CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 8

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* AP'R1T ~JL tO1~ *cor bIé.ls o ana ouett Vaeibas bsen 10I villapamonta, bt le ~Wagr euertaaodber couet. fogs1r a fev Idys. ~URle 50w employed, by the jelele vorklag_ for L. F varo cissuera * .Newbouae la vorklag nlght pah vllîbe Mieto forah hie ~qott by sert monta. * Inter veutt 10Brington, bmg lbe latmed tula ork ln a et Wbory. but bus retnrned itday te' Dev bake.7 ontfit Wt *M: oc ou cpy the Joc hheim 1 Alii soon b. open for bni Io litIte nsv baker le lie viole. buildng ti. SbtI lierb DIownovlive opetar ili igal Wiin Move ltte epetaîra Thomson Bial on Wlhltpey et. Uowvion, au 011 colleg ebcum E£. Hifbraudt druggit, epeni %y aflennoon sud movsnlg ith LSt Ronca asmove back 10 bo bd lamplQyed by the Wl.. tqadunsng .1k faclory., WalksradUmre.P. E. Bilabranî henbatuea snrprlee brlhday WMso ipnayfhuit irmeDov gel Oaubttor nSnpbnr Co. as lhé ;.- a tovn bumbeen a 1111h .iack W tué, owlag tlat lbe fermer@ me hapt boul ovlig grain. lhybroughi labo tlb drugs tor. Mou 'Wednsdy vla be ack b, wasOn, s ber 09 peupes boas bts atteude e at Round LaRe, Mondai aven- lu Ïfer. «Mnlo ea numben iht lià waIvanito. danS vhfch Wvu hb»nc. 0f bolîldere and salions.n Feia malouin er. given lticiele M sdilopper for gratis. ilri Miora Mndsyu. W Ses »ud Clyde yul t teFoest héytae ps4 Rester vIth lia blalbr - ter. .DemmutaitteB. L. Wald, C. B. 1P.MIL Leu& P.IL Doe ad a ýIAadks amded &rosad met. = l'vtelutvSek Wedmsday.1 Mos Dve al cd hidrencof ~SaowwvlhboSbfpsndsonl -I.Rovllng vbo sp eni1 sItMhâ hedeogitr, alS enit!me 00lsa. J. M. Hor»nte rcevel a 0 Iosilbelr eam. Floyd, thas te hhaed éYork mati le la te '00118114 oM" beaulb. Bfis W Oclab 10, Mditbasiala a otla Vesuemmae t ailUe. et Cblico, omepW t b ~a amnmbeg end spoRe la 'ma l sd ishtecu*,Rock o! 1'11 0 lbo tai<ris, vb"ctas MlqA idsugter of Citicgo, iWOKairrepsai Restr vit lbw ,md M&s.Je aseonad h4a n In5,Mr. 5511 lire. Fred Mmumdlins. John Leonard ci = n Mme. addock f àliHulu, a 1 01est o!lit, sud UMn. A. M aisclon vu Véry qotes lui Ir, oel ou. ebticket«n a b lat vus bued by F.P. Lamit Muet sud E. L Wal, Albert and BarmaNolier nas tueise V. Tabobi ais chork. Rovever eVwa Bame vu villea InaeM et but nol, a majorlty. 61 lecion on Saturday evenlng Md tmuocitInlerest ln secool affaire vMllgers, ehz votera beng presul. Ilgte o uceds bmhlmif aud E. T. "on vuslected 10 fila Ivo al ire.flenduiceaof Ingleuide, attire. 8 Shervi ou'à unîay. ateon ofthe . lyna fatr, matie ioai tit 0 Laî,,aCity titis wssk. Mh Il. Who bas ha'uLe ite en. iOW. 1eimaun lot s§uint,te, Cgeel uë acecpted mi poéitiou inju 4.