CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 May 1919, p. 6

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COMItY Seat News »à« OMMmri= w fs O WAUEKGANI FOLLOla TE XGPRDE - ý,Un. Hoowhat Col. IL V. Smith sald nt the Waukegifl Arincry !dondaY mVl "à: nt ile close or the big parade which welmed hen back home: héslmat la ilmost ton full for uttolUlce. I afil quto unablo to givoea bi ut ne long a 1lve 1 shali rorember thls kindnessE It will ovor mtey know you art hors bocauseof y.ur frlendahlp toward me and'»mun 0of iyeur apprcition of what the others who went ta France dld for 1' do nt daim any credit myseîf. It was our natlon'a war. The petiot. ehown horosnt home, on the ses@sand o, er ln the foreign lande durlIgU ruer entftled overy man who was ln the service ta an squat amnount of Dem ,ot forgt tht ihose you hanap In yo'- parade next Saturdoy ire the toWI 1peronllr have seen ln mot ca-sesaln shoos that allowed ihole SIck through; I've soon thofli toit hroughihe mud. poorly fed and ..Oen sany timlosin clothinq that was torn ad ahattered, but ait flghting nîe ii uaptoa aclose es quickly au possible. My heurt Io wth tlliie men who fought through the war and the honor te1 *n e should b. pald ta *Ill ike. 1 appreclato the honor ycu have shown me here tonlght. I camý, home ' ,*Y «Pectine t, slip ta my home qultly yet this wawderfui recepiln won ?4annged sponténeously. 1 approClafte It mors than IcUn saY to yOu. 1 apprec. 1J11100 more thon inythina tht ha@ over happened lni my lfe.. JUDOOI WARr<S 0F RED FLAG Hore la vhat Juduge Edwirds aald ln prepenting Col. Smth ta the au- B*mmetbiýt Packod the mrmory to greet ihe returnlng colonel, and. the Jiaiuo fit=utagm of tbe apporlunlty to remind folks tht this l is a n uWau- 0te dooa t e imr Aineicalsm and tbat thm outhirit of Colonel ffl--W"vifece tbat Od GlorY and not the red fig stili stands firm in lo,» mcv boter than te mile %- speech tmingt Our committem ieci .ded 1 4m ibis a me fOreruaner tcalgtbt owhat VIII taka place Siiurday in VotPara"e. For Saturday vo a"re 1galuz have the factôrlep aM tbm lroeclose May O iem have armady deided to do se. ýWO al AU ibm soldiors a"i sifOrs who vere vflling ta sacriicetheir *»'tb &9ai0 doi tmeUnlfOrrnSaturdai and show the people ibat thore still le' joyel Anuricina ln Waukegan. ln vlaw of the rumblings, la vimv or thle 4*ylfiPiMMtg lu the Wt sevrai das. this manifestation of AmerlOannhat aseissacUSlaly aPPro)polte and really emenmtial ai iis trne. «W6'rm g901g tatrY m ai stevery loyal citizan bahini the colore mcxi %8*srios fam la My Judvnent ibere viili e no roi flags, nLo roi nectilea. and ýtl Il ibm teParade whlch vo are to bh. "t1 l a or te Introduce iD you amnvonynallo u oe ¶hb poc OBlWiolbt shows boy thismanirito! Ibe silmnyha angoe. eeClnlSmith left, for. wth Iis wanderflghieringm rsntt wh éae w ~~~~kai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ru momin ! eealymîlg u laskuvi shows r n s aur w *110 