CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 3

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Tt*ITTOSr«» Oothe attention'RT offderal olmnad avwarat 4waa (OlWEN À ""E'N P FR JULY tgIS vcon ot for biemet bust ho could A WCI 60VnIToo M otheoiouu4 fa ad Nothw blea 1SLATE IN REPORTi caomon wone pieIod liqaad tsken s to 1-Chiaso. v I oodeai O est caed Investigators Find Station In- k ýviat1 b&01 Ubb street. that Pavilaitîs was la blding. stitution a Model of ~anusplye a abaerby moaday w Pon alam, . Effici.ency. * Gaiia a1a~' ba bolevd ompaniett ly bis oouael. Âtty. J. A. ___ b 014 m7bgn that if la Wise to -MlUr vent to OClo and voluntar- p for a rainy day!' lobnwa vsnt orgae mut . Datin tatPROVES CHARGES FALSE. Mtdlio mach la the. prosPets lie be n OUoth i u ty. lMe à but ho vas iatbusoy lnterest- *m nmiuM o *gy. i(Iom- The Naval 1Hospital at Great Lakeg is belong dry' IPOS uil ila missimeelmason. >me walved .ex. WaS giVon a "CIeaq edate" Iln au iln- loua t. ari on the fiat of aminatton and vas honn over to the ;e8otgation endctid by the Chicago 1 1federa rnd Ujuy in bonds of $2000. jDIly Nev», vblcb bas been Investi- ha bled to Oicago aM dprffed. He mployer signed hla bono . 'gatiag aucb matters, 'upon complaints P1mbme four <iuat bottles a ofpavWjjgits5 ebme. of saLIas and mV'nes. It 'appears r, qq Famoss ingeD. athe ail stee door franethehook lag .pOppor Md n agsews, together with them round andoor end Le tightenerenid the Kig-D Raofsakethelm.drinuoDoor od OtLave Silo the peer of ael fs inlacienhific o=erttom. WILL KRUMBACI4, HIGHLAND PARK, ILL, ùd be glal t explla to you the pninciple of thse Hiage boor. v 1s b«eas ta CIb the big steel hinge which wufl holl a weight of over 2000 poumds. How the door amer will sa&, freue inl, bind or stick,ad in always in Place. Row thse leer operated by aone baud yul opesnid close thse door. Hcw the ensd'geWinl keep perf«cty a-utoth ie door. How the Hinge * Door previts silage from freezmin l vnterenid drying out iansummer, anid how thse dooe, b alway's s ecurely fatened to the silo..ý Study thse ilustration ah the left wids shows - thred sections of the famnous Ladder Hinge Door. Do not place ani order for a.Silo uiîli you have taiked over the proposition with our agent. LANSING SI VmueslyWoed. S 'lt COMPANY omdmf&CeI ]GAN mr &M~ urss ipgentreat ment, ad never oxiafel bore ,Pl iiW IN A E that the Great "k«e hoovital wa. a M 6 T ; Ild.1 f eMoley Md medicai WRECKS TUCA Captai n E. 13. Odell, lMedial Corp-, &Tbsoft- n ai tue bablIst 9 trestmnfi.'! lut bwar bell "an Or vu, il" y.Thydweý"rp thêt ture bai ZO)t _pply s dangerous but th" gate- mm oufloatmes dom fot laver the Igate mitil the. train In practically o the intersectIon snd several Unies R mon bave baa to crash Into the gatle. lui THEMODERN FARMERBELIEVES IN IThe Lýake County Faim Buireau BECAUSE THE ORGANIZATION 1 t is one of sixty-six similar organizations of Illinois. Aids members in testing soil, planning rotation and drainage. Tests farm seeds for purity and germination. Urges better feeding and breeding of livestock Co-operates with ail livestock breeding associations. Aids farmers in keeping farm accounts and fiing income tax schedules. SPublishes a monthly bulletin of information. Employa a 'arm Advisor to look after the intereets of faErm folks. Buys limestone, fertilizer, etc., in aco-operative way. Locates a.nd secures reliable seeds. Organizes cow testinW, organizations. Advocatei more diversified farming. Advocatesjust m'arket prices for farm products --- to cover of production, plus a profit, plus upkeep of the' land. Operates under county, state and national supervision. cost AND The Iliinolis Agricu itu rai Asssociation BECAUSE A STATIE OIRGANIZÂTION Gives the farmer a chance to meçt organized, business and Gpards the farmers in both state and national legisiation. organized labor in an orga 'nlzed way. 