ý ,Voueor. Jr., epet uida) ciii! Weelsy H. Stranic. Ljoionl BaIl visiteti hie parente, Lav- mnce Amensud famy snnday nlght. La&vreuce Ammanid family mototuti bo Wsukea, Bonder aaigat Walter Bursudt reiurusd fboas Francs tedneedaî evenlag. Be bu w acbtive mervics lu Belginas. John Ma ntFrd Deeowvlviueil bsir brother sud Bnebon Thomm msd tamli nmadaî. Mrt. sud làre. Vanflaske 'latod frisaIs tNorth Chtuego, Bonlay atternoon. lire. impson o! Waokogan, vteitsd Mr. sud Mmr. Rueben Thomas, Sonduy Dlght. BECEIVED TOO LAT£ FOR Lk5T iVEEK' Maay tram ber. attenl'd lbthelgh chool play Fridsy ntght Everyoae Dorotby Scbreck o! Wsukfgan, le apendtug lbe veek vlth ber fatbsr W. dcbreck sud brother; Lloyd. lir, ant itre. Portegys and famils eieltsd tirsud lire. Prince, Snndai afiermoon. Dorothy Schreck tiette liths Delieyer chiidren Aumdai aflterobn. Shirley Titomas and WiIM» Thoas rielteil the atln u nnay. Mrt. and MLt, acAmenanti langiten, Loiat add Tony sud Jcs Smitth of Waakegan, vlaliel li.nd tMr.. Laver- mas Am an sud amiy Snndey aller Mir. and.lUi. Vanfluke enlerlalueti aompanî Bonday. lin. Setreck sud chlifîen sud Vernan D'Neg mocredtu teTrevon, Win., Bit luiOOL NorIS Mwsat. D.Meer sud Ceee asa won perfet la apilllg for lbheek. The anuel eciool msetng vu tek Satuday Wgi. Charile Bie vu te eteetel. Ttey isilkel5&bou1t avlug i vWou madl.Mmrtlbe Stool bos Ttoee petteel la "Muslngfor lbhesio are Clan V»eack, Coëlte Aman hiryThomes ail Marthe, Emma an, BaseDelsyer. The elgtth grade book mae examina tiom la Civie, Tbureday aternoon. EmU Sbnlg enier.d ectool tMondai Doroilay schreïk te vlsting achool ihi I charivai lby ail MILLBURN caL.eda Born. tolMt. and Ui. Weleel a daugh. Muater ter, Apil 17. Tovkaer,1 àAwu vasborio Mr.-andliMm. L. 8. lir. Donner, lionday, AprIl 21. hores bo Milse nte Cannon epent several day lir, au( *lth ber elister sud fblende ta Chicago. tng in eh litsse Peaul andi Mande Cleveland of Mmr.!W Chicago, epent Buter vith the homoe ctîy il folks, lit, ai The Rockaday echool eleted . Id. callei at White dl recior of tesechool si Iheir RECRIV mesSIng aturday eventng. lir. I The Buter exerceese at the church andei h ver. enjoyed by ail lir, sud Mmr. E.A. Mliansd son, lir. Art ~ltcbard, epeot Tueeday eventng wllh M, a' Mrt. sud lire. Acen ai Kenosha. Wl.. ane A choral social viii b. h.ld ai the gi, homeo0 IMr, and lir. W. B. iiewart,.Snuday, Frtday eveulng. ltîank lit. and Mmr. E. E. Denman and baiby 0f Chic of Libertyvllle, @pont th week-end wvtib Hutchti the home foks. Abert fI'lockaday echool closeS tii vssk MliRe Fers. I \Iý At uke h tiermel Peeer accI Batty horen@, eau W'1- Ouest oled b! trActaIs epent Suudny lu' RAMR oliaiu Wbma f Chcago, @pont E&ste r l î R'.ditzenthaîer spsnl Buter Suc. Bollane, pattrbore. -I1day w Ibac ie. sdayo ethse tpulpil ibore !lit@. Ilutîttonge, L. Trlpp anti Helen lie ippte hi mnute amenu [i.,,Raoeaof Gleutmlaw, callel et the li. aud j *é ffa.uT. o minute men viiite prIcipapeek. L. 0. i'utelkinge home Sunday. Quto ~ elom. It. sud NI re. W. Stanclif cailelon ta funeralt «v0fgAp Otiteh t] lck frtene ut Arlington Bighte. Salut. Quto ~~~odpigea ame. , Litl Ella Bltlbus bsn qutte niI but