CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 9

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LiRTY VILLE 1NDEPENDEN LAKE COUtYINDEpENDENT Lake County's BIg WeeklyWUEGNW KYSN_______ n L. XXVII.-NO. 17. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE 1NDEPE N DENT APRIL 24, 19>19. SIX L>AGEs *i'*o Il>li'l YEAR IN ADVÂNCE CIIINESE TO PRISON; FIRST TO R N A SSMAY S O OIO A E JT LOBES ROBE, WIFE RECOVERS IT$9 0 ID1 UTRATES TRETCUE 8 O o'GDYRAT UIES i;$0 ERI ONE SENT PROM LAKE CO4JNTY %May i, recatnized aes the ans ila IF>J ILIf yo0u ha^PPened ta get Iita a taitIl41 A - Les Kee, an el4lerIy Claineste wha Nlvn Day" will flot mean ýnfch - fA CE iyirbre and ride in lit ta th,, NU U 5P. C.; ba aee ccupyiflg a cell In the SEWE1.S TO BÀC ta Waukegan residents this year in i BKISK, LUiIII TAKE depoit and, enroute. you recognizedi TOBLE PRO VIDED TIE 'E O B E wûkswaremoed t7 the:tate ln- UP;d CE L RSoLL~ ok for lmue business a" fb:rP U PD RN EK bad had fot rently atte ing TO ASSJST THE CO ~herff rse. Ke wa aet-'î <tareYOu as<k questions? ltaukegan Man Unable to Find ta an indetf.rmlnat3 ten nt frotte ViSite(by the Most "Tre tondovtion of afar d ate. B. McRoberts Plc nGen_ h.' what Mer' harles BartwLake County ta Gelt i from le . "Il here Government Stuck ta #o 14 yelrl ,folo.wing lii pieui of Severe Rain that has Been brought ahout as the reault of tip'-c esee Street and R. J. Smith of N 'auktgan did -the other day-and' the State for Caring for the IdThe Promised Ralse. t'tility t rbbing the'Chinei'rP-a'ir- Seen in Many Years. r.ity for thbere are no 5atalabie plac'es theeidnR. od lte haband AI.SO sitartedl ask- eeia iuain isan onWsigto stet P eor cent. When people-move on calt. hrdn d od.gqes ton thenlt attention lira ee lStain bears the distinction, if suî'h il canl sal cs fht-rn-- aldt teerusacB USRmES -eNlîes.e ered oft cannai the finc' thin. sY Ity .ele and Trust Cra. Before we go any fartiter. bcie _____ ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wukgn lpe latr rn ai-a. osaý yéar far pecrulei wbo have plate.s -irae fluuunesse of the Recorders office for' ',nown thlal, the Nash-Iludson Ians.J connection with ttur' artiil,, îurluTt' aiome tirne ago, it a re'ported prison.,okgn pi - holding on ta Illstr for dear lfr',e ee enin Ami anager bas itS robe back. -.1re *the goui'rnment bâti raisedt tb" Incidentaly lthe "oin tcrn uir e Wau1u'gan had one of tier wu.rgt realitcng that if they give tirenur ut) it Number nf convvyanreis -117. rec the falltte in thes, coltuma a few (tsis ;,gr) ilet Mtuuq 25"%'. People âccepteul i;pnding t". J"iu t of K- re"ptll th', rain srrrs tha in v«, a, et lei witl hie next ta Impossible et finit NnbrrTcatlmrggat Ilccnh 'Mr t<r*w ~ n~nwihtsaethSntî 'wr Le overont>nt fitatempet and have tact that thé mystery of what t>ecamenîo any a year., qtarttng about six o 1nthn ie sso a or Number of Trusteed ant noutg -1 utoe$ for . Wro loakhie in R Coswr.o wakeh I't ia bt <imintor a irl:i Sa-n paying the Iioeaeaa !rvight. of the $6,014 stolen train the proprietor eloc< i- i inr1.Po the on an asutlth ere a4 a. d/on aroui,' l but according ta a WanJmegan of thp restaurant neyer ben ac tera re- fimtil weél !lito the morninr. th#- r.,in o aei afe nn ntnrsages-20. andi, in taking a Young girl lIo the! s'liut ti paissage of a r"'rtin 'fil bd ,the rate bas, Jumpeti more ltani ae d came down. in torrenA 'The stri" t.