vero to show'their apprectation to nme we al l]Ove and bon6r go mucb. UUY ~ the litseand drum corps lurned oui, tod, the itve iulMfrmed l h,rak, ýl c m (»L NITU tions vere ready ta trike up their mutéc vien the colonel, allgbied fromn ARIINiIODAY n-law Cy BlIO-gett admilbrBo slepped from the train. II1Fife and Drum Corps and Col- Smth vas Immaditely aur B d, Parade Forms Spon- I ounded by a rowd whicb pgcked taneousIY at Depot., the depot -Platform ta ancb an mtent train nheil ewocrod bai tarttei ) L EXPRESSES FEELINGS train nthe cr v a tar ib *0 rteri* MM rWeany*à? Col. Sith ani bis Party' IMMeilat -W lmtum »d sbo fth a m w merd wdtggMrMdle e liwt i tre aaet l biwon- n .ifalvl > b fl "e ddgtM 183 tb * me o vaegi nd anpe. ibm r mte prMe .M - s ome id - op.tehcopugos t~ latJm va v a wmb> Wau- 9101k mpoedOally, &M ' ONpersan. 1 lo Mah Knia vebgtmmaroba theibm E. broug tovm 4A omaA. V. Omttbor w«. aui b imarm7t. Tbmrom re .e. 4010Mm vho vomovroyfflff if 11 WB4 .»» -mg aer Itb lé'on"taooman orth t&W»clomntlahool bade Vuiimin W 1 Us Mr. ham5ai !imIsis i ie&anm s epoiridte bisI b d !»» nt ix -00*home,. a tirmi a yet a hap'te. >1 au b Ms* bus co ta Wad. iurme va"k Sui baidose éabit , :-WWt Qý mae 51 vdiho orne msWo, m l w. S*%cte ce te camp Grant. mg ivaBIlhome, ebove l er' austocimi IdWtuvos lid Meoirtoue te ot Vilt he bai doso. mim effl usa m in Cthicago. 0&L8lth 1loc&a o Kmbu 1 1em et siulo*ordsi ame that irowU fat.hoabe atouBaidbelib 11110W000 o* m i «Tre lu Waukm- boti. Rb S lS la fine. bie ion cem ai 0:0. The Inmitiée Ori appaa ncem il"Ies ucai healti 0 Bua te PMu a bulletin ami ibm asui ha stillposuee ibhat grlrnde 1 l Mi"d eler moins tbe word aPrmafitermiBation vhiib VRSlwymade bite *etthebmcaloml vould !ha lin wn 1 rail sldier. et mine 0wSlaclHie Plana for -thm fture? Musiele isthe Ir liai Yeimaie. He's jut home, Thora noVer vs. anYting like t bond and $250 in Liberi> Bonda. They lu Waukmm fore-oSni there nover tht's al ad ho vents te rosi a agent yl hoa spontanemouonburat lime, ellect i ibouibtzandi ibai .gRUlllni. Uain. It vas the spon smile dove ain ta the practice 01 Il tammoUsfeature o! ibm affar tbat lav vblch ha droPepeilnsantl>' whesi Mai. the genral hiL the MM 1to i arme Mme. Tho vire vorka baud vas called AlmOs 'Mleeod Hlm 1 g@110thr andmmrch ta the train; The Waukegin pari>' almosi mimse 0WOI AGE STARTÈS W1TM YOUR KIDNEYS moisme tut li ma IolasvWhowsletiw f v..The .11 s@m~t «estive organ s smi j *iaibkoms a o mthil work; b =e otsg m t -iesim»LM on hecorpletakg reelore said lites, e4fa oes te atiEi1aaic, ~~itwô «C joedeaby Ith avrage pOt5. - QCLee>yuk bmi e Flor oser 200 y" GOL00W MUDAI, a rvetartui t=itms. samrlem Ott hoasba oie ietbg thé, DoeMIt UA nm taeorda 'Waas ansd dabity duemle ad- bave mttimid a f. - om. & t=0o .,. y* tsrs. Itl a a tandard Otit. r iiad «* & b«of 0fG12 Umne hu-P rmedr andneseds no lEto- MUDL Haacrem OU caleuhos. Mono GoctROOI.t MEDAL laarlem oïl la refunded if tbay do nt