Elitabe aipass.Coneat j e ruc im nproved." unltet1 ___ LOWarren 8îser epen lbe wsekeuî ver. sw aniMa. I nbl mes I etitoru ta lites aloi lit. eg4 itavlnp e~ vldUag te I s- »M« aompleare ionda, Who visi j vedded tIle., mai aHtchtnkw r vactions and ae ls ,lclnIty. yQI cCI5o. te. lbaDeerlve, BU.., safflsOn graulPa Richarde. sandwaumfiroon, &Baisai lia a. C.icharde houm Mesames B9d sud James Tnlpp of Barinlgicu,Kasar belngenisnlatsed1 ei the J. A. Masos home. -. .A aumber from hbon ailedtIbt Buter ezercisse th fia. B. cch ai s Libertyvitle Bandai eventeg. f Drvy, Itrla e lit. and lire. P. titeieil wvsn caller. et lbheiMut bhomelionday. lirmDes&a btuhar la spendlng several laye thala vek hlplngwvtlh the vork la ber Bat. Mary Biaesahr ha boeu n tu liasck int te paut ew veeke, bt la asucia botter. Mlm t Inn m4 e P. Perm of etChlceg6 vasthe voR.] sud get aI a. B. Jordan*. R.. L.L Bol meslevieing ab Frak C. M. ro*a ite I!breday fromt a wooche tripln Wtsconsué Lynn Vinint andi John Boa«ertecent- Il punaebide»wauto trucks. Tb* ssomety so4ety met vitit ira Cihu. SoontlasiWedaeeda. George McClough ha bsen un lias " des li0ilaslut esk. 1- XijasWlnlred Phillipe tlsited fronds a tiomonce over Bonday. Tb* higb sechool wvu losel Mdoulai sud Tneaay. Jlites Ethel Mans of A reas. @pontBonu- day viih ber parente here. Tht carpentete have reeuined vork on VanNes.Young'@ remld'ucS.1 The Woodmen gave a dance tust lion. daby ight. R. W. ticVJ&ts vas luinilwaukee on businees lut Tbunay lBe have for Callor'a the latter part of Iis vesk. Mir. and tMra.Fte< Stedmnan are t g oe the arrivai of p girl ai ibeir j .mîe Tneaday morning. Mie 41. B. Sponenbnrg vislet Molnde ait W a.nmvrth a tevday. lut veela. Min liergares Noble @pont lb. f1ret of the veek ai home lu Oa Park. -The Red CrossMet at the htgh school lust Thnredey. John YogIs, vho boavorksed for Charles Brown for severalysars la taklng a fev veuke vacation. The chiltdran tif . B. iixon are recover. log trois the. qcieken poz». Word wvu relet louday (rom the b«r parsete. tom isElensd Bthet Maucit v home ov Er Bur- lir, d mat lreY. Bleu studet fumeZ of lbformaeulter,Wb ailu duayik CbteSo. Ur. A. Biser apeut oeveral day sa brohere home lust veek. lime P foetich speSaturdey Paatmie., rom tb sLm. ml ri Friday eveaing, Phutwu*lb vasagelcal OhurcaNote$. Westib tuM. Man Bson", achoot 9M80a. as. for choir praot"s. Germen services 10M8 a. as. ad Mnà. Arthur Brochmma . e- n<iiéervices s.-eo> home fr0. iber honsymoon trip - Dorothy Bioetp, lin. Guse.L.......w- Mr.Wm.Brockmn-ad daagh. lin. C. J. léang Md idagiaier a l, @peut Frldsy la Waema. ependini sevraldaye vith Uts.AVICsi ad lira Chartes CroasoiRoadoni, Bcheépp of Glenco. be Win. Stoerp home Bnnday LirIglnt Lord 01 Bavenaool, on. won the veek-endi gSai et bugrand. er Donald Pouf ici vliteti Ruansi athue, C. W. Petie. r Bunday atrocou. Beter vs obesrved lul the Bt. P"n Eart Kane haspurcbaseda divtng churtch