CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 2

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a I Vauktesa. Lae Foret Autioi. KenosA ,Ourse.. Waiworth. Russell »0 015r adiaceul touas 01. J. G. KYNDBERG Osteopalhic Physcian Pheolc: Wautecwan 106i In Lihbertyville Tuesday and friday Afternoons. ELHANAN W. COLBY Aiiomneya-Law OosSce t Home, il(m kA ve. l'hotnelc(13J LIBERTYVILLE, -ILLINOIS LYELL IL MORRIS ATRolEY-Ar-LAW Libertyville . Illinois Lue Buildint. es.. ?"tne US-i. Ofce Plious it PAUL MAC GUPPI. ATTOIEET AV LÀW. Ubertyi ile, lHaiole Paoli* sa ly ^vc tities linder thie control o fthe State Public UtIlitlea commis- sion. This voul appui' te Wauke- gan's vater t'vans. The. maltrwa, referied te the cor-poration counsel. Open Paving Bids Pavlng bide for the. pavinz cf oT-2ith Chapel sieet were openel at iv board of local rnpiovem<nt meting Tt lg Pi-aposed to pave thre ti-et from Washington cIi-et ta Wcet <'iay¾.., street. The tolawlog idi 'vr' rc ld: Jas. CaDe and 3on-$l0,17S 755 C.'P oran-$10,05C.FI). CMnsbld i lbacc by $1221.- I gneer ftr ta-ufaIo- The bill of Alvah U Ragprs for sr i vices as clei-k o fthe board for tbc icar, aanauMtlng tO $940 wns allowed the mayor castng the ony dissen' lng vote. NWATER LARSEN WINS DECRUE ON InS CROSS BIL] Presents Evidence Tending tc Show that Wife was Too Friendly with ôther Men. HINT AT SPICY LET1ERS Waukegan. AprI 1 Judge lv*lws la cut 'cmr todai' grontel a berce ofaivlor'ce Walter larsen on lb. cross 1111 b bal flid ot de vfe'. butln k Ii a" sa bal agel hlm vilhrla i laraca la IUn cr u 1 baged the b vitewvostoonfricnlly wvilu lmoum. Sami Orifice aid Arma mau tb ie latter formcrly a ch petty offcer athticnaval station, Ens. Lermonva. no presentà tics bearing but vas repmentcdb .AttY. 9. LBlock. Sice IIid oeu rit WM 1 et4.coia ti I1N Iiu - iASCOiiiwcLre bsore SI MO I a O u'R Zânoa ad desi sor8«%t ral 1 'of Z1 N CIMTYrmettfwwt »g e the piymthb" iin k Oia. wbre %11 saidtàeirfou"d Natbro AO rst jre mreaméer wee tedaiCity is Notified of Hearing to LM00pl om' Mcii WrIîBY. lph yKcComseye. a. Take Place Set ors Utlities liug e lanIdto hav" IterSepte ,Wcoie and oswald Gralf, thrft cil- Commission Soon. lomosa M"aiOrmie wrote o n. tbMore on the. zion poice rffl* v re Larsen.-Thése lettes we t. bavei arretod on aft hjbernente forDISPUTE OVER WATER.RENT ri o aebio PM nth x bledta cnpbalzê h01?OOnhEiiP fore. The making publie of the. tIe oity ordiniance b singOihÎK The. Publie Utiliti.. OoumOelan ha lottîrbvos cessary Whoue me pollcestation rad on. Of tO t he *Wairkegau, ti'commission ersens attorniey made iinoWu cer- atoppel at the doarof c f o cker'e h oiq htth q0t hoeG ti etas te *Joue . * ~ , il; la ScSm anl lit bis clWSt. Thofl ey pmyvin ar betorO tht aad. voud iui'e bea u 010100t tu wulbel along ta the diagonal o- 28th bt comisson ik Obi-"oAvrilI vin a deree..?9-. Larten la saad1 o. abc al SUcer George Etried took ii andit*iiitt au V W Of t <>1 ta o'bUlng la Chiloo at the. prceatc thés t. the station Cty ÂttorneOl buy omls se req#,ed¶b h. tine. »Ws'ç spcared for tUiC ity sMd C. P. 5mshW În _________ jWl tor the .molters, two of viiompn d pulietiier orfnt the neoscorn- me emiployes of teuiLae Plant. payvib.genaetola (fJl IRY S ' Mutce Elahol> impoaed a fine of ton M ratl es owivraeauetlesinro thei timMeLrulng of the. ulite. commission the 'iM tT1'( l _______________________ rat of 1.1o la in hecome oper- WIIV I WELL DRI LLING Z80 te " cma. li' v OIJPMON mILU etWM Pqy e a e te se. reaic lvi'tii. theigher rate sheuld ALStIMAN & DOLAN bh. aiovel ta stand longer. 