CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 5

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EMEMER b- flwml mm a . md m. SUUpw.1n.U02OslS~~d er m bu nmo se e o us s aan h e Suu i ul b... m s sls s Sj '?E" SCHANK AHARDARE CET OMPYAN BY Spoe in andy Staetdgu BA-hSRNDAyotlfthmN-iCeEh coçCAds.To b. S FmAn My ip RMUSICberA F. RIC NORMSTA ss::ss:ss sss:ss::Zas:psàas.:às FIRE! PIRE!! FIRE!!! CHAS. D. PROCTOR REPRESENTS THE N HAIMPSHIRE fFIE INSRAN C OMPftN 0IF KANCHEBTER Whch bas upwards of th,.. hundred and twenty *policy holders in te. Village of Libertyvifle, lu. Our rates are as low as We can sel1 your insurance as cheap as anyone. Our IommsAme Prornptly Adjusted and Paid * havimg settled losa.. for the following satisfied poicy holdurs: Collins & Doane, Harry C Gleas- on, John Welh Steve Kostial, Thos. Rus estate, Mis. Nefle Specluan and John Cale, who will verif y our statemnents as ta aur promptnese and libera sttements. The New Hampahire has over seven million dol- lars warth of assets, is saund, solid and reliable. Let us fieire with yau when in the market. for Fire In- surance. Any infarmatign yau may want ta, knaw wil be gladly furnished by the company or their agent at Libertyville, 111. jCHIAS. D. PROCTOR I Phono '54-R Libertyville, 111. 5550555ns0:ps.sssee. ---- -------... mhe Iidependent-Libertyville and Lake County's most widlyread newspaper.. Judicious advertisers obtain prof- itberesults through liberal use of its columna. --------------- -- --s lirs. Hutan cf vanston, Tylted at the. LI home la Lubertyville faut veeli. Victor Burtou la vimiiing hi. broL~r la St. Loula. B@eoxpect. ta romain for about a veeli. Ur. and Mr*. Bd Schneider attended lb. fanerai of Mr. bohnelder'a uncleie l Chicago Monday. Mu. NabotEBilae bai reopened bor boardlmg houms whlch bbeetom loied dutugthe violer. Mise'Ad& Neyer asu die Helen Cassy »v *'Lttl. Womsn" ln Waukegan lait Thursdal oeuenng. Cliflord Fausl relurued ta Lbertyvlle lait veoli baving been dlaehrgd Irm lb. United Slatom army. Proeolr restaurant la temporia"y elomsd awlng ta lb.departuro 01 the aOl Important luite, lb. coali. Tbe LahueeCsme.ry Asocition vii Most on Frldey altsrnoon, AprIli25. ali the haine aoflMm.NeM iKmbail. B«v. T. E. Roe as m a ,iollor la Clii cago Monday vliore b. attended ammi ing of mitsus of the M. B. churcli. Word vas rmoed lait veeli ual Pranli Faion hma arrived as Camp Orant "itr mral monte ofiaverisam srvics. Enalg, J. Gall Haines ai Enon. ObIq. won lb. gouilat lb. W. W. Carraolborne on Thonaday and Frtday. EnaiW &Ie.m has bien itatlonmd aI Plliam B". UmnBelen CarrolliMd u n llaBEoaor Smith, Who la vting as lhe Carroll hut», open% ThnrsdayinaChcago. Thoy »W 11Oh LA&y LadI" ai tb. La"al. Ur@s. Barry ILamer ai Wausmegau, t. recaverog trams an opratlan ln a Chicago ,hoept&L.lme.Kramsr vas formerly llasDora RaplieaifLIbertyvhlie James Liii. of Egvanston, la Try Wi. Uir. LUIila a brotb.r aoflRobert LIIof LIbortyvillo, and )Ar@. liabert LIihba boen atlendiug him for lb. paloir days. Lait Friday Digit ho C. M..