huit> ru. TrIr laed uodor!esatastelescar se izs. But rémmbrto alefor th * g Omalnubo t do~c a ske origfn&lIimpote, OLD XUD&14ro thr syou woulda pill, with i ~s~l ,.ile ýId pacages, Trh&odre§DliHurst. President. W. S. S':lb. Vice Prosîdepit. F. W. Churchill, Secretarv and Mafager tELEPHONE 8S1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRCTS 0F ,11TLE TITLES GUARANTEED j-Capital $ 125,000.00 WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS1 W aikegan'sNw Council I1s Seated hi@ ----- Wankmaia mly elecimd City' feitégi. Va. OMMlsulOIRVU aaia i ibmt theoODcll Onievih e li0e Condiion simeil HE Is HOMEobambOIsIttnadynisht. The Oneeto augiur vealIfor theo enofne thai Im resmtabl. featur, of ibmeowÀwioDnov railentU«.t 1.-Col. A. V. Smith, HeM of vas thet Coamistonr Henry' 8tirahi 0.uil Fa Il ha i 49th Artillery, Anved i m vaIia lO teboprenantesa rosuli t slnrDual tp lu OfBtO Darftriedlu et, mitohcm pbigmd l ,tluen walliOgaf suOlua> night rda> ali visaWhou evas Ibm v oth oopratiou to the mmv commlselo&.'. and was Given Big Ovati On. ân automoile accident ai Kera- elevnsii oeromsai i mia. E c h e ibmmmvCounelilmmm- vish t, tate at théibm lraoncy ec ho f W arnaKWtiossu ai. The ha boom ena Viennent dut>. Wbhmait of bouquet O tsan oe.TeUrne& thm member. aor*the oormlg. OU Mayor recmlvoi a rnammoih bouquet lnhvdiarsanaiosbtg i 0f mercanBeat>'tOSi.'vO alylys have ironoi oui our differ- 1< The Installation cereanty us8ex.,encos aailsfacortl'. t tramaI>' simple as ach niember 0 l cetn b iea onla1 t officmmlSiarolo baitakhenti nga.baand flanance Ibree years mgo 1 found tic 'aOffIce jusi prvoi 10 e meetivn. the situation a ver>' irying one. T mi the assge t amotonmad byarn glsd ta sa ;:Ibali 1am leavlug lt Cibmior Mt amoyrtion, mae inlubetter conditlq)n ibiD 1 founi Il. Commieers 0 fltCi iayr, msion theautur allie offce over ta rMy eue.-e mutier. fib oh li>'com Isso eicssa? nInsaii*b a va>'iletho vomtIli aurreedor iboir smea ta cth@ lmcom- I Mnlep adabL'ô nmrne tu" eOMMit0 log embrs. 1 Moua t e t mf mime vien 1IPl Apç.laninta art Made 1t<>k t, d ImmediaielY afisr the clllng of the " aen »"oist Ie o 7011llMayor Bdinger proceeded ta "I ave o a> blles mem er er dg' »I-cmlu' nomination men 'W fuilthe'1- oin hleaMme 9te r 'var=& apoinive ositons. MM einhislakm I ivs OuBfovai rny "DitIOaaiat lm WMiloiigea a oM Mini and bave romain-i unfai. Uppolmtme ofathe orm lid b>' a toragi ai aa Urnes. c T te L pofttil. oonclareo. Siaution la Trving . '.l OoL mit. ie ws de i ýte e ty HF, murk am H. offiei ara: «The ftàaisclaldaparimmut of a city$ ai 13 Bthgth er vas duo ii toaui>' Cii' orl-JmesH. Ma .8ll a aaMont irylng una. Uneerothie ex- Y thi e». uho gai iere ih :su an. liilnt Conditions la ail tlinols Ctleà 'Ag aoldlero, etc. tut COL Smt's lCmy (re..ppc ntel). Bi.It &ýIpisbe orie ufit faibor tiegan la worm>' as to wheiio y r ahobtled. J .foa> ~,ndei b memi cuitent expensea in lb.