by communion srvice lu the mm Wm. Lemben. moroting, aMd Rester Progta* sud id lira.George itchsll areit. ineltation of te paeem o.Bouescher1 hiego. by Bey. Crame! cf .Cbtcago, la ihe W.. Rineman returued tram t.he evenlng. b Tuesday. Harold ptaggs received hie honorable àad Mra. Ed Mitchell of Chieago, dtecharge sud returned home Friday t Dtamond Lake Saeunrdy. trous Parte lond. CIYRD TOO LAT£ Fou LAST WEEK blaebIebelWeBWeetadt of Rtghlmd L.stoy Kane. lire. joe Brocksom 'Park, va ethome over ibQ vwek-end. Id. Ira. Robtert louesud daugh- lin. Pied Rorenherger viii enlerisi Id idts Teasie Brockaom vtlted the Ladies' Aid of te St. Pauoictrch on rthur Rolland, Friday afternoon. Thuraday alterutoon. lieY lit. nd lir@. Cf ayttn Hubchtngs enter- lit. and lire. B. Biulitetroas are the 11ev. Blckett, Sunday. proud pareinte of & son boru, Rondai, ora at the j. w. Hutchinge home Aprit 20. yvwte: Mm. J. E. tlntchinge of lira J. Mentisseosud son, -Josepit, of .kee, lir, sud lire. Roy* Pederson Doituqus, Ibva, are vislting ber eister, "go, Mir. and lire. liarshaillire. f. H. Selig. Igs of Waukeeha, lir, sud lire. lton Frantz bas purciutae bA. iRichards of Prairie Vlew, lit, sud Sni'derhome and viii teks PoseseeOn Henry. MilleandtMr, sud lira.the tiraeto!9liaY. m Brocknianù. lia Florence Jobnsou vus the guesi at at Mir. snd lire. LAroy Kaue's of lire. E. Juheend of Highland Park, ier Sunday were: tir. sid lMrm Monday. tRoueand daugbft, Frank Bey. sud lire. C. K. Onhotiln of River ad sud lisesiHelen and Libbe Foreet, ewere the guette 0f ber faiher, George Stanger lthe fini 0of th.evsk. sud lire. Wr. Elueman visiteI -. Mr. and li. J. B. Wooîmu Ma ad lits. R.Schneider, Snndy. epeudlug the vesk ia Neo k itr 1. b a numiter tram bore atlended the Mi, sud lits.Wm. GaicwaY a"BOnUM ao! WiII Bolet last Touillar. the blrih o!, a daushter ThUMOW&y k a surpriase vaecreatedltasi W*&.Aprit 17. Yvwhen Arthur Brockuns&Bd antlie Thç ladie of the Preebytelot cburc et Ha" of Llhertyvie,wonverbld an lntsrestag me«Migai *0he homeW 1 n marriage at Wauksen. Thqy of lire. P. Pelereon on'Ftaoreday. ccompanted by Mlin. ,BrocRas*n lir. jevitt, lla& .Jevit* éd Cha. a. J. Aarso f chlcao, vu ibe MoS> syw gntlif hies oster, mn. AN Tb* ýrelatves o! Wim X ia Ishellusg lithy a Nonebvesie-trom asu tlièn led at th*,Iloptw on satumua Ight, .Ie lm Doiroti, NliWhfliauas eni bà vacaion ai ber home nUoleo. Thte leters sud tony ame qftba plasary depamimeal of theP.ebira Baday "bhoi weye tek, 01ove, LWlhlnlParkr la solos te div.- bof l18W progra. aith lt 0F olkReHo. 'b chittiren .21creli tethe"ssvesad hein tosciter yaiunga ong and giving scriptore pasage. Communion vas obeerved in tbhe Ptealyterlauchurci onSunîay mornlng. Six tram thlb lday ecool joile'tlb chnrch by confession of thil: Dorothy tiechalt, Engoula Watiler,Uladýy@ adI Donald Keaton, Norman Poeanon sud BennIe, White. 