1 aW"m--%_________ce____ Of STATION I9 i Claude S. Mler, a Wounded Marine, Says They're 'Fnest Ever' Claude S. MiUeér, ntlited States Ma- line Corps bas a soft spot ln bis bout for the nurses at the Naval Hos- pial rbo bave beiped hlm regain bWth,êlt l n France while 1gb t 4V muke the vorld safe for de- Mbdlcted to the Great Lakea EUUI le the.tolowing- bit Of rhyme 6rM 111eV' peu: Thi. Morue.on tPubsStation AiS ceertmi nd pretty and &sveet. And take It front me, you salors. Tbss girlsamare ard to boat. Ver ian't no bad atter ail. And aul of .I n ot a curs, Wbéamater the roar or battis Tôt met vith thga kin'of a nurse. neo Miteur boy attersi ho lai, Or bmytaittered m"nay b icon. WUa nometo prow! hm arcumi no hab.r«Échioange bis position. S beul*I.8V* to. supine I.qIÛO Ofauima aOfbu Maue, iw hW we tesiupe br tubalI , , e b ep~.t ,1mb. oew tei Il v0oia utie. 1wsuw %R.w au lauau Urese DOIAN a. MRTow b.iu.t.ry Work of Evers- Dercri~~ipn lorrespondence 250lIcIte ô16Gueieee St DY. . L. TAYLOR OMM Mb FnI Naulmidemi3%"" in Sesiieseson Bodv.y, opposite Part nom" a8 60 12 .M-1l %0 ô.M. dGyci Fret National Bank $ta" Piomel1". £m .Phone 157J. Leryliliole CHAS. N. STEPtIENS. M. D. 1PRIUCUAIIam u SJRaO lYeam InAui dfr Blâs OMM «ouoa. T"mL la lbsii m m 0,. fil DTrrDRFRED. UbuuWvl I§ Ifliol. 1*1 &.ri. CANMELL lV*ubuy D"Iq DR. J. .KYNDBMRG la tyvllh Tumauamd NÉdiqAy m orà *UUTVVIL, ILINIS $ UboeyvUIe Illinos 3... me.mois T DIES IN CRASHI BUT WEEN AN AUTO. AND STREUT CaR Anoth er Waukegan Man has Concussion of Brain, Three Others from Here Hurt. TRAGEDY AT KENOSHA. One Wbukegan Miln was kllIed, un- ther from hare uferid a concuumo'n of thélebruin andI otheuts, »oMeafrom the Ciy, were badly bruleed andI ahalc- en up when en automOle ln whlch thejr worer .dngcollided wlth a ateel lnterburban car et Keneeha Stin-dy The Dm: 0EORGe T. SMITIl, 421 yuum ce. 1708 Neortb Avenue, Waugaa, hcbod Warka;; mlffersd a frastaic et'-the Sk.11 and leternul lnhJMwlîPugMd mmuy'uet. LCatiaoeIfVS aoptal, Ceneh, Suardy mesulI&Wa 1: n.àase. ai, 114M 4ià 1. wyde1i Z4 . il. eeOiUowe usmi beulahbutdey sai e mHAUN? A. BMS.l . Uhaulia ,NMi, Wauaa, bW~endsi aM& go, h b so e rot" hmi *uab- Wuukemn; uMieMi pinaM beulas bu t reo!it e foW ~' m< s'aiea5r dey igili fls'aalmgte t t*0 the inj" -0mein*seet tihe Party recelved the bot of homPi5al etten> tion. Pýra Mi UrlSuoouer or the Kemo uah Bnou ata eero&av«" filma of Mir. aihI, Nu ixtlulna anme bile vios tIc metoet bappusci. Me wum taking tcmenslas 1hmachine te the depot vbeaithe accident ocunrsi )Ir. BNWkon uoavanot but *srloulyr ,me éther tares occfutntsihie àau' homobils vers reaients of Kencaba or Chîcugo. Nov Crash ilappened The fatal crash occrre ah th,' corner of flizabeth street uni Salsmn Avenue. The automobile vas quin est hiliethie car. oas ofthle ieavy, 011-steel type vue