CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 May 1919, p. 14

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LIBERTYVILLE INM PENnPENT. TLtlJi-SDAY, MAY 8,1919. SF55130 VALUATION; WILL TAKE STEPS ComnO Mcrmott Says Matter will be Taken up with As- sessor at Once. ALSO WITH REVIEW BOARD- Waike gan, 'lai'S That lte aýssevsted saltaliutn of M'ait kegam Istaentirelv ioo iow. an(]l lit tht' cil> 's financial dificultes woiild, bi, peeidsatist'actorily If te salua.J lion were doaitle. which lie thinuîl would flot he to ttidh of ait ln crease . Is the' opinion cf Coaîntiýia'-'r1 Peter 'McDermnott. Nfr. Mci)ermoll points 10 lite fart that ln other cites where-lte as- gessed ' aination is as high as il ougth to be Ihat there is 11111e diffir-ats' ovPt' financial prohiemt Tht' trohait' lit Watikegaîi, he sas-, a thal rniait people are tnt requireit lnt'ai'a tait lnt r-oportion to 0thëlr holdînra. ."Uniier the' new isw Watilîeat a ennblted inassesas$2 on eiuzh $10t vasiloit. lie ýtiî;t t Itiit what il would nîcan if a-t were abîle to levy thîs rate on double the' pres- ent aswdvahiaton of tht' ci?-. Wly t lwould pirý the ritv on casy etreet and we w-otld have rnoneî' 10 do nuny thingit whtvh we art' fot abis' te do nov." Comnîtasioner Mettlermotdbea flot purposu' to let tht' mater rest where- Ji le. Me propoes ta use bs Influience' ta g«l a commtîce of reputable ci'- tiEns to watt on te arusausr and gel bimta taItcrease te veluatiot, it view of tht' fac taIt ibis le the' 'par of te quadrenitai assesainent. lFt proposes aiso 10 taki te nmitter up with te board of relit-w and exprexg &es the' helief that if 'tuffileent inttîres! le sbown tua? lite di-"i"e. resuit.'t wl b. îsltained. STATE liAS RI<ilT TO INVESTIGATIL MON-OV Attomev General Gives Onin- ion Which Sets at Rest the FnnilFuatures. SpwIngftl4.Zoma city'a municipal enveniment oa h. legafly lavestizat- ad 4ythe Wlaislature. bectuse cd'y oMe. are creatirsi iy legfflative cen- aettBe-ator Baiey. chairnian of thie Mon OIty invstaigation commîItet' sali te va% Informed ti Atorney' Oee.tat Brundage Ioda>. No forma] ointon vas given. An opinion aý Ioth ie autority of te ommtîee and ls pas crs ;w;'q asked by Senator Martin B. Daie'. of Dansfile. reragnized a. ciairmtan of the' CoMmitte. "Borne doubt hast been i'extn'sell s ta tht' conatîttilonal right of the, leglalature îo Invîeatpte a reilous nect:" It watt tated aItlthe oficet'of the attorney general. "«We are look- Iag Itatadecisions of te oupreme court tu tcee .ýhcut te court hae h'ld" Wyomaing Led Ai tateLas W9iîeru îuitt'UN asjuruir" in eirica almntat iti!a ü c-ury ttg-.'iL'ei 'firit grand jury wl a tl-uttiiutr iu'-tit*ërs of titi'"îseakî'r' -t-x un, I ît,tii-led at larauui i' 4l.. -15 a i-to g. The' territuir>' ,f Wu"tiiirutt' irga'nrized lu IStItl out ('!it arl t cf tîrkttn 'ait, and Itithiitnt ttnî"of tlii ir-tst iiclal ai-r !It u lt' uvt.