_______________ T1tBRTYVtLE, 24ý 1919. SPRN G BUNGALOW APRONO Women 's ani misses' bunga- low aprons, made of fine quality percales in a good selpetion of liglit and (lait colors, stripes and figures, ahl sizes; very speeially l)riced for Saturday 15 eaeli..................9 5c................... su P.,P s SAL TMi great Sp ring Supply Sale offers the people of. Waukegan and vicinity the opportunity to select seasonable merchandise to supply their spring and summer needs at prices that mean a big saving to them. This great event hasni 'tIust happened, it was planned mon ths ago, and our buyers have made special Purchases for this sale, which enables us to give these, unusual valIues. Note these specials for Saturday- WonNen's Suits, Capes, Dolmans and D resses. Greatly Reduced Unusual Suit 'Values ý - For Saturday _' 22--535-0 F OR %veaie of'felî'iug OR ista vauesi Woine" and lmisses' spring suits, mnadec of fie cîuafitYý tricot ice, serges, gai)- ardiiîcs, (luvet*Vil in ail the flew anid trude in blouses, seiri-fitted, anîd sr'tvtaiiored styles ini alae 11f SiZ('5 tofit eVcryVtVype 0f figurle. If voit have not pllr('hased vour sit voitl taiiîot afford t<> pass this Beau tif ut New Blouses ofl Georgette $498 ib SATURDAX' we aie offeîiuîg a %onder- fdslcion ofothtle verî,v ie'west style blouses ina.de of' fie quîaitv georgette iin a il the Nvanted ('oioIiIlgs. T he popularity of the spriug suit lui*s ereated a big de- inand for blouses and luis assemblage at $4.98 offeî's blouses foir cvei'v occasion. Main Floor Specialsi LACE BAE*GAINS One lot of laees andt inser'tions, ei'cglai' iallyive )'((foî' lino'- ham we('k yard ...............S TOWELING 18 ineh filit'u î'aslii i$lWeling withi eoloi'ed bordel-, î'egulaî' 35e Value, vcî'v sttii prieed foi' (iighaîîî1 yard 221c NEW PERCALES 36 lut h per< aies il, a good wlecetion ()f iight aînd dark i,îs stripes andfiî'.s regular 27 1-2e' valiîic very speeiail * vîîrie'd for Oinghiaîîî WcV'ýk, at 2 i LONG CLOTH Fine qualtty long cioth in 10i yard boits, reguier "Oc ,value; very specia;ly priced for ingbam Wee .0 lir boit .....2 0 Extra Heavy Milin Extra heavy hi'owîi musglin, fulil 36 iîeihs wide, regiilar 25v vai- iie; speeially priecd foi' (Oitghatit Week, not oveî 10) yardls toni viustoîner, at 19C per' yard TABLE DAMASK 172 ine'h mererizcd table dainask, ini a good selcctioiî of pat- teous, î'eguilaî' 1.25 vaiuue; speeialiy' vprie- ed for i' niglianî Week :ît the70 BIED SPREADS FilIl s i z c hceav % wveghtt bd spî'eads, î'cgîlar $2.75 valt'v very spWctally pvrieed at $1 .98 TrihTQwela Large size Turkish toweIa with blue or pink border", cood heavy weigit. regular 60c value; very apecialiy ortced for ingharnU7 Week, each.....39 Dolmnanis anid Capes -Specials for Sat.- Capes 9.95& 17.50 S 1 TITIM we illoffer a 'w< ou uîia new capes mîode otfnflu ltU ail w'uol iîîatei'iais ini a good Se- e tion of colons at these poîmlai.' pliees. Dolmans and Coats lU14.75 - 24.75 Saturda * vwe wl] offei a lar ge'se- ltîet iîîîof nowatt *ixiadeolnil)1atd etrIseg le w oi l eof niipor 't twilsrgso'hl vliuc and oits fulil liiied. Sizes frofin 14 to 46. Footwear -Specials - OR SA TURDA Y - LADIES' O FORDS Ladies' bigh grade oxfords ln biack vici kid, wîth Cîîban and spool heels and tan vici kid witt, Cuban. heffl and flexible' soies. aize 2 1-2 ta T, widîli B, t', D, regular $5.00 'alue; u'seîal for Saturday 2.95 L&ADIES '-SHOEB Ladies' black 'and rnaogany tan vici kid 8h<es witi, iuw hee and hand turned soies. Fibne dloth tops to match, rizes 2 1.2 ta 6, widths t' 'nd<1D, regular $6 values, speciai for Saturday, pair , 3.95 C hildren's Apparel Specially Priced Children's Gingham Dresses >$ 2-98 Satuî'day ><e ill effer $oweie ~ery un- sîsial values in child- r "i'sgiîîghaîndress- es in a good selet'tion ~ of' eoioi's