&kB&I.Paul dopot va. broken lota and an attempt moade ta rab, ths tickeot office. Bat Ibm robbere ver. unsuresiful s tb. ony damage oueans talb.brolion windows. Franki Hayon of Loangbem, CaL, la1 vlstimg hlabrother, Orval Havon, sud hleaulems, Mm. Roy Proetar sud lira. Le. Whtney, for a fev dojo. Mr. Haven vent a former buinmsamn l Liberlyvlhe. lue Wairan ileb.heproud pomaor of~ a minalure autamqblle huRlt ta carry tva paemager. sud oper&timd by sau englns placsd belveen lbh ea r viiem,. The car t. gaarantssd la malis a speed ' or185 miles per hour. Ul.m Jebaetite Taylor @pont lb. veeli.1 Md luaGhleago. liMsBd Lynch and UmMIse lmo Jeshas m uésaturday lb Chica*go. Mrs. a&0 lr& . .P. Dymondi and tMra- IM. A. Pendue wfll arrive home Prldayi aflir spewllng lb. vlntsr la t. Peter@. AýCad ughiofDorothy, vho hsve boom visiting lu New Yorkli Cty1 for 1W. gn veli. returued la Lberty.1 vill hiaday éenlng. John All e .- turasi vÈ1h Ihen, itavlug rscsiVid hi. rineW bomslb.enavy. B[laimierved for aIat two !mai. and a themUime ofj hler' sas a rated ai a Quarteruasler 8Mt @bal&'R1baimmado e y"tripe fin [Fraiméeies lit. service aI Me. 1111r&Jkimft Guerln orf UbertyvMfl db.4la"tTliurday ln a haptUa t àuuS% BUOIiowna sshort lUnes..Sie lvIM ber'hband and tm tbre11e gil.. oMd 4.,&-and 1 year. Sne 5n&. mlzty -vu B"aCmrey, 'suligieo f Mr. 4Mi Unt. red Csmney of Liberty- Ville Md vau about 34 yearm nid, liaingagent lier ctir Siit.laLake coma. At.' assblngof the Brolherooad of la=ubnTralnmon beid on Tamoday mvug et IlHlgood, W.. J. Fendidli, ci UAbmtyéUills, mmelected president foi lbe smmllsg ear. Thé. eleclion vas a silbi sm oe ltero vereftour candidat.s for tlu oBe. Mr. Fendli receivsd 122 voeuw"vheb.other iîhhreo candIdat.. rmeilysmosly 112 ail laId. Tht. organi. audon le a vIlI known os. Ii membere biag the Iraun ai obmheNarth Shore Elselsk lMr, Fendicli, having been a aosdmelor cm lb. raad for ten ymare, la veli Ilt.d to lmd lb.. The Umd Slaltugaoercument vante 15,000 mm for te air service st once, « mte t.aue far ane ysar or threm ya ihi tonl horth.r obligations to mihsy isivice. Th i a glood oppar- lmbiy for tle Young man tabInm Io b. an avtAor or &expert avialor touchantc, ma opgab.1.mtty ta loaru ta iii and to a&%uhe mauIntimaIs and thbaough linav. ledgeof plamengisem, lclrIcly. fouailsy and machine @hop worli at lb. govenmmeat e«pense aI full psy. AiU thoee iattre.lmdeau applyst thlb nareel avaIo.ehdemm«" o sr, Cht.go hem of Ibiwe rmitiag statlen or yoar pc>atmatr.wM llve Yom ail the Informa- lion YOD mmy vanI. High School Notes Quaita Gott,,Editor i Announcementé have been recelved 1lu j Llbertyville teillia« ai lb.marriagm onu 1Ilte conies ifor lthesale of Annuals April SUs, ai Peter Pirrie sud ise Giiggs@. the ease« stand as follove: Nr. Pirle wai formeriy employed sa sopboioim............ 15 ctemnist expert at Fould@ Mlliug Com. Fresmrn.............9 pas>' sudINisai Griggi bai vlited ln Junior .................6 Lubertyville severail ime.. Artice» o mal conormin to heT1l'hoArbor dei prograin vbich w5s to Artcle aimai cofartngla helbave iteen ali, lait Friday vas given Postal Union cassiication viii 0e accepued viien addresed la civîlians reidiug ln liaI portion af th. Ritine province. aermauy vhlch la lucluded vitithe b.aresaifmilitary occupation by te Amercan and allied armlem. Tva greal meetings viilbe held umit Sauday ut tbm M. E. cbnrch la itoitaif the Ceiteuary maTernent. Bey. A. W. Mai fNew York ity w Iii preui-it a bot lb. rnring snd evenlng service aud cusot Bey. Reani iti theb.ceuteusry vov lullte local curcii. A cordial invitalilon laexetended la