-t t'rrittîîialî t m irinent wims t Srtuit isititt-ru the rîgit tu vule saLd ldtirce. Cleaning Wallpapes. To cîcan ant e(i!sîutlu vilpaper. add tara ltilesîui rtftîls tf aiumthtut e,ha"! a pîdifut o tif -ùr it usttt 'mnit duita itsItu u 'i uttii iti(» 1 pedIt n Ihis.r ~T'îte tîif a n paiItui 'if att-r îandt ud two ttilet;iutonful'-t ,f turpettne. t'ush 1 tei' ssiti a sui' iimi te tl h*aitIs and Cuit' mi18tdry tilu tionttle. Apt Description.t Jhtiatyw fitîhi' r N a talior. @o ilihui bits OM-11t til-t i î'.îl utittut-and tc- tg. A utinir i-lo rngte ittler. daY %Il-hi- ititir> ,t(,taouI on te front jiorch it uti liiti.-' i leut' a certatin Diaî is 'l 11.' 1t lit e îîxlt it. ,ad Jitiiut ".-aillt Ireai tttliured, looklig st tcttl,îi.-' Improved Propelers. A new rpOPelîl"in-t'tlu- s-lter or air bas blades uthtiatru I. cut's*n il on. pito fiidutît-i iet tht .' ir, uarrylm te St'" un' tir t udr fuit lmgband 1w gJ'os-o il effo-t of ordiner->Ii t-s Sarometrie Viotin. Abrama Moses, a iohit of if ttîli- more, la te poaxessor of isiuult iglîtt be imtted a iturometrie s Itihît. 5ti lime aler tMr. Moses Ltuiitil I. li Iioti<sd tht nt certaintiluttes il i- h&W. a strange and sute frigratîte.ý UAe au aroma of Oriental liuetise.- later, h. observsed titat ttis fragrance vaS nodc«sbte only arben te uenlt- er s'as about-te heconte dap. lie Obt5Ifted te clutinln Pairs orne gesm o viten he vas studylig ter.b ARSRW CARIES PLANE FU SPEED WOUi *Cut Wer oose, boys" slgMalat tb9 vbw@89, s » tnum *irlglb, maneuvertng thousauds 09 toutl b.a&. sa btujnt e vit" a" rolooes slte IlgtoeMdm m ou% m*titmeu tifl«Vr it tedouavutI s'usi Malo. 'e ara% me»~ oa pesr tîlli tbTism*el « tms.a1lag plansu =7Z. mu Moue tom L 1imCJ 1 1EinrAiÀ Lt 1 0 1IVaLUU LIAE COUNTY ROADS IN CONTRACTS LET Roari, etc. etw. ta tt-kn n (OuntY is Onentoiîte rrt:tttr- wttcil thet' tal te tus'as -tir'tt-e r' day let te contrat t tr, The asv-rage prîct' lt-r Irl-.-an- itounced bi ie1tr ttt Pru i'W"ri, -.a Frank 1. le ti-,rttt i.-$ i the 6 was màde. Contracts w' rt1,ilt( lî> iýi 1,4'tiS i'plkîî îund. r- ,nt t t (;., , 0 Lom den ttaitd- for ilt'-d ritv' z titi' tt-Cau'-.e of te trindo t- d'-îînid f , ',C m-Vad 'uiiding anud te neces---'-"t-. 2 ntPlitYmnttiof labor i JOH-N DEERE FARM MACINERY Puts more of that grain land into corn, and us£. the John Deere system of planting and cui- tivating. WiIi positively save you mor.ey on aUl John Deere corn planters, 2 rows and single ro'w cultivators. Machinery carried in stock4 and ai lixnited anxount of second hand machinery taken in trade. Ail tools ordered this month will lie tak- en to vour farm. IPhone 906Y4 for information and have your nime put on the free mailing list for farm paper puýbiished Ly John Deere Co. GIEO. W. PAVLIK R 1, Box 13.5. Waukegan, Ill. Naie.TYu CIsand Nous@ Tot?. If you haven't now is a good time to start. If You hiave, there is surely something you need to "fix Up" your home. 1fyou are planning to go to