ani sizes at tht' vt'iy special priv~e of $2.98., Children's Capes, $750 Ciapes foir children are the populàr wrap foi' spî'iîg and' sumnter wear and <'iii stock" -S înost t'oiplete. Saturday wvc- are featur- ing a special line of all-wool capes for child- 'en ini a good-seleetion of styles at $7.50., CHýLDREN'S SHOES Children's white sea island cloth »port shoes with hand- turned solei. a good sihoe' for hot weather. sizes 5 te 8. rîgu- lar $1.75 value; very speciai13 priced for Saturday 95C BOYS' SHOES Boy8' ail solid ciifskin .,iops ln button or lace sty les, English or 1<gb (0e, wide lasts, sizes iii ta i3 1-2, regular $2.75 valup-m; very spc'cially pli cd for-Sat- urddy 1.95 Wonderful Val- ues in Dresses -$35 Values- 1 4-85 T Ie' s of the V<'iii aie <,Iei<d ini «@it is assemiblage of thi' ei'verli'w<st F1 tyi.' garilicits mîade <of tiue iqua I tx ý siikS, Serges, satinis, taffetas, j- ~. sevs, trieufilles, georgettes aiid georgette eoliuiatîonis i n ail the iîîew anîd p quih-il coonîs ini a range of sizes t<i fit everv tYpe> 'of figurîe. Ix, ile- inain; lsp et tiî<'se diresses an ud î<ge for vouirsei the'%-allie represent. Charming New Millinery vvi-vlastwondiii ihù. atshefion -oîitliff 'l, eirieand smarît. Stî'eet andi dlî'e',s lats ini everv îîew 8shape. Large drooping Rats3, Sailors, Turbans, Mitzie and Watteau hata, piquantly trim- med with flowers, ribbon bows, ostrich fancies and novelties., w Lîsere andti iorseliair braid ini ver v col- obr tîtat is adaiîtcd foir spriîig; aiso a la4 slioviiig of iilite-kiaüs. Al - oderati prked. Select the Right Corset Wotet 'whio are paî'ticulaî' about th)ei' corseti eris g iovi iii the selectioui of illodels best titted foi' their figur'e. .Wheth- eî' it bc a fr'ont lace or' a back -lace istyle we Cali plea'se YOuî.fî'ouî oiîr selectioîî'of GÔu8ad, Redfern, S Warneru, Nemo and . B.a La, Spirite modela. Piies range fî'oîîî $1 to$1 r Basement Specias CARPET BROOMB Curtain Stretchers Satuî'day wc will of- fer a good 5 strîa 11( scwcd bî'ooîn,i'gl' $1.00) ialîie, at the sl)eeial î <' 59 of ......;....... 9 WINDO W BRA4DES 36 inch, stoc.k, wiîi- dow shades, regulai' 75e value, veî'y spec- ially priccd. foî' Sat- irday59C tain sti'etc-cî's -w'itlh statioîîaiy pins, l'egu- lai' $1.50 value; pc ially prved ti for'SatuîdayvA WATER PAILS 10 quart galv onizcd water pails ivith ex- tr'a hcavy handies: vei'y specially priced .Satuî day .... 39...... TOILET PAPYCR CARPET BEATERS .Our î'eguilar I o c i'olls erepe toilet pap- er; special for Satu'- day, 25c 'WASH BOARDS Fparnily ize wash boardQ wtth heavY rubbiflg. urgace. 'regular 65c value; specially prlced for39 Saturday ...... 9 Extra heavy wirc caî'pet beateî's %ith wood handle; very specially priced, for Saturday 1 OIL MOP8, Large size 011in ops ln tri- angle iape, wood hiandles, very specially prtced for Bat- urdiy -while (bey lait *.. C flRES8ING SACQUES Wonien 's light and dark color- ed liereale dressing sacques ucat- 1v mnade %Nith beit and peplin. Very specially priced for89 Saturday at ..................89 k ., 'r' . v UROUSE DRESSES .'Women 's and misses' gmnglia t d percale dresses ini neat checks and stripes, well made and neatly trinined; ail sizes. Very specially pi iced 98 for -Saturday ......... ....... 8 CHILDREN'S ROUPERES Children's rompers, made of good quality gingham in plain color's and stFipes, in a good se- lection of colors; spee- 98 iallyv priced at................9 c Lib LakeC "Pe levez, eaof hir by. look at i in( yiears, a tSouan ofthe ei oçcurrer merehai I)4aft int TO 'w Sa' Awother j Ravine LClain CH OO L The i:' 0f bio k1 for $," ýWfrp .4"!" llorth rf bas ?i (. l. ,r lj mAin'.V Inril, il. Ti.Il 4) i ' . li rd.. bouri <i. .Auxii ra, i .whic i diatie w' Thea ý Go% pi ti)' i) rofv llirrif' theaiin i'i twnd and'