1 The teaciteresuad pop#@ile oyed s short vacation trom. Thuirudsy unit Tonuday. The echoot eleecîl a Serdsy nlghl asuiW e thelbe-etectton cf R. B. Jordan wbo hau very taltblul servestlb district 'or tte peu ithreeyeans. Thé Buer program <Itou n lb h U. E. ehorch Snday eantg as enjoyel hy a largeaudience. Ec L. B. Orce vu a busînes vlitt lu Chi6ffl o Moay: lins ade itabîn @pent over Bnndai sud monday la Chicago. tirs. il. IL PollckR sud Iaughler, tVary yen Claicago vWetoro liauday. tir, sud 1Mr. geme ilunyatd of Wsukegan, vsr. la AnllochTusday to attend the fauerai of tir. uanad' Bey. Jo. havage le epending a tei day. Ihise k vîtithis parante, Mlit di lir. Jo. Savege. iMI«s lirions Waters uf Elgn, @pent over Buter vlth ber motber. lire. P. K. BinaI vu ea Chicago pa- sengsn Tueelay. lm Flarence Brogan af t Thuradl. for the Bdward4 a ufarn. et Naper ville. Uns. Neti Bate, anti lin. Bul VenPaiteut acompanlel ber. BMi Brog hm sbsen galla Ing netrenglt Ilu lutifevveekesandIttla hopud h,.r et.i ait lbhesuliarlum yull b0f greal hemetl t'O ber. 1 lma Bimmons asulanChicago Monda Jay CrIbb vu a busineés@ vlaor lI Chicago Wsdneeday. r P. B. Chfn maved bis tamly I Anlioch ToWsa3'. lire. Frank Chin vue aKen"s vleltot over Bnnday. lins Jent Christro. vwu la Antioe Wedaeeday, Sb@ came bore 10 train SI Inti tes. Claude Brogan a thelbmieortuane t ftEloto ai open trsp doortlb Sietc lbhe attsud bruit hie hg. Word r.acted Antoch Tneeday the Bd Moy«., ho bu bsn la service cvi am hms a arrivaI lathe saaIs. la able 1 o lIaller ber garde n . -Mm. W. Stanclif made e businesa trip te DesPlaine, Tbnreday. (lien sud Margaret Huteciînge rturnel boase Sunday aflernoon. aRliey Deslove sud John Derlove, Jr, viite ai the Wn. Evarde hume Sonday.'1 11ev. Benpttnhrer vlalledli hiebliren, et Plalufeil lionday sud Toudel, thence io confèrence Wednsay a% Bigla. Snnday echool et 10 *,m. Sunday, but no services lu thb morula«. lins.Fred Lnhkemennu vilteltira. W.. Lemker, Suuîas atterucon. ti. Walter Lemker sud children'l Salurdày for Caldonae10 o ta lasr hus- baud, vit.'lta otklng thoe. kir.and lire. J. W. Cooper voe Lbertltvile calre Saitudl a tenucon Gune eaitir. and tins. Laroy Ke.o, Bunday voe: Miu Be elon and Libitie Mlle, lire. iRobert BouseaId Ianghter, lit. and lire.Henry Esue sud dangitten and Be,. Blcesti. The Euter servicetstaitlbe harch Suidai eventng ver. vel attended. Frauk llloerp vu a Bighland Park vtetor Sunday evenlug. lire.liarhali ntboilage returuetihome Boudow@avanug a&%er *pouding a vesk Ui. Bd Wetebcpf @put oue day lu.t veek la Chicago. lies d@accompaated ber home sud vroiul Fileyq. tir. and tir.. Alber Dyerand danghter vil linsr. Dior'@ moiter, lins.Darby at Lllasntyvullê Bondy. Mne. Derby ead eu speni Uouday eveclag la Dantou Lake. otnte ai li. nsd limeWas. io@ea. Soudowwvon: Mr@. Bophia Tover sud somalirs. Omton Hutebtnge sud idaguir, Mse Dorothy Stoerp ea F," ehoup. a Teb î oglkRsof tisl.vichlby gavé tir, sud MlirAntur roekamanuà :f 3t l- eh à* to 1 bt Wiliam, lirmaafornmer vali kuovu Waukeganreslejat. i.lals Ms et insuit orinjuries recelvel bst haturday ulgiti. He bal reslied ai EVenston for elgitteen years. As hoe allatel front a train lait Salut. d&y ulat tho.f1.11 10the pavement, onffe#ng a fracture o fIla. abli. Me wu rues btte Evanston hoItoial vhore ho e ter succumitad. For lventy jeas -Mrt. errimia Itela& eaponsIbie postion villa tit Chicago sud Northt Western railvai. Re aeuboa n &lWarenton hieis tll. et being one c the rai settlers la Lake Counly. lit. lerriman leavas ltee brot- era andt our stators: George Tho- mus anti Momen~it of Highland Parc, lit.. White of Chicago,. Mm. Dufi of Deefteld,lire. Pleuter cf Racleasnd, Mis Grcs ell 0fChicago', visiteaI 1w.auconda relatives Ssturday sndÏ Sunday.'11 Robert Johamon Of cary, vas a Poëtl. ne caoier Ite sluet"Tneday. PiaiBrongitton 0ofRenosha, wu home MIr*. Henry Scasie of Chicago, ePeni Snnday ai lbe, home 0f ber parents, It . and lire. George Drougitton. lph Tiffany of Wankegan, sment suday vlSh Wageonds friands. P. J.. Uarr Wlt Monday for Coder a plîs, Iova, w v be h vucallsd on busiess. lia Grecs Mugrphy vas home over snndal. lRe. Jane Nevitlee nînrned home Saint- dai aller a vesk's vieil vlth relative s t CryelalLake. James Murray i>anaeced itointe u Chicago. Mondai. Audnv Bang sud EHenY Bush,7 returnel home froua overesas service Prlday evsnlng. Rothara tu ths heal of "eath sud lookihg fins. The.boye Bey lte ftal service. Andrav- iteinir Inthel uropmausdivialon andi Henry ln Sb$ lntatryr, itoth bitelg right UP ta th@ front duuing most of lh b gtng, 'but neither orne vas ounded aithonga Hlenry vu <aussIalterngolng ovrrthe top sev. r-aeS Sud vu ln the itaspital ail;t m t h e" rasistin vu slgnsd. 1'by yen happy te <eo home sud their relatives@as mglias iba*rmany friands yen <glad te - item Mise" Ros e b.epeul Baturday lu Chiegol. t obri àtultm @pent Enter at hlé home. v Mise1M" e ottr, Rose e Mchaand k mma Kastea epeutb ltudiet ai bit resective bon"s. tAitthe .&nuMalWSetion of achool àdirecters bell luitBaiurday evsoing .- Draading vas reted. MisebouannMeb coizsopet Suade lih P. E. HILDEBRANDT~ DRtGGUST FORMALDEIIYDE Pint - WSC H&Vl-Pint c LA pW mrix" iâ thfrm40te 50 PiIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CameUIIy ComFounded 'THE REXAIL STORE f GRAYSLAKli IWNOLS .~.- HEA4DQU RTR HARTMANN HOUSE HERY HARTMANN, Prop- WHEELNG., ILUNOIS isO mI&M ua.Avenu n ýCbi MI -------- ------------------ M ffl ff FouNDiD 186. MiClio A UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DIKTBOIT JOHN HODGIE, District Manager, Areé4 IIL Dear Sir:- During the last fifteen years yeur Iife-work has been shaped and determlned, If you have prepared well, yôýur future holds many gaod things in store. The matter of insuring your! life is ail-important Thi's you know. Wheu you acqu'ire the property whleh you feel will be- sufficlent, you will go to an attorney, sit down, and quietly and deliberately make your will, But pur Life Insurance is of more importanceB; yonr will simply distributes, but your Poliey provides. 