>'~~~~~~~~~ 1ol uthm tlatM.apiti.effect worm enactoi fifi>' yeauu ag Simith wandmroil iaars sud there =Civi servce cormmsoner l"modai naiiotprsncndin. he rameaccruas lie Colonel vbo hmd W. Taunk (taiBU vaeancyl. endan tlit la alînetase tadtins arrivai a hait bout aead0f lime ClvTreaurer-O.ilee S. Farmer- aiNonCiy ncoessry, mi ycit eae and via blhimzelî vas mai figuring mcIylly ppoinimi). thai ha better mn>' ta the Namibves- The achool board appoîntmentsal.- mmm>' eople vie labor under a mis tern thnkig h ba misedbis. no worm made ami ratIfiait. Tic>'t approbansion. They thIbnk that al tarke, h thn b aig to.hrnlan i lh on uante #Im . ibahemone>' tha>' puy'for taxes goes follE.tthe 'tain folr h oeth adwUh on l nie oui. teitmecli>' vhen as a initier of tact ciubi be rai fo hue.Aulgn Dparimenta only a arbaîl pari o!fhlit for car- The saigunesit of department.< poate purposes. CIRO O O<Y alsn *as maie, the list belng Iden- "Wauicegan Ioda>', lu spu iteo on vil wth iat publishei b>' the BunI belle! to the contrai>', la iu botter hat Tuesda>' night. There vas not eondiloh finanucll>' tian any oiber Showing the Steps Taken by the allîhtosi friction, eacb nuiner Ciy of like asealnu flinois. COL. A. V. SMith Since He c!ibmheCommission aeceptIng bisgias- Givos A Left Waukegan Two Years l"Murot gracOUional hougb lu some 'Man>' peoPle popi b Kenosba as Ago. nstances commlsellossara bacilhapaita progresiv li>' b tfollowavnd yet Aglo . h u h ws t e v ro s ta le salM oi ta oth r deiartm iau.t he bm borbed Ind btd e si of that Btpeany th Sun shibe vir ons A. Thm asslgammetsvera as tollovs: 1Ciy tu 81.450000 hileotu i Wauke- V-SiemihaOkne hoilch t. Cl.a. PuNlblic Propety-Walter Bliar-'gan the boudai debi la but $Sîlolo Za. lrn 11ibtsuhobl efiWaue- oîunatod b>' Carl Atterber>'. sud ibore te $23,0600ln a slnllng fund iafn i 1917. h aoykarythinau- ACCounts »dmi FinaRce-stHeury bora W také up bonda as soon as lega irny in oolpar lufiv fitana-mornlmaiod l>' Petar Moi.eDer-ib>'mature. When tie 1181tas I@ big camPIMalIns lu l'a n di of Ukct. MCffl i Waukegma nbadei debi bis pur*Uliof the Huans; Ih telle boy PlIle IUC atiiý,Phd Soty-.Ptr vii mMount ta tbut $8000ami ibis Iho. as second I mooMMinio! ibm ,ho, ai second luncomman of the Mc» at-NOrnlnted b>' Walter la a 10v bandedi imbisaacomp~smd 1 I O nt ategs. vitb aller Citon. Ca(L Smithi vms dlacbmrged at Camnp Smm -ci Tmproeum s- Cat Wau*miam. eil ai Ibm pressait DMz N. J. Ma>' 4iâg a Be i abei tm A*mry-iorntaatodb>' Peter M961 th» e iexellsnt, altiougb liera vms, charge, vas dobolhami. Re m ib the tw vblcbCol Umhlibl Mlng ibm 1v, d var: et Fem OsmMan jul>' S ,79 wa i lot. &,1917; lft Camp Mille ftc forelga uvules 0.81% 1917; pofflds thse m0om n onU. &. &.Prioldet Lit- seaiin » flo 08vo>.Airivmd ea, et Nahae, pmfem, NOV. 1. 1917. went te aBtliefy *M lmet letea.