'hr MION CITY doe not appoerte b.s-Y te-r tint Witnesses Before Chîcago jury o"h PI.. 173-W thce gqs compu iai aii sii for an In - Wbht is Finding Out Why _____________________ csen kluthce present rmte nov. ThrM> comiunlontion tram the. state coin- , li is High. !. BAIRSTOW ~mission. va.reafiet the meeting cf ~f<ea rn uyivsi MANUPACTUNER OI vas referred to the corPOratinon- 1 tion Into Chicago milk price.. emea Meubl!and ranit sel.Chicago. AssistantDi, Mo u ensCommissioner O)rvi teported that vent before the grand jury vithlaa Monusmentsr aner bs otins O f documents and conbtt 7ot been able te install a Venturi -nd forme sie .tcofc.0 h li Cometery Work of Bver% are recettavain?~ st G, old fiat uPOemiOU Ilinforgthe Descriptiorate.Ho gays Ôe City bu recred Bbonselk o h eo Desctpton o Wterren aier ecerbe bc orthemliii eaIere gssociatioRIS ver Mnme or a dispute ln the amotint th, buUOlutis% Wêi. but tlid MlOi C«rr«pltdenc b0fiStecer, ho a" a, ut epaay vlwos paylng El'. DIneoktuon t. nI Mmtiim enaulti- I~~~ da6 ber, hUi city $0 erloh. ie ie aiil.H emilided 1h07 be pro- Wv* ho mUn tic taner hms put up nov luced before nomon1134er lhreat Of bulillup MdnIbave ineroeal Uieir cofltewe >tprococI"*gai. - u jse or vater.D@«eept s tact the Th@ mlii lk lal. Producedatrc Dt- 1. L.TAYLOR tanner mlm, be says. insist that 1054 0fet nM - elm s taoise ~ p~ g. -~-- Isai bu pay but $000 per monc 10 Oélo*. Mea a h"ma" " icie o ioding Oult chat th -MIte dlstibulor, accosshng ta IL . O uorum.-l t. 88mad7tIo8 P. M. shouil. psy 11.001 per month. He in District Atone y.mksoi ' pu BOoivag. oppost- Para *j#ig"tsatt c sney people mae "ur«"MmeO profit aI the expcnsêé Unor*yVllb. dAiolS a pajuo n thefr voter billand Of boblà* &on 0"s *t0cconsumer. ~ soye thc ybave tureed over a chieck Olt laam detrii anerWvI, tae oP,- M OL Mfor $MC, asiing tbat *Ibe h gven ig SMrpoft cMt or the 11gb c« Dfflffl areccbt ta 1fun for mter n îuc. Of miii." Er. Clyno nid . "lthc no o .129 au-l t. & p.m. tmg the at Unres monbe. Uponhe bis t t. Ovur flraiNational Bank ointecekw mbif u ic h ititatre. u 008M t"m 194. am Ipos157-J sont a nreept flm $,M00tu apply wuVasg elin.tUic gand Jury. Mie on vote? acount. MM t to e SO *0f1 CItS. . TEPIEN, . D Â TeRsraCeto Ot 01 îulcorilbierkcourt t. provcete a 1 aRaMcUvN 0"s uRoBEOAreuioimvu a oed ta Incrss ni. c actelmliiosocol @MW I^Wm Uvl*5no m Iauais.a a .tUie sgee o fteafnsteru mil truck dri. hoals M Pr sctelly thcMmre ce EM .E51, Neb ibTreet vers t. 811v conts per bo-randlthat Miligi Otthof fle E'<Producors asim .si dfor Obs, of driver.of one hors. vohiieOs ta Amsciatin-ver.indicted, moethn Oumoveuco Ire,101lib *3.50 »Mper day kIaccrlanco vth aa &yeor go Iy Mr- Esyno nov union oecedilo fIat hecame 0f- Charles S. DeflOOi ag» rl as DL . O.P. DUTTBRIEL. foectve April 1. MaYor Poaros voted 10uwel 'of0?os muIIIdUIors MMlO VUTEIIÂRTSUEGUN. sainst soivng thc Increase. tie otnaeutlaNlo Thé mayor ase vcted against show- pautculm alVs sied b thfe utt's @IAN TA"S vurnam as. lkg the reglar current moeticly ýbille Ut«2iel. Ubciviilc. Ilinois. Ma, lg mathe payroli for thceBrnt haIt or Aprit.