'Works out, satisfactory co=operative marketing systems. ia slegaldepartment tofight fakes,frauds and adjustclaims Will place agriculture at the head of ail organized business. - BOTH ARE MANAGED AN'D CONTROLLED B) BOÔST FOR A PERMAENT ORGANIZATION BY BECOMING A MEMBER A TWO-WEES' M EMERSI-JIP CAMPAIGN WILL START APRIL ,21st COUNTY FARM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MESNT PLAI5t iaticaliy and p.ayijug good imcreases lu. jwn and bo'y if you have! their pjresnt, ment auggem- cau alford to. 11, tither on s or Our paperi advio. on the y0u. IpanIy L GO, ILL. more rnly- over af ter- h be- eouth r ane ry 30 IILAKE ILNOIS AG RICULTURAL ASSOCI V FARMERSI AThONj rTSN, comu>adlne ioest ofthe N'aiva us 'Hospital, and Cosmeader Owen i. f ued when He Finds Self Mink, Molles>, Cor"e, 1181, Senior Blooked and Train Coming bledical OffieÎof the IlStation. thr.,w John Smartnik Becomnes Con- openi the doora of the entire baspitai systeza ta, reprueatatvee of th;. TWO MEN ARE INJURED. Delly Nevsad assstaIthern Ini conductîng a thorougb Investgation. Ttvse almoat aàcee aturday af- Here are fthe conditions exiitinig ternoon abouit four o'clack where Jim et Great Lakes as teflalel by trire gmartnlk drivlng s Saxon automobilA sentatives a! the Dally Nev<f- attentpted for- a short timo te race 1. Cool foad,, yoD cokel, cleanty a- Nortbwentern train, bg ln bis auto- Prepsrod. sud of gondra-ltvluu onumobile on the Iutracsud tb. train selection snd rotation. COMIng behn4hlm from the snth. 2Cléan disbes. This ex"pece endeld dtasatrounalv lk aei TwIce Delly for Martutlr sud for bis companion 1 t. Sick eau twtc. daly, morinn'Frank 9kerbi, 1440 Southi Shieridan1 snd eveniug. Tt vasualegel by sai!- Raad, for bath men, bomping along ors and marines that tui Naval 110, on the nalroa l îls for a short dLs. Pitals lcir cal vu beld Only "'P'tance ver. throwu tram the car asud a veel<. sutainel more or- Issu brulses. Skerii 4. Surve>', for dl*bÏie or r 1was the mont ininred of the tva, hii te dut-n of an averageO if iftY rn i nIuries beiug about the face sud wPeeidy. sustained thraugb the braken wind- 5. No operations vitbout conert shield. ut patient, no matter boy IrivaI. T'he accident vas due te fiat facî S. A standing offer of tbe Commu'n that the gateman Lt the Water dant of tbe haspital te court-martial Street crossing la sald ta bave ne- an>' ballying petty onier. glected ta ring tbe bell or givo ani 7. PetI>' offleers vol- e mt ln charce - sIgn tbat a trainvas approsubîng ut wards. as chargel. but Idoos and j until the automobile oomlng dowu nurses comnian ding ward, viti boi rthe bill, vas practical>' on tbe North- pilai carpsenaialtoting. iwestern tracks. In atier, WIrds 8. That convalescenlts 411 wasb accarding te Smartulk, ho vas lu an nwn linen, scrlib foOT.agiiA asii yin the track before the gateman lovered day.. as allegel-but thes' vers nmen the ent gste. Accondingl>', seelngi wha I'rated" llberty viieever the>' tbe gate lovered aflar baving golng wished, men *hl@ te do the wOrk re- througb the veut gate safely, the qulred of thons. A mm le1 kept ini auto*titqulcby turned bis car te- a Naval hoopital t(wo <o four weeks yard fthc nortb on the riglit of wa>' longer Ihan thsit the cosadvould be sud 9lunget! long ovor tii. ties for held ln a civil bosptai. for observa- a short distance. As5 be did so, the tion. spo.. la alh of the vbeela braire aud 9. That there are nov, on i. ena- Xlth that. thle recupantu ver. baried erage, 1,110 patientse la 'te Naval ireavils tram 1the uIr. The car itaelV Honpifal, for vhom tbersare 34 il smashaIfiethelb.abutment vblchl tors sud 116 graluate nfirse In con- boldothie gqe, s t beides being stant atteudance, la addition thore dûmolsheil iseif, krotlced lb. gate àre 190 eorpsmea ho de tb. work. <f. Ibla proportion of dctoru, nurses 'fThe engineer o fUie train sav sud arderlies, le net eqiUaled ln any that the automnobilm on tb. track.1 civil hospital. AccardIngi>', le tbrev on bis orner-1 geucy braire sud bronagbt tbe train tia Casualty Iats Sunday abovel ftue a hait a short distanc- froni the cna.