ý hsvae bl.en r~tt wbere îî<stanep mhroqA-yaniSiv place assigned, Il mas chtlly andi the' vaald hvebenreote whr, chale N rge of. Iryad ya robe watt wrapped about the patien. Pt Springfild 4eit,su in l'i:,ll!ig ;li > percent and In ail bisr enîeavor- Kre was mployu' i elle tr resatjr- wore covernal with watpr. tiaîy n-" tiave sought ta out atterra ty outt'evng Ttal unesf-srui't lt' irusac~ ar su1. tall Mr vetnvreal caýses in Illinois> tindIi ir' lie han tralen uenable fo fini] atIvan upt hrttm erîelt ers were tilork(,d anit iaîv a u'eliamr enTtlnubr" isr law e'n que:,tion it wouîrîmeurait nen. JIcillar case whî're t3re raisewnrbar to lc, ie was qut lnigbt ncaw fllted wtth w;.t,'r. a unil Incr -174t thn*bybD ie îfalrstow left the robe and later ne- <irrinu. vexense fcr lake andi,< i ]y 2 Pecen. i cetierM'odbibtter egagain he rt pithea Ifropreoreairodep.of wa iea"orl n mnv nstacesl. lot ha, ota aca'tPr ee(ted o taafem e. n intstancesoCouatisndlors offieharge erceî nha ifroi1,er iag m'audie becdusr- %liqf feic t-eirgi i Rier' a enbrs n oiaqiefrotao ea ir vate a.>' derea tba pe fl tare ;>aynmr restaurant for ti' salit the, mfaio nc-ninl'y<vef~ t ii wiopirte 'oi lnu'i'easei the rent oC their plar'y et aboustnes asee.iblkanlli wiliti' fore.t aboîîiien Itqeraiot as tue we.uie tluerationlrwa ic. i hv Ont aujicli In~ -r.-'inin 'h, thelr bordera, tftic tl ei . )lrîw et £0,Pecen m rifrivh tmi awiraies m naer]Iokep tsirýi 1 Thi' foliriwlnz are the marir, impatiire. landi slfice' i tars It Senator Sawift IyG .Ttl) ( ~~0 i~ tîttir-rame ber,' front C'hicagoi on a lutte lneumngili ie. ettnts for theise la no plaü,i fier anRire palr.ývi' a is tyG tTal - gil daivien urmr beff-tc 25p trin one Siunduiy nîght seieraI weeP enaceaat ea tovte. o cae li.' ri 'îkeii ciC) etuncaltent a taxi. Sti' a-as going ta (i- tng ass.istant Murgr'on or thei I9 . t as o m tc goui rwldIrui ara i- The titre'ra gang sas 00 Nai', A aiaoaa:rl 0ut.e ago . t-'nroîtî'f tri the devlnt. qh.' r.'- Public lleaith Sy'rvlc. i, iiitiri'sting gr iere lis ain Illuistration: t'iîat i' sur thle manhbotes ira!4 ~'l h gta ta 1ii th1iSi tue"i oftcinzi tc oe St s lie andi tinie>. It shows t'al fiue Matl' the ow oif thii restaurant. A nio!OPening h'uh oiigbtiwhereppeapte iaehd otilt h 1 1 ii os inr ogiri hrb.Si s rlh se icago sd aîle va tn b.tîme later a Policemaniu dls<nîi-ri talis jo a'.ar to clear the cara-sniiis riai tw r splt 1endid olffers ta slI ttueir honteil sesa corner Northt Ave. and Masseit dri"er where lue, got lit anti he "s*al la i0.. considering Iîî'ptng L.a Ite err iag a tnd ThIa ian anie k)rcPnrp in the, Place snit placer] himoui' lhe seac-rq 'o 'arry iitf flei cr"-t fillhaerftidtdosfr ig I (P leUCutycreoflae lentac af Ilte tta ton.'