runnung vest. Er- biskon i. smid *0have urni *0 une aide to avoli the treet car,. miv un autao-blie aPProadhilgast a reli clip, became tonfussi andI turned buci again, only h acrauh inho, the heavy car. Occupants of tise auto 'vere huirled to the pavement tiie front of the. macine belng rabesinUicaun eggh$. An ambulance vas summoned antI the tvo rmen. Mr. Smih and Mr. striang vo Ivere bured ths mach srloml vers rubsi t. St.Caher- lac's Hoapitil. BotI vere uncon0claus uni It vas bulliovi len liai bath bai suffée skulli %t#tuea ReIati've Are Notifleu tira. SutI ai beun la <hcugo uni ii not returc ta Waukegu nunit evenlng. ehortly before ton o'clock sic vas Iccaffli h the WankeMn police uni vas Inormed o!theie ccI- demi. Bbe bdrrile, ho enosba la an autoffAbule unirq"mu i vth ber buabani utIl ihe last. ltitras Meutela athse eveulus wbia thse Sirag onow levaaetc il. »Mdent. fUsa. BOtaa41 v a I ni csuaIt tamaie c" " &a utir trtawg snsMd ami dtut huruési to the beislde o fthbels tuIler. remuelau viii lim au i 5110. Mra.Wg teai the tlip te kumeela 'uw morlas. Dr. Jr C. Plie,'vu a ufl it .e au una. à mlii mi"e vus-. mmedi£ronm iDpwmko. Ur. 11ey nesaled ai 1te Ioeuw wamuI 5ujm ter lilbru e r 0Y Ge9«"eV. SOMM vus bus ai eve. bMi. bs. ' Us dms te laIssa. eteà oM pa» au tue, mmSms wu ecasmi ahI t»e"m NoUe ast.' [ b am Wi Iani t»ý lala Mathiev Rattaielic~a tkc Imagma Stau Noue Imbu eu melksi 111.à&. aDutoili ilui mlx »usam mei ac uuth liq@ Ur, Imithbai bues resalastle babouseslose. l Ecaldats wia alo.lave ivo meus. Ms. Mdv ci17, Mmd Guerge Jr,* usei là. aies a Blter, tmms.char- lus Hanuea. Tuul WauaiaY. 8:44 A.,M. eai hIe clmh ofethie ha Mueulahe (commotiorn vlhintrmwu I touai Carmel, cllcago Mir. Slta sreimalas vee braauit tu Wublfflsuadu normlsg aMd Tu ommes vn~iU WT É :ITRSDAY. -MÀY 1. 12h wv.pieuilauthé, Comimi WeeuulMmd Peteruéfi- undertaklng parèe. Ta Ketoaha on Dumneel ..Mr. Smith und. Mr. Nrlckm"og X onqeaha ba been MoInde for yemrs" Mga. Smith mid. "'Mr. .Smith took the ÎhrAe o'cock train to Kencoha 8atorday' aternoon touses Mr. Mlck. aon on *a motter of busînesa. Mr. Elekson *a» tuklog Mr. Smithi tathe degiot whsn thse acident happene." Au neariy us can bu iâeaud -the other men viso vers ln the cqS ut tise tîme the accident bappeadvere picked Up on. Uiheruy to. the -depot. Mir. Smith lnivtlng them andI aukîna tbem to ride. TRIEUTE DY FRIEND I"There ilia man lnlaWaakegau in. dutrilicIMclea ho vfll b. missel more than George Smth, the bolier. muletr. ,Thaela lho other expert boiler ma la the. cmumulty and iii.. glu.. vii bu bflard M Iii t: ha wus a amker-Iaob" mud on. Waukugan uap toiur'Wvho k»ovs hereet bo auejMl3fSor &««&dSi.the boier uguA et trai e l-onte vbl umot anidne' or Vas oVq9iovded. -Welge Foer b3 iua i t la t ath i do om»blle qPr - »M hsat r ave te bu wo* imi a aw« te de tbu