~y~ 4u~udu DR. A. 6. CAMPBELL A communication vas ireceived LiI LJLDAKWD Veniary Dentsti front UiceIMinois municipal 1leaguePOI ta"d Uvery Stable Lihstyviti. Il caling attention ta a court rulng NPRILP S -McnA, patuInpq e.Ai. inp ON Lake Forest Co-eds FInd - Dance Plans Uhder Ban Ibere vcwre a num*er of dehutate' amI proenât lost nlgct aIthe Dflin- ma fiatoraty laScetaI LoisDrsa t0im ast 10.attend w mus&hi' DOM.Ce Womem U7arnmonThe cilmilea former oldeula. bave bcen bongiag theced o elb o« li "acthea b dcrrnilsiamOrsenuca"e al tted n- au&taa odmlIs 1e e ,W#oofl8if is Third ftoMi po- io mong Sttiijm ýOJPLES WEDDED NULE lugo.les laff vilc I rve bun- 4je o f couples ta Waubega. bas bol the.effeet cf makins the eibIs cf %ldoccil ag ile i.narniagri Me. ttistice trom Wùbingt<U show *I01 Whaecucsn le far dovii on the.Hlias Oemred to other utaleà, Tha .Min beomitn front 1hé foflowing lispate&:* Wmalngils:-Mfllge anr.rare ka Wisconsin compare vlth clbor parts cf the country. acesslngte oa report that yull Soon bh. Imsel hi Dh'et6e Baicuol U1 "oogrcf the BUMeu of the. Ccnans, for Wlecouin stands third from.lait omoos the clates ln the ProPortionate number of hieS granted viti a rateOcf 73 Pmr *eatana bas thie moat marriages. 174 per 10,000,0 and Orogon, vith 67, tb. gevest. Talcing an avemg. of the entire counti-y, the rate in on the koeregeo.Tt stands at 106 per 10,000. compced v ith 102 'In1906, 93 ln 19U0 and 91 kn 1890. la, Wauiiega tihe nuniber of mar- riage licenses lssued keepa up in e mont remarkable manner. Tt le a notOvdrtbi' fact thaI ltce big ma- J#rttly o flicenses Iasued are to cou- »8« from etdues ln Wisconsin. Tani to1 t.1 c REAL ESTATEi TRANFER Apsil le, lm E e P. J. Brady t. CmcMI<ortney, lot 7 tf lya. ub. of lot 16 IHlgbvol. W. D. John MHlm nI vite t. Wm. Pohl- mas. lot 5 Cha"@s ub. LuIve Zurich. W. 1). $MO5. Charlos Zradlbàand vile t. Tran'. and loepltie Drmdeowvailm ti1block 10Nért ieffl0m.W. 1D. 810. John Otit uid vite ta R. I. 4Dradley, lots 92 mil 33 Rose Ten- raes Sub. 1.,.kc Forest. W. D>. M1. Master lu ChancervÙtMoi Priencl lot 4 Ownores uI. Barrlngton. . Deed t3496. John Predrbison and vite ta Charles - .errel ansd vile, lot 46 Sbas s o-'ct Lake Sub. W. D. 1300 H. W, Arp and vite to W. B. Car-. lot. *1 . VI p1~, à IoLfl ,vjur n. PACKMIES ÀBROA» W .$ril 17,19 Fromn now on You can Sen' as 'ii n wf ojýate Cos. ub. autgan.Q. 1. $90. M hasYOU Ih rhOi . A. Cadi and vife to August Mey- First. Getting a Permlit. or and vite, lot 15 Hlses Sub. iai-- ington. W. D. $2500. A NEW ORDER JUST ISSUED. Alica F. lOcal and huisband to F. -A.Cadi'. lots 2 and 32ises mb. Imrortntfl'~'Scae t WaI<gai larrington. W. D. $1200. Trnprtat nýs cme o Wakegi lia C. Cole .andiinsband to L. iT. today tbrough theè Post Oilcp oe odl ndtfTre f adI pi rtrnrnt, wben Postmaster Orady edl Aoand ilTrstc.f3 laO b rrc-'ian offrial blilin which -,: .2- Ao adI sc 10Wre pined fiat the cemhar oes hereto Twsl.W r$21. Nlo 1m J. Smlt sol Çdfe ta P-. ..O. for ln exi t'onc-con parcel plost pac!I-lo7Cîmlfg ndCsNmtiAe figes going tb Europe ta i ôte beys Iiino uiIsan o.NrhAe sorir io as been ilfted. Add. Waukcgaui. W. D. $10. 