- tien et fWrnesii w e " Capces- tquyda, reaom abouti mlgdim of NO. vstnber1917' loft eRr LoMalIse fab Fabruery 14, li& , 1*atlmnmd mev Laenvil untll pril lois, participat- ad fllne nea, Cmru. Lpft for Soooait mecir In Lorraine ia April 191&. in flhtlng nier.Anotvilmer and Boie do Chien In ihat amto, loft the F atter part of Juns for the Champs- Sgne sector. à Pmrt'clpmiod In the second battle of ,the Marne (neir Chalous Sur Marne) jIni July 14-15-16. T&kon oui of thîs eciar around Parie ta Mmmuxlot"smu pari o! July. Pîssed over the battis. ifleld of ihm lot Division and Marne In whit lalcnowa as the Cliteau Thierry Slght. 42nd Division vont Intocm h flghtlng Une eaithe Ourc rver cap- turing the villageo f Forseon Tarcd. avis, $orangos and Veste fth* latter part o July and F'ret pari af Augut. Foliowed Germons to Vesti. river note Fimes . 42nd Division religqimd by M 2d. Sent ta, vomi station, thele tua 14 vools ;senita oSt. Mihiel soctar, ,tnorth cf Toul. U Parilchpîad 1In bîttie o! St. Mîhil near secheprey, Marais and Pannes. > gent «o .Meu*%oArgfflne acu;.r In "I Septombor, Partlchpit'ng In the fIght- ors lng mt Moniafocon, DuzsncY and D nlghborhood af Verdun. Latter part r of OctobeO 1918 auignod th training scamp et Camp Hunt, le Conmau. In 2 command o ibm Fhied ArtiilerY 11110 placemnont Ulment(i o!about Ove Sthousand mon. iteturned In command of thu treopi o n board Of ihe U. S. Ship PRstOrMO of about 2100 mon and ofIlicera. U%. charged nt Camp blx, N. J. on UbY 4th. 1919. votorcyclm, Policeman Rudolph or Glomcom vas dlsqgused visak he vas arrmlnii in juatice court aitfilai ami Parkt arrestini hlm S a clan of apeedtng. Bard vu fluai $1 and oi. nm tien ladRutdoip arrestei on a champet!speodlinlibuthibma vu isnisamd. Staima Atorney wC Wolciwva.on ban&. PurmluIasinAgent tmmubwlimi Mflwm n im alai et te. apWelmmembimi arilae vua re ými salm the diles oethie varim mmber, of e. aammisslos 1» « odtmne vas pusd b>' a en- 0" efethie prinolp ofaumi 61 the aew cuilamuiclas that h puovhlos %bu tiie M memnslor et bmcat ag oni the îettly .This mons th" l puroase m ii e twie m bie deparimoni itiai o! poimItIlu mach meuler af ibm cammissio te mia* the tulahiseu. desartamni Thi le an tmportant dut>' devointn upan lb. beade of thm aou»as Mi finance doparimat. AnoIber Important foatume la liai ibe cvil service commloatan la r.- aiored to tibmrayoVdeparimmut. lu vas placmd lne csobis ami publIC lrnprovibrnmta deparirnuli irrlag thm Pearce administration.T'hae<ut>' of algmlng ail contatealo la re stormi to the mayor. tipimi' thm cou- ditlan ihat prevaflediurlng tIbm1last fout yiare tibm maor or ivo mernbmra o! the coornnCould itsu on- trma. SThe OflI&la Newmpapos In accordance vii th- coMmias fce forrn lav vbtoh p,'jtîiiuthat thm couscni nfselect av' efftelal na'vs- pipeti hù comngasi.