CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 May 1919, p. 7

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LTRfr'VVLT nQDEBPDýKNT. VUE89AY, MAY 8. 1919. P. E. HILDEBRANDT, Cor. Ordure laiton for Job Work. I .dvertising ratés on application. Dtre.. la.Peter @pont a fav dayis la, Libortyville laut veai. Jo s Ichomsr li bacit with us again and bas opene&. Up a machin. @hop for auto@ and auto supplles. lire. Craryi entertaluing ber #Inter, MIs. Jobuson of Bgwpire. XilasWarrngton la bock again lot ber ohool dodos. giverett Book was a Bunday viiior fr. Chicago. Tib. iudrridlan Co. have &gain la buucb o ovebars tu latten. Tbe %wua are b&vIWg a bard tmm. tegmotfood 10 tbs. dae go blgh usaite behu oie Tm Imag lo0Wufor cliefflu ite iboog, &r1oàd luenovbers. W. sou àae tulE a iera orti "a Oo okua» "l e t 5:15. 1~ShSoiV b, be 70 mah tl mes. Tme ma$ vuvs b t 0"Na (eh. Ie b 9e bo ~~à-- <à* rom~* O vas si B*k datmaQ." *@No m- b~1k u u e duSe...... . ...... . ..*l g1i de "te ............ uns mé d .......... .... ... é 3ft dme i...... PtIY$ICIANS'PRMOCRPTIONS Canmk*Co -d THE REXAU- STORE GaAYSLAioe IUNOI& roadu vl! permit. arry Osr bau ciosd -bis Fard A TOCor rit>.,t." ilf haVikinot lodge rspair shop for tihe tîne being outil Chltou»Viag ' Iron butinee last man get a No. 1 auto machine. Mise Bertha Johnson ut Mlilwaukee, ia Sundai jBob bnoit ormerly la the Oeary Ford viitingasa the home 0i ber sister, Mr@ Baverai ilurtee YounIg flki@ attended @bop be ruigned i position. wlimCrsiu h etr trbi bkgnls John MorrIi le Doncw village marthali %m Ch'rlStmda bq i ti t beuerutst car l. t &akgnls Atdtasharsdof ison o wt ordrWaukegan Monday. JamesCbubb basu vcpztî a IpoetlOlt the vil Atghe eilnoftebad r.Mi Isabailan, Fraunc iblua and wth ths BaWMaUO 1>ry C', wbieh met Modai ight. Mr. and -Mr@. Walter Chinti mutured to Word recetly Y rf ntmElmar. Emil Turneili ormerly liied man on Waukegan Munday bo @pend the day Wlrtb eitatea that ha la un hie way home oha 240 arferfaim snar bndbm a vth Mia. tMartin Weber, wbo la very fotFat.H â ýjoq h ie ona 40acefam se ntoe. epoorly at present writing. unes to goovet. lalme tu bave eome very prizae Bloitain tirs. William ilabrand, Mr@. Arthur cattleand une of thebet equipped banne Rosenfeldt, and Mnm.A. B. Jobnbun wvat fLIiE UlA on the country. go Chicago Tueuday on business for tiho .~~I'1K W Ohurtieffli quality ive erpam t a drug Eastern Star. igore ab usueli puce 50c quart, 25o pat. The fourtb and fiuth grade@ oi the ~IfI R J.I W@ have board a numbar ut camplainti Aulio)cb school did flot have any scbooi SUc U 9VAWK SIS bore thet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a the mrhnewl o tMna hir taachens took that day cash fur egge, even aller trading ont avlsitng other sehoola. 011r' ALL IN FEBO good char. ol the egus. Foring the uToudai mormong Mms.Jo. Flibber____ wo go tu places wbere %bey recelve cash. ruoed a card from bar son, Harolid « tating ho la au bis waày ta Camp Grant PioneerResident of Waukeui j LAKE VILLA jAn siglt pouad baby girl vas boe % Passe Away at Age of 1 r. and Drn. John Traysor, àlonday. 76 Years. Mr. »ad lise . à. M. ReUa Mr. a»&? Un. E. W. lobsrdson sponi umamà l iffbI. .the . vusi-mdaet h. Udflarotul. WAS A LiVESTOO4K BUYER. MgJf mi* ufflilpy b , a mi 2pa de isa budes.triptu, ' wtsin N u . a,.fflgBr9iwvn.a resident of Watt. Mi.