housekeeping this month or next or in three months it will paY You to corne in now and make your selections. Goods are scarce. Mr. Blumberg is attending the New York Forniture Exposition c-'mternplating the purchase of five car- loads of furniture and rugs for next f ail. Think of the economy "-*th an Alcazar Combination Coal and Gas Stove Simple to operate. Same oven for coal and gas. Large Gas Boiler. White porcelain closet. Polished trip, anîd 101 other features. WE ARE ONLY TOO GLAD TO DEMON- S3TRATE TIS LA2BOR BAVINQt AND ECON- OMNICAL RA2NGE. PROT.ECT THE, BABIES-Pure f'ood, fresh air, sunshine and suita'ble cktthing and care makes the happy, contented and healthy babies. ~Baby 'will enjoy riding in one (if our-new style 1919 Reed Carrnages, Strollerii and Sulkiex. Come in and select one tomorrow. liear "The Heart of a Rose" ONHEBRDE. FuaNit !EWWfu Fo l-ear ",Beautiful Ohio" Have you heard the FULTONWAUKEGAN Phonograph?I it lias secured the exclusive agency for this justly 'celebrated line of Table Linens. De ' '- i e Icils %il] stanîd t11'w it-'ai a i .111i I 'ii'tif'i 111t1i-vvî Ilîi wil] iii e le C'ittse fthiir 'ieililistî't', ntat ;îit tIît'v gtî:t itî-'l it 't1-0')ît I:tliiidet'i- ikt' oflY C- ill liIi-î'i Iiîî'îts diti. "Derryvale" on linens bears the same relation of merit as "Sterling" on sul- ver. -at 6.95 a it S' antiî'i'îîiirc lri' ilîloîdesigît. Sizv I' 7 I e i tls, Napkins to match, size 22 by 22 inches, at dozen $9.00. -at 9.00 l>t1ii'i tlsr 7<>bu' 88 itlies uilli (1i'î'tiaii kî'v- ;tîîtltîlilb i ta Ii. li îîl k'e \ itbo'der.'A]îtîîdsoîttî' î'hîitlî ti I li'le tiii' 22 by 22 inch napkins to match, at dozen $12.95. -at 10,,95 itîov'î'ltîuîtltî'î's. 701v x'88 jî'h rini izt', of gelîmut il te iroI-hi> iîît'îî 22 by 22 inch napkins to match, at dozen $12.95. -at 14,.75 livautl'ul p tteru lolli in, bv 88 ijîtl szgoielI ip fotiî a 'ei'v aîdsoitleeii'elilaî' designî, t "'a desîîtiî ît'igil i' l- 1150 Sh)\\-n tt tiis pr'ivet. 22 by 22 inch napkins to match, at dozen $14.95. -at 15.00 At titis privte are patterni <lths w'itil eiru'ut t'i desigul vopi l iig i'uses, spIot eand stripe usithi plain vecîtt', atiso ibbon îîiatîlttvs ali eîîii îdesigii Nitlî plain ceetr. Sive 72 bv'-d2 iîi'hîcs. 22 by 22 inch napkins to match, at dozen $16-50. WE ýGIVE ;J.«. TRADING STAMPS "The 13est Store - Oit the I>yrth Shore* i .~ - 'D A I1'U~ ~TV I2WJM aIJ~~. We i.. rprirg, glI cats wc- Ira We al complete I We ha yourtr rouit PHONE It TAI 0, ICE 1134M ptichaa of." l lîa he if a IJI J jJJ A bg ttitttlt wits started and le lUnt Ie .ansItoIR ta ken home LO - S EL then oGddfard drew a revoiver. Wav- 18a fot taxalble. I If UIR caten fil I~UAL ng lit bacit and forth. rovi'ring ail DM , NOS ONWIIERE restaurant as ,part or a Inéi is. a na î41,,.Ii~ ner hlm le otucih, iar,,vll4ng,,. taxable. ' Th,, ,,,ow<l hacled away. SofI drinks siteling rfin frve or(i. p.11, #10 IR DA NT ~ hr a tu.,Asttwiz.i PAÂTRONS