~u Thsmrnfçardielnerar t h. Y have found that theY iiIi tengtleIa"fa id - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b n a c of wete Ir'r ce t li f t;25 'rr un e rrs .dg b s tt'lan e ii dito o tthe Jemp Mat iuin s o n t W ih i "h e rf the taxi ai tte le ai. i a ý the extent of ul n of2 e n rfo .-3 Ther Soldan'tt na fthî', tain ioin thur- nenit itestrabhle quartera for tltem ReN i' e fr Ilickorv St., north of Thisrd St- tt her hiiuini was there 1'ii lbe letter front 'ir 'ivfiir 1,,"" The prpilarofW sncbi farce and 'a <ch voalumie. fin ti : ota reason Ma'. 1 twilln 1 front T. .1. Stahl fotr tndiî'atrd :5»for ber and ;bhe rplati i te circuni- sror Swtfe t8 Z-4flîit Nov tirn, rouai fvnîî tire mini' 11, l "i< ~~i terlicrt N. iitr anîl wifr houighti stances ii, humewli In reference ta aur crtuversat ian of T uegan u:ied Io be3 , a ton. il he liait 1,4 lai 0 tl.ll, aa <ý ell n'c.inin iIi snd go in Waucegan withoi il(-- tt<e J Il. Nictn-birts place on vauýt An oCharîle walku rivrtit April 16. t a'isb ta ,;tatt, thntîuvitt ifle f~<, andi li puý off tri.- tu'iîî tiau feir Ih stetcra' l tt" asionlng an>' undueé fiîtrry' 1 nia tion of incrf-tive ha.s be<'n applici ,uu't.K" adiîîitti'u tuai g tik,'n fi, fi'r ofMro ntli ' 1' ;etrrt- -srr'N -aea 1tInrhO uatn uirkto itero>~.a p"pito am.dcbvti'li ti temie oWakga a mne'bu nsst-t e al tlilî i re uW'*' ,.tipletcly Initodal" t thi SCHOOL BOARD ALL I4OLDOVEnS t"ory Ave'. for $520,) 1 vecognreut Il an lits snd tiace asked I ty-fjr.ut Ce-freral Assemi?îuy in acord' Inta m 'inag ta W aukegan . a i one a t ('n s e he h trll i s i restat f th ei %sea 'r bii g uflalîli ti i On , r ti re er>' fr. iu te tl F ias l"i ns.Iriitii houiglit tiire Rl y. the drier wbere h a, rnt it. an e 'ît t e rc m n 'u ttol o I r Ch c o t a m îîî'h a f iran t n o , e î< o a wh ile th e p o llii 'tit 1;în s, uýd c a r r y o f t h e w, a te r . h - . îît . c u r o n t h e' n e w î ' ce < e t e î i y S m t lie u s " r n i ' u th a n rl S " ri ta n " o u e a f y o u v b u si n e s s " s ati i e -' t5 o î' r n c .' l c. -î ao o't h e a ufnt 1 ua l ong a mt c fro nt n w lis . ussi' Tî "' 'uî"e sa dite ta tbe tact tal suen rihe strer" ciîlel! fwaîsgs ll le fu lsl trltt rii Iu en or < tie, a dn ' "t l> un. taa'6 0 0 cvriî h ciii' ftt ha DIvsio tai Socid Ilyglenesio for Wainngýi -iltti ta rdl rn ieli smn.ta trot of the *alroadsl. a-'c-'to,'iit i ,u nîuuîuu v 1 <-il'IV car lompany made Ithe ;iclui 41 se.rtor schocil board li> muel)r" dicsteîl ftan gavlt ie bleik irivt ail.DisonfScallyeefrmn blany persans have, wonieipi utl i. cimptlcitv in the. affuir. TIi" g,.ui14' thoir truck-;> at that -ri.,r. the iU'Tii.' ternis of ail member" Oif fue. <ler fuor i.2e0'> RaidtttleIt 'Iir. IîîirstoW I ycar beginning Jul> nrsl, 19.19, tîere yenii brar exptreid ah Italir Tnse (']rivetr IyrneigaaieaIemitn aukga n prîp Thorav , lit iiiI n trei d 001inuitluti K '-' tu nter seto wag remoicil Ira antiý ago soit they have been "l. rua er' o, utvil oie<nlaancîuujrtsel otc Tî ti r vrneigaaibcalc uioi tr erp tint motth TOIi re ha nired he m- sui Teloa' trmt"inetItîru h tht ta;,' holding office berauge tIii'for nromin'al con'.lderatilonewêeyo o lrn Ifroni he avc'.ed or (te exei'n t 1 1 ; manhole o the tppoeirrtude ofb>l'el sureonc'rs nehelhaveonalene appint-uIliviirth'hiutztI'J Ili'nulemsiîrkrneyer rhave hesni appointrtiimNortf Indigent rnereJ ill\ dis hth s foa om a. the stfw Non a tuaihli -mvyiHuit aîtin'inknat tgt"saittIlr toamintofinien tniress<la 14S~ etrr dock -rnai theuat fai clial intî usri.te The terelas of rive mr'rtev o n s ioit boucrht the ('<v? t .wa(.ii. ntos'. ease >'on uL.ake Courit>. 