~~9r mmaMi.Apom a ~plsqirssbov opemd keaff orf« v«« 14years passsd swap Ur.Mdsha, vILwsk.Md gssi aM L SMUtnote';Su b»655avenue shorty $@à pblda amabsr ci Pisos'A MM «ts M all Mcday. go vas 74 MteTboÏMpo. 61 M. »u. mlMv. eovi w ismztously Wftrelb. 10 bu,5mur ~p<iam~ ~ ilip 0.0m USbai nta WBiSloirB Mi4ehCerneas a reaut boisl .. t N" 9U& u@ibi dombpeàf ~ od~ghm~sL"W hm SOeOi malm'y.- - hnom<**;*a. q" baie base çm a hW disyloiS yak vii ha 55 à.affl érovi? tbd M m bis e a osbe a tr hiqi& *W eAlIsdab W , I& m101» e 505lb . eSt ha.8 e pwe jaS ret boasU S bit rs bi mis oolpage. vl! b ma *P~I~5 ~ Mi. M m eU 6e Ui «sss otL lm isrvive - ~ ai mdl e. a 9ha "M-VlSr ...f'Ma5i WN Smd lm sk Ws,àsbthetames1 etu tt ' Bsf _________________________ Ni &mU bis its v a adernler 4. oleew a Fis e L S ré ilibot tbres S. NtuSP v b l'u du ac O'bUe m le meuon e better m~ ii haa-.À lunevsi s lie Ma~ u IM »*Vp ltait VL tockcircles ln lAke 011011p b o I Dmm1sL. b eld ndime msIA"IUIWLPç*s,"#4flvuday et nuisfri thet VI" tuIIa a oooh-lsDs Ji ru0 ru visita mamac1m"o4 <i>acptlout churci. bur-- Sube DStigis ému avlm"frsasMe"@s, he latine part 01 laut vest. W l aMibe 9:15 f lea Qm lvnglUE li"Franc. Young rifemme 1 h5 Phams a mI uM tai au &We. b 1h. localSeool bomel busbleuI Min. bome lb hie5gO Bnnagx. aeuu I"amarsImmellalo wmdnrsmad NMia Wini patturson09 Chicago, isuel bis STâIIA t A 7~, but lius.00810W hethe estW hoT@ ungda. of hechurch l L JUKU FIMJ1 UH wrt M:i msoe mt na glv@ auweusiuienUrsthM PFtm tvrc viekei p s&W viiiviait friende ilaseuing. Ocorve a. outta bu reutned hie Nv York (Auna, Sugar. wbo viii ho Day Rasseeilibu besu on the suIt Bfot position ààa dty sIieor o the Wauite- raîmembi.nsd by many.) also the D. Igugar theu mtvesit. gnGzte u einto e iamiiy ia Philadelphie, then go ta ga, Gazette, fhehAtua Lite B e a a Wasbagton. D. C., for a tev days . PJ. - m agent u h en ieeffective nerf gaturday. fl a c H. ,P. Suliling Geo. 13. Maso Cole & clous. Re. Motor.COMPany the Chicago Tramn Tests ago Mr. Bastian was clty editor- of the Sun but laIt tb accept a position with the Chicago Record-Hersl and later wth the Examiner. He returned to Wau- kegan about a Ycar and a haif ugo ta vork for- the Gazette. H-e laa cavabie newepaper man. Mr@. »Mary Yule mother of Mrs. Horace Gery died et the.borne of bar dangtentira i. Pilp Dietrneyer af Wadswor-tb WAUKEOAN'S NEIW COUNCIL IS SEATED (Conttnuod trom Pagffe Six) stealing water and make hlm pa what he abould. The Cemetery Departrment j Mr. Or-vis said that vian be took charge of the cemetory departmnent the'e va.. a Yeatny shortage becausp some o fthe cltv'u promlnent penple hald ecaped paylng for wor{ tbay ad dans thero. Hoesan there 'a a sur- plus of 81.000 lnt he fund at the épre- sMu lime and tb spots! lcemetery fond of 81%000 labu om Invetedlnl Mb»orty bond@. ortuiMe scas l for re-électlo. Mr. Or'nls saya e b.fflsth" sm êf lii.ub t Who u ttOrest agabsi ba voro pooie vIs c ula ut le heMlelknies mm baI b ue blrilt l5la g. M'et&.