vowp et tU04i ileue.03&b cas bu la. met 7et qçm5i-fork'0 me. tci uts«W o leaat.. #vue ma- qua tcdiewte -mleurit, vem viat Woodi iauftez11 msetbc Wur ed mm rnlgt mt ulv-ufli Utlm aimtffl beuhaneela lft- U*te Tihe onneveàsg am « sthe uver«* esatimumu ilat bfl leam atliu Bahs vuS be, mf1mmSla the 41» tics aMi beeause a@ . euimmi ferai lm Proidw aut tài on W b. eut uba hobu dclruieiuotud, tia Mr. Ual. awouicmaliklyW"q subi ceei ta 'laurtl place;» thuir conclu. ieme vone tat beccue r trusn ba" nIL~ qualfei, tiiut r. Bals daim vi oul e mushio.uile. Oouporaftls ouamel Dndeu y y sncb lu mot 'tie casu. ne un Ota ema thOueh Mr. Sb'ang a met quael lieid, fIat ln a c a es os.mt survve bis burta. ibat St vouli ho Up t. the ther tour men leated to office te select the. &th amjfoloviag the. rame procedure s if a vacupcy bai occurred ufter a&l bai been @eseediIt lu argt.u.d that a nahra course then of course, under tue clrcumuitances could be ta elcct bMr. Bals because ho vas i111 mu, lu th0eluction. IIILD ON CARi IJNEMOON AUTO P Two Fort Sherida Soldiers *,ho Eloped with Girls tô Aur- ora under $2000 Bond. ARE NOW IN COUNTY JAIL. HermunTeuico and Willam H. Davis, Fort Sheridan soliiers vho vers arrested ln Jlisi luti eek vltb Ivo Chicago girls on a clugeof heua Jng an anilimdbll. ln Aurm ora. vra. ralgned before Justice Cortez a tic at the City hanl. $!.W vMl ipreilm. lmarY -examintilon uni vere hbld ta the grand jury tddasbolé t 82,0 eOaci. A. ]IL -abn ci Céer Rapid, lova, over ofitheetoMe"a gauin.a> Peamid dilusi the iclilu, TIl. sida, mise Au» nt"crm. 19 The saremine Axm un mdlon, 1e »Mrac. amMiNUNotioeJadmmmh x8 are botebola lu<b. Am' isiasinau« thle A SI bu110 uhargebu boom %ulahi ut ua »" WV f.f-:Tedtma iDevis ame thut ir 'P ",e tî îEnV béa maniai te tbia tuu u JOUM et . «I um biavd à tuepo Am t u us14 lot 26W nudutiOdL «c Moab poit et Ingle W. lx$m& . KELanum ist %leswite ae' AÀi te "a1" Uwùmà .EldlMi Paui. DedMi- J. A. lJedim mi"vift te A. I. MoitI Av&. Aud. Im*uin.W. 8. pogina Werfutakte Walwm Daab. m. loeu-le aMde i 34 1 . Drm 0M. NoriChien.'W. D. M.410 Oi. ausete WILmagem i lrw& ma jàa»»Amw" p i. MAKE MORE MONEY DRAIN' THAT WET LAND DO IT NOWI Ca ARTHUR. L. WEBSTER AMICIPAL MAD DRAINAGE ENGINEER PUONES-Esainee288 OUise au WJIEATON isILLINOIS NIE WILL SHOW YOU THE WAY TOBACCO SLAVES. ATIEunTI «0 matter la wbat furet 100 u e obule obncia. pipe. ciiarutl. ClavIe C0 Triléea Wl i 1break raU of the habit â a fse dais. lemuat borne trotient. a tmoo.eiouo. no reminfiaurai 1 work o" bajness..m- sicknesll or nle from tocbabil. Wby not roui if ion realiy cigh tb quit lte ose Of 10- baco. cuite un for particulrar afloi a- montais. A. P.Hi & Co,. 