ai. Acceptable article. viii b. received for refflsiratlon, btlnoguaranteeofdeilvery cau b. given. Pasîmasters viii observe liai no provisions boas ieen mnade for a service snd merchandîse muet therefare ual b., accepled for trans- mission la te accupt.d territory uudmr ~theeue intrucîlons.L Mir. sud Nie. ThomaaSlrsg of Wad@- jworth, havo ioid hbsir home thon, snd li mmli. heur home vit t heu daagb- ter. lira. Wm. Foudicl'of Lib.rtMyills. Mr. and Mlia tra ghave lived lu Wadevartb for forly vsars and Mr. Strang as poetméaIen iere for forly yearaem fine daye. This i. quit. a record for oce ai oar couaty cilisens. Tueeciay marning. Tb@ progaicn ieted 0i1lte fllovt.g numbeir o Commemoration aI Paul Revere* ... .. Lorraine Hubitard Tait on iirds sud trees .......... ...France. Van Zandi Lite of Ulyome S. Grant.... Joan Scitancli Reading..................... Mi", Hofiman Planting af Ivy ....SBy lb.enior Clam Dedicallon af Ivy.........Russeli Fisgg Digpf ay of a collectiofaIBird' i ngs....................... By Mr. Ray Music by Orchetra Thte studenle nad facalty anr ooperal- ing lu a campsîgu for "Setter American Speech.' Escit pemon who enters titis canipsigaIsLe reqiit oasigua spledge viticb reade as foloie 1 love lte United Slatuo f America. 1 love mi> country'@ laaumgmp. I hereby resol*: 1. Tiai I1viiinotUlelionor my coun- Irys speech ity mt.alg i lie lut sylle. biles cf verds; 2. That1i mli ay agond Amenica .,let" sud "no"' tass" of an Indien Grunt 'amhmrn" md 'àmu-aa or for- olgu ,y&" or "ysbh or *'@opm," 8. ThatrI1viD do my butl b Improve Amoican peech liy maniating dt.tinct- ly aud .Inoerely; 4. Tbat 1 vl iW toa male mi coon- Order No. 1259 dsted Narcit 98. 1918, îry's angUag e liasdufor lb. many prohbibting the amptancm oi pareafor boys sud girl@of icrelga nations vho mnalig thelb. mrican Expedlonary corne ber. la live;1 Force. ln Europe, unies. ccompanled 5. That 1 yl lesmMtu arlicablaecor- vilh spprovod requemte ai lb. sddreueerectli>one word a dal for lb.errmaluder for the articien contaln.d Ibireilafte enii er. hereby revolied aitbh requehl of the vas deparîment. _Hersaflor parcoe lo ex- Thte Seniors arte sletng the ceut fori ceedingr seven poundi la volahl contala- theur play cailed 13top Tief." ta mallaitie articles, includiug books, asM may b. acceplod far mailing la soldlers AI lasI Ounr tennis courts itave b)88 sud othere lacludiug civilisas, canueelted put op. Nov for ome funi wihthlie Amerîcan Ezpediîîonary Farce@ lu Europe vîitaout bina accampsuled The Botauy cias leI dolia same lIer- wiit a request aoflte addreesee, approved e8tîug vaut bu the specllMDK lngailaets. by bis regirnual an ather commanding afluer provided lhe parcelsare" proverly ANNOONCEMENT pr.parsd aud addremsed, fally prepsid 1 capet la b. bepklu Waulgan early sud athervise confrm la Ibm condition@ la May lu reaue worl itatuaina, reai- governing lte transmisision of mal la Ing and seblibu pianos. Bani G. Alden, liese forum. Parcels lor the Expeditlon. Waakegan. addreie 307 Washngton SI. ary Forces. n>ualbe reglauered, Insured At preseut 109 N. EdWin Ave., Tampa, or sent C. O. D. Florda. 