FAT I _ _ cetsae axdon,'lIE 1t titi' ja Xa flar;A101i-t %%uis- cetîts are ta'ted on.' ceai. I"lfti-'i'îî tir 1 Ifl llny cent drinks are taaed Iwii; car. ce tietý I.i at. Ttîornas 13. ord , tIniifan- Complafint Made becaUSe somne 4aarfumian ownt'rts lire' coiliîm,ý Chicagoan who Wouldn't Rise try, in cominand fltiitrd5 Local Dealers Charqe for !:ItKitt 5ah'v tiiit o l forati îda-le ntt'm e thtramTkn oe le1'itg ti iruck or tîtie-e suieqSa, When NatinlAnthem Was îoistrfr.'lt litIman. ll IceCrem ake Hoe. they> are seqtmtred to do. for illey niusî Played is Badly Wounded. hlm fi] of hoies," hbcî-ontnaruili reveal 10 tht' revenue coleteut the' l iagemann a, oflddlard ,Iiirted to run W.trkcgn, Sai ine lacfs have aptg oloa.,lWankt'gan, M e t8icrosthe' field ioward.s te Art III. Whntatc m tiIdlt ndJSol paeshveaope ao 4d anli'PIet aieinann. a salior frotnt atitute. whien IRi l frot? !avalera which gies tht' prlc<' ofth,',lite Uoxwaln's sciittol in ('tîteago was 1Thet' tîiteJacl<et.4 ired a i le fictn ThaI'sfilie qe-iiirttlas ' tj rink ia'tth the' taitaddeu. iOnt' ofih iid i - itmnadh'I atvwnîdhmat kean on fusi n on 1 ]e Ili W au I ut d rygo os a nd clo tting s irt'. ion in (' hîca g T:If e1 bi.g ht nsa h ta h ats 'a r.n e d 'i i lan kg whe'serve ifal itt uiuire devrI-ý arle fo an iga essre ya> Ntoa Athnwaîpaccitthe'cartrilgt'swhiclî <httdtatd îarrie'iilit opalitI il o nt îitrp:'tlit îîw teas.Clerkq have bet'n drileAd 0I ihall(], OiverYh)odi- excmptng one itani, flt, poc><ket lu explode. ()Pqtha a]]do ot itrrpt he a i he articles on viticit a tax luti L e irolle and doftttti liats i.i the saine. Thet' ax i iiMps,,'d tl ilil çîîlleiî'td and a aitrit atceunti4us li Tialnt ian potir t Iltiti . t- j i It t t act ninîtwAs Iliti foîr a t onie local establlsht, ,nts k i' s: ' tiipoilréte în rl a l anl bitetr fil- Nanterotus cotiinlair ip-tii tîdi' t n t n y e k epi. it14rit. iii ttiii'oittliiyiti t fl titi 'kenti iii t« tri i l cait,- .titttttwttt-r tl'ti r"venuie eopcior'-' of Ic' lii order'" I elan lîslagt.tinta. i t he ldrtax Thti'cro dIlotlIioteituii iant ii a uu t IR 'ting lt'pis t éillin Illei'1t011t'111a ad dnaealers n eililtvleil)' ,!,and ln sorne Instance If ta sail Ipui ' knockedlIlitsmitut ofit s îtîry î.i'îîînîil i iuv'st igai itiatuî i4t tîtîl s îî'sirv rîtlîr thtdaesmyb e ih.- have been louit.taI lie rimé. îtîtîy raies. Ont' of the conîplaints la tîta.tlie soda fouitalins arecit'91t9Rartr .tx on ici' créant whien ilt i,', tarkt'-u i,Ahne I lic mIen. Tht5 i. ail atrong,foite re-- venue coleetîtr I.i,,It dpl ~ E 4~ ;(- vnd willI lt',tr -!,lil111c-c!' ' u 1 I Ici' ,creani erta iNu oifDierryVae Table Linens taiti l_ taxali. r ,nii 'V ii11, ir' (rou ar cong l,.lt tiit"iiir n i te tTis store, always noted for its ex cellent linens, is glad to announce that 1011rtit t i, .f ftil u t it r-; -' ment A1Pr Slly f'tit di tili t diartio , r'r

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