-.. knIuLtài th- di>' cieh la advrètl:m f zc lido. Theuie blds will hipregne; sud Ibe Coun- ein vîi aet du mmar n tluibmnear future. Miyor -dlngor tui i mai hie op- eacigtii,. cate otier iF c .m.ron suid lt teiamu»s o! WBficega'ii.Xit vis s mastori>' addrespni ogitlinai î;. :etent *tauloa and.. rliat the toar & m"n'jjias oiibie, teacacomlnph diming the next four year. Thm id- irmsa filun nil iIe louai la antier cohumnu.luHi flociptlonlaHd *The imlor>' cf the ccCll fhmi liar vau filled ýO ovrdI.,.t e .rl0y1 1 etil cew cemISi W ho vere on hzai l et meIoi Jadctid llato office. At tût close eorthe "Meetngthe-a irum a Cgerai sbali M hi anda anLi au offere1 et cangrajiiiloDa m. r Oud viabos. Iv.wag good 10 ses ibm spili a or0.0omtlithat va. ment- 1ev mIl. Wbh via wuso bol that 1 lia taoicohdova la mvyacht ad »Yau i oprois bih cfr5U cents bé. fore he .mes. maOUpma> oli tun a pechage ever te theet>'. «I &av* aellbt lite lindisi feoliNO larm'itibm mmv ommIs- Mosera a"i visi beatheo lestoa lut . ?o>' mi>'rat msem liai 1 oiv aye viita"aireme>te bmlp lieu whoméver tbute lanaythini it I m de»' le. »urt addmi liai hobeu teat b th 41y*7 feoau- t. e NOI tho nes Who worm ittbU1ie a qbileo eBi t moM tî<mo inTime bis Ite bard to makea afriand ofai£mam go am t. e »tbo ce the 1001ent t sa you -catch him I nathO eta o le merlmmma Cmmisiusr L.waye«Mwai 04 èr ewarmStsepor fthe u s s >4 ine E" a tou çmpm Md l? lr m eoeititt he aloil te m m %ua br. Ha,@ au 'jobi'of a Z àé report VS * CWet mte pué wuaing piaGve vmbom ee slie.Duli em coetla aquattr of àt tbrm "Marthe armosts lavmdw oWSkgew#0ldng dey w1he rm te a marfl mat h Mi on 1<. doue 'Lb memnu -of an a. vbole the Doluos ioparment bau rendoed apelamElu4rk c Ilicmole 'ho si. 9"Ibave ne spo- ashingMachine oflas tu offer for my acton during th trne 1 bave boom cammisulfinor Abaert two houfti s tas. frawfflbave id to dovwhat 1 though> was rlght., 1 have i>een iimiy suffiçientTîe' pleasmi viii the mreeablo ascia- n nd.yl h pr tons wlth otbor momàbers of the coin- BOd dgrinteq . MIMIaCon "t£on. 1h. machaq o. OrIve Hakes 'Dodooe te m" & YO,.,i looIk 'o T'oz dodisruaetu for a Mig béf nFE-DERAL pliteMbut mai 1kmo xpocici to dotisbmieho alvaYs han en-ectrfic daoe odo vhat ho thonght vas L* hh i lm puitin g the cite@ inter. MaDIS HIf gobltel ont tiLt viien ho teCk SI nMnhyPyet charge of tbmem»ter voila doert- SNo otl ama meptItvas giving a revenueot fbut $18,000 port par. Duing it 1irai $5.00 Dowm Put. a Fed. "or In o001ce ho brougti thm revenue uin la r HOU" up to $32,0W0. The second year It "I toeM," ha uaid. "thît It» peoMe flPublie Service Co. t110 bah pivatee mcfmsommA p of North.rn bâiWs mai fini finît wItI the coulacil w..m _____________ Bell Systein Clear enunci-ation in a %vell modulated toie insures ease in making one's self miderstood over the teleplînne. Don't shout. Speak siowly. Speak into the transmitter, flot over, under or to the side of it. Hurried, indistinct, and noisv talk makes for misunderstanding, dclay and dis- satisfaction. The telephone is a mechanical device and can only register the personal methoda of the user. It must be carefully and intelli getl sed if satisfactory results arc to bobtained. CHICAGO ITILEPONE COMPANY Mmu bd

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