«-1 name of Joba A. Uginai!.1084 Jasir- lug. son streot, North oeieo., among Peuple .Who have occasion ta use those poevousy repoie*1 llln& the bill, Idlai. Ibis accident ane of nIow oÈ1LçI5fl. declarel 4du& but a tev that are odcuring fie. Smartnik followed Saturday. Had b" contlnued going east and isi0gln thirougli the gate instead of trYung ta turn north on the track, the out- corne of the accident would not have been so bal. NES. 40NAJIAN IS IN JURED; NOW AT ., LOCAL IIOSPITAL Mrs. F.J. Monahan, daughter-ln- 18W of Supervisain E. J. Monahan Is !n tie 'MeAlister hispital where her con- dition Is considered critical, resulting front Injuries received wben an auto- mo)bile in whIch, lie vas driviug was struck hy a Street car Sunday. Mr. and hir. Manahan and E. P. Wheeler of Raille Creek, Mich were driving In the Chicago loo p. The>' were closely followlng a Street Car going east and was flot golng to stop before crossing thé stret until ton late ta avold a collision. The>' tried ta turi buit there was flot room and the front end of the street car struci, the forward part of the. auto vedging It under the. car. Sir. Monalian and Mr. Wheeler vlere In tbe back seat sud verè tbrown airainet the front tient but flot 1out of the car. Mrts. Monahan vas sevevely bruised about theceet and lover part a!flthe body but no borne vere broken. M. Wbeeler was Dot injurd nor vas Mr. Mfonahan, wubo vas drivins . Mra. Monahan vas brought borne. lier condition vas flot thougbt ser- ioua xntil Wednesday, vhen syxp- tomns developed vblcb cansed ber re- moval to th. bospital. Rev. Thomnas B. Nelson, an Eider In Voliva's church, bas written a Spring Paem on Representatlve Edward D. Shurtleff. He do., flot tell of batb- bllng brooks and meadow larks and and the rest of it tbat goes ta make up tbe Ideal Spring Poem, but para- dises the yard "hiti"into, "Shurt. less". The proposel Investigation of 1ion by the illinols Legisiature la t- .sponsible for titis display of rhetorlC. RBJD 1115 'WAR PARETS' JAILED Aged Couple Gave Hlm Luxur- les, Home, and Bank Account RECOVERS PICTURE HERE. Accardlng ta Chicago papera, a man, narnel1Frank Hansen, a returned soldier tram ao erseas was sbow un- nouai kinduaies by Mr. and M& .AI bort C. Lyon, Mrs. Lyon acting as a *'mother" ta Mm, flot oni>' atter the var closes but ail the tlme be vas prvesneas. Howeý'er. accarding to developments before Judge Stewart in Chècago, '1hursdae, Hansen bit the band' tbat f ed hlm. Atter ho came back tramn war be vent ta the Lyon bomnead wben ho left there lai Januarly, besidvs a $165 In the bai In a drawing with an account vtir Mrs. Lyon. She dlaimas ho took ber- vatcb and the forEt af ail, the only picture mmrs Lyon bad af ber hua. ,baud vbo lied a fev dranag. rMrs. Lyon said ln court the oniy tblug aie vanted baek vaa the PIC- tiare af ber buaband because It vas the ony ne 'ansh@ bal ad ansea carried IL off in the silver trame, Ancordlng ta statoments. 1frs. LYcu vËIi Set the picture bacu becuse Hansen *fter loavins ber horne u ta Waukegau here h. Uved for a Umne. Wben b. left Waukgan. b. satel b. could net p&y hie land- lady bis room rent snd àaccrdlng 10it tho sllver-iruind picture cf 1Mr. Lea, together villi a companinPlc& hure a a securit>' for bie tant. Me nover returned for 1h;and aouodlngl thbe Wankegau landlady sai abo viii vetum the picture taeMXa. Lycu Six Miontha la Bridewell' -YOD ar e .sort vWho deaierves vbat'àS emlng te y7u,»Julg eStewart declared. Tm golng ha und youi to the brtdevell for six montha and fine you'8100Sm ocets. MM. Lyon vi"d.liber eyes. 1 bute ta meohim su11er, bUt 1 tini ather vomen vith mother. bearts shoul b. pretocted," sIteRaid. And the boy ebruel M)y-.ehe le fuany." he said, sud powied ftn ea ibon1>aeactres. LLLU 1 1 i i ii Pli- woou

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