1 p;)oth le present lime, ln ordri Master in obancery to Lake Co. forparntstoten pakaes iapr-State Bak, Iotas 46 and 46 Biock Il for post tnth-ta on pvackas.via pa-Dreyoi-e mii. oNrtih calgo. W. D. SI-st necessary for the soîrier to go M76,91. ta bis cammanding Olcer al get &ý E. A. Oummingsandmil ie ta Lud: rf>quest wiich vas tox-arded la hic VN iSicoandI vie. ita 024 Sand 25 parente and ýtbey lu turn sent thi. lock * WauiioganHIghtBiid, North pacekage vhlch in the meantirne iad Chicago . w.101000. benu long dclayel. C. IP. Honaing amd vf, ta Joach And only a lnmIted asolct couId Delbaye and vite, N. d0oIM..lot 2 bloci ho ent. 4 Vins.11. auogn.W t L Nev the Umticat .bu. core Ut 81 the embargo'la lel nplet.Ii' and Joi aceon ail vd ifete 10Cla toPeople can tend vscksgesup ho sai éloi o 8boi8 unawgu anW en onpounds apeceanai :a<na JI' s m oUb me Suh. Waukeaui. W. theywiab Thwdo a b"efbave D. M- . a raquet hefore .the " ei' out IL IL H.Abredit *nd W'eto tCh" TIs relievec a vr' Unfortuat Uidl arkvi . loW. hoU atuaticn-tor pnrIO t. nov mto ver- Dsmoa 4.Pak .t> 20 amas bal not iseenaIle tea94gel Uic . 3. * ÇsrIJiO-Dam lhumiOulte 14 5111. thines rom home Wb"ehcoticr- 1 'LW"*Mdalvie.W ibl nir vis. relative.s ouilbave tcst thefft..182 I IShIol a ri.y.t>.880 ta R ase rw - te jiSu oneMad ie Mue joint comalo f ic WMinois v-go, lot 101 w*,Ow«nblii WU eh ou.als Md"utais ate inveti- kegm .W. a. PMI0 y. rate ZMon C9t uelar vos RaW" mol u, wu$ I, 1919 "t Piàly§sW %nome: lecter mta S. T. J 151SMvfatnDRa . D«vuib auaa: ; stentors'ta4 u ldi N lu Barliji cf gaai, *fe«et it M. Wos am ý , ogoa.WD. 8f. le? traolieshow18voetawnomviq% cMdl Oblegi Tillemil 'gu t e .A. &M a leot 4 bloCi et eiarlstove, ail Devin, or Dlxo. 1 -lu"h vt 1 aS MARRIAGE LCNE ba.A oe Cbleago. 49 ta Laura ho. sm», 80. MSteat . AUlctt lvaukee, 26 to ait? Orolb, Msa&S Dg=o Boit. Milvcie, 27 toa'ea eao aie . 'USo,M L» HloDmaler.oce, 24 t. Hasel " 1IL h-vinKrn, hbbeygsn. Wl.. 21 limy T. Tovueal Konooba. 42 ukmr C . Iatlremarne. 8 &An 1). lim. Waupun.Wi&, le to eWlcis, a"Mc. 20. x«~ JobmcUDetrcit. EICb., al ta suer HuanaRacine.. ou&a . G.Wetuer» Mlviee, 839 1 àbOl Ecmc Mme 2. MAM1 IIEMREMONEY DUAN TITWtT LAND DO 1? NOW! ARTHUR L. WEBSTER' UloNP4I. Is. 9oloba S.Io, a m n"M. Wlabin hd& 1>orl«W.W. D. J"a-Utmw.te J. 0. Womhsm', lot le bipo 2m WauMg* lgiad K AeiL~~ vuf. » John Utaàels5l4 4Z, I& blow'.iii WwitmKaaEgil nla tI Chiedis. Nani Kphili>t. JaI. Love, . 4à lot 12 hock 12 tàulàrtWli'lt M& .waèiegmn W. D. $10. iga < eoe tpmtwrIaof à bi U Shok 14 lean 's laI 144 a ke m W . 