'fou niay make your will at any timuYring yGur natural life, but the time to takp, Life Inoaurauee is when poi eau get it. tInpaired rieks are not wanted. Let your Life Insurance Saleeman quiietly ait down with you and tell hlm what you want the instirance to accomplish. Let hiM be your insurance attorney and advisor. He has made a study of, the busàines s andi eau explain bow iuisurailCe wilI stirve you best. No higher compl iment eaun be paid you than his deaire to interview you, for ytou are supposéd to be of Sound ho-alth, with a good family record,' and of good standing among yonr fellow men. You>r Life insurance should not be neglected. If you are lu the market for more insurance, , please let mum hear from you. Yours truly, JOHN HOD(*E, District Manager. Ire. flanr 89e«.vhha bu en epauti tngth lb viie aonîlas lu Plttabng, Penn . efllvl bn, aurdaî asudviii sesul mcmviii. ai-the borne of ber mother, ire, Grue. Mia ies a..DMW » turW tu10Noth Chicago. Mondw, aller a vee's viit ai the home o! ber psreuts, Mr. aud lim- John Dey. tIr, sud tirs. Alvin Kimbail viellaI wtth Wenconde, rltaivns. lit. Les ! Cico, as e Wauconda viettor licaday. Mir. asIdlir. R.,J. Schaeffer snd son, Sitanley, ot Mclhanry, vibtl t th111e home of Mrt. sud lin. B. E. Malman, SnndsY. Mi"esKratner l tevting her it«e t the panionage.. lit. sud lira. Long sud a a"ec cllei at the L. liauther home Bonday afler. Doon. Mir, sud lin. Bd S5.1h of DesPlaines, vlslted litesuWakefield et teJ. Ricarde htome Satnrdayàtteruoýou, ilarvella Kier o DeaPlatnes, spent the week-end ai home. The sauio. on tseW. Bolet farm vu vel ttetndel lionday aflernoon. Tvo broîheresud their chilàren. cf Chicago. celleti un their eter, lin. S. E. Kuedler, 8nnday alternoan, lf"e. E. Ot t Ioepending a ewv Iais waitt ber mother at Wbsellng. randima Stahi, vho bas bsn on lhe elci btinte ucla boiter. Graudme Loomis, vho bus bsn allns k 91re, Biat orlitlvakoe, Planerai Weîeday mormlng roas thée bome. ofa 'broîher, T»aoss^ F« Ucence 11 *"1t-C"-colic eucnzat HlghvodW bere lte servIces vtll S 3 R N, epus taisa- m- Itetm.nt ln Waukffln. BEscn.. 1h57voeearreuleti, lookel la t atave &W c ure a - M o..ubl 3uejacketS ShaCkled' Jéffl t& Me th*d i-aî on u.m to Prevent Escape uloos ihaltlaey vers lteltres m RoietiE. Osbornie ant i Wlliam E.. tio blev lte saet athlasAmi=rtroche.caugittî Io vodksaegoataithb Bras Ioondry at Kenceba a&M endel Grmt LARe Naval 'Traininag Station V7 eshootlug aud kRllltg a policeman Wtpeaiteua*at'ýD o jca"i w ere b«ete y eacaped ln u nautomobile s-,îay fou" Nt vilmfu. Onclas Uite. Mo &nnpiuce Utlr intention %a c thoe oal ltaitsey vête about cf alartlug suit 10o otlect damagee tu iw. MtOih..