118 N. LaSaI1e T 1m6ý qWàL et lMM la Bec. 31 aid 3 Fr«»o u,0*1 Ma i n meC.a3ami d La Ovzuip. Q. C. $100. AMUti .X491man und iitdbcfli et i tp Chas. N. Jack W. r8 test a 182 ft blo"c 20 MeKais lui Aid.Wau- . ., Parker andi viete tlames Oaflabaa. N 28 test 9S%310lot bock 5 eortliWest Adi. Waukeguu. W. D. $L Mairy Pojedzinka ho rank Chudsiak and *ite, lots 6 block 13 North Chii- taie. W. D. $10. Amdra' Lwondo'LY ni vite *0 Aiigumt Olchosi u ni vifs. lots 19 and 20 block 84 North tCUag. W. M. Xut"erine E. Eenrg 'et eai *0 lu- huat Kea, N 60 test a 481 test E 94 110*i 27 Plat EBNlghvb1oO& Q. CQ Nutur in chance"i ho C. J. Jocu * fU fee« lot 18 bled i 1Sulul M arne RourtbAdi. Wankugam.Demi430=41 4L Ob. .fter aMd vifs ut ai to l4 Item Ustmuier. 30 msrs tju .3 U e. sa, N.vscgt tovnsblp.W- a.41 eg* closmer te Ja N. élousr mm % Melaa3-aiseumimami t mt.tw«ài. KCL a1$I î6gàt NF $àlot Wm tAkc aw.~. ao.a m .«Miite W. I. in Ro b* lbU aita ,migb1 .. NalnIPark De»i01&. s* 1 et1. cSiu m &JL3. o* r. ApBéuli. Md,18ww.ta a 4r"d8i F. J. Wai. ikt 18 150*Il Uevla Nl aie" m 1'. IL ndeit mi vute a " IN MI M Llot M7 blok 4 Baviml Rlghimis. Nijuami Park. Deed 848. m..m arthutiaui vit to J~v L me Kal Walh. laB9bloc afw leurs . I rion aMidlabd *0 3L W. UMleb lot 13 bleu 1 r#omdui W.-P. -Smith a"i sifute Brume DeSutois. (ftuptca ILR) a. 3U ft lo18 0? flsiool q C. 8"8. ML a. Wou.l damivute t. C. W. Hfeaým d uivIte, loi15 ami 18 150*32 Bauebelle s& mb. hgooi. W. &. W. Buttueu lito Amma isi.- emil ani vite K 34ftet lot 83lioe'est lavn a, muegan. @W. 1D. $10. C. W. Tesydeeksi a ifiteatJ. W. Fugua.West goseit4N. hait lot 57 mHbgvooi. Q. C. $413. o. N. Plililpa ani vit 0A. 1U Webb uni vifs.? acre.N aide of road ln 8 B V. Sec. 17 Lbertyvîlis. W. D8 $1. C. DI. Street uni vifete *W. J. Oste, lot I9lBouclette nul> of Bagfle Point Fox ZAXa W. 1D. $10. J. X. Marvm amd ivite, P . E. HUaCdinso, lkt 3 8>* 33 Luke Bluff. W. D. $10. April 28. 1919 MMtargnerita 0. KMPhuilpo aunih»a band to C. Pi. Grant andI J. X. Appel W 150 fi. lot le, hock 29 Higilam Pari. W. D>. $10. AndrevPIMary uni vifs ta Wm. Kreutzver lot 8 block S4 Wrighte Adi Libertyvîlle. W.,'1. $10. H. A. Moyer uni vifs ta Platakew Bloit uni Rumine Co.. tract of lent la 9. E. 14 mec 4 Grant tovnsiip. W IF. M.Bartiett uni vIfeto * . R Lovve, lot 28 1100k 3 Tirai Adi ii Envias iigblundo. lgblaid part Agnis, MoGovan *0 B. EL Orite bhW vif. re ac&uot lobSlua«e& l Mi Il Grattovuàmbia aéu es.11 am n8 Avon tovmtp. Ir. l$170e0.i IL 0G.sUfit11 andm IN vte i..laug Dblavlos K4,00 n'Ob*i 8uBq* ' te f . N l t i ê $* $ oW . b o s F.P. C di0 . .Sa las. lot 4 880*W id ~ ti AJ 1 i4ý*;ý 0 , 1 '"'10 OSaie R.P. lK Vuet.toi 1 a. àîqlý # Mut44I BS'o i %à31le *km *aoek I ij2 ce ni- 1"leuM Adi 1kS'5p W D. $10. T>0 Ib~a a mai ite *0 mu EL Long, 8 IOta la Highlaai Park und uilih. DOOU a$40 MARRIAGE U ES t Ni. MUtas.s.encoba. 