1). $10. Aim iobyt00Mil vle,'tO . . sabo?. 87 teom W. frost et Part lot mer. Dobertem Mlvie 10 flza- bcti Sobe. S. W. mins« et lot3 RuIto.W. D. 8sit Eùmoret aet lot 10eMO&i 8 lvih CL W L ogeedatte Mil vue ta V04% otr ingtoe. Strie lestor w&. Eavlcy StfS a street à'la vil- L J. guIi altet@ fIlms TVU- ettin. lut ii owel I l u ntcns ftuIlk ]o&k 81 Original Waukoga. W. D. il. C. D. Waobicr et al ta J. 1. Neahus and vite, esst 46 foot iota 8 te, 10 bioci 22 Waabhur Parit North Ciii- cogo. Dul M1. A. E. MunsO n ad Wvitet John and Frrances Meaco. lot 24 blckii15 pWehburu Oprings, Wauiiegan. W. I. $100. P. B. Harper to HermInle Roman,. lot I27 block 51. Northc Chlcagb. Deed a THE GREAT WHIITE WAY There, is a veritable G.ay White Way at the very door of Libertyvîlle that compare-; in life and, sparkie with the world-famed thoroughfares of New York.' Certainly there is nothing to equal il in any cther city in the Micdle West. It is in the heart of Milwaukee. On Saturday andi Sunclay evenings n Milwaukt-.e there is life- ,a und- ance of it. Brilliant!y ighted thoroughifares and pleasure-seeking crowds- theatres, cafes, restaurants, modern stores and1 attractive dis- play windows. Sce Milwauker, Go via the North Shore uine. lt's cheaper and more *convenient. Only 1 boum, 44 minutes froin Libertyville. Modemnly- equipped steel trains from Lake Bluff maintain an hourly service over the North Shore lune daily, direct to Milwaukee. On Saturclay alter- noons, Sundays and Holidays there is a train every 30 minutes. Sei-vice A thirty-minute service is maintained on the Libertyville branch be- tween Area and Lake Bluff. connecting with both north and south bound local, express and limited trains. Express trains making one stop in each town between Evanston and Waukegan'run every 30 minutes. For further infomnation apply tb NORTH fSHJORE LINJ3 cMep 1 5 t « b m m v e . . r Phomcutim Pb" mnis.: Fbt a" e i Namabêseteu Wa" lotru e -eipeé -Msmokin ia., Pire, sire-. sbs1eo 101*50eor mu. No ma olter 50w esa e or *tenaumlld."Cti Tobao"ftbul s eb@i vraen iflbreak yen afinM hbbls la j" da".Pe- iaam boere tnsn ur!n vf t chos, »Wcikuesor nsrvc.s nDa. "Qui Tobabl" bas froc touan, theabit, wby uDout ,, U ya oui wj*hito quit theO au c b«», w. u un us fa, parleirsud tel scoelsie .r. m5ais hac., lie N. Laill ei., cnusoo. =il Safegarded Invesments. f Paying firom 6% to 12% OUR PARTIAL. PATRENT IN.VaiSTMEFNT PLI%~ maltes il easy toý save money cypteinatically and tu accuninlate bigla clase securities payipig good dividcod i-cturne and capable of large immncraes itf value. Le-t us expiain tbii plan tu you. Tell un boy much you can psy idown and boyW mucla jon can psy monthly. Tell us vhat securitice you have, if you have1 any, no vo may adviso you as to their prmsnt value, etability and future. We viii make op a specialinvetment suggem- tion for yon aocordieg ta vhat you con afard to inveot on thi. partial payment plan, tilher on a 10-payment or 20-payment bams. Write to or Departmcnt A-2 for our paper, "«Guarantced Inveolments," giving advice on tii. markiet conditions-It viii interest you. BE WILL SilOWYOlU Tiff WAY - <4 p FOR A méan% maple à bel h. vas 1 Ch long di îe bled ta Ch puzlmbofou 'lIEFaume , sppos tMlx le tightemar »d &«av» M WILL H id be gladÏ p k. dm thi tai Securtes Trust Companyl 10 South LaSalle Street CHICA GO, ILL LAN FmI TI MARTIN C. DECKER AT"Rt-AT-LAW 807 Waeingon sirool *AUXIGOAN. - . ILLINOIS Offies Phono 84" am .Phono 1960-R I t is c Aids i Tests Urges co-OPq Aids f te -Publii Gives O] Hlis 4IrL ir -Itu 1

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