-no «WM iduever. tM i e M proendlIai Cg ta bo ocmjý viil* b *groin"el lusue te vau U71" ta de ble iutl. bXe -10~ 6blaser »Iltésu hoM bg54Uoom auxa aue buca ho Sun doau e 1ieVO tS a" bq»a lem. ad- -bobU tumlOva Blpt I ul ml W ud1ft th C.W floS*MMst 00-a fe »à"ffl et buw'- Ma came bofore the aid commission ware corne undar tbe jurladîction o! Hie tramaacted wth dlspatch. State Ttlitias commission. Waulce- The PaYroll for the last balf fgan vas urged to $end delegaf ps to AsrII wsa 1:' w 'd, the mayor asI! a convention to be. held ln Springfield Ual astng disenUg vte. May 5 at whlch tîme the situation is uA Comui a tdioen g votre ,I t o be qne Into and dpfinit, action A comuniatin wa rec'ii decided upon. 'The mattoýr vas re- troim thp, cdîy coundil of Narth Chica- terred tb thé corporatilon coun eI. go 8tatin gthat Shepridan Road had ________________ been changed to Sedg'wick f)'.it1)0be tween Foqrt(eenili andi Tt'nfh streete. S. C. LITWILER A request vas made that 1ake~ Hardware, Harnets,, 011., Paints Bi I Plue au procf'ed tn changé thp ame of thanad Glas& 31-Plece CIuM street between Fighth and Teebli , Aret for ttgi Vet Sto I f eusuw, NL . etreets go that there wtll he no con-' ROUND LAKE : ILLI NOIS FJ R O.~ t fusion. .f 1 h otrftfUt i Narne laChangcd MerO Cornrnisioner Dietmeyer- pointed out that Waulegan bad ichangeo the 1 naine of South Sher-idan road to Ad- aMi itreetasaiope tima ago. Onh4 motion the matter wa referad to the nov commiemioner- of atreete an p*Ilc Improvements, to Investigat.. a"l report baci. A communication vas recelved from tsecity of Sprlngield, ni.. a. to maie a cout iglt on the ev ru!. Img tiiet muutlWlpsiirn ovuo uiticu, euh sune sea" u5.«m Iter orits. 1IENRV JANSSIEN Storie Battery and EloavcSrie ice Self-Starter. O(ierator. limîto sud Ignition ServieS T w o P o ne : e a n 27 -J . , R o u n d L it . 111 . Phens.: Long DistanSce.4R Faluera' Lino DR. G. W. JENSEN, VEIrEEINARY SItGON AND DENTIST OMM s Answudptumett New te Oct China IL a.& MARSHALL CODEFAU ue.Mesai ie. ilwua. Th.t Ever Cw mte Market emo Wie Aaproiaft. '0608ip.Valn P%*f41.liammh ~fZmoa7ren te oIth »Mey mms Who b4sa - Sw e- quaimted with, Brnswick TIres ýhaf Brnswick stadards are agaça .vident. Thisfaumusconcern -notd as a leader in «".py Une it entered ince 1845-bas once more proved that its poicy la right. A perfect tire la shmply a matter of knowledge and standards and akilL No secrets nor patents pre- vent malçing an idcal tire. But standards corne first, For ini tire making there is vast room for skimping, for'subtie eéconomies, for hidden shortcornings. Makers with- out the highest standards don't build high-grade tires. The Brunswick organization cf tire makers includes a briffiat staff the nMW id«p*q jWbrlog. -W* I tention of onnuwicuaitt@i w oeive sincere cnaealn Every proved bettermet h'1 adopt.d unanlmoualy. The Brunswick Tire in a optlu tion of acknowledged features - plus Brunswick standards ci Umm- ufacture. The resultit a a upe-tire, the 1k. of which you have neyer knowu b.- fore. The kind of a tire you will gladly join in welcoming. Yet Brunswicks cost no more than like-type tires. Try ONE Brunswick. W. prom.; ise a surprise. And we feel certain that you will want ALL.Brunswick. Then god tires will have a new meaningrtyu THE BRUNSWICKBALKE-COLLENDER CO., 623 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicaga, DL There'a a Brunswick Tire for Every Car Cord- Fabri - Solid Truck *14 4~I~ a éoaJheie by te.Sedsiy of Aubomoile hhfh For Sale by Libertyvle Garage H. B. -Eger k 1 - MMMM""%Mo" ý=ce Co., wm bere on buoinesa last 1 W--ý 1

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