1111- tthcuse -ar thie prosent board expireti 4,'%- yfqenîrJ ter tuîsa el <iiiortil site ilt, SIX. un1i The driver a'oîîdn'l. tlalrsltaw n'lis- the suint of $901. Itdv-lp hutvcitt' tteRes NThe lowali listwe>'n W'nuuufeg-111 ag<othe termrai ob othller M\(-e ex a-est of Park Avr- for indic.itt ains h-, coriltn't. The wvîter la familiar witu tii>' éit- t Compan>' tiait 12 nitslv toade ' e W and North C'hicago. a'ec- or S!>' - plîrüd a euir aga. There la conit $9010r rve paddtatterbentini aeCuny n elz Itee -er hOPet! ____ erl speculation as ý. tie aipci:n- -in Lake Forent: Ratp Tt Itrailia Meptbc nbscrbt'r. flair 'that on accouent of the location oif the, ed ta %Vatikeszan. Itoweier thet výX lirph ,I'il' W 1:i 01' h:)i faoii ted ienti tha aitIo beIaet' I 'ttrai ohn ot4 , :t:tnt and soit to' 27mrhl ni nGetL sNvlTann r in Wau <egan luarbcr made il loiut. _____________ et ll epr ' .'usrri îigr e R ase te tor a OI hofic an it sd Greti lak cNvale Tanihng tr ibet et h paj o hdparia of W aukegan anit Northit 'tna When lthe ternis of Diye inembers Ali .Uilifo nomnal co nir 'rnthe depot. inrbes of large numbers 01 venereally and ccorlingY te coplaiay, file t'Flier Prm. bgo, he ater aailup ta thte floor lei NIT lthe 'board expiredtiece yearis ago In Htighlaundit Pr'>' Louis F ,r "lot- gainîlr ta put the rab>' in the scedpra#.ndoaclnt0 delayeti the shtpm.'nit pi odinîr parle, Aprît 23.-Pimrtesdet Wisls a souatlk'..Uaîre. The fuvmttY nu ge-pac ade appointes Wo tihe ér0e andtiarife boughu tie Carqiet- offiée and If YamI cao >rOe abisre the activities of tocal Officiai'; in tit o rdgn f the harboar iv tii' flatt>' deciared thi4 afternodi tat pruicticaîl>' driven out. Ienauinog yesr. These aPPOItnlentsq ville place on Itazpi Aie, for 3200you l 11t, 1 wli gie i p 4nisedunorcement of the Re-ulaltioo of Ith wealbt n i aI ork. Itai>' carnaI have lume. The passet On Os'( sîrcet lthe water %vus (If' acre fnet vatifieti by the other ment- Itenlaînin E. Solomoît bo<igltt. ie. lrtairstow as the taxi manD "toee State Deparmont. r Publie Ill Si it As alt a i tuec ln etg lio rrii eut ion Of t ii seaparl la t he banc f aiich 'leptit n t hr e str et thuil auIiiuiî liera f he City con i si on anti V. A C ' 'lulnian 'lace oit norti -'u da r e s at hin i t t e a rpr li nabon o f vtititov ,4 al esantibar, tic Relas ('oifan' iý contention which hasa rcsuited in tie batd diffilt plawing tlrogt-1t causýe thelr appuiloînlents WP' u'"re JuîaasotRuerWIllus BT iinuaual rerîatI.i buttien huis ' y ta slart boatà coming ft M'ail- Itallans tireatening ta vwithdraw fram tarmeti a vertiable river. confirment tile ni-a appoîntee of tic Avea for $000t andt gave <Iack fruqi Th, driver neyer c-alleit for theî p'aced ut, ui ti Le C~O u itv gan. As tanr as tite bouts udtant. thc peece canference. Cars Delayed imayar coutti not qualify. The et I dedr for $-00.oeadi gi ete nteBl- WuiM'ukcutan people orhoulit l-91 Nothing isci remains but foraI>'1y Testet cars were dliitOff, membr o tite hasard helti aver ti,r'i A ria Dental,;.11 Ditneo toi,-k totW auto, s cuise of mercI>' havtît lput in tltctv rosi fuir tir' m inter, ta but put their thrcat into exec'aîion ' anti on duruog the heur>' doanpouv cause thie îuaynr woulit oet listen to dîI p thek .'nnoSî'noa'rpet No Cheoper Pricen 'arbc oi cmtiu' nd in neyeraI cases the cuirs stao'i 'a camprinaise. year ago th may or lîoc 10> an 12 '"<nu loeve aNik hontetw oayT RE E l.~cl cul mrclantsdevare ine Thck Ititn demleatesY fatdtaa titi for ten or fittefen' min'utes it tut tnt offer ans nea appoinieota toule t'ark and part of sectîni 19 amunld n naium li oefuntus jq~IUgA ~1usw 5 ' tt 'ti an> citenpir îuaîî-t(sils e d tc cneCs e tt fen o ing f r t ep oaer to conte baCk o . Ian dl he otti menîtuer s cootittuci t , '7e f,iIuutrvilite T rewnah p or $7 010 at' it h' îxcu .U I I K L U A I tner no acata b ip ef ura te dth o<'rcetisate n o of T'hirs in<tlyp itn Per' n s gefting b iî over. Titat la tir' wa the tatt-t! In narnirint' Fried i olpio n loouk va.lete he axc bCL O f A K It .I n fui t It he rc t i i ' r ni Mr. W iuon palntcd omut tat tic con - I ouk ý I anstan stands naw titi.' imiuter sîtevitI' tirn n to t' " i jC BUILDING BUT 25 C. HIG HER fR E1 S>I IV Â T ER CO . li n L t t h e rin o haiet an T it n a s n I l c îm i a î 'h e st oires riorth <if 'M aison sîre t F'ollow n g i. a 1151 of uhe bo air dt er lirntiîrty «<v n W Valn ,u îit Ap t b rl Raîila nas - 'ii' tt I ii n il r i, Tii r uteea silpru siî win, ies' n e Lndistn at th time< thePiitrait Circ<uit acre atithoîît lght membeu> front flire fisc tqatrain uni Ma fo'rnttot iil-mtrTi. Ilge 17, tý b" n- ttpc ut tf~ off on r . T h i s ta c t ti f < ti s u r ri i a i î t bn vi ete reLo d b ' li ge d t ( 1 9 1 5 )a u h a v e ' car a t t u e s t u r in g tIti r luo rn io g a s Ine g a n : M tPr' i e rai t ' l fu i ll eu i aff il e r t, > ' lo tn g mn t h - I l a IlI <t t l 'h " if' Otr a c c u a rt t t p.e r o i , ia luso A u stro N tu n g a r> a nti tic c ata b tîs h' a re su t r tro u b l e' ui t , pltan t d îI i F i R S T M I t. R DI r ý ( ý d t ) ý - F r i j ni i d n a c i l e % i l ' » ý m h ' 1 f e 1 0 Y e a r F i gh t o v e r th e vîne r t a u în tim s. tît duit ',' 'as m e t c i e a k n a l . H e tri tic Ineai> nain. t r. M -t KalI o%5 hi T ri'n xpireI l in t ri v itfo fro $r >, : Th is t he urgent pIes 01W ' C 1101l W ater R ates, C ontr l of C o i mnitd lia thie e acealkanferenci T.t vanuIuaa , mii ru ri)" , s Ran ag ndau Aiglista %Ir% Pr hiuiti lister, secretar> of lthe W5alikcgan duction hevefore1-, ulua filtai the unlltt "nrcnienn'c 10 -1 M.r'srtu urî xic 2i te tank I-t Iad 'î pist On irtiteas'- '('taner of Conmmerce. la urgliig V'i Changes Hands. dn u c ion th f oIt ciI f alun> tueh apie m ua t appl> tie pn n i i amtb i