17-2 il I il 31 DROROWENA MORSE MÀNN SPEAKS 'ON LEME 0F NATIONS Tii. lecture onua bague of nations, de- by Dr. Ravena tiarse tiacu at tb. hlgh choo! van sa vell handledthot liste wa. no question about b.r scbolarly alînliu mente.i. Iavs Bol o617 an exipoittiin01i viat tlesa Vgril viii elfuture Peaplee of Sb@ voridi bul ou flti fphilosophic truthi Tb. folowlng t., la part, tie suhaieane of ber Iheuw: Itola a momn unforluLate circamatance ihabi60Ma any peope rem ard govornmsnt Me a UMe1AnaMaad assan md and a bout. nDm tu "MsI. Tht. le ileiy due tu the ladt liI ore have polit icai parti" con. tand hm. saceessla i rddiug b.rmitlf a lherm bal lb. United Sîtabaim not. Conaqsnlly. ove m a lemae brougb Party y é; oreare nos avare af a greal ides laa8 ageq. Ilu l.equally unfor. luat. tsaIt ue proea hauld lih.wla e h premptud. Natonaim dm'reloped because of nec. «esty; Iternationalt.m muet taire île piace bicani through commnunication and trauaplaUtlon vs.muet bave Idems la commun. music, sculpture ate ail lnt.rnatIoutàl W hy eauld't politieib.? lTh. representatles naw in conference st Parls. are lb. macti lerned men in lb. worid. '4b*oy are blatoranansd linov that naianaimrn briage as no- For that reeaonlh.y are determined te fcîcé hlefleuetbroagh rallier titan rielila mairs pomeaasthirly- @ix oppusing Uiteid State seuatbre vauid vis Ir. Dr. lianu theoiop, lu deusiilb.h objection& tutaeliebague. Sb@ sald lb. firt ou. vai Presldent Wilson. vba bapteis a 0be a desunersan md of sonimvhat d ifereat temperansent f romn Senalori BShermn, Reed, Borab and the Cbbcaio Tribuue liaI w»jusl beginning honuethe light. A bitaf are vasnusd la pktclag the provisions made for the. reogltion uf the Monroe Dotrine-lanl a 11111ie politlie@ap ta pmlfy lb. opponet. 0f lb. lague. Groast reims. athen laid upan lte articles, la lhe convenant Ibat pro vide for en oconomlc boycott of any country thsl violats. lhe lave of nations. sucb canosrled action, on lbe paru ai Ibo league, wauld b. ae detrimenlal ta Ihe trasgreisor Ihal var vould ho aliuaet Impossible. At the close aiflte lecture. thte audience adaptmd a resolution favorlua lte league. OIlRL lIT BY AUJO; ýl WILL RECOVERI Mary Emma, the ive.yeur-old daîigb- ter of Rev. sud Irs. Cheeter H. Bill vas eeriously injnred whn é me vas rua over by a trucki drIven b> 'learge Small. 1libe accident occuîîed ou Mouda> afiernbur ae ihm sctsool chidren ver, returulng home from, ichool The Ilîltie gi, vite bad been visilica st ichool slarted la crossi te mreet it an aider cblld, tu Beruards (Garagce. Eearin i te machine site itcamp figbtened and ran'ln front oi îLecar. Sp.'tatoress>ltaI îb.aci- va. unavoldablp. Te clild vas talion te Dr. Gallovays offce iire It va. found ltai lbe 15v bone vas brolien and ie. ilifraeturuu. several teetit vere n.leoiin« sud tli 1111 girl va. atharvise badly brulao. 5h. Ifyou know5of an item> ot local Intereut, kindly telophono No. 1 me. oe, mo'.M . F. r sud %i ho.. t i e. I' L h I ----------- -----------s : ::---- --- -- --- --- - Jkoea bfor the Z(oungaterd The arrivai of sone'new numbers put. our ah1oe deartrnent in excellent shape to take care of -your wants in thi-s lne. Chiqdren's and Infants' Shoes for dreàs wear, in plain black, wbit top, all brown, patent vamp with cloth top and many other styles Children's Roman sandals, aturdy stitch-down shoes for achool and play and a good supply of the rubber-soled canvas goods. We can save you money on children's shoes and.can assure you of excellent service frorn our goods.' W.W. CARROLL & SONS COMPAI Phone 29 :sz:ss------------s Your Liberty Bonds Need Better Protectioný than any other property you have, e mcp your money, Berause we realize that hundreds, d p- have no suitable place ta keep their Là% Bonds, THIS BANK HAS ORGANIZED A SÀ KEEPING DEPARTMENT just for Liberty Bonds. This service is Ôopen ta ail holders 4f Bonds and we cordially invite Yc'u is advantage af its protection. The" Fir.