people acrons thé ball te road it and slip It back leI a violation of thé postal laws, 1accordlng te a rullng b>' ChIe! Post- o1 Me Inspecter James IL Stuart ai Chicago. In thousanis of Instances the mail thuas ecured la nover put back, Gen. Stuart declared. The Lgovoimmnt le waltlng for sanme bright mind te Invent combînatlon mail boxes for apartuiont boues than can bie openod at once b>' a muater ke>' lu thé banda ef thé malîmanuand b>' no other ozcept thé owner. TOSý-TO M STOPPID IF BILL 15 PASSUD Severai Bige are Proposod Io Amnend the Elsting Motor VehIoIe. Aot now ln Effeot .DRASTrIC FINES PROVIDED. Thce Minal o gi alatura has hore Lt soveral bilîlete amnand theé mtai vehîcle set nov lu effet. Oua pro- vides that a record ubal ho made b>' the secretar>' of staté, glvlng ever>' antor veicle ovned by ovée>' real- dent o! thé tateofa Illunois. togother vîti the naine of thé maker, englue numbers and ovncr's address. Thé salé, «achange or trimafer of every sncb mtai vehicle %hall é rocos dpd, togethor vith lme sud addreso! the persn .acqnlg IL. IL salho unlawful for an>' ane La oeil 'ai ex- change a second-bsud car wîthout furuiahlug the purchaser s certîfleate as lssued b>' thé socretar>' o! stèle. Violation o! an>' 0f thoae provisions shal ho punlhhle b>' a fine o! $2à tb $300. A futier proposéd amendiuexît provîdea that IL shall be uuiawful ta transport a laad lu au>' vehîec aloug a* public hlgbway couatructed o! durt. rock, gravel or macadam, go LiaI thé gross vheol boad exceeds 400 poundx, plus flfty pounds par lue-h o! wldtb lu axcass o! tva lucheA. A Violation o! this sot vili ha punishabla b>' a fiué o! frein $5 to $50, If it passes. Tiore vus &lao proposed au set probibltîug the piacIng or hrsaklng of gisas upon bigbvasa ronds, bridgés sud strééts, pumishabla b>' a fine net ta, excocd $35. ZION CITY INQUIRY BILL PRECIPIATES DIOT SENATE DEBATE. Vote on Measure was Preced- ed by Flow of Oratory Neyer Heard in Senate Before HOT SHOTS ARE FIRED. Thore vas a spiritued débite et Springfield vben Lie matai c. ime up o! uaiiiug a légIslatIve Investi. gaLlon of Zion CiL>'. This Ivliho accu b>' thé fofllng dispatel.h fHiV Springfield, 1il.Th0 1practices o! the Zien City' church aud It over- seer, Willui Glenn Volîva, v'flbe Investigated b> a joint legllatîve commission of ton mémbPrs. Thé sénat. Ioda>' adopted Lhi qurtlef bougé joint résolution fer soch 'l rrobé b>' a vote of 84 ta 12. Thc vote vas précedr-S Lv a flov a !roliloua oratov>' Senstor Richard & aBri o! Joliet flrlug the OPening gon Iu favor of thé resolutin. Hé daciareel the 999 >'eur leaiz' o! th.el ecuuté vas sumilent t anat au Investigatioin. Senator Morton D. Hull of Chica- go PPUp C e~< reacutlon on 00e grouind the entîre matter was 3ub- 1-'t 7,h. for an InvestIatIlon by the Schilling recelved the surprise of hlmlife as ho left Mr. Taylor's orne. and waiked Into, the waltlng arme of Détectives M. J. Vaughan and M. J. Neary of the Chicago Détective bureau auto détail. wbo rearrested hlm on two warranta. sworu out by Ham A. Dunam. 35 North Austini avenue, Chicago. and Arthur Dlii. 7724 North Paulîna atreet, ROger Park. owners ot the two stalen cars whlch had been said ta Balratow. The warranta had beeau s'wouot in tri- Harrison atreet place station, Chies5- go. FOR SALE! PURE BlED STALLIONS AND RARES DANIEL! HERSCHBERGER BREEDER 0W Belgian and Percheron Draft Hors Prairie View. LAke Couaty, llinois I FovIZDED 186~7. MICIGIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DETROIT JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area, 111. Dcar Sir:-- During the last fifteen years yeur Iife-work has been shaped and deteriniued, If you have preîmared well, y..,ur future holds înany gaod things ini store. Tihe mnatter of insuring your life is alt-important This you