i t~an>' te iîuîu'q ole c. orlut n eIr afied in soi turutth moan"lri Ito aa anc oe thon'ple esalse SECONtiýnc agt.) rt<not W nS!Vitra. for; tsking aoît of oîenîitersliilesl t' cotiueuîin tti' re"'îy > l earr'.sticc. andtihli 14 pois IIl isa, tnrvatuatule tutihen soit anrl ,a-arsuo tiaia.nî'ut t ont e tthituIil the Pr"nt gel ea iat cniin twson ftoe CO )%lAR nfAsly organutei Btulingoî andt ( taii vrntravniýbiz rab>. uIt'n gPunes o1 lie sp ',fers. J. C. Fl.,vi- Teni empiret 1 rank A. t' 'iv t"iîîi titlIe t.' IY Association bie.. Mr,. lollisuer OnY'% Tii> wat>'n .nrppt>y ira Lakie t'or'5t rd CasI. TItus alth the> iteiii'iîiit tBY 1l.,il' P>.-55J son anoit i, cauuied seigetatian ;and' year auto Olcoit pri'pevt% r'iat lit i'r N'illitsuu h hlas taîkei witit experts wtî n' sterîlhiet 'if litigation for teu veia nuay ha ird CORIalcit <ban, Ilitt i0l 1îii bjd lo esta worth. Il alan se'rîcdl Mrie. N, .1 Rotuert,--Terni em"rci stre fr $1210. uni a p , u:la.i to 'knond ît ai, tîmui 1 b>' ceaîn by a ucirttait>i-a. rie.itay.* It as annotince i lItre' business ra he sanr mare rosti!.e o b ilti m am uhouagh Il ougit ta lue 'inp- tParls, Aprit 23,-A membPer of lietavahaath etmlt.dti-2enr;goInZn('l,: eeaf.ird c;% h1 Shaor tite dmofrencu-intus 'iii lan have baken up tic peahe Ital- Pîurii's oif tIte ainter ln fine, stialue. TIIRt) W'ARIl-- Iju'ghl ttie freiner Koisir houa>' on ing materials etîreati> li114 cante icwn rinen of the town hll puniaset (lie difernc i itýý o trt hvaie roenupthepaac cn-Misas tar>' . ilutlîiteui , 'ltr n ý "I v-est 1it ' Kizaiiliut .'av>. StIt't ,f but there, lin liî" aI> n clIanC inc' tterest of Gecargei'otnle, ctîlu' loi-k- toi n f t ha io t e fr ont s MiIl - ference, liaI P ým er O r and o w l __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -pen t eur ugo. li«tth mtceet for h aleteIs go n a > I a er fr andîentuaer îo trr s t ia aei i ellt e t ke l'or- tusoie 1)lih anidi Turît txpree baac Tr Warren' L.awren-e Wîe. lanih ecaee nt îest i ab ukee paper las apropos in conîte- leavee 1a).i atrtd liain eliee 2a1n TBEll nt- veursit [ asb passIbao v . f he d le. t o n o k a s ,f Iî b aîtchl the '<vin W ait 40 aer s% I n o m d f i t er bit n , T ie stock w uiS o ugitn y E'z ra J. *~~a possible.nM i a. uk 'î a.< tara ag~~ 'X E T[ F ot' T .t f r e t tt t lt n c f b ili W ar er , Dbonal di P . a i ,'u î< an al T i o u a t l a i w a k e ', a t h e P> e c Rc T I Iv 'u 5 '.X R I> -t a i n R e a r d o n N- . i s e c . I .. f o r $ 5 6 11 1. o t a tc n i t. . > f o f l t o t re n I l I a n - w29 s aa n alIt lie ',0 cents. IP h l c nference m a>' end su m manarîyIlv n lv >'(%)v h u h dd u t i. T e ('11)" Y . ars o ie etigrfthi'lie wiiiaul acconplilsiing tie dire M161 TO P YPrty-Tertu expirer] t year agit. jtn t: AW.