«t National %nh Libertyvflç, II REilOURCIS 'OF MORE THAN BAL? &4 MILLION DO1LL vUe taion t h. UcAlister hompitai Cl ilanland t4Wo&nusj f Ila . iBd sbelirseincamlortbty U. 9: 88-88. and #hat @ho wll probably lecoToer. Proyer Meeting W.dms* It would se.. that thl. tamlly laeiie AprIl 80. Topie, uB1ow Do fated for viion Bev. Bill va boy, Thot 1 amn a Chrielian?' aboutt alb e ofhl i. Ilmdaughter. hb Choir praclm eFridai -Uàb«q etood on amitreet car trale s e, , Mr. Ma&diao, chorleter. car bit im, ualeven bearing îî oming. BoygSut. md iJarnli N Aima bis llet boy about a yeai or tol ehumh for pl"y practie. Yri& «0O, wui playlng war with hi. play. 1April 25. mats. and W"m ubol hhrough lb. oye i with an arrow, laming lb. silis oait.I& tow weeks &go lthe boy, who b en in il IaU sud break, makilng mu addilional nuY sipense t lb. lamilys Xias seyemiare spensive. To île pubtis i sla s that Do pemiemiofihmas W siven indump my rdliq Thor@e are buffaîns ln The inde. iong, o or . 4tbhI.mlivq pendntti dvrtiainq Columna. ville tovnship, it la a di m ueighily. huaff tu do mo 1 -thai no0 on Who alope to 111 tht, but mm a eh.b 4 £èrczeeric:CAR. and to hee1wai Si. Lawrence Eplacopal. tel wi ebsovegli Ji The ero. Chantier C. BibI, tbem If hhs.y are &PPrthbàa' Loy Bandai. No service at 7m8. sud&anyons uho s., otr m Obarcli ichool eaIffl. oua dumping retblleliosni Noruins prmyer and mormon ab 11-00. wilIIenter a complaimit lbe « Mir. A. D. Holkebedli.Layreader. viii b. speedlly dosil villi' EL L. DAVIS. Blghvay 0 Methodist-&piacopal. Bervices wviiib. b.ld ail Sunday e 30-8- a the Nd. E. churcits foiiows: Sunday schaol et 10 o'clocl. Mlorning preach. [I [ 1 1 1 I'ut ai1ilo'clack. Evenlug preaebing service at 8 a'clodli. lier Arthur W. ldIs io fNov York City SIIIJTAt viii pi esci nezi Sondas aI bath servie« and assis# Bey. Ream iln the great Wailce Rd6in Ctenary movenient aif te church f dpecialcmusic rendered aitlite @Ven erie. Ail are cordially invited. 1h9 Iwi Ch ir viimeet for reitearmai onu<bora Thureday evenlng a% 8 o'clocli. Ail ___________ memitert urged ta be proenta. IalN *IWhat we Ove and How ta Pay Il"S» Y M wili e the subietaf theEpwarthImLaueEmiFêaah lëessn nezt Munday evening i 7 o'cloc. lee@uma Wm. Lamean, presidexît of lte ab. district la vblch Llbertyvllle lInluided'IeL" viti lesd lte nîeetinir. The Ega Offerlng for Wesiley haspital 107 ktesi viii continue lu the MË. E, Sanda> scbool over cmxi bandai. I TJSAAI *Presbyturian. ..Dorutly Dehit.. Soinday, April 27. 4 sonday @Chou] 10 a. Mi. ~~1 il a. m. Preacblng. Tapie of sermon.,ie I i "linialaing Ouir lgitCalllng." Speclal nIPrsic. 8:00 p. nm. Tapie sermon I fi30lF OIG "Tbe Other Sp>arrow." Third Epléollo *Cprlat4an Endeavar 6:45 p. m i Tapi, f'leyS f suad W mois mum i'of his ho yaune aimt.g1 r. smort vi xmg mui . Thie c ,ui; ba n hlm M ad lmu )etober s emovi icape et .1 -l - 1 ý, l

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