CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 11

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TTRWWVVIT T TnT)1PENDENT. rM3b1A'Y, APRIL 24,*1919. LIVA ATIAUACMISSINi BOIs Nol NýsEUm-SWWr YET ISCOVERED'M lI OFi*- ftFSI SAILORS ARE IEL' IMask Taon Off' is the Cap 2 Guards of Navy Relief -Sale- fn of Pamphlet lssued by Placed Under Arrest, One The ZMon Overseer. Said ta Confess. is JI SOME OLD HISTORY SAW SOMIE "EASY MONIEY." DULLETIN. BUI4'ETTNI ptigfteld," Apnl 2f1-senator flod- 'S 8ft today accepted th. chai- oNÇtihng new developed todav ln the' glit of ovenae Voiva tb di'ulg.' Navy Relief -bond înistery. It lm ad- sianes o fthe realdents of Zien ýmIttcd that tbh' effici-ala are wc Il on Daskpd for the lnvetigaton the traek of the' bonde; that ail ef- 0 Made by ie legilàture. forts are centrd toward that effort go rssented Voliva»s vttaierative nos'; taI ltheconfession ot land- Wr te thse senate together with -itiîge. signed. partially cicars the' ci te names of pereons who malter and blat tlir bonds willt b", ed for th Investitation. trecovcred cre long" Vite Nfaoki-YIorn off Rodney B. 15 was seml.Offiially adntittepd at Mi," is thse tille or a sixtpen pag Great Lakés Tuesday esening after bjhlet just off the' presa and 1s- the Sun carried the firmt newia eft5he d byWilitr len Volva.Thsnsation lu the. Navy Relief tHo- I b Wlbiî Glnn olia. h.'clety that the vait where thé 'r.- et Overseer starîs off by branri. corde, cash. etc. are liopt, that tht-ce fenator Swft as the I'Ringlendrr actually had been a robbery or 15 be anarchimits oftthtI llinoix Statr worth of i.brty bonds. The admi- liolature at Sprngfield, who pro- sien came out when officers in charge ie to investigate Volîvu and his heitatingly admittpd that tw sallrs Lion." The titIv-page furtiier kgc1q had been plared under arrcst andI to staIe tbat th.' pamphlet cojn I hat une lîad confessed. The contente WN *"Tii. tory ef Swftm indtvî O? the gafe havé net been recovered. et by th.' Grand Jur> of Marion Disces-ery or the rohecy swas Mny. Indiana, charglng him tthi mad" at 9 oclork Tuesday mornini Scrime or oblaining property and by John lirîcker. cashtgr ot the Navy ey under fable -,relcnpeiq. and ofl Relier soclety, soon afteg>e arrived fligit front the State or Indiana et thée office. lentc. the gae. o te State ef Illnos, snd o!fthé was open. Examination proved it to leatien for s réeluleltion by the. be cmpty. lie.' mmediately notilled rernoft Indiana te the Gevernor Lieut. Cern. James D. Doyle and En Illinois. stgn George Aslesworth. paymaster TIse story of? lis betraval et the and executive béad]etf t.' reliefse- st imposet upon hlm by thé NIhciety. 1ntlr farvester Comnpany. 'Pbey called Inluthéenavat inlelli Tite Story or poed Widow Voltt gene andI an investigation was he. te, le whom Switt la alleged tn «un. Tuesday nighit Sailoca .Joseph e pair! 10<1 fer a matent whieii Alexander o et )-rot,,nnd James Ot'.o Inter Fold for 83.350. Thé. widow. Dandridge of (Ireenîcat, Ohio were a saitI. is no* takiiig ln waghin,; placed! ln the big. Alexander re her living In an lova a'ty." tfumed te talk othhr than le asserl Xudrnath Rudney 'B, qwlft's Pe- bts innonence and ignorane- of the' re is a quotv-it tatempnt. "'PîtOl'rohbery. tT tIllE lAN"! lIe was on waîth ai th'e oct Irhe copy of rc-qtillon for thé.' x ttesdtquarters 'Monday nifitL. idition cf flodnev 1B. Swift folle%%,,Dandridge conlessed. tnim;,tin,- e reqjlititnn la idroised 1tu Gor. Alexander aste chie? conspirat,)r er ('harles S;.l>cn'-(cn. G ofer ioIeccs of lb.' naval lntptligcîcc s, i 'Ilinnisfiand a<sks foc the'appri-- îîis Ptnry in substance i.. as follow-' plon eo!Rednpy B. Swift. on t!i.' "Alexander tolt ree1hhe Navy lb. imtrent pendlug ln the.' ('untY of and that there was a chtine- furc tv* ~n, wilh 'the crime of o,tatuiti,-" te cet «<mc easy monp.v perty aud men-y under fats.' pre- " dont know anythlng ablout iU. cap'. sud ih ha' ing bccn siown l1 Raid Alexander. e oGvecnnr thet the dAfcudant Thé gafe contaînculSt5I n Li,1 ove named ha, liled front 1h.'<' ety boends and $"00 lu cash Nava' this State. andt has ta'«-n ref,19, ntîîlg.'nvc Officcrs saWt,,lai.' 'l"vaý Ile icSaf.-(,f Illinois Thr.tor.'