(cuau îuh per c",nt <-5r ,v.,it il si wu yc'avrstaltokn lie tad I ~ ~ eie ut metngofth L. P.'vnimrd 2 tPi Salomnon Duritiiatr prOtertytitollckl vlut-lul$25.llu.rtl *arriers' associaition luit Tltursiat. it sui$. _____ran sue.i scV1Efr$14n.pacicly vrIIfin!ail ori evelant Tit>2 nuame rt>' asiti ni" .y - iyears ag i), W h tasu i sih ec. i or $ 2 0pera a sent tht t h oito <h ý i p raait , r'er ia u ' u .u,' lu n; ____ IIlF"Pli WuARD- It Avon anul WnVrrpn' t.evtas t1 materîasa but a fffth of the et s-rlt h urtue- I.s stI $5utiler Chiceago whitte 42U½ cents %vinlltir Waukegan Bonds t i J 'Mecat unî xiei voiI tî îi'toîe..tlIsIltca f lcner>star]>pr T- eta uu rotîicuiu'« " t for<e Sîtpcvor porta. Titi' Failed to Bind rCole tarinot ri10 acres lit N.t>2,tse. cent gobng toto ltimon Wl Ilte crin- Ter- mien are, ffteving 40 ci nb- for' Man___ faill CallO at Tes rt>uir yarru 27AatndNW.itpe7o arn falydvtcgsleofblti we h ,nqni adIl iy h le Soperior and it 5> cents, for NIIl- i.. Praues . W. BIlui, ueiet Terni exr- $1- o Rai rav bc t rret tpaflt ar.'icit scaly îîfgn tirerit'lyîti1npe aueMierteaetui, oee' lrs. Clara E. Volîz fiied auttt Office Kicked on Taxes, jpîret 2 years ago.naitecoto bidn titirant arnî uile i-itizi-ts 1 <'.(centa a Marst th thte quesion deevr Saw lelef tr rett'uîRe -a-o> ltlt for li10.tkct'. tn ucconie bigher vcdi year.tîoiatgtiis a,îr"'tta>- Ili bue take ta th(le shippiOg btoard the Muncpa court La mor, d_____ li tak zîîriqt' lntltt Itheai Ttrlus noiefatr rbii 'q 1~< ttt T2eat-ien; ln m a t dfn al 1io c fr n t r h u b nftb a a n fu ir he t A n d r w C o o lie b u h h - o n I i n p a n l r s i 1 e t i aWashington. tadn aomb divrc frohn tberi Olacrid tn PrA maîapt h e , l1..Mr uk betaierrfot beig pointei out us aua"ment Tho mateér was iem'u ltou thte Frank N. Vraltz. The' cauple accu-I Aa' for caîtiefl tri buidin offic ri(,' ti'<Id,"rernk htuaicll rn OR&R ORVIS: "GET THE" niarrtcd at Waukegan April 23. Itîlj.~ 1Lake ('mnt>' treasturer, Roy rlaer"'r lthe firtht warr. ai- appfoirteit Ia 11 a'11r$551 o ulin n.Tu ~ieo et ha.' bolen thî're es,-' sltc" anti ln ber compraidint Mmrs. Volt, toa a d sotanîi tri puy tai taxes., the' posaition as sccrettr> anti no mi hoh reon A. ( otuitr t ertni tuas tapett inecet ant il ta; mari', MuIntIme, l 1. sali,. fil quait>' of in Cicao ýedn,4da, f4le*tlcharges bier hushandt altindon- Ile was giventh Ie reccîpt andtIhere1 eî'er ias appointet Icititi tic vaetenr of rir acrîýs la S. E. 14 sec. 21 fuir eoonclt ar oronhmývae n evc u eeita dge~~ ~~~~ ~~ t.n ihriri tane' t n er S ealga Itth usIeu pt b tegait ta d cry lte methada l t ln proba bly> thé. tirst fitte in t Pî thaanigaena> I i is t a l re l t s dot ti sr $51lmI is b<u l o i Ovie, of Wauik>gao anti <'Iinugo, ve i-ausainîr for taone titun twa ycara aitd foltoivet 1n taxation ln lte tate,' hîstr of tlie cil>' Iliat ail inema trusedfr$70 Idrti ens hc r rvIe or esaoe pasittng thte trustelca anti tuick. flat ln titis tuere site han tieurd nohjwnigUp wttb Ibis easungof the boardt txepltertre rus InitetYvv forre L. 7b11 ' ync te bulitin aciapvtion t cor ese Plan>'. Onrai noatte.l changein worldly. codtin inbrytlc AIfretie Ii. ieib reauring poile bui lng tiany tasso cia I 1 Pai II>' faucn gi biders tn thnic Back Diatîtunî Oil I-g trati bin. She Rskate tttccags0wrtiyctdtosI b.ofiet ii înîr baught about 7 ai-ne, In S. F. i4 frotpsbtfoanul yneahora Tcnwcoltigfcuî>gtt-

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