- atteaspt laocuit e frOas Renoua, 48 Mvlvi ace'n rou bars. ny vire banîcuffat sud ltsé folioyins dlapalob: ' ehsoklo& Thete lird asomber of lte Deliers. AprII 1S.-UYand U De trio, Eiyrd HinRier, vu seul ho Pion. Ollco, . B. Curtis. Marengo. Port Luoarvth for Ivo yemr on sud Bgulis Bosituaklan, Waaitgton, e charge of dasortn. D. C.. bau lua acampalgu 0 toeatilcate________ ltaé barbrry buhi, upupose m'i< Bvn dm&Maaitu Utrn. c q m1e Kenceba. Win., nuthcrlUea par <>RflgMdUmul Park, vho vts gai ar reu itMon astelo f jjffl lom u tanautomobile se- dng tlIcaitu a rou e U & 10 rta eering etahésAinertçan nadir lu iai City. 11« b ae et~ ar ompt&4iclaco ant u lSho ountin at suMtaghinathélite K abacders, a few &Maye.apertsa lraRn laid chaMtlag lbey vers laken I1010 Ken- hu faclmeured proveti unru. ceita vithoul requisilicu papera, lhiai eredeutials suM relarances tgnoted, _HALF3DmD ltaI tbay voe Rakpt-vîthoul foo1 for Preachinq serviS e t lta Caogahlon- twtviê4Oiihante ud" Bbjoe"ti latai caurcla yl b upplIîmf.d t Bondai tieti brd degree.' evenluag b, tir. FFugum ofth11e Chicagu Tbeolhmetcai Ilemlnary. udai echool nt 10:80. lir. endilire. War n sd babyOi FRA TUR S S ULL wuituviil liis wekend vilti r.W LEAVING -TRAIN AT wpes Mr. Wrren@ fthe Re. M N t EVANTON; IS DEAIPlrv. IIrfr ayyne ANTIOCH lm de RC Ti ta nc p ()L. XXVII NUT UP: TIIEY, 'aukegan Mai iVhere Goveri The Prom LUSTRATES Borne tîrne ag Mt th1e governm saI gerncnt 1b on pylnpg the tebut accordit M , the rate hap Percént sndfIl *e han ba*hen irticutar case w fflty 25 pprcéli 0 declsres thal ltrato on, people. lm CO perent sy dii forum-ny lot ralme- a'nt Ife liq Fn 11111 M*Cblcago ised 1 Ven Ch icago aj tà a SIl aton. t of 25 pc-r ccti Mt. Nov thrn, coal 'aukegan ,med li eay te spe %a titon of lncrfna$. "PI the mine t se tram <Chicago MI shoul cost à as long a-s t Outrai of the l'a Mlany persons raukegan pC<opli eut moal thi. r »»on. There L%~ tthe local dock he saait,ar haH f i the cause. l develoPs thai Gai Company h 11th coal. ReversI Wued te %Vaiîko or lu Wau<iegan Mathle te spnîl ~êdredctng of felge whlch lq As Boon asn1the be. sanditar.te mdv ta atari lx) egaut. Aesoon ben W'aukegan 0 put ln ibeir co No Cheî Local coul met mye no reasou vilI -b an), chea intpr, lu fart lan, that the Vii h.'higimer IL or. This îwems tb ttp art Ihat ccustomed tlien Vinter tb uslng leductlan thfrefc ben ueed te sol tii continue'le einter cien 1111 jard coal. Thît tor bard censi sent as lhourh 1 Ir rather than i Showing tthe. d In vitth 1e at) the cou] rates 114 seson wilI w»s declded at a carriers' associa Peveland. The~ oe Chicago whilq ibat tor L.ake 1 cal men are m(1 &rC Sliperiot R wanttee. The ra .111 b laken t( lit waashngtofl. ORÔERts ORNi in Chicago iedge l.andls or orvie, of Wauke pteleetlag 1the W011rn lu the Company, ta pro or Jacob W. B lent ofth1e' Elumeron, forme 4ohmea are ail efforts tt kut warrants ýl i w 4 - LONG DOTAI4CE 56-J

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