. night th-, would continue tu ,,tO pursuancc of the 'provisions nV Alexad'ît eConstitution andI Lawa et the ited States rcspect lng fugit ives >m justice., requisition is hcrvhIy d.' of th,- cx,,ctivc authoritv of Id qtatp for h.' aliprehçnsion cf a defendant aixove nanied as-a tug- Ie rom Justice. and is düli<.-cv E dward C'. Sourbier. who ltaeai- inted as thc Agî,nt te recvive huni bd transport ite lo ftl(,<'ourty. bresaed. that h.' mnay h.' dclaIt withi 1eccecdance with law" A copy oet5he' procc.-dlngs hld tIon ly 12, 19K, ln tie Marlon 'cii à Court cf Marion Ceuni y. Indian- ýOUâ, before Judge Alferd. follow.' insects Thot Sing. Ameýn.' gil,- etturnItl îriositles of Ja- an arc sinOngIflR inecîs. The.'mont prîzec othesc e n ttack ie.'nsnied "îu.umî ... ' hich iteanq "tute bell."Th.'sourud that il cuitis rcsem- hIes Ihat of ae ttl.' cIlver beIl. Thcej.roce-udin.' were legatty kiîowr las -Thte cause of Statceo Ilianp vs Rodney B. Swift, oN. 34.tE.. lu dicîment for obtainin.' pre:îcý(rty an(î inmoncy under falIe. precpsc"* ~Ib s or Rhemuatisi? m ou ja lde~ eAmitif. A New MOsedy fer idmey. sdder etMmdriise Ad I reub"ul. Pr.. Eberle. and Dr. BraithwAite as Mli es Dr. Simon - ail distinguinhed btoru-ugre that wbatever may be W diueaae, the urine seldon fis ln Ènising ux with a dlue te thecprindi- kas upon which it- is to be treated, -- éd accurate knowledge conernn the a- ftre of disems can thus be obtained. - .- !backache, scalding urine or frequent - ',ination bother or distiresa you, or if ~lc aid inthe bioodhjas caused rheumatlsm, gout or setatica, or you r t kidney or bladder trouble just write to Dr. Piee' Invalide' ~tel la Buffalo, N. Y.; send a sample of your water and decribe npom.You will rcceivc free medical advioe after Dr. Pieroe's -mlt ha tested it-this will be carefully done without charge, and pswill be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce bus diacovered a remedy Sich ie many tifius more potent than lithia in remnoviflg uric uckl Som the Mytem.. If 'You are suffering from baekache or the pains Irheumatlam, go te your best -druggist and asic for a sixty -cent eof IÂNURIC"IlPut up by Doctor Pierce. Owea&ed ansd dlsorderf>d stomac'bs and bnwels don'& u'eled a dMo f pbh'ie. That, with its violence, onlj "lP" 5 à5< Ie more. -Thev need a do"e or two off Dr. lrc' leasant Pellata. Titis lesnffl and regufafe thons nildly caci gently, but thoroughly and effective1y tiotor Plerce's Peasant Pellta. are uny,-sauar-.otl *ti-ê>ilio1s ranules-tbe sinallest and thse eset te,. = 4ft.ObO ifhle Pellet for a laxative-three for a e&- thri.sick Heaftche, Billeux Headuche. Constipa-1 tIiUdIlefWb, Billons Altace, and meny derangerente oft;10 se #e,stomach and bowelsarem provented, reileved. aiguued ~vlai-a perfect vustpocket rexnedy, aIwU'e-isVtlt,ftsb, a"d rel&. . e*"Pmllvoit,*" in f o theyre gaoaleel oIveeatisfaa- ro .r q« D. Pierrs ali 1Bteni ao N. Y,. un. e 5oy 5 Prlaniantntpeleté., ALL DA Y Tractor AL DAY Saturday Ar26th- Demonstration Field: Copeland Farm, 1-2 mile south of Liber- tyville on Milwaukee Ave. and Lake Bluff (Rockland) Road. TaIk about stunts! See the Fordson volpiane, loop the Ioop, do the nose dive and the tail spin. Re- meniber when it lights it wili have time to plow ten acres or disc thirty acres a day. We want to show you what a FORDSON OUTFIT wiIl do. We want you te drive the tractor, we want you to plow and to disc. Oéms iein Staris at 8 A. M. 814Is0uînf sA U h Corne early and learn the Modern Method of Far.ming fRELý LUNCH AT NOO"'%N Farm Implements, spccially designed for the Fordson Farm Tractor will be used and shown. The Oliver No. 7 Engine Plow The Dunham Cultipacker Amsco Grain Drill The Roderick-Lean Automatic Engine DYisc Harrow You wiII learn enough at this demonstration about Power Farrfting-saving your time-cutting your costs and increasing your crop yield to well repay you for your time. FREE TRANSPORTATION from our store to and from demonstration field. if weather is unfavorable, denionstration will be postponed Cali Phones Libertyville 32 or Waukegan 51 for further part4bu1ars- WILSON- k &OHM Distributors For~d Cars and Fordson Ilractors WAUKEGAN P4019TEM à. - -- . The Ford son FlipMFlop] You -have ail heard about it-come and see itJ Fordson Farrn emonstrato LIBERTYV ILLE ..Oum 1% ý-wP

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