80 t RulmotMI ame 80. Gea. W. fanlart, Clay Conter Kan. 38 t0 margaret $ass, Milvaukee 19. Joba MIiIIIcU Racine, 36 ta Mar- tha Pamla%, "me 27. Rtay Trlnvlth, Chtcago, 26 to Ale Cardiga,- Miivuukee 24.' Simon A. rger, Sprit Lake, lova 28 to Marie IL Mlurros, Coneordia Kanuse,' 2. .O0 ver. H. Thoron. Cbirago 28 to Ait. nau j. SbeigBrigo 21. tg misoabeub'm. Maie, mre, 21. Zoo r~je, ltvakue, MI to ,&aim 1, flay. Waukugun21 to Nelgu N.L berbart. MuM* M0 &M ,~iwmkZl . U te0MIe Ami. F~ Mlvaue.. 3 te l pum~.~8lDv, . ebk 213,te 21 ta C" î-» C M a to ama. w.tuusi. 1t m t. nom"*mm W 5IL VJI iMFM hViNWýse let Cdbud.. U. DMW16 Mm. 8à vWa* e 'Mad-iU ofW te Pau, AUe m80m ruin Oum% , aaw% Il te lame 23 te AUal im amarnu. 1M Viebug 3 8MOI6 SA" h.Paut. mm W. -NurbOasaK«uolam ta AdeUB ta»«. marne,24- UaIim uIl mre. 19 vu&" ei Foleî, MlaWcee. 25 il ame amme. »mr. 5». CHICAGO,,ILL. Go toChicago orMilwaukee vIA THE NORTHI SHOREUNE Use the North Shore fine on your tripe from bertyvie to'Chicago or Milwaukee. It is thç speedy. afe and economical way. Moderrily- equipped, fuet, imitcd trains taire you there qu icly. You reacli the heart of Chicago or Milwaukee in plehty of time for a full day's activity and got back tQ Libertyvifle in good time the mare evening. lmted Serviete Chicage Trains I6,ve LibetyviLe every "bfppî i25 a. xn. b o11:25 p. an, m alt ooeconnections et J4.ke thm îs » thouth-. DINM O CM$-hsmve l îa E"l fow.cagoâýat 1:14 p. qnd 7:14 r2à3P. -u. Md 5:53 Pt. LimitiSeriue t ibetyville Trains luve, Evamon at 6:19 a. m. and ve hour thereafter un.. Trma love Milwa" oedaily a 5:45 a.. und.vey Lourtheno. aser wstl94"P. M.dm 11: 15 P, lm1 On Sw~ma", Holffdmioe isa, uis~~'30 i"rU«». PARIOS CARS-loue Lake BInEF Mre Chgo -at 11: 14 a.mt. and 414Y, m. Loavefo Mwaukee at5Wa. md 53 p. m A bitymii~esernc ianandon theL. Lledhvil ~ bmuci etwenArmen sd =. n.connsciins witlai otit north sud outlk bound locaL. eprom and limitedtrains For Ebu"e inration apply 1 th ue et TIcko,Ooko. of the IYORTtI SHOiRE LUNE *WIASm es' Lyvilk mses m lie& us. BUl 74 Milwu&oe iUIse.miipcss flua cmi mmi t i. t. t t F 2'r sp fi Securties Trust Company I 4.- I - r lu.c oiiri lomS -40mw Safeguadle d InvestrMent p-g,' frOm6% to 12% .., . 1 . -- - . 1 1 ý nir r OuPAmRIAL.PÂTuraT Ivwvm wumyPLw nùm is é1*ey t. mUVemoma mysa uiluMdl a *0 smcmiate hlgh ohm aserlîbus pàqlag goesl dIvdm.nd returmm unlompeblu of large iousml value.'1 Lut un explain 111e plan t. yous. Ten as hov much you eam pey dova Md hov moci Fou eu pay rnonthly. Tel m viat meuÉtilci 700ha"i, if 7c bave amy, mo ve may advin yom a» * their.presa value, eiabilhty Mdi future.4 W. vil)mauka op a spual Invuatnmt suggs- tion for y.. aoeueilhg tu viat yon cmaffaord to invusem ntua iaut4iàl psyeut Plan, aither om a lO.payment or 2-puymemt buis. Write ta oui Depariment A-2i for our puper, "dGuummteed Investments," glving advioe on the. mulbet oomdtioa-It vili linterest you. 10O South LaSalle Street