know. When you2 acquire the property which you feel wiIl be sufficient, you wîll g'o to an attorney, sit down, antd quietly and deiberately inake your will, Btit yauî- Life Insurance is of more importance; your will simply distrihutes, but your Policy provides. You inay make your will at any tiîîit- during ytur natural life, but the tiîne to tike Life Insuramîce is when yoliî au get it. Impaired risks are not wanted. Let your Life Insuraîsce Satesinan qiietly sit down witli you and tell hn what you want the inenurauce to acconiplish. Let hini be ycsur ixîsurancme attorney and advisor. H1e bas made a stu.iy of the business and can explain Iîow insurance will serve you best. No higher compliment can be'paid you than bis desire to interview you, for yon are suprosed to be of s ound h'âalth, with a good fainily record, and 'of good standing among your fellow mnen. Your Life insuralîce shonld not be neglected. If you are in the mnarket for muore insuTance, please let mp hear from you. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE, District Manager. al»- 1 l r atao'satorn>'o! LaiteColin'>' or bte attorney' general and uaL b>' the genoral assombl>'. I Senator Boas, Swift and KoasinS- or spoko lu favar aofte monureil wbile Senators Barbaus, Dunlu>' aud Jovoîl oppoeed It on thé ground that the logllalature should leavo religonS practîcés alone. Benator John Dailey af Peorla con- ciuded te orator>' vhon ho depolored thé llnking of thé naine of Volîvia vitit that of Christ. Ho referred ta the étalement of one aouator Ltat a pétition to probe the practîcés of Jeana lhraL. would have islcved many signers. Benabor James Ra rbaur of Biran- stan declaîed saine poiltlcians' toos bad boon atépped on aud the rémolui- tion vas Introducéd out of spîte. Bonator KoasInger of Âurora toë< It for granted hé referred ta Repro- sentatîve Edward Shurtleff of Mar- ongo and déclarod. that lu spîte of the oppouitian eftite Zion City ehurch, Represoutatîvo Shurtlot! b.d besa te. turnod to te ganoral a.sssombly b>' a largor malorît>' than over before. Enslgu W. C. Schilling, etatlonefi at Great Lakes, but living at Lako F'orest, left the court of Polir. MagIs- traLe Walter Taylar thlsa aternoon a firocin. Ho hsd made a cah settlomotit of $700 wlbh Supervlsor George Bairstosw La vhom ho bad sold two Hudson suiper-sIx cars vhlch lb d geveloped subaeeuently had beau stolon. Heohad given MrM. afllrstow a note for thc remainlng 81200 due Lhlm, and bad promiscd ta makre good thla amount la installments. Ou t.bla uhovlng States Att>'. Welch bad Bot pressod thc crimi charge of oh- talnlng and dlupoelng o! stolon auto- mobiles. x-xv]-1 ~THE >Bidinget M. W. 141 1:32 lia 86 131 1EX) 154 142 70 5( i 163 107 162 144 192 13f. »;1(t1O 125 7V 1617 126( 2877 1IISIASJ YNOTE TUH LIBE Igkegan lae i of thé Vict, whlch ope.ns rhich continue a Vien which that the local is subacrîbel ding boans hi jbaba mlght' Wced that th- Sgreal-,r demi prévian s lesiit le. Waukegau 1.1we are Idr to, the. wl plendld reput shed by meai l". re have been b. the laat 1.1 --it would h, aceful foi us a nd I dg flot retukegan wlli l ade as from Fort tom for an llty. wau'eg :e o! toepIsl Rre wili point lrs as an Sp ta do aur P lprf: havé don ed of themn. llct in aur id Sfor th'* ex ch the. bral ni%. -Mr. Har %a plan of ha let as a cilr IpLIons vorkP' l l the Fourl ý !orkçrè; Wou plan put lnlc 1malorit>' sep a followped in & bptier. iach bank Vil MPtiones ad a ýto chaîrmart 'E N AC lKATY . $^Y .don. Engli hOes represent tilyd St a cc lthé great f ut would et! àn>'. Premier Saddre3slfgt eu>' Theai 0%demanda rthé enld 0f 1 Sproaentod. *WIFT OPPC * pringlield, i 1>' $2 ta 2. tyvillo and Mtad sgaînet Both declare lection of tht MI stelectic hotaxpayers ately 92,600,( lander the b IJ. hénomime clecled N I4ymn Fr